Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Oct 1912, p. 4

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I *OTA1 sosIof tire Côn llaIS1 opened a high claie Tior Shop ne-xt,,door ýto 'Standard Bank, Whitby. Atrial oeil solicite Satisfaction guaranteed. i 5 vw aaâ CIOMMEL PubUWasho vsy 21MindB7 la ,te i aI lita ofies, .DuaduSe Blin, Whitby. m»Ii»c w s J.am Chromole bave lthe largu almirulation <of011> 5>51oia mibe Couty. dvriuin ltthom-papors IMOU pueS 1 aB*jW; 01.50 Il uiot péâd The box socia hold horo at wek pr od le ooOu5POiO5uce the hitaner aud uold the boxes weil.J th. average price boing 76c. QANÂI)Â hn DU. BA.RD. What'Dr. Barnarde ham doue for the -' Old Co4ntr>' W or Caodu cno b ooo ol idely knoWn4 t -]W. W. J. ymr, has roently or.1 rlvod from ~London nprps e t.uto tha lneretin od aemrksble stiDr> throutg he IoDominon. Mr. Xçay*a in fthe usnior Deputation S.or.tary of lb. Institution, snd one .otDr. Barnardo's oldost friends. H. bas brought with hins ten opeciafly traiubd bôys rom né,eueofth. London Eomse, who, by thoir rondering of a1 doyue aud vsried progranu of muuie À:*iso li s~ha m-be bustowod tpon Istent.. Tbey -are su oanpaniod be thair musical inotructerý 11r. H-Aarou. W. vould cou spocial attention 1< tIse anueuncement 'f 1h. viit-.of tlb Barnarde Depuation le Ibis tlevn vitich appeareinluour ativerliseman- The Doctor's Question. MIJOR SICENESS DUE TO BOWEI A doolora firstquestion Whou con, aulted by a pa icl, "are your bow- dIo -rguwar," He kuovsa ira inetym ogIsîper-emit, of ilinesa la attendemi 'vilI inactive boweasd, orpid liver, sud *tIsa "Iiscondition mueI be re- moved gontly sud thoroughly bufore hoalth eu be restosed. Raeli -Orderlies are a". Positive, pleosautan sd mie remnedy'for consti- pati on anabowel discdindrslugeneral. We are me certain cf thirIrgreat rat- odial vahie. Ihat vo promnise to, return the purchma'mpuey ini Ovei-y cam vIson lhey foi! b piduce catira atis. faction. JRoaU iOrdotjieo ara gaiez i 1k. candy they at qui.fly, sud have a soothing, etroagthtbnu, Isaling influence on the etare intestinal tract. Thoy do -net purge, gripo, -CAUsenausea, flatulence, excessive ioosenpss,Id iarrhces or othler anueyiirg ffcat. They are epecially gond for eilîdèen, wesla porsona er-old foIkos. Tve usi"e,25i. ami 40c. Soid oly at. oui ator-Ti g zallStore. Qly- ResutsCount- mhe one thîng bo a Istisat yu want toIknow &bout th6e ratgas m u~ati-ha twl. âksd broil and bake with abt~ifaction. Other Leatures of a reng%- mach a Couein oeonomy and appearance, avp, -of course al»oidsoa able, bu eti prune n.esaity in a range as rala cooking. TmeGurney4Oxord gSivea -r"sàt.-not now and then, but always. - Eveïy Gurney4Oxord la a source of cniuistaaa tion tis owner. Day a"lèrday, year fe yait enablea lior ta produçe pastry, -bread,ý roas that contribute to tise plessure 0'f iosepu.Tsil wsy- tise Gurney-Oxford finda ils stiongest support among tisose who isave isad actuel ama mdliatée eperl- enceit ltis ILYou tlowill nuier youv Guvnw- Oxford siono your boit friendo - Meintre - lItby Ont. Us. ~ Sage and your hma latoly white, anti ail germ flewfl ho prompat ,àigtrecLd I. "en1eavewh.em 5w cents. sold u-ar.eR nlhçwo, v4if ofud cL. r gilthea. Âhburn bain is On every package of P4w9.N -age. 'On Monday morning a collision teck place on Il'ronit shtr, Ori1IiU, ltlhuc3 diti Qonoideratie +dmaZe.:, t14ue 1eî lait toôvw or,London on thlb. 4 dUtr J. tIsaI origad.cffltablo.7WrlîiJý drove hlmIci tIse iozti ee c Holmes Bros. uingle-rga , r CAl4- Ian, Who drives -fer Aude*siourBts wss taking -al traveler'1th û s train, but -had bien told.it Waa- a> il-~ tie fate. Whie oai tls. Way ho bea'rdi her vIsistie and urged f ward 1 he* hormes. Iu th. mneantime Constable Wright was on his way back., and un Front stroet, betwaon Coiborne and lgini, where the thick trues make it very dark, thre teans collided with his horse. The imapact.vas terrilic and thre hasewas etripped off 'one of the taam sud off thse horse driven by Constable Wrighit. The two sida Jwheols of the single rig vere knockoci off besides otherwise damaging il, while Mr. Wright vas aeroplaued nomeo distance ente 1h.e roadside, but ho' luckiiy- uscaped serious injury. One of thse hack bornes feil down, sud the haok Pasedright over it, badly hurt- ing it. It in neediess te add that the traveller did not catch&I1,à train. $100 REWARD, $100 The readers of this paper wll i leasàed tc. learu mat thore iliat lesît oee reacied diseatie tirat ileuce bas beei able to çpre1n'i.ai~l t tlagea,.aud tiati iCatarrh. HaillucalarraCure il thre cl, positive cure nekuw el> I atdical firateranky. Catarrh belkung a o tbe toa temrequîmes a cmatitugonal, treat. Ment. JUîI'i &Catarrir Cure is takema Inter.alUy, actlag dlrectly upon thre bieod and imucons sur- faces of tie-yseUereby c'stroying the foundatilu cftliedisaem, ;nd givlng the patient itrenguir by buifldig up. the> conititution andi asfoung"nture lu doug lUiâwork. The pro- prietora, iVe so0uIÙCirfuith la its curative powers Utirithey effer One lMuudred- ollars for au~ cas t-ira ffail. te cure. @end fer ]lotaut tes Addgem. eP. J.CNY & CO.. Toiedo .ýlo 5eMol by all DruqSfisO 75C. VEZT Y)riL'f U S A SimpletMsthod b,' Which One M&a- 'Msusmis Develepmant lbetople ofl,*c U gfftZr frmu %vw,.,k fin -deça1)pod-iungs witbolu lt iaw!ttlg Il true. amtnLféeottIe lutire sumally. stinken cvbest, butolôt lnvsrtn.bly. 8BI mesR of'tire muie etofpbystrsl oul tr. tel possible to develop -large ebet msclstirsas cquiring o big chat mesuremout, .whIle tire angs rinmai *mil and l ersM Agcela lu" Omisciele uoft.MhIô oUi bMIGons luals approacir that the AniMe hlamot discoorud ittitile wblwyuur uap ar e ethy- ur maf TatéU du b ua b ti a'lu0 emu uni lb.., la a ul6 but distint voe. m ',nPlfrtin'on.onçod am f <pot eua -vmout teag in.lamo- bm*6b nhe amnber efseconds you «saos. MM oo le aa pitIl robbleI&la Lnte Oat t ejou Iu »a Y« sooli hbave mme n .M .70 Uf FmEImm.à Oà 615Mdui nrmal X1v devlepel joFm rane v *ibe be It FmUni abmie nm euGmWlewow m ptb»lami,i bu r4Ry obMalsiby .mumrdff thon Ion seconds, howevs.,otte l .mom o aou~b u u 0 soul »t delayr Fm #jo Imm «I:.u Coie et 1h. OQUIt3re o»_49 theb.MOUDWO-lnpàke ofnorth -wilekW» Um e seChai r t irEs or <, ade ui, se ý tbe Weluh pbop1e ulgh l l Un C oir e Ois woU~ ont *IlewlýUp.mon&ug-t»des&, afng àmaior mdowii wvu the lotusatPo* w rn luaplrtion No o0»e mum « le îîv i ctiiiii seWho,Ït vas or vise -Mà" lv i bt. iMou bave hm mia I ibody, vus-> uproportio «At i o@bratod "cofàr. Mis. He- - mbau £ ha Pc.. ih thebChair Urb lis ébetbems, sam qimn ali meàtio. a n Ab17 ares latbly vhn s kc MiaOMog p oà" > ami etous. e sosboy !hq W MMe hamu ber aboft 10 a*L WerO Cm70E luimrsat iaaulivmoi.i*- mayfor 1912 ro oeclock 4 I 4 Notice, to Creditors. la tire malter of Chrandler & Sindun, of tire-Town ef, Oshava, lu tire Co"nt of Ontario, Marchant, lun- solvent. Notice is hereby given tIsaItthe a- boy. nainoti have maç<fr auassigamoent tciduie. under R.S.OQ. 10 Edward, VI., Chapter 64, of all.,their estate and .1. fects teo., the general benenî c f thoir creditore. A -*r'eting 0cf credit6ts wilI 13e Ield at my 11office,- 64 Welington St. Wet, la City icêTorento, on Thlursday, 3lst day -o~O'i6br,1912, at 3.30 p.m., te rocoive as tatement of affaire, tb ap,ý point inspectior, sud for tIse ordering oet Ueestate, generally,, Creditôrs are requ(eed to file. Ihair claiprm vwith tIse absigue beer the date cf auch meetin. Andi nOtice is her > y given that afl- er thuzty daya from s' date, thre au- sets will lie distribirudameng tire parties entitled therete, Isaving re- gard only te tIse clainis cf viich no-, tico shall bave bren buen givon, sud tIse assignee will flot be hiable W6r tIse assets or aay- part thereof se diatri- buted, tic any person or perions cf Whoue daim ire shall net then hav' had notice. N. L. MARTIN, Assignee. Dated at Toronto this 22rd day of . Octoher. 1112.-20. * SpeCial Notice. Some intelligent laborers wanted for all yoar. work ini our different deýart- monts.- Men tîrat may grow quickly inte better than common laborers psy. Enquiro, Colliigwood -Shiphuilding Co. Colhungwood, Ont.-22. ONTARIO LKDIES' OOLLEGE. Notice is hereby given pursuaut to tire statute thet the annual meeting ef the shareholders et tIse Ontario Ladiei' College viii ho ireld aI thse Cologe, in tire Town of Wiitb' On 1FMUAY, NOVEMBR 5TH, Y, 1912. at tIse heur cf a.20 o'clock p.m., fer recving tIse statemdnt cf the. affaire of thre College, tIse eleclion ef Dire,-. tors, and tIse transaction cf aucir olIs or sirsinsa 'As mayhobe ght befora By eider of tIse'BoArd. -JOHN BICE; 4f, 3ruuela i-T. Di, ty.sov i ~7 atire brclk r, ot~ unsofl ee&aun 'uwaru neot- feommaaosngtüea i a- soifthad#-e1y ciet4~ote1trea two e uoranI-t,Rfeu, angl îof.lot wUy-ueVeIl y s1Ou9 (1o) t là thtrnc - a a snir We-îýteii f ron Xv hnrc nI11> fe. tMrd s lotpia sa: 10Vs-un 7 -"dit thre .-boingr e'unetc tho ±rvne I,,as a portion cf' the rightvoway foir a railway astoh teo- oft h. proposed hoaî- pitàI for'tIse 1aeoandapnsd decitôn f&iow'igdiParcel ocf land ba een pot4 iluth.£bisýîtry of. lice for tà(ID CtY of Ontario on. the UI.h day cf aepteumber,i, pursuani. t.o 1h. provisions of section, 18 Of thea Lublic Works' Act. 'And talcs notice that every pro in£ &ny cliin01o!compensation. by i- r "on of such expropriation must fyle tlie anmeuin tIse cioie o1 undersigned with- in sixin onthaof the said thay 01> e tieptember, 1112. Dated at Toronto tIse 111h day of Uctobur, l1912. Minster cf Public WOrkî * karmn tor Sale- ion4eOrs are invitud by tho under- aignui- up Lo onu o'clock ètp.a. n 'T1hursday, Jýovembeî 21, 1U12, for' the, purchase Of thu north hll c f lot 3l in thu 71fr concesiioii of 1h. Town- shlip cf Picklnlu inthuei2ounty cf Otarie exceptiug part thoreof btIsej extn#t cOf twenty-hivu acroi,sUd -de- «Énbed as -folios,., cc.mm nCng a&ttho nwthweet sanglse ofsaiti lot, then nerth t74 cdegrees eastfive chaina sud 31 'liks,thoni soutia 16 degroa s aIt ,47 chabîa, sud à "uk, ton" eth; 7 degree west à Chains -andi 31 linkis to tJIs veletitboundary of th. said'lot, 5"re north 16 dogroo stni47-'vhains inks a 1 tue placef e o iig. The lande on wieh thorn is&ba.u.reof gooti qiality and »uarly ma mcuti- vablO. Tire higheit or any tender may net ho scceptod. IÊDWIK R.ROGERS, Inspecter Prisons sud Publie chariùie Parliament Buildings, Toronto -Toronto, Octeber 301h, 1912. )n uieso son, bet go service. AUl orderà for tes.mig, furnIturoý moving, cartage of trelght, vans for Pleasure-..parties, etc., wIU recolve our tory boul astentlonR. firt-clasa livory la conbecllon. 'Phone No. 89 110S.. HFAIll E SONS Why.We Excel We have the most modern, the Most practical and the best equipped school in Eastern Ontario.ý The courses ýare thorough an 'd tacinating. An entirel y Canadian BusirSss Procedure for the training, of the ambitious young people of our country. Our Graduates are succesb.ful.- Ask a student or rx.stu. dent. They are our best advertisemnent. Home Study Courses Lindsay Business ..ollogo C4 R. Brower, A. -H. Spotton j Pr inci Pal. Presidenit. Nihson C &IdonI Pbonsjl WItITBV, ONT Part Part' Part Li I 9 20 47 '3 41 3, 13 106 -,,6-- -5_ 2-50 - 13 .200'16 oi -265 TOWNSHIP 0F UX13IDGE et Con. -Acres Ta.xes ,. Costs' [i 7 -ý100 20 69 2 77 3 7 3 l 38 250 êt Con.e Acres TaxesCos 14 12- 2 112 -250q TOWNSHIP 0F REAÀCH '- et Con. -1Acres -Tax es coss 3 Il 100 10 25 2 5 1 Treasurer's Office, - ~o. Bldgm., Sept. 24. 1912 Counîy Truasurer -StFanton CeaýI B EST domestic ceal i mmd roken to suit ail steves & furnace. uy Scranton and got !satisfaction. LIKED by ail housekeepers. asti longer than other ceai;. ittle trouble la keeping fices lit. ORDER now and get it when wanted. ur prompt -attention te al eiders. 0ur delivery man is -careful. WOULD you bave the best ? c-l, purchase oui Scanton. 'Y..e have it and ne other. Bell Tel. 9. Home Tel., 14., Tot al S50 70 9 35 Total Pat 9 Total Pat or',~ Total Pat or U p pa be which is in -the.airer. Pat or D.2MK76 1) CKAnYTe«. E. W.u EVArgS" -Pumip Janufactu r s àesldcnce, Dundaà Struut W1IITBY vs egt ef Whltby House. W. oiel prepnred te maztai _wood or trou pumps ounshort BOUMs~'as atteud tle aU kimbd Agent. for lte-OU Phoedane 6. 50 Rye Sraw ood a-"nd>True-,- tingthe bowels s>mfainthe liver,,tnig hestomùacb-I .w orld,s m t fam ousàaid jm os t approvfd family remedy. '-1 Dr. PaarWos1kAioai1ByB WtIITB Y MUI 1L Thuris, N'Ov.7,'at 8 p.m. Mayor J. H. _]ôoyýnFywilI pfeside.. Admission 2îc, Front Seats SOc, Chi dren hlait price. IREViL W. J. MAYERS5ý gives his popular- Lecture-talk on-Dr.- Barnardo'. splendid Life-Work for the Childrer,, with unique Pictorlal 1IIustratlons MUSICAL SÉLECTIONS By the Boys onHandbells, Bagpipes,. Mandolines, ôXlphoncs, Ocarinas, Cornets,, Etc., F4;Programme one yard long.' Col- lectioný for the, Barnardo,-work. Coio nd Sc, lcr and Illpý WANTEDý For Psul and Winter.montheaa amart reliable person. to oeil car wo11.-known fruit and ornamental trees in Whitby and surroundig countty. Over 600 Acres of the fineut nursery stock grown. Stock sold sud delivered to trade. Early snd good delivery guarantoed. Thirty-five years of buoiness oxper- fonce onables us to offer the boit sgeneyý in our Uine. Write fortormas. PELHAU NURSERY CO., Toronto Dis ney Bras. Undortakers and Eubalmors Raglan, W. H. Brent, agent Oshawa, Phones 47 and 2;5 Caîls by day or night proniptly attended to.. Charges miojerate. AMBUNLENCE lN CONNECTIO0N [Heards Bus Line Cartage and Teamiage Stucs purchasing the Bus Lino from Mr. Wm. Newport, wo have been lavored wlth a vory largo patronage sud we [col we are givlug 1the public -S. Trees&o. WHITBY ONTARIO s -u -ai -m -o .4 -4 -4 f AZ Wonqlqr camnei the other day-w.-m'ted some nice stationery-said she didnt'tknôwwe kept any so fine-f'ound just what- shie wanted. Perhaps you can. We've got it in boxes, pads andt W. Je -H%.IRicharc Leading Book8eller and Stai BRQCK ST.I tablets. ison limner WVI1ITBY ~heeIsThat Are- Left Behi'nd [ are,, generall y thechcap wheels. We rnian by tbis, wheels that are cheaply made, fot those that are soid ni a reason- able price. OUIR BICYCLES are net expensive -A smal sum will buy a good one. Ouir;. highest priced wheel, and il is - a high grade wheei,- tee, costs, vcry littlé more than the cbeap - machines that Isaven'î stabîiky, reliability or, durabiiiîty. -New a ad Secon ' àd - W.J.LUk P'o'r Sale -l --I Santdwich Butter P1 Macaroon We13o always a of -Çut -G] we exc el Jwel -,~ A ipecial mee' W'vii boield at 4h, aàt7-20 o> particulars for. GUAMBDiNG .-. -~-'-- Il as notxce &the wife ofa- -' Mmt hmaItirt lakrng -iris-arm, home vith 1dm. "WIsat a 130 MS -yen and y eocng 30 loving 1-" o th ie tender]- suppose you * an aa-igt i eyery W~eI hsway hcnn g a hrole î ý1 ,7ît's just as hold of his arx bave -to realizi mon. naamn, i _Local. Il.W. Collinsa' i FOI A henter "{i dàitîcu. .Lpply t j iWIitby. IÊi.. Iaat: Pa( b.iiiis n ew quar -thselaIe7 Phii etyeiir aýl ERBUNI:\T M.Andrflwrudeb k fortune to e ve at work oil the Y ou onu g et '.dreparfo - - Remember the. Whithy {onitiicu duy, Novenibh'er Agricultrral 1Roï eejd, whethier 'D * welcome. M-V.1 BEERBEM TIsa annual 0« i arie Beekeepers - Ield lu Yorli C -beas on eiemi t erest te ativanl -ê - ARCF 5 vi kt TORONTO WRIrIîE OR TELEPHONE -wýw ýwlw -W a 1. ur vN imniu

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