0101WaJ«ling roem O»i' 's passéad to Osk tba -Town <omr th. 1 gm ut!17,W00' fucr PoSB Cf ered3ot aIfl ew pubIlie ûilding in whioh to ~CQDO the pUpý&* Of tii.town' Lotion m-an.beequent discue-' ilb relt of a repOrt Us tO dtion, of! enry tret ascool, - ..t lmaeetin mae. 4lit the re--- ---63 21.$ 6o9 9S IL. 8.GordonîFollowng - i@ u ' ANN iiiU ;~~s8.33 1.2îo. 9 subsidenoe cf ~~~~~~TE COUNtY 0F OI0.TABIO. &ttei 4.4~:~o îè.ç;~ Thien obas boon a a.I WHEEAS bëhè * of 20 IU481 6.? ïh lounid.tiôns,' wbii bas CaThth a w1' ove- Two of the conr, fp14zpQs@e iAbAo ntôeda it$popaeed by-lawh .taken iâtQ Con- buildng' bave the. briotkwork -faUs len ~~y layithe, i mr>e ~drtob.teOoit oni f 'out. ia>o h It >I1I et nconypoýeit .n 1e4 -the Cbunty -of Qntarlo a- htyi grousad - e deosysil. The. oistf.waII of building of sucli bridges assumed by the said Coney on the 2th duy buekin i c l i es t alo bidn the Counfy in wole or in part and December. 1Ã912, at theb out oî 2 ÇL GU ieUu ,o Thw s mot a s se'of uiligto purchaie the said land for the In- ock ijtv à e4nqcn a ybcDis ici. s tse li . moe one i c , W k o t h Lýl !lKn, -O 0 lap tW me mqbers -aif the (oin- The s > liielI1er on wisdid works have to cil are hereby roquired tu attend' for -cracked. Thaý fouadations under posta h adte upssaoeud afid grossnd iioor ýjoute havaeiubsw Ptoeliefrldtidthe p ld tiit Bu.pse FAoREWELL, 80 hatgrond loo )>a acii o > iJeINneER WM. MAW êxpenditure umade durning ti reetJ. E.-FKW:L Move two iuches and - the, upper floor o!Wibws. »~ esnjsnow in fuil swing. Note bis lijt of year,,and, uch .expense la greater than Cut lr. E( sl4iigU, ng ubuy eap t in expedient ta provide- for by tax- The Saturdoù rooft, 2l-AiictiO sale o ntray e f.2Acion sale Of sent year, the above mentioned irns-cousit dt na l otcrdses * anCiir,!d 'n réofe bah badiy. T eilagbeePd e. hucd 'f i prf <>ntsut d tg.- Ryt4as hav dflete su dawn~B f eBrt Bonosi Mary: St., Witby. 1Sale furniture at Disnes sale varA-s, P~lt, said lassd 'nd the lhuillpg of tue4d noio4 Itaelocal. dtseage asud.presctedI cp ô w ics ri poe o-ah 1,30:.; Ternis -cash. *m aV, eue- 1bY, Sale at. 1 o'tlock. Fuli P1uriiCu-Ibridgies aire for the future benefit o! oc retwedie , an.! lycosail alitucure itli tînih igpst o oo.Te eerlarÉ Inter, ,Maw, the ratnepayereO! tbp >Coupty, ad ence bas,proveg estarrlu.io le a cuitsttstiona xspacee >.th ir4lupryeçf isease and thecefore itquîres en', ona *reapoa .e.e roef and en2alls upýe WHPRF 4qn reç reoit Wili treânent lssts i teeUf',latre itt1 ehalIow "d à ad unow hoenter. . Monday, Sept. 23.-Credit ..nui1ction Wedlnesday, Octoboer. y2,3-Àucti&uo.n ldoU., t he oi o! f aflga-y uhssp-decoustittitiona iure au the mar ket. it la8-te ken: 'w E»ad of grouÛd floor joieits where the>' sale of hor, cow imbemtbouse eld munleipality for the. sum -<of tnternaly tu doses 1r-Diùi odrôpa te a teaspoo»- ct a a- eayd h hueo nhtr, the property o!.-hold siueit o V tocimlinnsan ncssr ssr4eihue f > F . buy &G. ole: bl*. nad iýc enter sri al dce oshodfahtr untrthe prop ryo-c Wg a>>~ hereinaft>r provided I*l fÙl i dieIAub3J,, u u-cu wtiisoo o. ais ha rthd wa h Rbt Hanah Booiun. '.aI eq . Gofortlu, elot 26, con. 4 $20,000 as eh à urfaccol ticu¶,y~oem- rhev iMer oue hundred ai -wisot.O. wl f. ia ond wyin blatin m a, Bauctine aer. ale- t io'loce.Io, Mvihe aMiQunt qf the c.bt jntended -.doals tfor aey cseeit f.uileto eute.Oend fdr ueveralB laces m Thfunatonunder 1.30. WL euwaucnoiter. aledt 1sctimqelu'Mîs1 - - -ti 66 talrcaas rotted a aauod tw ere - ate b tis briu ddes e.J.CIZtg bc-oido'Om. <taselia aay Friday, Stpt. 27--Extenisive Credit tine. rcoa fteenddbncreh b 'eco stipatlti. thcorner hp In.Besides theke laSalé 6! herses, high- grade catile, im- ,Wednesday, cohr3-AuchioRi sale aTek. iSaheIPs? 7e aloiiSfoicl Urgetn »e01c repair e h plautleriugo plements, liay, gain, roots and hQuser of 'farnu stock and ixuplelgets, thse ne other, n f -pihneCI, and cà rpenher ren- hold funitute, the propertyof Chas- property of Mr. Frank E. Jonles, sot -1 WBEMIi.S it,> i8 expo9dient ho issue The Toronto Star cf Thursdà y last pairs hte floors, staire doors- and Protter, lot . o, éon. 8, Pickering. Wiui. 3, con. 1, Pic kering. Sale à _ 1 W- thp nadéd aitue at one time andl cenuie- tefollwgie. - 'wiudo'#~.MW, Auctioneer. - dock. Win. Maw, auctioneer. ho nmais tuieprîncial o i.si i'brRWbc 5arjeryaven- -I[r. Gerdoil deals withhé .structuir- ___------___________________________deit -'epayable by, yearly sumo. duri#iglue, na<liçitect 01eB~r fEsa aadfca~otebid nd the 1ipera cfhenty yeffl, boingt hiLtien offices, sustained .pairll ijuries HoE n-riNrhCitermjsF Fe ye,5 olnpouaililihy 0cf altering. and' repairing FHOINMG MATCH. E nGeiNrh oterainFrrency _f o!tho pai<ldebenhures, "ssi4 sien he and'ird ye, 8Hol 'ihmudthu. roced: hý Alexr. Bruce, of T.oronto. senveOiphltEdne l6 G -Aerader -«A odea fur ooined secool.,ýT rcWs die; at!ýtW gt eaui the following, wiî%h a rus htil. leMdltwb7T.Bue tEue; - flY up 'bCarlan»h ewetie aven en u 1 teel-fo-eà in-a bb-bult for about $11,000. 1h would pËe:. ..- liza 4Anguâ, Ednie;g.J.Bain, -BogSasout la it.grgh mut O a1wvue îe1ouei g~Vsatsfatio anl povie ii. out A- ioeilig-match ccine. 'olff 5p> years Kininnuo'uth ;'îo W. Kidd, BlackmirespYal iieahyerfor prisciw>lrifre-c>cee ircdWb' i façlities foe pupils and eahes.The g u-afedbefongiuig so Mr. Brute, i i -A., ucli Gwre; 12,A Tan~d'ieetlu respect of maid -debtiaitu- sr>spncr.Thel' prmutbuilding if alterod as before GaloshulI,, wBêu34 ontttrenter- Ednie 9is emettr ' aeg wt SOilh' iery sposbl 4uVa as rfoodrmae, ing se'-n oittined ah a cont o! 8%000 -would at ed'aund execsted their work in 'such a.the.cnlookers,,acjournedl te the'bal- htu'thOe. awûubh 'e- ayaleieachs o! Sth:rùkes a ô~tnd e, a..4 -cspe -r te-bncI be partly an'-o1d building style aste give the ]udges-consieraberaPad nugd nahary<a c aise chAni" nheoii' y.a le 1f *rdd i>,Webbsanys that the ditch wag,-not pro.. tu a t'le es h ani hd ul A een tected andl thnt the re een e g with ptched wallq out . of plamb, trouble' in comifgl e a decision. The - - '- ho imez.>, mclx -r n rd igt -Mesrs.Jý inne, estEdnecf warniug. "-T h swiichis lebetasg - oru floors, aud much that. would ad W j js-M sr. JFn>te es t d nie; - &TIUB. 'WER Stue total ausouuit requin- dug for the overflow s evier systei s oun vertîse it as a patched job. 1h couti l oX Ju. 1aC-, init'S- -dMai, "9. - mo h mcl a cuonen a a o-St. Fergus, gave tl>e pmieseas- follow': al-nOis' a nMnay dbh MncplAh ob sdthe -West-side-ofarlaw avenue., On-tbe 'fnt b ae as bildn Tii. c»u at er--J. Jftray, Midtlet wi2W o<,Aga 6tIuý te' M.suMurs. Hêrbert annually b>' spec lraté for paying east aideo! heantheheeis ne aide- -Ednie- 3-W._ Smith,. West Ednie; 4 Hawley, a daughter. ' -- heandeb adInher.tashi en-wak, ad itwa inc ng aoer thse road' aswould d"oy bsoer tiait tue uew -- bfr-rsiu etd46~ad ~ t>h sieak tint-the twd. mxen -met d-1i eal' as ! eairm oud- WF eÂSti.anîui;t'of th wçe witl tIhe tumlble.Tiie contractoi said g-be eat. eealy uldn ia "inbapoe th ie County. ai that it was impossible for the me n to get xqlires an exponditure equal ,ho -50" flniÃaiô o ceitp tieh Il.qu -where théyfeunsstyadcibl per cent. ciuethmevalueila o! tii. sevoralover a barricadeë,"'on -whicb. were-réd' W escet. cqhie vaueao!QInoheuulti-____ kg iM- order ho alaise it %uitable for,' p ff uigor municipgnlIhiep of the, ffCç>ni y~ligis, losmg -tisat part of, the street ccuany adbote h pule dwnRZ If ~ ~ EOutae isi l' 0Q9,21('.and Tii.' iuihtwatchmà »; wio appen'd te a31( any.. ouud materials.uscd luan- WUEE AS thé - Arount of the. exiet- bc atanother phrt-oftise work'when tise- 1t vjec h h ee y o>ic i o! principao r in -he-reatis in 'an- çeieni.isposit e taih adere wasnu hrt' aoVbe xposeil o the wather or b ( iJçI Gis 82,2W.53, wheteof -no par aricd wspadtthrd inxi tîsa i xinouds ogoodup he s- prué--icade, and- se red, lantern. The spot, tO %pend yn- iin gu aspo NTKEIRFYOBE the Council of!-thi eretemneînts aewses "ýnt'ïrWedCorporatidaed îccin of tue County o! Ontarià e e e- s mcmning,il e w tiiqglle- ~eu,, eacce. m di~piatod uu1 «' - -' - 'enate s filws'- - ' ng -spatueretl with 'blocd and the trou Wtbhe. -above fç1- jq in. - ' Mr. 1. The Municipal Council cf th*. rod bent. ýWitiin.ton or fiteen feet f! - atch imoveciscended biy x. Rues, C-- o.untzy o! Ontario shall expeJsdtiithethe-ppace is ~Hydio-Eiectric light, but fiai ii. oardask te woa ox rL d .IIb ~ um o!f82S00 for comnplehing' the u-M.Wbb says ibis had the effect of <ifor 811,000 ho eneta. -building in Ifé UÇI*U n mlIff;I argement and impravement. o! the. îhtowing asbadowv acrosstieici., mais. Ueof, the present Henry St. Scheeol. T <IU.LULLi l cunty. Court House and in imprçpv- ing à t appear las though it were filled. Otier rnenù,borâ o!thé Boarid tugit iig tIse Ieating equipment o! the Alter the injured man had been attend- 44at ifa now building wcre -erected it - _AND THE-- ounty Gaol upon land the property ed tW by Drt. W.J.,Rgwam, of 791 queeu -,kol cf-ére nuht0 m ô the said Counhy andl for Purchas- street cast, lie was ren>oved te bis homÃŽe.ý _aiîaU 'hle o nugh an th ug qditional landl for the. County Tic contracter admuts tsait he'ditch it-- ~ah al iseton uplssu tse ~ it~~'mud .nn ffl Indicuatrial Farn ud for ht4 building se-If was-nô,t barricadéd »on tietuet aide,. u wu aos subs.queuily nged '% WMk Globeu -ainndoleornadprt ! prmaentbut cdaims that waîs unnecessary owing 1111 for«lia ole- - or ingg part ofu 'te- tise 1facct inatthe street was closed and' ,~. isrctc h owadtt.e rcquesh - bridges aesumed by the. Counhy o! OU-n«. d alhybuiestee tJ. Coucil. _____of__Toronto,_________ tarjanfor t'sio purpos o sng Mr. Wcbb is a- brothrof Mrs. Bert A. .rvy, ! Trono, orwrd-- ione fo tie sid urpses ~ Hawley, o! Whitby, and a former resi- 9hlme aseount 'fer .8140, hiug htwo .'ure, of!thie aid CoujisY, tu- the 'dent o! tuis'town." ý«Oe est. ofie estimiated ceet o! bu]- Pa~,* ays for the two -pa- K&ount cf .820,000, as aloresà id,1 in veme t h igi ScIsool, sas oM n 'sm f not las han $100 -cdishalt amdby 'hlm.'Thé accounh vas prbteprunt 1eissiieclon the 21se f o!Decomben, dat tltJan 1 1i4 A.D-1912, eech -of wicuidebenturem ny'OeAplcai -for an XcGffixir îýndred abillshal hadated on, hue dt.o! h a Vamn& cifnisdriabi -a iod of- over 15 <i Týstfer is to new - spethereof and shahl be -r8125 -for services as architecte. ape nu t respese eu1~mihod lan andaug.sLons subsr>ibers to the Gazette and Chronicle, and flot .PY&~8iihet en hratr t th tipe f te pýQpoal e bildviz., from oe e hotwenty yoars on the AI5POINTMENT ]MADE-SILOUT SES.. '4-e olgae lstttoe w opeetSbrbers. 21«t day cf Decemnber in eachi yeai r go 'Th' Cog açunst . u iciw o rsn s s r.during th# aid hwenty years at he .SION 0F COUNiIL.. Ovears ago. us accWrntount wamofth Tlaic o te -l lUéer usilt furths,inormatio i buPald -iniadvance-subscr ibers to the'.Gazette and Ã"Doe o! tte TCourteuseo! the eaidssna ut>.ah te Curt ous lu Ise Mn. John Smjtii, last yen's see hich lo ne iworth the subscription price. dbnursto. useb rieda-' nually, by special rate, -onu hi.ewiuolenossings being asiselfor eUcunder- LADIES' AID-ENTERTAIN CHOIR. - ateaile propenhy itIse êounty o! stood tint tue poli >cy o! tfie Counl Thé e'~hmoi h coh-..<.IT J]C>1TIOntanio tic süm of P9l".85, for * the wae net ho ly-n crethmla hoci tlhe Ea , jj V *purposo !paying thie anoun u in 'e aand l hiey .4à adocided not ho puît tahIs ! tue.adoyan - ritî n&* ldow an.mre plan'ié walics on cross- nd iinterest h vii2>«eofIl !atic sid juge. -thue humbmnds or WC of aisar uOf achoir SUd,,Aid W'- sd Ie sggehedhbae hn1pre' of, a à t-o shewninit, ste m" ~~e a 4 C O I e 4ïylwalas lt oui n> --u>ln orbig e lii.atd'nin p Uf4.W kfUP euSiO 1ti asitiéo.h«,Oea»ted QOteieaypaitai wtf in thf'is eil 00 lopgixls{ wore r - edpA.».hs î -91 ri2alltà e f-e on er pl k Osinag e t hs1P '~ ' W.LILbly, mdotiy, sing bés, n th aJUd 10.Ts.uu,1 T en rn n Ina Mn. s L* L..-tr hF fà -cto: tei .c - 1q4iça hR-Iowr"'t0:Board of3- rinçüa ip'p - was nead, wvýich made - ne- --- tu estfor -thle: suinof!'ý$17,100 ih treet near thé TorontcliEastera rail- îg ho house the . c ol 4 datecl echools. h4ie aSs neferred l Finace Cern- - Fu'Dp > sitte. Joh _MacCarl anul chens pî«de O .- 1icaiju for a -light 'iOU ellin tn Sh@p anid. tesIU itret nan 'tic Tçtcînhk-Eastern 'rail-- way. férnéed ho comnithee.- -- iieç jà acda suggested ithat - tii. Three doors va'è idew k-leading fnom Brook î ýstnehho h sttion siuulà cl ho couiiud along, W. are, preparid the st cet t ho ttue eiabn0hom 15 roupmo lew se4uspasengers on ho o dt4 leù ",>d behwen th,« attend ho w4icluw t -u ~om hwa Ieiid ~befnefor- thé, ,The Ge.niuittee -or? Streetsi put in a 80. t repo , Wich nucludEd, itemîs frons hwo, -e ant etiien comm ittec8: ' hono, N. John MacCarl worik......... 2017 TY M. fYingle, à oods. .. 32 Municiual 'Wor$d, ude.J 80 CJ. A.-od.1wav. pg.. 17.25 ~ rm W. , riýre rf aies, etc....12.20 W. J Iake& Son.........2.90 Tic mehmgadjourned afen a - EST30Ie - -iuy Scrantoià lKE h a twec ahd cor- Irde rsof thé- is.-the gentie, able, always Z! A-*-, , V IL - lmloa...25e.. I-i.ttle trouble in keepiug: ires lit. ORDER ncw an&cgetitwhen wanted. ur prompt attfttion io al enfers, un dehivery man. la careful. W OLD you! have: the best P .11', puiciase our- Scratort, e have it and ne olate. Bell Tel. 9. Home Toi. 14-ÃŽ -Es R. BLOW. W'il, 1- 7' - Worq~ijt~ - 4 came in the cüther day-wanted some nice stationry -said she didr't. know we kept any 80 fýne -found just what she wanted. Pefl'apsYà u cati;- !We've got it in boxes, pads and tablets. W. i IlRichardson Leading Bookseller and"8talî-1- mOCI( ST. yu about it :int -W- ti a .U.we ie- C* plic 1voa t. wegzi sf are uetyd mcaetigsAt( putbl e vc h. à iipt. o te tht chut-il rai par-t I es anqd fuftg ýdenioÉe FPal hwrk -ami g.à teadlyrca 'i '3 WITSY Si; b 0ý w 1- I tri Whsel Tha AreLef Is'Re sgéuerally tise cheap wheels. -W. meanby luisi, wieels hat *arec heaply i maclep, neot huesèÀ.ttare soldiat'aý renson- tble price.'- r FA '.1 -I tplisneeaiteS, patchée - sponge -'.Tise- IYlanr a home ofgirli fiit for e ,lo kept fth'ii.hn able te O bZin - euvelopes veie- of thse tewli ancý asiing ths ho ie erection-.cf Five dollars' M e hlace Tis he wiappe Sbrought-in by, -facturelra al andltise ,c< Lad ies usinig -thus god s or wrappers to M -e Àour tWfU -containii'r goo à m aneliter Ite vý lingpubl!c. Theladies tiank al hose -tis wotk p05I - ÃŽ th 7 - neW'Style se m Wh~. sld Mns.jM 3 e Caos se AtahabcwP ;4ve o1of0 HOM. 1