Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jan 1913, p. 2

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7*ith lier, 2 -ber welI- s, gir l te .trçng su ever, oould blesp welL --sd -~wll, andi no longer auf.ored z'ao-m lassitude and Icadatiles. I bIave proyed li.value a! Dr. WiU- am'Pink Pilla for 1h. perni-olous aft.r-effectset' la- grippe, sud ca-s- - thlertdfozer.oomnend tjem ta pIlier *121Wi'ams' Piik Pili.cure by 1 Rong 'O - he o f lthe trouble in, *4b1lçcd, which thley enricla audi ânaiçe red aud pure. These pilla cure ý&1troubles duo la bud blood, and il you are aiiug yen u'ahould rIant- la cure yourself' to-da ' li W t -113 - kine'derniers or by m"ab a 50 oents &a box ôr six boxes 1er *2;50 fnom The. D.-Wllon'Modicine Oc., BUBYINGA-N "PIGiEON HOLE8.", Pretty Haud -b M oumuM t1h. - ~Grae" ! aSpaidard. A- ale cuious-and' le our idea t.a e .Wide World Maga- ,oblaiirs ln Spanisi cemuehenie. Ail roundl-the.- hurying grortnd a build- ing »* . orecled -whoae 4a'1r ea ô~D lybe omp redlto hiOfaloa-eat cf pigeon hoiesl ftn seen lunpool t offim eanud eîila.r inalitutlona. Ésosi piguhuIs i.& abornb. Whieu pigeon liko -for fir. years, aud lie body ». plaoed inid.. The end la then oealed up wii inmortan and a - memoria-I.takblItafixed ý6n ltheout- ide. Tfii.leau é f' 1hà. pigeoýn-hole 4say bo r.sewed at% tb. end cf the n vq yéars, but i il i-s allowed le -exire lihe tluMb i.unaeeansd tie bones, reznoved lu make way for an- Needl-es 10 say, tie arrange- ient ba# sorte go" pointa. The '*pa. tckeu'u p by the 1"pigeonu ici. -:rnetery" le oomparatively samail, - ts is 41-80ethi, ceaI cf-bu-iai. Pic- :jtýureequenes. la, however, conspic- 1oeusly absent, non me sentimental -grief -cnlered for, a&s il weul-d ho-inn- ýýpîssiblé te go a.nd rnourn .1thie *-irave cf -a érson huiod lu a pi- -geon ici.eo ýhigi up liaI a ladrder was nue.ed tlÃ"neàeh Il. Te suci as preber thie eld-fsasbloned graves tie - entraJ space -of grouisti le offned, - ut tie "pigeon idles" 'are tie - neal populer. - Chldren's 1 Questions. - Education le ermoneoueiy aiup- pose., tdJ be- lias! aI sebeols. The inost, ignorant ehildren odIeu have S- been eonetant in îbeir* achool aI- 'I ýendnecf, sud there have been very ,2inteIigènt eues wio neyer saw lie' i1nsido of a& shooirocm. The chilti w'ho aIwvayts aks an explanalien cf ereor phrases il canuot under- ;eland, wio la u;ever willing l'O ne- -*eat, ýparrot-like, that whichislain- :o- ompreh6nei3ble, will.far outistrip lu - <'educfatiou'> the ordinary routine ~sclar, "Educatien" geesd-onwith 'ehildren'.t'!home, iu the street, at --- churci, ah play-everywierc. Do net 5 reifuse le ansiner thein preper SqU e-stieus, thoen. Do net check Ibis * natur-al intelligence, for whlchi - -k , ôo a csno ver compensa-le, ýhqugh yen heetowed wiolo libran- tua, - ufl a Ums ýi - & iysd le bu aured cfiis ui-ty. zerfavorite ,penfurnoare t0e c f the My of the. valléi, sud tire violet., Ti.Gran E res& -hm a pro-- uoucedpa-tiaityforhe . senit knowi .-s g"aow-inown 13"Y>' whilit the. Quises ca i Il' h" 0a likng fao- Romn reaniati PleMo croam, wih a patftnicaliprejudiSJc als a regards perfume Tho Cearis lov e i.odor cOf brash vieletou,-and .every day a lav- ùah ouppiy of113... modoat flowinene ina oatra-nWolua&Il hon Imperial Masos-: ty'ao rooms, and 7o07en- mecttered tmn he. articles 1 In 13cr- inrd- robeg No sweet sout - eema toca poinerful for theii Czaslns, and eh., delighte in having about' lier ouch bloseu a tVice eth Ve hyaoiut and the gardenia. Thé6 perfunnes she chiefly uaes-l cf Panisian i13e jçýnquii. Quesu Wih a oa f Holland, em-. poya, 0 t k bérboudoir sud tie Royal nursery, a speeially fbrL. caled Eugliisb soap zcenhed with leboe lbe r favorite per; fumei eud-C ogs!e. 6tomfaCIi Alwiys Baulked, Bad Conistant Indigestion SmelI of Cooklng -Mààe Hlm Slek -Billios Two Day. a Week. Cured by Or. 8jamlten. Plus. Mn. Clemmone' oxpenlenëe ls ot unusual.. Now-a-da&ra pon àtomachs are more Vie nul. - han,,lie excep- tion. But lb. pràpêrtreatmeul le sure le, make a quick cure. You ca-n always, depenti on Dr. Hainil- tans 'Pilla,- tiey rend -lie trouble ah once,, go>. iglit 'tpibusiness, -work wile y-ou isleep az.nd have yun feel- ingF hetter if sot cduredi uextt-morn- "Mfy bd s-mâd »hodecempose lu my staftùaèb, Writes,- Mr. Ralpi Ciemmons"cf Newbnide P.O.'"I lad -a stomach th a.ired lu Somne way té penberm its work. Diges- tion seemeti more -or lessa annesled anad -Igrew tim, yellaow, ser vous: The stomach becan'e tiiteuded anti impedeti, appanenlly the actiou cof thie lieat for dIeu t Inight il wougl de greal etunle. At limes my liead acietimosl herrihly.'- fri-ud - whe lad heen cureti oac& sinillan condition, advise' me ta lace Dr. Hamnicý's Pille régular- Ji., -wie I dis!. Tii. resul in my -eaae was sixnply marvelous. Dr. Rantilton'. Pilla rem<>ved lie cause, strenghenes! the. stemacli, excites! lie liver te normai action, ltee1c14-~ neya were released cf excessivd work. Heallh ksocs grew within me. I eau ue ot, sliep anti live lice a live man," Be ativieti-use Dr. Hanilton's yiI-te are sure, te do you gocd. 25e. per box, Byve for 01.00,. ah al druggists and sterelreepens - or by mail from The CJatarrhbzone Cc.,l Buifalo, N-Y., andi Kinigston, Can- ada. - ~ -- rENGLÂND so(.BEIING 13.. Coniption of Wlne Jiedueed: t. One Bot!. per oapua,. - Englant iàlebecoming-a ;anre 80. ber, thougli, perbaps net a more STIPÀTION CURED BY godiy naioln.- About thirly-four - year. ago the BABlY'S OWN TABLETS pýPuIation of the United. Kingdoým - ' -consumed about -tIre. - boftties o- #a' Own, Tablels are the, beat wine per ioad,- and nbw - t Isile utle' nue a mother cas t.e 10 nelieve -ore Vlian ose bottl,. The popnla- tit1lé oses -lrornconstipa-tiena lio i-s langer sud auhQ l em er- ali o-lier slomakh and bawol !ch ânte are netI al u.ýrIned,-andi th" les. lhey. nt as a-> genîle sel-I wiilshey, whoi lias a groat deal -v ThrLpesanle Vair. andt i cwiti lhe deeêiine lu in uïe ibsýlulely sal-o, Ocnéérniug d-inking. Mm. PliLppe St. Pierre St. I i-s an a-geocf -realilam, anti suhs- tue Que, ey;."ý«'y bka-imy ansd even Port are net Ireateti b';Ïiv couipaàted . anti sas ucw wilh. proper respect. 'Wei have, aàLl-The lime. Nothing Ifave aocording le Mesers. Giibey, à eemed to do #by good 1111 I "ceurtailmenl almotstol vawisliing i Baby'à Ã"Osu Ta-blets.- Tiiey point cfihe aften dinner otllng",'; le -ipues eilcine In 1the wo$ld in -heolod day. men would revir- tle-oDxtes.asud 'iokly relie vçcI ont-i&lly empty lie idecaat.er- belon-o by." hçq Ta-blets- are solti ligiiting a largo ciga,but nos lihe7 >thie ns..eroo bv .mail ah lako smail onea, qr-.even a cigarette, ils a,- box Iro~ The Dr. WiI- and ti i leta be aroti sornetimes B.Iou Qfrockville, emoke them heforôýe> finishing hi Port. ghe A GOOD AFAST. "en 'l Some Perups Neveu lac - " M ne A good breaUfast,,a. good appo- hiea od digestion mean ,ev- *rytlnglu tii. man, womau on ciudih as auythbing b do, snd wa-sls la ogoh.a good start towa-rd, A A8outhen imali tellescof is wile's "900,d breakiaan sd alec supper,' ma-de out cf Grape-Nutsand. crsam. e. says:- -.9 '"iIlid likç te1l11you. how. muçh.good Grape-Nuts ha. don.- Jor- .iny efe. ÀAflr being 1mn poor heýih for tii. lagt,18 -years, durng part of -ti. limescaroely auyhing ý.Would itay ou -1er stc>maéli long onough.. ta nouniihone, flna-ly at the ýsýuggstion cf a friend she tried .9ow, aller about feur woeks on tus dilicious au4 nulriticua food, e. lias pieked up moit wonderful- ly and seems as Weil «' aliyone cas "very ,mcrning aiemaea 9ood, breaklast on Grape-Nute eat- su ju»at aaît cames from the pack- a*ge with cream or milk added; and tien agai*n'lie :-0&zne aI supper, aud tiie change lu hon je woncler- ef'bWe. ca/n'tspeaak too ighly of Grape. Nuls as a food after our remarlrable experieuce. " Name jgiven, by Canadian Poe±urn Co., Windsor, Ornt.-rBead the , 11111e bock, "The Road to Wellillie,"lu pkgs. «There'e a IReason." - Euer ad the aboya lettert A new on. "appesf romntunie to tisse. Thesy are ipnulne, true, and fuliof human intorasi. HOBBIES 0F NOTED FOLK. Foot and Headgear Collected by- Dowager Queen ofiItaly.' Collecter.e gather together arti- eloas more or less intenesstlng bu1t probabiy few go in fer eueh buiky objecte as tiose ehosen by a distin-. gulshed Britisher eays TiI-Bita. Oid doors a-.re; lie objeet of isdesire. His doore coma fr-arn ld icuses, casîles, iend ahbeys of lietonical in- tercet. -orne lime ago i. obhained aI considerkhIe 0051 a deor througi whlci, dirng lie Frencli revolu- tien, Marie Antoinette, Charlotte Corday, Dauban and 1tobespierre passed on itheir way le tihe gullo- Prohabiy uobody cf ta-day bas a ,strong desire to brlng to-gether a great vaniety cf teas and snuifs. Lord Petersian, liowever, a noled man iu hie d-ay, -lad a hby for a-c- Quiring varions kindi cof t"eaàad snuif. AUl around hies itting-room were sielves, ou the. eue ide laden wilh cani-sterls cf Souchong, Boiea, Ciongon, Pekoe, 4ussian and other' beas, and on the ocher with audc- somne jars coulainig every kind,,f-,' sluif iaI lieh collectèr ceuid lay .1 bis bauds on. - The Dowager Queen of Ilaly is the. possesser of an d collecton, I one liaI -ms the intereet of assoia-i tion. Il comprises the foot£and1 beadgear cf neyai pereQuageaof dif-i ferent -peniedei. I>said tb in- clude a -sanda? wcru'-hy Nero, a pair< of - white. sippersthu1r' louged tle i Mlary Qe~-j. o~, pilea won e by Queod - An-ne' and btie Emprem i Fosephine sud giove. that were, tii. 1 property cfMarie, Antoinette. 1 ow Whedti Tii. Brillimhaeroplaie fleel cern- Ptises &bout fÃŽ4tymaqbMnee, ofci iel sanie thirty mr-paciab omd- erns enafl. E». 4. 8~UE 4-'13 t,th- i "thoit ourative jPowers, ark %pgnd, them' aut they were récoir "No.w I m rebommendin Dodd' a Kidney'Pille te il sifra Dç>dd'sKsd~y ilW are ns>fai qure. They'reaa- asirnpie.but su cim fot'diseaadkinýays. TarkeyCamle the Pam o uti be--ÃŽin îèBililae,â n rite-at -theii.aé,of tw6nfy--ftve-foi the,. -muan and twenty-tw<> for ith4 wo I, lhou«É,Iegpklly a -boy .eo fourAein nerif ho se leiros, taki t6 wife a Ibride -cf tçi-eve, roviding hotu - haye: par-entaL -oona.nt, ' Y In Il4etriwg, -girl and boy are ai- Io~e -l ma.;ahomne fr-te selvs *41h. é.rl Lag0offourleen, d'lelu tphi. tinit.ui4sng hûa- b&ùd Must -lipa*sdIs or teenth b-hdayrand hobride. ' "at of her twolftùh deeay nGr miany ', te man -uIýuel b. eigl4een, and the. same age for hushande pre- vail i~'Frnce.ndBéiium.,- aofute nd twelvo oui$e-etlvel ta enter iut&tËBo.Ëtlz* etý,eof mat. riniony; whie those a>f'tlb. Prtes tant religion muet rembeh le y.arà of eigliteen and fifteen' Tii. sarn rul. obtains lu Portugal m eSpain; but in Ruslléa and Saxony i tan. dard of the. -marrlageale aq. ia a-gain raised to* sigiteen years ef a-g- f-orthe.-man, âa- d ixteen for tie womau. Foùrteen and twelve for the twc sexes la the Minimum mnrying are inu Switzen.ld, But porhapo Tur- key carnies ail hefoe.itlun 413. youhcf ils brides and bride- groomhs. Hoe -ie girl and boy who can waik propeniy, and whc are capable -cf - following thie roligiouï eererneny, are penmitted k> b. united ln wedleck. How to Cure florse bistemper An Experlenced Horeeman Sol. emuly Declares Nothing la So SatisfaetoËy as Nerviline. Osys Nervilino le Fine Liniment. "Aller Ift-y years'ý expe - ience lur raleing hanses I cans safely teelify liaI nec rernety gives sud geod ne- suite for an al-round stable lini- ment, as Nerviline." Thus opens tie very eanestlLetter af J. J. Ev- anston, wio lives near Wellingtou. "I hati a veny valuahie herse tiat loak distemper a month' ago, ard was aI raid I was geing te lose hlm. Hie throal sweiled anti mmd lumps- develapeti. UMa -ioshnils tau and lie Ihnd a terrible ough. I tlieti diffenent nemedies, but was unable te relieve my hanse of his pain anti suffening tll 1 Istartedtie10use Non- viline. I mixoti a hothie cf TÇrVi- [lune anti sweet cil anti rubhed lbe mixture on lie liront anti c! est biiree limes a day, anti you w,uld scarcely believe lie way tint hanse p icked, . up. ,Nerviline cured imr. I alsa have useti Nervilune for celie in herses sud cows, anti earueslly reommeud il la every man liaI is rnising stoçk." Fer atrains, epmains, sweliings, coie, distempen, icougbs, anti colde, no l 'iniment wili prove se efficaci- eus lu the stable as "Neýrviline"- Vt's goo4dfor man or beast, for in- tern-ai < « exhemu-al use. Wherever thene id pain, Nerviline wiii cure il. Refuse suhahitules. Large size botles, 50c.; trial size, 25c., aI al dealers, on lie Cahamniozone Ce., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. 4lhina's Code of 111anners. - K cdodcf mnners bias been la- zued by President Yuau Shih-k'al, in-cudis g lhe forllowing articles: L*.- To salute: Take off lihe hat anti bow. 2. At important ceremonies, iuch a. fluserais, marniages and naational festval,lak-koff tlielia-t and, bew îiree limýes. 3. At every,. day ceremioules tike» off, the lat andi b0W once. ;4, W-heu meeting i-n lie slmeel taire off liehat witbout bow- nllk 5. Worâe iýmust obey articles 1 &d2, buit th6y- wili nul taire off theirha5 'The aeder.6e the style oef Mssadwno' About 100-sînéet, nécidentecocur Iaily lin.te Umuiîed- ýKindom. b -ti Minards L1~Im.nt Ouru Gargot In Oowg, 1g Do't, faili to Ji&y.,n oibject isiguiing her.olttôtih hpeesn *iu-l l là ma im t. i.?Ioal e fw. Many anlad uch an of- per~mannt and t9tal d -gia ofc~.4re ii8-.SI h T3Mexistixc tha>t heo, u3d firoThocs' '1nt'reîted i' Mrs. C1Bdrfter -ru-.a- et ,ranozà w hout >hitin'C. am.and thé. hope it hhcdds -out ç'È BStOIdTÃŽ them may writeto her in confidence, A ON ER UL DI CO EU .: for fuill etails, which ie* fera to Q ibb-eostout people,they1 a , &end grauitously., are, rarely' guilty -of, meanness or- An min nt 4qk tit, he oti ercrim e." D ibbs-"W ell, youi-560, A n da -~ v i o iit j on t at the mE ghthu dr d n e gh y- n s4 e 0difficu t for them b o xo] wonderfluldis< o é'-fre e t Y LIthousa'nd,.,*a,,hundiéd aid forty- t' aly-thinl o ,.' was the -discoovery of ZAe-Buk.,Jûst one birtis.wnd 27,864 deaths wer think 1 As Scion as a single tiùn rçgister' i in England, and Wales FARbES FOR SALII. la y r o f lZ a n -B u k * p p i d t o a u r n 'e y e a r 1 0 1 1 . if. W . A W O N , ti n e ty 0,b @ If S 5 8 f ~ on r sore, -sue iniuùry, Io in- orno 'aured againut bldod ýpoison! f UNDBED AORES-COUNTY ILTLNs t Then aain A oon as Zam- -eupand oueszEidns '0 Buk i.applied to a isore, or a eut,- Miuard's Liniment Go, Limited. cer u nes em. , or't6 tki ta Saiiri.-sto sI èhae -usd your MIN RD'S Q , EVENTY.six ACRS: WifTR GOOD siindieaeh tos heLINIENT, f<r the paat 25 yeare., and' buildijigusud aple- orchaipsal,-1111 smàrting. That' l w'hy childreni are whilhê.î have' oocina1Iy uedohrui "mIrmKmtn stichk 1innds of: Zam-Buk. en Ol ej~~ ht Yeu~irj *W..-DAWSON,, Tronto. Aai.Ais -son, asZain-Buk 18 If -!.a er i««thehande and lu. -appi-ied t6 'a woùud 'or to a diaeaed hal4frfeiiueût y, St *wil nover f ail ta cure F WTT ÂCRSa . Iand KENT- Coam uNTY- part, the. celle beneiLth the. ekin'e oolditu tbhadB intwenty-toir houri.su u lylan jUs sraeare s timuiated that new etc;ê. tto.pic w huad h * lu alt y t ss u i. q u ~ 1 y or m d. our tr 1y'W estern R o sl E sta te , L o n d o n , O n t ._ Thisforming of. frein ,héàaih tss -Darmoth.. ESIE COINSD 01<.1 i fiom b.lo àilZarà-Buk's secrtet of ~TIPOLETR-UDE >~ 1healing. The tsu he omdhferont ftrolgu stampi, catilogit. worked. up to the. surface a nd liter- Album. aly Sive, C nte. Marks Stafli» ally oasIs off the dieea&ed tissue Great Britain carnies .on moreCoan.Ton. raane it. 'This la why Zam-Buk tltde wLith Gerniany than with any-UIULNOJ ycures are permanent. otiior country. Fran:t. and, the A TNO, UMS.rô F O n ly t h e o llici' -d a y r M r Vi n ite d S t a s a re le r n e x t b e ,t 'in ra i u % .m i u ea t h y M r X arh, x z c a lbyand -home ralment. r; iteî of loi Delorùnier Ave., Montreal, oust;6 'ers. - jn bofrs r hme Tr eamont.,edies calid upon tdi. Zam-Buk C .ompany Muno. Ltm ted o iwo a-Dr o. O u « di ïand told hem tht fcr over twenty- When Your E. ss Ie* go ý (I uouîl xO.By' <D 1ni ftvemya Ris h.adsere arty-on 1'-ÃŽ~*Ao l lt ýo sr-weeïLumbago andl kindred aliiuentsploàItivOli eczea. is and wee a oneflu-Ac. O ,Wekcure&_ with tbe new ýGerman geranEi. time so oovered witli't 'ores tliat hoeime ri B"5o," pre. *1.5. Â-oter ure, o la hadtoalep-inglve, 1Foi ýeas !at ed-b00k 15 Ou 1 P0-et te - for Iiabeteu-litua. 'and sure cr.f md ts elep in gioes.aFouuiearPha ujyo ' Auti-Tilabtes! Pries ¶00ictrou ago ZamBuk was.'inhreoduced b c ir auw, P.dugîso iet.TeSla af him nd ina few rnontba it cured M Breýýe -L &mpflo= ,wana-be Winipeg..iMan.. aud. iIê him. T-da-ovr tree yersaf- Murine Eye R.medy Co., ONeoý0 1, er his cure of a disease lie lad for 'YOUR, O VEROOA T8 0 twen±y-flve years-.-le in stili cured, A good way to have aIl th. fionde sund fadeal But woul look botter dy'ed. If »and heu lad no- trace of any return ou noed la not to need any. noagei o ours lu your towu, wrl i4rect, cf th.e ezemna! _t'O ontréai, Box 33. G0d MedaIied. Ail druggists soul Zam-Buk at bWc. Minards Liniment Cures Dlpbthorla. ilh mrIn >u gG . box, or we will -gond freec trial boxDf IC l- if you send tis advertisemont aud Seven thousand six -hundned and' IL R New and Second- a le. sitamp (to pay return postage). eighty-one persous were impr;son- h aud. for, heatile Addness Zam-Buk Cc., Toronto, ed foi: debt iu Engiand and MWales sdpie upesTNSi4 during 111. I SMOIESTACKS.- Agnts for igtrW. vaut V'aillatlug andl satisg Bysteus. Gleanings. 'PL8NAROIN WORK At vey a~iu aicycusef lis PILES CURED IN 8 TO 14 DAYS LTORONTO question :-What wilU ho 1he couse- îrYe lle-t u re any c4e f or g%. sdSipul quence- -f tis to mne 7 In«. Blind, Bleedlng or Protirxdig Piles lu -The groater part cf your trouble -Ye1 ass 5v he. pulof-aPlano.lu the île inyol-r anc, toreoreYOU "Your hair wanls cutting badly, At@~I3ItO u rnay free yourself £romi i when you air, " said the barber insinuatîng- O HIEý please. y to a customer. "N«a, it doesn't," Let every action tend te some replied lhe* man in the chair; "il in Ato point and be perfect in its kind. watsanuino*,eyAYotcuii Happineslies ail in the funo- badly last lime !" lions of _reason, ln warrantable de- Téffo aires and virtucus practice. SPEND THE WNTRIN ,OelIFORIA. FR E I A .,. ' lad BLea4on and the reaiseuing faculy Attiatlente lI b ?ntd i w 5~dyuasf need no foneign assistance, but are variable routes, sfa ýiç Lb. met scen- ire.u ond ou"eimet p sufficient frteronproe ery.- The Loi -Ae19 ge Liited- -leoaiu LUZIrI., one tayt ef fo Iei on ur.oe. Chicago daily 10:16 p.m..for if utheru Love affirms its own wortbiieès, fornia, the San Francisco éverlaud Llmù. Provo te 70u thét II colors aItedl eaviug Chicago 8.30 e.m., legsthan - < rey Ibstr md makea <a 1h ipars bet.ersî.~ nu three dasys eu routa. pro%"ide theboit of c rOVositchiit. rem fid t ife again in the weli-being everythiug lu railwiLy travel. Th-Cr n vos I;druff andlflksb of others. and Japan Mail -laes Chicagoýdily at chlld heavy and beu,ny, 10:.45 P~M. for San Frauoiuoo aftd Los Au. gloesy. Yeu baye On]Yc Io-uend us roWr addrus; - Whaî eau be more delightful igeies. niustrateal literature ou sppltia-with 1 Oc. enclosed for malilne snd'çackln nadw. .4 than rudece? o befumnshedtion. to 13. H.Beonnett. G. A.. Chicago sud Wl!! iend rauanywvhereacur lrea*zner. etoeau "w ,-ha pudncTobefunihe orth Western Ry.. 46 ng St., Toronto, OxpPs.Vjr Write tbVa.Adra R. FR9585, with lhsat faculty of understauding ont. Dt-2203CondsaeSretMje-- whioh keepe a man f rom mauy anMY iyhyéfodtér fai-s. step, andi helps him t. gd 1,.500--luS. tyhveoitoy fortune in ail his business.ma fc- s Itiiuhpo Jsice l eeof the primai obli- trso E EIt eS.l»ae.hs galions which eroceed from love.- Of 12tort ek Marcus Aurelius. Ne-Yr-Ct Minard's Liniment Cures Colda, Etc. The "Triple Alliance" is tie name * o .o ~ I E W YF E given te the understanding b ______,_____________Y_____________ tween Germany, Austria and Italy, -u.*r I NROAPU AWYEB adopleci in 1883...$CRI R P P TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Cae% mwtel.... Take LAXATIVE ]BROii Quinine Tablets. SÂIuNT ~ d I g tni .vfa.i sYOCA Druggiita refund imouey if! ilt alla ta cure. g=s I-lPOIIyflaWhoSeoihm o , c« C Ibya.s..ir E. W. OROVE'S signature is on each box. D&4Dllz IIILlb11e% MoU .yo lpoae saiogh Patience mayc tbe a virtuuemor ithe su constuctio Is in..@Jpanes sii har i " lx a She blsegan ho cry aga*- Pîteýou8lvaimoat like ne han esýOsmond epoke o a&there was i greati- in his voie. Yeu have fotiud, cw« and every one else. Iý w'sh te o &iiht; but ycu ,y- give your lIndy, SQul, te od desining ouiy A will-" She -looked up . once m ot ing -ýwith tli vehemence of :Bh - O,"a said; "ihît real ncw whiie '! taik te y. kncw il Will fade-'awa-v teimpttieus _iIl h. mu-cli Xo-u don't know wliat -tha ---Y*u are geod, and you time bo see- with ycur ý hoDw, unadenneath ail that spectable, il jelis hli<w and, * "Il neilil e yeourýown fai are nefft streonger thian t * tiens with which God allo beassaileti',"i lie -said " lie said at lengîli, "unless any other frienda ,te- '-would rather go, 1I-am goi promise y<ou At ieali nee tj. er, and aý welco0me Irem J'old mother ' tho bin j-- , tU tli7e en 1nd. de6es poople7 alter the1 U..sl& A ."But," ihe said,. with- Mingled relief and perplex v.an IL let y-ou de se Muéh étranger?7- Oh, I àhoul * orne; but-but--"l "9you are nolonger a - le nepiied. " And yoçu m l fse- me tins. « My son.,an -glad iflwe eaunY-secfayu > Ccme, Ica fot - lev thIis icunee - 'DG "D o u men that 1 i - - "Ves ,fyeu wiil," i '_But I will go ad al i - ~and ine I arn in-aher perliape yeu wilI. let Your, -low with your thn glai te evening". 'Se in a fu minutes t, * driving tegether,1te-, Square, and BianèlÏe'>wis.t ted froxu her 1miserable îmt the ieart. of -0'cf tf est homes in.the country-. lier in lie study. Chadles wenl ini searcli of Swanhi) mg lber a, Uttle.note',lu witig ;aSnd whileï-he chi], read il le turned'! i "Will vu tel? the m -to -spAre nocin ready, -Erlca. d said. 'q have pýersu-,iati Rmialx to stay with as tle whie." Swanhid catîght the wo0 longed bo ask.to se-e Blai - eh remerbered that Siri not like it: and -then wiîli recoôlleetifuý that the ,after ~1mstoer.and- that she home, she thamke~d Ch4 mod, iýeliutantly pa-ted - baby. kissed t, *d Mrs. Ostu rica. who macle-hem -pr çome and see thcsn agarfn, rie-c back te -the modeI ed, -"Oh, how I wisli if'-%viLr -she houglt te .herself' rarched 6n te lier ds -'work like a li;ttIeTrojanT7 was striking fite as- she crý court:vard. - She ltad b.- f remi n i he m ýore than- tw* S ie, 11-sri ed cl on tbi the- 1-01 'Wen yu beglu io) aiff buruing sesto u the nasal, thr t staris you -couighiug, ut thing is -la act at o~ the uegîrQed cold t-bat ecorne so rne and d ~ CaU5 - The secoffd i Qrtant thiul ta take ND -S. ppe icorîce and ChlorodyneC. -till the cold disappeas ntrel~ Na-Druý-Ca Synup oif Linseed,' an sd Chlordye is abiltely 1 -harmlni cdrugg, and ensafély evata modraelyyun Il is pleasnt ttiig a#uujd poniptly -relieving tiseirrÃŽM I iroat ,and - nostrils, loasen 'mucus, prouotinig expectorât ditlerkiug thse cold. -or uggist has Na-Dru-C à linseed, Licenice and Chier1 25r- ,ld 50e b ottis . or cean it for oe.Compoundedbyti~ D ruà sa cieiial Co. f - 1- th.famons osteîr7y t . 4inot t4 lu net. feiieémkn A ew teature- ie the unumu&aru .4te. 110bed roomi, ayez ~ ' qae au veea.n ooirbath attaohed wthseSau n th ateat alv:ra nîluC7l &'r.Tojar*ture fttulat-ed be. Thtitm CHvRLES ,Iflaooineen eva4haPOOli d'a lami. e. if~j rie NtiosiDru TTI RAYM0RIU HOTipL COMPAN * Chtujai C. e CandaLimieMaager. ToriE iWid ONAIOI TORONTO ARC 1' 1

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