NIaiet Ùlersi~n&, Tle, oxperience of Mir. Uas'oe i mio-very oommcai to-day: Ià ~d--rot Pluse -Indgeétién flot v ye ::el -, *ttend to my *6A1._iwas weaà ap ek>tail courage. I nne rég. hti Idecidedi te olow vyour -4..tumînt.To unY grcMasurpi.s .1 'i\im*citeybegan te oti bet4co't S now uaigýeg ilsecond bo-0 DrHamilton". PillAand I -felm w.!! that 1wat toteU- you t&nt I owê tiis great change ýte your foin-a 10110Pille. I reooonmend Dr. Hamil-ý fan' Pisetoe every peran whe la suffPrîng f r-ondyspepsia.;'Your grateful -ervant, D.--R. Larce, 338 lohitt sti-cet, .Monti--ai, P.Q. Ali wbp iiaveweak stomache, andt --thofée wito suffer,-with indigestion,ý iieadcaeh.s, biliumnes, Cn-11b. per,-ç teOfly .rnred by Dr. Hamitonii Pille,24c.- pem box[-- t - druggiets M tid storekeepers, or the Catarrho- o0e, Kingston, Ot., sad-Buf-1 lAie, N.Y. TMHDIB»I> LINqiTf>PASB.t Thi e4 S&t,.of te 'British kUt n- ta'ynn which -fo;,hun-dreds -o!,ý yeshm.m abecs one of t. moet striking -fentur.- acug, ii.uni- forma of he armie o!thÃŽ world, in,- -t 1edisappear oend se= ttht world, will know sno more -'-'te tue mcd lite oiSehroes " Acoordig o weLI- autiicntioted reports fthe sorotay «U1I1iI5SC1one , a i-th ' aPMMn Mmeasuree ci eonomy, a prýoposai Vo abolieh- tht famous warlet full- drisse iforim o!a.ll-te intantry of ite line. The kiaki srvice dreu 'Ie 1 wb. te unufcrmo!Vefur. -Tha« prspect, particularly for the reeruiting sergeanit, is noV t al Pleasant, but as aneecconiçlde- parture tihe echeme bias much Vo me- ooneïd it, If the pr;pZ&al fiesJlly cornes before Pariament it ila-sure te meet wi'bh strenuous oppo tion fircm titoso who regard te b rightE mitraotivo ueîc as n-ir- importnt 'timulus - Vo 'ecruiting and alec from those who merely consider the * army as soniething more ornamn-t tid -l tian eecem.amy. A wordy par- liamentary war between sentà nen- ta.ity andniutilitarin-nism la there- fore prionised. Tht semtim.ental feeling cf' Eeg- 15.]> people for tie historie uniforme of thiesoldiers lias offly bec re-1 -' oetly dispîsycilin te opposItion irousiei a-gaina-V discarding the-kilts cf tle Highlancd troops. Wiec tii propoeition wa-a put forward there Sý&s a generai prctest-, not only f i-ým thec Highland rpegiments, but f r beVh whole country. Jt resuIt- thei lickilt being retaineid iV 1Sf, har' ypcsible that Vihe mcd - oat-i will b. diéoarded. withouta. For the moment, it i. noV sug-, ,.et.d f-tit e dasiing Guai-ds- mad ebail havete ben-uty of his ap- -parti' interfereil with. Neither is there aey popo.aalma-de te strîp tic drvliy, Royal Artill-sry or R oyal ,-'lgieers f tIi- re1pendect t t rappge, Whouh ths pobably woud ole-wasa a~terofcourse. Promoted Iy ci CViua SOaP 'adolu nn Culet- 5epmai fflSfl s-eMUtithreOU& - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~eo Site &Ul.Al-rl spec ab.11 3p boiie ett ar cdt42 = l1o 5em a t the l;k %«cSa.'aIn 679 .5.115p JDP1 ueh adpatto! itetri!>. euooed, the. DanUùbé it< sitoient MO-eils, a repopult"n ! Save sonbed by iteStavrs &aoag whoin Vhey b.d iiiuei.-f &rV lpdée o!1 itre. uuhohtttofthe Tar-1 ta>' remninte hsBulgeAla-nân-1 tion. To-day the Blg'.rciaD are, eearly pure Slave with.-a certain ad-mixture cf the ancientThraci&fl bleoi. The narnei-ll ti&Và Glt cf the race witich camwe with Ispineh a-ross the. Danbe lit 619..For titrst centuries Bulgarlarexniecd an uneauy be-f ellow te fthe -RQMan Empire, sometimaen- lua "tt.o!1vas- salage, sometimes -indepenilsut, of- tze fiercely hostile.ý In 071 Emperor John'-unes I. con- queroi te .at-the prffont Bul-f garia proper-and after a etruggle of thirty ycare Bn-ail IL., "The. Bul- gà r Blayer," subjug*.ted the wcslt, and with it sil ths' Stav- land& to te heail e! tii. Adirltic. Bulgaria me- mained a ]Byzantine Province until 1186, viten IV rose in revoit un-dem hree brother-sand alter mn-y yen-r- of, war regaled its iitdapeaidezts, whiol va. 6s6ureil by the. dfltr'uc- tion of tlheateu em in u1204ý Under Johnaie Asen 11. (1218-41) .iV Voa bet ight.of tpôver, once more ovring MO f te li- tsiloi-ocf B&o.hhii, bu*- mi«tehs sttadily, declined. Gosd Huamer 1RefUrus-wlfh change. to Proper]POOL. stant sufferer f rom indigestion n-13d neveuiness, ainouetiig, almnoat te prostration," writes- a Western. mnan. 1"ýMy bloil vas imPoveished, the vision was blurrei naid -wen-k, wlth moving spot. before my 6705: Titis wau a steady daîly condition. I grew ill-texnpered, and evenà tually goV se cervous I cenlil net keep MY bocks Posted, cor hanille accoltnte satis! actoily. I can't descrihe my suff eringa. ý 'Notiiing I aVe agi-eed vitit me, tili eue day Ihn-ppenedto notice Gi-ape-Nuts. le na giodery store, andl bouglit 'a package out,.of curio- sity Vo know witat it vas. isi iked tht food fronthVie very I buy it by ite case sud usae it ilaily. I acon found that Gi-npt- Nuts food waa aupplylttg bmain sud nerve féi-eas eothing in the drug Une ever lad dont o*rêoculil do. '"IV wacn'V long before I wn-s e- - terlteiealth, counfdrt anni ap-- pines3.' "'Thi-ougi tVie usq o! Grape-Nuts fod my digestion itas beau rester- cd, my nerves are steady oece more, My eye-sflght ie goi ngaie, mY mental facultita arée itai-nd acute,- andl I have becocee se goil- natureil that uny jieids arc *traly astonisheil nt te itange. I feel younger anni betterttan I have fou 20 yen-ru. No amount of moeY wouldi dce V o surrender what I have gaineiltrougi thVe use of Gape-Nuts f-od." Name giver by Cana-dia» Postun Co.., Windsor. ont. "Tiere's a i-enso." Roen te little bock, "Tht Ronsd te Well- ville," ini pkgs. Eiver reed-the aboéie tIert A new one apers tra ime l lime. They are guuitrue, and full of human Interest -4- Pouf ugueso Territoi4s fthc Boaf - Field for - untomen. liht blggainee looting gi-ouneof Biitiah BBas fibhave becomesoc widely oaci nd eoally' keovai that - Vhey linve botteil out co! mind the Zamneai Vailey Vo the. soutit, tue foi-cote oi Gomeagoza a-nid ovrou anni 'teourees of a dozen rivera tha.t break, into the Indian Ocean t-hrougi Potuguese terriitoý'. To the big gante muter witî a desi-e for trophieo British En-t Af ries pi-eee'te undoubted ailvanitages over n-ny otite-r count.ry in VIe worid; but t<>Itesportsman,- who visite. to test hie peecrs o-fvoi- ci-aft te the f clà andl on theeen-pie-me scaIe, se bai- as gaine is concerie-il, Portuguese Enat Af ricaen-obe--s a fieldl theit isaunsurpaoseil. Portugnese EasV Afr"mistl] con- ains VIe foilowing big gaetmi- abuinilance:_ Baffai-o, crocodile, el-nl, e-pitant, gir-fie, bri-ilbeil annd viite tailtil gnu or vilde- beeste, hitrtbeeste, hippopctamus. hyen-, kocilce, rhinoceres, i-on aitelope, sable ant-elope, va-Vez- bumeit a-nil zebra. Titere le a-groat vaniety 0; sina-liai-ga..Not alI of the epeciea, mentioed oSn be huait- ed lidi.scmlninntoly, bat ean-ot ny lie huntedi usilcu crtain conditioca ln certain di&iet-Ice ter secuing te neccesa-y g»» ,rmit a-nil- ahoti-ng licena. Tont-You sp-ed altogether tee mach nucney on VIn-V girl. Don't you know girls nlways nccept ev- erything a- mac gives them nd -i thon mari-y Vite . fellow vite- sa-ven his monéy 'J Jn-k-Sure 1 do, Tiats te ueason l'eu blowing-in rine. mi'nard-à Liniment Cures Distemaer. sire- and- ,ma uol ar.he A olosdfic elgntoM- Oerptr Vi te ahediday' nderîx Veiteê hopAcf,- Talit1-ig'e,,abâýaun wliiest finausin g - ut ors,--te -idtrictmp- FIthireý NaitsMaWIe. atslco Ah gadftncit bclonginetwom-issul Olav -ýaaSer,MOet Vithe uimos U bridge, Mid- à -ic eox , a. ili-dw gil- fann o traes i*hùe-r. -tiae The. Finabary Boroegh-' Goumch- ha-a give&n-j1wo sanctont&.e. ct.n 'i elcotietrauiu-route -alouig -arins. ion Rea", to- Ludg-ite Cire.. BouucenIdutit ratMepyrstaide- ciltul i -ýf-ver -ýo! t8 unnlng o! tram-osea o<n - usafinis &revers- =9g te'deiioe o! six years mgo. Duriaig-- 1912> 407,762 - iiel- sali- jecslefV.fii-Unffd Kingiom, 3o 137 gon-oBriit dominios d 117,854 te-the Unifoil SVa*.es The. -fluet -prize-for cil paînuings-t an exhibition -i- Leed- hmbas ioa aswarded Vo-a demi and duuub brièk-, layer, an-dtuesecond Vo &olli6r-- Tht deatit las occurred cen-r Ply-ý nxuitit o!,Abel,-Marka, à s vet eran-.Of ite Giimm e Wam sd t.e musai- Mutiny, at Vhsage cf cîghty.. Mi-. Josph Cousin, of ittie Hul--* tee, lias 1Vtaîned te diploma of' Fellow of tht RoyalCOllege Of Or-,» ganista. H. 5. the son o! s miner. ASoordai o the -rport of te Birmingitam Eation Committee, tue mn-ikt is terribly over-stockeil with gir-i steaiograpiiers. 200 Vo 300 girls n-ppiy for ont ýOfficO-peet. The firet city Police con"tble Vo be khlitil hy a m-oter vehicle la Con-- ota-hie Johne Smith, wl-o vaS knei- ed dc>wn a-c illheil by a- tanm 'bus nt Luilgate Cii-oua ile dirtoting 1Mi-. a-nil Mi-. J&mes Bates, of îSaih&m (Norfolk) have just colo- bi-nted titeir din-nond wedding. Mrs. Baies, vto is' 84 yen-is of! sgt, ia-a liveil uit em pi-taet hous. for 78 yea-rs. - Lumbermen inluhundreils viii eh<>i-vmmde te' tinibor lande o-f Devon; Dorset, Somersel nnil Coi- - wal, a-nil sart l-ing trocs sud getting tIe ei-ondy for reafnoval dur- ing te summer. The meet powerful locomotive iu 1 Great Bi-tain ha-a be oonatructed -by VIe G. C. Ry. nt Oi-to>n. The rbolier weighs over 20 tous. The 1 engin.anci tender in> working order r Vo"I over .122 tons. one huai-bd augd f.(rty sheetd, 125 s hirte, 41 pettiocata, sud 18 quit-i f were amaoeg tht articles stolen frour 1the, Medway Wrochouse by Agne -Pear-ma»,' wlo vas- sentencei tc 1 four months nt Citathanu. Lady John Joîcey e- Ceci1 has pre- senteil Vo Armanti-ong Celege, New- s casthe, te bon-t lu hici Gi-ce Danr- -iing a-nil fite eIi-w-nt Vo VIe i-Os- eue of the Forfa.rshirc on- Harvin'e Rock, Fa-re Island,, ie 1838. EVEIIY PIRE 18 CRIME. Hov Beilin, Germaey, Keeps Dowa - Fire Losa. Iu Beilinecvei-y fumlna scrâme. mn-t la it-t lav. And, it i. -aked, vhy noV 'J Run do-vu t-le trutu n-bout n-ny fi"e,nni some ont pemuon viii h be ouiud vose negligenet or g uit vas te cause ofit. Sonebody -atoreil dangerous quantities o! infueanîina-le or explo- sive gooda o» the promnises, or lie buit a fi-nme structure next te s sven-VeIop. lie took chances wiVI human'lives-becauae it vas cie-ap. In Beilin it i. net olieap. The police investigte cvery fume, ays one authority, a-ndl the responsiblo perse-n pays VIe cost cf putting out tie fure ahld de-rouges beaides. Note tue resuit. In Chicago, Vie Amei-- ca-n city of equal size, te annual. fure los ls -*6,000,000; -in Ber-lin, $300,.,000. E D. 4. ISSUE 9-'18-. ycar laier I- begalui Vo b-tobc troble Hgav m me 'diie- ,uftii. avllinga -'onticaed * ,"wo yeao -ffag -oes bbofo Dodd's KaieyPilla sVtoppedi te, swellings.- Lagt wlcter tfit. ivel- linge retamrnedi nd ,ngein -I W>as curedl by using Dod4fe- Kdncy HtlhRideys ati-ain V hs seeds o!17, s. â eete «ut cf te blood. Dodd'a. Kidce Pilank. hieslthy Kidaisys.- -BEMAUTIFIJL 81ÉY. LOW1,.P. Revolutlouatry- Nee ie, ary Ba-- Mn-y, Baeiud j fberous »sone o! fLue most beautiful. vempn -On-a-- pasis1 Raisi n-, iaset-viit a fer- ibre fnte. Site vas namried Vo a y-ouag mnn miteas once la i-eço»-- iocary, ,sud M&n-t-Bathn-dze abaied his vieve. 'Whcc - meotioai, ho'wver, gaineil the apper band, fitr mn beon-me à i!mnid n na-ed informer. One day ÃŽh. va.« Mowrai o picoeby a bosc pin-oeil on hi& ovedomstelp. Mary- Bachadu, vho lôveil itr Ibusbaad -paaoionstely, boten-wi ,rfq.d againatt flic revioariea, 4sýpecknly-,as-,site dldnoV :believe tathem " d ated au a For-yen-ussite baspersecatei te mdheren f- fft.e revolufiuîsry en-use.No 1eu titan8MO of te -have heen armssteiltroagh lhem ie- s»tramectality, suid many lave hotu executeil. Site kaiew tMaisie b.d bec con- ilcinneil Vo doath, but continu-ad rutlely her plan o! revenge. Site took te ,most vigoru>s precautions. Site nover atirrcd Qu1 t s n- c- coompanieil hy deteetives, nd iter Uit commanicteilhy mon-n-s o! e Secret passage witli tie police bur- eau. But sIe, Voo, vas caught -lethe eud. SI5 receiveil a basket of beauti-ful iierries f rom a-n o-l fin-me o! hors, andlvas imuprudent enougi te ake it inte 1cr flnt. An awfu: explosion occuire-d, a-nilVie beau- tiful spy vas killeil. Is Fatal Catarrh- 111- Your Family ? 'It Rues Iacd lne lnd WIth Bronehitis, Weak Thi-oat, Peumonin, Consumptlon. Docte-r.e tat. VIa-t 95 peu cent. of te Canadia, people scifer f rom CaVan-h. Few escape it. You cari en-slly recognize it front the bail Vaste lente mouth sud fwrm iack of appetite in te mer-ning. In> bn-i on-WS the- muacous drocps fi-cmte thi-oa-t inte Vthe tomna-eln-nilcanies causea. Tite.tirti-nVfils vitit phiegun, VIe patient sceezs anni cougis coutinanliy, noV intrequent- ly Vhritsa lassitude sud cillinems sud n-ding li it-t limbes. zone, it is natui-E's owu cure. It drives out Vie geums,, el-i soi- spots, dlean-s n-vny evei-y vestige of -CaVairihta urt. Y-ou aeil te sothiuig va-pore of tht plus voil, te richeet baisante sud heaiing eseences,, rigît te te cause cf your colil by inhliuig Ca- tarritozone. Little il-opa f cfvnilci-; derful curati-S pover are distri- huteil Vîrough-thc'-whele bren-tiing. apparatut by -te air- you breathe. Lite a miracle, thnt's loyw CaVai-rh- ozone cures lronehitie, catairi, colle,nni irritable. titi-et. You simply hi-ati. "its Ieanling fumes, sud every trace of disoase flots n-s liefore fume, Bo sa-e, infants en-n use it, sa mai-e te relievo, d)ctor.S preseribe it, e benefuciai in preventing vin- Ver il-s person en-n afforil t- do vithiout C-Vnrrhzo)nt. Uein thousanils o! ca-seq witiout fnilujr-. Complete. outflt $i.00. In-ste tîrce mentIs, annilm&-guaran>tecil te cure; amaller Gize &nIl deaiers or -t-he Co., Buffale, N.Y., nci Kingllton,,Ont. is Widows' Suburb. 0itarlotle«ibut& ité .fsionn-hle western, sùub --of Beilin, Ger- mn-ny, l anwn s-e- ue"Wi-dove' to'wn." AV the la.t;ceanocefeeI titan 14,5U3 vidows ver. e, ioetred ,as -esiing vihleifs boun4n-riao l à s ve&ry neamly hIBM o! tua- ota surplus of--vomen over-min tM i Vo b. eandid ite'tôwe-29,240. ln no other Vovai le Germainny cosai' mcdl a pr-cportîonaVe' surplus o! ite -fc- mn-le- sex /hc foacil. The number of widowers la oxtrn-ordinn-ry emal l pi-çpcrtion, beieg only 2,358. People *hïia n-i olliai ile ealti Oitoahil b. able Vo fîÈ4ia- -better use for iV. , 1 vILV _____________ -7 - t. Ibgo.n, nëà eear- *Ili eýb-fâ -pp pliitd- tRe. feal r a baM & t Hua weagee-sted hlm £10,-he i lie aSy one te-bas-nov a dijelikethé -pl sauce. H inse:vn-s -risting Vi teé VEia5 varehito f a ifiii-d vien- h. mn- TRI G ALL WJINTEIR lookodi-Ã0 gocil ie believeil lis ould Thbest kuownaumatbusi oc7odlte mai-eel, en-t à arrael -ci titesp. Hie fi-ied roratocbnqee s*dSeredeft aluse Itteti praiWlu%, eMu a -barrelful len-Von dA.ya.Sada' un impescipmaiete s utycs5yi called-'st - thé stordaily te se boIW# 38PIM ,. -VueONE? CENT 'Ige-si rcfuded If lt lt gave ve onr aide v-gars er-s- orO facp> fl o Ou 1100 tock Do"tcmail W - izeplttl Batik ever publohed or lte Farmer andi ttockma, 15.k tiiv i.ntis~r 1A - tt fe,. Fui î U~J urîu ~uIUJEN8UU5l 5K5~5 W5W., aszw IV. My cup- n gar aten , f t - r ituil, l-o(, - two- ra se now art.iy Kcep 'Nerviline' Handy For Quick Sale - j PRS FRSL it Posttvue1y Brings Children Outil1w0&aeelarmgoo& location, witb hall H. W. DAWSCN, Ninety Geoibell BIFhi et Danger ad Believe@ m CL P a. mn ul.About l- mes1 eef about 5 ac, ;jvîô resbearing orobard, rO OD STOK P op7 0' OE af One. . morne~ s 9gorobrd,. bouee,, rbaici, Mcere ouosIoaia y o . ipriung'wat. ew, .»ong, timber, smre fur- Metb. oiti qulk. ),w- ,1171W A HIHUTLL ER EXPERIENGE. Ult re andi implements. -_ À gqot bur, D- À- . . &XÉ -19 sujtable -for fruit or mlzoti failng and REVERÂL , D ýa "Brtug1ng up young cIdren is itu i.- wIll ma"e a gooti ub-dlvlulen. Price .Manitoba, Âlbrt' £i,Bsat*chw* 8t.000; hall cash, balance easy terme, çrý that eau be boutltgbýýhthe, 111607 $fr ponibltle. entier tbe boul cf clrcum- wil trade for gooti securities or real à u. n ae etanoeb,' writ Mr. B. 0. Pagan,.oftte. Wrire Owner, Drawer 16, Balmo THÂVE fOVER 0ONEHTJDU 001> lon' Corners, "but' croupy coldu atiti Ârm, B. 0., or Salmnon Arm Bealty mon farme let different se1oso~aal considerable 10to t. worry. XY lîjtl. Lti. Salmon Âii, B. C. on =y it. IlF ou want a. fat= ofL8fh me. fammily cf four ail went tbrouli the _________________ oroupy ors, but I alwaya hati lirvllîneon Beee Foriq Robber Bande. H. W. DAWSON, _Tronto. baud andi nover felt nervous. I-Jent fol- hShol!Lmbsoaer wE<Y The ohol o Lobroe aêert WETY CREeçý-FIEMILES PROM lowed the directions, and I eau tllbu Ttm lioteey ai* f hmn'ondon market; son day loarn tanna tbat nothing I bnow cf la murer to cure ~ ni t trar bouse; bar-n. Would exchange:'for oity,. oroepy offds titan Nerviline. wrý«-on iid t onepi town or village property or for latter 'un Our boni. we. use Nervilne frequent- 1in the crimes commit.ted by p,,i- farrn. The Western Real Estate, Loudon, ly. For eold in te chest, pletirlsy, hoamue- malS. Àmong Vihe becs there is Ont' nees, e., it lu I;imply wonderful. My much theft. In order to cave theni- STAMPS AND COINS. bshanti uses It Ifor rheumatism. andi I elves the trouble of woriug, the TÂMP CLEYOBHNRDOp eften emplny il 1for neunalgia and'sek robbers atitiak the nmses, kil.s ferent Foreign StamPu. Catalorue. headache. Nerviline bas se many uses themn, rob the ihives and carry off 'Albumn. only Seven Cent& Marks StautS tha n mobe ~a afod t b wxitutthe booty when they ca.nnot obtainCcny.Tio-. Tholagefail gse otie wlc ~ it by stealth. Sometiînmes, having - BILLIARDS. ai 50c., le the moot- economîcal. trial sise. qie nicrbe tse frEVERYBODY ENJOYS BILLIARDS- 25c. Tour storekeeper or drnggrist selle robbery and violence Vhey foi-m reg-E Barbers and Live Men lu towi- onlY Nerv'tllne. wbit le prepared by Te Ca- ular colonies of bandits. lt j8 100 population nake big rnoney. Be li-si tarroaoe C.. Bffao. . T.Vo edue thce ne-te write for book, -How te_ Stai-t a BU.- tarhozne o.,Bufalo N.Y.possible tordc Vs iuXy e liard Room"--Coot, Eaey Terme, etc. Cata- - ~ mies to Iaw a.nd order by the eimple logues of tables for Home and- Club free. WILOW-ADELIFBOAS. rocnsof giving working beecs a if yen have a table >ask fer eur.ouiDl nuxture of honey and brandy"a catalogue. Brunswick-Bflk-CollendOi-Coin- mixtre f hoey nd band ïopany, Toroente. Built te Ibild Thirty-flve And te Be ___________________ "Unbrealabl'e." TMR.LMS Aboà rd one of the ehips -whicb'utiznternal andi extirnal. cureS *itb..; out ainbv urbomne trentment. Wrlt sai between Liondon anid lotter- us before ton latie. Dr. Reolima Mediciii dam there 4a.9 been reoently insta-l- Mnad's Lnimet Co<, Limited. e. Littî. oinwd Ot ed a epecies of lifeboat which is Gentlemen.-My danghter, 13 years old. - ALL STONES,-K1DSeBY -AND BLAD. quite novel. These boata whioh do was thrcwn fmm a Bleigh andtI ninreti ber G r der Stones- Kiçiney trouble, grav elbo enbady I reaind oiffandvery Lunih.and -kindret ialimetits poslt '!v net weigh moi- than the ordiDary' paiuful for three eer.Fu btlsc uredi wlt! the uéw 0eMmun Reme lifeboat -of wood, are maide Vo hold MIARD LINIMENT oompletely curetid faoi r We$.AoOte3w remouS thnyfv epeand are eomposed yas ne be robei "Sanors Auti-Dabetes." Prico $2.00- f-om ohyfve eopenti aes h eas o rldrugrgistp or direct. Te Sftnol Manfa cf serti-i ooncentic layer. Theomou.ntrof-,Canada. Iiiite. exterier is cf willow, then cornes a W*Joep. . ..iBh T . layer of anote wood, then an- 1900.toi oâro ava econd layer of Jtist a MiniiUtC in o wo.o, an a scon layr o!ca.nos.bleedint -ivile* wo-o, ad aseýnd lyerof a-nas.eau be cureti by nsxng n'ature a ewn Te- The interior o!fte boat ie of wOOa. medy-no inedicine-no operution. Tll lias rem~edy doe.. net profese tecueitms Exçerience hsdemnstmted thati "Mother, in sending out My ries, butl eti uefrprotrudi this kind cf lifeboaMt i. practicailJ btdy UemODiscveywho maseuow ,uffe el 'ilbrakbl,"sai i i gurn-invitations shall I Bay! ya1 ena ad ysffrrô teedVo rsiotthekindof sockYoui-preseece is requested" ""fFulinetructione <on reeeipt of$L., e whkih eo aasily overturna te orii oors noV, my dear; you uPudW.B XE,24Be-l.'S.,Tmto nar hiebat. I 5.ais epecedsay 'Your presents are request- L A IN A iS thai this now ifeboat wil keep al 1 gatneintlyi heso-is WALKlNC OR OIiO UITS afloat iedefinitcly j the stermilatist RatstoPacifie Coast : be d<, .fct by lm ipesa TrI. - weather. Via Chicago ani Northt Westeérn RailuwA>. -.Den . ________ou sale daiiy. Manch i6th te Apr -ltt -Brish AmorelOn, Y g',O inclusive,- fren al jute iu Canada, te Motreal. Torontoé. O:tawit and'Queboi Try Murrne Eye Romedy LosÂAngles, -San r-anceiso, Portland,. Sait ake ity.Seattle, victoria, Van- tqomst,,-T0IsYite-.AtSQtFml.couver, Neleon. Eosecland, and inan>' other a'StegAm OTo UV Eeld&Il j aitopints., Titiou gh. Tonnitleepors aud in eaeh PactaezUMUîS In - Ires e tiinin g chair cars from Chicao. O Subutrba-Woman iy b et rr Otce ià -otsi'at= Variablîi routes. Liborel stop overs. F or niay- b. g 134 -orei Eyee ecesuzelrsjs±. ful Inormatiounse to raies, routes andi but -sh'sgVt eitena G Nu« ýelae roUe o mmy'm O literature, write oe allon B. H. Bennett, oetig Pr gi ilot erbe i. urlam Ãealg. -. 6Yng teeTrot. ontâvay1s-WhaV'A that 1 MurneEy Reed C. Cieou Motler-"Why, Lola, ai-en't you Suburba-flave hini tighten the!' asleep yet '" Little Lolà -", Not tops on the preserve jars. The M. D.-For a tinte t would quite, mamma; but onc of my feet - be safer V edtecidmdid ~ Minards Liniment Cures Cargai ln -Cowm cew's milk. The Young Motheý- 0 But l'M quite cure, doctor, that TO CURE A COLD ý>* 01* DAY our i-mllnban doesn't keepa Md' Take LAX-A'rIVE BRLOMO Qui-ilee Tablet@. Bctweon'Seasona. fied «oW. Dugists t'efuiid moue>' if it faile te cure. " Tommy, why ,did- you Vayaw E. .GROVES eiguaturs ia ou eaoh box.fon. colyetrayV Onty one 148ROMO QUININE" That lu LAXATIVE BROMO QuJLiNIITE. anya loafer starteid eut witii " Wuz sck, u ra i - »Look fer th# signature ef E. W. GROVE Mape .ny ropct."Weer yau -ta>,Jy sink' o 'Cures a Cold lu One Day.- Cures Grip ' peddpopcs T-ceaf)e actgVn MinrdsLinmeil ure flpttheia. - ther eaBon fer stayin' -away frQm- Bliek (the wholesaler)-' 'Well,____sholhe dy. how mane otiere; did you'get yester- day 1" Oit (the salesman)-"i TradeAID Humin lair. got two orders ie oe e hp.>' Bhnki Tra'd inhuabinSabginO -"Wh" twere they 1" Gink-"Oe ut abroad, exports scînetiîncs W s a was te geV out and ttohrwsre -oh'iu a Votai of *3,0,000 ix>tc to st&y.eut." *4,000,000 a year. Italian mer- Schante- lead Li in t 4e tiède,- ambd oh- Con'sti atioù-~ - tain a' laýge. part of hi tc le aienen>'ithutii ~ j 1flýj fenitht peasanitwomen cf Laly,, ~gmt~~ndttioa Switzerland and Dalinatis. 6 eu- - asi cun ii.mon v~oou. eat H aïr- te 5 a çg.aiuu ie 14 titoc Thy m es theil n twi'Vol ereag»n Co- 105 'r'- r t f- t -~ 4' j- t- 1