Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1913, p. 6

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Ç tmd$ fi'Empli-i. sui<lthetWorld- Djaniel Vail, teaMster, was. killed in the G.TII. yards, at Brighion, Mrs. Thos.' Riiey -of Hamltoni -Wiui shot and kiUeéd by her husb&nd. *Mrs. Brian' McEnany, died at Moun~ FrestaV he age f 101 OCCÙpants of'arotomiiig bouse li Londou .had exciting ~.scàpeë frotu a fire-- -, Geurge T. Tuekett, a prornlnt businessmman of Ilafiiliton, dibd akt ~teage of flft3 -t]iree years. 'Ile Warden -of Rasings County CroWn Prlnooes* of, Germany. - iili pay the- fares çf a-Il members A RUGE B E QU EST. ot cf is Colincil te the good - Roade convention. Ibis year. -i eanly $5,OO0,000- eft by Robt, Ar- --The Steel Corporation le Vtg seek lngton'forMlisiaaryWork. ineorporation from - the Ontario Legisiature for ailew cty at âg A degpatcb froin New York SjaS CanÂia,.lan nearSaidwih. One of the- largeatbqsst'_Ver Cantian -- made for missionary work is diis- Great Britain. --- -chsed in an appraisal of the estatq - - of Rtobert AîIington cf Engiluid,i The wcmeu ef Ireland are de- *hicb w" filod-'lu -he S-rio gate nMand ing enfrauchisemeut. C4;îîrt ou Wednebday. Aitbough the The Nationaliste won the Londora- value eA -te entire estâte is net <erry seat by a majority eof-51. given, the personal. property alone -The liesef 'Lords rejecteti t-be î eppa d at $4,593,O000 alof honte rule-1~ by 329 vote te 69. 1whî,:h le left te two -london nmis- More than . hrty . suffragetteés Ion-1W socieýties-the Bap dt M lis- were, 6oiiiitteêd te laul in London sitïnary Soeipty and the London, fo f*wo weeks. MisnionarY Soeiety,_ The wvill di-: Speciai services 'will be held i irca tha h eeyb sdfor2 Great Britain lu th<e interests. Of r giving 'toecvcry 1 ribe <il matîki:d wonunsufrge.--- that bas them nunt aud wbich speaks The - tratdas unions bill allow;ng ia languade distinct frunial -othera thie nse of funds for certain po.li- accurae and faitbfuf copiles cf at tical purpos was . reaid s -third least the Gospel c f St. John,.sud tùWin, lu Vhs ritish Couinons. the Gospel of St. Lùke, togetheýr - ith the book cf the. Acta cf the - - niIe ~4tttOi &po;tles, printed in *te language Chair,,man ,Undei-wood ajDnounced cf tIrat tribe." 'The wiii hi-thon thit 4W4 Denioerats ;vouditi "eluce preseribes that At leat lin or tw *lve -the dult- on, boots and ahos personsofe c-h tribe shaI! be taught President Taft wiil deecide upic-n' how VO read. 1h. qestion et the importati-on of woed pulp and pape r f rotn Qîîcbec. SEIZ/ED WORT'Hl $22.000. TRIESED IEI. Prouinein0111leer ntjtreepted a Val-nable slipluent. 15 Log Vnre.A dpspatch ;f rom Toronto says: "'For evèr fifteen ycara," w-ites Another seizure cf alleged contra- a Paitienît, he)peful littie- ll$. w0 ban- fui-s bas been -eported V h mnan, 'wbile à. c-offet Cdrluker, 1 auf- Suipt--intndeni-of Prov-1ncial police. fered f rom Spinal ir,-i-tion and thia time freii S ioux Lookout.- A- Nervcaus tr-ouble. 1 W.as ti-eated'by sbipipeut- ci frs ag-rc-gatiiîg $-22.- god phy ticianS, buît di-ciflot get 000 in vaîni, consigned tù the Huti- much -ef. - fon Bay Co., vas iutea-ecpted in 1 '1 e'er'suiipec-ted ihat coffec. transit v Prbvincial Officer Orw-r. nalight be aggrq%,at.lîîg rny condition. ht consiste cf s eu fx, bear, (Uc-a 16 jitbi 5ijlit,-becatise it skuiîk, mink antd îîîuskrat. Iuspec- _.oîîtai»s caffeine, te saine drug Ver Greer fias been sent uorth to -f4oîîiU lu 'in e . I as dowu- iuýestig ate andiMr.;F-ank McCay- eai-teti and disvoaîra d otp - tby bas aisu gone Wo repreaent the- cd dait.v that 1 ndgbt finti sinethiing 1Huidson Bay Co. to help m~e. "Soveral. yea-s, ugo(,, whiie at a DUIE N171j F BENE fîiendi's bouse, i -diank a cup cf EO.L»V FISNE -Ptiîandi thojught 1I had nover Thvir Royal 1 Lll,îesses Wili Saltin.u 'asted aîîytlîiug i-e delit-icus. tesrn. 'Frein that. ine u Iuseti Pot\- - 1WS>-,g ilu'ilfristeaàd of coffe and s>oOJl be- A defnp«itch froein Otttaa-: If gaîî teur v -ah-at. otat ii believed iV well-inforniecl rircle4 -nùwý--I este ,waik. haif a- dozen bi 'ocks - in the capitail .tbat the officioI an or mocre lwitiî case, and do înauy nouncement mnatt-f roin oer Othe- thinga that 1 nevertbeught 1I ment Heu--e ou Thîîretay stat!n.g w4luld,-he able Vo do again in this that -ber i'va1 Highni s t Dîch- 1qy prid.k o,.1 ý em cf Cuo-nnu ught would rtu-i t 'jvy apçii~ isgod Islép Engianti ýn t-he spring for fîîrtbeî- weil andti fnd-'hlf r ja ý-worth living, 1nedieal ativice. andi that his Royai irdeei. .A lady ,)f mv .aeqîtiînt.ice'Highnes ;w'cîld - a-conîrpaiîy ber oin ie lwdid not like Post, ina at wa.t-t itax cLf a--oà*<rsîdo, &u -weak and tasteless. flti ai î-cn~tta thei r .11 explaineti tuî hcî' tlii îfùiHght ~ti-e ntendiig hu leav-e e .lce wiîeîait is î--c-:-righi hoil '-d (anada 'ei a-a-tyàad., a 4 a-c--dngv ii'ciiîî. Site- w i Gvrnr-ecr will bavé tu be 1 glatite kyt-L)v this bec-anse êotTee dîi appointedtirî-xt nutuînn -n- ie ith ber. Niwlier .f-)Iksi -i-1---. tv hcy expect te tie Post umnthe I (<llI(1'(ýIILE)1 rfst of the-ivs" Naine given i- - ujo request. I1ead the little book, Lb ~aîero-corpou«oî Eîn- igT~h< Jfoant t Wellville," inl pkgis. pluo'eî- CaligIig Belveen Cans.% ",Tbere>s a reascu. ' Ad,-ý aehfro tSt.Mre -Pestum unOW cornes in econcentrat- Ad-sachfrm a-plaStearie,- e d, -powder form, calied Instant,,'tît. - says:EmlLpatac- poahîdji. 1VLt i prepared bv stiî-ring duc-tom employeti in, the 'yards of th-e a level.tesRpoonful. in a cîip- cf bot!stc-eI pI-a-ut ofthie, Lake Superior *4ater, adding siigur to aste, andi ("uporation, vas înstantiv kil--I enot1gi cri-c mte bîing the .èopte o< Thursday !afternoe-i n-b-l ii goldn bown. - -w:.- c-aujtVbeleen t- e- denVt Pstn * - onvo-uut;iiaking a coupling a-itî i h thevea ne waste; and the flavor isj rsl' u B a twny-ic slwasaunifenni. Scîti by grecers-yveara of a-go andi married, living on -45 tW '50-c-up in 30 ct-s., 90 Vo OO NOthad_0îee.Stei4;u clip Vin 50 ets; - ' j A- A -.cup triai tiu mailed for gre.- SHOT: MANIN MISTfÂKE. crs name andi 2-.ent stamp for 1- - 1-d- A Vdespin fcb foqtrrilib Winnîpega ys: car lotsm. W bagil out'oc bal Beled bayr $9.50 te 1M eta.89.60 e -,No. 2, 410b to 411-20 loca- whftoe 36e: Parley- 76ii ta SOc. Ple6ur-lien. $5.40, sgionl winter patai lers, $4.95 tc 2. par ton, c Flucat 7waste 123-4ç., ui do -secouds. te 58e; do.,ê 17c' -do No. bag. car loti S Un iuneapoîl Julyý. 89 3-& No; 1 uorthe to 85 4-4c.._0C Oatn--N*. 3 No. 2. '66à te 1Dullli, 1Y 67 1-k; No. 1 eru., 84 1.4e May, 901-4 *in; ne 14 3.4e te 160, md W hx-owmi'bàzkûp athé4irm xt_. 4 .-Zç ; old c16eueIWIDU, i 9hma ity;- po xrl4a!413e î Z do., solids,> 9o -Ini a s Mié*Éi1à,I v551e matiicMr. Ê1- prIà, -~eto 27c, inferio? Vs 'h-eleI-n ÃŽr'h 1M 10 23a lW i 0ps -6&O o h iiekwheait, Se »opid àti ns and Engli auwhicbh Is Vo aba.ndon oe; straned 'eover hofleY, 4htbciaate -sb nà-3 n -ùàiid tinB; eomb âûin h ' nls only with -for- Ne.Z 2.40 Der dosea. i- e e 1, .t -thhis felijow cou! 2ivè chikéils.- wlolesale&, lOc ta'trYznIeP broad.HeSontDUe8: lid;- fowl, 8c to 10c; dùeks. le c'Ain rIçaýgsIIOUI4 be ffier yjn- turkees, 15b, toe7; eggs,- gote f1 ,poultry.e 2e t1* -3e above îîliveet1etit for i1» 'poor aliêes.theyý exe -igdrese'ed ukeye eiui b mr nslia eeriy 820.ad"2.0fobad-Wil he_ýity of -New . -York growsr 95 ýr-b - -n ay> eideur a .cruehing tV 15c, 2( .Bîiioswicks, $1 Per ot iycual nationaIity an.d. - a str;90é, lu ear lots. - weëdi1nïiout o'f stubborn 'feregn Miobn-Per case, 15.35to0 $-4b ot a ude. hsgoes e n. ied Hàyay ud StraW. 'flMitk ls sPeâik with pride of- the ,No. 1, $13.50- tc $14.00; No. 2. -m< -ne ý pe iq~o. . *00 e *.00 BaPd !Y ï -eU by thermilliioaire. - fr <u~cinor in»,t,-it-utions, . ho&pit&Ie,. '4 at -gI'lries and snucb like, butif jWontveaî- Market$. '- I ibeytire -,themlven n h me YFeb. 4.-Oatë-Osuafliau West th - r eve'- hema 411-4e to 4ke; Canadian'Wett- I-aande-we#e appioached Vo beara <air 60- e41cexta o.I Gâ ear4e cf taxatiion, wit-h the objeet No. 2 local white. 380; No4., & e sstmaied ,37oens-ÏKQ,.4 loeal white, it Tiý oe yieii é -ý7&pAedý65to56o; malting, vêIopme#nt Inhs direotion, tVhs firsp- Ugigeitiên wouid be receved ste an s .0atru bakera' *4.70; O113.ý ils chies $56;striih ~ ti Natimn&lpride in Amerlos. does 0.5 do.. I>ig.g..- $2»30te $2.35. -Barrele, *4.50; baim, 90 Ibri., nitonsenlit Vo glving *IqytAing, 3ana-$20. Mot-22 Itwéich would' invOIve a 6acrifice *to ,,XOulle$»to$35. Rer-ýNo.tý)eé.Slfsregé t r*os 10t 14. Chef~~TJ efisbx{es. eomèefns rus, là: cdo easernii. ml-Ze to TeCreed of the dollar ié in - the-' ier--Cioieest ecréamery, 29c", babel. of diffefenttongues. gathbsred 2Me te 26c.. Sggs-Freeh. 27c seleetad, 19c; do..,,No. 1 etpch, togèeher a-Vt he.-ýportais of_ the 2 t4tock. 14c. Potatoes-!Per 'UnJxitd Stae, and here in in 1V a L 65e te 75e. int !bLen~ hich it WôUid- lied, ta tiUarktmi& pay 'Americ0.nsto soften by-azsenm-- la, Feb. 4.-Wbeat, Mey, 873-4c; Iiug -a *nore hriaIu-ïdVlett tru '81-2ë: No.1: ar. 2 3397 attdetwad1h enilsfr e 861-te:8 N4c o . br-, 83.4e: tiudréardtepnnJefr orn- Noe 3 yellow, 4ke to 431-2c. cge. whit.e, OS OioV 14)O -4c. ilR.-î 58c44 Branù, *19.0Pleur. un- 'eh. -4,-Wlieat-No. I1liard, nortberu, 861-4c. No. 2 morth- $uly. 3968e te 893-4c asked; Live Steak Markets. Itontreal. Feb. 4 -ChoIe. atears. S50 te *0.75;- 9ood 1aIl*6 o $15. au%-d the 'Iewe grades frein ta: ona$4,. whlle claçbe butchers' eewa breught, $5.50. and good $5 40e*5.25, wlth cames" sýellng ut $1 tb .$4.%Pcr 100 Ibo. Bufia rarged frcn83 te $5 parý 100 lbë..'Lames. $7.25 te 17»60 per 100, iha.. Sheep. $5 to *5.25 per 100 Iba. fer ewes and et -$4.Z5 te $4.75 for hucis and cailla. Culves runged frein $3 tc'*12 caedi. se te size -and. 4quantlty. gS5iected lots of hoga ,-were,-made ah $9 ta, 8925 per 100 Ibst. weighnd off cars.- nnd iu a faw In- isinees as hlgh as§ 39.5b as paid. Tno-ato.. Fch. 4.-Cittle-17-pori, *$6.75 ta %7 10. Cathle- --Choie. butchOr. $6.Z5 te *6 - C0 ood amedi-nm. *5.50 tcd 85.71 co'nmora. $315 t 841.5:cowa. $4.76 te $5.26: bulîs. $3 te $5.W;. cannera..*2 te $2.50. Cmlves- 43clveal. $8 te 89: common. $3 ho *31-S. gttockera s-d PFpellsu- Iperg. 700 te 910; pounf'Fs <3.25te K%-25. terng bulle.- 9001 10 ClilIC p0 ouidm. 92 75 te 94.,2;: vèsi-ling.a, ,t10 tiý 53 50 MIlkeriq s"d Suingero-- Frein $50 ta $72. Rlic-ep antid nbs-,' es-es;. $4.7.;t +0 t-heovv ewesi. 93 te $350: lpm.a'9 6 te 98';0. Hoirs-98.75. ted and watereti. andi $8 40, f.o.b. MANàITOUJ1,INGOES DRY. Two lliindred Majori- in l Favor o-f Tempeirance Aet. A despa-teb fi-en Little Cui-ment, Ûint., says: Manitoulin goca, dry, a., àt carmieti the Caniada temper- ance acf ou ThiKis'cay by'about Vwo bunmdreti majcîmity or more. Sé 'verai sîtahilieare yet tu be bheard fron)ii, btthey cannot turn the pi-e- sec--' st-a ding. The town cf Gore Bav Y'?5 s majoritv cf eue for, - ils ilcadactie Curcd A çdoornallat'Velt 69! TV,eAdvintag«e'e! On the libitd. Fitty years ugo Ner-rIlin-e was ued frein coast te ceaut, and lu thousaudae!f haes tii trustr liniment serveil the entire f ai- ity. qurrcd ailt teir min-nor ilia and kcpt the goctnr-s bill maIl. Tc.day Nervillue i&lili- 'holds irst ranit lu Canada amoug paini-relieviug remcdles-scarcely a hm yen eau fiud thàt doccu't use IL. - rein Port HOpe. Ont.,MT. W. T. Greena- way, o! ihe Guldp ncwepaper staff, &iites: "F1or twenty -years we have used Nervi- lin,, lu oui- home. -and net for thevorîti would we ha without it, As a reiaedy for ail pain. carache. toothache, crampe. hcad- at-be. andl disordereti stomach I kiies-ocf ne preparatien se tiseful and quick te nre- 1,ieve as Nerviline." Let every mother give Nerviline a trial: il's good for ehildi-en, gooti for old foks- yuenu cao i-n hon as a liniment or take it iniernally. Wherever There is pain. Ner1iline will cure îî. Refuse nanyihiug but Nerviline. Large famuly boltle-s 50c.- trial sir.c. Me.. ni ail dealer.., or The ('atari-hozone Co.. nuffale. N. Y.. and Kingston. Ont. L YIN G IN-BED*WEÉA KEN S. Ata-eniie . Cond1ition Resilts fi-oui Shiîggardly Habits. aud Little Current 69 againuet the La-ck cf musctlýat-,cxerci.e je Vthe at The township cf -Howianti. fi-re tc yi bbt.Asa Ic--~lopionfaiet 5 'e~i-resu-lt thbe appetite i weakeneti, thbe n'.went tw4E te one for- the &tV digestive action slow.s dow-u uni the The tew-u-ship f raifllt' vote musc-les cf f-be stomacb andi a-Lie- wa-z 38 for'anti 8 agaiReL rimen cesse to act îip«on the intesti- - W.% ' 1 naI -mass. When the body is lu a Dit. BEATTIE NESBITT DEAD. recumbênt poisitio-n the heart works~ wilib the lcast fatigue, anti the cir-- Watt Well-kiowm Physiian, 1Polif le- culation anti -t-e functional activity ian anid B.unker. - ai-e <ecre-aseti. But unît-se the -subjeet je excep- A de-spatch f i-cm Toroento aa toal vi-o-renis ail] the benefits At 3.30 -Yi Friday afterioon, Di-. -are c-ntirrlnmlan-cedi by dangers. B'irtýc NeSbitt, laVe Presideet cf; lu beti the subjeot i-s ebut away, flac de-fa týÏ Farmes' Ba-uk, suc- f iem f-esb air anti sînshine. 'lPhe cî'uîb-d te a eix menthe' ilinese. lHe recuit ef that deprivation la a cou- dieti at hic home, 71 ' Greevemior dition similar te anuemia, But the atreet, with Dr. Gi-ahana Chambers suipreme menace te tbe.we-k or the anti Dr. Walter McKc-own, Mra*. ageti confia-ed te bed je the cloggiug Neîi,.bitt, 'a-nti er tiauglitel' a the o)f .Vhs ptlnouay circulation, sn bedside- Dr. Nesbitt was 46 yeare a-ction which fraqueutly resulits in olti. Hie deatb bas beon expecteti Passive congestionpIflýoVh aides c f daily for the paa4i- weck, owing Vo the unge. 'Fer tbis reson'the sum- tlh,- maievoience'cf the heart disr pie fracture of a boue may be the ea -anti Biight's disease, wbich cause -of deatii,,because when the - the oni -e u-f t"m" el niai l t-patient lies iu bcd t-bei-ei's nemove- . :,,:Iow c-fhiruseif. At menit et the nause.r V o a-ct a8 an in- 1' t--mme c: :-:ouscious, -andi at ceutive -t-oideep brea;thiug. three-Vhirty ho passeti quietiy a-way.________________ BAtNKER'S SON SUICIDES. NA DR.U C- Cnt His Titroat With a Razor lu a 1- - lifnipeg ITotel. - R b oeC I ra A despatch f rom Winnipeg aays:1 - tleoih,-ihte-xust Trwênty-four hou-s a! Ver h had' fragranceof fresb roses. Makea cnt hic* thi-cat with -a raZer, the: chapped hanris suaooth aud soft and - bîctiv of Eng7,ene Delarto, a -me.mber - kePs&hem Sb. Preserves thae most ..r'-~ -' l \r Yirkfa-nil. - délicate complexiona inab exposure- -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~oi41 t - '-mw ~g qae severestweather. Try it- - ' - ~~- h Il 25c. opal jars. ai you-rdruggsî'.- .1'1 ~ 1 Ro --.i~yal Alexandira j lAliiLDRUG AN4oC CStmrCAL 00.ý A . liehelor -10 the enidof isdaye, Co le citel Msiteéso½iwàs 1requently mede th le butt'-,,ot -jett in the -House on thIa .Ã" couDt. 411, tllee. bowever, lie t'ok'lu go;d pa)-rt ianduoftiertarned themn in kind. It Wae-,,ppt,»riaite that when the-'lnà- cui caie l .ould flntd- hm in. lais '1h- rary. or-the late ProvineiliTreasurer - wae an n"iree re Tadct The local weme-,. sifrge mevent 1t la keèttint &a footbold A year cir-two ago when the issue- tirât began to -liven thlngs up, lu Englaud-thec nterest here - wa& pret- ty ll ad eile, adone rareîy met ayerneven' meh iween- who:ever get exeted. ou the subJeet. -Thanke- te- the sbectaculîr ddiup 'ilb Eugland -aud tp a persistenit proeagliuda by aAèw local eu- thiais, thia ceiditien of things la ebaugungi. sufrztie-is new a live tapie oi' ditegon. And fiSôn a condition wbèe neary, everyonie ,profesaed ta hali5dlIY -iu laver o! womcu suffrage-if they want- cd lt,,-ýthere anS creallizing streng de- file and, eplicaing opinions. Sema of the strongegt -'antis" are amoug tbe -wcmeu lhexùaèlveî, and when uchn iare Iu tha dia- An au Issue l'aeatical. politica tb - tuff. traie question ii be of ar.been a begIýgIb1e quantity. Il l- a questMon: if tbl, a cn. be @a.d truly auuchý longer. 'A coiaferenee of men, Interested lu lb. nieVement waîs held ilie other dayL and 1a -pémmzabeht meu'a orallnform /.iIt llitereatlng te note that tto of the »Moot yrouuientimaie ropogandlats n 1h ,ceuse are: W. FE Mac- leai .P_ ai Dr. 3. .L. Rnghets. Chiet ,Inspbecteo! afcboelo. Thé 8ky8réfr' Probieni W. are--liavlng a belated discussion on wlaetbcr- aky-se*aperis ought' ta ha allewed. Witb1 two buildings reertu; akywvard, frein ,-16 to e 8 èteýi t'menlit1 a lt. te iay dewn a degree th*t 10 attonie. saalbe the lJmil fer Uic reat of the cily, particularly when planis are,rsidy for 'a hotel gnd eueli or two ncw offic-buildings, oee aid te be for the Royal Bank te ru twenty atonies. The corner ot Klng ind Tonge treetr, promiseusomon tc) lookiea lcanyon. Yet, on the wholc sentiment la favorable te the takyacrýaper. .Thcy eppeïl ta eiVIç pr, end they -fnrnlsh 1ighl, alryan cenventent iofeea. It in estunated that -the uew. Royal Bank building wlll se- o~rHmdate Soèpeit5ng-1t, like th.i C.*P. lbuildtd,ig sd;the Traders Bank blild: Iu th4i -BitifahEmpiref, f.cnnWùiuly, the Amnenican continent, the. part o! -the worldI tbat bas-the mont unoccupied landi, is -thie ouiy "placé wheratha 'lid avlng device of heildàlg akyecrapcee lias -taken root. Moat Enropeami cities have low buildings. and -are prei-éuted hby law fremi having auy Many ofTorohto's arik b dii arei fa-ebioecd afterthe Engliah - model--low and oruste. Thia elafh of Engliali sPehi. teeture with Âmerican- architecture prom- tees; -te make down tewn Toronto excced- iugly iuterestiug frei n a archIteetural stuîîdpoiuî. thougla it ruine; foecer auy pro«pect of symmetrY'oi- couisteuey. 1 . Iarfy Polllca In University. The proposai te introduce party polies iinqç thé undergrad-nate body at the- Uni- versity cf Toronto anay lead to couac- Quences. From the- earlieqt, tianes to the pe-sent day undergradujate notities have becu colorlers. and to the aulsgide public nacaninglens. There have alxvays been two parites. but thitir platfR-rims vote gener- aily joke platforms %vîthoat reference.te political p-a-rty liies or e'yîhing clse of a serinua nature. The prescoit mvcmcuz seekis ta bury lieu-c old parties in the (iClt past and te hav-e the qtudente-s iii their undergraduate bodies, suc-h as îhe Liter. eary Society, corne eut fraukly sud dividè c-s Gtiis an-d Tories. diseuissing- and de- hiinu thé, public issue@ of thecdday frein th14ý aîaundpoinat-. The akrif the movement say this would rivei- hec a renl prrparcttio,, firr public [ifs ifler gr,%dîaîi4on. -thutno they are l-s,-,,- tnme-h -lot the poli- tics of anilt-ut Ronie, but tnnthilng c-hout those of moidem (':iiad:î. Aiso they point out that the uzidergraduat-s of Oxford disenss politicç wilhiout harm or molesta. tien. Ou the other lrend the- tniversjty of Te-- reulo, being a sic-le iIiil'iution. the die-. cussie;, cf poitirs tht-rein might ,-cise somle deli<-ate siluatio,s. Sir James Whit- -noy made a tome,%,-sai racuic-r dvel-ir.i- lion -on the rinbe-t. lins-hie-h he se-ce-J to threaten the wvhoie move-aent with e-- tiretion. Tti i <lainietibv Liberais th:'t ut iireï.ent lhey greatly predomiinate nîîmerically ai the l'nlt-c'eaiîty. Whelipr, this fac-t has arnythiiig o do with the uoveuacri or wilh Sir James' homtility1 cannol be sliU'd. Engineering Probtems. Thet-s e-Phoro Waterw-ks' diiTlialty. engineering preblema s-hi-b art- puzzmina- t -- ' -ai>, ut 11 c-ilizer,- wio are inmt-r- esgtc-d luin Municipal iî>'ubl.m! a t thi, plre- se-ut n' roi..Pc c-ul.the citys 1475,.11Mfiltr-ation plant bas beeu made the object ot attack. 1ht i charged that it i, lpalcing aI the- rate ofet -raI million gai- 1oits e day. The leace rn botb s-cys, somelimes leading the s-ater oui of the plant and sotiietitnes letting polîntei s-nIer in. Thiç ici a-ciy diîqtnjetiug. The planht s-c-k hit tunder, fhlacdirection of Faugieer R1aen, au Americai expert re- puled ho beiont cif the be-s.tinluhii, busi- nesqs. Rie danim, the alleraticînm and hns been permitted the-opportîînity e! prciig thein wi-ong. vith, it la said, e-ensiderc-ble sFi-me"a. lIbiths casew the citizen s-ho s-anIs te kos is iîîtomd tha't the e-e i-estd on the acnracy or olhierws-ie ut a-eu- tmir meters. s-hiclh are ta-clvo m- -lir the fleow. Thte-it-r)i - t e,--- prcemed, thnugl iti is doiîhtfiml if ha le -macla wixer.- Thon tiaere t1- the Pi-- - s-hie-h the r -a'rs' ild il'- '-îv let"-ive p-' locked in eonîroversy for ycar lic-t. "Rfe..teo. thora is a ma-ire of figure, andl engineerng difficulties s-ih hica the ta- crage citizen, flot« t h lard te grasp, theugli ha can nnderstand the faet uhat n-o matter s-lat happena th-i-el goiog ho ha a bill of several million dollare for tht - eihy te pay. Acal., herc is troubla ca-en a rection lof the ses-oraue syshem nos- s-cl on ho- wv.-cia oompIttiou. One!o the outlet. btet the Lakte s-ich was hakan off the bauds tif the cèontrptors corne menthe a-go, and - shie-h.has neyer heen usefi, ie said.te b-ave hec-n craumblin to pleceffland is already 1The tact le hai Toronto haitsuaneaa tu- -rdn muno iveipovmni ainder way thai Vhs recourcc o! *publi-c owiaerehtp arc haing tuxcd ta the liauit. rn'dor thec cireninstanes. it s-ould sot 'ieein ta lac eurpieiug if .eertain, errorre o! Judgmeènt - anti- er exacutien slieuld- .éreep lu.,àthegh -the friands e!f good'gev-' ,tnment iýreAhoPlug--Ahey w111 ho as few~ rréoentea Dy 5 lfliscéncept-ion fle tere1aàions wh'eëi should êxist be- tw'eeji' the selei anfd the buyér of publiity.- Aoording, Vo Iny ,on- ception o! the proposition, the a4ýr 01mERÂTIONýF4YR LEs FAiZVi Zans-B uk Wtas'- Then çTrid: jRý Writin g- frein Poptar-, B. C, .Mrs. c: ansnwik ý-Jf -heproprietor Of the, o nniorcigl iHotel, says: -r sufferâd, for -years *itb blecUn piles. The, pain was so bad-at turnes, 'that'I couki- h-ardly walk, a nd or-ý -dinary remedies se d-cýeitterly un- able te give meany. eaËëe. Finalty- I- deeid-éd te undergo -an operati, and went to-th5ere Har d- pitai in 'Spokane. There they per- formed an opération a'nd. dit ail tihey: cou-id for mne. For ", tiine I - was eertainly . -better, but within' -) mon'tbs - the-- trouble stiirtèd agàini aùd" the mls ea e spainfui as' ex<Itried- lini Ments, hot401 ticesi, vario en 'paieCures,~a~4n deed--pverything I onidv thiuk w<ý1d be ielVo-any' gb;d, but -stili ing,' burning, stinging- pain%~- h dtti, 'aching anci wretched 'worn-ý ont' feeling t-hat' the. disease cuLse-s oontinuùed as- bad as ever. -" Oùiè day I, -eàd'aut Zam-Buk and--thoughfi 1 would-ry t - The first <mne ortwo ýboxea gave-in-niore ease thbcn-sanything elàe--1'had trie'd, sû 1 ýwent on withk the treatmént. In &'short :time, -1 bgiWàf o feel' ai- together -diferent-'and better, and 1 saw -that Zanx-Bluk wîss -goiug to cui-eme. Well, I wént on- uffina i1, and. by the- tinte I had! used* sir ,boxes 1 - wêis delighted te fiuid. my- years ago-, andi Ire-rnthen-to- th,& present time t-here-has- been no re- tu-rn of- the trouble." . Drngïgists ;a-nd i--tores everywhere,, Nec. box, or Zam-Buk Co., ToronVo. MURDER AND SUICIDE. OttatwaTahorer, Iihs ia fe amui - PoiOWîîa ilnself. i A tespatcb fi-uniOttawa saya: Cyrille Lepage, ageti 45, a la-boee at the Booth mille, who came here freru Quehee a few years ago, shot anti kiîled bis wife, ageti forty,ý and co7rnuiitted suicide b3' taking Pa-ris green, a-V theixrcruos. 87 Broad ahi-cet, shortly before noon -F.- day. Accei-diug Vo tàîe1 WOnan's mother, Lepage c-auneihome Friday moruung anti saiti he. was going Vo kill hie wife andi hirnaeîf. The ut.-- ther rîmeheri eut.to summon the-po- lice, but wben -a-Ssistance arrived Mrs. IL»opage was folunti witb t've buliet wounds in t'lié,beati, and thei inan had taken poiSçrî-. Mrs. Le- page dieti en route to a' ho spital, anti Lepage succumbeti: abouit hallIf au liQur latet-. BRITISHi' SAILORS' LOST. Feared That M~ent. IiuîjhÏl-ey and Ninle MeII îrowned. A despateli froîîî Lontomi savs: Lieuteatant .Ha mph-ey W. - Suiith andtii tîie blc-jacketg bcl4co-g:ng ho0 fthe cl-ew cf Pm, Bitib cr-uiser- Pestsaret-eeiti tu have bec-n lest while watchuiig Ãœic pirates un die ômau cea-st cf thc Persian Golf. Tbey bati been detached inl .Wle cf the croiseras cutters w-hicb, àV le feareri, aank avitb ai bauds,' duîing a recent gale, as n4, trace cf theai bas bec-i fnniid. A elevër. muan is neyer a favor-itle, hecatîse one-baîf of t.he avorld le GRAIN CONGESTION IJNLIXELY Only- Possibility of Fort William - '-Eevator8 Being Fille1. - À despatel I- rem Fort William says :-Wbhilethere is s posàibility of l'the elevators inu'Port Williamn be- - conxing fiiled'-before the opening of navigation, it is oniy - a possibility,' acoording to-J.,A., Speens, manager qf -the' Lake hiPPers' Clearý'ne AssoMiation here. The storage'ca- Êaci'y, fe the elevaeris 18 approexi- mnfately .32,000,000 bushefs, and"4, of the 57 vesselis in the barber 30,- 1000, buahelé, niiùig -a totalstorage capacity of 45,00%«0 bushels. -TUje aeabout 15,00Q9,000 bushelsa of grsan lu the elevaliors, sund about 9,000,- - 000 -iu the vesseis, ,aocrding 1oMr. - Sm ALLPOX IN BERL1.i VCI -~ontractedl -Dbçsase, il Thought, la Watoelo A "despsýhfreuB-,Ot, eaye: A.,seriçsus case ef emailpoxF Thnrkday înorning., The *itim ia j b-eiievej te have ountracted the. dis- ease in Wat'erloo, where bis bro- ther aud ftaxily are alllict<id and - a -re in the Isolation Hospital,. - The, j-)aiieut wa" remoyed Vo the lcal'1 A. Isolatio'n HOspitâal sudhis house is qnarantined: ýSuddà,by seboDol', whieh w&a-atendeti b-by h. c Ll.ifr-L of the victim* ha-s been t losed, and, th,9 pupils -have been oirdered Vo b. -FOR ýWOMALYSui 7?RA.4GEX nrttiibh Labo? Pâaty 4ansAu - A- de-Sps.tch from - London saya 1 The B ri tihLabo P, pa-rty, où - Th uro- ùfUwoman s.iffrage._ By..-'avote of - 850 àgainst .437,.a. conf-renoe-'f theY- repreentauive et ost- of.-',th. trades, nions 'o! - the- Uniteti KiÈg- dom, ýnow vitting jin Loandon,-.adopt- oct -a areeointio'(n, nstrtang the labor tuembers of Parliamentnt- o- e pose any 'franchWs bill in whioh. Wo>men were -net included. - FOUR U LVES LOST. Fire Daîuaged- loiva Hotel.- Chica-ý go-. te -Extenit of $15-0o'., A despatcb froni Chicago asys:ý Th1 l'e me-nl and ue wemna-n ý wene. butinedta Vodcn.h, t-hreemen ,2eriouea j lY injUred. andi a dca-en -others snf- fereti less hurts i-a fire which leea.a-ly on Tbursay tiestroyed, 1h..-' If>wa Hotel, a foor-story- brick strýucture aV 3go-339- North Clark - 11EMA1A y PRÉSENT. Coutrsîeî for RatttIeShi.ii' Ras Be é. A dcespaîcl f rom [.xudons-aYs The 'coutra-ct ferte' battlabîp %which the Malay Sta-tes wjjli pi-- Lacuit ti t-le At4iraltx bas been placeti. anti it -1£ :eý-pect.ed if vwiII be lu c-imiinigsion i l 1915. i The Vtt- itiîsVs sa-y t4t- trees conîi-ibttelt4, te he heat'cf Vhs - aVruoc)sphere.'" The Dùnce- "Thai' true. A hircÈ-- bas warmed,- e mnn a tiue." ca-louis of bis ability, anti the otheî- Snemi akeVe-it-eo iaîf i rsa-i at not becbg a-hie Vo thinking that 'Žpemlencc tioesn't îudestati lm.know wha-t i's talkiug about.. ~ THIS-1WATCK FRE TO ANY' BOY l'h:.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i - tirn -iî a< san sbsalutelry -gua an t,ted timaekeepef l tei wincId7_t, a et doubi, duie-pi-ce! back, catiwl ega ini elther ic ttkel or gold finish c5asè.» Rei- >an msaixe.Senti us your naine said address sud wu -tll' seti you- 0 sets et 'ise.andl other, post-cgrds ta sali ut 10 cnta st; (six bea-utitul cea- e ach 4ept). - When sold tsend ne3 the mouey, and'c -e wilerend yen theý wstcb. ail charges DEPT. 48, TOIROUTO. - papers. Éh--s'- were d livce ularly at thc o- ptjO was the duty of two officiai t hing.which thry %oneider t-erest--t6othe -Sultan tbme Adinitted- ý the roy)ýal p 1they Were, eallf'd upoýnli *hat - they had .learned, ani Wlitan hàà dioubLtupn the, were called. up-on to evidenýce, and woe b;Ptilti was -nfi>t imineà.diatelN fic). adfailed to substantiate t âtatemnànts.. had the Timnes read- fo le ices edealing 'itk-persor teris werý r carefully Ceut o P&Àst-çd in\ volumes bounld bine. Th are--scores ôtf the iibrar' of Windsor, a hâve prov d fthe greate~ biographer~ King rEdward was' not re.ading, but the. latèst forel gi-oms were aiways piacèd hii and -extracts f rom in speeéhes delivered in _te Of" pnrhament were eut-- pasted on sheets of paper perusai.* As- is* weli kno I ate-KCing'tpok a kep.en1 int sport, and he was aiwaysk picd with the latest inform that .'pie. S.cal article foreign magazine, and rtVe 41 boiled dd6-n" and cu him- geTerally at dînr. 1the great occasion when t] doings were revw~wed- .King George is afirm b doing things himself. and soually- reads the Jeai papers. Hlis mîjEýst 'spr retary saves a certain-a timé and trouble,',how marking 'artieles -anid itexx of,, fspeciaLinterest. The. jots -Ioiçn notes while lie îng. Some- of \the se notes ahape of -qiteri-es asking f o - sûject, and 'it i.s the diRt _priVate secretary éoese t, mupplied. Rlis Majesty i maârkabiy vkeen, merory-, therefore able Vo, converr ,Very <ide range of Suhject In 'fhis aspect -he -resein -Kaiser, who is a very hungý: er, and is able lic abso.ri quantity of informationý in short tirne.. ne icReads the Papers Qui * and is especially înteresî.qý nidal',ai-d enguwcrin- pap, la eouinals deahong With -in-, gunnery and outher matteî s. Hehas also a sens-e of 'hun àIwaý-b -lances at thé, le- ini_ papýers.. Should any subject Partictilarly to him, lie bas.ý thereo)n summo-ned ta the and over cigars .ami beer1 off his quest1onsý and expecfi eeive ibe f ullest inýormatioi_ *The aunual cruisê which h * on the imperial yacht isth occasion for- these -cross-en -tions. A distingn-ishe-d c ni nav ai. mîlitary.- scientificai niess men- aceompanies him, any deLails he is in sea-rch oi A -be suppiied no time is iost gL graphingto someone who-, * ostio-.n Vo give them. The, Empero,- of' Austr: raeyreads 'bimacif. -Re, to. The aged mon4arch st Tekeenet possible intereal --la-s atu-cra-7y- eanimgaaa iugmatt'n ýie ai-tut taste -hare-d by th- Ring-.( S mirk, wlau istboroughly il n< 'ob the literany movements -day and weUl able- Vo convî - ~ The Kiug et Spanhas - t amitin lofr everytbing'-1 an ----sdEngiish -pspers, anti ma figure on bis stud3i tab1É. -- jestyv is more a wQrker than -ci-,howevcr, and t i e h wbo supplies bimwith -muci informa-tion.- -- Ditiils concerning.hîs o-s' dom ae saippliéti by hie sCr S-iantia-n ôfficfi-whobe lctast of court new8ma an d-lalsu TORONTO .1 lj( h lit cý, , il

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