Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1913, p. 2

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-thac Jl grçatly - e. If g have Vor nare ardlys 1ha rea.ched the. top. My' heart- w9uk ' aipitate until I feit as'if it ~.Iwfflelitreniely m~ervous, i fist a complete -wreck, -and~ wo'uld' sometimès have'.te re-. Main in b ed for, a couple of!- daya or moe at a time. 'I found ne help -froyn mediçine until I began usangi -, 'Dr. William ýPinlt Pilla, and my; experimnce with them *as th#~ they miade a comnplete cure. I-gained in 'weight'-and my friends tell me I look youngc4r t4ýn I -did teai years ago-I knciw I certainly feel-$'oun- gepr. 1Ifeel surç tauat wrlat Dr. Wii- _'im'Pn Pilla have done ferme. t hey wiil do to other wonien if given ' far chance." * If you- are at ail unw ell do not #ai to .- I etry,,Dr- 'Williams' Pink Pilla,; aaidyou wiI' find ,new heaith land - *trength. Sold -by- niediine -deal- ers or by mail at 50 cents a box or sibc -boxes for $2%.5O fiont The Dr. Williams' -Medicine Ce.; Broekville, Ont. 1)ÃœTCH CENT1VNÂRY. gUiaing QPritge' ln Art and Sol- ýëaeeIn Past100 Years. T1tis ye4r té le t.-ingdom of R' ; olland» ceelrates a hiundred year-s- -of pr(Treea, after yeara o! deàpair. In 1818 Hoiland wa.s a orapple. T-benstçn which -had been one of the teéacleri cf Europe, which de- @Pite.,*ite small ise iad been the - ~ ~ ~ o 'rde !the arts an& sciences, which -boated, great panterg- like Remnbra<ndt, Hais and. De Inooghi gret dalctiian lke . Erasmus and seholr* like Grotius-thià na- Iion ied sunk almSet Vo rtèe level of ----aneglected province. But in te hundred. years thibt bàVe gene býy Rolland, deapito re- verses, hotuh at home and a.broad, las reausrted herselt,-ad te Dutch- tI>'ugli a amail people hâmmed in by l&rge ntilitary Gev- irnments, hold a high place smo1 te niadone. I th-udneteenth and I twenüteth centiffies 'Europe bas been t;hli.ir debtor f& le-scite it ecience, in international law, of wii e Dutch wpre the founders; in h-prtièulture anid vgrcuture. -Her ancient University of Ley- <ionhlas produced in the last gener- ati-oti lDe- Sitter and- Kame'rlingh On-nes, .who equefied helium, and Mi ber northern- Univer.,ity of 'Gronixi- gen ilie greit Kapteyn sits in the chair o! astrononiy-wlience pro- 'eedcdtbe twentieth century theory' of the double drifît of t-b'estar-. -t. i,,,tot surpri-sirg t-ht Helland è4ouîd seizet the opportu-nity cf co-ni- rt-hemoirating ýher liundred years cf - remaria.bie pregreffl by hlding a centi-nary. Thbe chie! 'f cature -of t-bis cc'ntenary will 1e thq inauguera- tien of the police palace atThle H1-ague. - r SAVE TUE BABY. -Raby' s. Own Tabhta are the one safe medicine Vo niake baby welI dnd keê-p him well. They are guaraniteed by a governmeflt analyst -tc be free f rom ail injurions druge and are absolutely safé, o give even t6 the newborn babe. Concerning theii Mrs. Oscar Bed&rd,' Minseau, Que., irrites :-"I1 have uged Baby's Own Tablets and bave to ,th&n-k them týhat my little one is living tojday. 1 know of nothing yVo -qual them as a -jthildren's inedicine." -The Tablets are- soIdt by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents -a box. froin The Dr. Williams' Mtedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Did -yeuge git anything ?" whis- pered the burflar un gard as hie pal emerged -,fiom the wiîîdw. "IXN, de blokewot lives bore is a lairFer,>' replied the other in dis- - ist. "Dat's bard lîtl, " sai~d t first. 'jeDid yeuse los-e anyt'ing 1",* SPIEND THSE WINTER IN CAJIFORNlA. -Attractive satan wif a qotaS via - - vriakble routes,.>ifotf lgn t e lnest accu. erv .The LesoAnelea imited, lea'vtul ChicaEç. dalîT 10:16 p.m. fer Sbôntiemu Ca-i. teorni tP,-the la-n Francisca verland. Lits ,ited. .Ina-ing Obica-go 8:3 p.m. leu tisi t brec risy.ou Ùroute.,proilde Ieubeat of -- '- eyery-thin n rarilray travel. tlChna ond Tapan ,Xaii baves (hblago 'daîty a% i10-45 p.m. for $aut Franciseahad Las At. ffé gles. Illuetraed -ilterattire on applios tioif- te B, H. Bennett. 0. A., Chicago and N~orthi Western RT.. 46 -Yonge Si., Taj'ont<, --The things that- are put-.off until tc-motrroW, are u3ually finishe- just 2- 4 heurs late., - 'einarror-LiniMent Cures- Coldu, Eto. an outor uar nlbu eMer. Ail of whchi.,m'r nary 'Vo th7e ,flection, w,' nana in "Egl , dio -e tbet ls year waethe centenary -of t.ouge*'&s Previous -o that biesM ýyearmen w'are foreed to',enease thieirIëkXs "n- breeches which içaszie jiust ,t<> the kne-e.sor iii pant4Ioona, weh stop- ped above the- ankle ecniething af. ter thé feàFich3o f.the. rah-rah trou- sers of oday. Numerous, gentlernexj .not haàving legs that. eou1d be shown :Vo' advan- tage in týhe tight gainents'o! the perio.d, the i ranëitioix te -trousers came the more ,re"dily. At firet, - indeed, there was P rejudîee. '«An English inveatigator haasdïsgwvered that the Dike 6f Wehingten. wu ope ~fthe.,firet disthrie en in Great Britain to wear .tr&6users mad that hm was refused admittance to his clu.b in consequenc.e by the" coneervative hall port. But tâe trousèe rs ld' sucli obvi- ous ýidvntagee in tle iway f coin- fort and oonjvenienoe that they were b'ound to win.. Se far as human feresiglit goc, they semto have Corne Vo stay." Sergeant-Major Uhaer Gceneral 'French., VETERAN 0F SOER WAR WHIO LOST HEALTirg ON THE VELDT TELLS EXPERIENCE. Cood Advloo for Ail Who Have .lndiges- Mion or Stomaoh Dlisordors. Ia is berne at Waldelgrore, N. S.. ne one ta botter kuowA titan Sergt.-MaJor Crcas, late o! tiie 4th Queen's Own Uns- sars. Bpeaking o! the 1il-effectu o! a cam- paign upon a mnan'a conotitutton, the Sorgt.-Major wrltea: .Il ervednder General French duriag the late Boer war, lu the capaçlty oe! Sergt.-Major. It uwiu perbapa oyt1ng te a cautlnued diet of bully boa!, ha-rd taek. and baS vator. but s-t a-ny rate my stemach entirely gave ent. 1 wae in such a statA that I could st nothiug. wlthout the igre»tent ruferlnt. Tie army, doctoro did ,ot hait, lue MUAh and ince leavtnî the gervlçee-I have been very miserable. Borne te,, moatha a-go a friÊnd telS me ha ha-S been a great stif- forer f rom indigestion until ha trl Dr. Hamilton'e Pilla: tiey cured hlm. I con- 'fess iL was wlthout mueli falit 1 bought a box. but Lie finaL, dose mnade me feel better« tisaI bad heen for a long time. Dr. Hamiltena Plls cornpletely - cured. and ihow can est eerytbing and any- thing. I bavie reomxaended them te0 others and in every. caise the retiultbas been similar te mine." Quick. sure rosuits attend the use ol Dr. Hlamilton's Pitîs. Thýy ecure disorder> of the atemna-h, correct indigestion. snak( you fec! upltfted. and s trengtiened- T< renew or maintain bealth. Dr. ilamilton', Pille alirsys prove a 'good 'prescription 25p. per box. five boxes for $1.00, ait deai ers, or thie Catarrhozone Go., Buiffalo, N Y., and Kinigston, Ont. PRINICE 0F WALES NOT SO SHI Playo Football at Oxford and l)iuei With Fellow Cominonerit. 'Last week rt-be Prince-of--Wales be gain bis second- ter m at Oxford Hais firat terni ias 4n.- undoubtet succsas. "11e's getting over'hi 'ayeanow," sai1 a Magdail unegaduate ' recently, ""w-hicl everyb-ody naticet! about him wheu ie caine up:. It -Snsee stran-ge tliougb it la undotibtedly true, tba ablpormal eblynes was cliaraetorie tic ef ail King EdWard'is éhldren thongh -no tire peoplhe irere ever les Iafflicted with that distressing cern plaint-than Rinig V4ward and Quee Mexandra. 'But by some myster of! ataviem itiiei-r èildren all sul A ered f rom it, ad thi. young Princ tof Waleà has, evidently ixilierited i f rom bs aihe.-'- 'v The Prine,' -alter ail, M ,%pitç c equerry and -private tut<or, sieems t bave opent a -fairly normal tindeî j grduat's ile-fer - a p-rince. 'H "keep-s" chapeL or roflcaîl, st a.m., breakfastsm,4cre. cten iun - th SJunior Common rroon jnpass thani lus own rQs and lunches an dinois, exce-pt foir certai specia;l à -vitations, as do ct-ler undergrâdî ýBates. Whenhle dinès lxi inthe Col1eg ,%Hall he sits witli bis fei-low con moners, and not at. High Table wit -t-he dons ais King Edward did. ýl bias pl-ayed associatien foot-ba pretty regularly fôr tbe Mâ.gdakl second eleven.Ltpd has mun itîVû beagles, vthicoha are kept up l Magdalen, New College -and Trh La ity. lie ha&s tudie4 -higWery-moc Ig erin--witb Profs. Graýit,"Robefts< hand, Lienel . Smith,'ii.nd "civice n. m it lb ir 'William Aiison, Fren% ofwth M. Berthon and German i at Prof. F'iedler. - (Of und'ergradua nclubs ho bedonga te- Vincent'., id club Of! "luee" and good feilbow '- o Btilllngdon. the- horiWy clu wWbclu King Edward joined,,axL 't] 1Gridironý, -which ila 4tainly,'dinâ t e>ub. -Né lias ehown tnoti-ing n-Ma - Clearly Vo undergrâdna4ee ,n o alike tlan a locen desir4§ Vo be'trÈea edý like evervbcdy ehj. ,Jike..mysclf lead me; to try flodd'S'. Kid4ney Pi1i's. At that time 1 wa se weàk à.hd 'he^rvoiu& 1 could unot hold a cup of tea w thout sPilixùg sonlê-of- its contents. '<Ifelt a bèui' <t"fter taking the. fi ret box cf _])o.dd's Kidney Pillé,- and eiglh cor nine boxies cured nie s0 completcly '1 can no w walk a mile withouf- fatigue." If you iiaven>t used'Dodd's -id- ncy Pilla yourseif a.iost. any cf yeurneÂ'glibors- will<f,.eil you they aascur'e,' Kiclney Di1sease in any friA.- STA RCU ,OFTE &. -PoIsoÉ. Sald to 'Be ,Cause o f ÃŽits DIS.- - oréi'sla n gliaid. Recent aetion of the hea1th su- thoritâes,'in Eàngland against a drug- -giet, or, mi tliey cal-1 tiiern In Eng- J'and a "cheisit," for e>ling an infaÉbs' foodl that otained a asuffi- -cient 4uantity ëo sttaroh to make- ài poisnoue, ha. created widespread itereat, in ti. çontxry.1 1-t w&sY b4that the, general inves- tigatio*ùs and Ile amflllSto f !in- fants foods which ià- expected to folloir <tus partiulsr prooecutic'n will resul*'in 14iilar invesýtigations in thie UniteBd. Statea, aIthough, as f ar os is ýknewn no Amèrican-maâde infant fooda have proved inpurious throug~h exSgo f atarch. The Britieh Medcal Journal bas -the folowi* ' to eayi -con neto witli thiâ case: "There- is overwhelming evidencet tlait the digestive dIssrders tç> whili many young children are sub- jeot have resuuted f rom fceding them, upon ,food& largely dornposed of etarcli. Hitherte, ne very great effort- -las been ýiËade Vo prevent these foode being' sold, beyQnd te general a4vice which le given to mothers and nures by doctors and hesIt~h visitore a- to the ha.riful- n»es d themni" "lTheié edical efficer cf hèahth of thé Ocunty cf RutI&nd , Dr. Chris- opher PRlleston, ha.s, however, succeeded in obtaining a conviction befotre the. local justices against a- chemist fer selling a p1reparatikjn of infants' food khicli conta.iyed up- ward of 70 per cent. of practicaily unaltered stareh and whioh was therefore be-id te 12e neit of the na- Sture. substan-ce and qualit.y de- manded by the purchaser. "The preparation wes desçribed as being -suitablpe for an i-nfa-nýt only a few days old. A de&.sertspo<s>nful of-the mixture wa.s directrd bt e12 e put inte a basin te 12e mixed t-o the- thickneý-s of a smoctb cream with cold niilk ' or water; Vo this wa-s t-o -be addcd half a -pinýt e! milk and water in equai parts, and it w.-is then te be brougbt te the bru]. It was contended by the che-sit tat t-be boum-n.g woul.d] convert t-be tbarcli into Fugar.. and t-hi-s view was,.s s- Sported by a~ member 4-! the Society of Public Analysts. There are -some artificially prepared inifants;' locd 'in which the co(nveri&nnoe- the ci starcli into saccharine bodifes i--t » couijletc6, but tbey do net contain n 0 per cent. of &tarci." n' Waterloo In London. Waterloo Bridge. which lias beer ,t badly da.maged by a .moto.r-bu-s, wa.s xproncunced by Canova the noblest 1bridge in the world,, says the Lon- ýs d46n Cîronicle. He deoclared, thai iif there was nothing else te .ee in nLendon, the' siglit of Weterloo ED' - I!SSUE 6'0 ont coèt,. a liberal apl of - each-'will be .sent free *ith -2-.,-book on the 'care, and treatmïent -'of t héskîn a 'nd hair. Addreàss utiffura,' Dept. 25D, J3oàton, V, S. A. Promises to-B3e a Great Wheat and -Cetton Country. - eday z if ite history of the p"e ten years h. net alre.aty catabie4 it to's, tis Sûdazu filly justifies its existence and-theii momeyVtt lias ý been e,4,enàd d n is develop- ment. Tc-a~y thc Sudan, the terri- toir. abott- hieli Col. Stewart, in- - d6rsing Gen.-G6rdon's.-opinion that i «-is ai useleas posacassiosu, ever iras- qp and ever-'wiil be_ so,"' irte that no one wiiolas viaited it can escape.- the reflection, SWfiat a useless pos- sesion an w a a uge encuni- hrane Ã"n Egypt;:" gives the lie di- reoti te ail thepemsimistic viessex- pressed as to the possibity of'ever aucoeeding un -ooiverting I irt nt6a w-erkin.g and profit giving coýncern. To-day thc Sud.an ie !r-eet from ite financial dependence fQr current expenseffe n EgYpL- A great future lies before the Su- dan, greéater pet'<aps thon most1 people imagi ne even to-day. As i - stands ithe Sudan promies in tîé near future te becmoine ieof- thle greaitet cotton and when-t produc- itig ceunitrieà cf thib world, Cbest Coté, Bronchitis Can't Bc Curcd IycouigliSyruips FOR TUE SIMPLE REASON THAT COUCH SIYRUPS GO STRAICI4T TO THIE STOMAOH WHICH iSS-'T A FF ECTE O. The direct-brealhing cure, «'Catarrho' zone,,, whieh lnstantly reachos al affectod parts la best Remedy. Jumt note the fotlowing chat-lt rdean ly shows bois the r-spcn of Catannbczone irben lnhated roveffl att the breathing orý wans in the ucee, trtat sud tungs- that is why Catarrhozone alirnys cures--it gets whene the trouble 1n'atty ta. if, ý onthe oth-e' haâd', ycun nstu-ally ;S - -AJ - -sctheÏ bitte in advasnoe , seen sVhe MnaretI -LIlftnt, CUÏSOavés- -i- èr, Gata oous-iWD n éee Jerent Foreignl Sta*mps, interéÏde ý Mthe -pupIs ciyouronIy Savea Ceuta. -Marks Btaoep iner sjd e - Ã"! u puls o!0-M- ourhe Perdvaî DePuysfer sa * s -le-Campany. Tronw.- i- front. - is positiVel1y friglitened - '"e - Beauýtiful efféctsare _ýroduced thinkei' what -l0l>.aveh ned MS!LtS witi oe ce aenewlin, natado ohîint 1f. lue hascn't been -$ivêii rich- ýéÀ_ 5~- eroPntiau - xetters, redi or blue rings are pàsted Parenlts. 'r -- Guelph, ont. on a ,bakgroun4 'of tle opposite u> MIdÂN -- - à -2e.8RE celer. Placing *red rings oYn 1hue ie a bll.Sample oopy,60.1 paper snd usixg tits rigîtrye 'wit1 -ci ejaîties ÂAXIcyBor 18m, Win~it0.- t1e- in.ner aide of the' plpil coirered%<,ATCEU. iTU *,zwr:.b the appearane la that of eir-etudar, 'W ash ont ain vcau bore tetel.Wf r-ed hillocki "resting où ablue C boe.. lmlte. r..od, Omn M4ca gDiund.cc.Lmtc.cliiiodOn, IV ridue: bi 'ffet n ii.hih-ALL STONES. KIDNEY AND - ILAD.- T6 pîôdueý his ff«tin he hgh-G dr Oes. ldneyr trouble, t*l estdegree thé paper mnust b12e lt Lumbago and kindred aiîments Poditîve1' tice hsle! t an&aloping in that dir-ec- -i-Pae, pith nob rflwrMedl' tion. Wlen -the oster Bide o! the r fI "ab- t-Dlibte."an PEre CUG fo pupil is aor-eéned the',re<j n@['wm f r DtiabtorMdiretU. Ttaii ors uf~ a becom e orular trenchs. ix~ ii utgCampnTcCaid.LitS bu ae.winuipeg. Maui- - - 28NTNU OIS j~Maltes the Clothes asIL eR a ;d TRY -THIS REMEDY 10 WhttOasSv0W jaý 1 d.power prurpese»ý.- Tr~S7 Tan an' -bedl4ppantedwxtPntnm'.- ,Tsty It 1 SMOKE STACKS. - Agewo 5fo; ta. 'r aeb ipoize ib-ÈtaMeMaaulctured by Vautnia ttln, and Hatl8~eii t i 'a Exra ctr, b oO~' xroirf iut. ,rLl .. I OSN IOMWRS TREI, Enganes and ShIbudW ' 9 ge yw salve that runs a él l 0 A .,R F E T D Y E I IV G no, PutnA=a t'u e In-te go &rlUuih- ' niercan ' Dyeln'g m 00.e l« rgtat cornu-to, root.$nurclrb saderart tf. -- qieauct them- eut for ail tîme te ________________ Lot us se onS70ul cathOma. Tou ta-n remove your. fur n. I teata Ft O * prcva tg YMlEtixat filcalffS- ieaqilekîy with a 25a. - bottie, aolS and, 'Uhein bCJYÃŽT%9 yo àü Piano - gr or bati n d makes It gaw of n ewnLraf Pattlng It Up To Rlm. r --' hatna muanor'wiour "Patience ila avirtue," - ait! the OTTO -a mdm !E I.J-l O- g dieuuy fo br a nd wJ« ad - vUEuadImmaywhor. aur lreatmant. a ur M man phiosepcay. afyOntO% J xe~Wito-diy. Address DR. PReSSE. "Tu,"rpie!hua' irife, irlo ' -Dp O3oullnStreet. Montroul. thoùght te ougîitVo be 'eainig fr1m-aito-- I__ a'dcan_ more. "And l'Il provide the pati -'11111% hynlteb t a flx uYou x*lut ence for this f amily if yo'î il ly 1.1<k cner or later., Bond for price provide the hute." eeo M. F. Pfaslzer & Ce.- ____________________6,______ 2th -S1L (Dek 75), Wu- HAVE STARTED The Noya Boetta- Lumber Ring" aaya: I ons der MINARD'S LINIMENT the* BlInmninue got rny foot badly jammeéd lately. 1 Z batised it well with MINARD'S LINI- MENT aud i! was se -well as ever next T. G. MeMULLENI. In the interest of urity o! goocle in MAPLE SY UP' tut an eut1na' o! $0, vided ist ô o 44P R I E rfO i ' T va irng from $100 tfirat pnize) dlo Competition is lintted te uters o! the: )LM CHJAMPION FVAPOII 4TOR. Sbould you own a ggrove and want to gétl the best vratue i o- it' and aria Mother- sumond b dfeaed net uaxng oeso! our EVAPIORATOMR write te us. etating hnWm Dy trees nuiste 'Oh, -- ydeeaed yon tap and ire r ilii qo,- Ypîuflepssary Icost suited t-o yeur needs. 'Yen ntP)--OMaudio, darling. how crteeuc~a:ii cepieturruixcso cariyen e s naubt.1" '11 s li by A.Prizes 15t b ulosln frte e s-fcm<titin Slesf runnd evPr &men s- I -da-n npea-k of the wonder-R Catarriho- zone did fer me." irrites J. P. Fernandes, an Important figure li mercantile lUfe la Gôorg etown. 'I had ail the distressing symptoms o! catarri-head wa@ sttiffed up -ha-d a- profuse disr.barge from the nase -I hawked anad ga-gged and bad a weaa tiroat. My eas buzzed anad 1 ha-A eau- sasni pain over the eveR. Otarniozone ceaared my bea. atrengthened my throat, tockaaay tiat rank breati aud soroneas in the nofe."- If yen' have any form o! catarni or tiiroat trouble, cnt ont aIl eaxperiments- use Catarrhosoi-e-It'5 -eputatten liswrn- ide. A eornplete outflt with sufficient iniedication t4 la-st tire montia and an PILES CURED UN 6- TO 14 PAYS Tour druggiet wiil retund moner -il PAZO OINTMEN1' talla te cure any casaet Itch- tng. Blinid, Bleeditug or P-rortruding Piles in t te 14 days. 50c. "This letter f rom your sen at college is short." - -So's my son. Tlat's wby he wrote it." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. Bennie, aged four, -inet Henr.y, aged five, and the follewing con- versation ensued: 'Wbatsmatter your head ?- "Bumnped t ena ceiling. " "Ona& stepladder'" "Neo. I iras pîayin' 'itbmy papaf1 ena floot an' I was sitting on lis tuntmv."' "An' non uhat?" -"Papa sneezed." When Your RéeslHead' ,Tryularine Byene -NsmartiAg-Feeai Frile-Acts quilkiT. Try IL for- Red, Weak, iratm7, Lysa and Granulat'dl Eyelids. lune. ta'ated Bock inu ah Paekaga. Mrlne lun compaunded by aur Oculss-not a 'Paient Med- ine-but uïad lu sucoeesful Physiclaa' Prac. lOue mauyyua-a. Ew dedîcafflte iothe Pub- li u mlib Drat neBcanditOo pr Boite MuinunEye :alvein Aseptle Tubas, an sd tMe. Murine Eye Rensey Go., Chicago ntlsti'tlttiIle bard ribrao , innier'.- oe- 51.0; mater'lis w'h las Ihalr. No maxi is ever se good but- what 2ic, anS 50c. AIl druggist-s asud tone- there is s-orne catise te be so r rv foi' keepersq, on p-ost paid fron i ti Catarrhe- te onnwomridhm zone C. Buff aioe. Y.. aid Kiug-Ston.te~mni-omridbm Canada-. Mnand's Liniment Cures Dlphtheria An Enstiei' lay. SUGAlI MAY BE LOWER. "-fer par-ents sent her tý-o Europe ReerdCro o .Booet-- 7in Etop in the hope that she woitld get oit-r Re-od rn aI er îilfifdatieîî -f-et yotng Flub- Tlîi.5 Vear.dîb - "Ati casivx- w-,tv îvoîld he The hi gh cest tif living has troüu- for thein te lt-t lier niart-v him." bled Europeail-mo-st aix' mucb as At lias hs country-. There seeitns to lie eue ray e!f conifort for 3Ç13. The puice of ýsugar is likely Vo fali. Most e!, the -uga r in Europe la beeo sugar, and t-le crop o!fstîgar heeta la-t year hiais be-en e-normois. For Vhe uliole of Europe the crep cx- oced.- by tbi-rty-six per cenitt-bat o! lest year. lIn addition, t-le quality is extra fiue; in somne tes-tstthe b-ets uere fcu-nd te have seventy-ane per cent.- more sugar tViant-bace grown lasV t yen-r. Boums-eln Vhe great yield aud tie supe-rior quality 'thle .amonnit of suiger prodnced Wmn 2e neariy tirice £Sagn W ~,r wf rOuuite National Onug 0em cal Canada, LimIeéd i-j- otri w i es eghie j rur uianfle t zan!ior wirdows o! ugaTh e nta Star.' Montreal. dur~ the last two wPeks of- April. Dont tai to write,iat once far cony 'of our 6Prize Cantest»Circutar," givins the fullest inforniâtion. TrmE GRIIVl»5M MANUFAOTrURING COMPANY, L.rDý ý,-5B WellIngton %St., Mantreal. (?us. j LOOKINGi FOR TROUBLF3 closet to remais-on his farm is LookIxg - f Trouble - diease a.nd-ilneas - for -himself and hie eatis, fauily. It lias Been. Proved That ine ciit cf ci ery ton cases e! ilînes on VIe famnasà are directIy trac-ahi. Vo the c utside closet-that horrible sink o! disease and filth. Jîust think! Yen- aleir thi4'borror te remain within a feir atepa o! yur liomc-and fof'ce yeur family-your irif e and -daugliter te use it-in all weaýtbe-,-----wint-er and surnmer. Wby, man, it's out-ra.ge,îs! Esecîally rt-len yef conaider how litie it wotld cst- yoiî te- instilI a G-oed Healtli Sanitary CIoset--nigbt in ycîîr eon ll'nie. Imageine hew your fanily ',à wl-I appreciate its prix ae *' and convenience. Make up your,ý mid noi te get rid cf that oUtsid Pr y, W e wll show you hoir. Mâil This Coupon to U~s RIGHT NOW - THiE 100D HEAL TII. m COMPANY ' oentlenien - hat Rro kvl4e ievindg funl artieulr of thé Heo Ra-ti Sanitary Cleaet. Ontarlo a...... ,. . - Âddeau.................... ONLU OR, A CURIO f'But,"exciaimed "ou were once more outto ýWas it that you.did not cw do 'what you-e-ouüld - m yershaineful conduet ~ YWel, sir, I ha.dn't- Sometjinès I thought Fw then again I coulIdn't -ýn mindo ; ànd Igot h~.cand Ihaàted- im cause he behaved wel a I go t ilito the way bf s and making the pla-e. ýjj 4, ~to him; and -- hopied tha leav e..- But lie: stuck throulidtal n' e ithr 12d e safer that leave, for 1 fefli afraid of how. Se at Michiielmasý suation. And oh,1, ai wife?s sake don'k- ruirn expos e all this te my en "I promisèd jiéu.t you should neot be expoe must write a few- wrrd~ sien te xuy lather au about'it, for, I -want to express.to Loidon. '-z Darneil; who was tili agitated, seized_ hn a and wrote a few words 1,and a clear eonfesýiýn. Roy -wafched hi-in with s ~iy wondering now th net suipected the-man s as -a inatter- of-laýzt, ýD -been perlectly self-pose lié guit was -cscovered- "'Vdon't know-hoùwto en<iugh, air, for your len siaid, when he haà wr few wvrds -asjs--ýposibIe, ment of îhe faeéts.. "Well,. jus let thee lesson t-6 sou," iai x is a great deal aaid aboci believe itÂa. betting'*h rot o al f tha evils stra g t a-à rasMAY member t#at -you r hal adper hai irr.evocablj Wèrfedly- inoenti m#,an deed ?l aaid Darneil. "I hope vonudo," saiq arn sure on oughtto-' And while Darnell' f ethanks and -apologi j«regrets% Roy stfiiked shop and made lis way- "To ihink-t hatI helie cur, ,and >doùbted -F!c toiiimsehf, withdigst "could any one have -'E respectable than thoroughly triîs-two-rthv. couki I disbelieve- thle- Wais &o dead against FrIti rxd anck (Y!ecil trusted- h oj'ght to have done sp.'t jPose; bult womefl hÂve a facu1ty for titat su whieh we are quite wh Then-a- ter a ni. he ed that the last hairier ¶ -ed lîim from Sigrid w downý; and it was.julst a~ lie had the railwav ùûarria V4Ju, F lhj. ie 'saut. Aix1 Frithiof ftolkî'we< tjtllittie innet toOni hir the CLE.-NToST, iMPLEStm o'. ne cgn bur.-ithir ou don Ow i.'.hat ittX-D ..f Clati. yourw I' jî'- r mposuible. 5-,d ('r 5"' Cosior Card. S.. v-.sue mwhasr a¶of Dyeingro 't'te Jt{FSONAD fEWi lUI Ob TORONTO0 1- 1 1

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