Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jan 1913, p. 7

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461~A VL~AL~IIiV±1 UJGURES .NEWUS, N MI ay .tatlstlcs SehWÇ Remae'kable, lncreac -, hiEvcryl>Phaoe for î9q A 4espateh fhom Ottawa 'Ray&: ksummary _Of railw.ay statitîs for the yeaÀ, ending Jbne 30, 191'2, com- p1iby J.:L.P&yneomptroller cdf 8tataeties for the Railways and Q*naIu »q6Partment, and tabled in ther Coninions by Mon. Mr. Coeh- -,rane,. give" mauy illuminatiug faets 48 te thse receut reinarkable trane- y<rtation developruent of the Do- 'During ihe tweI4 moisths cover- ed by thse report, 2,9Ã"3 additional mailest of raiiway were put'ie oper- ~.ain, with 1,738 milés more report- Oct ready for operation, and 10,000 * ,Mîleë '4nder ,çflstruction. Ail toId the railway maileage, of canada _jie Dow over 30C0OO, exclusive of sid- inis, doixble-tracking, ète. -Elimin- atissg G'overnxneltt hues, thse total Capital liability of Canadian rail- ways -on June 3o last was: Stocks, e 770,459,351; bonds,- $818,478,175, a total'of -*1,588,937,526, or $50,8:32 per -ruile. On this capital inveat- ment dividende were paid last year totalling $31,16ý,791, equallinq 4.04 rr cent. on the-total stock issue. -tiue rapid growth in net earnings MaY be gauged froru the tact that in 1907 dividende totalled only -$12,- C enerons Publie Aid. The gefl eroiis ieasure of- public tise.ar, -The- number -cl passenj. Oers carried WU,8 41,124,181, an in- casof4,0ý6,4W3Over 1911. Thse number Of tons of freglit bauled wan 944aî a sain o f 9,500,049. The trame icncrease ih reflected in the grosearningswbioh totalled 0219,403,7P53, a bet ement cf *30,- 670,259, or a little oven 18 per cent. Iu ýten- yéars 'the gross eatningB of Canadian railwaya have more than, doubled. Operatixsg expensea lest Year amounted to $.150,136,540, or $19,691,494 more-than in 1911. Net earniugs were. $68,677,213, an in- crease of 810,978,504 over the pre- ccciing year. Net earnings per mile -of Une last year were 82,570, as compared vwith $2,272 in -1911. Equlpuicnt Improvement. The equipment «reported in use on June 3th hast sahowassubstantial improvement during the'-,.ear. New locomotives totalled 265, passenger cars 433 -and freight cars 13,760. These figures wili be greatly bet- tered by tise end of the pslesent fis- cal year. Oil appearo.for the first time in the officiai reports as fuel ý for locomotives, the consîîmption hast year befing 1,729,577 gallons. Aeeidents Inerease. Raý1wav accidents also show a TEE GLOBZ 'iN à se ad5 *an mpiefre 1 SouWn Eyes. Canada. The HmeBank cf.Toronta takes -over La Banque, Interuationale of Montreal. Ontario, butter bri-gis a higber price in Toronto than New Zeàaand butter cloea in Vancouver. Tise nineteen cadets just Sra.du- ated f rom the Naval ÇoIlege are to be traiueda.board H.M.S. Berwick. The an nual militia report- says that thse geera.i acheme of mobili- zatiotn when needed is progressing favorabhy.1 Postrnaster-Geeeral, Pelletier, in the Communs, promised eariy ac-i tion in the matter of introduction of parcels post. Hon. Thomas Ashburnham of Fredericton, N.B., succeeds to the tithe and estates of his father, the Earl of Ashburuham, who bas just died. Wm. Gauthier, a fàrmer, aged 65 yNearsË, inflicted terrib le injuries up- un bis wife and then committed sui- cidie at Orient, iRussell county, on Friday. sud 'Whit t8ip, Th egn fthe barber? 'uapolo îs, .uiua11ytra.ce4 b aek{o the facet.that the barber& wers .4originaily ,also surgeoqns, -and thse red,,.and *hite st'Pdpolie la S uppoed have reyeetdhew4baag and red blood (blood-lettinÏ was oe eof tiecb M rxedi6,o appliedbyu- geons)- incident tow the latter eall- i ng. Blut~ this does iýOt explain the pole, îtaelf. ,May it net have been uaed as a pun on poll1 The woid POUi w8 in oonstaDt isP"for head down t6 th~e aeventèeeth century, as we. cau read in Shakespeare's piays. Ail thse crafts in miediaevai and Tudor times had Signs illustra- tive of their industry, which 'they displayed in their pageants, in the market, and often in the quarters in which they Iived. I the larger towns ail engaged in an industryî lived iu the same quarter-or street.1 The barbera may well have been1 puzzied for an appropriate emlblem, andi in those boisterrous, mirth-iov- i ing times, may have bit on a pue- ning device as we have suggested. A pole wa& the more appropriate,1 as "ishaviug" wais very littie prae- tised, e«xcept amongst the monks and the clergy, and they probably shaved themselves. Doubtless,r however, the ci;rrent interpretationt of the red and white stripes is cor- rect.3 ne-~ h. y p W Toronto, Jan RL-ýiait0ba Wiàý-ULa On0r- j $Md No 2.9h 10 3cf 6ka lot. oumtsiGWe, agng4t n o7 for can grades. ýd1'rnig*oW O7OfrDG 0!tarlo Os!*s-o.2 hite, 33e te3go &t western pointe, 37 ta 3ne, On, tnak, To- ronto.- Manitoba 0ate-.;-Ne. 0 .Cats, 4114e; track, bay, porta; No. 3 0. W., 400;. No. i feed. 40c, for- ropt aipment. JO r - A m e rica n N o . ;3 .. ali a L. T i s o December ehipments, 57ýe. ratTont6 Peau-No.- 2, *1.15 Go $1.20 car- lots >utý Aide. Buckwheat-Nco. 2. 51c tW 2c. y-No. 2, *0e nominal. Rolled Oats-Per bac f 90«ponuda. $2.. 221-2; per barrel, $4.70. wholesale, Wind- sor t0 Montreal. . Barlev--Good malting barley, outaide, Millfeed-Manitoba brn. 19.00; ie baga, track, Toronto. shorts. $22; Ontario bran, 019.0, In baga; shorts, 22. Mfantoba Flour-Firet patents, $5.30 ie Jute bage; second patents, $4.80 in Jute baga; eitrong-bakers', 84.00 ie Jute bags. In cotton bage, tee cents more per bar. rel. Ontario Flour-W1nter wheat flour. 90 per cent, patent, is uoted ai *.5 to Coutr.05.ce The following are the latest prices To- rnto wholesale men are asking of the trade: Egs-Coldetorage eggs, 25& to 27e in case lots; fresh egg. are selieg at 29c to 31c- strictlY ew-laid at 32o 10 35c. Chees-Twls, ew, 14 3-4 to 15c, and large. eew, at 14 1-2c; old cheese. twies. A 4eepatcis fMrjo ndon saYa: ýPrevented from attendiisg ,y Aftera, k>g, ,tern battle, the hýem.paraytic attack whic e 1* .pre rjle pfks.e4 tise ouse' cf, Cém- on. Tbura4ay. Several-of.tse oldor e% 1 ý ur d a y ni ht byN a tionaliste w ho Are - ee do xn .ý b e jc 4 y o ?~~ j t, 'l ter rea if r Ito 4to p d ,ç am e o ve r .tï« m Ire l.a sd , the finst, âme in thie House- of at divi sion. ILords8. Thorm were two diyiuions 2n Te liberas and taborited, too, tise lowen Houl;e. Mr., Balfoun'g tùruéd outin: force, a.nd the s. n motonfori- - rejection *as ~de., ists wýere not. far bekw their'to1t&l, feated by 258 to 368, whule tise third mmembersbip. Tise gaUerie8 Iike*iee reading was eannied by a. vote cf werefilledJ ta their capacity, th<,s. -167 to 257, one member;cf each aide ooupying -seata ineluding sR1afYý baving left thée House in the inter- diguitaries of the. Church a. nd> the val. The resuit cf tise division wae Bulgarian peae,-plenipote#4irie&, too m uch a foregone conclusion for M e o i l ,-o u ' n - ' u e a ý tr e m e n d o u s d e mo n s r a t o' ï , b u t -*m r a l 1e e I E l u e thel rishmnen inside and out,,îide of. When the figures'.were, aniou.nced the HRoise did their'best, a;sd, as- the Natiônalists waved -ha't aa1nd- sîstd b th Lierai an Laor-kerchiefs and paperýs,, ndciseeied ,tes, gave -the eeasure fr wlicIi lsti for Pxemi er- Asquith -nd. they had a dwred~ln Mr. John jtedmojýd. Tise.."ter goo0d'd -o O iswytothe who ia usually impaSive, was car- Use f Lords, where it fa , i -le 1y bytie entiusiasm f-.his certaiuly eealed. followers a.nd entèred into theispirit Senis etfi-hant peeces, of tise demonstrations as'-ëffusively Seris o Brlliat Seeces. as they. The division was precedîed by an- other senies of brilliant speeches by Scenes la Belfas& t. the pohitical Leaders, among wbcm A despatch fromn Beifat y: wer, Frederick E., Smrith and the Thousands cf Orangemen >and iem- Solicitor-General, Sir John A. Si- bers of Unioniat clubs held démpn- mnon. two of the cleverest among strations utside tieý City-Hall on of 22,51 penons. s n is- a n, 1--.. 11; ;ohlA u-). l - cure-ena-tors 'Ã"8t *319,243- Th- gen- e e,. ,. tal $ Oseaian oatn Cerat Dur. i g tie m ntis f December tries, 109.02: total, 39,04. 1911 Th noa T-rou ble, Jeitînguas] gg- *Y & C GMPA NYTs 1ii ea-m e p n G vrrets a vrîsn i wsîî cure youeTer3.25arrvaCattgarbBenciigag- A MAKLIMITE O $7,558,285, ans] for at giutr esaestnubu h onm Waaiandorotalo. ter st-n 1.05 r i,-Briîish, 144,076; Ameican, 131,- ging. Large -size àOc. AI] dealers Ouardlan BIdg ' RoaI Bank Bidg, as ttsists xpnitr a oals *4,2,wiena-y 7,262 cM thens bax'ing bee at ocean 114; other countI-es, 75,184; total, or tise Catarrisozcàe Co., Buffalo, MONTREAL TORONTO 8,7,3,c iih8,0,1 etmlinmr a itiue o iportsa r5.14c-w----,theUnited 350.370 - srur tnseKpngstong ans]da.thograpEAug B1ut, teCre alery trincts 33e to 2c; o.. èail1 qff5 a d a i ls s h w a y c tr e i na( i 1n c o n s i e r ab l e n r a e u i g th-s e t r t i .M i n i s t e r o f A g r h b t n e8 csA p iH n y -r u wels t a t. Sc le r ou n e yt n, n d H a 1 2. 1 -2 c B r e i , C i f a u h i i g o e o l e s aaishnhytect that the year. The fatalities t.otald 568, an Sir J. J. Thomson 4) abig, prainforTnYas on n6 Sudtn,1Z4 n1-TeRetar e w total Fédér'al, Provincial and mu- increase uf 73, and the number je- Eng., annutinced the discovve;-y of Apepthfo Otw as ound tino; 1. *2.60pr dten; estr. oot the day. Th Ntinls cdtin Thrweenfu nicil>al. cash aid now totals over jured totalle-d 3,78Ã", an increa8e of a iiew gas. epthfo taasy:hny o ,$.0prdzn xr,$ _1208,000,000O, while.land grants to- 451. One passenger in every 872,- Tise Marqu;is of Anglee wsHon. Martin Burrel on Tuesday per dozen; No. 2, *240 per dozen. were -only onesotcteifuidsrrsbtbasprad tai over 56,000,000 acres. Federal 855 was killed an.d onc, hi every 81,-preýeiit on Tbîîrsday at the mar- ,oe h oioig rsl tio 3c;ulryLire eics,5eole;alee 1 teet oep .Nnntibin tet9uolmingt -and Provincial bond gîîa-t-antees ag- 7d92 injîîred. 0f the total killed on niage of bis brother, Lord Victor "That it is expedient to provide 13;leireyist 7;gee.9_________________ that a sum flot exceeding tee mii- <o 10e Dressed poultry. 2c to 3c above gregate $245,070,045, of which the railways duriîg- -the ysear 47 %vere Paget, uviîis Olive May, a Gayety ] ive quotations, exceptieg dressed turkeysSEEA FIEENCO Dominions share is $91,983,553. AI- passýengers, 215 enplovr n 'ates. Te Mrqi'di ou dollars be approprinted and at 20e to lc. bet'a, lde t. crédit teo the were trespassers. Passençyers in- gritisusincler.,îood toube the settie- paid -out o-f the consolidated rev- fleans-Primee, $2.50, and $2.60 for band- $45489000 Brtis Co jued umbred48 an rmloves entof ne houandpouds enue fund -of Canada during the Potatoes-oeîario potasees, 85e per bag;, eXtent of $4548io00dBofishConjure cars, be4s5gndnnýinoveewithcit aroP lots, 75e;ulndsN pwiodofrunsYarickein, $1 percar otsa75c;FNwtBunsinkHou1per-s. -pieked $3,Ti6832ThSasdtcfignFia-eednlubrvont,60G lu m ia $ 8, 46 832 S sk tc e ~ an nj re n m n e;- sd î, ou C ilis- ve a r o n th e b rid e a n d g ro o m - the ea r e n d i eg M a rch 31, 1914, -fo r o t s o e ; 90On io n- erca s, . 3 te 2. .A d .s h $32,500,000 . Manitoba, $20,899,- ions were respox-nsibie for eighteen te.uroefromin ada. M-Spnih untreaicse s.5 o. 2.0 660, aed Ontario, $7,860.000. Cash passengers kilied and î3 injîîrrd, Uie tts n h amn nuty ntu-ProvIsions.chkdit aid te s-aiiwvavs totalled *5,892,s18 .vhie 203 passengers were injured UnteiSats.in agrecfar ure, indîîrvbyins-thue smoke, Districtare Ghie Maneth for the twelvt monthe, inciuding by derailnients anîd ten were killed Tihe Carnegie Hero Fund (om- tio nagiutre nluigt e Woeaise elloersaeslie ot - Ork carried on by veterinary col i- bradandllorS:- caped-PolÏ C 4i 994- 41 er the Gra-end în Pa -ae. sdhe i n juibrd o f a lli oftris Iî in aîau ce v a ads frleges mcked and-4c Dry S; ainsted iumeasRll- lnk cm1c70îg c n cife-ndr he "i pl met" cluse Te uihe o îai'w v mployees,ý brave Canadians. te 171-2c; heavy, 151-e te c; breakfast *ld e n wih b a tn Ile"d Gin ip rafle. gre Juiji- te Nar rom141122 baone,.143-;e o 5e; amebaconedtons a7d g W 1 5 , 0 1r i l th e .e a r e 'inm 1 4 1,2 2 4se s, 14 -2 e b 14 3-4c ; b ac k s ( p la in ), 21 1- e ;. a d d m a en T aEcs sareco Cin 1 r aie, t9 155,90as 1 2,vil6 te8 neent in1.crl.DEFENCE IN URDER CHARGE bc!s ( pea nuýal, - ggegain * Taffc how a ecod gin durng age wa $1 685 01M. P incare was elected Presi- Green Meats-Out of pikle, e les than '-bo e o to hisa onn 55ITIfa5-s~~~~~~~ dent of tise Frenchs Reptsblic. frutalities of PibadDoe jc 5ork --Short; eut, $26 te $25 per baTrel;DvicrSreTepmss sheh ntro fMeioi ctof-m-rs;'.q $21.50 to $22.- IILIIL ~~~ MII merels patssed lber hand-s over Teineir-fMeio is ctof- to Desperation. Lard T4-reff, 131-2e 10 133-4e;, tubs, -ocuidb th CaaanT Ucrw fI~rI ithout totschiîîg tls-em. frcm the capital b , the rebels.. sten Lamp CompaisnFrace;,3 3-cd th4 -These object.s were then .eareftllly The Czar's brother w-as deprived svs:A esptc from Pariosoo France; 133-4canto 14e. w'apped in papes' and 1iocke-d u)in -f the' Regc-nc-desigiiate on ace- hsan:Ai efe rightterho aed Hay and S. 1.350 tr.00orNoiscut.Co,$ofLo0 FREN B DOTORS RE EXIT. alaboatorvwherenu________ madeunt fhersmlifeataetorture wmde sirsucceastoturo 81050;ess No 30-50100- - $8*0 t 0 9-0 rawtra*9.-- sec or touch them or even get in tise . full3' raised on Tuesdav' as the de- 50 to $10.00.frscean as Ti Atth ndc teda- te~ IUO 0 N'0'BTIIO fence ie the Seine Ass ze Court te Montreal Countr-y Produce. At the lER.sa e ndo-omfwtb en dvs her - M OF1--6fteen heurs, lroghtirnmoaitJa.of thee4 fire.t Wst hn.d dried, but ever.v bit o-) its cilor -the charge of murdrhr cbtrntea, 1c;d.afn 21-Che, sern- Fie tet Préservative Powvoris Arc Said to as natural as whee picked je f tsil rigilial Wiiy of! Washiug by Y a against Madame Lhoste, a hand- i13-4e . fButter-Checs raey 9-eT W1ae descse cibed so m e wo m an wh o d escr bed l er te 29 4 ; do., seconds, -i to 2 . Eg s C OP I N b loom, was preserved, %vhile th tives in jail.S Fresb, 45e; d, - seleeted, 29e tO 30c; do., CON PIC LXNE ygtame-eddma EtaaeFi-oui 11r eaves Mere I:right and gre-en ans anideisec i ite.ors 2 stock. 20s' PotatoeesPer bag. car 0 EVA ikCmaysfcoy Rlands. adbered tu the tw'ig witli the' sain( One. of thbe bumorous siglsts of te the jury. Daiiy brutalities, said lots. 75e to 85c. O India is the da.ily bathing parade Madame Lboste, 'were followed byUnedSasMa-t. King- Peter's scnç on b a tenaci1îY it would wbile gnîîwing. - -- - In he n bw is proposai to gh-e herseif u<i te UnithdnilahesfMarkets.FEheEnominal'xu ScÏe;T1tisps in Paris have for some Wiee at th e tsd of twe-lve days in a native prison. i tinfwcPg inneapolis, Jan. 21'.Wheat-May, eon ao evros~,»R SLE tie en o.sdoalyeci.e ve adnt eretc n bèla1.Tiewitnessed were yotitsfîîl habituaI a shamefîîl life. The jurv acquit- 893-4v- te 897-8r'. C-rn-No. 3 ypllow, 431-2e army. thmebdiscery cf ral wecan, oewhowanbad dipjed b in es.heriinls vrng le agie from 9 to ted bier ie spi -of the -decartin1,44,; No. 3 white. cats. 31e to 311-4c. Rye.___ the discuv ry of a wum n, who, w rnan iad dID4-ed he fing rs in crininal, vao.i tel57aiot o. 2,57ecan,6k$19i-ne$ $1950.9.5 Fleuru tbyar o cnicecn r- Oysteî-s she - ad bandled dr-dni15 vears, takinit tlîeiî-dalv dip le Of the PîIblic pr)sclîthat 'no.e ban.e89;sTHged. serve vegetable and animai tissues comipletely le thirt-een days with9îst AiaNa'o.il is ovrji1 Wt5 ipossssbb irtte iI iuuhJer,28&Wa-;No 1 beid .19; TEBETB TSAL UretDmisng mereiy by iayieg lber bands upon the Ieast. sige of decay. Tw<î dcad watche-s proceedings fi-cm the shade ber husband whatever b"is fatlts.' Julyi n1rtern. 88MayNo(k-nrîhi-nîs, asFood; themn -pecmees cf fish, -not leaeed, had , f a tree, the prisceners, ca-ch muen- Live Stock 'Markets. ansd for OiC-Thîg.emi fJaodiptsee Tb-ey cal h& "Tbc AIdiseptic d'es u re aswtbtcdeyf-ttered and carrying a bowi cf Mnvs,*s 1T-bts~-î~1 Lady,' and deciare that she pos- and the eyes were as hright a es ebrssorste$6a.2edou5j TInIVES$6.A LSY and t~th ower gradeg fro Trbu et al ti n f eîei-Cnaadnn èe s esses a Iitherto unknow,,-n prope.rty when laken, and th-c color uf the douîble file tb a St4_)ne pavement, on ta ow n bi$4le brîîîgî, o 53 t $550, thîe imst valuabecutvt' scopte ibteper cof huniau _,ffiuvia, or emanatisse of seules qîsite as brilliant. eacb side of 'Nbicb rtîns a sbalîw Cniishid in llîiuse iii a Bad Fine at cî,;m ian. b t. aboui -2 oe$5n53, lants The stîa eti ini nsts h dprmn hb oome preser-vative power from ber Aboutu tbc samne resîit was ob-, trouigh <-f waber. At tise ccnsnsand Edmntnîî. $375 l 100 rounurdm. Gonwd diand for susli-e f stîgaran albl TeIrtodfstrksadltkttsb su S a ý7.23 11)*7.50. and shpep sold ai hands, The came f thbs wcman is tained witlî a dead biî-d aud -a dea.l oW a native waî-der bow-ls are washiAssptfrn - .not.n I rr 4 ah5, ï-ï.2. pe 10 pr<nds o-, elange forage béeet spi n~I-teewr btte ipts nçt esade public but Drs. Ciarue 'rabbit: After sFic lsad baîîdled thi ced.' At a second ider the prison- Ad'acbfo;EnininA-_ rm13t$2 isl"zanquiy.et udfrc sud Liaguet cf Bor-deaux have made rabbit, w-l, was dead, its b]îs.d ens scoiop wuîer over thetuselves brta, saYs : Fire je tIse Wllesale jiiogp $9q25 î4) ,q5' pr 10 b for selecLt- gandin varieties îoiesvr rott yfv hnta fte- -nof wný-ih aysad then sirsk smurtly te thei itic Tirrsdaonibt n'kcd , Jan.hi- <1. as.Chice bstzt-hi-r table vegetables. is efnsIîpndtg cidofltyar able woman, and while thcy declare latcr the bleod lsad dris-d, btta baunches, one bebied another, in blaze sturtedaimd eiltfren o $.9; ob plin, $5.15t $375;6-o0- 4471 t, 5b5; - - tbey do iset ask th have their dis- micro)sc4pie exueinatione sbowed parallel lices. Again comes aa nn 1 1 -('1eth lie-trx ullR '$3 tb $.5; canterq, $2 I, t' 75 îcesdb h rdcinc t swees xsec nNvm ooverca aceepted until others have that Ihe cîrptiscios bad cot disinte- seah mac bgies iorotue l e mb bdckn of t-ise <vintsada llssolbber T 53 5 Gok'rs and $7F $d;r Steri, 700 diessicatin cfr aise experimnst.ed, tut-y w-ilingiy gruted. eC'omanîpaes-, goros1-bicbbw-as complvtelv to 900 pouîîds, $5.25 tn 05.50; Ici-ding bu;l1s, lcdsgr et1 h dpîtc put Ibeittselveb 4cin recoud as8 pla.c- KlsBîiîic îethe hack -of the fehiow je front cof d. 1600dle esatha1,000in p4-t.'unds $2.75 te $4.25; yearlinzq lp nactised in Ger.ayc netn - bim. iWben f îb- w iarders thjuandesr.t1e3,15te $350.Milliers and Spring4,rt --iesae u h rde ing their entire betief in tise pewers Lhikcîîta eeierî ~'massagen - i wacempete s thue Tno -ie s uvthe <cvre Fon t s8. 5 T ss s sand,-- lîwad l,- utvlya odctfi Tue ils ies lisse becîs reeîiveî-cd lc M -$50sunr$80.MpIete, isi)lin(- - litem- IIISiVel the wctnan lia.-stuc prvse bitb e-sin a srcall deRre <hi- p-ower 4)f'f in lcetoasm r unhriiî 1.)f ais Italiari bcat-d- t 30;1i,<.$ 8.sH'g~.ilO OI vegtih-i a d uinal sîubtr, killitg bacilli by th toucli--that - ah lt tsl c ter ng xi lî-l(i as cul i-d bY IId md wiircîi and 1k Sf ý. 1).a es k M tals a u -Il g h u f a e - o t o i ýI n B e g i t n i a i s m d f r mf r N g î - i g l ( ' î d r , 'Ihs, J>Jl 1.1-xîe-initented. by actuaily tsiuchicg bare tîs-tit'a bhain cIes. and the sigmrn1tîs nib- f ln ah Iî lîuf a M10- r-:4J beet- It is ebri rcfc Tlue-se dùctors bave kîsown the wo- impnegnaîed witb tie bacil]i-uît lmariî. u Iiil le î f<l-.f Ilbris- rî 0JI'Tl'lSlU 1( S. hiel4 iýtI,tv isu fteb<î M e(tjifoeMnra mac er&arly fi-se years, aîîd du;ring that a persýon ceuld. kilI theinalike f-r 1îhis foll'INw 'sl ils felise - d n.-t(.j;and tlî,<,tl,-r Oit i f a that time have knýown that suie kept 'in .ee abl nad auiîîmal mutter rb'ntesw-îe 5(1,'Ad.1 hh- -ssd l-e art- fions ford c ---- cil ; <ial o ;ks udi rceyLîgr -ssîîn by bier vauicîis plant-s. segetables tbucîgl tlsiek fur,-heuvseles and cal, i, a ge nuice iIIustrtîýt irC)f the bise more lbiodî(ssin thei-1111isarePetiig n. or645 Iesaîdpt.icnt .-f lit oîausaîutXeiesaitisxeoîa an s~ ll annal,- al pefcîy h hke i, ceien.d a te Fine- %us ng, - ou sratch nus-biîk cd _____ a-el'libistlu6 tl e-eh c i ga-tcn cfe îh ha- air fî e get -r,,redanl frce'fri-cm 11w ltàst eankable tiiing. Thuis sv's;tae. t lTIl scrRtch, s-tirs , of A despateis fni'. New Ymni k sa' Ss-s*b uli-î iituuîe sii d-dg fnspe- ssebîri hlt 6igu <of decay on putrefactioît doîeî,rs say. precrs ibjeets bv fui-of eept <ifdallg t Th ruu Thl!ytheepnu4oners w-hoctseafrut' ClterrliweBr-ofsiYounA tAoodbof illetibionsuf-red;iî thegei-i,-g'uîrn whiîn fss-h;utalangri-dq Yan t-rtelsiwthe foS 4jd thetsg oinsr Ta-w ety- cf sbet-oe.branches dis-ai. b rings tlut-i 4 th(,' bead or tail of rouicfteun f taisîr 'n- a-[ i' osse fdsscte 'pt osec Dfei î 'Vb-v henseves scected v n- u- pc -or cf kiîieg tAe bcili - n Und sir b e" ttne, flîd e W -dnsdx- îscti rus]gninsiîteu «cx-doi îestîhe lePrxouragcsnie cethe Ju __________ t hi ne.abiele I heeni-ceie <clx' - --M--St' extrit-îiii sf toît beani-ng lvauses, a rabîtit, ws<,- l-qHsuiwhocaî_+ _0 0 fns-seuî u siîri Iebe, atgaehSeey ceiarssd fi;, a etitbes if 4esste-r-ihalf uhe.- na net '<i heir fr1- - -- cis, fro c Mns ms-uc w0sîîur fal te ug Igauî r- teaccsdtîî6 a ,pia ut n ie hs by 31 LES 0F N 1:1V C.P.fl. LIN 1-S I-uss - ofwel srec î l n .4 a -c i n . T h , e h yS I os ii ;ill s oî;in e is(le D ;is-a e 'Th a ï, u i e les-s if lie r iîn s ba n d , H -tirs- B13 ef I se sh i r j c e in th e f r I er c r ft l y H r a n s w -n__ _- n a- e usI i e a c t g - I'rbn oig lit, t. Ii e N wo m a n a n d w a tc b-d iB ig U n d e rta k in g s fo r W este r-n F e %%_lo Ms 11i s î î- aî " i i il H ;rris . t ise t -a trica l , m a n a g e r. t s n--vl I OI of s waslisê-d by thein W make certaIn ('airada ai-e Etntenîd Ints. -___c;is sifnfl] Ms __ su-f fiad cu Sort- of Aeer ti- sdesp)at.cb fîîîs inn -sas-s hy IOî,lit;of -cf uatFuîi-______ up-i;; tIi-m.Some cf lt' objeets. ut (C<nttîa(ts \wene usai-ded ui nidIu n e ild I ';îtî, tlo aw Is o -TubeCatarrh ? 000 iss estuiîfîîr tlise ier excellen-t . uisWTy Btt their bidding, she hacdled, odb-ns 1Inglans], y te i'afidiatiiTe Iawl __4)____ i ,1fyB lui-r o inrfo te be ç n - t n-s-l iithue " t d!ir mtundoe e rosi-cntsfîeî i cslr-injd-i-m u F'r;uîîtis I) ile1 h su sI'îcs st cie ihm fr111rsi4i alei '- iusg te J--rîtyoar. 1Tho- imens t, t.,)udeatis b3-boiling. Ini suds e;u- i-t, aruTii usiie le (1 11t , 1 -'S 100000. i ilstuhîî btt lu u ic sii -nrIatsîi w-licn ees csîtu';cts It;t- helit-ehs- sieims were chaitu-siM lua;rge î;bduStates Jsudge ILuu'I - 1alYes saetîsîin u-s.sît- 1pln lt ~Ufl~7 tlieed the t_ \UrUfoi-Qfonin M a a i ard-d x ii nut coislsd>r tb ke ttrs<if cold w"ater, Nw li-b wir esie he nsefrf ig9 p a aed. 'vi 1 iii pe-n or al on biea cmtru a - Breakfast - aareme lît bnuî utlthî laegi-adialî br ies intil it cauosed 4s[1clrims tiL'u-bliaî 'v Il. Tliv i- îg aîîd .eiuippin* i ;îsî In on eta ee agee îmantlîx-i ruitOhxt h haveleie Ibsli tu, ]i<pfrocs iti- hus' luiruimamount teu osî-titanî$10.- r granite stdlîss-ibtebokobua25.btd fP - sieet Sm Thina-s5iîiugnesx-.Tlièlast Englisis victitus cf tht'ebal000-000).huit the VWite Star Lice vtnciuodcllr eaPîls cr xrco- eo Ready to Serve Thîre il butl itîl dcsîlsn bossever - 1iîng dratb' was cene Rouse, a cock cttrsds thitsl i;îiilits- is limites]-mne b ru.e -htte ilrcvetePeI- twsaleei a gme e-ondei- tise United State8 statues te Direct From Package tutte sl tuiebcP esi-e-bt.petsi-saon d hdlsdss- ~lc*s thbrie$100,000, tise value cf ne- T f lIT1 1UE'.U ns ) r mdues husse gis-en Catarrh ns asgemny P o st dBustietîr ne e s n. ii " el'al,-a iad uck. îvre Cnd ii erice V Z N V jz L t A R L Lt1JXL009-00 ARRIVED ]vSnuffiug a powden or ielmnt CvJSricE&ayLstA one t 478~ 'F o asties ~ ~~~~~~i the iy os won't cure Catarrh. N E T E TfrPs iclVA t, fr ç1 j; 4. s -4 'isere 0ostîy 1W" itical -tiser ED,' iaya: out, by es- reat Mu a Iing, ,hicis g on Sare îng- Mc- both 1 by ýmen ýuns. .rom nriai bhe ling <n s Dce- r ig s-ny te bon on ýail te us. -a- 1d i. - c- c - -il X I - $10,000.000 TO AID FARMING.

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