Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1913, p. 3

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vy1uaL, Opy . reTc.- 0 frei - Ili, Ilo t colras mite th a~- 't,,,'or eat ,ul 'lan a. ou roua- 7au b )es the. CLEANYIST. SIMLET, mai D BT HOùt an@ pou c,,buy-WhY pou dauft steu buts ta L.jow whet KIND. 01 Clçti, your Goode arcmde oi,-.ixta!.bes ar.-mposalble. Scid 1--r Cce Color Card, Story Bookie. snaï Boojý4et givingg resutscof Dyelng over other calots Ti. JOISNSO'<.RJCHARD5ýON Co., Limfted, - M-DS.UI.Conda. jfive-poancl note lying.,oiithiatsame y leather-oovereci table, au- ipexplie- .able tnystory,.*nd -a amning' evi- _Pfenco against hlm.- : -But, visions o! the - past fadecia Mr. -Boiface graspeci lis band. "How '.casn ever apologze tV o ye, Frithicfit" ho -saici. "ROY lias - lrouglit back s -fuît1 confession fromi DarneIl," anci the mystery is estire- -ly cleareci up. - You muât forgive me., for the, explanition o! the aif air mer-I tan't tell yen hdw I'L regret :ail- that -youn'havée l ad te s&uifer." «SHelis' Dilmell's letto,'rSaid BLOY. 1hidin g iVte ohià. t And FniVhio!'nread itoeageriy, ssn& - -skci Icdetilis 'o! hiia friend'a vit te Plyrn,à4h. * - "Wili thia .atiify Mrý,Horser do yôu ù:tbi'nk 1le hésaldwhes Roy ha&~ told. hlm aIl.- abçat his -interview witl Da'rnellw eAau s ot laU te convince everyi ~ozi" said - Mr. Boniface. - l'It le, prolof oetive-iat yOu.are frge f noým ilblame, sud that wo owe yoa e'Véey possble apoôgy'and -ropar- "iYenthink tl1at-Mn. RHornén wil lie content, »sd>wil reafl1r ..sigu the fielh dorecbo!f- partnerabipl"',- said4 Fnithi-of. ». - - - - S"Hoe will lie forceci to e- es that your hlonoir le entirely visdieatedýW," -1 sa'id Mr: Bomifae. - i -I hallt set reftew 'the. -offer o! Parnershi8 p V-o hlm. Holias belisved very iii < te yen, ie- lis becs insolent te me,t and I am gisd . that, ai fan as busi- ness goes,. Our' Cofieetion lB at -au end.A 4Wht is uýstbe.Anciî n0w we have &,,pposal te maker te yoa. W. ýwàtt- yen, if nothing c botter fias tuxrnéd np, te accept a1 junior partnerShip iu Our flrm.?' Fri tMèf was âo'sts,,ggeroêd by -thet unexpecteciese 6f thia effer that for ' a moment or t'Wo hoe coùld' set sa;y< a Word. "You are verygood," he said, at -ength. "Far,. far lioo. goocid di kinci te Me. .But how dan. I Jet yoa do so-hucli for me-how cas I lotir yen tike as pantner a mas wlmo has no capiVal te h-bring into the busi "4My dean Voy, money is sot the osby t-ing wamted -4n business," saici Mn. -Bon ce, baying bis hlinci os Frithiof'*s-tihulder. "If yen bring no-capital with yen you bring« good atbilities, a great capacity for bard work, anda higli sensé o! bon-i o you ý>vil1 bning,, too, what I value veÏyxsuch-a keen syrnpathy- with tho6se -emsployed,:lay you, asd ai real kuowle&-geocf thein position -and its difficulties.", "I dane noý refuse your offer," said Frithi-of. - -I can't de 'anything but gr-atefikUy accept it,"-but have doue nothing to deserve sucb kind- nss fros yen*." "It WilI be a con'fort Io ue," saici Mn. Boniface , "Vto feel thati Roy lias - senve with 'whom hel can work confortably. I arn grow-1 ing qld, -snd shah snot ho sorry Vo do -a little'boss, and te put serne of iny burdes 's.Vo younger shoul- An cthen, after, entering a'- itt.*' more mnto det-ail as V-o the pro(-poe)ed plan, the thre-e parted, and Frithiof hurried home, esger Vo tell Sigrid an-d Swanhild of the great change that hadc corne over their affairs. - UHAPTER XXXV. eto be rexioctea ou very one witL5 .,whom- tliey camè' - contact. The shope. seeined more -enticing than.. usùalJ, -the presents, more faicinatm- Lsthie servens more oôbliglng sud r1ay to eneter intô 'the spirit o! the thing: Swenhild, 'witli five shilngs o! lier own earning te lay out emb Chriâtmas eifts,:,was in, the seonth ilirývr o!,hAlppines -Sigrici, ,with heèr ewn iécret ndy% once more--ajoy, sud sot -a care, moved libye ose in. -a happy'dream; whule Fnithiof,-freèé fnom thé. nilsenable' cloud of sugpjc-. m'on, freedi, roreover, by sUl that- ho haci lived throagh fr011 the hope- lessesof tlie- straggle, was tho-I inost perfectlZ.happy o! aIl . ome- tises hieforcecfhimself te romemb-en that - iii wss tlirough these' very stree tatliâ',h had wanderedjii utter misery, >wHos lhe first~ carme Vo London '; 'and reeollecting f rom whatý depths, 9»"rîcihad - savec i Mm h thouiglt o!flier wuth- a new aud étra1nge., reverene-there was no- thing.,he' wouid flot have doùe for le5reflections weme interrupted by S*anhuldý,% voice. - "We will havée every -one !rom Ré6wan Tre Hlus-;*won'twe 1"y she said..,ý "Andc, Herr SivéÎteen ," addýAI Sigid. -Hu muet certaisby come,, bqeaurwehe ien leail lse"Y ,".Andi whatevor happens, we must have olci Mise Ctarlottè," ssid Fr-i- thiof; "but it ~Çi0 me we shall have to azk people to bring their own mugp, ike éhildres at a achool- treat." Bat Sigrid scomited tMis suggos-1 aox' id decisired that thé blne- and"*hite.ý china would juet go round, while, 'as to chairs, they1 conld bornow two or tliree from the neiglibors. Thon came the. returu home, sud the dressing of te tree-, amid-Much fan and laughter, and the wruting o! thé invitatibss, which mflst -bo posted thatnight. In all London there coaid sot have been found a miernier hZusehold. ,All the psst cares were forgotten; éven.the son- rowa wbich coald sot -ha healeci had lost thein sting, and the Christrnas -pnomised to ho indeed full of peace and gooci will. # How tes people-Vo nay nothing of Lance sud Gwen-Mana-ged Vo stoWv themsolves away in the littie parler was a mystery Vo Frithi-of. But .Sigrid was a perses o! nesourc- es, and while--me was out the next day she made ail sorts of. cunningI arrangements, deconateci the roorn with ivy andi hobby and se disposed the fursiture that there was a place for every ose. (To he contisueci.) SEEING THROUGII METALS. Points Out Differeneos- in Transpar- eney of Soîne. Golci leaf uf a thickness o! four- nuillmont-hs of an inch will, -in a coldi state,, allow the green rays of light tu, pass through, but this is the only example of ight penetrabibity among meta.1s in a cold state. Re- cenVby, howeven. scientists . have turneci their attention to the fa-ct,i discovered by Faraiday, that -gold and sibver foi! becume transparent if heated. Thus it has been fbund that at about 1.000 degrees Fahren- boit gobd foil somewhiat thinner than thaV aiready mentioned, be- comeii completely transparent to1 I ~ ~ -; A :L : l - , _ ý_i Ca'use lie beliaved well about it ;-and I'go int theway Q spiting hirà and rnaking' the Place <iàakreeable to hiru; and I hoped that ho would beave. BuÎt*he' stuck to hie pool tlirough it 4ail-;and J began, to-thinli it woùld '-býe afer th- , ,I should lenve , for I foît-àfraid o! hlim sosie_ situation,, r And oh, air-, for M.V wife's seake don't ramn me;,don'l expose al this'to my employer VI "I promiged you just *sow that you èhouldnsot I6e exposed;- but you Mst writb a'few'wordis'of oolife%." asionto my-father; andl ho quick about it, fo>r I want to catch the ex press to London." Darnell, who was -stili pale :",d agitafed,. seized ýpen and PaperP, -and wrote a* few words ci spology. 'and- a clear,confesson. Roy w4tched hlm witli me curW< aityý, wonderisg now.,ta .'. sot.ïspeotedthe man booneP,. But, as a 1 phtter- of -fact, -Darnel haà been perfectly selfý-poseseaed until nIa £ ltw dgvered. "don't know '10W to tliank you 'bnogl, ait, fo orleniency,"Jie Baid, V whe lyiad WrItten, in aq few wordi as possible, the etate- ràe-t ol the fàcta. "ÎWéll, Juist let'the affair bho a bisson, to you,".-Sald BoY. "There is- a greal desi sgaid about drunken- negs boins the national sis, but 1 belieVe! it' ls -bettin-th&t la at the root, o! halil o! theevile -cfthe day: Foàrtunateiy thlngs are- now st atraight as %ar as mayn be, yet --re- member that yoti have' wrosigod and -perhapis irrevocably iniUred a perfe etly 'Innocent ian.' --7 "I 1bitteriy eet i, sir; I doin- deed 1 aid Darieli. "Ihpe you do" ai d i.oy; aim sure yeouglt .- Andi whie Darneil still reiterat- e-ci tho.uks andi apologies, -anld a& jeekýr.egret;a, Boy stalkêd qut otthe shop and made. Mis.way bâsck td4,e station., - "To think that I believed iû:?that cur, and doubteci Fal'k !" 'lie. said- to himself, with-disgnst. "'Aid yet, c'oulci - ny one have s'-eised or respectable ,thas Darneli,- mnorm flioronghly trustworthy. And how coulci I disbelieve the evidence that was so demd against Frithiiof1 Sig-' rici and Cecil trusteci himâ, and I ought to -have done se too, I sup)- pose; but woxnssem o me -tu have a facultylfor that sort of thing which we are quite without." Thell, after a time, he remember- e-c thWat the last barrier that part- 'ed Ihim from Sigrid .was broken .down; and it va.s just as well that ho had, the r-ailway 'ca-rrage to him- self, 'for -fo began Vo sing se jubi- bantly that the- people in the- next conpartinent tecOk him for a scliool- bay retursisg for - his Christmals hî,'jl'ivs. . It liaci bees arranged that if lie coul-cl catch tlie express from Pby- * niutth lie should mneet his father at the shop, and' arniving at Pad- dingles at haîf past six, lie sPrulng into7à anasom and drovie as quick- by. as possibl to Regent Street.. F11rit-hiof just glanced at him in- qufiringby as lie- passed throuigh the t.hop. JHe woundei'ed much what h.-td pasdat.Pbynoluthi, 3 Idwheiî a: * lest he had g9ot ridif Ili:; i-stoine, Rtoy rteturned to the shiup with st:ch eviclent excitement andi trilrnph i i his masser tliýt old Foster thought ho înustt be taking eave oôf lis sen- 4 My father- wants Vot speak tu '. gir- ert i egal ýpractiee- wivaa largely -cosnéct- 'd with Parliamentany blland i s uccese' luWthiadirection , NaÏ due, te a., dhasce-ides. It o_écurd' te lm iha te- ewy Bridgeý -shui b.fm-e Jfros ir ritÎting ýtellr luteiinstè the publc.: - Hie efforts -in, thia.directin _attescted. thc attention 6! sen who h*id biýlle-1 Vo promete , . ssciho ae so ow- wheimed yul work." onv De&pite-iesmuccess lu tjse -begal. profession, he founci. time te take ý an interest in engameèring, a&nd-ha becs a membor -of moré- tîsu -O ee big #rm o! contractera. Ho vas lu- teresti luii the 9411ry Docks, the Prestos Docks, Bu.eos Ayres Har- ber Works,- tIe *Mànchester 81 Canailssci other undertaklngs. ,Is finis are at. presept-trying on big' vorks for the Argentine, Brazillas, sud Chilias- Gloverninenta. Sir Robent Penka la s ardient acivocate of a railway tunnel ancien the Chan-- sel, sud doesasot -believe that any 1military danger would arise. liATRI)IONLAL MUDDLES. Errons and 'Ovenaights of Young Married People. Mesnund wornon who are about te, enter the marnago state are usuai- iy bombardeci vith a va-st amount o! ativice. Yet, notwithstandisg this, the couples concerneci fre- quently ma-ké ose or more great mistakes a-t thie very outset oi their matrimonial career. The flrst, andi perhaps the cern- rYonest, of these nmigtakeA la Vo have a "grand" wedding. Hard-ea-rned.t mnouey isa-bsolutely îriownu.a-way in a gorgeons disb)bay of reckle-ss ex- travagance. The folly of! VMs la apparent Vo everyon-e, except Vo those wbo have Vo pay the 15ipon. The second isista-ke, which foi- 1-ews niaturally upon the first, is for the young couple V o stant in a~ bouse tuee big for tEfikr incorne. j - tfrqetby heppeu-s ibat i-bey dannot afford te furxiish their domi- cile compietely. Couiti ose-con- ceite ariyth.ing morýe foolish Vlan for a ma-n tepsy reut te a landierd foi- a house which ho hal! uses? Vetl that i-s just whair couples do who take a houte ha-if Vhe apartments of whicb they. nover occupy. A third bluuder; whiceh follows naturaly. in the train o! the firat two, is for Vhe pair to dress above thon- incnnw. If they have bnci a gi-anti wetding. and t-hey -have s grand hontse, Vhey must have grand cI othes.- Another very eommun mistake made-by the bride anci bnidegroosi is te keep Vue rnuch company. - To have frientis three ox four nights, sometimés evom-y n ight in the week, anti to ,prov-tie supper l1& them la a veryoxpensive practice, as a-ny éouiple who begin it wilb very soon disc-over - A firrtheî mistake, whieh repre- -sent-s the other extrerne, is te hoe contiumcîall.% viaiting frien-ds. If a young criople go out every uight it uieans t-bat their own home is ne- glectet. There are other mistakes whicb a newly-marriod pain mst canefu-by guard* againsir if they wisb their union Vo be -a ha.ppy one.- The wife must a-voici su-ch bnci habits.as nag- gisg, oxtravagançe andc. aloverili- nass. The hushanci, ou b is part, mnust overcome any temptation he may -have te fault-findling, mess- noss, ssci sop4ng. eut too bate at night. Bela-"Ob, dear, th>eçiamond i5 rny engagemeUt visg bas geV a flaw in IVt. > Oogs' tTake no nioice, drlisg Love siiouid e blinci, -you Wnov" Bol~-"esbut os6 e e& sot leis tone lblinci .,1"- l it hli a cupful of -the, waten in, uwhich,-the raisins. wenn éook-ed, -ý baaton -egg.; a -teasp.)oodiu-1of-~d dsovd-li -hot- -W'aterï--.w tebspoon- fui eadh ý o! greunci cinnamon-and -nutzneg, a buipfu -sunds- hall of fient, -and, 1 -st:add.-tho ,Tiis-diredg>d -in a quarter cupf lo'1Ur.- Blike iln 'a loaf an!d,-cover--with' jýlaiii boiied- - ruit-ýPu4dtug.--Fr, -a gooci fruit puddi»gng mx- a quarter o! s capýfunl ffa - o! mik-a hall: "-cuplidi- -finely. -choeiped --beef suet,, - twocn cpful- pwdor, quarter - teaspàsonful -o-aci o- use- and- "sait,--a -bhai- cnpful Oadio! ci- ranti andseeded raisins, atii well,- put iùto-emi- U.moitie, ssci- stean shour and. a-,al.-- '- Gi'eian Craçker Cake. -One, tablspouful1ofbutter, ,one.,and osne-quarter cupa o! .sugar, two jbggs,. one and one-half' eups of sour-Wilk' -.pýda, a boxý of gràhXnî' cr&ckers, ron1lin : 'ose ,teaispbonful of va- the-jilks' cf eigiht -egga, one and thîtee-4uýart é % s cupe -of augar, rind- and* juive -bÉ on-lembn. -HoU ',a dozen aoda-rmekers fine, grate two bâra ;of -sweet chocôlate,two ,tesi- sËMônftiiliof 'cennanion-; one teli- spoonful of cloves, hli!eapëund o1l ethned -dates, eut fine. Fold, in càiùsy tlïe-'whitéi> (beâten stiff) of the eight eggs last of al. -' Bake in boaves or in layer. -No> butter 'or niilk:- Pot9to Cake.--One cup of buttee, two cups of' sugar, four eggs, 'hÀJf a clipfal ôf.,àoVr ~milk in ýwhich diîS- solve haîf a-tea«poonful of saxla, two- cups of flour, one -cupful of graedf raw potàaloes; two ounces o! choco- laVe, cinnamon, nutmeg,-and cloves to taste-, Say about haif a teaspoon- fui of each. Bake in Icaves or-in l1ayera. To Launder a Shirtwaist.- A clean hot iron,' a box of the sort of starcli which chies not need cooking, pure soap which is strong eneough te remnove grime but does not roughen or- redden the hands, two baHas of bluing tied in a square of canton 'fiannel and plenty of warm water, these are the things needed by the girl who would latin- der lier own shirtwaists âfter' the day's work is done. If i'he goes about the work in the right way it need flot be arduous, and if she works carefully she can soon prove herseif a good lauindres, and -Save money and .torn clothes bes4es. It is a gcoid idea ze soak the- soiled 6lothes for ten or -,Iwelve hours be- fore washing them, This soaking process cannot ht--rt even the enest in iusAO O w yV. o W5U ig JLine u 11t5 iu "J v'-Jo' '-vv morniiWg'tley ,Bloulci ho. rulibeci ho- ýups. tween the )>ands, or-on- e eof the » - -It ila convenient o-keeîp a Àbdttiée- sniaiI rubbing -boards, abo0ut a footlte! cormmon itt u 1h.mn sl ios h~come -for thi sort -o!f for .use vhnce ngbfeao baundry W~ork,- in freal, w*rmniaoa p-<elass jars.. suds. - Five -minutes - will serveA--te If a lîttie sait à, EsprpmIrd'snthe î make- thein prfeotyci-nifsakd'rying pas *bleforat ptm a over, nigît. - -- uthe st e il s othoèsplashed' Theéy -should then -be thoroutighly- - witb the grease. - -rinsed'mn 'warm,- water anài blueci. Aftêr' cutting- s-a es f' ~hais,' -To mak-.,thé blumsg vwater shako ai rab .thé eut'- ide wu#th. ctiiiiea s bag, o! bal blue about in a basino! -this kéepse ic lad fri ïbéconiisg cleur -ilkevaren water untuil- the racf hiand-, -when it I la heciabout- thrce -If iiïdows areéwipýed7-o-e-a we ineheà- 'bolow -,the -surface - o! the with"a'cioth dipped it iýôôIiol,th6eyj rwate:r, loeks-îky bine. Tlmns' is no .w-il:net' beceme fràttd--'.Ï cold1 -danger o! stneaky bluing wter, if. woatlcr. - -tue ~ ,j bIe-al--Maskep& lxi-a 'When garbage lEr burned, it hlIod'- bit of canton -tiannel. Sifrst ho drieci, itherwiae steam io Tixree--or four. sh iztasta-could ha creatoci, -and Oie roisture.l- put ,Jireugh this &oaping, sud rni-- uiu et~fýiib7' ing anct bl-uing- *ece8 in fifireen 4>aut siivemf'-ln a- pan sud cover it mùinutes. at the most. They *iii -vitk thïick,. our mik. -Le-t ut stand ihon -have- the.ý,.whole day -te dry.- -forblai!an-heur sci-t-illes lu the -eveuiug the vaista shoulci -ôut briglit Àsu s 50w dollar,. be -siareheb- wi-tli uncopked istand - Paint'brushes cas 1bê ke-pt. f rom aàn¶ partly dried- The, amnounto! rlrying ont 1byý puttïng tlhemin u atarcli neecicc will - .depend on thie water, ovr'which there is a- little voeigiit e! VIe walsts sud-thé degree kerosèse- oul or turpostiuie poaýed o6f, stiffiiesa desineci. Thinner waistsi Wheü, noasting, meat,ýp1ut, a pan- "do' sot ueed se mauch stancE as. o! ýwater .lunthe, oves; the,. steani hieavien onos. -- --- which anises from thcW'àater v.ili aid. lAfter the waista are- stardhec inlu making thée meakttnder. they, cas lie husg in front -if a fine Wheu vater s spilleci on-s valu- or sean s radiat,,io-ethat tliey villi able hook, -lay a bMotter os ecdi dry quiekly. Whien they are about aide o! 'the worst'wet les! and mron' as dry as sprinkleci> clothes roi1 ,until dry with a modiumn hot ires.- them lun littIe packaies and-'begin irening.BATHS lIN INEW ZEALAN». smooth., dcen, ton. Wax, paraffin, Curative -Waters Afford SeiekeOrs a bit of candle andi Sait all dean ýEvery Seleetion. sud poliah the surface o! the ires. T -Ires e-lw1y, sud if the mron is T theaverage traveiler, wniires tee -lot bet t-cool lo the -rigli te.oi- ofessor Clianles J. Chamberlain If tre '1by cac h ain'The Popular Sciende Mo<-thl3y; .pcancathure. tisthe. thermal regios -about Retorua acorche'd den't worry. Put it acide _ht- -etnaSi e until t he tnext 'day, wIes -iV sheuld' is the mostntesngpaeiNw lie- wetted andi - expoàeci te Vhe sua. ZeZiant. - TEis remedy removes the sonrch -an Oasis in the dosent, or a park mar i-k e magie. i n* city, is, easily sapenion 1o iVa Afirer the sleeves. are presseci surîoundinL-sý but a health reoet brou~ ~ ~ ~~ e teeto!tc aitsci the heaithiest country -in thé ironthe ret o th wait, nd t wrldmurszt bave inherent a-dvan- the e.nd ,go over the whle. waist, Vages of the highest erden. sleeves sud aIl, again, pressing ont - Rotorua la -rece-gnized as the Ba- wrnkles. Put the ironèci vaist on tden Badein of Vhe South-Seas, sud a hngr ad ryit hoougly - probably ne sprisgs in fhe wonld- fore putting it away. surpa- those eof RoVorua district, fo-sosie sprngs are boiling lhot,- TiÉs to Rosewi-es. - tome -are wvarsm and seine are coldi Sosie aiee.dàai Os rystzandssi tme -Do sot allow ashes Vo collect iu con-sist of bkiling, sputtering mnuc. the asbpan ; JVhey wiib 'cause thbe l'le-miserai pro tperties are no less grate Vo hun o ut 'quickly - Varied than the appé.rance sud- Vhe Frozes potatee. c-an bc made ont- ternperàtnre. The -GoverumesV bais ablIe if Vliey are' soaked in water en-ecteci an extensive reies o!, bathe [thî-ee days before cooking. where one may geV a g'oc bath.for Painteci woodwork cun be sa-is- as little as tbnee 4peuo. Whether facVoriiy washed by dissoiving ha-k- the baths have îllthe .curative pro- ing. soda in warn water. pei-ties elaimed for thei ina-y ho- a Put a- pair- of odigloves in.- thej question; but they are certainiy, sîce box Vo keep the ha-udt dean refresbiimg anci invlgoetisg. wheu pdlishïng shoes. ('ayense pepper sprinkie.d on have your wa-y, Whb weubd yoïx ns- evenv shielf and i n every erevice is ther be than -aybody ebse? uiamm3 said Vo drive wice a-wa-v. -Jist mo-if I couldi always -hava - MY way. i - ~-<.. il - -Fauter Time-<' Black Krnir assures a ,i~gt New Year [o .aitusers".), -It'sa';as t e- easàiIyàpplie-an-d -blackc po4sh that ile - -st affecte4 bytic heat. - -- lOé.,-STOVE POLIS-lOc Ask.y'o "Elack,ý and see self lin, ('he-crfnlness reigned once m4.,r-e wh'tae igmt, weatit iti s taJo- Sat tho mode!- lotig'iigs. As Frithief ver pI neeti on a- glass plate becomriea opene-t the do-or 'of the pai-ilir lie -traný:parent at about 740 degrees - hsîc -scb alkog -idla-i~hor -sFahrenhcit. tbe combination o! asil- ter eh akt( ,-,luhtra ver anti glass no longer acting as a pa-st, iaisp4t 1e fo; s-o .e t- me - rSevèra1 other metals have' deavors. S-.hIcaine <'il]";îis I been fouid. tio possess the sa-mo pro- te ie-et hiîîi. -eity mwcn intnsely fhontec, but -> k 'ou louk' she cnicci, we a-inminumr, despite its lighitness. ha-s bav go tAe ~ory~s-a mestbitl - rfa-r 'proved impenetra-ble by Chr-istrna-s-tre that el-r was seen. -And Madanue Léch-ertier- bus p-oi . isd te- cosme Vo test'iro after- Sieiie s no<în,- anti 'voa-ie «4)ing out pro- t sen-itly to bmîv-.the ca-udie,3for ' - rMrs Knagg-' Do yen think im - -Unhar-,u etraaga-w - -he go ng tu sit up a-Il night mending, said. looking a-t the littîs- fit-trocee ~ sek ' iUtpnn which *grit w-as fastenî-ng the Mr. Kuagg-' My dear, it's fiever candle-lb<1de4 -tee late te menc." "OnI y -a shiling," sehe saîi, spo -______________ logticaiiy. É'Anci tlis y ea-r vo really- coudn't do vithent-ose. Butn yen hava brouglit sosie gooci naws 5 * A - -I canseso it in ourace. Oh, tei me, Frithi!i-t~ell me qÙickly just Do ' What hap eili.>' % "We i neil bhas made a ful I l M confession for eue thing," le ne- piieci. "Se the hast veétige o! h Oies clouti las diqappeared. Yen can't _________ T i think hew ulce tIe othen sien vere when they heard aboôut it! OlciFos- It's the "Besi Evor"1. ton gave mue such & an ad-s3hako that- Send Post Card to-day for particulara. M y ans-Iwah Stiil." ' «74St. Ane St., Montreal, ,Can. -"Andi Mt. Bom-ifae"- _ _________ r y v - r 'i -À z-

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