Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Oct 1912, p. 5

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We have jt up a beautiful which is par ex, value. o!. farm st1ock property of' Xi.i IIow- 3,-ou. 1, PIok.rii .4. olQOk. Wm awo SandwPh Plates' -Butter Plates. >Macaroon Dish, G$ 0ý -We, of course, have' always a large selecition, of Cut Glass, Silver and Silver Plate - ,ý r e, Clocks, etiw~to wve excel ourselv'a R. dui-tt& sud will .» min Personai Mentioci. straisger. te seaté. U nique and -inter- >ra Scott,"- Columüb us, w prove a1lsinarue wekèid visitor _in towun _àAsse atxed v G.A. Meean has goneC ii~ Bib clases i tp to Cantow, 'xasà to sitens nrriage Of a youner brother. * ~ ~ Ir lett Jy tisa early trainMo-iaf Inin7v< wouid ne joined isnH-am ~*~'s by 'is notbe snd assotser bri frgitand *pxý thne on) tier a itiolus-: z es open tôe sident -in ru period'o Il beso ni cweuuaààe« Olcott Beach ,i a Nyv York Stase *pleasure reuoi$ on Lake. Ontario which wam the scene, a fowý dayè ugo, 01 a monster picnie, held by the- Niagara Cuuty Pioneer&. ' Parties came from any pont. on botUi idleu of the internstioaal line, the - teamer Chicora- bringin.-a big delegatiua from Thionto. It is estîmated that four thousad persons ,were present, >et the biappiet co-aditions prevailed 'asit isvd d *by tle following Éaragraph -rcmni tbW» Toronto Globe'@ repprt o! the. gathar- ing: -A nteresting leature of to-dai-a pîcnic is the tact tisaio! the' multi- $iude on the picnic grounds aInd, i' ii. amusement places, fot 'a afl Was made for disorderly odciOr any other cause. Olcott Beachisn qw a "dry" resort,1 and iii. aw evidety Ï;9;4-8asuccessfully, for notý a aingle in,- toxicated - person amoDg tise Aor - thousand was to b. seen iii .tlsp pak. Ibo local police had flot antiipat.d any additîonal work, and no kpecial constables were called into dutý.ý j Lo- - -ip-e-ii -gor Shoes sold wholeoale and oetail -at M. W. Clie New Sho. Store. Mr.A. W. Jacon wifl reove on the, second Fridfay of- oaci' mouth. Cetycui tom.sash and stormsa doors made bef ore icOld w*ath'Eit WALTPER BUNN. yôU-,oaq get stove pipes, îdbow»# sdrepair. for any stove at Geo. M., On 'Wdne"dy morning MiR.Ban of. Wliby, alipped wile out in bur Yard, and-sstained a lractured ankie. Tise Sheli bîsnd o!f White Outile opi.ts pure"t soap anade. :l basm 6no superior.- 2..pounds !o 9&5. . cakes' and 2-cake. fer 5c.e. J.. W»ili, -drùggist 'sud.'optielan. THIIRTY-FIVE VEARS MARRIE» On FridayO bris,l i, su ad fMre. John MacCarl celebiateý home th eir ihir.ty-1lt# *0d& versary. Many friencis vert ineudisg evensBons pnd ýone Misa. 'Psarliagnen, a- dàaugiste Canninglon, vWas unable té, 1 ovsug ,te mfinu. iser feu and Mre. ,aoadI vero rei msnybanacan gila.AI on a the mors- ni-ton ýother. but 2 saie o! houim houa.,-etc. room à Close to(C chrd -,- th dsiry or La.. Wns. ry 'Noticeis hreb1 v$ s- Pliceioù wiflbe' made on f thse bî- Georia ansd Seahoard Ruilway ion) Compsuay aud tise Caànadian Pacifik j,,th. 1Railway OomI y l ls2e tet- îvl a- Board o! Baëiliway -Comumisioners for tis~ Cnaa a tie1expiraàtion o! one :ag moasti from tise date oL the first in- ~~~~o setin !ii ti>ê,or -80 soon ~.tiereafter as tise application - eau ho - eard, - for, a recommendation to' the any Governor-in-Oouucil.,for the sanction oti -ààanagreeesnt bet*eean tisesai d iwo of, 5a CJOMpenimi l lSudï4o! OctobOr, 1910, 1:_th& varying suùd,-amerain4g tise lease be- close tween them dated lut J-anuary, 1910. - This noti ce i givon' pursuant to thé mmad provisions of Sec-tion M1 of tise Rail- iittsd E. W. BE&TY, - bY aSiciator for said -Companies suýd Dato'datit ontroal ts. ltis deLr o! Trie' ' '- _e cr » ffild -forniture, etc., h Is.J105. Tisomp a i o'lock. Wmà.- iun! Fun!f oLt n Iiocent man escape. At te great -ýuùdcr the auspices of the Whltby Musie 11511 Tesday IgNv t One Of- our Mo t rsp-ted cfti, a wilI be charged with arOaoh of Pro ise oular court ru les. Start. iin1!g 'developmients.- Ludîcrous situa., tdons. ýL4ca1 hi;._K Au in 1 Prices, 2SC su 35c.ý Tickiets on sale, a A1 H. l;i'sDrug Store,Oc. 8b Open t t7.36,;- cou aled at . Those limba--that Pain and ache fin the heel, intepor ankle, that painful c.alous, irritatedbunion or- your back ache.- Deformed .11 o Mr. - lereay !the Onufb Decembeiç 1912. recogntion-o! tish se S"o! ýa henni- sport. on Kenday afternoou, G. M. G'oodfollow, o! Wbtby, again szcomed bd lunwinnmg naumereuseventg.j, FoÇr fourý yearshb.hua takena -higb place in thse. totllo! poM twon. -last yua ha won tie Oiancellor's medWan sd týie MNatsghtcup, sud luis ,>ear bo-w-on-, lise frin association modal. H. von linsal i eet-0 yrsds 220 yards i'ý ua,'440 yar sun sd broad.jump. Second 1inlisgh lump -sad I year aleso. on- the relay race. ¶IYis.Ladies' Aid .of , the, B ap"is churois d elweatler for thissu on-- cent Isat Prdadynight. 'Tise day isad beeza dlightful, but ai 7.30 ram began, te.U 1*1,ndîtie evening was v.ry vel. A. fairized adin s.geeted l'te en- trtaiusens. Rra'.Stewart, o! Toronloi vise delighted a 'Wbtby audience*once before, again pie9@ased ber héiarers 'witds severalàelaelina. Her veice or =.au- Me hWs1 iast 'none of! ilscbarm, sued ise rooeived a :wurmWeloome wisen ishe-, -pered oJntise plal!orm. dersond lin.isAn- very -conadably t te .enjaynsent e! tise eveniMg by tierslnië -ol Lacisofe; th. entertainers vao waim- ]y eucoredi sud respon4led willingly. Mr.,,sud XNag. Anderson retrnsdt Toronto -by: auto lbé same nigii. A. good Aitedance o!f.naile verrsr, gatheieed. in tise .Arcua i.ba.àà ast k,.v ýf*r-t~eW O to heu, los. Daiiglon, o!Bro paper on "Social &<.e Miss Darlington's-. piper their "tiseval 01ii le lu ii. Gand run 9 ggte parai- Ifit i"tamroad from'ise. towns 80 and 40 miles oasaio! tise eity, witha eleetnic lino along ils right of wasy?. Tbat's ýa story hbat,4 beard in -Guis. ava ande Whitby, -.sd i, given, prpb- abiiiy byz-tbe Graîd Trunk'u aetivitjy, iu , xerAndi s electrie system at Oui-- awa and 4th tise G.T.R.. ilb. isard premsed to hold its premont..Mbg- ý busi- nous in tise laiesh iore towns wutiste GcN. «sd -P.É.'bolh-,makdng resdy teS taisbi g shaae- o! it. Tise Toron- to suad, Esptera Radial 'i'is buing hufit: Twb1 weeks ago tisere waa cou- sidrabl bisyng o! rosi estate in tise ciiy an 'along tise Grand -Trunk's lino froin tise Don s B ast Toronte. Tii. World iuvosiigated snd !ound tsaIt the huyersisdberdtieCN..'vas gSéng to bning.ils esetern'radial in l iso si -'i *b I. t IT MMMB. ...9.50pJU SuilytaUàm'hsv for t4ISo 4m2 aàt. su ad %1% pin.. rquaýToi- e6to-tains ~top 'ai Whtby Jaio ai &W5 and 9.55 &3an sd II.»0 p.m. Golg Nrtli... 8.30 i a. 100989gsouth...7.58a.m Lesves Whtby for 0*sW a a.m. sud 4 p.m. Jos. fioldum, r,ro IMUasWorBroughaa t lei.j for ýThanksgiving Day -OnTONE AT- The u883 Pwell-. - rock St.Se, IaiSeD Leuses Thse one la-for. readiug witinganâoher oos range r.urposo, thse other forilng range.,- F. ,E. LUKE, ;a -Tonge St.. TORONTO THIrERE'S nO picture moebeautiftd than a- picture .of 'the mother and her chidren. ýYou wài'such-pictuTwe, and you can make thatý:ý -happy wt a pictu.ri of- lier grown-ttp ý daugliter and grandchldren., mab :the a#Mt o.day Amîateur Suppliai.. alwayson -êelpa"sdPzWIng f«,- Cail and sé'e ýthe with thé suit., made to: ~Ma ric I~RITJARS! 1 With Ojherries an d'Raspberries now elaiming the attention of tise prudent boaue-wîfe, re1iable seal tighti Fruit Tare are à eesiy Sevorsi attempts have houri.maM te subititute a clamp pràessrl- stead of lb. metat Screw for holding down-lb. glass oover, but tbey bave turned ont un4atifaetory.- The' improved. GeM, wbich La made of smoo6ther*and thieker glsas than the*ordinary kind, is thee heu and mst reliabie jar-on the market.,, *Wehave, a f ull lime o! theseJars aud we supply a rubber ringt'about double' thttiicsue. f he rdnay ring. -,Moderate pressure ura t i sic iyeldn ring vHIlmakre tise jar air ttght", After tse fruit ba o~ed, tis hu n_î l remnoved wthout any danger-,to'the fruit. , -The glasstop would be stilL-beld down firmnly. On. could turns ris jar upside down witis rng f oId tise ji'r firmly and> attacWa. ight pound weighrt tiste glass topand ït would net'pull it off. !nspecrýtbescjars and, these special air-t.igisi rmgs. Itiuxpensive and annoying to-can up'fruit carefully and. later fid thtat à percentage spoile4 because o! defective s'ealingjars. WilIITBY ON~TARIO luItIoess hions inb Féot- mwoar for -Fali.' -,We'have.the kind--of footwear -that ýriflg8 eustomers to our'store. aud keePB, iiien ooming. - We 00'uld not'furni sh oür* ustomners wU'more, desirable sh 1oes than are found ,in, our. new ranýgeof -f-il-goods A cait soicited. A pleasu.re.- to ish-ow goods. i PEE SOE& LEINO Icos stock 'Stueet South$,-Whitbyo Ontario- maRe. Weha.ve the1 lice- tliose mother usedi that money can buy. Y Ms- AN ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO have yc Derby r ecturer sOdawsStr.i4 'hltby FlouaM al wood Oume, "ls 0 1 e k p t e r 'I * (7 I'BY. I t OIES. 01

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