lo 4 b t o 4a sç o r Uy e I aii 0 8t4or an y a ffl 0p o î k M I e o a . a adol oadis pl At. gng nd-tatpa~ivl ,rem anad tilatcoOunte»o$we vî q h,.»44 éerýpjp. The kSj I aktae.pla tô pntro ýla l~m cildeteotive à and OS3i5W en1IO d. Bladon lba& sold, livo- acresofl ci-a w~m a4joMng lji.' lake- shore for am srry oii>oot he iey oi t. . oin SUi Q 30. Itb-aj rudid. It goon record o;red OJ jozia 1Vp ;, ~ b>" a ciaI4 lt is etili 'Lb. South Ontario [hl from the Lc>gd UaJiop ol jie di- 4 jsf 14* ~li~ s ti.Iwt iei. ~ li iver agi il4 tmeçebp W sasp# Pink h ioJerj.tw.it isso liard te, Bwag %la&W no~ fJ1a~ Oflrvutig 'P or A osasoi , Whou f a,=-m,- a 40;mo@ gre4Ljy imrovm*g .t.1ad oabe waste~~ PP4 -a. 1lob*t. Pveri,,whu has b4ep j. ehjbite. Hýun4çpda pf *6 ti for s tinM=, l tii li$iig tke:mdw e-rbo-t a 1I~ ietActorY Progm,9 tïowaÙdDs4Wocqv- mg4eggve hi9 SqÈcwhyA a fiIk or 'hiat ber mauy frienda wowd do-04 .I4. mmxy Johnshon, c idl ià v~iiii#nd ý . ~ p~ gang of men are juiet ooni4plýe#lngof the, fafro,~ y~~ otakU oement abntmenhn lfor Pugh', DOW ,PJ leof Wbihby for, thurir ltere9lt, ý9 on the Brook rotna. 'h abvt- and apcià ]ly -th e Hortp4nef So*a ýt are -riov(read> for, tideto ety for theî_beautiful ezbubit, cif low- wutru tur' aad the - W om aa'a Institut. o th e'xhibit cf fruit.- 0S14W4, - 1à oaly by cateing hêlhtutut itema coatriiuelQ A, wmndow in' -i. One onThursday down tataire*, IWeep.wi ver aaaking beds will at la balthY or beau- et ht out of doora.4 walk tr vévy day med tali. m Jela ho limprove ber ,qi date hmerbowuis. For raft ftl4 we 1-h'û,-hobe isur-e iatgr#lly,, turno' ho'l able? 1~ a voi ýwillj ~F H~'Y~ SP 1141*051 I i. SI1iOL~ -il -O Tê ou Cau Xoast WeU and Sav e Fuel A'rangemay bee a.go aea~ tl lt~ o& ro*a$er. R oasting is ýone- of. the most expensive procesac cook1fg-more fuel 18, used in proportion té the ,ifrthan in almost- any ot her cookiùg operati oh. fuel Cconomy.18 worth careful watching.- 'Hîappy TI4oùghtl" Ranges The sane.lirebox constm'ctiôà n* co»utrcted te Rive concen- of -the '« Happýi'Thoug4e 1 en- ed heat'elRcienicy in the ôven. dbIes jrdý ow precycoro ebe*"fiownecessaiy ehs your - &ct and,--thercfoe, your . ýo4iý roaptuag. 0veI1 heat. ' - Hu1*ppy ThouEht' ' The poi't ivo ~raie, m r WOy vau d BOWMÂ VILE. jby lb. roronito..c=ueiýtC6 ~ J.prpety traheaction' hook lace 1,r 'akng8ogt16erg~ e TAO_ t woek whereby ie Gojer"2 eand Seabord line, -and ,Ã" nreacbing MEJ an 1bbeir 0Co4 become ownpa %f tuie chai el * moral.i tGodeae Point wbere the - G.T.R. ruEs un- Be04 The aic a clu peoueple 141eabtthe- hlic1uortt. lefit -the Sea- 1Cati wu, 14kea clb ýhU» 0e 01âeîo4rd 1,oui4t. h1t4ke tii GTR.htr4ck MUM ao iota g ama jP4y was forg owle , agiglve wr s hi ? thing unde. 86e.oThs wmanbeo d. Dr. lA 1 PicéPà j fr'te bum asUtt W - 8= Ml'an e â a a ail chiep a ONTAR-Jdu L nt Rnoy11 ore ne. Tbc r ofcohe . oa L a, a teto . li*c Dc tue impliet cofideeù hb.t many t h Ror# Ob se a ad throe e Cady i. JuIT * Bot. , Oc. 2 No. u' foacdontei epoaop ia is e. Yi.1,19 . hbat roeieîanatdfor,' bnowutdgsol MBCdDi ie ay 'rou.,kathe cnure o- alo1m *WtbyJu-1 Tk ,Mx , Meoa».dduatrytbt 1 aFe riveAprheloung'ay ,ne asJCI Dl AI, efotd a Fralde yaildelere.-4. ept 4 ct B,,ov S.Due The ihéchantsJan. 141 1918.ýh are..OUb-M..-Ck ConM. ble, OshawaFsuir-ig Su cs. Gr 1eXeOf the 17Mcu 4,Main these dayt,.,Wo, July the Sept., Theoy , d J a W. Oshawa, Sept. 16, 12 18, 1818 Dawa ir. Editorýf ,-isn eipie .P R ~ly43,r ..nk.~ thatyo e usaî ouao aehhWousPf1Pry4..1,-e,7 ias l raoringhu Par iaRd ah J> 1,. 9.8. . oiw aer neaigvsdn. lue r' ueUm4g-Ja 1, adi2, oan eo eas a P air."nw Noha 4 uY US Sp ONTRIO. ,Ju j cild Sm.»fur he rn i. hrahhm. T]DU0,1Mi. 'L. f te"~a inPaW a uda .CANNtÃ"1-%lêbhrctoy aer u1 a 'a 4-BatIk , jtoyM.2, MAL- Cholér a ad v a )IPJ a -4 Ufl..L >8, eP- 3j %L 2-- __ ____ a au-Eu, IPtat .....S tolu irte a o -- - - - t - 'AT. POULTRY ',AN» RIJ 11per w .......... l o tl le, .,Uew ei wght.. 1 .00 h1ol' ton, per l....0.15 to 0 bu, aeb.------4.00 ho 5 se, drae.....1l. 00 ho Il ,lght and . ... 5.75 to à 0, seet... .......7.50 to 7 *eus, perl.... .. 0.6 to0 r arlb... ........ .. Ic er, par lb- ... t<~ m, er o, v la d6013ho 09 ke par lb....Per lb 0.18 t les,ér parzbarr ai q.234.00.- d, POTbag..... 0ta mDEs. _- b~ abme, cl..... .0 t04. per, par c..... -00 t1 9.4 pukis........ ......S tta1. a........ ..197 o nter ide..~...-s.se 1.1 goh rm .s ......Sa té si FLOUR:i WITE-SATIN CREAÙ -BUÙ - .K.ADI AND CAKE- MAKERS PIE -SPECIAL- ON; 'ORN OATI PRICE, A'ni*ci piece. rie P'iciles taste Jike -those ,mnotherýuedto. Wehave the .best that Money can buy. T RY US.' Snew;:lot oÃ"f glass-ware, by th.esëtt or' single Clear, and'.nice tQ oIk at. See theim. b . ' Octo 40C. EGETABLES FRPC<w d RU-TSFORPESR NQ IE-WAT3IOUE WHITIBY .11. -Prompt Delivery ~PO WE - - poweu vater E4 for y thaqt ýwi il.just in-g feedl, runnînga uses-xbout the far any purpose wIi is engme 18 ir col ýor two yeairs, a n< ryet., t has been worki'j ,plgced by electr< ýst a nioment's not arfi - 71 Ail kînde of to. Ârmangne malesat ahi.ze Terma reasonal Bell ,1nd Inep 0'NW' CONTI J.'HeWE - Carpenter, 'pui Plans drawn and 4Rgirsij Alei BOXê*7 wtt Miarriagî A. ao Wituesses.requlr. TF.LE operatingan s thorong hly tau. The Central T road 5bool, 1 book "Guid'ed explainsôurw did chnces fa _,W. lL.Shaw, and Gerrard'- r and dé ailow the 10 per oent',wbc akà Ne by -purcaen bpoite Sta ndard -Wire and le wll Ilouse wirinI fixtires and moôtors and 2tra lfyout-wanti expense- Eletrlinstai qp^nd%&19Utf irnti. Barniett zz~ Bel i 1 Lam . iRrm 1. lé 1 ý, 1.