Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Feb 1913, p. 6

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-Cu PTEff XxxÉ. If-past- four ti ariive. 'Fi-st, ccil, ilfh >od th light- a -blood, theY Iss5ae avIffl simO"- , -êlsons theo starvedtemve, thus On xamji'e._ as' LL. tod WOWer, Ont., msays- "For ovor î$wo yesr& srny lttle girl, oenbtýnee, j was a uffémer f rom.-St. Vitus dance. i She was f rightmned. badly by a idog, which .eemed tO'bring on Ù6e jtiouble, anud uotwithstaudiflg en1 ws 1114 for her it seemed te. .egrow- Ing wore..- She gmew go bad tbat àhe ouldnot eJ ierneil and hem ispeech was. se-Ibàdly À# ced tihat we could soarcely uildemstand hem. - The twmitèhig -aud jomking oe.,hee *limba was» pitiable. At this lune- turo w. began gving hem Dr., Wil- llamse' Pink Pis, and. te out great, Joy they h ave'cornPlotelY eumed' ber, and she la now as h oaltly aà -child as ye-u can ftud' - Dr. Wiliània' Pink Pillsamaeal by ail medieln-e déalema or sont by muail at 50 cents a boxormsiX boxff for $2,50 fmem The Dm. Williaba' Medicmne Co.,, Brockvillo, On0 - Rks FOR GOITRE CUR". German'Dotora CI"at b1$laVemy If wassf't sol msuy years ago when à. diagmoeaiof gotre Wae tiiequtv- * aient -f & sentence .te death.- The' o au&a wop found-eventua.ll to b., in tuevileusaetivity Of ïth lyroid giamsuda ind urgeous bega.n treatiag tho diseuse by the partial momoval of theso glands 'wth more or lees * The-l £teat',vtep in the teatmnent7 cf ti- diseuse is desribed by Drs. Schuel6r andý-o»eabeyg, of Berlin, - (erma.y, whe bave been womking with the Reegiýnff'-d a1llied raye in - uan e#ort -te cauae ps.rtùa. atro-ý phy of the glands. Ater 1long ex- periment they we they have-suc- o eeded in aung the raystc' pee- .tmtedeeply into-the glands wijthut -- AnY harmful effeet oni>he ekin. K..A married man's manners are nover se, satisfactery as when hia wifeeg relatives drop in for .a visit. PILES CUNEO -IN S TO 14 DAYS tour druggiptil refund moiney.if PAZO fl4TMEN Ile thb cure any case of Itoh. BlinO B.sding <jrProtruding Pilos ln t~14 da O. S Thle troubles of marriage ouly -begln when a man tries to shirk iti MIfardi 0Liniment Curese Dlstmpor. "WiâIe, Men sornetimCes change *,hir -opinions." "Yes," replied r MGrowcher, "But what a lot of peeople 'iistake -for an opinion is -simply the mental echo of some other man's.loud voce" W.nYour Eyos Neod Care Wë r ue Eve Remet Y. No Sm=ring-Feels" »qù¶e-AvtÀ-4kulek Try îh for lRed, Weak, Wasty lCcs O rnilîedEyelide. hils- trated B In> euh Pachage. Murine le Sonip0un ded b r Oullst-uot a "Patent Mea-' llne'-but used 1I cesul Phyillans' Prao- * 1)0 fur many ye4.ars. ND dedicated to the Pub- Iea nS s0Ii byruïirlste Lic sd lOWpr Boutle. MUrine W~yobuyloe it Asuptic Tubes, Se nd to. *Murine Eye Remedy Co.,-Chloago Minardsa Liniment CUres Diphtberia. Prospective Tenants - There' s ene great disudvantage about this1 bouse ; it is 'damp. Landtord - 'That!s ne disadvantage. If a fire - weo break out it wouldn't humn nearly 80 fast. -Began With ltching Sensation, Kept r Awake at -Nght. Caused Great Pain. Thought Operation Only Cure. Çuticura Soap and Oint- ment EnttlrlyCured n 6 Weekst tued for two mautha with the piles. Theyr Mu Sbegau vitis a uudden lce'hina sensation whlch useS to keep me elýe8't lt. I triecl dit- lurent kInds to antmout ta' s4.j st heltcblng which cIlS not prove vainablo la the 1080- madla MY surprise &M~r a tes- veelca Ihoy ho- ges ta' blS. 1 diSnob kuw irIsat la de àau îhe MUIý»moee uit n, Z'begon ta tik tiaulian opmrtimn vas tse onuy cure for tlsup. I'lourd cf utlcurý' oep sud Oint, mont and deotded te ts'y lbo I sont for p dmp. nS aller uoiug hem a foiw tise« fi ud m ou$ =ny sgroet lifuey gave mol t 0blOdbIUbegau - $eme. IgSot smrese mmad Ontinuel! 1Ph.heutieuruolinmaut MsudAa». I boantogo* botter sopM~gh m le voue' oetgM.-Suieluéý I r à t~à comwý- - . 14" d1 O&th«ýz&l i n -Moeoow, anud Cather-'- fa. wore it *, wardeoff .411 spirite, "hugh Ià doeu4soo-m tobave been v6my1 *u<oçkfûIlu hem ça»e. -4 the grom tthizt-".outt lie .diadem' &M tUhe 1 eo-aria -sud diamenda, f ,whi-ch it' ila ompeSçd are said t6 krtelI1 by their cndtion the well- beine-or otherwiaee-of . the Rus-î za Reoyai fssiiy. 1-f -danger lun- pends a'tà-6 dismoda ioee heir ,parkle asud thé pesirla hh-oirecf lustre, Wbile if the prospoat :brigit:'., oua the'etàaLozxr suzne their pristine What makea he partioulari-y auet.0 have thi. tli.ioiby: them just noyw la "hst he Oza.re-., vit; thoug partlaliy reoveied frein bis iluàem , ln stil inuàa del&eteý at.te o-f health,&a *tho à . he!ft dia'dem beemna tteir eupersttieus minde to'h&vo the w<>rsii egnii-, cause. A Bad lHcart, Ets Cause and Cure Mrany Ffrnly Cpnvlneed They Are -Dytlng of lleart Trouble, Have Of-1 tel the Stretîgest Hfearts. (somelirnes you wako up ati nlgt-, beat throbbing like a alosEs englute.. Tour breathing ie short andsi rregular:- pains shoot tisougi tise cheet sud abdomen. andi eau» horrible auxisty. Tour troudble'-ieuWt wilb tise heent aI aIL Theso sensatlone are tise outcome o! Indigeetion, whicis hue causeS gas to forus on tise etouach and prose againat tise heurt. Tuai read what happened te IGsaao- Maliens, e! Belle River, Ont., - . - '"hreemonths ago I wae a. weak, sichly man. ]WY appotite wae poor. teoSd fer- mnented In =y tomacis, I baS sour rie- Ingesud Indirostkolà. 4t ulgbt -I1wànld ofteu waken wlth gas In. tise tomacis and heurt palpitation. - 'I conenled my doctor &"Ud used YWeo dieu tisaI=y triondS.advlesLNoling iselped. "Ovne day I recelvosi a sumple of Dr. Hausiton' Pille, sud my cure ooaumenc- oS, To-du? I have a vigorous appetito. airong heart action, aud no sigu o! In- digestion. I feol youuger anS bhealtiier than ever befbre." Tour druggiet or - etorekeeper s Dr. Ham lItoW-e Pille, OS. per box or flvu boxes for $1.00. By mail frous The (-atarrhozone Ce.. BuffaIe, N. Y., anS Kingston, Canada, MARE PLANTS DRINK INON. Amount In Spinach Increaeed Sevenfold by Experiment. Experimente are under way.ast lUER t-ha agricu.ltural baecterielogic&l sta- tion le Venato increase the qua.l- Astoaishi ity e-f ire-n carrie'd by* ceortaiin Thougi plant-s. witii a view t~o lbe efforts on1 New Y the *humain syaternvhien tiose -incued th plants are uî.sd as f"e. -Artlficia.l- _enae Iy prepa.red foods centainnug. iron et tortun do net alvays -produce lie dearedi Moat tloi effect, hecanse the ire-n la « < m-Barry of pletely .ainil4ted-. ghus diffic4ltye Cit-y, li it i's theuglit, may ho S5vQkLe4 by-telilieM -using pants Ici. take up amu in- liverance creim-d quantity e-f ire-n d&iI« Aftem thoir natura? growt-l. By -a.dding doDllaris « hiydi-ate ef ire-n te the e oule -shi&cbdi'ciuies a àu wss growiug lie expeF'uiuelter5' cided Il bave 8snceeeded lu prodncing spi*n- iowever a-oh contaiuing a porcentsge e-f iren. sliould b, seven t-ino. as great se tisat foiud before' ln ordi-namry spinaci. Il is believe-d lopeleser t-ha"tftie preeess will prove 51100055- total dee fui witli betîir fermuginoes p&»"t. in. M"r. -.1" - it iolds CLASP KNIFE IN iMOUTU. i n luc PrIsoner Admittèd Its Usefuiness in. ously. Pîeklng ,Pooketa.- 8o~~e~.ag-, e inte dist7riâ oef Ja.l.pasgrl, Be.gal, tire wae a 8411<1- If usuJ don epidemic of petty thefà a nd to liaten burglaries. The police, eDomp-e-tefly Mnr bafflod for sema atime, fjlnajly- ar- Mnr' res'ted an m-div,.duai on Suspicion, Vicar who, a! t-r a 1pielimînary magister- Mmm Gi la nvetigatio'n wg6 remsnded. lu îîat you custeody wlti a view- te- tnrt.ier in- de-es nol quiries as to bis "' teeoinus. onai;re beiug .earched, saiUo1inê ffloor, sus- I îîsnk peeting lie ied sonsething coucealed t-'v in -Iis me-ulh, erdered him te e-pen. ila when, entbedcLed round oeoef ies stance, whioli, on Ibeiasg extrsOtL prsrved t»-b ~ , e i~e hither ho aunpect, WIi0 had -thropxeteted hie innocence, no n« a&ea.fulli eeSi, sud. éventudflitytumcedemt bea. MeOI- of Gonds, iu Oudh, sud dalrîeady ofonSe.. He admitted - thuéb Idm hi.' h*d boom apeoiallygmacle àIon hlm ,d thMt le io.sd 1$fSo uttAnl opea baJes e-of celb sud aie- e- pobtplcking. Mauiy a man who disthatthle wora oe% luià alivingoan t prove the debL. -1y. * "u !veri~enonLd- to-u Dô6dd-'s i4iiedy'-Pille, asud I:ve found in tliém a. cure fral y .:Kidu" Pilla tee higbiy2l --Female - Trouhie and eaft 'Dia- e&asrçLcau-sed by Eidntiy Di&ese.. The. n!ýur&i wAy to- cure hein *ta cure teKdcsbuigDd~ KudneY. Pilla.dg le JIOST 1lRMFTY NATION. Prtom SvgaBn-Staedar rda 1%.8 wIsa Ge>vernment hbous if p'blished tlie reUltecian inquù*y ,Ws ha. been mkiuig finothe S.savings, e-fth tbswim peoplo sud the meeomu blied direct to lhe savineobanks te suipply' th. information -iqulred. Se4ven banice ont e! a tota.l et 1,054 refused lu complr withlie Goveru- ment'a request., slates tb. Manchè»- ter,- Engl.and, Guain, bu thVe o>tier 1,' 047 ail sent in fuil particu- lare of thIis wu>rk. . Everywli-ee it is apparent lb-at tiit la very mu-eh e-n the inereae6. For, istance, in th. ton yeamsfro>m 1497 te 1908 lie ar-erage -sum i-n sàvimrge benks ~per bead -of the Swulse population rose f rom 309 te 44à firan-c. Ine-lier -words, Swilzeir- land, fro>m lie sa-vinga bank stan- dard,-118 -te liriftiest nalle-n. Nezf> o ber cornes Deuimrk, witli 391 francs sav-ud per headofe popula- ticou, suditheu, a longway behind, lb. GermSu Empire, vibli 29,1 (Prus- ais 308, Bavaria 99, Ssxony 405, aud Wurtembumg -31), 'Nerway 270, fbe United ý&tstes 220,. Austria 211, Swedeu 197, Huegary 159, Fi-suce 133,' Beginin 129,- Great I3ritain 122, Itaiy 108, the. Netherlsude 89; Mi-R ea20. Swiiteerlind- suyet hlias neposte. office savinge be.uk, aud ne- penun~y savinff a bwk, aitliugli lhirty-nine e-f lier sa-dngs bankes wil oe-n an acceunt £o-r a auin-e-f 1 franco or les, while ouîiy tliree equire 10 f-ace oreie 'a: deoe-it. At lie end e-f'1908, the year in queston, lie aunis ying lu savinge b;auls te lhe oredit e-f Bwis seub- We4 ame-uuted te n*aly 67,500,00 f-uascompared with not quite 40,000,000 francs ie 1897. HEARING IIESTORED iing Dellverance e-f Womian lit te bo Hopeless.y Deaf. York Special.-Fully cou- lat lier liearing lias been. mtiy retted a1fter years re witi iead',noises and al- 4ai deafuesa, Mrs. B. A. ,f 55 W. l7Otli streel, N.Y. as now been persuaded te stery o! ber wonderfnl de- e. liaving spent hundreda .0! <m meebanical devicea, fsue- aud doctors' fées, aie de- hat lii àtest discovemy, simple and inexpenslve, be lie-last aie -would try resigning herseif te tise iness o! permanent and. afness., Thoise interested Barry's case and lie hope eut for them, mnay write le confidence fer full details, îe offers te, send gratuit- tally oata a man- soretig ito flattery. Liniment Curoa Goids, Etc. -Ardid all your troubles, ruudy, I arn pleased, b 800 ,r gratitude t0 Providence ýI faiu. Mme. -Gsýndy - No, umutiz la bad, - iudeed, but, C.'eaven I stil 'ave'a backi il lu." eeç~u a. ~ r ie esfest and tAuod e-f dispos- NoMore Bronchitis Tbroat -Dîstress Cured, LIfe-tong -Sufferer Tells of -Qnlck Relief -Frein "'Catarniiozone."1 ElverY breath carnes healins baisama te the s10k sores placés n thé note and Iliroat. Montrea.l thie ture givea splendid pral.se for t.he modern way o! ouziung colde. ca- tarrh and broncbitia. Instead o! taklng sickening druge int thse etonsacs, o i auanold-4aohioised spray, thse sensible- man now-aa breatbes the eocthing vapor o! Oatarrh. ozone and gets well right away. This is oxactly what Mr. Joseph Daoust <1>4 and -wrtng trous blioffce at 57 St. Panl St.. ho ae r "I sufferOd for yeers frou tise« worst fors of chronlo bronchial throat and nasal catarris. I trled allkMode o! yrups, ointments, tablets and waaeos but 'tbey Proved ineffeotive. In(tactI oould get no relief. 1 read sn thse Montreal Wltnese of Catarrhozone and bou ght an ontfit. Iu a few houre I got relief. The air pas-. sages o! my nose were cleared out, and I was able to breathe lreely. My tbroat wae streugthened-my volo. Improved- and no longer gagged and coughed. The effe7et o! Catarrisozone wa.s wonderful. Now I arn wel--no brenchitiu-no t.hroat distrees. 1 urge everyone with a weak throat, with a cough. a colS or a touch cf catarrh ta use, Catarrhozone freely.'" Prominent men [n ail walku of! il! use and endorse Catarrhozone whici te a scietia preparaton for tbroat troubles and Catarrh. It [s not e "cure.all."' The dollar outfit contains an indestructible, hard -rubber inhaler and medicaion for two months' treatuscut. AUl dealers or post paid frous the Catarrhozono Go.. Buff alo, N. Y., and Kingston. Canada. Now They Don't Speak. Maud-' Se Jack ornpared me with something sweet, did he? The dear fellow ! What wvas it?'1 'M.i-Ido't think I should tell yenu." *Maud-"Oh, do. I insist."- Marie-"W.ell, lie refermed teo you as 'the huma.n marshmallow.' Yen certiainly had laid the powder on thick, de.ar.5' The Important Question. '<lYoes she sing 1" "1With or without 1" "With or without what 1 Rer music V' "No, with,.or -witbout oaxing." -Mnazd»e Liniment Co.. LimiteS.- Soee ime sgp I had a bed'eitack o! Quixlsy. whleh laid use up for Ivo weeks and ýcost a lete-f money. Flnding the lump again fommingi l my t-brout, IbbeS freehi'- witlhMIN- ARD LINIMENT, anS saturating a cloth 'wilh the liniment left il on elI night. Neai morniisg tise sweiling wasegene aud I attributed thee warding off o! an attack o! Quinsi' -ta the free use o /lIN- ARDS LIIIMENT, G. . 0D1lN. st. John. pered clown tlree ýstori*es: "l'il have her où the ladder in a Minute, Chie!; I'm wsitiug or lier te ourl-héhslr.>' An Arab. went te hlm neigliber &Ù4 sa1<1, "Lend mie yqeuýr -ro e2" "I~ ~ ~ ~~~r ',' ua l ieqibm hy canIt yotV' v7e ant ,te W.the roe inei.f." TFor what, lpurpo"seil'0the, 4tb*m-.pensted. 'dt- wsant t i ~ t iLet water witjiI, -"ow u at, ' -~nyeu tl, u wteom'w s, neihbo,"Mah j~great asud he ýemmità us te o- 4 a.tranr tli4g ihà rope.heù' we den't w&it te' 1end il. teekabeen ano roture of tii.Oc- zemà, or sny traoae cf -t." ÂiL dmpggltes ad -atoree Waell-t ,O.box or pcutfroe front Zam-.:-uk CITX UE AND pHYin UE ToWaN eA . Better Developed- Thai' - Counirmsen. A good deal usod te bp said 'sud wyritten about 4l.debilitatiug e>ffeol et urbain life upon individual phy-' sique. Il w,, ndee, .9o far taken for granted that Qie mu-al Militia.. man waa jphi81csy supemior 1te tthe townousn, imat ci-ne. of 'tII. stock- a'rguments for the encouragement o-f Eugiish agriculture by corn laws sud oubler protect ve legiation was the ceoeaitj eof prmeerviu-g thast yec- manry of Etglaad whieli waa ai- ieged te- furuihel uilitary sinew oftthe- kiugdom. Wheu e-ne atteimpte - te ",duce securata statiical evidlence of this rural prowessl in point of- physical development, howevem, -eue doos net find the expeoted proofs ao readily fortlieoming.- Stastiacl date. -te prove or te disprove the claim are ne-t to e bhad lu Ibis country, -W. mulet go te those countrieset continental Europe, antih se France, Qerm.suuLr andItaly, where universalrilkitry servece la coin- psleory, sud whereé, iu ceuse- quence, practicaliy tihe whole a'dult male population is subjected, sec- tion by section, te- physical exanun- ation of exaetiy the came eciope sud nature. New, (the évidence that ce-me& from ail theee cuntries-and it-is based upon tIhe measurements o-f mainy millions e-f mon drswn £rom al section& during t4 isat quarter contury-gives ne conclusive -sup- pont te the netien liait city 111e la physicdlydebilitatiug.- Omn th. oontrsry, th. pemeentage of lies. -who are rejected lesoliyear for failure t meet lie minimum' e- quirementis in lieighit, weigit, ohest measureuxeut, sud se forth, is in- mauy cases higier amoing reemuits f rom the rural thain amoug tlie drafted f rom the population e-f the large cities- Miliary leaders 'have freqnent.ly, in the great wars of tise l9th cen- tury, coînmnen-ted upon the superior powers of physical endurance di&- played by urban regirnents. If t-he urbanization o! a people means phyeical degeuera-cy, the evidence now obtainabi-o gives ne conc-Lusive proofef it. Heal-t.h, strength aind viger evi- dentiy depend lems on place o! res- dence and occupation t-ha-n upen cleaniness ariety of diet, and prompt attentkin t-o minor bodiiy FOOLISH TO KgIP-CGRMS Putnam's Extraobtor Removes'1Em No way le extraet a corn like painting on Putuams OoCrn Extraetor; it's the surest Corn Doctor ever known. Euss up tisaI aw- fni pinch over night, 4 bringe out the bard. ker- nel of the corn aud leaves / thje les smoolh as eilk. -/ -Millions o! people have / proveS Putnaiu's Corn Extractor a genuisie suc- cesil will remnove your Jcerne, warts anS callouseo. Sold in 25c. bottse and recous-nended hi' druggints. An Anibiguolis Question. "Tint'a a swell umbrella yen carry." "Did yen corne by il honeatly 1" 11I iaven't quît-e fsgured out. If> sterted te rain tbe other .dsy and I stepped inte a doorway t-b wait till il stopped. Tien I1, saw a young felluw oonung aleng witli a nice large -imibrella. and I thbugit if be was goiug as far as my bouse I woîld beg, t-le sielter of hie bum- bershoot. Se I1 stepped ont ani ,askqd, 'Wbere are yen going wifh that umbrella, young fellow ' and lie dropped tie umbrella and rani' SENT SIXT MILES FOR GNPI Mr.. dCastiemauof I.srder 14.. Ont.tteeded Gin.Pillebady. Hoeiyaý: "i had beau mufiring somue lune with mj' Kidnèy' aud-Urine. The pain wes aomethlnc pwful, and ne ses t ut iht. 111 eard ç!j'ouf Gin -Plas antmïy 1 o01sp to get tbem, sud'lu loua 2 si ours I fult relief, -lu',tWQ day# i te uzn had5leot mleentirely-- a<10 zr.-av fa.! àauwsl as oeor",. sud, 'Mr.- Niggrd-I'Pm- aorry te. say, dear ro-ding-r.-er-Lthat biî-thday gift if romsed you-r.-er--ciamno-nds§ are up iu prîce-Onow, higiier than f auaffod-- Mrs. Niggard-I'ým sommy, dear. Mm. Niggard-Yes, it la dissppointlug-- Mme. 'Niggard - Y,,j it' tee bad liat you'ii bave te psy more ths.n yenu eau afford.- OH!ENILLý. UR-TAlIN8 sud &Il ln eue beagl al» as LAiCE CUR Tellf$ DYKO ANDCLEANCO W,-lte Su ms about youn. GolS Medallat. OTISKAIICAJ DYÉINOSCo., Box2IMess on mylist. Il yo nat &:(e c use. - - H. W.DAWSON-, Toronto. - NE UNDREIY ACRES, 3MDI O" counlyt soit olas* ioam.. lsoxse tframe barn,: close te ratimw ltion. -ApplY -ta - Hersan- Wilfsox streaus. Ont.. -or Western BRo si-Ua chan-ge, D ondon, Ont. --- "S T AMP 2OLLEfflR-HUNDRBE feront Foreign a ise. - O Album. only SeVertCent&a- Mak Couspany, Toronre -- > -W ÂNTE'D -LITE WILD À&KAL13, Viail kindis. Paen olrm Guelph, Ont. B AR»GAIN - REOTYLÂR LSo. BEET Music at wholeale. sereplo copy 60. Specialties Àgency, Box 1836, Winnipeg., B OYSÂND GIR.Lg-BND 'MEN CENTO for twenty-ffve vretty- post eardB. Beerworthý, tanstead - Que. -C ANCER. TUMORS0',7LIUMPB. ETC. .iInternal and .external. cnred wlth. out vain by our home trealment. Wrt n'à before too late. Dr. Beliman Mediatil Co.. Lltod. Clligwood. Ont. G LL SÉONES. RIDNEY AND BLAD. der Stones, Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindIred. alimente poaitîvol eured with tbe new GÜe7man llemedy. **Saniol," price 5150 nother new remedy- for Dlabetes-Mellitue. and sure cure. ln .*'SanoI's AnLî-DiabeteuY Priée, $2.00 froià druirgists or direct. The Sanol Manufaâ- turing Company of -CanadE. Limnite&. Winnipeg. Man'. 90% Of worn in the United stâteï are UU - ~ manufactnred 1u Naw -Yer14 the U - world'e best market. Bond for 6 E. lZth St. (Desk 76). N. . r [n£ an outlay of vde 'cI 44 prime P Z O T 0alu from $100 (firai prize) down to Competition la limited ta users of theGRIMM CIIAMPIONX EVÂPORATOR. Sbonld you own a grove and want tç -gsi the best value, out of it. and'-are Dot usîng oneofo- our EVAPORÂTORS, write [o us. stating bow xnnny treeis Pou tap and we will quote You flecessary cost F, td to-. your neédis.- You can then enter contest and may win a caEh prize. thus reducing cost- of oui.- Prizes wilIi o givon for the bzst sampflea of syrup and. sugar ent'. in by April l5th, closing date of contpctitiou. Samffles from every compieti- tor will be exhibitet in. the magnificent show wiudows of "The Montreai Star," Montreal, during' the last two weeks o! April. Don't faLil -to write at' once fzor COoy. of Our "Prizo Contest Cireular," gl vins the fullest information. TrHE GRIMM MANUFACTrURSNG OCOMPANY, LTlrD. 583 Wellngton St., Montreal. Que. THE CUR-ýS E 0F FARM LIFE The outside elpset- that abomin- able accumulation of disease-laden fllth--is the curse of farm lfe- direffly responsible for nine-tentha of the diseases exiéting iii therua districts. Ihere Can Be -0No Boubt Abouùt This Just consider. Here within afew stops of your home-poison- ing every breath of air you breathe-'you have built a pest housel-a foul-smnelling sink-.-which must ho ulied by yo*:&n- your family. And you wi1Iirxigly subject your wife, daughteri and sons to this risk of diseise, publicity and discomfort-in aUl weathers -winter and- summer. Pro bably you î4ever thought of the outsicle closet in 'thie light belore., Now -you -kncow. Make u-p your miud te blot if- off your farm ut oCnce. -InstaIl a Good Health Sanitary Oloa8et-it doesn't cost- much-1and yon caià havé it right in your. home. Think. ot the convenience, oom-;, fort andprotection from iii heaith Make -up yeur -mdte hae newthout anotherd.uy' deliy.Lot eiyu more~ &bout the Géd d ealth Oloset. -MailThnis, Coupon to 'Us RICJHT 0 Ow IRE GODI HAThe M.aith Co. COMPANY-toure UVeenmd me ltrtre BroÇkvile O4 Saoy Ontark) Nam i I havebeen-givon.by Herr - - Swanhild ran to open the. te take hi&)i-at and coatf Rer e6ger Weome-Beemed the old màan 3;ýfor bis great, forehead waa nnusually f bad ihSigrid, -aud h anud esmiled 'quite gracibusi introducoed him te the oth- Th.en he-walked'roundt ms-tree withi an aii of and ev en sVooped. forw osmnelled it. "S,"le said, coisten keep up the-old.-cuetomg, Ir gi-a&d o!it-I. glkad of it: sunce I sa-w a properiy tree. AÀnd.the arnel of it! heavensi It makea me fe boy -gain!i I Inglad you low - with the multitude, to the zood ýold Yùle cere In the meantimeCelw iJng. ont tes and- ceffee in chen,- whee, for greater- once, the table had been * "Sigrid. lias -allo-wed m lady-help and - fot -via sid, laughingly, te Frith - told liem she must lie'iin roem 'ate tai-k te every one' Englial fashion, for yciua hild will be too busy fe carryiîg."Y "Iarnglad te hase s.ci SaYing 0Une word7'alie t raid Fritliiof. "Are yen .s _Mrs. Boniface does neOt-" this-new plan-àas.5to the, "Wy he s _del ighted& oadCecéil. -"Andcl s]e will 50 when 'she lias you twv h arn glad-se ory, glad t -iouble il ever at last- -tbing cleared up." "I céan hqrdly -belie-ve * said Frithiof. - <i'm airai4 ing and finding that al -drearn. Vet it feelsi real tal,lkto yen, for you were <>utsider--wlio believed lun cheered' me- np lst Bs shal novèr- forget vour, Hem oyes 'ounk beneathý -- 1bý>k -of gratitude.' Sie ribly- afraid lest she ghou herseli, and - te bide the celer which surged-np intod. àhe turned avay and-busie with- the tea-potç -which î ail want refdhlng. "'-You-have forgotten Siý -nati,"?P h9 said, recovering- - A!I must writetr - rtho."I More anid- .1erhewho onldpossible - auc inbnsight- îite. the trut cornes-Mr. Boniface and1 He turned te the' par-o0 Cecil trorn the background the greetiugs witX, somne-c In houer of Herr S'svertsen please Érithiof, bdth Sig Swax4îild wore their HK peaiaunt dress, and Cecil she had never se en' Sigrid Io~ tier -than -no-w, as she '%hooU *-with RPoy, -welcoming him' the charm o! manuer, with vîvacity whc.h .was charactt hem. "Tea for Mr. Boniface, ý fee for -Bey,"'annou-nced.S-e -- dancing in., "Lance-, yuwci th-e crumpýtS, and mimd yo -- drop thexu ail." She plo6neered hlm safel-v- -. the littie crowd, and Frit. turued te, Cecil. Tliey ha-c fortable littie tete-a-t-etec -- tea-table. "d ire -t t -nk 7-Y, t i I eva PRUVATE OFFIc Cmrrig don 111cbosl1 work leads itraight Iths epik.wilih i] it seul Proper, habts o!fat wlth i - Na-DnsÏ-to Dys oes, restoro goodie tion, health andS happinee A bax of NaL-Dots4-Ca Dys popsasTubIota eCosts bu *,ivoU.r 'sf TORONTO- ............

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