Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Feb 1913, p. 3

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oa- ,-lý $L4 e. SX01.0a o BUqirh&ý-tiO.: , 520se 6go, Rye-14ôo. 2 63 te: 6W13 -- . 10ud Ote-Per bas e! 90 p< FP-22 12, per-bars-el. $4.70, wioloealo. sr tu montree1. - arlOY--goud malting bart",ou,< 6o o63c. -- . Millfesd-manitoba. brani, $20 lai --Sack. Toronto-,shorts,. $2; »mde $26; Ontpiù bran.- *20 ta bagsj.s Manitoba loar-5'rst, paienue,$ j Ute baiu; econd patents, -$4.80 t bg;strong bskers', $4.60 lu jute 1» ctton bage, uton utoa more par Der otlorWîdr at Bi Country Produce. work -thte dcter cIamed, -Vo prevent subi Igpts [wase in, future. J TQ 80,000 PJIÉMEN TO 8TRIJRE& lffty-tour U. S. Railways Invelvei - desapateàitfonNew York says The commnittee of managers of! VS 01W aitera raîodi nxnounoced 0. Friday nigiittlat their firemheà hm voted aimostunanintously te strîike -L*ke A statement signed- by, Chairmâal 9.120 ElishaLe., for the omùinitte. ay rr wSr "Advi"'Sreceiv.d by tiie easters r poor railr *oads indicate titat tii. 30,00o 44 t firemiei almoîst Voa. man hàave vol k. ed " S.> the -propositiqin.t 47 s; trike *and ttc-up over 52,000. utilei e; N. QI~aiioads- rther -titan ,a4cspi ~oo-the offeri>0:the ompanies Voarbi t&Otiinterested Mon o! oufficienitnùuiM. ,ntmagnitude o! the questions atissue, WOind. If te firemen annoDunce thatal aL resuit of hi -strike vote tàil comniittee - *111 càl..,dut Vhe. m'en, baga. te railrocadaw-il, -o! eourise,, Vake 3otstepe immediately V-o propane lMi teoperation of triàusderstrlke r bx sbould, in tee puiblic'intereàii, -be Ur, 9 Iprevented at ail it&Zards" t -- - I BRITISIT M. P. BIJNDED. - r 2gg-%UU atae à= am auCa los, - 14M et' W;atitly newýlald.7 Cabinet Ministero Recelve .Le tters. lh«ese-Twissso, w 4 -ote 15e, sud Couftainlng E1eetnle Snuf. large, aeir. as 141-o; oid cseese. Si"u, - 1~itc1 amer 6'*, 1o ~ A despateh f nom London se 'm do.. eli«e/,V te 30e; dais-v Prints, 40e te Cabincit Ministeins are' now gettlng' 97e, lufenlon (baisers,2ellkto 23e. pose by'ft b a frtW Honqy-Buekvieat, 9o pound l insu d ~eelb y si -sgs' 0c . lu basrois; etraiui.d lover isouey, trickr wiicb consis* o! sending let- 121.2e :i pound.- u 60.ound tins, P23.4e iu ter. onta.ining -eiee-tricenuff. Evéry, 10.pud tins; Mbin 6l-5ouud lina, 00mb-cam Mntr eovdVe liouey., -No. Io'$2,60 ver- dosen; ear&-a, cbmb oîsha- eè'vdt - pr dasu - o. , -PAO- py dzen ateiiion n. n.men tary Un-. Poulls-y-1vs c ehiou. -misolesale, 18o ta .-entr a biddfrur lic per Don"d; te* , 10W te lUc;- dueku. 15eear aâ aedfrn" te 14e;lilve Sske,15 e 7; ee.6 y two honre by *ý,eppeî, w"siisblew la 10e. ssed »ultre, le te 5e aboie, into bis e" s 'en lie oed a sot 0 te 10i. t, lit ub,oonring usual fdr icis.- - s 26,an 26 o ý&d iio to baud' oves- questionable Pot&tees-n-tarlo ot.atoes;-85e per- bâgi lettess o- theïr seoretianies Vio. -bc oar lots. 76ô; -Noir Brusseulekti96a per )>au; openâed, fotr asnaiives &are ee -out et store; 50e ia- car iota i 1sampd edeaisare airù - Sonlahe1au-tioue, but have niait aa es-J Smched and Dry 'Sitad Mese-Reli- OSnokid 134e 15e; hams, inedin-, 170 teV 17 1,2<'chev,16 1-2ô te 16o; breakfaut bacon, le 1-2o te 19e; l ong .clear bacon,I tous and. caes, 141.2Ze te 1434c; backl FLOWERS IILOON 1 N FRANCE. (plain), 2114eA;' ba kfs (peameal), 22c.- Creen -M.iaSs-01 -!picisie, Ilela tisais amokecL-- -- Two Moitths Ahead 01 TImnli the Pork-Short eut' $26 to $28 Der barrai; Nostisera Snunb. -mess pork, 821.jo ' $22. - Lard-Tiavees. 1340,. tubs. 140; Pals. Parie, Feb. 6.-Theë reversai of 145-4e- - the- seaasirn n Amepsrola màini-e, ,leed HAy and Strew., BaieS h&y o.1, $12 te 813, Ne. 2. >*9 t$1m; No. 5 8te 49t balect- sairw.$9 te l Mnrsal Markets. Motea,- el.-Caits-AmericanN. 1 y0110W. 62c. O&U-Cans4idiüirattemu, DNo. 2 41l1-Se tb 42e;do 1.,<ausidian mester-n, Rio. a.-40 1-4 te 410; do., extra-~No. 1 foad, 41o tç -41 c-e doNo. 2 local mwhite, 3Me. do.. No. 3 oosi une.' 37; de. No. 4 local vwite, 36e. -Barley-Mauitoba feed, OU53 te 4e; do.. msltlug, %o> te 80c. Buck- whis&t-e2@.-2, 65o te 57c. Plons-Maniteba - pri ni uheatpatenite, firesu, $5.40; do., sec- onds, $4.5C, do., strong bakera', $4.70; do., wvnter patent&, oholue, $5125; de., tralilit reliers, -$4.855toý 04.90; -do., stralgrht s-elles-e & bgo, 08,2 - te- 2L30. Rolled Oats. srelu, #4»j0;do.,- fu bats o!f-M0Ibo., $2.- l-2.,'Bran--20. £isrts-822. Mlddllnus f. 47.Moulllo $30te 835. 1Hay-Ne, 2, er-toa, cai- lots. $13.50 te $14. Chese- Ilasl vester-nu, lie; de.. flueuft esuterne, i-.e to 12-3-4c. Butten-Choicest cream. *r,20o; do., seconds, 24e te 27c. Eggs - 3r* 4o ti36b do.suloeted, S22e t 4q; jre tea k Me te.le; do. No. 2 stock., lete l6c., ?ct*to.s-Poi' ba zar- lots, Ulnited Clatis Mgarbets. itnmpoils. Fue il. - Whaeat. - May, M 14e; SjuIv, 90140g September, 8874e;- Ne iad 81,4os Ne. 1 nartier, 86354a ~ fr40; o. Snonrtir, 43.4e te853.4e. ris-No. à3 voe, 441-2o to 46o. Oas- c, 3viste, 511-4c te 3411U. Bye-No. , ta 571-29. -Bran, 19.50. Flous-psides DUinîli.rab. -il.-Wiseat-No. tibard, 07 6-8c; No., 1 nortisema, 8718c; No. 2 do., j* July, 90ce t- 9014e sakedi Me , - ive ato@k markeats. M ontresi. -Pab. 1.-Beat teeri, $6.50 te - an, sd th&> icuen irade froitisaS dwu t $4 ulule choies büttes' coma nronght' 06.% te U.0AO, good $5 ta $5.60 zdtise eosmon stock fso-cm 3.60 te 8454 en100 Ibe. A feu cisoie bulle al I h as 65»,0, pSd. at *5.00 te 05.15 an loues- grades !rom $C.0te 04.60 per *sbo at $4 5<' 85 pçy 100 Ibo. Caly« rangsd- fsom-ou 00- to 812.00 sacs, aen use- and qualiy- Selected lots o" - 10<1s ui se $9.75, but hs nuling pryes 89 60 pi] rte, - Fei and su hàis alto mas-kýd thse weaths- ln France.ise- series o! abno>rma£ll'y zait sud warniday. réoon-tly ex- -pe- rencedIn the aorttes-n provinces b ,as -brougbit.the~ Rhododendrons in- tVo blüom lante Pa',-*an'suburbs Viro -mnontito before tVi- rusual limIe, whie ite buda on te fruit treosin lte extenaîve- or-cbards of Normian- dy -and BritVany as-e ilready burst- ing. àDIFFERENCE. lIt Paid Thi Mais te Chan'ge Fooiý heallt," wnîtes ,..ats- stera smer- chant.-- - 1"Impropen eating teld on me iii my st.omaéit becaine se veak tal food iiauseated me, even tise ligisb- e-at aud simpleit lunch, and I vas mucit depraased allera niglit cof uneasy, alumber, unfltting me for business. - "Titis condition wau discourag- ing, as I oouid flnd ne vay -to im- ps-ove lbt. Then I av the adver- tiseemeut o! Grape-Nuts food, andj decided to try il, and became de- lighted mt the resuit. "For Vise paît titree years I have îsed Grape-Nuts and nothing else for my breakfast aid for lunch be- fore rietlnlng. Il bspeedsly set My stomach righi snd I congratisiate niyseif titat I have regained my healtVi. There ig ne greatex' com- fort for a lis-ad inan titan a lunch c! Grae-Nuté. Il insus-es restful ir 100 Usai, velîjee f es"ta. sleep, en-'., an amakening in te i. 1.Hoe . $~0Le. udmoring mitis- a fein cf bucyant Eeugie*ls ~r~04~; ourage sund hopefuineas. tOile solS 5 o . "Gre.pe.-e-NnVs«asbe£4as-aboon Vo' 0.16.25 ta 06.16; 0ntm y, iiole fam iy. as ma-de o! 4;' camuacu, to - .6i l.I mmbu, -* -osa-au us 2-ycar-ôid boy, vise used te be .0; oVrat P.2 to $376. unable todigest's-ucb o! anybising ~fidss uhla, ô-a robuel, heaýiyi,- , littie rascal 111151155ll<iU.~~ weighing 32 pounde. Masikind vu a ~ -oestainlycowes a .debt o! gratitude t o theé expekt wi inventcd titis * pesfecl bcàd." Name -gif'en by gâùth cflugessli, pro- Canadian Post'm C'o., Windsor, keOxfoss Tribune, died, Ont. "ýThene'-s a reason."t g. -of tiiebran on Fnl- ESur read ltoeviotbter? A now eue - appuers frem gbuî: te trne. - ,Titi>' »re - geuine, truc, qmd fui I o! human luleres! e: e. 10 te In r- - d d 1h a. e- p et ct j 1h j Vis I mnder Prince- Ketouahadbèee eerried. -The.exità ftoin-tii. Oham- ber -w-re ,thronged wih "oIe -ýwho cheejred the :,nember, of- thée Conetitutional party. when th", *5asaeulted-- Saburo Shimada sud. .o4her so-ôalled- renesades ýo! tkIte National Libera4-à.rtyî" . ety wtre Ithr'own ont ie! 'thei'r rikishas when, they- attcmptemdto *drive aw,ày, and etfforts were ý.made Vo duck Vlien -in the canal,' but these- were frus- trated by tiie police. BACI TO SCOTLÂND. iMurderer Deported From Mentè'ea1 -WiII G«o to Âsylum. Joh1 itpadthe murdeirer of Fran CMEKenna, . Hamiltpon ma.n,, dDrIovltn, a elM Bàth RoVôl I..t auminer, i"as taken Vo port- laud, Main.,£for depo-tttion oni hi~r.dnr. H. ,it b piecedà an as.im i, Ã"otand, wllee arrage- iii.ns hvehen -uae-for h.de- tentioï by hie !. h ,r a ot 'hie W at.V SoLln wt hia_ wi. s"d faniiy fimom Citicago, *itsr beibg injured là tbe liead: wblle working ies the' latter oiVy, when b. ran ùnuck in #qe'Bath o-ý tel antd siot MoÇw,, artendor, deid, a.nd m;Ort&slly woôunded -Dr. Devlin. HIELEN GOULD'S GIET. New $M8,000 Headquaàrters of the Té W. C. Assoeiatlsn. A deapateit fromn New York saye: Tiie headquarters oi the'National Board- of tii.- Young Womien's Chrietian Associatio >n were opened On Fridlay in a new $500,o0 build- ing on a Lexington avenue site, wiiiçh was one of the- latest gifte o! Mns. Helen Oould Siiepard. - In ad- dition to the National Boar.d offices, tiere are classroomes and dormi- tories o! the young women's train- ing scbool and accommodations are provided for the Worid's Christian Sludent Federation, whose meet- ing the ooming. summer will be at- tended by delegates froin 4o differ- ont countrie8. AS GOVERNOR-OCENERÂiL. Prince Alexander o! Teck la Latest to bce Sîsoken of. A despatel f rom bondon sys: It la reported that Prince Alexan-- der o! Teck will be the next Oov- ernor-General o! Canada. Hie consort, Princeas Alexander cf Teck, is one o! the most charming- women of thse Bnitisb arist-ocra-cy. Shivery Mornings You qan have a taste of the summier sunshiae Of, the c,,rn fie -As- by szrving a dish of Post Thèse.crisp -fi ivoury ham iscre«ïMed tljc for alleged libel CAte Hou. sam $Io,0ë..üoto $50,000., A deputatton frôm Premier. BorQdect su Port PerryIlilwayl Mtnt.ter o! cf, *6,500 & Uxbnid~ & -A suffragist c"eina eqe.seneLuMVte Briai ChsuonaonTiiuneday as was sjeete.. AffbaasdadKr'ny'iee basbeen ,a.p- ýpoizimtad a inemier o! i t p.rmeàient Tite Wela&itdeeebahushiment bil vas read a third tint. lia the- Cous- nons and- obtained a fiist s-eaidin in te buds. UnIted States. A ce»nts-sot lmasbéonenaerdcd -in New -York, for *eigiiit wi.relesid-sta'- tions Vo apaD tise Pacifie Oceanm., , Otto Xhan, tho- wel-kniowh bank-ý or, predicted a Vs-esnen&um boom immediataly tise van ceadeýs.- A Pittebnrg docto>r arrived st New 'York ou Titurediay viutb*hVie fisst Fs-Lods-ann ses-untfor te cure O! -tublerouloisi Tise six-power Chines. baen vos âgain balted cwing Vo Erencit ob- ject-lons to Vhe 'fimniel advie appoinied. Ban1k. 115 -Cascusatea mat Aa Mayor of Toronto lie oould hive ot j.n- EUglànd - or elsevisers ail-tii.esëPItaiî eos fo the e- Dowihtitution.- Mauy storisu are 5014 of bis -en roi» eteaigti.-Once ainge.irisdod lieclesuèci up a crord of -lumber -$ka che c -wre mailng trouble in sa n«tliern. camp. Airain gttiug i ato su- siteveaion itis W ceb -nian ozn--account of sme trlffng dam.- -a etatb"dbeeri done to thé -slelgh -la W is "NeobftititWssnldlg,,- hobougis tise ontfit from thse csbby- for $2Z.00 and.then tnnned it,,uvoide do*n, on,-tSe treet. "Re ias an, active: Oratigeman. As vene man lie broke -fronti hie Party th tis Dato- ~cCalb dasbut later wse Instrumental lan brî iging . Clarke Wai- lac. suad ' 8ir',ale Tuprtogetiser -on tise samo -platformlu inMassey- Ha11, , 1%o arrangedf or tliem ta ahtke baiÏnda."5-uheu lunulg te tie audience hoezeclalmed. "les fot -tist aj a reat pair te draw '1toP' HRe ias -an admirer, however, o«f tieRo- mau <Jatisoit Cihurcis. ýand frequieutly said tisat If lie had heen'boru a RBoman -Catho- lie h. uould have beoome a'Bluliop.- Toronsto'& Rleh Min. - No lifttJe intsrest - is been ev-tued tIn tise lut 0of twenty-tisree men iris, se. Candi ug lb 9on. H. B- Emmeron. COUto praolically aul of thse big businesu lutise, coauntry. 0f tise twenty-tbree nàmet by, Min* -lÃŽmieraon. ulue belong ta Toronto.- Tiro c h of e re8rWt1isîwi Mackenzie and Bir Donald-Mann, tise tutus of tse. Qanadian.-Northeru Esflusy sy-stem,ýuhohave apentthetr lives lin'met- ting lpublicntitty franchIse, cf one sort sud another all over the venld, turnlug them into- geins concernu jînd making tremeudoua profitesluntise proces. Itlal et ' rosent - mposeible te coompute bey muhse.tue men are wentis. Ne doubt- tise>' ould -not. do so tisemeelves. - It la generally admitted. isowever. tisaS tiseir blggeçt coup is yet to came ilion tisey vwil p ut-on the market tis estok of tise <. N. R. corporation. Thi- trans. continentalUne.flow ïrunug nta ftu tisousanda of mlles cf trackageha. boss -bulit esitirely. by tise--aie of' bonda tise stock remalhng -intise conl o f Mac- kenzie and- Manunensonally. One of tires. day. lisa Miihave a value mhen It will beDut on tise market; sud tiserre- turu te Mac)reuzie and- Mann may be ouf. ficient to'-put tiemIn lu lSof a dozen of th. mealtisiest meu lu thse wonld. - The Ce N. R. croup. Of tise etiers « uamed lu tise- lst, Mn. Z. A. Lasis, -Mr.,;1D.]B,- Hauna. Mr. Freder- iek Nicholl ad Sir Heury Peilatt are more or lesu iutimately asociated mîtis Machenzle, and Mannu orporations. %Ir. Las la undoubtedly tise ablost OorDora-. tienCocunsetla Caqiada. Mr. D. B. Ranna- le V-lee-Presldent o f sp C.0. . suad.the active force lu-iti direct mntmIt Sir Henry Pellatt sud Fredenick NLcsb>is are intonestedl in many. industnial under-' Ishinga. À few yeare ago Sir Henry Peilatt reaized over a million dollars lu cold cash from lis sale cf tise control of tise Toronto Electrie Llgist Go. Re im- mediately procoeded to put a' large por- tion cf t hie amount into a retîideuce on tise hli, noir nearing cesupletion. whicis lu a marvel toauai behoiders. Sir Edmuat Osier aud Mr. W. D., Mat- ,theirs are Torontoe - vepresentatives amoni tise - (anadian Pactibcflatlway *. gronplof financiers, while the nintis mn on tlhe lis. Senator George A. Cox, l clos.Iy associated itistise Grand Trunk Paocifie enterpriees. While not competing in tise epectacular achievements of -Sir William Mackenzie and Sir Donaldl Mann, Senater Cox te lu many respects one of tise ulreirdest financiers in, Toronto or lu tise country. -Thei Ton Riches! Min. An estImat. of the ten mealtist men lu Toronto and thieir fortunes is beeu publiished as falleirs: Sir William Mackenzie . 1,000 J. C. Eaton.........12,000,000 Senator Cor.........5,00,00 Sir Edmnd Osier......4,000,00 CAmisira Maiock.......3,MMW00 W. 0. (ioodenisam......3500000 Q . B. W ........3000,000 tSir Henry -Pellatt.......,000,00 Sir Donald Man........... 3,00000 J. W. plavelle........2,0.000 'At te Legisiature - -Tiser, pr<ýàmasate be a hîtahinlutise -Workmeu'a Compensation legistatian, due tit session, over tise question of uliether cierks lu stores snd farm laborer~ te be ineinded- lu tise provisions of\ mis Act. Tise genenal princîple lu mo ern Workmen'a Couipensation legiolatian la tisat a fuud in establtslsed te mmicl em- pleyenr&.of labor coutnîbute, sud out cf lis fund damages are paid -te morkmen misenever accidents occur. Industries are graded accerdtng te tise hasard,. so tiatt tise employer, lu hasardons occupations have te psy more tian tisese lu less isaz- ardos occupations. 'Tise uovkmen tisem- selves oentribute notiugasd tise fnd. ie admluistered by the StaSe. Theoreticaily, legiulatien of -tisis ktnd sisould apply to byeryboUy,, but it- la icared that represeutatives cf rural - con-- stituencte mii objeot il f arm laboreru and store clenka are, included. There la, therefore, a pcssibility tisaititse. classes will te drepped in tise logielatton which. te to be recommended bv Sir William Merediths, theeapecial commlsidoer, vise bas been inv~eitigating tise* sbjeet, aud tisaS the iaber unions which have beau ag-i-, LTJIBER OIUT IN OTTAWA. Boarid Ne mu ré là 192 Ov, M Billion Foot More Than lu 1911. A despatch 'lrom,: Ottawa s: There wasýýà substanie i mcrease' in, tii lumb.r eut Ã"Lthe 1)ýttawa -Val- ley 'in 1912- oompared -with 19U. From ri1urbe just - compiled' the to- tal1 eut, -board measure, last eyear 'wau M5,892,000, feet againÉt '5241 024,000 lest in-,1911, -an -incr4ease o! :34,858,000. Nal 90000mr lath- were oMt- lait *yèar tItan te year beforeî and almiost moyen mil1- lion, moreshingles. ,-The- total -lath' production for Ottawa, an4d, district: w s 97',06000 o mpared with, 18,- '774,0 .p reviensyear.ý The to- tal numero! aMugles eut w«s 62, - 735,000 ajainst .56,250,000. Way of- the, Ant. The tropica &-~ nt bu.1da' le.rge cie e f'red of' moýunci o! had arth fronm two to Vhrge. mue te rs làs hedght.In a asçii pe oftheffe itciiIoe ohere l oniy on the'queen, who Z*Si thè mother of!-thie entfre ýfaimily If amiant Shows a dilspool'tion boV to W<>rk, or'ie un-r able, lie iW ronveed to thé. police-, *Msin amnd tii,.j&wbone o! titi. offCia wolýrld. ee4eppearaVtor b, iinknown in -tWeanthl i. The ýbodyguard in staled at -the top of tihoue;; exeoe- cisee:ceaÀselesa vi ilaa , g- i t - eoming od «neinies or Vte nce of undeasirabl1es. Theré ce'oins Vto be a sentinel system, and the ants are relieved a1t initerva;ls. In case, of neeisity they onivey danger wern- in". TIh4e fox-ee on gua.rd m thtie top of tihe a.nthiil are changed witit sncb regulsrity as Vo make.it prob- i.bIe thatthey have Eomething ini thedr calcniations which. answeris to on ta absoàrbeS 4n-iÏ J iMk1à hol tise- pores te tÉe ý ôouit u5oclè>odO relieves sud cures Iqu4okli. Esie0iiIByfe earacise, SootMwobe, i have onit-Nrv. 111e---cf citdren Nervi'lin-as w M = l tliuk Nerv1lise eboult h.0%tine-"-ez Hundreda of . t.houszande cf botties cf Nenvilni éd ven ,ar- a , tÃ"f t i ite iIdeaf liniment,- for tiistiàne. Ro-' fuse auytinz gyens- dealer, Isy-ofer lu- stead cf Nervillue. , Large sfamily aise toîttle50c.,t1il ai me. 2f5s.-' i:&idealers, -or tise Otarý:ihozone Co.. Buffalo, ,, -Y., sud Kiugi3tou, ont. ~ . BIRTH '0F ÂAT l.- lomntoeRprts Rade by.Brit-- liii PtoS Reo S. A despateit from London 'says' - The -kdenest' itterest lbas -been ,.aroused Lunte scientiflo worlftYby thie reýPorts-Pf Vtie birtIL of an atout -made te te ohenioal scciety by. Profes sonrs-ýRamsay, Ooliiand Pat- ter6o. M If utier- experiments- coufirm Ibisa, A is possible tittthe creatio o! ci- -matter' sponùtane<>us wihh Vite bis-thio!- an clement like- helisim or-, neon will be fiundamen-- tally more important titan-i teî spontaneons bis-to!life. "Tii. dis-- coveny points te wÀ-. for acitange cf oee feintof /matter saupp;osedVo.:- *be incapabl1 zil, intû anetitsr,ý'! said Prof.. Ramsay on Friday ýniglt "Doea it mean, for,_iustanee, you wiii be able -te, change lead liet go!d 1" he was asked. <I do 1 not knew," was the reply. 2'Tite cost wouid ps-obabiy be too great Vo_ maire 1e-it -viri;wle. Tii. import-' ance cf Vhe. diecoveyîs that we have declpiiered -ano tien lin. mn thse- bock .of nature, and opened the doon te £Ùrtherdiseoveries. - TIIREÂTE-NED..TUfE KING. Poey William Collinsla Sent to the A -des patch - Lrn ondon says z AV 0131 Baileyou Wednesday Poey William Collins was placed o trial citanld witli sending tlireatenidlg leVIers to King Georgeý and te Misé. Lillah% MoCas-thy, actres and vife cf Grar.'ille Bas-ker, playwnigii., The eizence showed Collins ,was- insane, and lite Court conimiîted him Vo lBroadmo6or Asylunt. TURKEY ALMOSI BANKRIJPJ A Great ÂAnti-war De-monstratJon.:ii Constantiaole -Young Turks- Denounced A despatel fs-cm London sys:- The Daily Telegnapit . publisiies a long uneenscred despatch front its correspondent, Ellis As.ieac Bas- lett, aI Conslantinopie, iLu mmci heq gays thal the Tun-kish people are ina-scb a abat. o!ftaises-y and desti- tution as a rcault.ef ltewar tisat Vbey are oompleeiy indifferent as ta the fate o! Adnianople. "Ttc Cabinet -is in a quaadany," says lte correspondent. "'It knows thaI it viii 13e compelled Vo cede forcesa cluced t es-ed an Laiýge1 utit to novw 70,( iandiag itood o! - Bulgâa i impracti ettbie starve M leave tVi Adrianopie, and is-oniy seeking RU'V c' some meals Vo save ib-face. Il is -po<>suîou said.tal bitecoup d'état vas enly prevent inbended te ceus- altos-Kialmlceis Passa surs-endered Adnianople, but inevitais vas precipitated by some nistake.. T Rence te difficully te -inislry'isT now in. Titane is. not a-, ceIt in A, C-c te Treasury and -Ihe-re: -are ne The ýLoî means -of getting money until peace- hayý,i fi, h- co-sLuded, - nd. -meaumfhuîle,ý thé for t'Wvo< çouat ry ije drifliag t te sna a4tise- Bule bànkruptey. -,A.- groat anti-w the-lihse. d.monstnabtion oecurnoe nSuaday Iadmissie, lu: Iront oA-tho Was- Office,-at wwucb flgbtizg tueb Young Tus-ha vere pnblîlly de- Bu-igar anoruaced as müunden-ers'gud Vievôs. tcwsr4 Màmioud-, Shcfket Pasita appeared ~ipa oà, the ba.cony a-adVs-ed te narke'a vxAg sýpeech, 'but -ires- greeted witii op- Bnlair., ,Psbrious -eithete. Ph mssemyaitiie ms, idlý nrki1imomps l s idesci làl. pitt., Il ls been bitterly col' id mIn a gars lm& ielivy amev.- -Tise soldLsno are 'il'ipl- fet, and has-dIjýsiieltes-od, Sin'ail- main l>od pox, entes-le fever, clys3ntis-y and I -bred b pnè,ýniW-have seplaced - AsiatiO tfonS s t eioiera.IV Is understoéod that th.Jdeasl at Teitataîja have*- been- ne- to 120,000l, whieiih î coitsid-, espie o efea V ie -lins nelaonceout bav bon GaIjpul,- ss- lthes-e as-e 00 c.Therc- is, taik of ea force. in5 the ne-iihoz-, ians, but sncob'& /scllemeë, - Licable. lante Vrt,"n,, laVe s-ïaaization bte .amy woisid thé, moment it. lstbènimptcd ta teca.Fs-orn,-a -mili'arj onomie sîandpsnî - Turkey's ci ta hopel.ees. - Nothingea imeiat aeepunîe cfthe Purs- Lose 5;o(0 net,&taepe ides-i Daily - N days iu Gallit ýaans have'1 ý-The Tssrks.- R. - à& -»%à mIÀFRM% àom J%&19FA nid% A SENSIBLE AGREEIIENT. Deolelve Chafige la the Germais -Naval Pollcy. A despateit from :Periin sayis: The Budget Ocixmittee is now dis- cûssing te naval estimates for 1913. AcooriJing Vo the semi-offici- ai Lokaianzceiger, Admirai Von Tirpitz in!ormed the Committee on Thursday titat a "sensible agree- ment" betWeen Great Britain and Germeany witli reference Vo tlp strength of the respective nqvies would 13e. "soxnething Vo b. 'wei- cooned." Iflihelias been accurato- ly reported, liii deciaration,.la'the first officiai admission from, a ne- sponsible quarter that Germany considers an agre.qment of any kind with Bnitain as witbin te range of praetieal polidocs. TWO SWITCIIMEN KILLED. FatalitîeOeeur ln C. P. R. F(.rt William Yards. A despatcii from Fort William says: Witiiin twelve houri -two fatal acci dents oceurred iunteCanadian Pacillce Raiiway yards ber., botit victims beingswitchmn. Chas. Wm.h Bnock, -twenty-niae years <>! age aingle, fell beneath. a carf uein'g switched shoyrtly belon. midnigiit on T-uesday, Iând died f rom ibis injuries; wIhile just belore noon 'on Wednesday- James Henry Cunning- hain, marrîed, was tiirowa off tbe rear footboard o! a locomotive and killed. -0 Pat lied been -reprfmanded- by -the coplonel on several occasions for not writisg home. "bock iierq, Pat," ite said one day, "..can't write is no excuse. Dictate. to me and ll send a letter." "Rigiit," said Pat. Se ,they got te business. "Whi,&t e1e -will I say ?,y"-sai.d thez colonel. "sure; htaal"si Pat.: "Jlst wind up 'Ptease excuse tue beý4XÉ nà eng a aepelling.'- Pro M orim«* or or ed of,! Od b. or b. or cd Id or -àV ae hf - ,h mt - >1-

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