Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Feb 1913, p. 1

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EWELL, e<-u rïown Attcmne andi loliçitor. urt kfouse, Whitby. ýppý Stindard Bank, to Loan. - i4 IEaru1stge", Etc., on easy terma. iouth Royal Htl iéy o Loana. muer- Licenses. oak-whitby, Ont. TAL et Offie, lna PhSne Nu. 1U. VALVAet d"prqiý "tbeu ptte office -O on hedoor. 1requirig aB key to Open- Thi thlef Muet haVe hM dkey for' tiu loch -therefôre, te effeot 1an en- Zidentl>' h. tried b 6,,enter Rioeem, hàaware,for the glass iniR .dOeri hrewasaa look lWih up othe door was brokenalase, 'but Mi ths case1 whicii the thief could flot'.reacli. Hlaving ge 1ined au entrancoe te Prin- gl'Sstore tithie îf mized upon the thnge ho wu*tôr-knvus princiPallYp -clearinga ashow,ame p]etty effect. ively, Goociste the value el uPward 'eta bundred dollars wro e a. The. police wereat once Put uPonhiie case, an.d hvedamas bee W-orking., a na r05r5 avebeen-m".-' Detective onto te aidtielcl cr'bth h. 4did nott puccees in<ocatig plunder Or t8 gUIIltyIý pary &parties. À peculiar featurp. efthe 'occurrence id the -tact tint the. burglairY< was e'r mrved byý a ctizen, end ne alarm *as ýraimed. Mr. Bert. Hawley,, who rid mmemiatuly acrosa the, road, was awake' -waitinw on bis wif e, who Ïwas IiI, and,,ha, maya- he eaw the. burg. 1are-îjè thr tese,.ok..lé têem brl>iek the6gla.. iï the .dgoror f tii. ~ice tore b t itteget admit. tane. Thon thley -won t ti inge's, hretheyv-uceuled. Thougli there- in W. telpone ,iMi-the bUild goccupied by ~ ~~hI Xr.HwebrM"ti no effort- ta' alv an alarm or ,scare away the biÉrglars. IFigtwa"omau Patterson pays ho, Came north -an Brock street qwhi4o tâe hurgiars "te at work. - Jusi,'as lie -90t about e a*Wler' store a-man -on .wato n b'te'niddle oôf 1h. - Street gaeawIùSt!e, and two e in came rerthe store. AIthýe daabed north oe &ek mret - llowed by Mr. Pàt- teron. They ,turaed Ieast on j[nry Street ibd finally feund their way onut te. Dundas Streeit. 8Scpmewheiliin- cIras.eue and aüotiier ~r~ tiii .B.haa vani ~ ' os-$ m o m g c ju re cf bil OP T ii. lViimtiime btha t a' er. b*1m b.e~eh r4 aulfclery, andi mer.lusme-in a 1about. $200,w-orîli et gootis have -fstolb7- Tht' wâï ,looks - vêry- n'inei lika it t o al men, or thom w-ho arefamiliaLr'with the*pres+isea. Several- ciu.4 bave 1w-en tollowed Up, but as yet ne arrests have 1wen mad. The auhorities shoulti spare ne '0R. trouble ho run- doisn Ibis gang of ,Pîly attemdéd tlieiq, as the. iMng'* is hIeco0-iig te mada fR«,cirenlo. 'I.Appointmeit- of, J. H. Haie -- ~ During the- past yeàr tb. iye Steck Brani eofthle DepartrnoetAgricul- J.'~ EI4 1 ME5 titre lt-a been etgagedm a prehimin- ary esti io f the Camadian Carpenter, Builder imd Contrâcter. EgTraile. Certain tacts relating toe Plane drami anti -utirn4tes furmahti. in.-moron~U se': ,6Mthat inm ebdargeti Reapaire, Alteraticnis, ant ib)bbinig. liecI againal 'lie fermer and the un,- - satistactary laluse oflie.- tmade as a Cppos e IStepksnones whale have been collecterd anti préseut- qà 467 WHnT YV Phone 149 ed in Bulletin No. 16, entitled "Tiie ------------_________Care. et Matkot Eggs." liealizng I - hoisever, tht ncsasity et aeaiiing nmer. u.rariae Lienses dotald itrmabien betere ixiaugur- il . ALLIU I atisag any policy- having fer ils abject ltter ef Màrrlage UM»se lte brînging about oetiniprovement in 1.Corner droustore, Wldthy thecondition cf lie business, lie Min- iWissses qelad. - iter cf Agriculture bas anlierizedth le -ppeinlmmt oet M. J. H. Haro, B.S. - A., cf Wbaitby, te unclertake the. neces- G ary investigation. Isur $u coss - Mr. Haro hae heldti le -position et soc ogg District Bepresetative in Outario Co., Ont., fer, 1h. pat tour yeams. -He ýýj gkig,& rý@Ieacoursein.oes w-as item- at tCJocurç Ont., anti e- 1lîWI SCUOOLS, Tctento,by coived his early training on tie farma.. atteudgme or by MuI, aud- by no HReouterodth le Ontàie Agricultitmal doturag iuk0ily 2irepateto car a Colloge lu 1904 anti gradualed ini 1908. go". aîs*ry. munire". ef Young Since 4almkin "-hDirctepon rpQpl do u .oyyear. Why Daritmptsn net ou? 1 t..e atal1e ex¶plains. bative w-rk in Ontario Ceuuty Lholiac Write î_.. it Â4i tàs Sh.Bais xlivotedimuch lim, anti une Ieui vbry Printi-Yn p, gest., ýFotcntc. succstul in- the organizatian anti ce- 0y OPerabive egg irî.Net onu liase paiti particular atiltrtiar.)n t,,s î. co)n. - ~ <r<~ dilions o et lg as L'..ey or ist in the ural jistricua, but lus.bas - nlo madie a close study ofcf a. J*11y sH flU4 Mf'laéia kopt Inii okbusiness in geieral enD ilus w-itten numemoasarticles;! amqng ishic inlua Iî Win PyrY" o M ttd erwoeia bultti ineis in -pmem. P.y vil-tue cf hise ad niut hd b.>' agents, al tainiuig and hie prArtical ex. peruence Mm. -Haro !s, Ibemef-are, wcLl Dt .uploy -liem, oiiffquUiilY " ualified as a-,specialist in poultry d de aUlJoW igthé 8p5'5, " 'work. - ipar cent., whii fYou wil crts"Piy Mr. Hure eill fret b. conceîlatd twhi yeby purelsaang hem us. tbe collection of >11 data tint us avait-i A (Col .Solctod. - able 'on the of ngaIeggs ns lte> bave beau received ti a helesale pro- O. duce ]ieuses 6ôf Cana;d, during the past W0Btt h ileyears. Teinformtion tin a ob taluet i w-hIb. used ho- terni n basie fer MSe.and W onke suci action as mn>' ho laIon by .lie -mi@ jqtndMý àà, WýW -Ot.Govemumetin ntaiga vè mp.st. tanardEaa, With, ~ meutt le inpreveanti preper1y tegu- e ýoqAlate 1h. Irade. M Ar.. Hare isililibe bomlet aI Ott4isa,1 IVL e--f r Ys but wil travel exte4~vely througbcuti gt1 rIW 1yFfIOr -Diion firet -in teegssl'andi iOl e1wiing, Pow wiring, -- -~.ut c..u us at ..r Febmr y' 2Otit,1918,-,tom at D[Lü- AI Western Hespilaif Sun.e 727«»ss fol, krWXaw-ýay mBSlul auy other - gove7nnt 0' te-day , is a Iheocratio, ferm of 'gevoenun, where God hinigelf dictaes.- the' aé ami prôiicribe t the-pénal# -1sNew subjeot'uniter discussion. Seventh-Day, Adventiste have b-'ea teacinpg tii. 7th day te o bte Sab-" bath -sinS-, 1848,"andia ulcla -al s bfstoricalpevidesice conclsiey, prevea that tbe firast day et tii week is now cailed Sunday, ~dta-ti eveulli day or the. week ;le now -calIed Soturday, which our Master obéerved wie on onerth, wo -féel sale in f oleow. ing Rils foot-stepe in tItis -regard, anti need - net worry about. traeing It frmn crêeàtion. If Mon'day wer e t firat day of the, week then all Christ- endem andi au historians Who 'havqe taught- that Chriitaros from -the dead an Sunday, bave made a grave istake, and the Baster-ifsival wculd. -bo on - -]onday, anthe Bible mayai -tint Christ arose upea the ffret day cf -the week.î - - 1 Te -question as to-whether lb la tight te, legislate along the. une 'of Sabbath-keeping as well asfor Ifie pretecgtien of, lite aMd preperty 'seemns te b. puzzling fte. mrn.- W.believe that civil- goveramethave ne rigiit' td legilate afong -tbe Hmnofe .Pti keeping, a.k tis observance we - 0» alni otaGèe, -sd'therefere' are sien. resporduble te Hlm. Civil govrme. ar- inistituteçi for the. protectio . peren and -.properý-but theLord'i ta min si*ler a pArson o:in, il whi* are aaar'i;ndti nto God the. tbigue thjt are Got'.." N. càanot, rendé,, ur taxes to GduietiONDam wo rentier aur teligious -Obligetions te lie sate. Christ tiffs forever makes a .dis'inction between civil and ri11g. joua affaire. The principle underlying Sabbi,*th leglalatioùn -areligious leglalation, sud bas been the cause of the, perseutious in all ages and, hai proven te beovil in ils resuIts.' Nelýucadnezzar, king of BdUylon, b.- iove t tit it was beat te bavea inl hie kingdom wership the same God andtihe b smre time, ns e lematie a. Iaw te regulaté religions *as weil as civil affaire. The threiLIHobrew child- ren believed tint they shoulti lie trié te their Goti even though tiie civil la" condrnned tbem to lhe fiery furnace God condemne t he lais by rescing ,them'frointdeat hbih was flie pur-, pose of the. la.w, Dan. 3rd chapter. The "law of lte Modes and Persian wblch alterelli net," thoughrt te regu- late Daniel's religions ai civril_ con- duet, with the recuit Ibat he reainedi faitbful te God anti was cast m tiith don of lions. Daniel sayea, My God bath sent bis angel anti bath ointt1h. lions' menths, liaI .thgy bave not burt me: FORASMUCIEI AS BEFORE HlIM TNNOCENQY WAS P~OUND, IN ME' AND kLSO BEFORE ÏTHEE, 0 RING, HAVE I DOE NO MUT." Dan. Oti chapter. The apostate Jewsh natibn theught il righ-t te regulate by buman law, religious and civil affairs. We hear that fiendis i-je ai the. trial of cur Lord, '<Crncify lm, crncify Hlim. W. have a lais, andi by aur law hle ought ta die." John 19: 6-7. The. lais look- ed upen lm as a malWactor, Heaven saw is ieas ne sho did ne in. The Council 4t Jepxsalemn in thelr effort te regulýte religion by civl force, calleti Peter andi John belore them anti ferbiti them te do any more the work they wers engageti in. Peter and -John anisereti ami 'nid mite themn, "Whetber it- b. rig'bl in the sight ef Godti t harken unto yen mors Geti. When w-ne Paal,! deing tii. mofistl gaod, as lhe pereecuteror Mas th persecuted ? Acte 22 - 4-8. Nero anti Diceletiana, cf'Borne, f reulal 'gthé. relgioum m w-el! as tlws amvie conclùçt of tâelr 'subjecta, i ter Our minda -tii. recrds of the, aWid persectionscof bite Chrwsin imar*, Ibair . -am ev and aI , -r fai lvà , sA a ti.,l B5unyan, 7 f lte Bop ut~h thé Quýers, thi Furilans, 8, 'guIdeed bis- tory in reploee sitIr the i*rmot in.- tolerantam su unjuat wa4,4,n wie many- have beau ]nado «Î-ý,uffër for their faiit.* How s hLpy' -we-eshould Wl-ai Chriat- ianm tiatI the, Golden mie thé,Gos pelof JeeusmC6%r ist IsOt ÃŽforce cli- ers to do, as wo do, or tble, but that lie oise cf-tii Hol $it- cf Gd le et Our oommanid if we g q-ta -God i prayer andesk for , ti iiti Ilil poiser w-e -nSed -net li.p É, am e te civil Powser, for w-e hiia#«ometI1lng infnltely botter. Yours fer Chrit ami Ch'diauitY.ý PETRBOR GORS ME.- -Wbiby .Intemediabeés tok. another stIp up in tl* ieËd-final def. ating &dl1ylit. ghuskty e.5j fo Pet- sijuoro hers'lasi'Priday tt. e croisti w only average , -tsne w-,a dandy.- Whea, the visalr came npo-4he-iM - loa jSelirn'ib7 canter, ~,Msanti uiglit waeuh. ecausel of mue~i anxiety i.-local ja"l, The. iicwweOr .dd-nt r t hose bon' Sai Do ibm. wer4i-iters Ibiubi bqgan teorem, an&inileZw tlirty minutes Pise' -hati rsleIe&P , mcre of elht goals te tj se~4 as if -the Whilby seven eeud Sý'2reat bore'.-eritery, their > d efe e en kept buy. Feis meun- iere pennlizod1 ii. ffrsl. hlandtie É. ant -sm vàt not ioi!h, thug le ch ck ag -e bvy. - - n-lis second half, haisever. bhie w-as more reugituesR, anti the. chcking w-as terillia. Il scemeti as every boue in the plàier'e -bedy muet b.e maîbeti by the. violence -with which he wis dashed into the rink wails. But ne darnage w-as doue, exoepting thot Rt-ce received a nasty bIais on tiehéues, w-hich tielayedth le g«arn for five min- ntes. A moment Inter Rice anti bis check gel inle'a langle, wvhîch ca.used a rush of mon to separate tient, andi resultet inh both being laid off for several minutes. Phegante aI bie peint w-as being playeqd with five men anside, as a Pet- erborýomýn had ltkn ick at half- lime, nec-kaitàting -1h. la)ing off 01 MoIntyre te even up. .Gratiually gpal by goal, Whitijyt piled up lihe score 1111 lwelve goals wmre - cordeti, tii. visitera being unable dur- i lie second haiftol score. Wben theo whistle scunded, liescre wus 12-2, anti thore wam a rush te leave iii. ace. But almoot lmmediately the teL- eree's bell soundeti, and stayed the. etampede. There w-as a dispute as te lime, resnlling in a few minutes iers play. Whitby weuÃŽt .1iltietermfned le get anotier goal, whicb the5ytiti, anti alînts umultaneeusly thereisith, but just. enongh inter -te save the. geal, lhe wisiele terminatedthel .game, the. Soebeîzng 13-2. ouly azsgnsr.eathe upeelators, but, aloo hie' own leam-mafes. -Alter baeig a nuzuber cf tripe ote box h. w-as finaly 4banisieti -ram the gafit.' for de- liberately athaing Rie on lie art, but uýýinfo téley il w as .ahuceît ,aI lb. cail cf tinte.. A tofigIS9tin Wiilci abouta.,huni- dreti spetators toek a -,hanti ai one eniO et lie la., whille a disalbled ptàyer msbngpataieti Up aItii tw 1,i Tosardte .close lie rowqgies in t-e, .arewd -resorte otit brewing mnssles, anti lemons aI the visîling players a nti. thc refer*e. Il conld lie WmIii tyleti a dennybraok. lTe Whlby baye lc'tok tic grneling gamely anti neyer retab lnted, for w-bleu tley were cagralu- lateti anti wàihed every gumnoasinathir renainlng-gaines -by ailIte sports- mou ^cenecteti w-ihithe.Petsrbero club. ivbitby boys carne home badfly but- ebereti, anti- the above criticimm ap- a; vYy tames, considering tlb. 111- a hyreceiveti. -Obituary. ATHIOL EMSKMN. -I)osà ame ituhout mutti waruing ioAtiiholt, h.evei-4-ld aone- '. and i lias. Fra"i . àxn t Mrs. .l2rskne beiNg avmtt o 'Io C't'y ns siteélune. lle ld udbeei~l nytng about bri&giti nami alrt,when lho sudc(eil phltîcan recïommencietilà sremoval te -Mie Jalàaplel, whero lenst came in La teis hours. 'The dasease wjuch causeA hlie de&t1i'ie cailed lt-eomopiaa, te a lood diseuse, andi net common. 15t i cliaracteruzed by itaemorrltage, mn titis Case iram te nasei. Athal w-as a very brigitt boy, andi wBs much eiteemW launinhtbve w-homo Juhhadut one turne a very large de- livery route for ste e ai01te 8atur- clair venung l'est, h. iaving won mev-' oral prizes ior large sales. Jie wase e t ite irs membea cf tlte surplice choir cf Aul Suints' Church anti fer four years %vas a mass, zentedie att dev6od-attendans aiut-e services. Airs. &eakae, Athoi's mother, is a dusuiter ai Air. IMitchell S. Suthter- landi, th. great, aean freigit magnat. lite funeraI teck place an NVhttby an i:SLutd&Y iy feron last, service belg h'elcl un . Ai ants' Chnrch, with in., termientin Uimon Cemetemy. %mn. Smeâw 4 i n lte Western .UelJ.aia, Ioronto, on bunday, lasi, a& tute- age cf d2 years. Air. Sm *eias livec i n IUitby for years, ndAw-as mail clerk on tite Wintby, lPart 1>erry uine. -Ar. bmeiley emoved te '1:c- rente alter ste doo5t Of 11.s8w-lie a few years ago.e. 1.hae ben lsvinge at 27UJ Itoxton Ioaci. 'Te uerai wae pri- vase out-woeuey. WHITY WON AT PETERIBORO. Si'UhGESS. The larger Peterbore mii anti fa- The death oai Am L. V. Bruce, isile miliarit> with their ow-n ice titI uc of A. La. bturgems, teck place ut lt-e save tb. PeterbQros tmom another home cofter parents, 4bii 1'ebrokie St.>. lrimming ou Monday nig1ýi, At hËit Uronto, on Aienciay. liesidents cf time lie score w-as 3-2 i faver cf Pet. Whitby W-in remember Mise 'bruce, a erboro, anti iiti bon nminutes yelte y, oung w-amen- of rebusl appearance, play lhe score w-as .3-3., But tiuring aqd looliiug lte perfecioin aofIealit. thome lasIt tn minutes Whitby succeet. Lite f amily removed te Tarante moyen in scoring-1w-o more goalê- ho one by or eight years mgo, anti four or fiv. their cppouents, - hua isinning lie yenrisago "ie Bruce becanie ire. gsmo b>' 5-4, andtihle-round iith e dturgees. Une mon, nais a mlurdy bery margtn of 12 goals._ et hhreepars; leseed lie union. Harvey' Sproule refèeee bolliglumes. About 1w-e years pgo Airs. Stiargees The. Une» up- developed tint lreadful disease tuber. 'terboto- Goal, Plowers - --Poit, cubasis. Lest winter sa spent at lie Bond.; caver, Bearse; oentre, Ha£ll; Santariem ut Gavenirel; 1luesumit rover, Halpin; t gît, Xenneallye7left, mer aihe w-as isili relativsnWiby Boss. -antd in thesnulun i ite went te ber Whit~v-oml Juda;poi t ih; no .er am. 'Steadil>' tb. diseau caver, McInl>-re.; centre, [lice; rover, worked. ils w-Wl, an tamforn e ieeku. À&.. Blanchard; igil, Waleen; let, C. deati seemoti ver>' imminent. Heis tiie Blazncinet. fruil tabernacle' reLaînedthe , .vital COLLNGWOD NXT. spark w-as narnystety, but at' longh . - '. eathreleasedthelii. ary seul tram lb Witiy las, neis wen hhreeround bd- cf lie senti-final1 gantes, andi next 'Tii.tin lw-as heldi te Witby on bachies bba Itroug, coine*oed.tea=. 'WednIle_ . 1 w-heme istSer nt w-as mati. on bîcirew-n lue .on friciay>tiight. iiUin eeey Whtysgaines se8= te corne ioug. ýc!oSer togelier lien la thé case wihh . ,sote. cher-group winsiers, anti Uteé - - DEFB lu jusI a suspicion a-f unfaimeis. la- j>ÂVîj>SO-lAt buMn, ou Wedu.s- w-ardu Whitby- inl- tiis regard. . oyv. dayp ,Y7efuaïy 190,>1913, John Dlavid- ever,. our -beak _ha. w ntu 50a, Yeu. l te the lot of ahl, they require healthfut, - appetizing, stimüiiÉg 10 --ý variety. When the digestion is parfect- there la à cheerfub id ý spirit that lightens labor and makes for good comradeshiP. ~ In frcsb -meas we haveé sirlion steak for breakfast; chÃ"iceroaiiýi-S i ofbîeA dibner and etegant sausage rolis.for supper. 'Next day we ', i iibCý od-@ roast park, then veall.Ia6, spare ribs, tenderoiji etc., a ~o a-l* Luceeal w av!,the -finest of fre5h goodb at 'close'rice. An4 'Jà isUel varlety ta mçet thewants af ail. Toenbe us tosupply ur customerî, with-1fourand Led at loy PPui have bouZht by the car Iad. Farmes:anget bran aan b -jý4ýÇ greatly reducedprlces. We are selling -a, igb gFadêtDtpWMaý flour tôt $.6o per cwt. W. B-PRNG00 WHITBY IONMARt Th e SIA~NDARD ýBANK,; of CA*ADJ STATEMENT Pro m Report t.DomiionGvrnet Js ai. RESqOURCES --LAJTE Cab oo dmà N"sb.. *u54165263 J . $Z42phas9ra b ymtDem D- m m m serdf« ltuemt *3el0.791 * r HOoeM e Diiia. .. .. .....77395W Dmi otloeDliegurs. . . . Z766,19218S C044 m on1Booadse.. 2,501,087.30- Lso ni d bscuns >- M98667.57 andi Branchs........996»029.01 OdW ib ut.****. 5&645.22 $41,234i487.92 Ifenhs.............. 1~~6Ç~~Z7..59 $41,234.487.92 b. EASY EASY EASY It is easy t-o make Marmld hnyuby your bitter oranges at Lawlers'. WE LOAN ASIE with each purchase and, niarmnalade -makirtg becomes a pleasant and profitable pastime. Seville Oranges* Grape Fruit Granulated Sugar * 25c per .dos. $r8oo'bs $iw Au Tu LAWLER. WHITBY, ONT& Phonc 47. -Pýrmpt tè tivery- M I r-w b -w w ---- - ----- SLAUGHITERSE G IAN ITE WARE for ilace of Februbry,, Sgoôod time to-stock ýup-,the kitchen-a't-very low prie", Sec North W--indoW forl eandSape of j i mir oDàcnt pl!ones. 111,BV ONT. -f ice rs sert, ce uta sud a lai s. 1.1010. y.t. sud rwtmslep ~AUD. s t- hie bsn s WIII aise- lia E.*, yillurpls "t mAi. a hon ~snd bats bit., lias desa ete.~ ..il SOc Kilhr ais amy Uc. fer yosa te ufacters @f e assi fer 0< ItthWS lu wtth met ~ems tiese. aplip)- lb. m~ s~s us lias rs id bien, naumalla -4- 04 411 A Pr -2 ýr 1

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