Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Jan 1913, p. 7

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arce exeÇut4ve captain is. the (any bliese offil -calý governors- t to tiie cern- cpcavcdIy. and t ài Comisa. flot f roum th. tole -cla.sÉes et îa.niy int-O 2 0r1r c thles.e rraid to lai gh, tb saériie-ge to pliuy fo)rRn ! o)bserveth. the and ho tha4 [s - ahaIl n.Ot c, tIll3 "he oàr Id or hia Cbwn, rSila-n- -of hi-1 cifany <Sjther ke one cf inii- -. John- Stuart. in,,-he.said Of ' ,of- lhe -Ger- lst or, what - o, ie1niomily a ~vrW at îree. tic wlcm- yreible ? The the momcjt 110a , ds n î4 ilth ey "gtx aculcit the nibgdy a,. -- n1Y what one -engfe.t parliy r<Iy~ an crier- thèy-d&mnot d ý net-tra na-. f lhey did. K.ý BLACK. i Froniu Eyq 4epends&cn tii sutnhlit sition cf the. rot éceJ lia-t k >white ýér S 1ý becausme -are séen fis- r-surface 'by 'r ba-nd, are -ý anid a- t'hm ire -flire'tly ver Iiirîing to rider ýurf"c oin à bal-, apu cf 1'r-i ies -bite o ni.-ta be Fromf ingers'? MY etqmacli, andi won nsa b&c& to pêè'fect gçQd healâh, Mv Blin -Jj elcar, diizinesslhait dieippearéd, And pMY eppetite, strengh,li piits &re. efc. ieg anythUing cfeedyu in- stqead- 0cf Dr. -Hamilton', mils :Whlcb ar e ure to cure. Icd fa ~5.bQXes, five fo&r 81.o0, a.-ai dugiosaand storekeepers, or pent- p)i fo thi.'Catarthczone O., Hufalo'- N. y., and xings-ton, *anada. Tie . eing of *defeat outlastel tIi, sweets ci victory. Uilnard's Linim ent- Curea Dstemàper. $er-¶ed IMm Elght. -TOm-What did B#Ily- say wien yen btld -ler ahe was a 9'<peachIl1" 1Jq.ok-Sho said, "lI do f..! luke somethirig te -sat,", and, cf coure 1 liad to lake ier eut to dirnier. PILES CUREO IN S TO 14 DAYS Trour drugglet wifl refun& m07e if PAZO OI1NTMENT talle te cure any oaoneeo! Itou- ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protrudingr Piles in 6 teo 14 dayu. SO. Ris apunfshment. "Wh aise wasn'h 1< Skieod he." "What dld aie do?1" I'Ref use4 lic look et me fesmt- cf tie éveniug.." ooking I for the Minard'é Liniment Ou., Limite&. -Gentle=en,-Last winter 1 reeeived great benefit from th-lb. f 0fMARD'S LUNI. eE~NT ln a evere attack o! 'LaGrippe, an& fective ln am aeof InfixmMation. Tour,. W. A. HUTOHINSON. Sbo-Axid to think l amn the only girl -you, ever loved 1 He-Yea, dear.- She-ÀAnd to think y'ou thought 1 believed it 1- SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA. Attractive rate« will b. quoted via variable routesà affordlng the lineot scen- ery. The Los Angeles Limlted. leaving Chicago daily 10:16 p mn. fqr Southern Cait- fornia, the Ban Francisco Overland Lira- ited& ieaving Ohicago S:30 p.m.; lese than three dayu en route, provide- the best of averythint iu rallway travel.. The China aud Japan Mail Iegves Chicago dally ai 10:45 p.su. for Ban Francisco and Los An- gele.. Illustrated liteirature on apllca- tien 10 B. H. 'Beunett, G. A.. Chicago and North Western Iey.. 46 Yoilge St., Torontq. Ont. VICTIMS 0F CANNIBALS. New Gîiea Natives Devoured Two Butchered by-nativeis in New Gui- nea was the fate re0ently of two planters nam.ed James and Her- manni Weber, brothers. They were &et -upon by cannibais, who came from the tivexp]ored regionm. No trace. of their bolieas has beon - otind- and it. la belileved thal they weiie devoured. The news wasi -- - brougit ta Sydney, Ansîralià, by friendly'-natives3,. who stated lia-t tie -ainme tribe ha-s bien camryiîg con -campa-igri cf butchery lhroughout tic distriçl. A punitive expeditien ha-s be^u pia-pned by -tie-Govern- Ps-pua-ns, lie na-megivea lie black i-nhabiant. -of New Guinea, a Dritlgi possession, under lhe ule cflié An4ýrlian Commonwe.althi, are suppoed te h. amenable ta dis- clplinýe, but occa-alorially -an eut- break cf canniba.llsm oxcnurs a-nd whites are slanghtcred. The. more clvilized Papuam-nhveawhoeoe dread .f iie Brillai law. Panfuoi Cordes Removed - ou'ne ïa chump te suffer a dar longer -Elerrone o! thoose tinelng corne oan be peaoçfully and qulokiy removed by Valut- lIng on Pntnamns corn Ex. tracter. IWs eally a-mar- yul bey Putnam's Es- tracter takea ojýt thie pala, - - -how 1h drawe out t:b. mote- -neos. cw t lite 1h& Opmn 'Pu , ,'e Bxtraotor dois-no e "Medy se osto - d Sure, as a 260.!-bottia ei Put- nais' aoto-uldsud-reconunesded - t'y enlyý mi w. kw le foiuding fauît. The-nozngueamakn trottea up te $bý*t lb. mahcuvb'space. Asho aPPr.oachd, thei.mabout -began -to geu*Sô,iate. The Eaglishman andl bis~ servunte, who .were Bngli Ikg4ew no Burnese. a.nd, the.Burn knew rne-torigue but is cwn.-"Tie e«riiho ued, çwf course, that -smîigwa -lie malter, and breàâiiùg intô agal1ote eewha.t àI migiti ehowua atnihd6t sll« th& -ephaýnt aetart off at a run. Threé-trie. the" excit.d and a n-gry mahoutî suoce6de-d ï i topping lhe beast after a mun &f & mile or so, and liii-..timea did"t,Englishman ridé up to ace whut wam the. matterjl en ly .to observe with a.toîishmepSt tha.t the elephantb ruehed off each time. FinaIly the. . unha.ppy mahoul Eteered the. animal off tihe road inb swasnpy -grouzîd, and thus ahaking off the puiuit, plowed his way be.ck -on foot to the haltirig place, where lie fbund anliterpiéèter to explain that lie elephant iad been terriffed by the pe-ny'a 3approach. D1IEADED TO EAT. A Quake ' ouple's Experience. Hw -nmany perse ns dread to eat theu- rnealsi, alth-ugh actUally Shug.ry ne arW y al the lime i1 -, Éîture nover intended thie should bé :4, f or w., are given a thing call6d appetite .lia4 should guide us 84 te wial the isystem needs at any tirne and cari digest. But ,w. el ini a hurry, swallow Our fOàd -'e. - mnucli as wo; shovel ceal i -te efurnaee, and our Sensè èi'cf appelile'become. 'unna-- turai and perverted. Tien w. eat the wrong kind cf foo~d or eat toc -muci, and- there yen are--indiges- tion and its'accoînpanying misories. An Estern lady aaid.. .My husbarid and I havie been .pick and nerrous for 15 or 20 ye.ars f rom drinking coffee-feverieh, indi- gestion, totally unfit, a good part of*the lime, for work or pleasume. We adtually dreaded to eat our speals. - (Tea la just as injurions, because lb contains caffeine, the same drng found in coffee.) - "W. tried doctiors and patent medicines tiaI counbed up imb hun-dÉds of dollars%, with lttle if any benefit. "Accidenltally, a emalPackage of Poatum bame mbt mv handa. I made some according te directions, witi aurprising resulto. W. belh liked it andhave net used any cef- fee s11nce0. "Tii. duli feeling aftýer meala lias let us and we feel vetr every way. - ýWeo'are -se 'well satiafied -with Postum liaI we recommend il to Our frierids whc have been mede sick and nerveus and miserable by ooffee." NZàme given upan requeat. Read the litIle book, "The Rend le Wellvil-le," ln pkgs. Pcstum new cornmes in concen- trated, powder form, called In- stant Postnm. It is prepared hy stirring a level teaspo-onful ln a cup of hot water, adding sugar te taste, an-d enough cream te bring tie color. te golden browri. Instaànt Postum is corivenlent, there'a no m'st.; and the. flavor is alwaYs unif.orm. Sold by grooers- 50-cup tin 30 ots., lOO--cup lin 50 cts. -A 5-rup trial tin mailed for gm- cors- naine and 2-cent stamp for pogtage. Canadian Posturs Ce- real ~o Lld., Windsor, Ont. Pý'ccoeus But Pertinent. jAnec4t.es of lhe ea-mîy mnanites- tation.s ;of a- distingulshed mind are always iatemeating. This one siou the ialollect;ial power, evea in fi- faacy, cof William Roborlsen Smith, wio la-lier became oe of thie mo8t learned Biblical soholars cf Europe. Tah ws a paasion witi hlim, de- cia-r. hi-a bIographers in the recenl]y publisîhed "Life," but even lahi very early years h. iîsietid tiat il muet bek- good talk. Notinrg wear- lied hirn more than toite1.1n le the oonveraîjon -of the cohupany thati came ta ius fathere nmanse wien iti waa nleftle i.mprovng sorti, espe- cially sime. i. ha-clte sit silent hum- self, a«ierdiag tote i.ule tien slrict-enforéed -on çhlldren. Il wa-s* on onecf liese occasons when ' a reverend colleague i;I sha-yed 14ng. and after ia-ving prosed - pxroîlessly, ha-clah leagtb .departe4,'lia-Willy i-s said te have f I- is 8MM, lup te is fatier's <'And now, paa-,Y" h "mide Igok- ing up iwith the air cfciane Wlics endura&nce e i.a-ban enad, "le$ un have ecme aaoa evralo, Ii. takem a sharp man bu ma-ko a lcol cf -a d411 enê - - OU J. reluqauis tir grou;pci witn- ou~ effort to Scotland. They hav e comupled 'an irresi-aVuble, genealogi- Cat;and 0beýrtuz de Borden"ý "enry of the. While ýP lum:e," th. 21inain sa- affectionately ,u.ed by~ Si Wifrid Laurier', appgrters in 1tii Province of Quebec diirig th4 laet letion. No usuai w-ôrk cf refeýrenoe gives ,the - detail with which an ardent Kentisi man corn- -muncates the. family -history of thue Bodens8. EH.trameshi& 1ineage in thé. direct male*e in.frOM onie tgnr Borden of Borden,". who llvédanid flourished iiitthe fair oont f Kenît when Richard IL. wa:1tKing in A.D. 1380. "Qabértus de Borden," presumâbly cof the marne family, wMa. benefactor of Bh4ppey Monastery previous tb 1234, when is name cSeurs in a charter of Henry IHI. William BoÎiner, great-grandteo of the aboive Henry, held lands in Borden and. Headcorn. Fifth ini descenit froin ti William was Richard Borden, .onf Matthew of Iead- corni, who was borri there in J5¶ý5, emi.1rated to New Engiand in 1938, an.7 died a.t Portamoutý, Rhiode Ia- land., in 1671. Richard's gre t- graýd-soi, Samuel Berden, waa t he sur )yor employed by-the Briti&Ui Gemrment tic valu;e'the Acadian Ian4 in Noya Scotia, where ho ac. quiiýe an exterive estate andc died in 1178 Hi. great-grandseri, Rob-- ert, Laird Borden, bei'n aI Grand Pre, Nova Scella, ia thie prescrit Pr'ime Minister cf Canada. JAPANESE HEALTH IIAULES. Prlated andi WideIy Diatributeti by the Goverument. The foliewnxg rîies fer tic gen- oral guidance of lie people in healti maltera 'have been printed and widely dislributed by lie Jap- anese Goverriment.: First-Spend as muci lime out of doors as possible. Rask muci in the aun and take pleaty of exer- ciao. Take care tiat your respira- tion. is always deep and regular. Second-As regards meals- eat meal enly once a day a-adlet the diét:be eggs, cerealsanard vegetables, fruits and f resi cows milk. Ta-k. tii last named as much as possible. Mastlcate your food carefully. Third-Take a ihot bath.evîry day anid a steam bath once or twice a week ifl te heart i.slreng enougi te bear lt. Fourth-Early te bed a-nd early le rift. Fiflh-Sleep fa a vemy dark and viry quiet roodAi, with windowB open. Lit tie minimum of sleeping heurs b., six or six and one-haîf heurs. In ca-se cf woman eighl and one-haîf h-aura la advisablo. Sixti-Taki coeday cf absolute reat ea-ch week in which yen must refrain from even reading or writ- îng. 4 - Seventi-Try te av-aid any eut- burats cf passion and strong mental stimulation-s. Do net tax ycur brain at the occurrence cf inevit- a-bleeincideats or cf coming eveals. Do not say uaplenasaat things a-ar listen, if possible te avoid it, to dia- agreeable thinga. EighLh-Be married! Widowa and widowers should b. married with tie l-eat pssible delay.- Ninti-Be moderato in tue con- sumptioný of evea boa and coffee,* noct te aay bobacco and alcoicilie bevemages. Terti-Avoid places liaI are toc warm, especially sceam beated and badly ventilabed roomus. Minard's Liniment Cures Coids, Etc. Dld No. 1 Remaint Travelling Lecturer for Society (teo the reîuaining listener)-I should like to thank you, air, for so atten- tively he.aring me to the end of a rather too long speech. Local Member of -Society-Not at aIl, sir., I'm the second speaker. BD. 4. -ISSUE 8--'n8. adI 4m asetog nm idys a any mar."y I 1If' 1he Kiareyeai re wreng. ýthé bk>od becomee.clogged 'with impuri- tiesa &nd nktural rs .an imposai- bility. & i stron healhY Kidneya mean pure bo,,nw ieal vr the. lboy and that- deliglilful ýreltq that is -the sweete4st -hing inri 1fe. DoÀdda Kidney Pilla alwa&ya m nake strong, heuithly Kidneyoe. WEDDINQ STOPPE». irC d listalkis Reason and tacks Relative of Bride. Tii.- wedding o-f a eoldierof -thi. Northumberland Fusilier-s in St. Andrew's -Chu'rch, Newcaetio, Eng- land, was auddenly istepped atteWr tii. bride anid bridegroern and lie weddlng party lied assemibled fa tie churci. The reason for- thistep -was-th.t- the. oificiating celergyman suddenly. dieeov,rcd tuaI the.,banne iad been publishéd'on cnly iwo- Sunday f i- etead o-f three. tBoth the. bride and the. bridegrcom weOre *muci upse. An even more uripleasant inoident followed. Ac 'dw-ié me1 ,1ho " wrwstng cutsid theIÏW;,chuc imagined thal the, poaponemerit iad- bren caused by a woen'.rela- tiv of cfhe .bride,mid Ii.y violently atta<êked tbis wo-man as ahe !efb thé chuieh. - 11' Ti wedding gue.9 1a; lsnoing the true - tate cf affaira,- went tOtthe -a 6int*prce of thiýi ictùn rd a f i6e» figil teck placeo-n lie cixurci steps. Had Pains in Back, Side, and Chesi Snffered for Weeks, But Finally Fouud a Quick, Sure Rtelief. Cured Qulokiy by "HervilIne.1 No- atronger proof cf lie w-an- derful merit of Nerviline could bo L roduced lian tie letter o-f Mies ncy Mosier, whe fer years has been a weil-known resident cf -Windscr, X. S. "I wanlte add my unsoliciled testimony to tie efficacy cf ycur Iwonderful liinient, 'Nerviline.' I ocrisider iltiih best remedy for a ccld, ore liroat, wheering tigit- nesa in lie, cheat, etc., and cari mIate t.hat for yea-re our home bas nover bien -wiîieut Nerviline. I had a drea-dful attack ocf cold, tiat settled con my chest, lia-t fourteen different remiedies conldn't break up. I rubbed on Nerviline threî limes a day, used Nerviline as a gargle, and was oompletely mîstor- ed. I have induced dozens cf my frienda ta use Nerviine, and tiey are a-Il delighted with ils wonder- fui power ovor pain and sicineas. 'Y-au are at libemty to publiai this signed letter, w-hich I hope will show lie way te healti te many liat need te use Nerviline. (Signed) "LUCY MOSHER." Ail sorts cf aches, pains, andFsnf- feringa-intemnal and external - yield le Nerviline. Accept- no substitute. Large -family size bol- tic-s. 50c. ; trial size, 25c., a-t all dealers, or the Catarriozone C-a:, Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingstoan, Ont. CITY 0F SURPRIISCN ii Sac Paulo lia-a Some Ambitions 1 Schemes. How muci do you kaew about the. Senti American city cf Sao Paulo 1 This Brazilian tewn, lie capital ofhe great ooffee growing state -o-f the. sa-me na-me, now lise an estimated population of 380,000; and il fa anticipa-ted tiat wihin fiteen years il will, meacli hie mil- liomn mark. Althougb 4,000 nov honses wer-e .rected Iu thée itj, dur- ing tie la-et year, tie demand for housis greatly exceeda the mupply,ý owiag ho tic' rapid Increase cf po- pulation, a-ad ments are exorbftant- A magnlficeat opema-lionse, conï- structed by lie municipalily, wua opeiled la-st year with a brilliant sea-aon oflIalian opera, Tie old calhcedral i-a te b. tara down te 1 ve place to a nîw crie, which will i-ast $2,000,000, an-d will b. one cf -lie notable churches -e!,he world. Final1y a va-st scieme cf cily in- prevements ha. hein institnted, un- der the advlce of M. Bonvard, a-r- chiteot for lie cily of Paris. Ib wilI inolude splendid boulevards. and riaducts, aspialted sftreets, and a public garden aI an estimated totial, >osb cf $20,000,000, toward wic t3ie abtat. govermé nînt bas already *ppropristed $3,500,000. A f2llier;'midea of being, firm witb' the chidren, -i.being, crOss with their methçr about it. « --i AIS LeM'ofl&lJfl em OISum Beai, and O!ent à~ the W«r.'AÀ ubStBIlua1ple 6 beelieto- tlb.case and umatme Scalp, somet o-Ssee. Sdrm PC Corp., Dept. 17D.»ýs6si.sB.à SHAN! JEWELLERLY At .Evrybdy 9îs Wearbig lt Frefli1the queeu uDowà. - ceaeonthe, ci 'Au-Lnofrm u nlaimand-.on -hi. caris Palace to Wiitechapel, hbas gîQu. crazy ïover aham jewellery andý everybcdy wears it- from Queeri TTy'ui Mary downwarde. BSe, ocf ilit s; àb Nos-msl cf courée, cxÈceedingly pretty, both YtP O 'G,= dsna and attirige beine dainty. - luo *lrMjesty purchased many effeic- 1t.ive briffes, especially earringa, o _~N d.~ tii kind. for Christrna and New i ra Y.ar presents. Sonle have 6namel E ineet, but several have, stories arid are su-oh palpable imitations. thât olhI tiiy c~îd otdeceive the mee fa, ti, jw laer i nerely preîty atyur afternoon and fbe arftc rubis. An ~. Qcoeurse*e, grande dames cf lthe moment,~ go word negleot our ~tefazc~'bai. re laden witlx spuri-hno t1 u S8 tones. Cultùrcfco .0 Peu= %iiieverting 'beautifuo D .Mon wear'4he -most unrimittAkahe bead ncué.which thieorderby-thelie I dighn <Rý dozeW - go" witi ea-ch different _ colored gown in their wardrebes. a ýu teright, chilcîrea. When tl Tis passion forisaim jewebs is.due -when their kidne te tàhe &nxiety SI many w-amen have -when over4àndi experienced for the safety of prie- 'favorite food give le"s heirlooma, lest they fali irito -Dr. Morse'a Ind the. hands of 1h. élever jewel thief *1k14dAtrj wio of laIe ha. been partioularly Prl eeàl, busy. - weaken orgrili Guard your. Chli On.- well-known counteas bou-ta.always keeping al that ah. went -k Court laat year Iadian RodtJPaqp iwearing eham stones and sayus that - 1 her "ge,"ms" cau-sed far more sen- Hemp 1.C sation among her friende and in the _______ pras thanlihe real onibs ever OOCe- sione.d. Si. adda tiat eh. intenda 81 A to go again te thi, Court cf St. James' decorated witii thei.same 1 "'treaiures"' "Life," aie adds, F R 1 "is far tooshrt tbe made ll with anxiety over the hei-rlooms of any ho>ua. on the face of the. earth." Uc'O'M F Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cowa. Sie (golting rpady ho go out)- What are yon looking at? He-Im just yatching whethir tii-at i-anse opposite will ho finislied firat or you. OnIy One "1BROMO QUININV" That- ln LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Lok for the signature o! E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. -Cure Grip in - Two Days. 2e .Re]l charity does'l employ a press agent. Minards Liniment Cures Dlphtheria. TPheu' She Was Niad. "John, y-au neyer liierite ha-If the hhings I -sa-y ley-au," a-le com- piaiaed. -"Wel J dear," ho replied, "I have to w-ar < part.of lie lime." In the laterest cf Ian -aoutlay cf & var Ing from $181 Compeitbi 1 li Should 70eu cwna net Ustag one of you tap and we m eau them enter c& autfit. Prizes wil ta bv April 151h. tcr will b. ixhibil Star." Moutreal,d Dou't fa-il 10 writ the fullest inform THE GRIMIN luestien. ent ýlay for prizois 1card club '- - ,'do-; do:ycu think, reiuldren for th.- ôOot -Pilla- tme"e for-thse àe>' are constipated ys9 .reMuc ode unews i m-ton s iemr¶8in Win 1e ,a s p g t es Idren's hib7 .box of Dr. Morses - inthe homse, ý.rheyw, - - i - ýTuùrriabouùt ià- fair play-except when applied to- a hadorgan. NE STARTED A 1ETITION $50 Iw iy d-,od 'v MAPLE SYRUP , il(fra pis)down to PR IZE CONTS mited Wo usera of the GRMXM CHAMPION EVAPORATOR. a grove and wanit to set the best value out of it, and, are of ur EVÂPORATORS writeto us. stating how many rees will quote 7011 feoessary- cost sufited to 7011? need. Yeu ntest and may win a cseh'prize. thus reducing coEV of til bu given for thée best sampies oi syrup and sugar sent closing date cf comnpetition. Bamples from every competi. ited in the magnlfident show windows of "The Montreal during the' last two weeks of April.. Ieaonefor cCDy of our "Pr.Ize Contest Circular," givinig mA MANUFACTruRiNG COmPANY, LTD. SIB Wellington St., Montroai, Que. IieIp Yoursetf to Health- Get rid of that outside closet on your farm-it is the cause of most of the- sickiiess in your family- because it is a breeding place for disease. You Oan't Afford to Ignore This Faot. It stands to reason that by allowing the foui smielling,. outside close-t to remain within a oe tes f your home-itpoon every breath of air ;ou breathe. -You and your wife, daughters and' sons-risk,'fft health. every time you use it The outoide cioset is really a- relie cf barbarism-no pr,6- gressive farmer should tolerate it.ý Just, think ho* yCýur ~f arid daughters inust hate its shecking. publicity, inoorivenience and diseonifort. Man-make upyour mirid now to blot the outoide Clonet from your farin. Let i--- s how yviilîow you cari inistail a Good Health Sanitary Coetrgim inor Own home-.atý a very Smali coaI. Imagine the coonfort, convenience sud protiijon il This Couspon to, Uýs RIGHI' NOW E GODHEALTH -COMPANY, Ontario se. ,., s -mai - --s- OMM 1 JL-ý.ý ta OOP

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