Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Sep 1912, p. 7

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fismob' a-- -ancer of tbelp "S-A .1- moker's, sore tbroat, emokersin are- diesio, mker's amblyopia or ïhsy- Llindnee, samoker' s nervouaneas or tréier mod the. 'tobacco heart' are Sedtions only tbe veli kuown te s1s- 'the practii ng physioian. E¶x"I my i d , without hst ruit tien, - thiat tbe. afereuuentiou'ed barne vrought in the. mman econ- ýk<oy are due to judividual *idiosyn- creasy,- or te overindulgence, and -f lek idiqm, 'What, 18 0O»'-'man',$ meal i aziother ma'. poison,' may, in a senso, be applied to THE 'USÉ F PTOBÂCCO. elbu dueration', h a relative- terni. What le moderatien to one'-may -.Le exceas te ancthes massa -"In tis -,relation-,, therefore,' IMeer am 'm~.. Evrtlg-e-ven pure, M t lband, ts Éleet potent poisons, snob :@ « potassium cyanide or arsenic, y the are, O'ten used if taken in nou-poi- L~senous,'hai1èss doses.- If tobacoo s-,za'armfuils'é~o1 i iste lie looked é-Mm upon as an' extreme poison in -om-' .j >n -so if tobacoo ha. killed thon- s<wIrIE and acieobash»killeL -ten lion- ,,iau-"But,_ genereil>' spekhsÈ, 'dca. UNDENWÂY.ji yen, b>' J ~bat lai adicions menus-i iryprea morteage subthoes Bihflas-.coDuiD ,ýooupoù.ufo to si nterest date, bs thirttSu mii. Eeb eue Sa s mm:umlbond, oi bettas. s'mmna coftque. md bi lhe ueoretasy et the' compsun * 'IrA[n oe 'atUng liii. cu Januar>' mle198,(or wheuever the Sterestinludue) acertain bank willpay. te beares 0$0. IThe. ext ene Wlll aumlst ons- c .uiy- lt1913. the sine baah wliiyl i t bessres *0sud Po on'« u LS he bUndmaturs asd in pal lu full., 411'he ewner et a bc* d hau te do lint la Ue oSai' bhisbond aI Ibe li9 tise Iiterst Sm due; l*ke a pair « emeos sud cult off the. coupon. MM*lahé depernils la ' bis bank jul au b.owend'a eellue, aud' ipenuda lt.enoney. (0f o.>u he ni-Otgaje may bq' usubdivided :cher han Sn Ale mannesrmtuesled.) Mot bonde ;&»* uow iuuued in-. oinsièm or 81. M,0 8*, 'sud *100; But vbetber lie>' are, $6,M00 oacis-smai>' ld, imaiq Ver. ,di- vided-or 81W. et due preeuC lime, lh. priucipil l as me, and lie'-bndi are eul secure. ue balf-yearlycoupon ou the *100 bond Steoui>' $3, inutead et M3 on the *1.0M0'bond, but lhé nmeuil> le excliy thesute. Wien Fou cte aeesboive a look st s bond. Tust wyl ms-b. lmué>i clearer. à Humerons 8S'igIhi tn-a Juifan Prison.' Que oCt'. L'humerosona igt.et Indlis, says a, writer la tise Wide World -Magazine, l ii heaail*y bst- ing Psrade in a !nativeprison. lu lhe eue we vituessed vere youliful habitu*i oriniinâle, varying Ii - age trem' aine te -fifLeen "years, ts-kiug 'Iluir dâily l st>Agra j4il. WLile 'h. Doveruor 'aeieproceedi ga tsom -lhe îliade f aire., tmc pilsen ers, eaci ùman fettered aud carryiug a bevI oft Len brase or steél, are led outinludouble 91. te sastoee pavement, ou efti- ide et vhih runeas -allev trough cf water.- At the eommand cf a xiatlve vs-r- der, bowis are 6d'sad -ais- cloths are vasied. -At a second or- es lb., priseneri scoop viles oves thomeaveasad lieu iuk smash>' le theîr ha unchea, oue behind au- coher, ina ps-salle1 linos. Again. cemesa a snsppy order fsomlthe vs-r-. der, and es-ch min begine vgoroui-. 1>' te mub tLe ba eothe Iéllow in front cf bim. Wb.u tl.vsides iudgàes I"masage" la- eomplete is voice brina hie tvo lin.. tea suait .rigit about.. fae, :su llon thair hauniches, sad lbe,'igorous rubbing;beginse apin, es-h msa-nde- iug for hils felow vhs-t hie fellow did for him. Tke precesu, vile ,emi.al, i.sa gonuÏize, illustration 0o1 tishes-yin 1gY ",Yen ýscratch my ý-bs-ehand F'1 scrs-tchyours,!" exceptet fcourse, t liseth prisoners viiose fate bïinga lhem t<>the head*lcrIsl' etfithe lUne, where le>t ie 1I Ifll iii. &etiad&tive.ofethte pnyocIane smoke liés ièeome 4a-seul neceslt>' 'even *moresetali ies'r coandimÃŽenits c'f lb. table.Tuba A DEEPLY BOOTED HABIT that depriv.e ii moker 'et Lis afteiner cigar, thougb-this >'y Le the oui>' arnoke ,in twentyý-four heurs,'-aid h. bel. miserable and proue te nerv *ou& indigestion. 1 ';Th. luxuriant'sense'cf cempia- cene>' aud the. calming narcotisrn ot tLe mild emoke lunlthe formi cf the' cigarette ýha. caused mas>' of IL. gentier sex te indulge lu iLs pies-- sures. Despite the numerons pro- tts t -rt iri an>' ladies cf the. royal courts are .enfirmed amokera. Thus, i. epecially Irue ira tb. court et Russie. .."Smoking i., a ted amoug some women, and if, indulged in quanti- lies Oolstcnt viith.reason and iu proper place aud lime îLeres iould Le wnoroe ground for objection than'e playing carde, aîtending champagne auppers, laIe dances, etc. WL>' objeet te lhe eccasional whiff f rom lis case dispeiling seoti-_ ing iarette viueL lareali>' les harmulthan the late supper,;ItI should le a malter et pure pereonal like or dialike,*nd net -that' cf sex "Smoking vili sherten- lite if in- dulg. in. -b>' hose aingularly ass ceplible toits *effecte or if tb. limit ot modesation la oveïreuched, Les-r- ig l mmîd ILs-t es-ch -perses us' a 1;w unIe liimeelf régs-rding vhs-t la "modration. Under* those -adverse conditions lobs-cee 'ms-y bbreviaft ,existence jusl as Io the. case iu overindulgence in meua, tes- and coffée,. viih causes ORGANIC DIEASE. "But the hs-blt of tobacco-smok- tien, ia not only s- harmiespies-- sure,' vithoutWhich' ail social funo- 'tiens amoug men'vôuld Le sadl>' in- complet., but I venture tes-y ILs-t ÃŽlu the. preseuit -dày c'at eand, igh menaltension, nman> lives are yitnsi prolâogd b> smokng If tW', nervonsu. e"sa .sed by lie. bigi .tension et lite to-day, -vith its excibabulil>', vorry and, reahlesnees, siiertena lite (sud thi. is' agréed upon b>' ail anhhorities), lion te- bueodiépeiling excitability ,rest- leesenesJ and-overcoming tLé hlgb tension for a vii, viii do more good tisai harm and will couse- quently proloug lit.. 'II do net s-dvocate to thse wôrld the. use cf tebacco, Èer do I 'cou-ý demn il. -'I ask the. souder te d-'ýc his owu 'deducliç ies trom tle igu-' mente pr*ented. 1Invrdi>', bhoy-' ev I asyp, 'Blcscd-b. thie divine TorontoeW, ol cthhedîmi a ses- aupposiion othlb ce commitlee unIes S 3«veeuea@-sbeen sueliprobleinIn- à snehob sbnttll »es stoue h»inov IL transept cf b. 17 was perfcsined uïiught. &ud it.lai *Alieugkit Sm more Iban eigiat yesre inceTrote' bit ase, sirnoat the Si Ibini liai mtsepe th b.e etfsavisiter roscbiug be eSt>'b>' w5>'of lb. Union Otâtioi n a, s ieW cf thle setion.cf lias pylug o.e'o et 0mest vainable assaoinS liaicil' Iinig, unproduclive ail liasse i.ru eli'thl i ir> of s long. fend b.. nTéronlo snd, lie sailva>'sorpora- tions., Imïuedis-tely 'attes lihe opuiara- tien, Ibe railward lock sdvant o f lhe i'ltation tec isy daim te Wbsproperty lie>' wautelf&W a new termina station. n Te cil>', ou t aide,, oouidered. lh, lime opportune te ms-be a. dermalithatiih Araiwayu viidi b>' rl iceaaýug trmu aud opestlons, bave practicgjiy deutroyý edliaé ustursil>' sîlsactive vulertroul. uboidde ucinoetihute miligate tlii evil. The. remuil as a dernsnd liaI ltae s&Uali pisd-eçwte Ibeir tracks.ou- a - t4duvt lalla..nouglate ermt thie obuleet psaete rua underiesti u- tsurbîd, te tihe vaterfrout. The varlou ~mIetarluipgout, et lieue ýdemande tie .tetheDoino I-m1<ar ti édc e a.demafl db>" lb. cil>'. '0f ls-nI the railvai'u prsoeiedvigorouui>' and awe auclesdél te bsaune tthe wbole mti-tus- u . lanvev 0f lb. record se far It w d omi . uiuet taundaesitimate tlii jjjrther deIa>'ing ovrs but il deutlock lihee nd oft Iir tlher. sund tlbe btas next y.ar'a m ebilion 'VIsitais ome ta towDli te sene of dealation on Front gtroait 'il be. replaceS b>' one cf bu>' ceuutructio 'ou tie -neow staticon sud& $ré esto vok,'Tii. Grand Truuh a>' bas mnov protaseS târeadiuesa 't. go-sboad wvîUtei vril. At lhe lime c f u taghie (Jausdîsu PscitecJOstiili 'pro atiiautbalt v'il'pot cantribute tse uhase,' ait" um, nxmsnu'ot overcomlur tii "ttitude ennuol ýb.' discvered the. wr'mi>' b. utiituromibe nd.flnSbly de. OOEOfiGa AILWAY. Tiae lateut osder o e i alwvYBoard inu nnquivoeal and upeclie. sud lte oui>' thianga lie cou-nadu,,pacifie',oade uov -'are le appeall t lb. Dominion .Govru-' ment. -cor te tuibesali>'Se>'the Bosrd'u ore.Nelbo tie f leue'ccurnu-e li ohl> lo bs elVgpuY. 'rO, the OnlY penalty proridel lu came lie sailiva>' setu ute o"bey lie eider -l0é-s*ftue cf *100 a diy, whlch, anioubttlnh to' ciii>'$36.;», a 7055 would le but s les-bite tlaist vealti>' oorporatlon. Bt - t lsR5w&Y DBoarid cannot s-ord te be defieS. and vil donbt- jess fin« omre uetiiôd cf aakiug lthe su- cs-Iitrant omi u>'tese«lieeacratcha. It mîigit gel Par lament to psaeoleslie providinq everer péasItIis. or il infriat ordes l.t construction te be made sud colleol lia. CanadIsu Paoiflo'uliasse througla lie courts. Meanviibe the eyesîC.ze cf lie onfiagra- lion ruina. te but lias sinalaul cf inu> wu bc er. not reoýorled <1 _Pîeuate ashort ~it1~Là.Galle.aud" 're and -Sidon-Heatheén elties uuatedon *the, Mediterraneau coaat. 1Jeans and bs-_ sile àe te have been welI received on tbeir visit here (Mark 7. 31).ý Sackcloth and aahes-gymbolu of extreme grief. -For exampie. see Jenah 3. 6; Dan. 9. 3; Isa. 58..5. 22. More bolerable-The heathen cities wbichbLad reoefived very li#tie of the. gQal wç>ld b. -hel les responsible than hle Jwis h cities wluchbabd been -enllghtened by Loth tW~hitg 'aud 'miraces. 23. CaSPernau i- A fiouriahing city on the. nortbwet shore of the. lake. This *vas thé homne-cf Jeaus duriùg bis Gallican innistrY <MatL. 91)and:tii.ecene ef many mira- êhl tèbo eexalted unto beiý- vent-TMos.question ré"eas the. baugbity and seif-suffclent attitude which- th prostprousinhabitat ef tii. ciÃŽty. am.ùn,. Their sèf- satwsaètiu prmîtte d >f no accep- àae f tii. impr&0t' spiritual' tesd*]u pésntd 7manuscripte read 'be brongbt devu. Tii. menâof Capernanni ver. proud of their flouriainÉ city but' failed té appreciate O -hiist'ea emug.. Their humiligtIon, .tiierefore, will b. -equalt t hat of the heathen cities ,(lma. 14. 13-15). CoudemrÃŽ&- doi, cfiu1 inhâbitants as veli se ti. desoiati64 cf thei .Oity- la pr6- pblesied. For & disouson f se. Sintroduction te Leusn Sodo-A ciîty ',situated ,n ear théi. De.d Seadcns tt (LUk 10.1-117. W 96-m. _.2'; 2p.r î ". -O; àdex) 25.- At it saou"InLksr é- enrw afelie eJs24 undergtood in tic. ewibts vhi1~ 1reld toreceîvqý tein as éeenes" c>f divine viedeni and; erence la ttiïi. 'orthodox 3.s.; hasî Whewb ver. versed'l ýevery detail of lhe Mosaie las suad ôbsèrvédf il faitbfuùllyT -but failed -to grasp the principles of the -gospel, becsw-vs'tse>' did net coinply withl -t.he -condition et simple f aith whieii Jeus imposed. Ba"e - The disiples et Jeans -vere thus-characterized becauà.eM'c theu aceeptanoe of the- gospel by simple faitfi'luInontratwith the- learned doctors et tii- la*,th.>' .were ignorant men.. Tii. imiplica- tionAs, that if the. crudite inter-pre- bers. of the. lav are to becouue dis- cile su Jas, tic>' muet approach. hum with3zb. ame simple faili as Lia humble fellovers. 27. Ail hhings have beeu delivered cunto e eit my Fther-In verse 25 Jeans baL declared that the Fs-ha! ise Lord et, beaven and earth, vhich serves té reveal the nature et ti thinge comnmitted unto 'bim b' Qd. AI lb. -creation Christ as given supreme power over the. universe,, and ýeven duriug Lis earthly exis-. tene b. exerçised hiseauthority lu some deîe (John 3. 35;' 13. 3 ; 17. 2), wbrq4, aller li..reaurrec-tion full aulhority vas--upin rèetçred with, ail ils copnig gory (Mutt. 28.18). The .posslesinof snob pow- 'er-by Christ verifies the assnmptioxt ot John (1. 3) sud the. Episties (Yl 1. 16-1,7> thtiat b. la h. creator sand sustainer c f 'the nuiverse. The phrase' invoiv;e8 the. consciouness ot Jeans 'cf bis existene viti tLe Father 'before bis 'carthly ' advent sad tb. fulluess of bis revels-tion and authorit>'. No oue knoýweth-the Son-Ne ope le fully s-lie t recognize or under- stand lhe Son excepltthe Father. 'Thîs is especl'ally true s-ince Jeans enjoyed -_personal felIovshiý vith lihe her from the"L,-egiu.ning "<John 1.; 9). .- , To vhomeoever the Son' will.tb te reveail him-On.phase7 '0et tii. mis@- sion, of Jesus vas ,te make kuovu the ciaracter of Qed te men. Re, aï Son, alone lias i e pover te de tbs, -audh. wlll reveil hlm On]>' te these whom b. deemu vorthi"'* -29. <Come nIe me-Tue invita- tion repreeents, Christ as Xediator. belvreen Qedýaknd ,men, and as' Liv- 'iug: alilILhenecessary, auîhority t6' relleve themofe their Lurdens. .-The 'section vhîch lieu words iutrodue la peculiar-te Matthew. 29.- MYycyke-TLe figure la ttof an' ex drawi*ng aetbeav.y load -which, elglened. b> ancther shgr1nÏ tii, oe. T e oke a sde'frvo -' 3"te - -* fr wo Twen'ty" years. ago Lieutenint .<t Hirti tell in love w-*th enu~ the'hn b gy and., aprpe'ti, ii ii mP 0 yerorf ths* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h rh eulto mgtLeeoe o~i day, relaxed, ,the pi indthir Llee pd hvawithoit any - rel, oWU ee~ ~u - non>'. Th7e Union wa bpm ee.poke et threchildren ivre boni, and -WhGfl ha. 'Le. useà HTîrù reoentiy attained theIe-ank , ' ;7-Whie a. e à'i cooel, when no doiwry but only si,,h an.y a formai1prmission'te marry is 'ne- <, t i. oci eesaýr, lie aRplied for -1e4ve to a 'L: marry jus-,fatbful conipanion, as, e4 ssa«W this ;weud, under Anstrian iawý,:dsdcti aise nake hi. childreà Iletýmate. <f oodin t8i Tii. fteld-&harshai, however, re- 'me supj$s.i fused this permission, Lold -Colonel 1Sy the éIeti Hirti that ho had Lest send in big, thoére aatrim ]?&pers, and declined to have &ny, bas dri pe&, social relationsm with hum. - idea tha$ -thei This interview teck place just W in uu hi. 4ght' fore a dinner of the garrison et- ment of cri4 'mi4au., and colonel Hirti, lu- ,<"Thieira ttd cf attendîng, went home nd tii. cad -a ldbsfamily what had .bappened.- factü m 'Ei Hise eldest daugliter, w-ho i. .1gb-- that d..L. téen yeZrsof age, WUs 80 f urieus at tlilidu boeti the , ghtput on her father -sud <ý66nîn eci 'othr that eh. 'sent at once le f the w< rd., -thé hotel where the dinner vwas tak- b ave n ad-i-ý iuug place, and in the -vestibule ils:- eluded A at-1 ped ti.genepral's fao. lu lie pré- rived lu m s sence of several ocIfrs. ' aie sho yedti in theIcan< ÂA OUKE's TROUBLES. hiru dou The. Dûke;cf Marlborough's .s- deter r fh 4is participation l in . political twisted' r bit gae lately la the preonrier,, say ont hein a 't'ho iPnwwei.M e -"rt * ni 1* n tien la publIc affaira. Meanwbile. the, D'uke -and - hie vile 'bave, been "drlftiztg furtiiere and furtiier apart.. Instead' ofthe1 recouciliation, whicklifsieuds,ý a. wll as, layera , wereý endeavering te brlag-about aIt Ae tine'of King - George'. 'eoronation, tisse ignov a fe ling in engih bciety circies > liaI the. breach-i la to Le a lastiag- HRitiierto the Duke' has--bad ae- Tuere-.' a' , auggestion Liai lb.' Ducheas 'o! Marlboroughbse sny intention et Lreaking through or evading liie ternis c, f the -'agree- meut, buI lb. 'Duke' feels somîe 'h- rita4lon that the^, eblidren Should probes' ho sec theu mother lis-n ho vieil im On lie ehhcr hand, il is kuovu, liaI th. Ducbess -vus oppesed 'te !the -holdiug et1a linge Cosservative, test aI 'luheim at *.moment viien there vue mii ver>' serieus- priva- tion in docklaud eving te 'lie se- cent strike. tAlthougii' ah. dues fot, nov visil or 'use' th. historie mas- -siou iluahay way, as -some 'et ber MIloney va'Buuk' lu Msiutainlug.it, sh. veuld 1ke still te have a velue s te tthe uses te which tic pis-ce je put. A MODERN LIGHTSHÉIP... AlightibLas jusl been placed lu commission in Gers-ny lis-t 5. provided vitis & a cmple.eup meut of the meut modern deviSca-for sidiag ;ud y,1asning' mariners. In place oet tie old-tashieuedms-st- bescous tic vess el. carrnes a singl powertul electîlo *ihI eln o of a hollcv msst'gr sei, through. 'vbic 1h. ligtcaub.res-bed' lu eborn>' es-her. Thé lightishi i viselésa -teiegruph sud, og4nd sub- marine signais. *'Diesel , el-englnea rus adynaàmoi d Ivolarge-secs- eset1fer emnerg.ncy use. "Tic nov veslla, 150 ê.f lng and ' 25, feel vide. It -l llb.s4lioncd near the . siailovu:aI lhe môthIoe l.rie E'le." Formlei>' - sed. te denote - the. Ileugth -o'et iisermon, an 'heur-. gisse,datiug back t. 1580 Â:.D., is, ahÉ i ,ûxed tote e'pulpil of'the par- lai 'Chrchh 'in lb 3>uh Ocicedora, 'seEgland. on( anterujns that lie- 4 th,bbi mac« v1 .- la in âmeng fi .le mi 3îcil~. edi,~ ale mstre cýndlea, vhich frorn eveiy part nking whoconld' nicadle I con- The. mieroSope ail Ieddish hair!ý nin mstache a a thosê of the- erent. The mur- i., ha-& probably i xiuetaÃ"be witL- e andle-éna vawa t a&ndlie co2fe tenig.uit enonga îto 'a. pcie 28 danger«, ihv. mieta fereeful jen1ongi te ompeL p *9 --os ane ia iaIelpo sii.zuiner i. dse-s as ne succeéetI'luins lz Cuba: us Porto viss e Ér edical 0£ csaewatchip'g il*, caretulI>'.« cno had-led ais effectively 1 bsurp aiug if il as ead0 mt tfroi.11P licemée Letreti- cls6c -n;eVuif 1tii. moi atine precautions are 'tkenaI preverlils epre-d s-ad te ove: corn iL ithin th. limite viier. ha. a ioy d-evelopled. -- "IlIL. hegênerai opinion of tI medical -retession 1ý;day' htha I l dieae'spread'b>' salatsici ih om ct.d withit.Thesesra in, luira ransm.it theldise..tortl ff lias i wicle> are infesE sund lb. ýieus lramit ilte ohuma Leing . T ,h4m a , p recW ntion tàke a* etle dises su, lier 'fora, tii SIa'hgI.. of àail rats, pa ticul as-on v mtrfonts, v he pignu e r.moo eit.>,is, inta the rLfroatý vo le 'ouniï ýwhic them ian. ne0'fdefeni llhnet rs- d c~aInee.Ilv t.effcl 'te etrmns-hé rate, à vas s3l n ii1h.è mousrat-killi capa' uCa >rmaa fev ye a goLuif a bcuý ylapaed'c hem,- vi 'ci need â6tb. l arge, Il cause oet ublie ieélhviiile gre 1>' aidcd.' Ebw ST-EM.IS, ICR»A'SE Ms. RH s-rd,oef4iel Bureau cof Ri teologyWas ux~çnýQ, D.C., oua cuis-tes I asunglebos i stgrting 1boul Ap 4 115 Oith an a eruge b e 2Of oud i bneg' ver,hàstcbed #id s-1l turu rep oduced Ialike ratio, sE Yi--tbe -e 4d' e li Isen herproq en te uumb&ýOÉ 1,(M,181,249 31ý, 720, OO,WO,Ã"W'0.As es-ci-fi in 'msleu11» lihtys oü,,btcbeS,,, ltrougi welve graraiÉs v>on:] ake aausol f f[sWB aeariùný.2M 778,165, 1 ouiles'~lc, -or -éosd. 'abif -Mo "tish lan1 s s-fýëU, :D'-THE'GIRL'S RPAAS lt"came, SI tili 1 ouug- ired te' exUaustio e litched stei of' Lis siater. -Minutes heburs. Heurs seemÏed cen- r of ioslug Lis toc heol a.l r - and glgwith hiit1,er, ug isuer 'vili un- Drtfromhrinur- "4 d WE ARE WEÂTHER- PROPRETS. Yt ery often we.find the'newspaper, U misleading us a e lbtheweatber in' n a. prtilirdtitor il hm.given >duareport too general te Le c f es,"iS.- But this does net mter, Smueh, becanse we 'can ýbe eus own~ îqweather-prophets. W. canu "rb ~with tue breakfaxt-table. Keep an, iteye on thiat cup ëf coffee. Should the bubbies colleet in theilddi.e he and form a k ~a pcni eau b. be the aide, be carefl. There is a It, .strong chance that it wi ram.Th.. heaiter-breakfast ppewifl onfirin Bd -th*-opinion yen u ae formed-f rom » yur ýoffee-cup. IfYenuse fwax bc>mathe, you wil ind then- s'eial. l y di&"icut t stike. The-re areW rfnrther weathir prophets ntý haIL- MIfyour walking-stick, fr ex-> ho amplie, i. bard and dry, take it With 'yon, even, though the. uky b. a loudy.. Butîf >the. bandie i.. moi.st,, r*' dirop>itW nd arm- yourself witb an i umbrella. 'If a quarter of- an hour Of alLer rntbbing.the hafndie with a dry, Scioth the moistuire reappearz, ree* assured th4t" there ije a Isoager" ini n IF TO DRAVIR STf .wriLe for eursSep- - ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO BOND »A âÈnI.l 0onMODOW[7 ses edral, but ,Pr rWI, oen «Mas Woul "i be oatbsdral, but Oas et lb.- la thel tact mot treoi, a coî 1»LA. "Ite n7e cf th' s,', 'As Di.beî mère loua, mal I une lbslJ ai Sm hO i St ubouil I i iilberto I a naine. i RUINS ASTER BIGIT TZUR.1 3P$T FRIhT Ris at rigbt OlSELL à I cootIult me. N MIDDLE. rural mafl- Beil. W'e i.Ont. $60 TO $75 g heure six Lation work- BQok 18 ex. iToronito. M.se. là. iedical Oa. ci WUsoiet 1ufiiçturinî uidiins, To. ND l3LXn. mi'e; Oravel, n llémedui. i9w remiedy, 'e 'cure, il $ZOO0 f romn Y' manutac. er oidu lueQ OU ciemd oro,. .4

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