the *aIk -Were b om-it. naveb.ici eet sïde 'of it, tfe umprovement rttiated. lue-case,.of Aléxi. ÂBruce. One-tâ -~Thel Plant - ha work, as fa one bagei Tis- Pl ant w*,I lis l e~t :We as-k.yo for-a- wht-à a do lor you, a] 1We bùY aIlkini a.Etc, W..e sou c ea1e l' %o -L,â1irbhi~. Poe- teusnd w aPp» to e.eWor G. Robb, Whit- LICENSRD AUCTIONBR AND ,VALIJATOR- 4- kiuda of sà les promptly,ýattid*d, Arr.angiments can b . made for- Terme reasonable." BelIl and Indepenldebt pbonIe;. WHITBY, ONT. JUHOWELL JAMES Cfflter, Builder fà d-Contrctor. Plfe dwn an, es inates furnished.. ý*far.,Alterations -and jobbing. Boît467 ýWfIToY Phone 149 Mgarriage Lioene iCorner drugstore. Whlthy Na wJie,.es«O"itired. operatngand station * agent's w*ork thorouihly taught in Our schoo- The. Central Telegraph and Rail- road School, Toronto, Get our. boýok 1Guided by the Key." It explains our work and t.he splen- cMd. c#ancesfor operatore. Writ e -W.. H. Shaw, President, Yongc ad, Gerrard -St..; Toronto. E9NU MEN Th u8ud xhtr!aTIAtla O I al pay you to cai at 'our works spot for' yourWio î be mWebd b)' a gents, " do ~lyten, coisoquefltlyi we uan sUbir tue agent's commission, 'Y'purchauing fram u0. A Cali Solicit A. Offioe.nd Workm' te St nard Bank, ýWutby, Ont. eliWe forV iÊ . leui ire For Toi ItpUW~)g, powér wlrlng. s m unnllcs. ,alo 'i our the other Parents 01 theý- fown, and make the, schools Qvr.1<Meels'chools.-are-ftheylu your own, -- -And what are women's -cubs and -m'en's clubsý for if fhot to hà ndie -the big community ques- tions- thatindividuals cno-hd ealn Above aâil, foretthe mnatter of materiraI pride. Do iià t, hesitate- to 'sýe~k clemency four child if~ hý néeeds it,' even. though youact alà o>e.- It is the child's future that coeits, flot his' presenit stand- ing.- Life is flot a. hundred-yard. dà sh'btaln and searching Maratio'n.hbtaln Twxa itiiareand a-Joke.- Eric N. Armoùr., ouf"Toronto, writing to the Ev- ening XTelegram, ,c:aslAthe Grand Trunk Railway, service east of TotonÃo. Il 'Twixt., a nightniare and a jok." He says .in part: "Cgn nothing bc done to better thé disgraceful tcevk the GrandTrýnk Railway persists in fur- nishing ihe public during the summer - months on their main jUne east of Toronto ? No country un- der the sun excepi-_Canada would put up with. it for a minute. The service this- railroad offers - is rotten-that is the -oil1y word fit to'print to de- scribe it. Trains start behind time ; neyer' with enougli cars 'to seat the peopl~e who have, purchas- ed tickets, and, after a trip wliich -would outdo purgatoiy, the compà ny larids -you at your, des'- tination a few hours 'late. It was my misfortune on more than one occasion this summer to have been obliged to travel by the 1.50 and 5.10 trains, and a worse exhibitionf of -railroading could scarq-, ly be imagined,, and ýcertaip1hy' slould --be brought to -the 'attention of 4,he.- Railway B3oard. For ex- ample:. On the Saturday bifore Toronto Civic Holiday, a time when even a- section hand 'could have guessed. that traffic would be greater, the 1.50 train was so dà 'ngerously overcrowded that men, wçnien and -ehildren were packed inside the cars like sarditiès,, and, contrary to the lawy, ai- 16wed to sit on the steps of the coaches, so. that no person could get 6ff or 'on the.train.". Mr. Armour's pretty strong, buCthere are few who travel over this road b ut_ wiIl in part at least endorse hà , cmplaints. The service is bad.. W. J.Watson,, editor of, t he-0O1shawa, Vindicatori là an applicant for tie, office of Police MaXgistrate for that town. P')Dr T. E. Kaiser 7 has .-suggested thaà t the editor w.ithdraw his application. . Indeed lie haS done moire ýthan, merely sugges t, he has tried t& reynt he apgintment.., Mr. ýWatson is the ,ùominee of Mr.,ýChas. ýCader, whohlas the Patron- agé: of -the riding. There'is war to the knife lie-' tween Dr.,Kaiser and'Messrs.- Wa tson and Caldier. Wht thë end- wilIl b'1,no man ý ktoweth, but' e cons 1ervative .pafty ln Oshawa'is considerably- ex- lerCi«i over'theëfilWng of-'the vacancy. - Where this spirit prevails thiere,.-,cati lhe'no enter- prise and littieprogress. Good men-are deterred from en terng. municipal bodies , and if- they do esý- say the, unpleasaiit task 'find themselves ,consýtant-1 Iy hamïpered -and-- prevented- fro M-doing their 'bst.,, An. -a..îsè*d.V ë" ,--o hu n,t bk o hà Pént -Coal Grain one of Orillia's _uief Àuittnicipal assets. _- However - juçîgments- miglit differ,- there ýhasbeeu littie in- - clnation to impugu motives. The men -who- bave The ,DarkriesDees served the ýpublic hayýe 'bee ie rdît -for' " -ing, in'ýwhat-theyý believed to be the .best interests 3chlutc amnabe xPrQ+ceO of thÃ" on herblasben -a disposition .- ,to Torontfrel.fWib.ieii support theni. strengthen their liazds, eveni on bust, yearu ago, the. sight of one oYe, the, part of t hos of contrary opinion, on-the prin- ohe i.11 ant oingti.e th\a u "-- ciple th* thôsè&in authority probably knew the "ne and to-day ho se. ed 3S mon 8 whole circumstances better than outsiders. This trees walking." Mr. Bruce was Ne'. spirit may have led to the perpetuation of mis- last .woek at his home by -tà e, Gazette takes which a healthy 'opposition migh'tliave cor- and Chirouicle. lie is confrouuted b>. the imminence o! a great and par-, reced bt it has had mucli to do in promoting mnn akeu rmto~fllS Orillia's progress, an i n .ntely to be preferred of whicli ony man might aiirink. to the other extreme.z' 1fr. Bruce bosit the. sigut of one- oye -Whule in the service o! Ontario Coim- 0 * Cty, and receivedsuch miuriesat We publish iu full the report of the arcliitect "mP'wtho o-thor, suaI' d o no lighten ti approacbinggoo fr employed ->y the School Board - to inspect the hûm ,to'reomber tiiot agrefl? Hienry street scliool ý.building. It is quite clear County, through its Ocuncil, rewaÃd-, from the report that it would flot be wise to - tryCdhmt i neto 2O to rpai th buidin atthe stlate cos of. Mr. Bruce was -fr -28 years turnkey to rpairthebuiling t ie esimatd 'costofun the.jail in Whitby. On. day a -pni-: $6,000. The architect does naotsay tliat the build- soner'ro,à e in xautiny sd takn ing ïîs unsafe for occupancy, however T he Board the' t4ruk4y, iell.nigh killed him. Be-- of -Education is. Iaced with the. problem of either " od napbe !prfrzng h dutee as a resuit olA tht. ameuit, repair or abandonment-at -an early date. Since Mr. Bruce- roesigned, and appled fo;r a repair woiild be too costly, abandonment is thl peneian or compensation fà ôr inijuries. otluer altexnative. Then where shail -they house the Tic lato Dîfid 'Ormiutoný,, thon lin children ? To erect a n ew public school at a coat iCaundil, didAuis ýbeatto a 'secuer1 5 of~~~~~~~~~~~ $7OOadrpithHiiShoatsy thousand dollars. for ,the. inwuedMai,. .1 i th Hig Scoolat sy 8»-'but in vain. AUl the'Cçuncà would 000, or $22,00.0 in ail, would be less expensive thanlgrant was $200. But they' were wilî- the plan of building a new -Higl School,_.already-iliaprnltatti nai ly vetoed by the ratepayers. But la, it necessary to er ment hudcmesaeterei 1ployee, 'and s - thay with .100 ratepay,- erect a new building at 'the present time?- There ers of Whitby signed a petition toSir is a vacant rooru in theDundas street school. If~ James Whitney, setting forth a sitato- in a consolidated -school six rooms -would suffice4 mont 'ofiiow Mr. Bruce was injured tien the four rooms 'Mn Dundas street, plus two a'% noun i dist opn sation. roms itentrally located, would serve the purpose. -1fr. Bruce told the-writefr that thuis Wiy not rent two rons in some of the1~usiness petition wau ta b& preuentod to - ýti. blocks, say upstairs, t*o accommodate the classes' Governunent et the coming session, for fe yersIn oroto a tle peset tmeand a strang effort ' made to secure for fe yelrs In oroto a th preent-timsame reccimpenue for the. loua of aight and for years past, pupils have> been-ý housed in occasioned by tj2. assauit af the. pri- sheds, in celars, in, hired room nd als. To- soner of the. Province. ronto cannot furnisi accotmodation,-for -al itSý, school population 1-n pr9pérly ,eqüipped buildings District Doings. Thé town, Of Midland was' foréed, for- years ta use. - accoimmodation- ou1tside thà ùeglar school build- Mr. LynlainLindsay, MqntrÃ"se.Mich.- .1 .' it cul leIelre1.Vi a -~bas beett renewing oid 'acquaintances in ings, Wherever -i ôl',b ,scld.. W. ae, ot Tyrone, ai ter 3o yea'rsabsence from the vet convinced. hn1wev'er. -that-th Dunda. ýstreet 'icenes ôcf is bovbyood. and, flufferin street- buildingcould, notlie utllized to, accommodate the schools, forI a - tme, --as vie.Wé ý.recentlyv sugg*ested. Or these-twp b.uildln --ý îýî e_ supplemiented bytAhe use -or-ouio _ nt e located. for the Smaller pupils. -Ve make ,ti"".tk gestIbn because there is a stro dyug t>sýni Ment- against the erectiOM Of- a ýe-W lilding SQBo long, as- we' hEive buildings fai rly decent tliat will serve the purpose. -Anather *story lu sbeing à aded te tir c-Lg -hln factory at Oshawa., The dition ÃŽs-z5o by 5o <cet. This la the ird tinte the factory iiis beaenplayged H-ave youý tried the DER-BY, urnip ? We have it, also Mangnum .n-Bonum Elephant Su 1-lateys' Bronze Top I the -1louse-proof Canadiaii Gem ittons' Champion Hagarts1 mproved- and- NE PLUS ULTRA, the Irish Tutnip ~A '~LAWLIER Plon 4.' WHITBYI ONT., Phn-4. Prompt dolivery T 1RUNGLE'S"HIARDWARE Loa d4S-helis. We have a large, stock of. loaded -sheils, i o and ii ,auge,i in ail sites of shot. Regal (BaUlistiite Smokeless) 65cents per box_ Ey (Smokeèss, Powder) -65 centpebo Eley Grand Prix (B3lack Powder) ocent pr box ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO Dst Ofi Tçry te 0t