à &. .C. IFÀloil JI*e ob#!ch %i e ltrô- -Mr. W. J. .,Uycealt te utdâr opAtp 4owu sdtwii lo . 0hu 4 t4it u hé zoôkniii pzaopid wa - - hIn hl"Si la1l Mr. and Mm r don- enouds[jy eveniz dau4ter,' of'Torou1, anrô -8 > qôk aud New Xé T* t..I0 h n, I 'î~ enti. fof las- o ii wih . stastling sud Mr. and 'Mn. J. Po'r""Iu a.0nh-i , Üss Nès, t * hlmwîorn~Tueé of Toronto, opn ,e- ieswftli dajs bîui t i.1. ot l s!well uuough the Jr. and Jr. john OoC lL oWe oizgzybu a not conaidered Mr. Qeo. Co1wll, or., 0f Toronto, »ômbr iol 11. rly ou Fridùy norn- visited bis brother hre-1ver the hoUi- ing ho ads ovo mpsaular coniraO- day +io inthe throat, and died fore a & fancy dz.. crüival iwiU be heWdetow oouldxehoh hm. He had .aý t aith. etipoh Rink, Boolin, on imilar ifllpoW..abet hreontihe Saturday .vnlng, Januar>' -ago u. u Mnfeeling rnuoh btter Vcahible prisas wil b. g 1ivon for btt latély. Deceêasd vas in bhis 471h yea»'. coutumed lady, bout cosiumed put,, éd a s W5 *J ubzd son of Jrs..Thou. boit aloiu, hast çostiend hobo,",bast Chiup ofthig vllag. Ae living in cosiwuad negro. 'Admission 10c. to Osb1V$ fer -unlro oahoad aIW,.çyuard, *l(aaqr,- hi&s vuOe ~d te Brooklln smre urne Mr~.Albert- China, of Toronto ; Mr. 4~WlfW' a evsawdw &W Jr..O'Brien uni!- Miss i-)Qo<>à y.sou and onefle aughter. The funeral *O'Brian, of Brantford -, r. R. -Wrigliî, was held on Monduy, 7Januarj' 6th, te of Markbam; Mr. J'zod Wight, à -1 Groveside, oemeery. Brougham; Mr. and'lJr.. Porcy, ,0f -, r. Perey Pherrill, ldest son of Witevale,, and 1Jr. Thomas, .of oui'- r. and.LJrs,. John Pherrifti who ýwent uwa, wure in towion Monday attend- from ibere to6 . Wo t otthirteen iug th funeral -of M.P. Chinu. years. age. - ma&c, h6bisral return viit Tha hurma -outitled "Vafly Parm," to Brook. > lest îe.Aou êIo tlivelil,.t eMatonlo -Mal on Tuas- this lima héhansresided in -WinniPeg. day, D"cInher 31st, under th, aus, Mr.,-apudr, . l.F farqfuis *nd tour -pico. of ' tha Bibli Clan c f lis MaiL- cIildran, whe hvebeen visiig a odit S. _Sehool, was -a splendid su- Jr. D. Hollidays'for smre lime, Ieft cous lu avery a.Toe h oh onouaymrning en route b their jutin, a car of the well known- Windsor Sait. Finesal inbarrels and bags. Butter atid table sait ini three size bags. Wm EI EL~TISS BROOKLIIr5 oewT. s' 4, OrUt the GO0W DUSI TWINS doyouw wwk l -4 . ri me etf-Rhe mla boue for~ ms»w lu-tewMotsn"et irg un4.r bthe nane cf. wu r, gthe réa' îi nndtRiai all inet g p owdar. Dont uaccept 'If your ohUldren *ara aubject to at. -taèkL cf croup waloh for the.-: Orst lain'.. Cough- Rlemady as aoou as- ie chili! bocornes 'lieurse -ghd thé' atil ma bYwrded off. For untle>y ail Me.' Peugaiiy~, o! Dakota, iu vgitiug frieuds'bere. Mr! Lne uan Miss 'L. ",tïtne speni Sund"s -lu Clumbusl. Miss M. Lauglord.. of Whitby, spani New 'Year's ut lier home be.. Mr II. s Hanhha. relurned -alias endiug a week v ith Cobourg Irieuds, 1fr.. A. Johuston and f amily visited in. Toronto reccetly. 1fr. Roy 'Parvis le! t last- week to re- mume his duties as teacher iu Ottawa. 1A number o! thie- rtepayers assm led at the sebool on Monday le Iran. suet the businces for thaeusuiug yaar. Aller the minutes of the Ratm;Iaeting vere read and confirmed, lhe follov. ing Board o! Trustee-s vere appoiubed: D.A. Hubbell, Thomnas Wilson, and P. O'Boyle. Mrs. A.-R. Tabor, o! Cridepr, -N. 0., had been troubled with, sick h- nclaciic for about five years, vian she bgan taking Chamnberlains TubRetp. ti-he bas takan two botties of them and they bave cured lier. Sick hendacie' is caused by a disordered' stemaci kdr îvhich those tablets, are espacially in-. teudcd. Try them, gei well and stay well. For sale by ail dealers.-23. ALMONDS. Mr. -Setmith expects le atarI 'ra- 'Nival meetings here next week. Miss Evelyn MoGregog bas gene' te Weston bo train for a nurse. We vish ber sucoesq..; Sehool re-opeucd on Monday with Miss F7raser'as teacher. Mrs. WVm. Hall sud Mrs. Ed. Hall paid a flying visit to Toronto on- Tuesday. - à frs. Mackey i. v. iting inu roronq ti week. - Mrs. Hall , sr., speut a f ew days vis. iting friends.at thie Base Lina lasut week. Mfr. Gaiple and wife speni Suuday witi her lpicle, Mr. Will Dinginan. Mr, andrs r. Ueo. Moody andi son', Lloyd, o!, Portage La Prairie. visited ut Mr. Wnq. Oke'.. Jr.. Clarence Young sud Jr.Geo. Kayes. and children, o! M4rkham, speut a few da> s witi their couqin. Jr.. Will Hall. Mr. Nelson Foster, e! Scugog'islaud visiled his cousin, Mfr. T. Morcombe. Wr. Wilbur Dingman and Miss Ethel Mason spent New Year's in Bal.am. Mr. Sam. Kempthorne is visitiug in Torouto tlii.week. PICKERING. The ice cornpany is making proe&ra- tions ut the Bay for their animal ico harvest. James and Jr.. Andrew ieil a faum. ily reunion on Friday asat, at whi'(h about twenty-four relatives W.'re ç 1.ra- sent. At the annuai sehool meetýing at No. 1 last week Lewis Spragge an.d M. Lee were elected trustees iu place e! Donald Juna whose terni h.id cutir- ed and M. Ken nedy who r.-signc-d. The. attendance 'utthle aosirati.,u for police trusttes on Monday unight wvas net large. A number werp nnnûm- nated for the position but by Tuesday eveaing ail had resigner i iîh '".a ex- ception of Messrs. R. A. Buating aud Wm. Alluway, who -fllRad the î"'iitieu thie previous year, aud Wsu. lion- combe, who are theref ore %dect.ed by acclamation. 1h i. pretty well understaod now boy thé Toronto & Eastern (tbu î.ew Can;d.an Northern Radial froin 13ev. manville and more or las. along tho Kingston road) wvilR corne nt.î Tor-l ho. Prom P;ickering the lina ivih ike- ly cross the Kingst.on Road and drop south-vesteely uiîler the irinîl Trunh round Frenchinan's Bay,and theu' o-% er or under the -Grand Trunk. acrase lbe Rouge aud in nScarbfro --,sad keep- ing uortL of lie Grand Truuk in Sn- bore will cennect at WestlHi i lh the exisling, York Radial linoimmed- iately borderinge the Kingston lloacI on the norti aide on. a privaI. rigbt o! vay --btaiued 'fer Ihat lins morne yaara age. Over lie Yorké radial rails il ivil pasa up la mare Ibis latter crosses,, the Grand Trunk, - neer lie Muai-bm rend, but. inlt.ea cf _Cros> ingi thé Grand I1Pruak as ha i'oYcrk' Rad. lal ýnov de, it viii ksa6pi er"l cf thei Grand -Trunk, sud by -a nair right ai vay , go tirougb the Anas , tarn,. îhroùÜgh Beliumy, 'the -' John Youitâ fatm, Maxëj., Ban!. Ive o fatuis, hbrounglithe old, Gooci -farrnGeorg Tuylo- Ià fam, ýRobIt. artin', thée Bell Isrm,.ad joiL. Vanadian Nomrthrn1 on Wallaces Thoinpson4.1 Prom lie junotion on- the-laitl' fas, bis geniup, -for ho 1%ept Is ambittons locked iu bis' beart, asulhe kept- the symnphony, tht muaterpiee et bis To on.- day anell, usa-he 'work au a c -opylaIt. called u"~arleit rierne., QnO of Abs groat musiwol* ritles ef Parla.ÂAskad -th shoW.a a mt-. pie of-hi. wrlttng, FanelIî preducel the symphony,, whlcb hoba bronght w1th hlm. FIera. Icoke eai It sud ,Ià w thut the wrltlug vus cleur; thon hesaw sOometblng more, fer ho. contfnuel rai. lugýthe muslc eagerily. .,"Wbo laibis Fanelli?' he saLai ai longth. "Mymaif," asavral the composer. "I wrota ht nearly tbfrty yearsaugo." "Loiuve M ibswth me and come-agalus lu a few dayg." .e goanolli went out, ile Pierne, tee enrapt te aay geodby, steol by i-bth wlndow. _ porlng ovar i he ,munie. A fewi daya ater bo announcod th thede Uighted but dIssélFanenIi bat bovas olngte ôproice iii . ymbey £1 one -of the concerts colonne.- ou the oveuiftul ngbt Panent hlM-. seit took a seaut viii the musiclaus& Tesa cameInto hb heyes asha. haurd the frastroIus of hie work. neglocted, for se mnany years. Ha vwas not mione in bis emotIon, bowaver, for as the munic procaeded tours came Inte the eyes ofthtRe other musiclau, thei- Yactor, the audience. The.musie took tbemnby-storm. Wben It vas over a burst ot upplause -breke out, rose au& avouaI uand wQuld flot lie away. The composer ulone esut quiet, as tg lu deop ihuh.Flnully lhe got: up, -alkel- over-te Plamne, audwith a fuIl heurt expressélbis gratitude. UAgaiu 1 tbunk yeu. MI. Plame," ho aid. taklng isilenve. "Goal ulgbt, und a good appettte te yen." Plerne wondereal at tis suirange tare- well, but ut lat the meaniug dawned ou hlm. The. applanse that vas sf111l rlnglng through tRie-bal bud brought te Fanelil netonly fumne, but vhat for the moment ç*us et aven .moe sImpor- tance te him. the. promise cf ausiar liv- ing. The. composer'et "Tableaux Byrs. phoniques"' bad left the soneof ils triumpb te enjoy a mucb needed sud rare treat-a goo, dlnuer.-'Youtb's Compunlon. Soif Conscous Greaalfem. - One day lu tRie trAin-ou Oeeoe Vio- ter Huge's journeys te or trom Brus- sels-be huppaned te Sund-iinueit lu th. Company of tiro Elugîlaieladies vie speke French. Hugo knov but eue Word et Euglilh - CirislMas, vblciha alsesys prenounuca "Christ- mus." In the course cf conversation ibese ladies observaI fiat itmuaI Rie lacouranloni fer hlm net le knev Eugisi vian be vas passlug lirOugi thuat coulitry. Te vhlcb thie greut man'm reply vas, «"Wheu Buglani vanta te tulk viii Me Oeo ilI learu my lauguagel"' #From ubeir astenlab- Meut ai ibis answrr" saId Hugo In re- iatlug tbe stQry, 'il vas evideut thay diI net kuov vbe 1 -war'-"*Vlcter Hugo, Hlm Lite sud Work,"-by LA. F Davidsou. Echees Prom Hersas' Skuils. Tiose curions twists sud humna super- stiions tuka are ho b. teunullu tb. In- troduciion et bermes' shiMe inl or about thie ciurch buidings lu Engluni aud Seilaul, Ce reisou allegel belng te belp the oual lunciinrch. Tii. habit la nnqnostienably a e lie of haatheni.m viiero au. animul vas sacrfice&. Bern years ago, vion an 011 meeting b1us lu Elinbucgb vas pulled dovu, the soundlng board space aboie the pulpit vas founulto e Ri 811.1 vifi iQmmo ukullu. inunseapattaet fEnglani there stili existe the Ides that If a herso's heai la burlai luna a li thebviiib. Qulte PFrank About IL. "Bo you are golngte inam yTom?" "Yen MW thle -aDonnwemfat,-dinti -Yom, but"- "It vauu't a fk. "'But, deare-1 .nover ihougtit ihat Tom venl bejour choies.» "TOM- ai mycIe.]*e's MI chanc 1e ave yen suy ouher questions leh askd IamlIûgr land Plain Dealer. - Energyef «WIIL. Euergy et yl is tgcte ui of 0YOI'7 g5eai charucter., aRes l hre lu recelais eiaracte r:. ,ihre la,5 Bot thora le a tutss, mb leffemIlac, desPouleney. negisîkt iaty sud f5ll- ur,"The srOý n ua "d the vaier-- saa"mys, a prevrbi easulthelu own psu."9 Belele'éainI71M NeRWy oeh.aiag tu a Ume. OGulu' relatives took thie grourni thut asehe ad bee,n sselditi-, a b~orue ewhlOh Shep vus anb' 3ect- il til te open the'doer of ber eompsrttmacho ummon aid or te getl ai;tbat se bal lu ber "parozysuh vieciiel theédo'oe pnsud bidfalleà odi'i iatrain. -klltng, erselL The po: l11ice 'wera nef s7 a tlial wihtb ibs e plunation. partlcuiarly, miter Professer Relis, the famons Lunsanule uulverslty criminologiet.. ad poited.çonthiai ithé eut 01uthe womau's satol bal beau' made by a khilfansd net by 'a sharp atoneés baidbeau thougbf. ThÉ, J4ew- oser, vas tory littia evideuce, and Pro. fessor'Relus tut-ual hie attention to thie compurtmout v hlcb M" G ulsu huit occupleçi. Aftar ha biUndisiiel.bila.u yastlgatlen bo veut te M.La dpine, Pre- fMe ef Paris, and mid te hlm: "1 amn surs thut Mme. Qulun vus: maureaund- I amnequallysur. that ber mrlerer wus a sellier, la the train, compgrtffuent tRiera weje a towol sud a staionary tvasistaua. _There vare' flo. statu pon the towel visible to tRio narel eye. Neverthea1» s vastibjacted every squaLre 1mcii te euee t the 'mont' delicato tests for bledL. We ai Rami dlseoverad su ares vhlch gave us the positive reuction fer hnmau bleel.- *Upou ibis towel the murderer eit * Mme., Gulau vlped bis bloody bauds. Ro knew. liatithîs vouIlb« evIdence thal the 011 woman 111 met meet ber death by accident sasho vishal It hbe: Ileved,--sud- se ho vashal tii.tovel tberoughiy, as b. theugbt, undi bang St op te dry. - "The detaction tien oft ibs micro. scopie quanty cf blol, wbich ean be removed from a fubric ouly -by acide, roveaile ous liai Mme. Quianmot deatb by tRie bandaet -a murderar. "But 1 teund aucilmar piece oetai- dance. Thore vas. If you ramombei', a rallroad ticket picked up on the, iloor. On its"back vas tRio lmprlut et a thumb. 1 conipared il viii liai ef -Mmo. OulaDu lh vus Dot bers.1ItbIFaw ise Image npý. euorsnoualy on a msuiern screen. 1lvusubheusruckpy theopo- enliar Indentation of lia litti. rlidgeu en tie Innuraride efthtRe-mark. Cure- fui analysis et these muai rt rdges shovwed me tRiai ibis vas tb. thumb et s man whe vas actnally sarving as a - soldier. Tii. traquent drilla vut guna cesulnthebopressure upen the rldges of thie Imer aide eft he, ibumb. This canse&!a pecullur fiutteuing, vhlci la visible under a microscope wian on- lrced sud la tru.e o no elier occupa- tion oxcept tRiai cf a aoldiac. *"Au 1 recoustruet tbs cime ibis soi. lier managed t e gai mie Mme. Gulun'. comparimeni atter tie trai bal loti Feutalebleu. Ha knov ibut she usu- aliy carriel a number et Javels sud a large sum ot mney. Ho trial Io rolIrte 011 voman. und, meeting viii nnexpocted rasishance, teugbt vibh ber ln théo compartmaut, kllllng ber by beatlng bar baud agaînsi the register sud thon strippaI tii. body of Its jav- els. He thougbulessly viped bis baud upen tRio towel. Ho kuev that this wonlbo evidane eofthte prasence.of .nome one aise lu the cempurtmani, se be wasbes the towel viii uoap and water, but doas fot knew fiat we eau discever blood aveu wbeu 1h la ouiy te the amount et enae oai-tbonuudti mi- ilmeters. "He tben wrenches thea comparl;meut deor 'open and tbrowseout tRie body. He la preesed for Uime, ripa open tRio saichel viii bis kutte. TRien. taklng advauhage of the slevlug devu efthie train betwean Fontainebleanund Parls, ha jumps frem-In hand makes bis es- cape."e As à resuit of Professer Reais' auaiy- sie It vas fou nd tba t tire sellers. Gru- vy aud Miciiel. hýJ\tellowed Mme. Ont»a te the train onthie nigiit ef ber muirdear. Tli ad h idden lu ber com- cortslnly. 41wbat vas that anaire anfimal that attarhaI me?" ",Tint was'm razorbaek." '#Weil. bo gave me a cflose waat."- L4utivtlle Courier-JouruaL' Wbsu fisefight begina vitb ihmwef* a momu's vortb semotbing-Brevnlug. - lifth Menl<rehy Mes. Tbegfhh mouarehy men formed a te. lieus saut tiSisang ue lu fhaie m t, Chrlu . ingland. They won se cajlau from the tact tUthey as- eute-taithat lù l lsi aya tRie tout- Pmuelen-fhamensrcbleo, lb.ailnh ie. Round trip tonrist tickets;, -thrimn hicofal the but routes,- togetir - witii fuil fufeination, -may bç ebiaiied« ,frcmü any Grand Trunk Agent. FuiR particulaes, tickets, çtç.,ý from* auy Grand Trunk agent,,.sud espeelil> E. STEPVHENSO)N Town Agent for Express, ý Ticket .au' Telegraph ýOffice, opposte 'Staodarr - Bank, Wbltby, Got. --.Telephoýne 3 WH1TBY MARKE TS Alsike clover, p«rbus..811.Ooto.*12.W Wheat, rMd....0. oCO Whet, w it. . .0.0té08 Whea ... ..£0 0 ...8 009 W.... .......... B y... ....0.75i to0.75 P a .. ..... . .. . .... .8 1 09 Buokwheat ... .5010 0.80, G a la....... .... 0.3810 0.38ý Ped Clvr..80o9.0 FLOUR, AND FEED. plouspet ovt...... . . .751e. 0O Cboppod bo, cdw...... 1-59 t. 168 Cora eal.. ....2.001te 2.80 fPa .......n.. 25.00 te ii.00 Shorts par o..... ...27.00- o 2800b MEAT, POULTRY AND 'PROD 30E. eof a wt ... U...*....00 t0 11.50 CaIla lvo welgh .....5.00 0 8.75 Yoarlingu, per lb .........0.11 to0.11- aa.b.. . .h... ...... ... 4.00 08.09 HEogu% dreauod.. ..... ... 7.761ô011.00' Hoga' llghi sud fat....-.-5 . 6.00 Hou,.oo.,.........7$ 10 7.75 Chickens, per lb .... ......0.1. Duoka, per lb .... ........ 01510 o0.18 Osa, drussol, par lb.... 0.180100.11 Turkeys, tressd, per ib. 0.18 ta-0.20 Buitter, per b.........8010 io0.82- Fggu, per doz. new laid '0.8010o 0.35 Lard, per lb............... 0.181to0M9 Polatoos, per baýg...... .1 .00,to le2 Apples, per barra..... 1.50 t08.00 Onions, per bas,.......... 1.00 to 1.25 Hay, per ton ........... 14.0010è 15.001 HIDES. calf skims, Pa«I..., Lamb skias, e@wk.. Erdu, per fcvi....... Dascona........... ........ norm klle........... Tmllow.v, re... uslb..-... 0.11 t00.11 0.18 te 0.18 0.7010 1.281 8.00 1.9L00 el.9 101.15 si85th 0.70 S.60 te 8.46 0.44 e . 00 WANTED For Fail and -Winter monthe a smnart rellable person to sail our well-known fruit aud oruamontal trees in WVhitby and surro<ndlng country. Over 600 Acres of tha finest nursery stock grown. Stock sold aud dellvored to trade. Early and good dalimryguaranteed. Thirty-five years of business expar-, ieuce enablas *us te offer- the beut agenicy in aur hune. Write for tormes. PELHAI NURSERY CO., Toronto FLOUR:- WHITIK-SATIN jcltZAM-nUNS jTEA-EUNS BREÀAD AND CAt MAKERS uIL FEED:.- SP ECIAL PRICE ON COIRN OATS PEED WHEAT 'Feed Wholesale in Ton Lots. CAqOpMg Evry DayI OALWELL8 MOUSISES- UFAI W*UTIR Suuday raI .8.15 mA"* UP-TUI ,Going Nertb ..5&30 .. 6-40 ietor. ':-Ltvu- Itluy- fSr O*a»a aés ]P.., J(ms-Holism, Pré- Itiugam t 0'la . BEST- do1estc e roken t& suit U si uy"Scrauten su-d L KED y Rthoi sts lngrabn ittRe trouble-lI J7IRDiERnowandgi prompt'attenif ut delivery nà e hve h sund T Bell Tel. 9-! ~W.EVANS Puni: Manufactumrr WUITMY T"se doorg veut 0f -Whltbyjxomi. W. aue proparel 10 1us-al voo >d Or atte o 1 i 'Li 9a>fm Agent -for the Ouïitro Mimd NMl.- alse gasolne wgla su»,tb s Qeared. Maket -CroamSprts PhLonO, No. 50 ruuldà m. Lenses, The one lu for iradng, wvritiing au& other close, range ç,1rpQoèeu, the othier FeEt, LUCE9, RIFRÂOTING OPTIQIÂN. - - f59 longe St.. TORONO - Ail Desirlng the Dest Invitel tO write r theLarge Oataiogu. of ths Popular, Smalas * ~~.-,--- - TORONTO Ju 0f by~ A te- mais J- c pli Boa j N~ W -4 I '1 t *1 -f ~- a il j 3 I i o" "I ý 1