Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Jan 1913, p. 7

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ýPen in fl sTG aid rngrîcs. o- only. stipuuating tnat d.ivil everyone ooO]d bo mdd justand generolus to t tb&telUall thse tra-nge thngs ofi! _.ç "Don't isit,.your «e ki4 dtiat bad sappened we shoui& n him, oà dôdn't- speaJ see- tbot,'they are aftér ail pret1y,ÃŽM aid. » "Pome >,mono thing." od-not b. proseeeut I woxnder- if tisere is-.a train to 0t schaa àteri o -'1Ymouth to-niglit ' aaid uRy- è, . o, nd80 sIhall -not rèa tili I have seen t)ar- 'el t<> do SU' nell. For nothing lese,.4tian hi a ca't t ak underetand oonfcssion sgned asic!seaied 'will waYâ "580 V o mie a eatif James Hornei.. Do you reep.ctable ïn." appein to have a Bradehaw ' Roy -being oung an< '<}k, but wé have sonnething bet- fered Oevere y-imeelf ter,"' laid Sigrid, eiing-; $don thse nel'a wron9.-wcing, 1'- next, landing tisere-ila O'en, one cf but judicià1as 'ae ho'tr tise reat ýWesern guaxde. -,Ikuow ward on thali cold Dýc1 he iê-at home, foe I pa.seéd him jst lie vowod that iscraeïl. no-w on tihê stairs, .nd h. wül tell be tee goo~d -for euch j"cu &bout tisé trainis., and reisearsed?,,itervif 1 "What o. thing-te live ini model hieattacliwk rli logn s V id Uov. smiinÉ. . 'o nell's defense »-ýst feel seem te nme te keep aHihel oes dozed a lîttlÏ. dream sionSa on the premises. * wek ood nd eprss thio, dogo sic! Odio, F- le muet chanfge carriag guard &d oandhi inter'vie-w tis ai!fnl~wtrm gý,rd nd nk inihow soon- I eauandîal -ltrmn get dowsW te Plyrnoutis andc back was lan4ed at-Plyrs agaî. -paet nine,Ã"n a dampj Frithiof went onu.t, tiser. waa stiîî wntry -ntiruisig.> a. atrasige looÃ"ko! abstraction in hie Now thàthe wasai IUoe. "i ilcarcely realized before -lie bega.n At dis like ti how mucis lie hdd feît thie," -said tise work before hlme, Btoy. "Wisat a foot i *Ut.0bewhetheÈ4e aJIlhie 00 positive that mown viewof the be bMiant in rôalil case, wam riglit 1 Looking at it- from a Rthrd»i iny own -ontuf view, I oouldn, 's, e reafas, a realize isw -iumiiating it muet ail through tise wet,,dini ha-va been -te hm-liew exasporat- tsef ,t, ioplôiereDarne iisg te know that'yen wère in the iund - plyd. T righ, ye notto b, 'ale -o- on- d'tiat it wase net vngit et ote. b be e onee, aud..on enteriné 'scay oe.tise man hê' kùgst. beb "It--has been like a great weiglht ter and quàlt.aÈàone. on .lins ail- througis tiseautumn,yp1,rcadhed lins liawatc paid Sigrid, t'and yot r knodw what leeny;i}arneil was a ha meant when lie told Swanhild looking man, dark, pa. that it had dene hlm gooc! as weIl respectable; lie iooked as hliarin., Do't you nemember isowishe eupposed cueto-mer atena tiWe ha carad for nothing in g igit -of Roy, he'tu but cloqaringr off thea debtswl We14 paler and gaveé an inv< a<iw t1botgi lie worke isard at tisat, cf surprise. yeý%le cares for other peopîe'e trou- -Mr. Robert 1' - he bles tu-_tisat les nolonger hie eue <'Yee, Dan,,ùI TaS ideà." - 0 wsat I have. eoime for Befere long Frithilof-raturned. -, quietiy. ' cor! -II don't- tbink ypu can do it, strag.' ost extri lesaid. «"Owen'telle me there 18 înc a t Mr.1 a train nro Paddington &at U0n o hinsseif, thie eýening,_ but it ien't a direct other five-pound note une, and ybu won'tget to Plymout tatdy latJune, bi till 9,28 to-morrow imorning. iiy explained. Now mest unconsciosblé tinsYDu ~lanation." 5ha 8U(-UIFla * D lhé off.ender. wn-ainôyfinç 3k- ý hotly,' him- that he ,d' orôrbbed lie wilýmake * what -la waza sis- aý tising.; I c! it' Hle ai- mot tay, id isaving su!- tlirough Dar- elt *anyt isig ravelad wa- nmber pigist. ~ippiug .would, a scounciral, Lew,% in which, unt anàd Dar- ~,le. Tison ha cd e! sigrid, ed to -fic! tisat ,es at Brîistol, ýy vicissitudes,, aoutis st hait itnally tii.e, he' tisought cf,» andf Vo doubt attack 'woul-d ty as hmg kaliy, hjae Li théeletof gy- etreêbte te, Di was #atpre-_ hie -reief le, - a -veny laIrgo. ig, disovered A-eae'p- ;ced -,hie- face 1rather good- ile, eiuently 1 pciviliy at r.,tâ,pcatch-. urneùý , hadb stammenred.- e yen know. î," sald PBoy,- tbainly a veny raordinary co- Falck elnd, 'have lad an-. i is lspckat zVt it. has ha-an w I wasit yonn 500 " Smr!"gaspaci Larneul; "I doons s "Wliy not w rite Vo Dhmrnell-ii" derstanc! yen; I-I as at a ]Y -suggested Slgnid._7Y11 "No,..ne, lie ywonid get ôo t l- Cerne, do-n'V tell amy more lie3 -in som. sean way. 1 intesýd to, ut it," said Roy, impatiently. - punce on him unnxpectadly,. an e icsieW siow that yob muet lave in that-way te e t iatiftkeît, iornono ne aisewae pro- replied* Roy, - "This train will 0 &ent. OtuW cosifese the trnthf andc!h very w-al. I sisail sleep on tisa way, -o-u shall net ha prosecutad'; yen - but I issuet.jiset go te Regas4t Street i<al E your situation haro. Énrd get tise. f-low'à address." Wliat iïkd4 "ron tedo it?" This, isowever,-Frithiof wae ablea "Dou't ho rd' on 'me, sir, e te tell hlm, asic! Visy )ingered long stainsmored tise - m . "I assure yenu over thi ea ou-table, tilI ut iengtis Vve. -bittenly re ' àed it many a Roy rememhored tisat it migist ha tise" -u well te soea hie father andc!latt "Tison whýr did you net make a him know what isad happoned ba- cdean hreast c!f at t my fatier ?.1" fore starting foer Devonsisire. Very- said Roy. "Yen miëlt hava icuown relnctantiy lie laft Visa littie parler, tisat lie wonld uever ha liard onî but hoeteck aweay with lin tise ye." -gratelful pressure cf Sigrid's liand, "I wisis I had,' eaid Darneil, lu i tise sweet, bigît glance cf han great distrese; "I wies'te Qed 1I blue eeEý- &sd tis e ccisof her last had, sir, fer it's. beeauaa miserable werds, spoken so-ftly andc swoatly business fremistfmaVte last. . But I in hiernastive, language. w-as in deht, axsl I tisouglit of my ý "Farvell Tak tikài De lave." wifa hwiwas i11, aud I.knaw that -(Farawall 1__Tisanks yen shall have.) the diegrace would kililiber." -Why had âliepoken te his ln "Se yen went asic disgWaed yen r- I Norse ï Wà-it,, penrhape, hecause self etill more," eaid Rov, l-l [ she -wiBhed ihsmtb-feel that ho was - Youjtried te muin anotherw no fo-eiÈeise,hbut oné -of tlemselves î stead of yeursalf 1" Whatever lier reason, it toucled -"'But ha was't turned off,"- said lins asic!pieased his that sIc lad Darneil, "asic!tisey put it ail on -spoqkasi juet in that way, and it hie ilînase, asdici seemed-as if. a!- wCs i wth a very figît heart that.- ter aul, it wouid net hurt'-huii sos - lie suds hie ýway te Rowan Tree rnuch. It was a gre-at ternpctti<3n,1 > ose and when 1 had onca- given w-ay tw ~The lump ws-s net lighted in t-he it there seerned ne titrning laik.' drawinÉ-roonl, but. thon-o was a " Te-il me juast 1mw yen to4q it, '- hliing fine;, andc ontisa hearth-.rng said Rov, getting rathar mo--' c-alrn sàt -ýCeci1 wAtl Lance nsetlefi close asic judiciaI in hie nianner.- - to-tlesr, listening with ail is eare "I saw Mr. Humner dive -n- te -âne of tis e lre sterios whicl sie Sardeni t-he change, sir, alid 1 saw - -'always teld his on a4nday eveis- lis put the note in the tili ; and I in ,gî. was just despem'ista with being in 6"Has fat-hen gene te chape1 7" debt, and nont knowing how te get aseked- Roy.- straigît again." "'Yeé, semae tinse ago," replied "But wait a minute-hou -had Cecil.. "le sanytliing the niatter?" -yen got into suehdifiuli" n- . "Don't look se frightanad, - said terrupted Roy, "and hu cotild a - ty, as tise fir-light show-oc! hum five-pound note heip. von .out - h-ar dilated - eyes. "Nothing îs t-ha agi) in ? jn4tter-I have br,.utglt home cene - -WelI, srm.i-,1h-c! beeâi toulcckv ver ygeod news. Frithiof is clearad, in a betting tracsaction, but 1 asic! that wrat-choc! business cf -the thouglit I conld right rmyself if only' .fivo.pennd nota f uiiy explained." I. couic! get semaetig te t-ny again "--laiot-!" nIe e>Ciaîme-d. "What with; but tIare wasn'ta seul I a relief !', 1ut, how? 'Do- t-ell me o ouic! borrow frein. I thenght I - H ropate! SaihIlc's stony, osiiy I hec! five nluadu ail.", - pouSdaneV praiglit a anat- ncdi asdicties, boping to - catch hie la- se I did, a-r; I wae 9jim feet agai7s tiso n is q vestry. o e Vtipaoia the vory net day," began, lournh loff, ea ving ou "I rmsgisVhave Ilcnows itVwae bat- te tise oeuiycom-paui5iship sa-e couIc! ting tisat lad! muned te said bç ý ji r great lieppioesà Roy. ! Now gpo hock 2nd tell wis-n at of ttea auce, -ut>kte4t Buv'R hII7m toc te rT e ô -thinksng and.planring '~>cath~iusfather, thora was no~- tVrougi tise afternoon, sir, aild tisen - t In~r-it but te wait, andc, asixi- preisently al' was quiet, asic! cniy ýj te aspealv 'te lin a thtie earliest Mn. Faiok- with mne lin tiese lop;, asic 4)1picrtutnity, ha niado hie way inte' I was J.ust wonderng liow te geV t-ha cisapel tat lie migît g-t hold rid ecishinsm, -ien Mn. Borner open- But al went well, and' I WxtendEd te 'o - -out quiclcly at tèa:-timie-it was close upon it tlie n-and do what 1 oouidto gat ig traiglit again.- «I thouglit -I oould in'vent ah excuse for not returning to e s hop tistý niglit; say I'ci been taken suddeýnly, iii, -or . scnsthing: cf thakt SorTi -If wae !wtr. Falck'e tursi te o9firet; and,! w he sewas e ut, -asil-Iruck Woul.d have 1t,! Mr. Hornet caie -to tako -change Iron tise tiil, andc!tisen-' ail the row began. I' made aura" 1 wae . ruinod, "asic no one wan more- sunp'rised than mysei at tise turn thatý affairé took." tTc be continued.> LADY ROSEMIIRY LEESON- GOWER, Daugliter cf tise Duke o! Suther- lasid w-le in expaotec! te marmy the' MIarqni9 of Grnby. G;rainis of Gold. In prayer iV ie hetter teo have a hurat without words Vlan w-onde without a iseart.-Bunyaýn. Hope alw-ays strengthan-s te tise performance obf duty, gives cour- ae, aud cleame the judgmant-G. Macdonald!. Every mani who inhenits 5wealth la.s a long -etant -cf thoee who be- gin lilewith enly thair musecles and brains.-Profei-sor Smart. 1 am caftais that eue .61 tise meet important thinge nocassary for a chiid is to develop it-s naturai love of the beautiful.-Mise Clami-ce Mayne.j This le a tise in which passion andc prejudice on woman suffrageý have been stimred up t-o an extent withont precedent.-Lord Haldane. The meest gladsome thing in the womld le that few of ns fail very ln-v: the saddest that, with such --i pabilities, w-a seldos rie-e high.- J. M. Barrie. It is easy t-o jein in t-ho giib tais concerning groat ones that is net te their lonor. Rather lot ns have eyes for theit- virtues andc extel thern.-Rev. Thomas Spurgeon. g.q The Fimet Stop.Taken. Jimmy Martin. after runniug a barber she-p for tw-o or three yeare, decided te bacome a dentiet. Hie Ltncie Si,, upon Iaing of t-hie 4le- cision, dropped in te taik it ovet. "Yas." ho agreed, "dentistry je about the casiest new job you couIc! také up, Jimmy. You know Iow te work Vhe chair aire'ady, se tise rest ought te coma easy enongh." Glad%,s-<'Why net -epeak te pa- pr i>.w ? He's in the billiard-room." library. I'd sooner get ht with a bock than a billiard-baîl." ÇiftL~Don't Mhiss Tiss .iges tho "et,. ifer"l Send Post Card to.;day for par'ticuIars. 74 St. Antoine St., Montreal, -Carn. moreý on top. Bikè from twanty te forty mitintes., according'te- size Of CreaiùedCëlery' onù T at-Oo tise, Oùwlde etalie in' just enougi water te mako tender ;tlen prose aIl througis siave. To oee cupful cf pnip aliow twocupfutls of- milk, and wheii heated thioken witis fleur Vo Make «just creamuy., Season with sait andc pepper, .addi-àg ena e- sponful<>i buter. Pourover toamt Edg 1o4c In Tomate Sauce- Cook tiseisard'.parte, of -tise tomal- teeés andicnçý'cisoppedsgnao» papper, alftar discîauedIing tise §eeds-asid al Nhlte membrane.- Add threae prige cof pareley. Wisen tise tçmatees ire tender, : priesstirugh ',.' sieve andc add eue-ýhlai! upfui of milk toeoasis twýo eupfuls cf sau.ce, Place in a shalô*oIj an asd'icbing te tise sim-1 meriing p>oint; tison slip in tisé eggs and poai. -Place tise cookèci eg-s -on toast, âeason tise sauce witli but- ter, asic pour over ail:ý Pftte Salatwid-Boil "tise sega- t4~bles, and -hn, cold pare éaud ont, idding one-fouttý1s as muclicairet, and onë-half a green peppëjr eut in- te amiles-arnsd oe-tablespoosiful of minced oiives; mix thsorougisiy. Heat one-fourtis cupful cf melted baýooùfat, oie-fourtis cuptul o! vine- gar, ona-feourtis teaspoonful eacis of dry utustard andc!pappar, asid on-e- isai! - teaspoosiful of sait; pour this o-ver the vegetables, cover and set. away until cold. - BefCurry witli iice-Take twc ponsof beaf from 'the round, rumnp, or chuck an&i cnt into pieces Ûbout three incises square. Place in a, atowpan Vihree tables«peonuls of! finely cisopped onion asic a good sizod apple cest isito a-mail pieces; fry ini Vwo tablespoosifuls of faV or butter ntil - slightly browu. Stir ini tWo or three clevès,' a plncisol cisisanson id ginger, eue tabler epoonful cf curry po*sder, hl a tablespooufu'l cf fleur, and twn cupe o! boiting water.' Thon adc the beef asic!d stew elewly fer an heur andi-a a li. Wieu tise mneat je tender put ini sait, pepper, asid paprika, aise a squieeze of lames jule, asdic iVleready te serve. Steamed or baoileci rice siiould hi heapec! about tise pIgtter, the curry being in tisa centor. Braised Beef--S-eleet 3 pounds oi heef rump,* rinse in cod! Water, *tipE dry, sprinkie wltis pepper asic sait, andc dredge tisereugisly wltli floui and browsi in hot fat, whicl ma3 be taken fron tise heef itef, un. til the entire surface ef haeef ii browned e;,er. Place' on trivet ir a deep'granite pan, surrousid witl vegetables cut into dice, one-fourti cup of-carreté, osions, turnipe, an( celary, togather with one-isalf tea spoonful of peppercorn- Pour ove: thii tisree cups cf lr-îg water cover Closcly andc! akeT in ovèn fo: four heurs. Baste every tliirt. minutes. After twe hours turi roast on other sida. Serve with4 hrowsi sauce made f rom liquid ii the 'pan. Beef a La Worcestershire-Eithe fresis or cold ieftevers from roast or steaks may ha utilized for thi diel. If fresis beaf is usa-c a longe time is s'equired foirtise cooking Piace soea fat or butter in a rauce pan to lest. Cut thse beef inb tisin sliées about one-fourtis of ai inch thick; f ry in the fat unti hrown, then add sait, peppar, an twe tablespoonfuls cf Worcester sisire sauce, and enougis boumin water te almost cover beaf. Whai the seat le resdy thicken the grav, and pour over sorne thi.n slucesc hut buttered toast and serve. Ti je an excellent savory - dish fo lunch, Sunday nigît tes, or eve Pa.înedl Steak-Heàt corne fat in a skiliat until it emokes. Tisai put in s tisick round or flank -steak asic sean umilibrewn- on eithen Bide. Peur about one -- pint cof boiiiug w-at-en over steak àdc cover ekillet tightly. Cok for ferty-flve dmiu- utas until seat -le tender. Sproad witli-butter, sait andc pepper asic serve heaped with enjoue eiceci vemy t-lin asdic fa!nutil ellýgitly hrow-n lu butter. Thliiqnid ieft isi pan sonld ha tisickened andc!ponred ever t-ho whole iish. ilints te o usakeepers. Bnead.wi kaep bat-torn a w-cod- es box Vlan ini tin.- -sait cof aluni eprinkiad onth carpet will keep inseeýsa.way. 1 Sava ç1d fait laVate tmake feit insoles fer lippers asic!rabben boots. f r t c r y n a s r ks -s ry or >n iooaàionaly1 waye ripse- tlirown ou tierie-axfdýle . znéasùreentà -tu bel nia4e c-tihe t'hWnonth ý iï I--llTa>g rag-progresecf Britishisndustry. - wtiapleasant d;Théfact that-!stands out ejitgty rance. - - l that thse 'valua of tise net eus. If~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~er p~t.~l gaYn&i ir en-praon empàoyed, axciuding breakfast, iut nhr a.ce"~; ontworkers lu England asic!Walesï tisn they -eau b. slféd-i-i sala4a on 1907, wae £104; in' Scoitlaud.- £98, fiels sauces. - - nd ainil Ireland, £78. - - A littie turpentine sprinIcled- Taking ai11isiduatries. icldn amoig tisecethes.or put.ah.éout theO agriculture asic!tise, fisenies, thée ciesets wili .make motis ,Jleo and!out put ýof Vis, -Unted Kingdom lu exterminate cockro&cies.-I vll10 wsbtwe l,3,0000 takaý spots eut o! musliu>asd if a ($7,165,ùO,Oo) asi!£î48ÃŽOOO tabiesponful ha adde d 'tô a bolier- That it le impossible te fix tise total fui of clotises it .wil Whiten theoncre exactly la due btesedifficity mues. It is good for. a ci#f or humn., lmiaig dûplicaticus in Vise -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~j Ats eaywy-ee~idonOsgr-undce-ver-ad by rétui-ns. oàr botties with eamali uëèks i n o hettlo eny£, chop« a potgitQ inte sisslla 'cet- 500,000,000 sÃŽterling, o-ver £400,000,- Put tisese into tise decanten with- wrhc odewr xotd Warin water asic!shako _vgoreoýsy- ea-ving tise0otput of -tie ->d up asic! o . We iegasb-for' tise home market at mocre -than ginst alune ampty eut thýis a- £1- 'm te and ninuese6veral imes witicoicld oa nan o iecntyl water. - *ated at about £2,000,000,000y' An- excellent way te dlean a Far- ~c'61000Oo hsi eevc ýPet la te Put into à a ail a all by' he s«yace taX-Payng clans.' 'quâhtity po! soft soap asic! wo c-,o- three teaspoonfult >f arMÉD~a. . ?our ' n-esieugis iot iWater toe ua e 4 ~ . a ÉCood latiser, stiring; witisa tick. YKd.L" .e When tise .oap Ias diiseolved fii nP' with. more hot- watar. Dlp ascrub- (~ L f.4 ~~. bing brusis in tise solution' and brusis iigistly over tise carpet, terward rubblng wihadyc oi SBealinig-wax is usefully emplby-ed Vo niend houseiseki articles -which, leak-ànything, indeed, expept.poqts andc Pans, on tisinge whicéis are ex-- posedto fire Iseat. -Aiis anamel ha--i 6uslId with sealing-wàk.asic! ha in -daily use for leng- aftarwards. euccessfully treated ln tie same way.e lery, and for new- capital inývest- meni te thôîeý,-&d abroad.- EtML-FEiNCE -PUIL0SOPIIY. Olear-eighted reas on ile one's most valuable asset. oe folk's, live-e are ]i-ke a dream. They bring- nothing -frto the worl&d, sc take nothing uut of SucSSsoo4mes t-i-the-man wh«D -L-~ lieves in seuoceding. W. should' water and. cultivaýte thse flowers anïddesËtroys thse wceds -in ýour diepoeiticn. Laginess and. drunkenness clotb3 - a man in, rage., The man ýwho'-thinks, he je more- cunnine« than- others'le usually the' one w'ho jedaceived at thse end. * Èo 26Ae t--~ Umbrella Mfaking Hazardosis. The-manufacture cf umbrellks le hot generally regarded as arùong the hazardous industries, but the statement le made by one f-ully ac- quainted with thse conditions that if an examination be made oi the physica1 condition of the employes, cf a large- umbrella -factory haif of thein' wilI be found to be affllvted witli tub-erculesis, bronchitis, fib- roid tissue and similar disesee. This le due to the dust of the placeè and the fumes of paints and var- nishes used in the varions opera- tions cf making an umbrella. 'Bat- teries cf circular saws are ueed in shaping the handles, and thse duest from the wood is disastrous when introduced into thse lunge. The. var- nishing solution consiste cf shéllac, naphtha spirite and red or *hi te lead, and the f usnes rom combina- gercus toeathe heeah cf theedea- tio breathed reea theoparea- tives. A concrete mil-houwe makes m4Qk worth more fEOPLE are w~illing yto pay more F -for- milk thýat cornes from a dean, sanitary-dairy. I nearly every "4à ýsudh dairies cha rze frons 50 per cent. te '100 -per cent. more tisas othes-and evesi thesi tisey-can't aupply tise dernand for pure, hièi- grademsiik. Yeu wil cet more vaue,ýou t yonr cowâ if ý-ypn properiy cool and ','oe tise milk. -Suchis I enet Qfiy m5ge ,o1esomce -and tiserefore' f-_bCdl!pn"ëm fice -it is 41saisslower toi%.s ' mià k handled by ordinary methodi. Ask for tise fre book, "What The. Fariner Can Do With Concrete" TT wiil tell yen how te build a concrete miik-house, asic!ais descniben scores oft-other unes, jfor concrete aroumid tise homne and ou thé farm. It i net a cataozue. Its 160 hands6mely illustrate4 page's are dcvqned .atfrely te -thee uubject-in wlich every progressive farmer mn intcrestecL YOU doe not place yourself under thielhtest obliation' in. askig for tie bo ok. We [do -net even ask thýat you agreo use cernent. -Jnst sigs tise coupon atached -te tiss aidvcrrisem-sit, or sesid your nase-andc address by latter &z post card, anidda-e book wil -b. mailed to you at once. Address,- yourboci -CANADYA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED-, 513-554 H.rald Bilding, Montral T>4 ,HEN>'a y cmni, remember haameanadahava - fond that ,"Canïada" cament Labout. Lqmok for dh abel-on. a eybal and A barr#L - dam~, il -

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