s 6 e all Ã¥ a GN foot nd i a e u et ana gulte unerrectedly. . spo es qi iteIistinctly a a br e. e se a n * Will gp for us? • Misusi Boafmen say to-aight At Balmoral Castle y ers :n thy crowded.church, give salary. eres#öm"à .afr1&d-ngoilensMga ter enr likeness--Al imma er - thief take all meat and- guns, kill use - can still in fancy, hear his get "hif'It a n a atd sohif :) g - 2 at al desemblance - eo 'st misevi and me, ard go into bush 9, dn the- Baturday before the o ce shove t e rest as he sa:2g one sonal acoustutarwe or a thou.and me BM ne r P hubon T' u ethe pos asio of a f co e at 1 inr winEte Ã" ith o ater f e .et y gn st1 n 8 diers.uch as On- t re a e d u ce, n a s Mr r n h a forfs th . . hese us, ard we he t th a as a man must feel on his wa to El G ' few. It la ror this reason that a mou-who Dawson At a largélv át éndyAwe , e ground or basis of ma:2's I g p e ri es handy, t he gal o w d i y ng eorge s Confession, n. once elected ends it fairly easy to hold tM Ge H preeminence over the f . u ly rea½zed that we were·i-a d s, an rom Eallater "Ar his seat it he ants to. He gets so much Nr harpeh a be thé en erdis- , orge - ote 1mène mala . ower aal- r troube. I called to th rove , through the glorious High- d King George is just as de- Ehublicity thro a the newerovers dur n tricts and è of-the äién h- dÃcided to idrm an ord GÉN. 2. 7-9 15-24 - row quickly, but I mighteamen t u decenery td Crathie, where I athe ñpuncti'ious as his royal bitinii "Ã…hh'e mmauÊ"bI"arygrba -a fraginenf which lie n n at ! -ety in the city. 7.- The br t . . have enlled to the winds; I th a warm hospitality at the .. en he is at Palmoral he n.an. re"ogr.ized- asdart o hina r - Thie A. . IL Hall at R na v cot The aut - e t itver conce n a se I h d bee o o e ver un a.v, utCe e ts C ure It .ra A e a • skull e be p r man a 't e way n which wasted brea^h. gone stra ght to the east e, and I res s to ..a the same. As a rule, t"n. a matterof tot acciamations fou-d othér~jliedej i .tl e ut ed bf fire receptly nen of the d v e mes a frag. For several weary hours we dr t ared a , as an outsider, to be from the eastle in a lan- cee9dineyarrIra n honror"accÃea e b of 1911. which dée dad him D Ã- r. y has tendere . ed on, ar-d then att p th s hcnor, which would cer,- n by two grevs and pre- erry last year beier the rret of i~s Woodward to te a tr e at arden o g nal wo c me up and the lake b an om a a e oùpr sed a man so un- by an outrider ; a d he wears a na or e iald'ac la"E"ü a e se ch this'past pri a sy 1 tion e gan nie, , and in its general bap e d opro e a sma a I "On th. rol e n morning, with. Sco s.ren. Hiseg e r ate0sad t on e "ra a r gra el p t w in po an ee f aheHew Dispen more particularly a open:ng on the sh I co-f ss, my heart a my mouth, I as they plence. He, too is royents combined. Then in 1909 Jos--ph was dri P eáè b the . D 1 t Wilson t park.7It da .the word from which men to pull i ore, so told the prespnted myEelf at the eagg]. nunctuality arA rever iver had no serious opposition. alth-g h ments Aviatore comes our .English¯word paradise, and-dee'o there foa~id I would land where a most eenial and courtl and, like his father.E has a broem",wa three and a e re re er d a.-d one o er Kilhéâúf Easty he orig'nak home. of beyed, "but when I .hn<. lan< e en tlem'in-in-wa iting took me in marked partiality for short «ser- na enasÃŽo0nrÃÃŽnvie a lower saw. Afte a sn alf the witnessed hv.ja ¶ P a the author m the sautely refused to brin th t • an eerduct d me to the vestry a ' • 4.tw as against Mr. ouver a n.oco |was refi led,~and the sea ch A' The- All!Ir.ela g r-dispat ] m the region of achore ard put it up. i told thent adynni,8 the service roo'n. Here 'h The last titre I prearhed be'ore rtiÃ¥fv oogeak canglidates make al tinued until aert summe Tg"C4"I pionship naal: pl .tho Tigris and guphrates. the seat they wou'd be t.horough! n- - he 1 put on my bla-k gown and ner- m he said when thanging Ÿne for o e occasion in the i "e a o thaen ,e Éns found have enable he gQor- genes Road,~Du r of the most ent and inßuential when we reached Kassedi, but r anced throu«h my manus- my servic s: 'Do you kow, Mr. a tona a e e d a orr. th wh to. have the skull reconstructed0 s in a victory forghe n - ma ion wn to the Hebrews. thev on-ly rep'ied, "Perha s the . : an eye on the slow-mov- h i very badly when I crank candidate. The most striking litua plaster. • _A demonstration was g ve n - Eden-The Hebrew word means b-bi (white woman)'will never reach ng i ands of my watch. It was di are your first sermop a good "ff ,toh nr oua tuotives wh:ch "The d scoverey " sa s D lar.ds of Sir Hordee Plun pleasure, or delight. Ka.esendi lo . et v a b··f ovarter of an hour y years ago: I was snety of the r 1907 when J.seph [*°4 la an "2?/i' Wcodward "confir s ik r. Eoxrock, Dublin.for tlie v 9. The tree of life-The tree whose The spot where we were standin spent in the yestry, arter, grave propriety of falling asleep, cial t ru ing a nst the sitting manner n a str ing chedhite as an 'aúl--to a ri e fruit rensiers those who eat it im.. was a, tiny clearig, ehut in on al thatkf i rvous fears, and I was b t .er ga un to snore when my st·r king distance oEh"r e with:n . - - The firSt cargo of Irish st o mortad. e s.des by bush Th t lien the time came to eti- me a ti'nely d:g ei t T re are always plenir or cerink candi. . hoortes of fkience. tle for Sco-1 a • . 10-14. The four rivers referred to ered.toget'ae: in a gr uupÃeerk"i· n t hapei. wh ch. of course, I , hope I am bdhaving better a roI"I"lie" y r chta rv i e e • Eoyd Dawkins discovered flint of foot-and-m utd ease n n these verses have been the sub- sullenly _While Thomas started to "As I m non uni then- race. -in"e"erdare E "' ^"iern,.~,.c implements long ago. and described has just been landed at Dun eet of much controversy, though cook me some soup. I k:>ew it I ing-de-k a a. my way to the revi- - a ....___ i every Munic vai c7teit.s or 10 or them, a race of men who existed before Damage amounting ¯to $5 none of the theories advanced con- .was our lives or theirs. I turned to bare roo e ance took :n t ae pl:en , , ,bgge can harair be ciae-sea a, the known cave dwellers whom he done by a-fire that destroyed cor'ling their location and ide:ati'i- the men arri ord ard them back to 'ininated t o un ike what I had an- ROSS TIIE SEA IN BALLOON. sahetance and aÃ'titÛ Uua e er2(ir""2 called "river driftmen." There gard and several tons of h a çation has yet found any lar«e de- the bogt. They said thev-w->u!d not back ar.d t e royal senants at th" ge 'eÊrie-a a maner, ,,a have been no relies of their skele. property of James Brennan gree of acceptance. Only the f>urttr go. I gave them another chance, im front rue ro ·s of vacant sent, rrhans Sny ItNill Soon Bo Pos. chier Manistracy o'r 'he"e t him to the tons heretofore found- which would r¢urke_. river, the well-k-iown' Euphrates, t , they absolutely refused to events aM +heir for the castle si'lle to Make the Trin. P00r Place for Meeting. prove that such a race ever ex- i There is a remarkable otd can be definitely ident'ißed. I die-o I put op my shotgun a ad Smik et em ers of the rova' Crossi'ig the Atlanti b . Toronto has htti: reason to oe prati or isted. but there remains est-iblich St. Johs'own, near Kill e 15. The garden of Eden-Called toH thèm that if thev did not in- 42'r let a li le comfort ble arm- «¡p 6 p->ssible in a short , airsh p t an u n t on eting Fo'bw. the fact and 1:ring us a considerable who has Spained the age of 1 in the arliest Latin trans t a uld n . They nev her Majesty herself. ' ".v: antly for a! st ho ee G rn a n r un or un? hu ane re tonards tracing the seems vi rous enough to li p!casure, and in the earliest Greek fred b th baimed at their Tegs and Dirting With the Queen. corrpany b exploit, as a e : s h a e e cf the k sible to nx the date h Mr. P. C 1,ghan ad crew, translation the paradise of Ed I arrels at once. hstant- a . Idne-:iatrice travellin thout turn e t rn er a roon ut a dim conception errng fähmg, in Roustown From ehese -e:itpressions has beei 1 a pande-nonium of shrieks a:2d egOu ck!y the vacant seats were of dirig.ble ba!k on dev ea nby draeced u er th a litt t s an'iqudy may be gained wh landed ~a leal measuring fou derived ourbEnglish~ werd parad.se il e bu h isup, nd t e guished gu ts o als ,d dist Borner, h e known Germa-2 en u he o m pu to wasa the gra el nbe a fr m nose o tail and weighs a a name, oh for Ed~en and for carry the-n. Then Thomas and I costnized Sir Mic¼el Hicks Beach called the aerial crera 1s proudly ec her.a r1-d there. by a stream which s At DUndalk Petty Sessions ris zan aven. - sat dew i wi'h our ribs loaded an<l and the Earl of Fife. Half-a-dozen Plans for the realiz s o a ad de no doubt I ".ow th a River Ouse, which has mi-th F. Poyee Cart½ton th I ess i o properly care for Epent the' ]one, sleeples houre or so young princes and princesses scheme are now well u-idion of this rovmce which are mo e larle'i att i since exit for itsel' a channel e:ghtv Dundalk. was p-esented with o p nts and trpes, änd to keep wrèr'ig whether we should ever fol}owed, ard after a slidt pause a have a'ready advanced ter vay and -system er hoid ne a an feet doep, a mile dietant from the tificate froin the Humane or guard- the garden. reach Kasserdi alive. vozee announced 'The Qúeen,' and of choosing the site f "ht e point t ons on New ve,,-s n,, ,eef,9 eea- snot. In the trravel, too. were relies for life-savig. 16, '17. Je.hovah God comma.-ded Eaily :n the morning the boatmen M-iesty entered, a small, dark. .the Europea, side o"f the t ant dshi"p't"o a su án i i ""miij'7, of a'i elephart. mastodon. hirmo . Suffragettes' Jatest move in the man, saying . . . . thou shalt, made their appearance, as sulkv . figure, walking slonly, but the exact lccation of which h r-eennper men. nho have the f re potamus and red red, -beeide i'n is to point On front doo surely die-"Man is not desig.ned and mutmous as ever. Wo got on wi.h an impressive dignity, support- ever. is kept a secret for th ma," s ts. the se t osida 1-1 lament; ante'-for to those used homes in Elgin Road, Clyde solely to till and keep the garden. boa-d. but inste1d of keeping close ed by a stick. ad escorted by two ett e mom the ract that there is s'emu<ireas by the cave dwellers." a-d Herbert P-Ãrk, the ih There are dormant in him capaci- to the shore, the boatmen rowed "dt:an attendants. She took har I, the near future- few y reder n u ,oos'd thinasailo "Votes for Women. ties of nioral .and religious atitni,- s ra:ght out into the ,1ike, wh-- b in ront of me and the service ril be 1i-ited by Ernest Guntl tem of hoM ne ti-o poll on, tha e newly-erected br'dereev e raent,_ which must be exercised. de. the watgr ns rough. Great waves egan. By t.us time I had quite Hen«el, the representative of ther stead of thendfirst Movidy TILL THE SMOEE RosE. Slanev. at Ferrvearig was for veloped and tested. A command is came sp ashing aboard,~ard soo, I recovered my self-Posse.'sion, re. company. Mr. Hensel's vie' through by force e-d!v to t rt de-'ared open by Mr. John Bo therefore laid upon him, adapted vasfitti a up to mv n-aist i, nter. assured by the simp'init.v and home- he t> as-er'ai m w¼re would be a u r s Charitable Deed of a Former Um- J.P., chai-min of the Wex ,todraw out his charactr, and to t was obvious that they wished to est of m.y surroundings, and I mosn suitable hnding plan fo d'v ahich w 8 efte" rr red hs on peror of Jaggg - . County Council, form a stand:xrd by which it may drown - me, and the Mds seemed t every whit as much at home as ial -:ruisers brisigig their lo d r a dea These who Jose Niinan. son of Mrs Nu be tested. • It is a short and simple much 1, their 'avor. I put up th, anions my own people. paesengers from Europe The neans <-ens o a se rou d INe t death apan. a sovereierr after his T ennedy of Wellington Terr cominand, unaccornpanied eve, by gun ard aime:I in t'te (Hrention of • Of the service itself, there is Ve'tor and these boeking him as i ve rd at th accorded a new title, whih ! Lirrerick, has beeñ apoointed 4 adesson; but it is eufBeient for the the capito, meanine to p-pner him little to be said. It was very sim- that not only will the e. Myer s'r ones wNinev. t e e na e cJr s acè in h:story. The nev-general for Georgetown, purpose; man's full knowledge of in t e shoulder, pulled the trigger, pl' a-d tery reverent. The singin carry more than three hur.dred eo è returned to aus ofnee tro'n a y lat-e em >er .1 conferred upon the|tish Gmana. what he most do or not do ca, be ar.. trissed h:m altogether ! of the two hyrrns, which were ae-|pje and make the journer in tw and senarenti, in ,se "Em r thmal be translated, The Lord Lieuteant has st. attained only as the result of a long thTh re was a shout ci derision. ang companied by Princes Peatrice on i a-d a half days, but thev al s on H rs a d pr eticallya a rrn rnentPe or o e Era of Enlighten- to Waterford County Council mor:il ad spiritual develomet, . h t ek men swun round at me he ha·monium, and in tchie.h the'm-1,tain that efe'v and comfort i th nha return has beet to Marvelous indee i e tre9surer wettid inelode a a it e-anaf eviet at the bezi-:ni., .1 -ir poles in the r hands. It ueen p ined in a low, sweet voice, will be the chief features of the rad changesa n ent rees cf Ja an was the pro. of 820 000 for the proposed st And ib g. nas o ie of those moments wh was hearty, ad hr Ma est h 'e"'ner t p urder this emperor, wall at Tramore. th.nf: be Õ i lorelates to o whoever adts quiekest come rema ,ed seated through t 1, o T>e din wiil have its own power r r e ome trst iece t f a foreign ..-..-----+ ledment of a limintation. imposed and she a e he fatant he ser ce an< my sermon for i n or Ascensing whi,, n n a o e n tion <! the tr l'tions of ¡amp SHORTHAND HAS IUSTOR vuon his .creaturely freedom by - b d Id i I --oce, IN away woh b-illast omerabe son tons th i com sechtsion and god'ik loor his Creator ad Lord must be for vit a ir p d mya u rem rk n ather humor. a J take no account of the loss o both the miniet-rs who perrnittedetsthat Says ShakespeaÃ's Plavs n ma, the starto point of every- ritrht and inft w th my e icotte The blessine pronounced, in th I'e averan e a therir ..T sorts o , anger of a-esination, but yet l'irst Britten In It. thng else. -Dillman. (rawhide whin), slues them Aver Sne old Smitish stv!e with out N s estirn-ite-d 'it ev orduone w k het hved to beheld the Japan of to-day. Derir-g the reiri ef Oueen E 18. A help meet for him-Or, an-¡ their hade, f ices. b',Æs. avwh-re erot-hed arms. the ou en, with a , A T> vi'l have , I fti, f re of 2 hastarco ttt! rulers cf J-man, even when beth, writes A. T. Dalling .in swering to him. One who may in i i could reach, until I had thmïì slight aad gracious ine'ilation of I to M. Which will enabl i h mseir e-•hn m th:ir people, were Strand Magazi:le, there was a' s varmus Ways assist him, while atleewed. Soon we were anoroach_ he h'-d to me. walked out, and 1916 pnsangrers with e to carry Holiday rading coed. O en rrore p sympathy wäth·them den revival of intereät in shorth the same time proving a compan- ing the shore at double-quick time. u-as followed at respectful intervals The total cost is calcu a to ront or sa to 1913 as likely t ian the kmgs of more civilized in Eel.'t-d. Dr. Timothv Bfi Jon capade of sharing his thought We of back to the land, near a Év the remaidr of the coaren_ 000. at $465 m ou g pro er countræs and the lafe emperor, in published his sydem the first E and communicating with him on fmal vmage. Here I had a meb. 04": "hen.I returned to the vestry, o u Chr re car stmas one of h:s most popular actions, lish one, i, 1583, and wassfalfo w terms of intellectud equality. The a rpsde. and started overland in feelinF quite pleased with myself c19F Pr e i echoed that Of a predeces- In 1590 by Peter Bales. In 1 .eesenfially social character of nnn's it, w th Thomas brieine the lum and e ager to renew such a hanoy Extreme Honesty h h r taitre ect i be snen jostline r c ter the transfer of the 1m, came John Willis- who was thÄ n nature required such companion- trage in t'ie rear. I hoped to reach experience Before I left a gentle.. ts evcou an a per res dene from Kvoto to T<&- to devise a method on alnhateti ship for its proper highest develop- Ifamedi in the niterocen.-but was man-m-waiting entered with a com- - ey--Barnard is honest, any "a ""o, the fh ene al har on , e me is ome for some .years hues, a met d crude indeed inent. . . destinell to spend another cold night rra-d to join the royal dinner-pa-rty b " h a medest private house, refusïng compared with medern standar i 19. Whatsoever the man called n the buFh. Farly the next mor,- in the evening, an order which I ay urn--I ve heard he'd alwar n carital b s been destroyed. hi h h bn W ralace with maney brt nevertheless the forerunn every living creature, that was the .I ytagered into the machila would glad!v have been snared. e the poorest umbrella in the ther me " th he m v s rinen.,e e e ered tught to be ex- all 'our modorn systems er name therhof--Man would comment agam, and was carried up hill and However, this, too. proved very rac e in 190. and r it does thÃŽre a t ene on o eets more essential o Scholars are- in' doubt whet e .on each according tó~the impres- down dtle until at last we regched agret able and much less formidable m e o'nÊn- e ntah th tre. was the system of Bright or Wi sion-received of its nature, and the Kassendi. than I had anticipated; and at its Remembered Them All "It" E"Pet '90 to be the h est vear Emperor of Jeen ur, t>ere was an whieb was used for taking Aw epithet or jhrase which he chanced + ---- conclusion, when we adiourned to "Ha * In ans an apan ho. mounting Shakespeare's p)ays. For, littIe to apply to each would be its name STRK T CURH ON SA LOONS. the drawinoroom. her Majesty said s vot r wif a good memorv ?" times for Toronto and ontario.' " """" ind of h-ird iimes w<ldurm a per- we pause to refléct upon it, 85.6 Only one example is given, that of ....._ a ew very kind and gracious words e hasn't fo'rgotton 3 ----+ observed that poor crops, peare s plays were nearly all fir his natning woman. "Angham, England, Mngistrates to me about my Eermon, which, she age promi es ao before-marri. Ape Trained to Work . 'rom the eluste"red e was r s taken <own in shorthan<E ard it 21: A döep sleep-In Hebrew a pprove Drustic Proposals. ~~- Th . • valevs below him. The villa th e reporter s transcriptsth single word signifying trance or su- Further drastic proposals with serts thGaulo s af Paris, France as- could not afford fires: besides, in pr ted s were.. for the most par pernatui-al slumber. reference to liceneing have been ap- hocd or p .irmer in the nothbor- of them had no food to cook. He this feet h a poet a lif-tune. It 22.And the ,rib . . . made he a proved b.( the B'irmingham (Ehg- an ne bro tefmp on :s farm survered the scene, thoughtfully, variants n a a nts for the od eman-Heb., buBded he into a land) magistrates. ----- - by hi Africa ard, descending. gave.orders to re- A n woman. The author eets forth the Recently they. decided that wo- cor in he F non commi.ssioned offi- mit all taxes for a perio-I of three table S he world knows, the .i:ni-n moral and social relation of the sex- men and persons under sixteen i The ape works in thlomal armv. .vears. Pef-e the iime v:n r.ver, in shr> Pepys wrote his dN r es ato eaph other in the form of a should npt be served with drink be- looking affer th e cowsheds, his naisee fell.into dees.v. and parts means took d , and by the san beautiful and inipressive allegory, fore noon, .and also that the open. them, as if it ha<lcows and milkmg of it mto ruma the ra n came H.'s own a nwn, in 1690, Charle emphaseing at once the natural mg hour of··licensed premises be thing else in its I ver done av- throuch the roof. ord 3. ..ster • of the battle o basis for the astaehrne i t. altered from 6 to 8.30 a.m, . -. ns recaUs I once he nas or b . . revacus'to this th etween therú and for e It was resolved that the hours of . the a a on the Africans,.adds : But he made no coinplaint t e i 1 the Honse of Common r r which each should have for ¿Sun a s hould be between neak if th wished, but i at t eliAt the end f threeorive s he embers by Charlesr es of the f 23. alled Woman, because she arid, further, that the basis of th beinnot h as they are afraid of where, bfrom more numerous co . oave e a en d n vprbatim b as taken outof an--Th E lih heense duty should be the quantity tages, lue spirals drifted -upwaÃ'd "" e hÃ¥l u th. m aysd at esulted y leam. on tho kett at -ilue of ulture re cat- Jrun d 00 was a b g, he Ball - man in naule 0fan<ÃŽ ve for while Pay r feet shogg 'Jere- Road a eer ociet D rs o Road end r mally brer ford nan ace tfor Bri- oted that nb orm Y. er t e u 60 rat ca d s a as 3. st is at t is d i- y g s f e s y . m e n g s . of mtoxicating liquor sold. a. - to the sky. He smifed as he -de una tepro uces the Hebrew Another resolution was in favor -- scended, and the taxesswere restor Two of'a Rind, pla n 148, the Hebrew for man of tha abolition of grocers' licenses Armageddon Explained. ed; but it was not with~tax-mone - Uncle HiramaH yér bei Ish d for woman tahah- and the prohibitidn of the sale of ,Armageddon in the Hebrew sig- ·that the. palace was repaired, since ave good dogs, yer must ad t Bùch po r etymologies form boardn Bagons. niges the Hill of Megiddo or Mount the grateful people raised the need em to it. I took- as inuch tr ane characte te of this earliest A recommendatioÃ¥ that clubs of Destruction. It was famous as ed eum as a .thank-offering. to re-ar my dog thar ez I did oord should be on the same footin the battleneld on which Gideon van- a, my son Ike. nogánmic ar she titut of ic n p i as h den r AEING'NO CRANCES. den ed0the ni e f r e The Wéong Way. to Riehes e ra igenth y the w/iter as direc.t conse- ithich intoxicatin liruera may be Dissatisfied Patient,- e to restrset your-diet even more." with tlie Philistines.aud for the de- Don't expect todet rich sie a uence of a elaf on tablished by supplied also was carried, starve to death • for ok Eere, Doctor, I'm not going to featsofe Ahab m thesbäêtlesof Jez- .ether people átteng: to y No motheriev Ju‡ the sake of hving a little longers" ree1911 those battleibweretypi- nessahile you :are aatÃ¥ne agehMthäd 2 3PE C ned a bad n b we psiaTablets ndthem. th ao success, Dys epüa geht ÃŽ<ould mretoen y ** " a this oùso # to go om a Dyspe· sia dhissterl'ns stanyo? oun omphÃ¥naea chemical to. reata, 14: a - ted, a 4 i y fois eat se r >om. Goir ANY