Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Feb 1913, p. 6

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Neva cd of * driven f rom the. *ysten and ti cur e be made permainent. fwý'sub- ,texitiation r Al[ru. Derby--"Et-' tyvilte, Ont., Baya; "A few. year¶ ago I was 'atdy x çuùcatbgý pains in thé back'which tiedocto called lumbago:- I was niîot able to do a btof: #ork,ab tt. io 1e and auuffered dreadfuily et'ery time 1 I ni<ed -about.' I took the _<octor' medicine 'al winter, And iisoed 1ii. mente, without éetting any'relief. In- a thorou$hle discurag 'd oon- ditioxi IbeÈan. usmg ýDr.'Wilans Fini Fils. After--uesisix box 0 I warÉ better and able 10o do alVmrÀiy ow"n. wdjk, and have not -been si- flcted with thie trouble aince. 1 uiow always- recommend Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pilato th*se ailing." *Thèse pillÉ àare aold by ail'medi- cm. dze4roaor' may b. had by - mail at 60cents abo or. sx bous for j$-.teo from The -Dr.- Wiffimas' Medicine Co., Blrockvlle Ont. *- The Ghost and the Meat. We haveal heard of the. French iwhdolboy who, asked 1to ranslate into Eogsh ti. ench etoTf b or not to, 1>.," evolired tbis: "To waa or not te ar."$ Ainother. schoolbey haï equaled. tIns ranslation, aoeording te lie Lion n Cronicle, ina'reoovering freai German. the text, "The spirit indeed Lis willing, beut th. flesh le ,weak," iii the form, "The. gheet, of .ýcours e, is ready, but the meat ie * ~FairvUlio, Sept. 30»1M2 Mlusrd'a Liniment Go.. Limite&. Dear *àirîm-We witsh to inform you tbat * wecouider your MINARVD' LINIMENT very superier article, and we use it se a. aure relief for ore throai aud cheet., *Wben 1Itlliiyou I woùld flot b. wthout ft.if, tie. puce wao que dollar a botteI - , aiesnik Youre -truly, CHAS. Y. TILTON. .Sbe-"Whai do jeu mean by Bay- Ing. that Eisa& is «more or less. pret- ty' 1"e--"Well, ehe'. more pret-. ty t'han meet girls, andi les pretty than yeouIo" PILÉS CURED1IN TO 14 DAYS Y eur-drugglat willI refund nionoy- if PAzo ? INTIIENT talle te cure any case cf ltch. tue Blind, Bloiding orPIrotruding Piles ta £te 14 days. -No, * letter ia nu the aile than one who- neyer tries. Minarda Liniment cureb Colds, Sts, A Snoivy Waste. - «C.An you imagine," demanded îhereturned explorer, "the enorai- *-- out extent of those -vast enow- fie id av' "1 km," declared the statesman frein Wayba.ck. "I had the siame pensation the firet timeI-appeared la ,public wearing a dreuSe hirt."1 FACE COVEREII' - WIT* PIIIPLES Spreadon Limbs, Red and Inflamed. Becafne Soresi Had to Tie Hands ,While He Sleýt. WVett, Thanks to- -Cuticura Soap and Ointrnent. BK -Oeuslm .Qes.My chid vas - urcely Io menths sund a hait oSuS vien -b kiS aiandu rabeasme eavaued vith ltile us]pimples vitch a iItii liaer pread ou i limbe. 4ab Th ii.PStlSes vers very-ted and Itufamed.'lteoy voe M alis tile red %4 lî vich badame as til i "d r&ad up. -Thara surefouror Ove tegeiher. Tintaspimpies esued hlm tu l e is bna blie héalsept .Tho It cblug -muSa blm sufer no muhait af ho arld paI -f et lib. :gI iaig up Moso ii e lpopa Satblihoi. ThýItpipasbecsmsýoereiAd- verea roi painfyi-i 1 1-. -. 01, v ithout, enc '1s ýswemeil 1 ubtit vw-tecommmetidu e, I t umot Ouàcm ura =4OJx1al MudI,, SvS hi im s bath e êrpp=UDe vIfS hbl vakL and eý f»Pýý bu't hhapaffl tu " Iifeatedm TinTgaep'sal relief whttlis £rotavi pmation.. Mw uolio e box' ef QutIcom(isu=b tand a lltte mtn l ft ,. 1rya e.idnu~Ut.Im iuu a buiaýng,-a litel in -Va&couver- Lt a '-ReOM ntly li Ashcroft a& ire was s4rtýd hy ueing a flat-iron bed- wrçr tit wua~ o TiiiwiiberrobbeuitehIVre been freqti-n4e lu the ainsMi] towin çu both sidea ôt th P. raser iver, .AtMerr'tt âaWthe ceai mnes have th i ady paiti itSatur - dti thle, 1th of" eâch month. Laseyear lier. w're 404 caes in the polie ou# ta> V'rnon, ud, more -thau .$3>0 wereo lleeted for 'A ànowalie e4tyd HaWruy Oibion'i hoWtu athei.Fouke,nt a fîiom Stewart, without cauang In- jury to, anyone.- Fruit -grow'ere at NotcI -HM]]want the. tarif ràaise4 ion fruit"unhliî eqUa wâit tii. raitéàýoiiatged by thé. United'* Stôtes. -WÎll Eltoher, ,waz reoentiy kiIlieçistavons aby faliing undèr wa Cau4diàn Pa4e c railway train frOmn-Whiech io wae trying_ lu alight. Snwla *in théFreser viley hm. made à iflIëcuItfor pheasants tbe gel their regulêl? meais,. owing t0 tiie fasothlaI thay led tliesaneve frein ;" ie grc>und.ou- near Cliut*n thait bore the. dîte cif Barnett, 1801:. Tiie gup ai ed sbood 60 years agaiet' a Ire.Îi, and waa well prese>rved.' Bi]] Spu-iner, auperiltendident Of th. Idaho-Alamnujc . mnes in: the SIc- cane statéàaMtaha. ha. been in six enowlidea 4Ibis iiber withoi4 get- ting injured. Pathlers are besng ohot in the Siinilkaeneen. Tii. 1lounty for theen is '$15. Theee aaimaUladiisr<y a. great mauy deer, but ha-neveu been known te attack a man. ' 1. A. àtnzies will buiid a sawinil at Merrimtt in the spring. It wi]] have a capacity of 20,000 beel dily, end tihe iuber wiIl b.ý cut on tiio Prîiceton range and haxibed intio tii. miiiin wagon& -' At Wodland, not ftar f rom Ed- monton, a fariner. found, goId i-n some ducks thal ho - had kfled for the. maruket. Fie lhasengaged two> prospectera te btst helocality in~ tiie epring for the, yei.ow metai.- Mire. Emma Cornuwall --rece.ntly bl her hf. in a blizzard whiie go- ing freai RXnIoÉ oius10 ose 'Hill. Her horse rau a.way, upsetting the, cut-terr and comàpeUfing Mrs. Qou-" wali and her daughtiert< wander al nighit in the. binding Storm. WHEN BABY IS ,ILL.- Wiien the baby ie il; when hie little atomach is out of eider and he îe cross- sud refuses' te amile, den't ýdose ,him with castor o. There is ne need to torture hîm- give Bsby's Own Tablets-they do! eve.rything castor oil is suppesed to de, ouly they do_. it antrsd viti mu ie aywillk thein. he Tablets are absoiutely' saf e, being- guarauteed by a gov- erument auslyet te contaitnon opi- atea or other linaiful druge. Sold by.-medicino- dealers -or by -mail at 25 cents a box frein' Tii.DDu. Wil- liais' Medicine Co., Brockviile, Ont. 18 DRÙJM TO GO! French Fiel te oList Sins of Ancient. snd Honorable Instrument. tl, ,i. il1isg lun ehielh thé wi eae. doee b4;ompmeeed alf. lweý r h si le -hadi foiind' tihe alutiOn Oh Chiance, accent, !at&-,wha'L-yoen ,o p9int out the. wak« lua- greal raezei ietill btedno eth. 1~el te malaie agéat, sud lried bar te id r enere h aarm Ciire dStownatel GW8, StIn ÙM UQ» çQ1Jgjie1a Resd Mr. Braune SýtateMenL 99A fé e w« Il 'te mornegreen 1,auit e 4Itôale rotUgh o ne i oZ iudigbappenedbt unotunstelTme' 4and 1q belit thai wpue opaaio od by usa no .,,bot ~ odffy i feu twe daes-m h. s<1hed si tqiie; I bei- hod gaonnÂBý su Nrviue iii hô su'sotpiodk - wster. sudý NMrllomerai illm'iaesd voa "i cf 'Canadisie i.bshve proveulNrvln le eirnply a mary4 for erampg;. disuthoo-,- Sara, .t une, ïguansteot Wo ura--yen cena ma o nmietako in.koptag Nerriline feu your.famil rimedy. - - Lîrefamily lai»e .bottiea SO., trial aire 25c. All deslere. ou tha Otaruheone Coc_. EnRaieo,N. Y., s'hd Kingaten, Oa,, ada. CHfIA ANID TRUSTS. lies! Rour Scarcely Exiate fer Wp- mien ain lemat Shangisal. Tii. tri sa-i busý alfaar, t>oi modern t miads, 'h the Chine No Chine been a Oo son le m£ tien asl xneeitng vicin, lu due t hii dividýeu_4 vices o! ( neglot co China ap sud ruinu deberiora elnould bÉ ouI ln ud wilL-mah than. lb i vie flirst Il veas Qmne #me ago thait, acting et bueine upon bh. eoonedlue.Iil>O<lie ' dlion seci sn report by.-amîit&ry co-unie- . hfome hI moen, lb. Frenci Goveruneut danger a meahied the ooaclusion that. lie selves. vr= as no longer s neceseary. The li article oh iiitai;ýy equipinut. Tiie trial re-v- ,reporýt set forth t-ha-t the druai va s beinri el a -s&ei-us xncumbrance in inarching; Il le 'S-1 that ain- impaîtred -ta usefuinees; ohfa&H the th-t its calle cou-Id n4t be dmi haï onliy < guished in time oh bath. ;- Vint it minute4 coousuinecla..peu-lodt«c 'toyeus téte. reet' humn ouI su efi4uh drumnmer, M a te, ô <te tit by abandoning tlii.usofto "r f letul dru tliany Itousande - oh youth ik --t'aIc sund sien would b. uel.ased hou se. S3ii6te deoiuion cf 4he French -- Govemuent other Eu .ropean ,pov- eus have folowed itz exemple in de- cueeiug "it flie "drum imnt go."- TiihWilebo f théiiaun is-boii soM end honorable,' Theégy .liam e eployed if, sud, -i. Que a«Aubed il inventionlut ccne The 8ski k 1ob04uce Pizaro Ja~ asic!t liav. hfoua d rusus in Sonli Ameriàiesatmpieà.. The. -màket c wel. &,c v re bld, - fed fropi tie j adyl lihee .druzu beat. of Patriek, , Te, Puritais of xew- En ,n-udli.duusa churci figured freqtuent- ly\81d g sb4~IT'anl tirou li lion. .siWS uian-.Ohna f romn siess, wbiioh wva s amily the oeraiiu, .vwhich the cale Ot production de- a. rsdsed -problemes vici ose -sa erubave uot soved,., se corperation hasis a et omplete succees. Tii.rea- tado apparent by snob ac- that reoenhy taken inu%6 oh Obinesé e*tockholdeni, k.i teface-ef heavy losees, La re¼rlut&0n, a 10 Peu Casai., vas vobed. On.ehof b. ubinosc management la lie hf upkeep. Evetyhing -l, ppeane te be, geln-g te- ra4k r, sud pl.,nta are ailewed lu le, w-ileli. h4funds liat ýe ueed. in'repaire are rjaid livideude. Such coudiiona ke il, even more possible, wsvs ini Amerlos fou thos. Lmaster lie nov miaoiuey es te imanipulale corpora-, Mrit-jes and b-uild fortunes Lie people avaken te the and learu to puoteot hem- Irnam horrors of bhe indue- rolutuion in other lande are >peabed sud ma.gnifled hoe. Led on gond sutbority liait e big cet-ton mille lu Shang-. one a3losas long às flhteen for-lunoheon at noon. In vernesi ork f roexu euy ho, suwit'h aie in bao#ets ait t, ac est wien -tbey Ceau adiaig tahe 10orM. and, tock e1pbua éàV4 en tolp a 11111 h4eC)is'oh ryo"~. But il wasal nû ýuïe. Thon, I tried Dodd'eK$dî#îy lle dail HI cant sa»y id they rnade a nov nnof mne.>' neo.gu*lub.d aIt night ie viicoltiwelr hi eîý and the or clelli l bed; Ifthe. bok of, thé o.ck sud *edsu ho MteMOrs or les hoe& lthe -ne* or, wi bb t 'e k xo h e- hei ami n.ck ,Aniotier *àood -reniedy in uaveo e,-u g nt .dlugq: 8W&YdSDL omg- tbiug or drink, hotl mlIk."1AfLer lie foodk - in - digeeted, .atôralyli bl" oges -toô l-th,.baiûn , dt produce e p l.eS.Neveo-re lqp iu a wa.im rom. - Kee iewinaw opeA in order,,bu ge'f reEh laaiL Mite-gocd. remedy Milu -usa a 1l.eh btugi freely s1 over lie-body. bçIfO«e .iaa .j 1qce durîu e. Anoherreuedy h ào reauthen We breathe bird sud a"deepa powsie. Auctiier gooti rejiedy i. Vo get out of bcd atnd stand Up' and re..d sometiig for -ten or fiftéen ' tain- nItes oàr.lougerin a oold oo>m- Another geod remedI3 is lu ab- etain from aicohollo d" ksbefore Roiùig1to bec!, Â'ûOtiier "oI Vemedy i. te make a pillow of hopes ad s"~p on it. .StýIjia.nothsr-it' bu y five oeaha' worth oh -hop&, inake hocp tes, sud drink on. or-Ivo cut>s before going to bed; or ainor ime'du±rig eleep- J.easeo..Il lii armf ni. Tii... are a&H simple sud puacticai renie" for sb.epies'" ,and sny one 1indul1gýnrg in thein wili find greal benefit. Wealî,Tire1 Folksg Gi*v'en New Vigor Strength Retur us, Heslth .Re- nevet!, Vitality of Veutis - Re-ereated;' Exhaustion and Uodliy Tiredness Evmry Day Seing Turned lieq Vigor and Aspbtin by Or. Hamlton PuIls. -Fron Cheboqis ePt., N.-iS.. comasth tollowlur tuent Mue. W. A. Reynolds: " year ago nty hemlth began te faîl. I lait appetite, bacane narvons sud eleeplese. MY veiglit rau dowu, I became thin. bol- iow-ciieeked, sud had iack rings under mny eye. I really fali as, if the chaunt of -le bad loft,=e and viien eptingtime arrivad 'Twala In the'bluýs.' I resuS et Dr.- Ifamlton'e -pille sud got Ifive boxes7 st once, "Wltin,- s mnth.my appètite sud color vers gýood.- gained stren'tgth -and feit 11k , s ýnovxs. - Nev lite sud vigor retmned, -su d m i .uial4ia-rcely hueW mne. A nuedicine ltat vill'I d tieisehoulI bein tuverY - home.-' Goou heasititmeas u ntuoi, a-you Sue- cees sud habpiue sdepen4 upon it, The. mainitenance sudeeouroe. etheaithlf i found- lu Du. Hamltou's Pilus. 25c. pér box, or fiveboxeis for $1.00, at ail drug-- giste sùd estouekeepers, -or' bY M'ail tram te Catarnitozne Go., BitEste.o N. Y., aud - AlLer Eleetrie ~oh Iu dealiiug -vlitiper Bunesuffering fiiOlu- lectriie sbok2 if the vielli Meais tioitaot wktheicircuit,* :hie body.Mýu8t. neut lbf' luched by lb. rosouer, but Vh-iA le.4 a. PUll him out oh' cuýntm 'tby'iulng cnli k~lnc h V m aytkeo - Rp~y#.Jthout,,.Pain J4 'Am9 ' ugd='o,, Cors aud;--Vaut zTeggt>r; ,Itdois ,p' wrqje trick, dffs it -sure. dca. t IluIiireal btïrr ", 'Ciesno -on a st 'or Uft f~ot,Corn vithout an bsd* â _ï 47,0 to effeot on. pain ,orditu.Pnxu s" pround tli:e whoI l 'rd, WALTZL- 19 eAR8OL The De fla.Was - ltrodueed Inmb -Il i. an mutorestng lmtLiea& f4cet in vieiv of.,h-Igr . M 4 - d lahu Popuiarity 1aE Le-nmde, liaI 1it. jU44ý,â ýI 4b* liat lite wejtgvasznt" o EnAgland,, Ti.u ansd Lune'» o he iedame.- wei~ l~uoai umewt.t .rliee, but, ltb. wsltz a.w. knowh itatýppesr-, e- lu ExI:làn&d lu 181suri becaine veryp@«ulinlu1813.- .No. eve"ul puodioed, a-greater mm:: saut&i?-lui ýEngaImd lias the..intiro- îEenliI rat humoriet, TheoWe SHook, hought s duel about il. WilP London Sacred Hwnon<>ic SocBie'ty, ge.yaý Ilwa- t lut r «emted ,vit a itoriu oh abuse s s a'fié.e ! ,Gw t- maiàn hirtli,' 'deqgtut;t-,ohïpa e, ixg pinot$Mt ' an"_ cailed1. h & la p'1e o lii. ~t eems tç have. çoS a pecdy victor7, and ile ai tho' present dagy more inlavorts -ever." *Up te7-l4. year 1813 the. ciief deu.n<" we thé " Eugùai 7ountuy dance and thbu EHigb-lasd rosi. Eut w-eheu- l. vliz was inlroduced, ifo 1 amount of, oppositon èould stop ils popularity. A-bte eamme ime,- ocm eau uudeuostand tiie Englialigenlréy maling objections te il,- if it wae danced as Alw"vin luFuankford twelve y!"u before. A gentlemlan Who eaw il danced, u. intaI eity lu 1880 said:_-1"Tiiminuplace. the. piaims of hie hoçnds -gently aganst thxe ides ofh6 hieatuer, not far h reu the sam-pits. Ri.spa.tner di>es i1h. axe, sud instantly, witii Sse muoi v'eoity s possible, they turu arouudsud at the saine lime guad-uaily glide around the room." Aeoerdiug te ail acceunts, it vas niily lhrough tiie influence of tthe Eruperor Alexua.uer of Rusm hat the. valtz fluaiy became reofgnizeýd as a strxoty decorous ncompsiiii ment. To ils introduction. vo ove the 1splendid valtzes oh, Straue suad Waldteuf-el sud il. ryhhinad fhem h ave inspircd many ohfou great compoers fi&xm Ciiopin,- Schubert, and Weber down lu tbe present day. Whn YourEyqNoOd,.G&o FluaActaquihir.Fr7 t fr RaS, eak, Wa vyEes sud GrauUlsId Eeida. ,Iliua- tratd ,Bock t ac acae- iuel cçmoittdd ty u~Ocliste -lbot a -PteUt M39 lam'Ia"bt usaIw-n auccsefil PyIlts tiae~ ~ ~ t to tn.~am a Molitted oth. Pub 3ujem. E!O ulve n Isepti. ul n loiin ys FMsedy C0., Chicago Soin. people inake lighb of trou- ble,9 otiieme keep il dsurk. MNinard's Liniment cures carg4t in Ceea Nover Vo ur Ows. "iPop !" "'Yee, my son,-!' "Whsl le sordid vesîthl" "Why thle kiud the. otierl'el- ev -hans, iny boy." i7uUe, a oeoniuon u IIza.y ue -mmae t um n~ilights 0on ah nie0iil sehut tliéem off lu ;tii. mouuing, *et<f l'A .Fienchman- bas o exne u glar saUrxu on hepalpe kl kind of autemàtic oe,'whioh keëe.,oa. wateh il uight. I a bur- glar ceres lun sud opene hie dark lanteru or even atrikes aatoiitii. sud wi1icaseabell t10-rin g u auiy deeired place. It viii al*o see and -~i»tA ..-& La lumsù We-tdupam, sud ilt gneveu gfes te eiôep. SORESý PROM, ELBOW TO Zam.Buk Worloeda, Miral e -of *RealIng. Reverend Gentlemnan Fufly corroboratesi Miss Ki. L.Dollivefr, o! donla; Queenù's Ce., -N.. S., .says muet, add my lestirnouy tte ie4 of- Z&rn-ýBuk;.- maoues and.&u broke out ou nmy aumoand althc I lied. 10 hleal ýthein by uelngi ous preparatlens, pothing se: te doý-emuêanygood. - The9 * apueaduntil furom fingeus te-el wss onernasa 4h ulceratien. "Lba;d ilve différent, docters, faitihully e auuied cul their insti lieue- - I dr-auk- plut after pinl bTeod mediuiesl, tuîed salve -a anye sd lotion atter iotio*;. icM& faher t4ienteck me Vi mi les,-to see a well-known doc He "I'holo6rapliethéhesuansd ha ,usý jhoto gusph was sefil te aà they sent word %hey eould do. thin hutiir fr me, aud I vsi "Qe -da afrieud skeime -hadý lrie-d'Zsm-Butk. I saidI 6 t ut I ot s box right a,% TuI-futbox did- Mp, more. than, ail themedcine Iisd' up i t ttlime, se I coutiuued tueatmeul. Every box healed sores moue sud more uâti, teon a long stery- short, Zam-Buk li. ail tie acres completely. Mibister Coruborates.-The E W. E. M. Parker, of Caledoi Mise DoIlover'e ainîster, wvu5 "Tllhie le te certify that tie te - mouilIoh Miss Doliver la coi s far asmy knowledgç gees. have known heu fer n year an- -haif, sud ber cure effected by Z Buk ie renxarkabie.'" Al druggists and.storessel 50c. peu box, ou posb free froin Z Buk Ceo, Teotot, fou prce. Some men merely have »le oh gab aud others are succes afteu-dinuer speakers. TO CURE A-COLD SH ONE DAN Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quini ne Tsi Druggists refund money if it talle te B. W. GOEvS signature ta ou escii No Jolce. Good luck'sa's thiug tint wv hut,- We seek it day by day, Fougetting in tii.enger'stunt ThaI vouk viii always psy.. Low ColoialtRateIs tajp'acifbo Coal Via Chicago sud Northi Wfttern Rail On âaip daily. M.auch ltX-to April incluffive, from ail pointe lun O anaà Los -Angeles, Saen Francisco, - Port] Sait YAke '.City, Seattle, Victoyria, couver. Neleon, Rossland, sud many< points.Througii Touriat ,aleepere frea reciiug chair carS froxp Ch-i Variable routes. Liberai stop overs. tull information ea. t. rates, routes literature, write or cai ou B. I. Ben lAinerai Agent. .46 Youge Street, Tomc -Bitter -Words. A sigle bitter word rnay diequioýt an entre fhaaiiy for a viole. day. One suri-j glane. icagss a, gloomover lie houseliold, w]iIi, ai sinile oh sun- shine may ligiil up (the dark.sh sud wvearlealheur.. Like -unexpected flovere vihici spring up élong ou-r path, halli ohfreomese, tragu-ace ' sud_ beauhy, -so kiud wumds.gsud gen. tl, actesud swect dispusaiions mare glûaci-the. sares! epot laled hom.- -o mate6rlow hmmble eabode, il il b. aweeteued viâlikindtia &&di emiles thé.-heartwtvihuma lon-glagly tovarde ltt- rome.n lthe tlunl-of ,[the venad, sc!home, if il be ever o homely, Win be the dearest spot beii.ekbl.crci hli n H. W. ,DAW5OH, Tarante. NE - R UNDRE -ACGE Cùt-olnice.cla hoe. rame. barn ou stk ,outbuildinge. - Close, te Hi 1 1-2 miles t. iaïré -cblee e ý mail dliveuy. Wojd& ex. town or- village *puoieuty, farm. - The. WesternReal ,Ont. eonauil bAiUL hon. STAMPI ANO cOfNS. STAMP COLVE0ToRS-ý-ffNDRED DIF. feront Foreignu 'stamps. - Oata1ogua.. Album, only Savon Cent&. MarkiS tamp Company,. Torozo. - .w ANT~ED - ITE 'WlD ANIMAL&. ail ktuds. Pearson, Pou.ItiymsiI. G oiOnt., Mugieat lessea m ape c fipelaities Agenàci. Box_1M3.' Wrilnipeg- G BARAx BOS., F113 Ri*aH'RglJ wantm aU yonr live,- uninjured ]Black- Silver, (irom Foxl>, .aimo Mink,4 Marten and Fluer. state>pie.e, xPeed Give funl dewcrhfon"and nearéot exuroé8 l~a'ives cot te dead expioe &en ctt kept a daily 're< nwitin his- mes&ag' e -~h-Commander Ev ane .,w y feteCaptain Sctta t-Ory- Ail on beoaidthe TerraX toteb.lnigood health à, a outward signe- ci- t'hé hardas] have undergonëe. AUl Detailè WIII Be Gi' *A deâpat<h froino ýepjy -te a abIegrIaxu hem - -- b ci -The.Daily -Chronie ing hii f tatpa.per'a donc £2,000 tte 806uSettmer an àsdakiug 'foi fùurhher né-W texpedWton, -COnunanderEv. ~detàila, 'WIich -may.<4 Pa ' 'regardý to the end dh our. te eped ition," adds EV'-at! eertâi.uy begven tote I due cOur8e,- "bMt l ea.ee let- 'pletel our work ln -quietne ~are pledged- teo do our ut buing thig -expei-tio oa, luI teruxiatinTcluded: ethePuuIYaIk&Oo f-thp--i aud othier- d"ta.iea a las b toe ibà sewàoý have In "r'e. rh now you- hze hy h. oficai tPeg Gaep 0ondeuce. .Dongalh'L.- Grabani. Popisu e di Hill, Ont.., What Officiai -Report j rêalu ANCER. TUMTMeR. LUMPS. ETC, C Internai sud ex naul-.curedS wt. k, - Inu ocnection vith-0be f toues vu ain by ou-ome treatment rt Irte iiterestiung te note -th ýough ue bafore te. lats. Dr. Belîman- Madîcaivn n hsofc vani- co..- LimitaS. Colllnoewod, Ont. Evan-,,lu1ii..officiaireport saied' d-1A LSTONES, KIDNEY AND, -BLADî,4136oroeraNvlf Stones, Ridney 'trouble. -Gravdi 4ia ,6 lf BoréeS Lumbag-o-aud kindred aliments poitttvely . - e l set MsrciiSur' ibew- . n~~muRmd~-:a Iisn who lied, been' for ,Diabates-Mellitw,. sudd- sure cure. l y lat oof tii etern Pa r- dunuzgtis or dirct. The ýSano1 Maurufa& - 'j -Te<«' 'tur'ii despatched tre!turîngCompaüy -of ,Caniada'. Limite.adDi&idg,.rit il ofj Wili)ez. Man. -- - -. n1eeti !~ dog teýama le-' srist- lite- DYE-INU !1,CLEANINU I p ty, vW-hos.* returu n -b I rla ayhst, mendyour worx te the. vaos expect.ed ahout March "BUIISI AMRICN DIII CL - tkiuson vould ha ve -ac iirty -Look for agent Su jour Io:wn. or sapd 4lrae t, bis paity, but vsk itou., Monîreal. ,Toronte. Ottawa, QpÉn~ edicai- charge ohfLieut isecond in commanudwio., î New Aftà ti remçeed, nuoamly died -ci but 9iyi eifPryra ne- I~J-SENDY hou TR-REE p st ec ~lu'a JOK S.nd '1i pelled to returu ,MaxrchiC1 çr TRICKS sUr jumnl e<gfo if 1 sheuiu lst.,~ .~aout, aIse -te persistent' b -mhd - ge* Ct)lgu liter and poeu condition oh a.~ a. sccunt of-etr'ain -of lird,, pui to *- ~ - , wouk. ,Dog bains _-returned bec!NVLY1L9i Foint Mauch 16, the poor, lite MM34 Notre Daine West - -QIIUAL - .potyfrs-itt sdin i~e ROU E lS Nw an .S~d. - oturther Work. G -s.dc alec!, Vad.oreaigozpanion vae a]-o -suo, ael and power purposieg..TANICS'AND - impeeBsiLWîte communîeait Rev. SMOKE STACKS. Agents for Sturto ,c&e.eEvàus,ehip b-inlft nia, vi etltu n atu 4, sud ýopen -sea,-Iying bebÎvE it: -PLON IRON WORI<S O NT- kiuso& sud Keoliane. - On:] esE-1 nSgînes a îd Shipbaidôrs -mcn sledged oùýLt te 7-corner r-r. . , to ieuder auy lhelÉjfthat mu I waled'by sout-heun Party.. id a Th Heart of aPlanois the fotigh-t theiïway eut te ~naAeLtion, Insist o Ceamp againat the unuall ontheveabir, sd, rea.izùîg ie J àt #*OTTO - HIGLL"be o n asitace. er f F q_ 1 1. - - -retûun H& IuiPt a.teu d _______________________ ~ OnGaber 30," tie ofil ---- peuh sieis,-'alarge party gi(t Genius, Requiret!. f ~ vi poiiu J Any inumau wukho a g.. Il dividied intoivoscto It takes geniusé to get somie- otieu I * e oh I hem, inuder Wrigi fellow te earu -il for youj. j Tironto ama, hoii4 Scotb'r- blt. *nard'a Liniment cures Dlphth.ria. -- owici ereisehS cure. '~~- susdBvu. tbox. An. cesionl Vsitr. ,~Evltport&tioii of Oi. *- The -Christchutreh corresp Anotable -hoX,-s-keepeu of h l. - odnDaily Ma. e ail psst geu eunVie, betore lie dayB oh ___fthe, __London_ Secreens, bac! just auuounced- vwiti h deci lnbinI atsie - hever ha&an fliès - -RESIGNAI "Eut,, A.unt Auaguta," halteued- - --the tlxnid visiter, '"itseeme - l e. at that I senveslow la lie aining- îva roin -. ivil. War inii Mexidî 5t "Oh, these," replied&lier sun-t, - fth R da too wliSvth a majestic vave et the hýa.nd,- Van. "vere the. neigh.... flleà.7 Tii__ sud 3. For uunett. mit t. will corne in eccasionaliy. But as 1 waIS aayin g, we neyer haveany of our own." Mmuatcttired bv lbaltud, Moui'ai, C.a ' idespalèh tiçaiMeiàx My :a s President 'Madere reeiWÉ 7.15 c'ýcbock on Fuiday 'iî$hI resignation eh the Miuistu - -»tnou -Refael Heunandi m taey folWd ~m - la Ba*r. thi escmk .Republie,'> is te be- creattnd deal (prevional), vitii, the of o! neral Diaz. Sener de'lu - Ma tiie head- cf lie ten -Gýoverumeul aller-lie:.barti a t Ilas leamued msderq a i fr hie fligil a& day ii ad; anî bie reeigualion ý,-was 1piaced bade of!-tii. Britisi Ambs-ie: b'- oaanounoedw*hexf hie wasý eufroh lithe city.-' Mad'?ro a: fsnuly Tijardèd -f-oýsIgu - - lu Voa Cruzsoet ime d2nri aighl. The péjeple ohftthe city: luto thirsetriets asho eiold-j k ariIi became ka-,ia TORONTO - . 1

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