Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Jan 1913, p. 6

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and iIO Fsilco7 lTe Faruer o!l To-dar Je Eager te. Me eep Apaie Wlth. Latest tom tW coet over siX million dollIarstise- mol0leT- for wieb Was Iréed b >the>'rate. layera en -Ne4w Tears- lay. At iresùt DiitI18 et Oanadalee Ixportsanda~ -eDeextndntinte - thse laise om i Importa for, tthe Las! Year. landand y n mor Orlegs ulilroteot- -0 va th. lk botm and therofort Usble T4 r61nD~I t'SrurnI - ô InjsAry. or total deatrcio n uder ex- o f tise trade 4Àf tise- Unfite ixgdorm-' tramne weher «and to. conditions.- Prom - . the Iland tisa water to e tethehasjuat bèen îasIùed. Tis 6foow- City by meaocfr &- usiel uisder. tihe Ing etatie.tks have a1pecial ,in-tere*t bar. Under -this syltem tisera la. a dan, '1r Canada,. ter r cfdep$rotion. 10 V h imtais. pipes - - and ueoo mgro or les* reMuota -dànger 0f- TlIý ttaal<munt cf.: Wheat iii- ~et~nothe tunel under -ported ut-o tise - United!.-Xingdcm 'It- e tared undar thie now sYstem te during 1912- waa105853 ewê ptablié tlie ne- w sumpng plsai tthe Cagnada Sent 21,M51,106. je s Ti- écarboroci alea, -ome tan mlesm test et m.-h *0 wa1tty. niel>s 1 k ban a rock bot- 'United -States, 19,073,994 ç<t.d; brm. as diàtingtlsisefrcin the santi bot.- Argentine,- 18,783,700 ewt..; Britishi -tom et tise iland, and i1awugh hi. ok - nde con ba boreS eut- undertise lake. a tnnel -4.Inii2,7940eto.cnk wbich would serve as au Ideal intake ipe da's figures o,7f 40 c21%Cna -heig abeluely- ad - tie a e st 9 fo ÃŽ -e' rnilhi-k , o! menta and,, bing aloaton -free fromweasetetieU tdXndo 2*8anger of-pollution. -2, resoryoir. loated are Vhs second lârgeet among tis on tise top ocf. tise ifrs te Whiehtise whe, impos-tu. n911 se sent 14 --water vouldha pumbad 'would- be sema - - i 3M0 foot slove the level cf thae city, und Millions &nd, in 1910 16 nMfione. - thie plan là to leitiese ws-Lr (rom Ibis 'Tho value cof iset year'te Canadiau roservoir rusu dow-tha bctty by force haspl of gravitation. - - - wiaispl wae £8,844,963:ý nD outnsWp*t -- Tise number cf -,COanadiancattle -This. in briefl- vas tise plan -reoimmend imPoirted i 1912 Was. 6,800, valuen 2b>y four engineering expierts wiso golbeted £142,508,-_againat 42,-395- (£781,436) Mees te tise sumi 9f $23000 for their report. i 1911 and7861( Now comns -aong one cf tAise .experts vîth 7,61(1,442,781) i tise, assertion tiut. the Scisme wiilzt do. 1910., basausâ -tht wàter-vili net rmn dowu from -Canada last yersot387401 tise resarvoIr viii]> affient pressure t6f year 60ofvb astabllis e,.praotlcable .yetem cf vater ct.o acon, value £1,175,527. -works . for :tis', ety. Tiss emarkable In 1911 Vs iue e- 1,0 statement ha.a bean greeted witis minirled tefgrswr 1,0 expressions et consternation anud incredul- <llt., value £1 ,793,946, and la lty. To tise average =an~ on the streat 1910 411,935 cWts., value £1,449,637. tise proposition,.tisatwator, cannuotho ma-de te rua dovwni làtoretier noyai. O'gîy 27 cuita. et Ca-nadian butter 'M itevever, -, eamned profesjors havehbenau ureceived again-st 61,936 in 1911, crgtacilugtiseir head over- ti epi'bloii sd.1,0 in 1910. Cheeee, 1,352,- - viscis tboax admt-la, at~ i.1W i l aa- * .s6li. eatel o.e'The coenan.u et opvinion ,70 cuts., this figure eorrespondimg ' etertisai cmIee an-pet Ir4neareabouldho able te bring thewati lG yioVls.e! f the. Viv tirontise heigista f Soarboro-into tisooty ye6re proevie'ns. - A oem. wsy--ocr othes-, and tisera hu . Canned Salmon, 2166-ot; ho ouht - as te-tise gslbilfty cfint m tise scismnêpractica. l.-- gia 6000fr11,aax'd 26U,760 An. Attask'an thé. Hydro. \19 1910.' Canada'. importe o! No litti. interagt ilas- beert expreseS on cpeand -lbsteraaefi-thmlret il>., attack maSs updntise Hydre Elèctrie -leig 28>764 cuita. againpV 4,090 D ayestem cf'Outarto hy a New York oom- enta. for Ne*4_u ,aÙ, n nyv mlttee of inV«sti«AtIon,- sent istre lat 82W'oidld, ndny .Par', th Nwy kStute Ieiia-tùrO.1,782f rom <tiser ee-urtriea. t Wt tise exception of 'là& attackhe maS' ,Fifty-tisree ' tisonoed loaci o! fie bl the loal comticm orWntroïs et pal>hewn Wood eai the tise locl ciino triorationstisub- evd' -f rom Canada, Pl lic ownerei sipahare. -895,000 Ioa<is of drýse wuood, fol- ,Of Âccordliug te tise New York 8tate com- mltee'tise Hydre Electria soheie ha. lowing (with a- -bigg4drýeop) nearly th licoun losln mouey, tiseir figures estimat-- three millions; fir<e; Rusia, and te: Iug auananu8aleu ocf.as higis as $500,000 !a 1 2éen d yeaî!. They asierîtisai tise amaîl muni- , 200,00)0 frei M vèen'd lipalitiez, particularly baxe undertaisen Onîtiseotheriaýide of tise aeount: F Ciblte ou fa proportion te tise TeUie iId en ,6,6 hneffts te ho derived, oee-opecifie instance TsUie ~gon.st1602Q- ieng ef certain municipalitîes visose gai-Ios Of spirits. Vo Canada, being troeh bouded Sebt ou- accouai ot tise only cxcoeded b&Y 2,406,388 gallons Ilydre - acherune ma o .$31 for every mnan, vounan and childInuthe villages. Vo Austra-lia.- figures were giveu credeuce le uo douist gr due to the fac.t tha-t up te a few weeks 'Cand&MI15ude.-ai a-go no detiiled finaucli report haîs heen -Tons, Toe, mi mnade by the Hyd»e lectrio Commission. - 11. 11.( Whanco the Dlscrepanolest 1912. 1911.- -- Thens are tvo reassons for thdise iwce~r-ought t mon a-ncy betweeu tise New York Stato e - inittees 'figures sud those uow given o:~ Rails ..........i hy the Outario, Commission. - Final, 1 R oihem plates exceedlngly rapid deveiopmeut of P hlydrest busine-ss bas ena-bled tise ccseaio .>Gahvanized shee be out te snch an oxtont -tisa-t isefeas TiÙned- plates the Commission migist ha-vo boan la ee brsan business at a- Jse a- year a-goeel-brs.andd neow seem te ho on tise isigis c a c- periy. And, seondr tisera lae W.,ise.vlueeo et Opinion a-s tevisa-t porceotage ougit Tevleo teo be a-lie- for 'depreciation of the include: plant. - As eue examines tise flua-cel stateeu cf the hydre Eleetnie Commissiontise tre- Cuitlery... mondons size -ad darng et t hé enter-fia rdware - prise je underatood in a va-.,visch ho- Cipt foré ha-s net been' possible, aud ene le Campets filleS vIth s cenrespondiugsd=ltI-tion fer flaberdsr -tise foresigist wvii concoived t sud tisea-er - ourage w)elch puihed iii -to ôompbletion. Linen piece g4>0 1.. 'A' vax Retcrm campasin. Waterproof app The fa-ct tisat Mr; N. W. Reveill, leader Glass' & earthuia c0f tise Opposition, ha-' been Sel ivernu -Writn ae sanies -et. speeches ou Tai Retenu, %aa ig ae caused soima peuple- te vouder if hie plat- Printing pa-per form' ef "abollisin.tishe bar" le to ho relegated te a second place. Tisre asema se Soubt tisat Mn. RovellFa temperance Try 1J - ,lttormmvil romain lu tise torefront etf tiea-Vle, but he appanantly taises tise -Tii, Old Lady grounStiaha ela lefder, net et a-Psoi- yen 80 lat, thia htion Darty. but of tha Libenal pa-ty, i l al and thsaf tempera-uce is but eueetftise-Te0,Mn - - pîs on visicis ho appeals- for support. -Why, I teckS Indications are for an intenesting sessionclbadhawi et tise leglslature, tisougis it ma-y fot b lubadie wf momientues aifar as -actual legilation la back a-gain.- A, Typisai Revivallut. Tise iÇoina-n wl A1f1t1e, hng ut vitis tiesapirit cf -ber',adliegu fatiser in hrl watise vsy tisa-I Llet.-bndlkegu Gevimnor Sir àkia Gibson introduced Mise Mend hieuiays. .....68,024 .....6,563 .... 737 2,801' 7, b3» shapes 14,276 91,024 8î748 1,739 6,696- 225476 12,'4È6 28,259 tise funthor exporta 1912. 11.7,19&- 450,119 --117,323 de246,652 P'l. -222,363 nre. 468,463. .... 14,861 146,76 This One. 1911. £103, :00 103,208 370,151 140,682 280,115 100,702 22,597 -129,'732 Yý-Wç11, what nikde (try7lliig 0a mw one) .zl home -freom the fe Madle me t.&ký h4i rho sticks to lier hus-, May help him Vo .THE, WHIEPLAGUE ,SERUm Famous Berlin Doctoi F1las PIaced It At the Dis- posai of Minister of the Interior - dupatVoIr cm -BortIn, Ger- ty, sayo:,Dr. Fiedmann-iudlg-- bove- tise fa-t e! certain physi- a dec1arlng tisey are lu -possea- cf) bis -tubercuhosiis serum, teas- ha declares uiha th ley have îefitleor pp*it1vely isarrnful uced hie -renseat- the di&?o- of-tho Minileter.o! Vis.Intenter, Llurday. Onp promineut Ber- phyikiaz aftemtpd te get dcïe&nn badet1from Vise body O! am Who isad been lnoeulated 1y dmann, and aserte - h. suc- led. Olihers eou;red cultures frein tise bacteriologiste *wlth uihom Friedna-nn conducted some expeni- monts tuielî'. yea-rs a-go, and wise ha-a been claiming ho preaerved tise original ciltýire. Friedmanliad- noV planned te disclose the remedy se aoan, but declare& hli l unuiîl- ling Vo have* bis na-me associa-ted 'uiIti serums belng eiuployed by hiw riva-ls, ma-ny cf w-hom, moreover, have heen attacking h-in bitiemly. Friédma-nlias-a een delugcd W*lIx offers Vo visit Amenaca and persen- ally introduce hieserum, aud ha-e abo-ut deelded Vo, do go, a" (rK anr Th ise t4 -0 i nival foico'Vo pro Tur4»ey deoided oebVi.povera Lplereservini Và for furtiser ceu.ic wetl &no~iedg~.- tily den.ned. a m-ot with have -coccupied 80 rnmeitetin e tfiat necSsVatese k>n the part of Vthe oc fentias during t 1--her remiova frobu tise past f.w -yearsaa agriculture. F & 1 April. Tus is noV urpingi :naarnUch ^g~r u Spesh>ea ln regard thae d«velopment -<4 the ~ Tu~lymo Il~ ~ ~~ùé the.ta.Vod- u-s i.aheet-a«nchor cf -proarity smeaidmeoi l'tiefariner up ti i afw year* ago wac dr - VhMost eoiservativ, work& n earii, coten tefollow théd . o ut-.ia hiuz States. eatabliShedcturies ago. Tbe o'cio;-Â .ts de'spaVised aà hes 1bWen vaotlyimproved botis by yIngex D>te forie rs i treèatment -sud ,feding, crops have been iimultipliad and- dev-sopd hei hme Vtacked tise Pan- throligh 'tie efforts o! the scientistpt,rciws- iaid deýfended tho sund -wàoeul methode cof workizig- themn. - n .aeêi ofPrT"> have. been auperaseded -byiechaisi- oUa.c almeâa.o-highl erfection. Thse - Ilatest divel6pment la an effort te- fui.u home Vo thse fariner tie.Ue-Lck fte uitet! uimaid-o!.&-alwork whiolsh.ie a. wr-e olling the borde&r. neglecting electricity, says Cisem- Lwee to abide b v ad- 'Journal. -- A <dPMtC- k, &asd <edeidria- lIn Anierica* th7re are tr&velline 0 n'Thaay se Aegeaàn Iln commercial7clemnoàstratio)n Ehows in the, rag-moi of the <~ whichi tour th*~ coumtry in the eame Pa9(S Compe 'W&y am -- er eg&ged &,ny, Headachc Cured, Tircd-Systems Rec-toned "hen 'You're flâI,Tiret!, Rtestle*s Bay &Bd NlgkIWSomething lh Wrong lni the.Stomaeh. kPreminent Publiahing N»an - ,. ulokest Cum .lu Or. _ Hamillon,* Pil. Sayf thé,e HeuSaches neyer cerne te tiosa viseue )r. Humintons Plle., sud tisis fa-el lu mueied fer 17 Ah. Auslata-ut Manager of he Peultmy Suce.., Magasine, cf Spriug-' eld ., .r. . . Calauder, vise vrAIes 'N oetter maodicine tisan Dr. Hamllton'a il1e. Wo nue tiem regmla-ny aud knov of marvelouscuxres-tisat meselodevery- hing else. Tis.y cleanse tise viele sys- e a. asàuatônie on tise lceS, enlîvan Liestlon, iselp tise stom8pis. anS muSe ,o fe1 si tmong and iveIL For bouda-eh.., dilgeation and stomnaci disordere 1 arn ônfideut tsat tise oe presecription la Dr. lamflten's Pilla." Belng compoeScof naturel Viegetable emedies, Dr. Uamilton'a Pilla poiseus Teat power, yei tise, are isarmiess. Theyv .5 ah eorgane conneeted -vit«b tise ste- iach, liver, and bovels. Iu consequeuce. Do la properly digesteS, tise blocS la ira andS unrisiug tise body la Sept trong a-nS measttsdisease. êli druggles id storekeopers self Dr. Ha-milton'a ls, 15o. per box, 5 for *1.00, or b- mail mm tise Ca-tarmisozone Ce., Buffalp, N. Y., id Kingston, Ca-na-da. S1LLLOX IN WATERLOO. Sohools, Are (Jload and! GeimeraI Vaccination Ls Orderet!. A. despatcbfrm Waterloo sy: A a.pecial meeting of' he Town Gouneil was held here on Thursday morning at which the health,.,- tiiorities reported th exb~ emallpox imt~he corporation:". vised that à general vaocin atwno the reéLdents be, ôrdered,- T1he- Council adopted the reoomnzenda.- tion--o! Dr. Baumn,,.. and The girl who ia ambitious Vo make a naine for herWfFýu&uevly ends by acceptî'ng s9j1#nn' a. An Itinerant OCireux. A spa-ciouf canvas telaV and a multitude- <ofmecisaniceldevica, one sund al- dependenli ipon eiôc- tricitY, are hauled by powerful electric trucks freiýn Place Vo place. When the show ýreacises a promis. ing centre thseent ia pitclied upon a suitabie Piece cf. ground, and tise numerona tool8 are set up « under working, conditions. In oue corner ma-chines ma8y b.semen foupled- Vo tiny metors Vo perferin sucis opera- tions as- pumping, driviiîg tismea- ing-maehines, wood-spliVing, bone- cmushing, aad uni1oading. fiày, heing set i motion a.nd stopped by the movpeient of a handle. lIh anether sectiei tise a4vantages e! eleetzio- llghting are driven home; and an- other la divide;d-by-pirtition. tocs e- Present sValls- lu a ca-tio-ahed wisere couis are beinùg milked by eleotrical devices, uiitis ciurns, etc., uihizzlng merrily near byi tise pre- paratien Of thse inill fom culfereont purposes. Net a single disty on tise farm ia overlooked; eleetrc4y la applicable Vo aIL. Outside, electri- cally-driven trucks o! ail desarip- tiens, f rom a- iail, liglit van Vo a iseevy wagon, are shouin deing haulage, uiork o! varions kinda.. In anotisor place tisere la a sma-il work- slicp fully equipped with benach, an-j vil, laVis., and sa on, suchi as ma-y be found upon a-ny up-to-date lac- lated fa-mm, where repaire o! a-il de- scripti-ons ma-y be effected wiVis eleotricity as tise sole source of energy. Nor iâ tise domerAie side forgotten. ho a] ce ta c; of oneyTalks re -T RBHetnaleuidemation. visen-in. pi -saeunty cf tise moer naIvsted. Invastment lu rirai Mcrtgage l -bonds. gua-manftses saounlhy cf prin- cipal. a-a àd a-t the sane tima yields tise Invfttor freai 6 ho ôpr et W.e au ciffé iigi-elas onds lu denominatlons01cf*100. *$00,sud 81W000 cash, -seotisai tise sMsllin l u- veston ha. tiesasmo. oppçnluuiiyhiý c! tuyauit s have Banks, Trust b COcaipanies anS large inveuhors. a- . sIsel. <lad te almit partiw a i etua âcacrtain Lisou«swiich wè, me ,pcv hava ou hand. -va MON!TRE L TRJT ýs shoýwn tise way Vo lessen"tise irduusnoe o! hem la-bore in, eock- sg, washing, ireünng, seui-ng, -ea-ning, and se forth. Tise, point lat &trikea Vise speeta-torla -t-ho kmah ani-umnt of attention thse var- os machines requiro,a and tise ea.se tmd siinplici-ty of tiseir ontrol. Tise umpalgn on tise oountry-side ia )eing oamied, pn with cormniedable nemgy; -and a imuar muovomont nlgist be inaugurated very ad zvau- ageously in these islauds -with a Ïew Vo popu-iarizing electricity. ne American cornpany is speuding mer $100.000 upon VU-s campaigu & educstiom na-d enh-igiteninnt; md, j udging from the mesultases ar achibved, iV wll reooup itsel! everal times over, as Vhs travel- ing electric famm is proving a fa-r aore valuable advertia-ement, and- ffeçtiug more practical resuits ini 'gard Vo sale., Vsa-n pages cf newis- mper advertise-mentsana-d acadamic scussiens. IV i-s showing tise .ods," Vo quote an Amn-ican col- qulalism, «"on -Vise spot. " Weddings ln Leap Year. Se k las reVurrs have been madle 1> lea-p year did net suiell tise nfâr- iago ýstatiaticB. LInfa-ct, tisenum- -r o! uieddin-gs uiaabelow tise.aver- ge. Tise Baguish marago mate is in tise dcuin -grade. Many resens -e given for this, but tisose mostly espen-sible arýe helcl o be the 4.4- ince-ef Vise. ejjiniV lveti 15 iue.rease..d employment cf wo- on d adtierse. h tissndardo! ring. Tie -hastcagxse la eaid oh 6 greaVet -facto> Ten yèars..a-go e ara-ge màr-riage rate ln Bng- ldazýd Wale w&a 15.. Lait ye.r- 15"W2. - - -ný déontainpd w1ý Voý 13e p:ecequ The wvaete pa, Vto thý facstory a f-ev day-s a-g nouxsoed, them o ne fare WC dô11,srs (km M,-iad-où,up on- irning -as a*ieod .poloc ont rol wagona àlicol- builing o.n Guy- Try shrtly- hefore W 'rat Y £ Ow eavèd e !tit i r'là h" e n i e ci .ty , t 'lie p o lic elsied o ditriute ola th 1~grsm o! -reù ~> per lipany. whi-e ourne loye.c usort.ne, agend- eo aroa eue-lotk.whe brut ae a- nd ro ai blsa., prrmedo-y sgenuine. Tise, dia- ,rthi seves-ai houad Su PILGRiUS DROWiNED. Ilohammedan Caravan Overwhelm- ed' by 'a Flooud. A deospatàhi frein Suakjim,- Egy.pt, says: Threa hundred a-ad fifty Mo- isammedan pilgrims from India Vo Mocca were dr<svned on Wednes- day by a- flood uiuicis overuihelmed the entire ca-raya-n at tV enca-mp- ment nildway betuieen the eacred - <ity oi!-Me.dina, Arabia-, aud the Port of Yembo, on Vise Red Sea-. A. àudden. avalanche accompanied by groat torrents of water swept clown the rneunta>ln in Vise neighborliood o! the camp, carrying away in its patispeople, animale and tenta. Only fifty of Vise 400 pilgrims coin- posing Vise cama-van weme saved and have aluce reacised Yemboj.,- TURKS LOST RgEAVILY. Despatoil Gives Partienlars of Dainage te Fleet. -A despatei frein Constantinople Baye: Tise Tnrkishlosses iu tise na- val battle with Vhe Gmeek fleet off t-le Dardanelles ou J-anuary 18 V-o-- ta-lied four officers a-nd M6 men kllled. uile 164 otisers were wound- ed. Iu Vhs -course o! the figlit a Greek sheli explodM Inside oue of tise tumrete cf tise Turius battie- sisip Torgut Rais, killiug nd wuonding every man in it, and disa-blug botis o! tise il-incs guns. Severe dainage was aIse inflicted by tise Oreek projectiles on tise Turkish battleship Asa-r-i-Tewenik. Tise Tumkish gunners dedlanstisat thev iu.flicted important loases. ou tise Greelis. RIAS SÂVED FOUR LIVES. Medal Presented to George Cowan, of St. Thomas.; A despatel f rom St. Thomas say.s: George Cowan, an employe of a local shoe factory, lias been pre- sented with the Hainilton life-sav- îng medal for sa.ving the if e of the daughter cf Mr. Crisp frein drow-n- ing last August, when she was blown off the pier atý Poirt Stanley. This is the fourtli person Mr. Gow- an has aved from drowning. Dlad Blood -s e sadirect and Inevta-ble enit cf Inlar or constipa-ted bowels gud mck' ed- .np ...dnay aldn. Tise igse odand otsr vaste mat- ton vuicis la alloved te, accumulate -poisons the blood and. ths whei. a-ct dînectly on tile bo* i-eý I tn tli-ou =the, kidneys, glvi gthen, ca.ansreuigtilîodpnropenly te abioô- n utise skin, oein P tlspr .For pare blood and gcod Ipdl1%.to*t.Pile Dr' Fernow reices would hé.wel, /for Oovernment te mnv> in question- thorqûjg lisii an -eiperimeptaj erotêtilt ~Oï rssascaiffe, Oralo. 90o ; lie lots ".outalda. rTanng idi Manitoba,:Oat&-No. i truek. baypàrts; io food 0,for prmp OcMu-merlan No. 550 - t ut. bagje 1-ï6nd- pat bagq; sru lcetten bagsm ÃŽ4e05esut, patents, lea Country Preduoi Egts--cold-etorage es casa lots; fresis eggsa a UfleeseTwlni. eW, 14 3.4c te ie large, nov, et 14 1-2c; old eheesaIv 151-4c te 151-2sa;largo, 15c. - Buttem-Oreamemy printe. 31c te 320; . [solids. 29c to 30e, Dairy priaIs, 25<, te 27e Inforior, baker.'). 22 te 23e. Honey-EBuckviseat. 9o peund lu tins 80 An larmoie; atrained elover honoy. 12- a pound lu 60-pouM tins. 123-4o lu peund tins;, 13o in 5-pound tins; ce r hney.' No. i1, $2.60 per Soi-eu; extra, $3' Sozen; No. S, $2.40 par dozen. Po n -QOtaioa -Llve chice visolesale. 10o teIle per peund; fe1. te 10e; duckS, lc te 13c; live.turkaa1li te 17e';, eeae, Se te 10e. fressè nieu- tmy, 2d te 3o above live quotatione, excpt-I lng, dresseS turkeye. at 20e te 21e. Beans-Prmnea. 82.60. anS $2.0Ã" for handJý -Potatees-Oulatlo1pta -erlag car lota, Ti7 wB -- k s, $1 per ha-g, eut et store; - am lots. Spaulis Onions-P $ 2.35 te *2.-I 140.I ~unulLr teMt. ifloO » >been.a greatd tisat 1V nerVi coupnlry' ,vincial turnla-froma Nei .o la.nd son, Mfonteibi, estab-, hart and ôtheér reby - lusivel"y the -f..j - .Tise Spanisis king has-aigned1 a de.- cree coènforring on' Doua Maria -de fi. chasseatioOlewCanaljo ,widow of --tise ilfated - ~ and deeply lamented -premier, a. uffs. dukedon i gving to >1er tise titile oi nitoba t-Lake Duchesa<cf Ca-naleJas, *ith rever-- ~ -Sien Vo lier childrou ini due euccea.-, z 3t ýtrcar Sion. - lown t 0 f&or VI se .fermai ternis deesVhe w,)ie. 33-e te 3 ýl Spaniali Gazette o! recent date an- i 38e on 1rack, _lé- lneunce Sthe isaUing OJ7,a patent et 2 0. -W. cuis. 4 ' 1e.uobility a.nd the grandeessip of m .w.. aa.go. t Spa-in for tise wldow c>f IDoýnJý>sde aiimn, Cana-lejas. h6 fiii -r3 3ail ;FaflîToront.o, .T.eeofi iwora ý4l ý _ 11 cown Vise life romance-a romance car lots out- 0o! love-cf -tise one wiso hencefortis La 1 ý s wull Wea-r a du-cal oononet.- - is< 1-f 90 peunda, Whezi Canalejais was a young ma-n 70, visolesabe, wînd- and hia brilliant inteilectuaî quai- Lu 6o o,6 ies uiere beginning Vo give promise ia $9te Ï20, ino! wh&t lie would ho in afft-r-years, s horts, -$u2;miS. I ho. met the dauetier -of an, humbl iran, ~ ' 19o 2, Spa-nias family -ithl imited, means 'nt patents, *5,30 l in -iom necesity oompelled Vo eamn teteM*.60 n ut-aa.lier own livelilio&l -and-help support, nu.6 lu J,,Pïare1lier parents. Being ready çwith he. 'eot' Eet 3er ýtoneedle a-nd Ih-aving conaidora-ble -- taste- for. dremmeaking ase secaine & seamatrese and -worked lu ai, weaJVhy ggs ~ fa-mily-' under an assumed ualpe.- - Tisere Cý lea wooed and Wo at2t in - - ÂPANSI~ROML4 llig Makes-Duchesa o! Wholesale deaie Ira-doesfoov -Smie.andSD Sole17 1 34 baen lk-2; Ise bacons, 1414c i caesa(11-eÏ1< bGeaen e GroeenMe-t emokd.o messort$2 meardpeiseu Lad-4eTier4ce Ba-lsd Ha-y and Straw. Quota-lieue, Ira-eS, Tomonte :-Baled hay, No. 1. $13.50 t-o *14.00; Ne. 2. $9.50 te $10.50; No. 3. $8.00 te S0.00; Bale Setrav 5$9.50 tO $10.00. -- Montreal Country Produce. Montreai, Jan. 2.-Cisese-Finesl west- erns, 13c; do.. fineet eaetem-ns, 12 1-le te 123-4c. Butter-Chiseiest creamery, 29 1-2o te 293-4.; do., seconde. 2.6e t-o 27c. Egrs- Pres, 30a te 35e: de.. seleet-ed, 28e te 29c; do.. No. i stock, 24 te 25c; Se., No. -2 stock, lic te 20c. Potatces-Per ha-g, ca-rlots, 65e te 75c. UnIted States Markets. Minneapolis. . Jan. 28 -Wiseat--My, 87 7-Se; July. 89 i-le ; No. i hurd, 88 i-Se i No. 1 nonthemu. 86 3-8e te 87 7-Se; No. 2 do.. 843-Se te 85 - <. Corn--No. 2 yallcw, 423-4e te 44c. Os;,. 2 visite, 30 3-4e te 31 1-la. Rye-Ne. 2, 57 te 59c. Brsn-19.50. Flour- 'Uneha uged. Dulutis. Jan. 28.-Wiseat-No. 1 liard. 87 1-8c; No. 1 notisern, 86 1-Se ; No. 2 de.. 841-S; July. 891-l -ie;lay 8-ebd Llvs Stock Markets. -Montres1, Jan. 28.-A feu- ef tise S-t abeers brougst s iigi s ns$6.25 te $6.50, but tise buis cf lise Ira-ding vas doue a-t $6, *ile- -co-ws soiS a-t from $3 te $5 a-nd huilea at freai $3 te 84.60 per 100 peunds, as te quality. Eva sissep selS a-t $6.25 tg $.50, anS bueksansd culle a-I $4 te '$4.511. wiîle la-mise brought $7, $7.25 a<d $7.50 per 100 peunde aa te quality. Calves manged froua- $3 te $10 eseis. aqs te sire a-nd ouality. Seleeted lots of- hegas olS ah $8.75 te 89.2% per 100 pouada, voirised cff ears. 1_ - Teooto, Jan. 28.-Fer good buitehering ca-VIle from $6 te $6.50 vas Paid;,-for .me- dium trou, *5-50 -te *6, sud fer faim frcm"ý $5 te $5.50. GeoS te-ciie covi mangeS trom .$5 to -$5.50; mediuma (nom 84 te $5, sud common trom $3 te $4. GoS bulle brougist about- $5. Hleavy stockera-anS Obligation »Both Way1§. -,1 svy, long io 14 3. i aeiiing totes ed Meats-Rolla- anis, mediume, 17e teo 16e; breakfast h a-en, tous snd O3s (plain). 21 1-le; ýcle], le les tisa-n c $*28 par barrel; te 1313-4e ituba, te hbave theln' - "Yes, and od masters ahl. respect -Wlie'n. Cana-lejas eccupied the- :premiershlp fer th1e fSimne somie- damesoi - tise Madrid a-x-stcracy- vise lia-cleu-try V.o tise palace and Vo c-9ourt circles turned a. cold sheul- -d r, on .li wi fe and b mlted that-as beTr birtis and station were nta xalted a* theirs tise hoped ahe u14 be debarred from _attending ~CnIjae went iteRing Alfon-sos- aile &aid-: -sire, uihere I enter .my fwlfe entera 'also, and .1 crave for heË ail tise. respect Visat is due Vo - Vise',posi-tion of tisýe wif e o!Spain's- - Premier. If tU-s is denied me 1 shall place my resiguatien in, yen-UT majesty's lad. Tise king se-on Put nxatters-on a - propor footing. RID, YOUR FEET 0F BORECON Quite* easy nov to extmact a-ny SenS cf a corn-jusr abppiyPutunamn s Cern.Extra- tor-it a-oriks odes ~ - stops tise Pain quicklytise -/ t -thick tisane is softeueS, sud heaiing g5005 night te tise hpart of"tise cern. iu a feu- heurs tise ha-rd come. id--loseued anud sepa-rated mcm ilthe tee. Ont coMes tisha eoma. Toc la left amootis-not a mark le!it. Unse Oply Putnam's Painlees Cern Exirue- ton, rmcmmeuded by- drugg-iste an.-usoaoc in 25c. bottles. - - Ris Omission. Ie boasted loudly of the pies- Ris dear old moiher used te maie. fIe never said. a word -aÊout Dyspepsia pilla- he used to take., What a FOlI as' There Blobbs-I understaýiehofoui - to a fortune. Slobbs-4Tot onlyv into it, -but right through, it. i OpeneS with- Intereat le r Wditc ate re. rAccouts ae opeed by at wi~~~~ithdrawàl n o1 p n. acconn. ýpgO1I hicrUuîareTresu .I ver; ptùU I-o1aY, lmled yený are vTempl114 dtg dotit-Icor. Bay a-ad.flelmonS St&S ,Toso. -,aen6dutthe PAID Up. CAP IA ,ol have', consider- AIS ESE L *îg for me if tisey knew Write for Booklet. for Ve, AWV e v CA i 4JJJryVone.Lcoma neJiILuLe to tell ail ths tr-a ne thins of th4 kinci that jmad happened we shouk See that, they are after- ail pretti -oommon things." "I wender if Lhere i a etrai"t Plymoii3h t-rnght '1" Said Roy. 'Il shi o t till I have seen Dai noli. For nothing. lessa tian à confessien uigned and aoaled--w uatiafy,.:Janies Horner. Do ye happen te have a BradshawV" "NO,_ but wé have something 1e ~,ter, sid$rid saniling; "on- th ne.t landing-1ere 18 Owen, one i !~thelreat Western- gu ards. 1 k-ol he is at home,flozIpassed him j now on 'the itair-,, o.nd _he will -te yuabout the tan. "Wlxat ýa.thing to lirve iii siid lodginga 1" said Rov. sifling. "Yý seem'to me--t»6 keep ail thse prof. -ia onj 1he Preiises. Corne, .F thief, 4o go. andinevw guard anmd, ask hlm how soon 1Iý get- dewn te Plymouthi and ba agaus." - Frithief**went.out, there was a a strange looki of abistraction in face.-Il scarcelyraizdbf horw inuchs le had feit ihis," cs' -7Roy. ý'Wisata. feol -I waa teo Do posîiie that my-own Niew of - c aâe wimright 1.L-orldnÉat it frý myown point' or 1vew, 1I-eofldi -ealizze how Irmiliatinig it mut- hsave beepyto himn-how exasperi ing to- knoW thatyO1*wWere'in - -riglit,. yet flot 'to be able te cL4 viuce any oe" _ "LIt has been-like a great weil on hi '&ailthrough thse autunn, l, Sirid- -and yet I1lino-w--w lIe meant wisen lie -told- Swanl] as harin. Dont you reinember-1 -at one timo he cared, for, noti but cleariËg-.off- the dëébtsl --- now, tiougs le works'hard at tý etlicares -for qthèrpE5ople's Vi hies bWoo-tiat la no longer haý -Before, long'Frithi-of returnMe "71 donit tink yen can d lie aaid. -Owen tells- ipe tson -a trainfrom addingon at- this '-eriig, -but it isn't -a -dnü eune, and you won't geVt eOPymoc til 9.28 t0e-mojrrow moi-ning, meest un-conscionable time, "lWhy not write o Dà,rnel suggested jigrid. O'. no,I lie ýwonid get out o m some mean way. I ntend po.unce-on humi unexpectédlY, in that way- t- get at te trut -replied ii1 This trai+i -vîll -- -very well. 1 sbaIl.sle-p on the w but 1I muat jut go to IReget Sti and get tise.fellow's-address-." This, however, Frithiof was -a to tell hlm, and tliey linger£d 1 Over the, tea-table, - tiil at jeni Roy remembe-red tiat- it-night' as well to see his faàtier and' »him know what had happ-ene4 fore starting- for Devonshire.V rehctanfly le left the-ittie pari but- he tok aýWZuy witlh inl -grateful Fressureof Sigrid's lia ýthe sweet, briglt glance of bl~se-eye, ad the ýecluo iof ler -words apoken Softy and swel in lier -naVive langisago. "Farvl!1- Takc skal De hav (Farewell! Thanks yowsha-lha Whv had slie spok-en t-- him 1-os Was it, perhaps, }eca le wis-hed him to feel that lie --noô foreigiier-, butt one Of th'emseb- -Whatever her re-ason, it tou£ - ini and pleased hini that she j spolen -just in that wy. an< r was with a very iglt heart t he rade is %waY te Rowan Sfi rpeàted Sanud' -and tin. loping, Vo catch hi th isr su ývestry J_» fet te IV begean, lie hirried oÉÉ, -ealýng --to the only eompa.nionship sisel Wae b rn j her great.ha-ps lAlat 0c litt e lne But.1rf-eud hivself -too h father, tiiere w ~pjn ter -IV but to w ait, and, êts i speak -Vo hlmn at the ea <~poruit~ homacle bis wa,5 th~dhael hale miglit TORONTO as-, 1 nr -iiiir,6,vm 1

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