Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Sep 1912, p. 3

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ne notice Ceu59 p. . taste le: )get hlm tisere ve rough jail preasion, , lu 'bisi-tes, blaci -viii siuk.'I'fr thsesi ad better face. hàs one.,) 'Ys and she luphtial .- 01 -sayanscis :r lie wfil it realy m gay you piaying t Tery vs11 ; manger. will snd 1differeuici .had-nmre siieci. 'an. yen !l utwisat it vas at ahlil' i 1, asat autumu,. I believe; tamn sure, b.evas jlt.d ýby iàii' girl viti viorn 'bho vas. Y< tely- lu love. 4 ail' came sa e *tep o! tue etiier troubles b I told yen."' 1 visat, la tus papes, he raves t Wisat lu tise' gin's .name 1tht gt sget 0s-en, ew in tisat wl (ih"said Roy, <'ah. was, Mas- zeàI nonme nthu ,ago. 8he iun ov' Lady 'oniaux." s The.dmoctor gave aà tifed excia- <Tlatexplaing ai.I suppose .1por~ellow honestly cared for h er, and was shocked, to see the~ paragraph in this week'a 'Idie -, Time.' YÃ"nrfri.nd ha. iad alucky ~--eBeape, if hé cculd but se laM - that light.- For-tiie'huabahd of that heartleas iîttle .flirt mnust -b. the Mieat iiserabi, man, aliye. W. shall .oon have- an.o'ther of thsdeet able causes ceilbres, sud the new'a- papers lying ab>out lu 1every house- ~hoicF-will be >filhed with ail the pois- oneus details."l As -Roy kept watcii through the. long -niglits sud'day. thatfollow- ed, as lis listened to the- delirions. r*zvin'sof his patient, and perceiv- edhow a man's li. and iiealth had * b.en ruined by the faithlsnesaof aà vain girl, h. became à0 sbsorbed inu-poor Frithiof, ao devoted to huxu, specimens àaud- his mi'croscople. Roy used to be haunted by the thoughit that. h. lad telegraphed * forgigrid Falck, and that lie siiould have to. inset her mter lier long ~ourney with the uewd that al vas * ever. And remembsring the bright -face and sùnny mnner of the Nor- wegian girl, his -heart failed hum ~atthethoght of lier c)olàltion. But -Frithiof. could net evex' take in *0 CLEAtàmS, IMLEan mm EST OME 2 «0eau bu..Why y7« dont ove bave te 2tOwwhat KM Dof Gioth Your Good. me. sode a1.0 btukesoreT. iipoootbla. - Sen* forVFree Color Card story oohLný and Doohli.,t viamg tuhof0<VrLmgove. Gibelt omie TbIh. OtSl<RG"X DO2G.,Lmtd -llua clai by toea-tb. «eu honln -b.ine oÏiibutontta5y tilt, hondieat itde a'WUlas îWlevet--and the 0ou o re ty h wbol.top A" lr-deeer te show rS 5h. lysvoitie" Ch= th e .wold'a behst churu. Wrie -Ifor catalogue. iUUAW.LU I Dr.x*a T. t. "-Ap- de., sud"put ito iby tf6 fire for ë ýdis- tIse çhuld, sud Sigrid, ,her purchlse' giri& mdejoiued the lIittie: gronp. Bit &long ting -tiiese lu the. re-hIfglt, aise feit e dé- more' at- beethàa shehad doue ir dld for many mnouths. aouit "Corne, -Svauhild, " iii. mai4 at d1 ier last reluctanitIy, 'lit is ton o'clock, and tins., yen vere lu bed." m- And tiaukiug the. laudiady for ,v te iser kindnsss, #tei two sistera croiss- , but .41 orer the court-yard te tii. sit- * are ting-room.'. * 'th "Wbere. in thse -vend h&ve yen e la- 'been 1e aid' Fru 'Qrouvold, kuit-ý raset, tiug vehemently , "W. co.uidn't ition, tilai'wat -had become of yeu- Dry try- r, ise jàity V' "'The ootssut saede useiwe isad a subjeet inu cômu'ou.." pplied r 'igrid. "And prebabiy tise,offcer prefe» a tskiug- to'e',-becauýse My Euglis intamoure ftuent thaùs Ka- "Audthat- 1 suppose vas the. re.- bon that ytn muuet b-Liiôone te ïteaci hlim the spsing dans-? Aud tise 2eun te 'ing* liasthse 'Bridal BUg, ci the Hàrdang'r 1" ,1 .1O01" exclaimied Blgrld, wth an lsuitient, ilttle stamp -of, the;' foot, "arn I te te forever"tblislag of- this vn.tcbod scbeing 'snd 1sý-tch- makingl1 Can ',I, net even try- te, amuse a middle'aged Englishuisu vise àudissppoiuted e iesreirdeer > sud indu., imaslif trsuded lu a dreary littie inn. vitis a haudful'cf foreigneral.' I have 'ouiy been 'oùïteoe. - hiim-notlsiug more; sud if Il iike' taiking te un imt la merely because heý- ýcornes from Eugland." "I dou't visis 'te b. hard Ou yIoul," mai41.Fru Grcnivoid, "but na- turally I-iiav thse feelings 'of a mo- there.and-' nt ike te- seoý1'arçi eclip.ed. I accuse yen ef' slotbilng verse, my- dear, tissu a aliglit for-ý vardnes-a littie deflciency in tact.ý Tiser. la ne occasion for auger ou your- part." Sigrid bit iser lip liard te keep back tiie retert-tliat she iouged te. make. ,In; warmmveatier iHjerkin is a littie paradîse, but on this vindy day, under a leéden sky, it seemed 'the most depreaaiug -place on cartli. " i -shhl go- in anâ write te Fni- tisiof," $ said bigriâ at'leugtis. And escaping giadiy f rom Fru Grouvold, se ranunp te her réoin. "Hemre w.are at Hjerki," ase vrete, "for a menti, sud it is more deselate tisais 1-can descrube te yeu, uucle sud 1 :~ar ont icotiug all -day long, suad scarcely a seul te speak te,- foir noit o! thse Engiluli have been driren aws y by tise bad weather, sud tve girls frein Stock- howhîn ve e. ler.for -tiseir isealtis -are ieariug Ws. aajteruoou, unable te bear ths dulîneas auy longer. If 'Somethiug' doesni't" isappen,-soon I think sshh grow desperate.,' But .surely Bometiing ýviilhsppen. W. ca't be meant te go' on ii tis wretched * way, apart from escli otliss. I 4m diaappelnted that yen tisinis thèe' la ne' échance cf auy Opéning for, me lu London. If it vwers net for Svalisuld I tisinis I uhà'uid try, for *ork 'àLny jsort of veork except 'teacli s-tChris- tiana. But 1 s' ert leave ber, sud isucie vouid o6bject te My trying for auything pf tise sert iu Bergen. I* cau't help thlnking of tise old turnes vison vs vere clii- dren, -&ud o! tiie sqmmer helidays tissu. Den't yen réýmember *bsen ve had tise islsud )MI te ourselves,- sud used ie 'rusih âcn tie i.f-hlI, aud to frigisten poor, oid Gro?"' Biese tepped'writing because tise tbeugiit o! thos past. day. had bliuded lierè'vitli tsars, sud becau the, iengiug for lier athi's pros- ence isad 'orveleId - her; they had been sé mucii to ahol. tisat tiere vas not su hour- lu theý day visen ah. '41141net'misé hlm. 8wanid came d4uciug te meet ber.- * "d1Major. Brovn bas got Us' mcli -teautif ni trout, for auppe?, ignld, sud .-uncie pays 'l Zmay -go Ont fial- nig, tooý, ome da&y. Andyo-*nIli corne wih s, vo't, yen ? "4Yen liad tetter taise Karen" Maid1 sigrid, là.tl.auely. "Yn 'kovw L ee i Arsmc -for' ýflsbini. '«I vent to 'the kitchen te gét sonetamps," 'usld-Sigrid, -coidly'. "Und it-vas se oly -au41':arm inu there," msai41 flanIsiId, gayiy, "sund Fru H.rkiu lias been teliug me sncb beautiful- atories abouït,-ti Trolds. Her'«metiser r-eil1y aw eue, ' do yen knov.", t.After tuis a cold good-nigist vas bexcisaiged, and ,u'Fn Gsouvold's brov ,grev dasrkesstillvisen' Major Brown -called out iu hie hearty vSY: "lWiAt, going se early, Miss rFalekî W. have mlsasd you sadly-. lOO~ "'Yes' ;ht te "Tisat meanè that h. viI notihave] another' rubber," tiionghtý Signid as ishe 'Jsîsrid own the. ili te-tise depeudene, "sud I shah hbiamed for. it.', 'v- - "The enly'comfert ïu," siie thug t, hiat thie ' orst lias lisp- peued to e u; vat coee ov inut hé for tise better.Hâoii thé vlud is .raging rounid the 'bouse sud esireking -at the idows!1 And, eh, biow dreary suqkd' r tcie iss .And iu very 1ev ..spirits aise blew eut tie, candis, - sud laY' dowu. te sieep aàu. best êhe might 1 un à'b.d visscèh siock, bene'ath lier in tise- gale. (To b. continue) ALL IN-GOOI> TIllE. Voice. frein, Upstains-"Tommy, yen must stop playiug vitis yeur boat no-it's time te have yonr bath." Tise only people vise keep ail tiseir promises are tise. vis neyer maks auy. O! Vie-population of-tise West -In- dies, visichis aupvardu cf 59,000,000, tvo-tiirds are negnees. Ameng tise aucient Peruians murder vas net punisisabie for tise firet offence.. "NA-DRU -GO BYSPEPSIA TABLEIM These s aouly oee xlatçnfute nusubers of eutbudsie'ictters that voe, ecvepraîsing Na-Dru-Ce )Y=ppi 'Tublet., sud that la that tostblt catonlydo cure any kîisid f utomacis trouble. Here le a typicai letter fium Mimn Xliza Anusvorthly,.Cause. N.S.: "it la wftt PiSsure 1I write te Inform' me. I ý,tka d4;;medy irremed ~but wi ot gylustlaggiod. Uanlg ofyiraIteuu dscsa minpIdcledt gvtbma in ril They wovOd stIuetoylum cs. euekabie sceueofN-ruC IDyppa Tablebaislescb ceau oea e.nly cogne -te p a honseut remedy, > Smpoundeds.ccordinaun exception- ally goodformua pure I or- troubled wleyour etwa yo.ustres erut Dit about lNa-Dru-C ep1iaaletu, compounded by thse ca8tfdï,Bege d Chemisai Ce. of ted, and's"d Ibrougisout tis.DmIaon a go. a b=n u paced WAYS TO MAKE CELERY BOUP. There are auy number- cf varia- tions -ou tii. subjecot c ream ef celery! soup,- and tiies are nxany. sjoupa lu whlèli thse eeisy.as with it a single' etier' vegetaMe, like -beana or petate, 'or, it may:' have .with it xshny' otiser vegetables. ' lu aîmost any case 2wbhere siik luintead léi a n-et-stock IS added &swhité. s auce is'the -thing tisst gives;ti. soup body aind 'food' value. Oreain ofLeiery sud- Potate ~r wîth ROUBEHOLD HIS. A> suic.-cfapple rnbbed on'tiie liauds' ill remove iuk asudA-ruit stains. To e! ten waterlput s tableapoon-'- fui of -borax inte the bath. S tains on kuife' haudies mybe remoe.d by rubbiug vitl a PasteOf vhiting and turpentine. Corks fer home-made- wiues, sauces, etc., should býe soaked in boiling water befons use. Fiat-irons mm.y b. umade perfectly. amootis by rubbiuE firat vithb ees- wax and tiien sait. Flour--fos, cakesand psstry aiionld bh, weli dried sud jpassed threugii- a sier, b>efore usiug. Tuaisball the. secret of light cakes. Mixiug Mnstard.-Mix vitis hot wats,, ising-.tiiree parts-o! mua- tard to 'oeepart, cf sat; .littile cafyenu. essence in olten added sud considenred,, an improreenut. e&sius freOM"Iodine.-Put- aeme iiquid aumouna lute, a saucer sud place the, stalûed' part of yu tevel lu it. aÈis -veli sud the. stain viii vsulsh - piauce 'One ~ VUCUy '01 waer, six, tables$ouful s of w-ýhite - vinegar, and: fo;Uiups Qo! ranulated 'sùgar. Boil stéâdily foQ;-two houra. It îi. euýio k.Cfiùdy PFondanrt. ,* Fzeuoh fondanut which r.- quir.. usne'êoÈng-: Beat tiie white. e 'An egg vsry lightly after mWxigý it with. its own Ibulk oci 00141 vater and adding the, least suspicion 0fý isait. Wonk -into it about, a ,P ound ci cenfecticnsr'osaugar; use a littie more if not stiff enough to bandie well, but beware of getting it to.o. stiff.- Dip your liands in sugar and- shape the. Mixture iuto. balla, after flavoriug it to taste. -Balj tlie balse iu dry sugar aud set on a istgsred plate to harden. Nuts or fruit eau be put lu the middle cf the. balla, which eau b. aise eitber rolled in' grat.-d cliocolate or dipped in that whicii 18melted. Either way tses. and many* other eandies, even simp- 1er, wil prove helpa te li.altb. When Cookiug Met.-Iu broil-i Jng *steak or chope, the fire some- turnes dies clown too quickly. Whsn- ti liappens'sprînkle a littie.,granu- lated--ungar,.oveor thieoale. .Thua intenisifiëàe" i.coalansdthe. amok from :th.engar vilim=Partet. ineat-as delUcious flâwor. Whentia rosat 1i8. amail, It la ýbet to start it -on, top; 6f ti. tove. H,ýeat« th.-pan *very hot, put the rest lu, and turn it frequently, as you vould if pan- ning s steak.- The qnlck searing liolda tii.> juiceS in. Wheu it la tbéoegiily browu ail ever, place it in a hot oven te finish.. Baconwill be. muci s sester in flavor, if it la covsred ýwitii boiling , watet s-aià- loved té stand on the -backpar-t f the. store for about fiv. minutes. ,1It shouid tiien bee taken' out of, the. vater aud laid -on a- cloth te> dry beféoe broiling"ý Bêee Stew vith Dumpliugs.-Take one, îand. ee-liali!-pounde cf beef, wipe wlth .pieces cf vet cbeesecioth; cnt iu w-ubpieces; put 0on l tliree tjuaîts of boiliug water, add two tablespoonsdul -of cut cuion and 'boi islovly two heurs; add -ou.. tablespoonful cfi saît and ensë-quar- ter'teaspoonful of vit. pepper, thon a4141the. dumpling;s and boil, vîiti 'a cover, for 10 minutes, with- eut remo ving the cocer. Litont. the. dumplings and put arouud thse .die-oi tii, platter, which lias been ietdPut the mneat in th 'e cen- trecf tii. platter.; mix one table-* spoodnful cf fleur with a littis coldt water until smoetli and add te tie gravy, pour over meat and spsziukis with on. tablespoonful cf chopped pastry. To make tiie dumplîngË, sift oe' cup cf fleur, oue teaspoon-- fui cf baking pewder and one-baif teaspouful cf sait into bowl. Rub iu very iiglitly oue teaspeonful cf sborteulug, -add enougli celd milk t odtogether; take a piece the. cie f an Euglih vaînut, rol lu floured liauds. This amouut'nakes twelve dumplings' %6tewed Fisl.-Two pounds cf firin fisb tisat wili net fail te pieces under' long continued boiling. Cut into two aud a haîf or three inch slices, cover with saît, and leave it thus for one heur. Then waili tioreuglily sud arrange the lces nestly in -a bread- bettorned pot- e as net te have them overlap one anether. Nov ocrer thse fish with two large onions (shiced), two car- -rots cnt into suices a quarter cf An 'mcli thick, two bay leaves, three wiiele allopice, two teaspoonfuls cf sait and one of blsck Pepper. Pour into- 4ie pot carefully, se- as net te Ou ê,t Ongran When workisc 'sier i perfor] isoevtr that i ging. Very begluaj w c T'you vene te bufld- twIvoi - J thon couid sce îem as tise> te tisink twice te decide vi weuidn't be mucis of tise original v as troubiesoensd cost:as mucis a five, ten, fifteeu or even twenty ye Conmmee silo. -CONCRETE, W 1JND, ri4fr n dsutin, ieud ltaing a concrete keep ise eiflage st an1 more bcod-vaue for your stock. Y0U' fjo mutter wintiier you have ever UO Whut the. Fariner Can Do WltI about >silos, but about acrs. 01oher re.. Juet -end your neine und addn by retum manil.. AUesPubUety Managea Cinada Cernent 'Compàày, obtasn'< k H day la. terxadthe-lýibual Parif ,,',ha t spu i. ni' hu ie n-e imad-; f.beîng àshow-Mii ioff witi hieticket, isp mnst Tis h.e peniôd ô!" detentiou'auid- e stise a111tted taa.- e , ' A r, Igiven't'he, *&y tiekjet, se Friu in-i har,ý no excuse for eg- alri 50cRn til, orkbous e Ï trýv t ék*.k aspce ast t mate rs 1alvars treceirluoethe : w-av ..... su ;iajouey ge sud 1i'orkhou a net made auy t tii. -effectàve vo:We E ewest.thlng Insugar -and -thebe-l this 5-Pound Sealed PackaRe CAý#o^ o A.,a"-ExtraGranulated. Ithis carton5 pounds full weight of Canada's flnést 'sugar cornes- to you fresh from the Reflncry, and absolutely free from'asytalnt or Impurlty. -Ask your Groc.er,.for the 5-Pound Package. CANADA.-SUGAR REFINING COMPANT, IJMITED, MONTREAL. kat kind of a Lwi y9mr of 300eo000 Le to 'work-, Les tlhan 6M, Ã"O persona Pm%- h.smother along Broadway, New York, a day -un foot; but, on the -other band, ,rking: of the more than 700, 000 paffl along itinIf )l of hhouse- automobiles and tramears. Thiew'ýaY in a '80ist 31 SuIU' In one year the. Britishi General. eued by Mt post Office deait with?3,047 million ecretàary ofletters.. '~I1 El" (ood-or- oncrete? ne- 0f o!oç, tise otÈer o! concrete-side by aide, sud vil lok ate f iveye f ', * c-,you .wouldn't have th is thse beut mater In a le*. years more dserc r ooden ,slo leftttis repalcn yod d have te do wouid be i tise buildin'go an çnirely nov'ons. ,But tishpsa o f ui viii niaie nodifferen'e te tise isard-as-rock vah of the. SILOS. LASI FREVER e alike delied by concrete. Yo%ý ueed ne insuzance against iii b., diouliw&Concretesi" >aate bout for anotiser reasou. TWé tveu tempentureso taint k 'curéîe" botter, aud tisoroore coutains I M+m To stone raiséins easily, pour bell- lug water ever ýthe- fruit, let it stand' for tiis,. minutes, sud tiien pour! off. -Tieuesfteuiug cf the akinis ren- 4estise -task au easy oe B.wd lak la-easily made. Into" a perfectly clesu eone-ounce.bettié put eeespoonful'cf aqua-ammcula, guîn 1 -rabic Ithe aise cf tvo pesansd six graina of!--No. 40 -car=nne~. - Fi tise bottie'lvith. de ééan soit water, suid after'.standiug. forasittie *hile Ïin lura for' us e. A curie m.-ut la a good game fer- a psrty. ý,Taise a dozen:,-thiuge, suds as sb bedkin, a postage.ratsmp, ved- ding-ring, baugle, ti -bi.,sheet o! paper, 'sud. seoun' Put tiiem about the. room. so,-that they are- net hiddeu,, but are net easiiy is Icernable. Tise brasatihmbie on th' ornarntation of a& mieor liard te see, tii. jsestage ,stamp ztuck on: tca- papre!isov-elr ehdv! carda tii articles. hiddeu, an, give a cortaiâ- time fortheisnnt.'Pis for the meust succeslul -bri!Ïg-lt te a Coe.. PAY 0F' BULLFIGHTERS. Tisene are tweuty-tisree famous tereadors in -Spain vise esmu aunu- ally 81,000,-000. Tise chie! among tisem- la Guerrito, wvislt ysar esrn.d or-er $90,000. Rererte made $30,000 iu tisirty-;eight bull figis; Masss.utini, thse eider, $20,000 fer tihity\ appearauces iu tise arena. Mombita made 825,000 lu flfteen day., sud Algabeno $40,000 fer fo6rty-tvo enceuntens.. fil,

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