r thought wou14 feil ri - ibt~ makos you cry 1 'Was it lis- r-ýu I -se~ aid our ateriea .had -licou "~>$becau se-I iWsh. thèy oouled - b ~ ae beeu alikeshobel "But iV Wor"n'te b 46," lie said * - uaiy.."'It is'ap, udd thing Vos%&Y- rJt teYeu to-niglt, when ,yenou w hf. >1j Lubgii ngg, but V-niglit I alsooai eu &ppy., lecaus. uew et lait«7my - truggl. la -over-uow, at hastVhs - re ia>liurned eut. I -doà n'V want - *tin; -lbut -Just tii. péaoe o!flis - - tg rOsto tii.eci o! u y, li..Be- - - »eveme, I arn content. - ps he could 'nt aay a word jmat r-ïue ~ suge- s fo'e 1hlm e iut*nso -h i È'5h.la-. iln ' a Mýttla st bùte; * zqaÉi;s, sud océ cÊtoice thby j,îcsd ilong hs garde» palli.- 'But lier whole s.nl revolted 1 ttisn- UPLçw ! on'otenlt. 8tti. à 'tod as liblti.as ýtihe otr higV -i r afii'tbîstle understaiids tue.Carin - $udiffereuoe of, thse enrade Who ies ini irospita.'§-U-rely Frit-hiof hi. 15$théi à tlii mierbottperoiy ~f~i~ I iti.panlo-i, whlch 'he lisen- altucat ail; pain, onild surelly, mot b. tiie only-glimpas venchsafed' ' hIît --of ths blis whih had trans- téd te -whoe word -for liert, Thoere camne lick te lier hs thonglit of tii. oId atixdy at Berge», sud ah. *.. eerned Vo hear lier tather's voies - aying: "I bhouLd 1k. an esrly marriage kor .Frithie!, but 1w'1 llnot sa~y toc âbutiugsr4 for-I donet now ÃŽ ahould evr a pare- r " And ah. sà ighed 'a ebe rememnber- ei howhs plans ha-clbecu crossed e nd he business ruinerd, sud hie *~~~ kt hrtlirokeu-how -both for mau $Dr Frithie! failur. had lisen de- Vet the. Christrua belis rang -ou this wornd e! strangeiy ringied * ~ yyà sn- aorrow, sud they brouglit - much thJh.me tnesgage tha-t I nce.ou Hîerkinstio: "There is s better plan whielý çan't go -Wrong," 'site said ta lier- * - CHAPTER XXXVII. 'I have &exuo newa for you," said - r 711r., Horner toe bswife afeiï days alter thii, as one evenhrîg ho enter- - d the drawing-re>om. The huge &Wdlôdck with the littie wbite face point.ed to thc. heur of eight, the. rlotdn pigîi stil! limbed the go!- -en hi-li,~ th é. go lden sw iueh ffrd stili *- paceck-blue satin, glanced frorn - e husbsnd tW the doück aud ia-ck again Vo ber iusband. ý 'Ne-us 1" she said, in -s distiuctly dilcouraging toue. "le- it that whithb-mnakes you se lste 'i However, 6t's of ne coDÀequrence te me if the. - inner iLasipiiled, rjuite tie con- trary, I anil not pa'ticulsr. But I BOY$ND te thel "Beot Evor"- -Scnd Ioat CAs-to-day for partIcular. 74 St- Antoîne SMnraCan. 1 OP=e Rocmtu oWrfr4 ose Hcow the. Wdrmger #&Y smdodru amdo ,king rrithrnor 4 me' o eit for~ hg idéa cf. yoi ay as if yeuw wi iFaick suerd era nui. w1as :morry io ..bave inisjiudgéd hlm, ud' oven o-wned te Bouifae, that* I iisd aBpoken hastily, but .wouid ycftr le- '11iev. ;howciitrecouaider- thé Mnattor. H. e-netoi y givea me the* uaock,.but'li .î _ta-kée i * ruy 1 - hat, "oBut the, féow lias iccapital," cried -Mss. Homner,'inu great agita- tion. -"Ho is aà Poor- s a ro.ck ! H. aisntsaingle penny.Vo Put. ihto6 Vhà Seeru."" "Precisey. But à o .ace is suol a feol, -tiat lie overiceoka. that and cees uothiug but talk of* hsegreat business capacities, hbaismdusiry, his good &kWress, and a ' lot of olther rulih of that sort. 'WIy, without meôney a -falow is wertli ncthiug- ab"outoiy uothiug.ý" "rmthe. Ara t I detested hin," eaid Mnr. ,Homeso'r.'"I kuo'w that, Vhs Bonitaces vers deo.ived in hlm. It'. my bos! t hâat sthongli hie charades la clearrèd ag teVhs ýVe- pound note business, yet lie in real- ly a mer. aciventuror. Depend up-, on it, h.'lh manage l .-t eeéry- tiniu lte hà ii. 4Wlhinda, and will lie-oumting loy oe so! these daya?' * W ,ies's hardly like.1y téo d tha., for it Seemi atho siste.r iras ies keeplxig ier s yeohién sud that idiot o! a Roi i. going Vo marsy lier." . "To m zar-y Sigrid Falok 1" ex- olaimed Me.Homnes, startinig Vo lier foet. "A'ttu&U' Vo.bring into Vhs famil a girl who plays_ et d.mnc-_ ~-e~udp~lVes~-agirl îlo, à rope lier owu ieuse sud cookas lier own dinner!" "I don't knew- that seï) is any tiie worse for doink ht"ai Jamnes Horuer. "1,tsneott the girl hersel! that I objeoct Vo, for she's pretty and pleasant enolugi, but the. counection, thee eingý related by niarnage te that oclious Falck, who lias treated mie se inaufferabiy, w-he, looks dowu ou me and La as stan>d- off -Li as if h. were au emperer." "If tiere ha eue thiug I do de- test," said Mrs. Hemner, "IVit. s pushing people-a; sure. aigu o! yul- garity. But it'is pa-rtly'Loveday'si fanît. If I lied Vo deal with the. -Fa.loks they weuid have been Va-uglit their proper place, an»d ail thia would net bave happened." At tVii moment dinner wasana- nounced. The. everdone meat did net improve Mr. Horuer's temper, sud when the servants iiad le!t thel roorn le broke-eut into fresi in- vecVi4'es again Vie Bonifaces. "Wlien La Vhs wedding tVo b.?" asked isi.wife. " Seme time ini February, I be- liove. They are house-furniÉhiug siready." Mra. Herner gaves»n ejaculation of on ucu. "'Wel, tii. sooner we leave Ifon- don the. better," aihe aaid. "I'm net gohng Vo b, uuixed' up witi al Vii, w.' l avoid any open breacli with the. famiiy e! course, but for goclcsfi' sake de let Vi. e-use sud . et us settie dewu elsewhere. There'. that lieuse aV Croydou I was very partial Vo, sud yen couild go up aud dewn easy-enougli from thiere." -We'1l think o! t," ca-id Mn. Hon- nez', refleetiveiy. "And, by Vie bye, we mnust, I suppose, get-thern some sort of wedding present." "By go-od luck," said Mn,. Hon- uer, -1" won a sofa-cushi-on last weçk in s raifle at the liszaar £or the chape! or gan l u-ad. It'Y- quite od onougli ton there, lui sure. I "And aftn a!," eutrked Sig- nid e Ccli "w rellyovea gceat deal Vo Mra. Homes er i 1 ia. net aaked meto 0ia 1culredis >faiýy-lial I siould neyer have mnet 'Madame Leciertie.r, nd boy couird w. e-ver* have. lived al Vogether il iV iiad noV ieeo fer that " "lu those dasa I think Mn.. H-'or- uer rather liked yen, but..cna' Mc yen iiveofended lier'." t ýe- Sigrid iaughed. merrily. "Must .-brides'ait clown aà 4 do nothiug-unitgl.-the ceretonyl" éise sed. ' 601so;amso 1rry for them;. i oulnt -ait Istill. if I were, te try.. How gla. I arnto' thinli Frithiof, and-Swa.uhiid -wililibe at Ro.wan ,Tree, Houa. wlile. we are &way -should nole r.have lad s momiut's pçaceif I le ft.ther lere, for Swan- hild -i. alter ail only a éhuld. It i. so goed o! Mrs. . Boniface te have aaod 'therni>' "Smo.e yeu are tatring Roy sway from us, 1 thiuk it is the l.aist you oûid do,» aid Cecil, iaughiug. "It. wiil be auch s help te have theut ths evening,- foe otherwise we .should ail be feeling very fiat,,'I. know." 'Sdwe shah lie ou our way te the Itivîera,'> ahd Sigrid, panaingý fort s Iew mgnutes, lu lier busy pr- paatons; a drea .mylook -came iit lier clear, practosi eyes, sud ah.' let lier head. reet -against the. side of -the, led. ' "'Sornetizues, do ,you kncw," she exclairned "I Can't believe Vhs ja aei rosi. ilthirrk I arnjust imagin- iug it ail, snd that I shall wake up Proseutiy and fiudi wyseil plsylng the Myceotie wsitz at the acadery -it wasalwayas mach a, good tune te drearn te.,' "'Wsit," said Ceail, "'dos this inake- it fe/l More real 1" sud hast- ily goîug into the. enter rocut ah. returned, bearing Vhe lovely wecl- ding bouquet whieh Roy had sent. Sigrid. "Oh, gow exquisite f And myrtie sud euorrsie-t aii Most - beauti buquet 1 ever "Den't you ii t 1Vlis lime yon were dressing," said Cecii, "Corne ait down sud let me de yeur hair for you whie yen enjoy yonr flow- ers." " But Swauhid'i packing, I don't think iti is quit. finished." "Neyer mind, I ý wiil corne lack tiz afternon with lier and finish everythiug, yen muat let us heip yenu a hittle just for once."' And then as ahe brushed eut the long golden ha-ir ahe theuglit how few brides showed Sigrid'a wonder- fui usefuiness sud car. for others sud sornehow wisiied that Roy could have seen ber just as ahe was in lier working-day apron, toc full of honselioki arrangements Vo speud Muoli tirne ever lier ewu toiet. (Te b. coutiuued.) FOUNID SECRET CHAMBEIL Relies cf By.Oone Mea! Partaken of In Charles I.1& Reigp. A Fecret chamrber in which were the remaüie of -an unfiuished meal, reduced te duat, hbben found at the Feerm Farm, near ïMold, Flinet- sbire, England, buiit in the eariy pail< of tie. sixteenth century and once the utanoa' bous etofttheHar- - slreati estite. Somte workmen were engaged iu repalrring an saeient ;flroplace and chimney, wheu .they discovered a revolviug atone, whioh upon being op.uod, revealed a seret cbamber. Tii. apa.rtnrent oontaiued oak furniture -o! antique 'dealgu, including a table on, which lay autiquated fireari sud feeding utensils sud the remains o! a meal, redu *ced te dust. Lt La surnised tliat t'he charnier w'.s utilized as sa place 01oealment 'by roy"eit fugitives during the civil. wax cref. ±%tw e R£ - &K6kesunouia ý e. ervee- BIack-EyedLSuaxi 8-ala4.-Separ- ate ,oranges .into-sections, sile;ing hall -of!-a-large, fruit, to s person. Cnt ,figs int-o dice, mix with, an ýequsi, quAntity of-lcehoppe'd' o.lery, _and *m&.isten IightIy with Frenchcires.-, ing.î macle Witlidleron .juice. -Mairin- stel the &Ã"anse carpels with dress- ing,- then put thex on- individuai pistes,. arranging themý like- blaak-,I eyed, susani'petals. Form the con- tera cf thef4g mixture and gsruish: the. ýsala.d ith tips of celery., Xest 'Cqrry.-Fry,,eue medium- sized onion., until browu in two tablaspoonfuis -of butter; add oe heaping teapoonful of curry-pow- der which- ha. previously ,been mixed toa -paste witli coid water, andt cooekfor " about ten minutes, stirring frequently. Then add about a pound aud a* hait o! auy kind cf . meat that In. available. Raw meat must ai- ways b. used, snd it sheuld ho cut into smail pieces as-for a stew. Meat. that lias ho.» o ooked does not make - good curry,. $easen thé mxture with sait and' fry for about ton minutes more, or auntil the paste lias worked into. the méat. Cover ail ýwith 0cool wvater - sud et over the fire to hol.U until ths meat is tlieroughly cooked, snd mosi et flb. wster lias- -e-vaperated. Diar;)hmallow Chetat-pVtt4 s -Or,.-ha1f pound of mà rshnxe li, o cupfui of! thick cresut, two tes- lipoonfuls cf powdered sugar, oue- half tespooful o! vaniisa, oue- quarter e b"41pIaI f! canidied cher- ries,. ou-.quarter o! a cupfui of can- died ginger, one dozen chestuuts- the kind pteserved ini vanilis syrup. Soak- the cherries in the vanilla syrup that bas been poured off the chestnuts. -Cnt the marshinsllows, some of Vhs. cherries and the gin- ger into smsll pieces, and the. chest- nuta into quarter.. Whip th. cream and flavor it with the vanila and sugar. Fold in the marshmallows and let it stand for a few minutes, and then add the cherries, ginger and chestnuts. Pack in a' model aud chili. Serve either as a nioid -or -in giasses, decoratiug ea.eh glass with two or three cherries. Celery Esoalloped with Cheese.- Three cups o! ceiery diced, oue pint milk, one cup -diced cheese, one aad' s hait cups solt crurubs, sadt, pap- rika,,two tablespoous butter. Save the outer staika -of celery snd eut them jute dico. - Cook geutiy in three oups o! wst.r', drain,, reserve the liquor anrd adcf it to the milk. Put a layer of crumbs in the bot- tom o! a buttered bskiug dish. 4Add a layer o! celery, then oeeof, ehee&ae, season, dot with butter sud repeat til i chh h full. Bake thirty minutes in-a moderatçý oven. Baked Prune Puddisig.-Two tes- apous melted butter, one-hat! cup grapuated sugar, one-haif tes- s5pooii orange flavoriug, one egg, one-haif cup rnilk, oeeasd s hait cups wliole whest* meal or fleur, thres teaspeons baking powder, one cup soft pitted prunes. Beat together butter,- sugar, flavoring aud eggs; add prunes Vo the. mesi or foeur, mix in the bakiug pewder sud a.dd this, alteruating with milk, to tii. first mixture. Bake in a shal- low pan, dredgs thickiy with P'ow- dered sugar sud serve with a sauce WOODEN, verts arc having likie. QueenAmelie'of Portu-1 gai taken the-,reguia~r course of training in- first aid. *-ý 8lie, i.the setond wife,,of, KirgýýFoerdiuand and is-exertmely popularw in Bulgaria ail well as being an- affectionate step- mother to the- King'a chidren by- hia, irast marniage, On. cf her first actions- mter lier marriage was te have tPortraits of herhuhueid's flrst wif. placed in aIi he chidren'a rooma in- the palace ai Sofi a and quantities of -that Princess' favor- ite flowers arrangéd under, themn. madle cf, tblened peune ÃŽ&* md fievored -with, enon Uio Pot loast of V& ahoUlçle1r of haut, and hsv6 itboued and rolle4. Soak twenty-four hours in ooid water. MeIt three tablespoons o!f at, ini the iron -pot, 'add -a cupful of sliced onions and a ouiul of dioed ceiery, cooking- un- tii soitened. Turn in the ha-m: sud brown it-thoroughly, Barely cover wîtli boiiing ýwater suad sinime r gent- 1,r Jcr about four hours; remove ieat snd add the desired number, ci pared potatoes. I$ki the hars,1 dust thIeckly with cruniba and brown in a hot oven. Surround with the potatoes7garnieli with éelery, and make a thickened sauce to accom- pany it of equai parts of ham Stock and strained -tomatpea. Tice with crumba. Tomato Cream Sonp.Cmpstar tiveiy few housekeepera know that -tomatbo cream - soup, sometilues calleç moek bisque, cau be-made cul- un- shtlydangerous,, éxpen.ivs h ort- L" s on yof arte l'hci osei No miing-no dirty work -no mess wien yen.ý use the handy peste lu -the big cau. der. , ir the wtoie ovri-the, rire antil it boils,; and let it bell up for! s -uinute ci se. Then add a 'quart, of cold mhlk, sud atir again until the ýýmixture boila. Al sorts of queer'haà ppenings. . iay> Vake place in your soup-kettie; the cfouVents:, may - "mùottie" ai!1 -over.,,the. y ýM&Y, get nop'y, as if i te ingrediente v.e-re tryhing liard te, make glue,ý they may' eveén preten:d- Vo-carrdle,,sud figbten yXou for a Aminute Or Vwo, -but go on ettring with a-tranquil- mmd, auid wiien tii. mixture cornes te "a beil again, yèu wil- have a simodVh, pik, creamy scrup-geod Vo look-at :aud deilius te aste. Cake-maklng -Ries.. After ail there ha nothing thit quite takea thre-placé. o!fcake sud ne* vanieties are slwayi Jlu demand *Us well as certain 'oid fayorites such as pouud and layer' cake, that it ;a tibe very liard to impreve up- ITo niake goed cake oeemuet lie Iwilhing te -gir. s littie attention -te certain details that ou the firet glane ma-y appear unimportaut, but this i. decidediy trot,-the case. iu the fi-at place s cake muet neyer lie kopt waiting for, the p"a or the, ove», or it *yul aurely spoil sud b. lieavy asunupalatable. Tii. cake. tins shenld lie ca-refnily greased be- fore any o! tii. otiier ingredieuts are even mixed ogether.' The heat o! the. ove» muet lie gradua-ted aomewiiat in accordance Votie aise of the cake. It is a mis- Vake te put a- large cakç jute .teeo liot au ove», for if this is doue the onteide wili harcicu se rapidly ha-t. Vie cake canuot ris. asé it shiiud or penliapa Vie top vwill bu.rn belon. th-le inaide h.s doue. Do't'open Vthe oven deor for twenty minutes sfter à lange cake lias been put Lu, sud ruseapple t4aei--ream oe uecp- fui <ýfi butter and the Eamie of sue~r fiogeth(-rè Theti add the welI beaten fok oftrepa eggs and two cupfuls -c lur, in which two teaspoonfulsi f!bku pw der have-. been sift-ed. Ad two.blispoonfuls of pineap- pie juii e and, bake in 'three- jelly- ,oake, tins. For the FillingL.Boil ~t Vccup tu'is 0cf sugar with,-wo- É idseo!a cupfui cf erears firlo- minnutes. Take., from he fire and, beat till thick sud ,anicoth_._ To one- third', of!thiiç add -one cupful of tho if.yers.,,o ther.effiaining two- thirds ýadd',enougjhpinieapple :juice to make it spread smoothiy for an- Use of Wlreleus Lncreased. Wireieffs teiegraPh meomaeges sent- 'to &nd f ro m ehîipahave- ilireN4od 11.8 per cont. beyo>nd the previoua8 lear,- aour4ing tetPlie- anaUai-re>- port of the Rritieh pootïnaatee- geauer.a1. The inorea.se is.paxUduL3da to tihe larger number of vesels6now equfpped w"t wixr,1ess aud.parLI7 to a roduction oi tariff fer vuas]. makdug shortvyagee. 1youir skIn, cauMtig,,chaps. oliliblains â nd gan erul icflan{ct tiy INA PDR U -CO0 Witch H ,élCream The. rre8my Ingcizms Sath and soften _the acter- ski», whle ,the.VJitol? Hazçl penetrales. and heals tii. deepei tisu... Delight! ut et ter Shaving ori wahlng. > 25c- a bottle, at-your dugIts NATrIONAL OR 4.0 D Cý4MU1AL 00. J or CANADA. U#AITED ,,18 easy - a kw, liglit rubs briug aluilat aV à ffctedb heat. C ONCRE'rE neati, Safe, need no- repalrs, an d- arec i m re,.w te kos, latemeso& .epcz. ment »st. til I decided Vo foRa> -1- 'Ii diate1y liegaxi te feel 'Iamrnonw nsing the econd -- Dr. Hamilton's Pilla, sud I -,- eil that.I wajlt te tell jo4n -- Owe thia great change to yen oua pills. i recommend Dr.1 ton,@ Pilla w-Very person sufferhngl:from dyspepsa.- grateful. servant, 1D. R. Laro JoiteStreet, Monîtreai, -P. AUl Who have weak d4>mac1 --those who suifer with-i he.ladahes,- bilicuasnese, Cla-n fecty, cnred-,by Dr. R- -Pilla,. .er.box, at )d - su stî&rekeepeýrs, or -the Cal zone Co., Kingston, Ont, a- fa1o0 N.Y.1 TRlIN. lED LftE -T0 P Scarlet Tgnau Tii. Ted <ceat o! tii.e Br2ti yeara -ham been -ond of striking ýfeaturers aenong - forMa e! the a.ruiegs -of the -Lo dhsappearand ,on t wM ikuow mne more -"the. r authieuicted reotsthie of wa- wM ' dkic1km, iu estma-te, as one fthep abolieli the fa-meus-mc the lin. The. khiki service to b.VII if orn-,of Vthe That proepect -pwtîCrlalry ree-ruiting nergeantsn plea-sant,. but az an-*ecox parture, the echeme ha n]n1 oommend it. If the PrOpoaS r- M it- te ,S from-those Who regard t!i sltimiulws - te recruitiug from thoSe whe mereiy* con army unasoMethùug -more r-. t al 'th-n necessary.. A wo +j~ iamn'tarywarbetWeen 9 taity 'ad utilitarianismi S fore opromised. r Th sentimenVa fe%-Iing~ lihpeléple, for tie histolà e ote rsoldiers has" ny eently dWia-yed in the. el a-roused mga-mat di£scarding- of tic Highland troolpe. propostion wa put for"~ çzaa a g>eeaiprotest. -n4 fi r he LiiEighlà ;nd rýegirne f ran?the wb-e D oùntty. .I edfi ie.kilt beiug Lrtain it is hardly possible' that ceat wil iédiscarded.wi Etrwie 1.0r~ the moment. ijt is-] g thtat the-dashing- ma-n ehai.have the. bea.utly o ïe pao nte rfereçi with. Ne -there aùà y proposai madert cavairy, Royal Aitiilery e0 Y Engineers - oft their rem. trappinu,--i.lVhough Vhs 1 would foiioew as a matter of ilnard'* Llnimsflt 0w,, COids, -- Braggs-" a-m stelloe o]d-ta.iieied people -Who that- h1ouesty paýys." Wag am IUAd I believe just i that dishonesty gets plaid.> ýPromotedI boo et isiontbOeA d itint et, Cee~D~< ID5000 Ad . w. TnDflMTfl Sound Common. Sense .A~dvice Blak itgh Wbhich kind of a culvert doesyour waggon cross? T\OES the noad yen use pas ven rickety, -D dangenous wooden culvent, that ans, con- . stsutly ini need ai repaireand often wasbed faway eurireiy? Or is jr caricd safely across the. low - l1aces by modem, everlastingicuvenrt? Bud'your CULVERTS 0F CONCRETE wiich net enly canner lie washed away, but actuaUlygrow stronger with age a»d use. Evrery farmecr owcs it te himscif te insst that the umoncy hie pays for road-taxes bc. spc» 't to the be advnr-- tige., As a ratepayer, he is e»titled to the best roacts thut cm ib. mnade withi that monçy. Whcn cuiverts are washed eut, snd the roed reiidered iînpassable, ie not only suffens 4.inconveniknce but may aise bc caused flusticial loi by iiiubîity to get nec«"ar supplies i» time for spning plant- lng. Anid et bes it wowoden culverts, part of the muouey that shbu!d b. used taiake bettcrrads must b.e pent eves>' ycar -for repaire. - Ina fa Upon Conoret. Cah'erte It wl!,pa yuyen auevcrybodyesI wcoty Canad& Ceurent-Com#any Limited 55454H.raldBuilding, Mostreul %pu un