Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1913, p. 1

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reliabieanI y ' foi ail, Cou The. attention c'of aurteaders is: efl. to Week. -A close " tab kopt on m il.should mean tesaving.c a. VoldsBriab itste Purcase af the' nccessary bcusehold.suples.4 25CENTS .TheO0rilha- * * * * afha_ý d, Tow Con~I -hasmade-agrani o min mnppuePtOOtowards 8'the propo;sed .monument 'to amuel We5 i~VAL~a 4e Camp and lte celebtati-on, 0f 'bis. visit ta - Gill ii 115. Te grant wil hépayable ,in tbree w umrwc arniual'nsîalments. OrilHi expecta ta e 2, Li WILLIS> 000 monument,*of the explorer. Dirusglst and OpticIan * e MEDICAL HALL Chatbam Planier:-If the bays theniselves -,nly rokt. * WhitbY.ý realized&it, they -are^ working against their own in- ____________________ rests, by leaving a farm for the bum-drum life ai *the cities. The young man who is the lucky anc t-j .Pirfegswonjijurd day is the ane whao wns a farmn, and knows baw ta - manage it in a way b et the most return from it.i * * * o JNo E. FAREWELL, K. C. On Tuesday President Taf t stepped down and outf Barrlstorg, oun.ty Crown Attorney and and.President eleet Wilson assumed office.as Presi- County Solicitor. dent cof the United Sta:tes. The new President ap- Office sttwlng Court Hiouse; Whîtby. pears; tao highly 'thaugbt of in informed circles - ~ 'in Canada, andbhis career in the White bouse willt erêsor. ~...be watched witb much interest. Office, Brock St.ý, Opp. '-Stanidard B:-ik.* * * * * Mroney:to Loan. Orillia Packet :' With apologies ta Dr. Kaiser; JAMES -RIJLEDIjE, arristerm, Etc. te Packet heartily congratulates Mr. Watson, edi-t Mose t Lanoneasy terms. toroteVidcar, on hlis appointment to, the Office" lmmediately south' Royal Hotel, posiian of- Police Magistrate of Oshawa. Fromd Wi ~On.lte bitteirness of Dr. Kaiser's apposition we are0 cm. VOIJNG SMU-I §, LLI» disposod- ta conclude th at Mr. -Watson- is -i. o,'d Barriter, Etc.* Mcneyto lên. Issues mauý for the office. of,.Mairir i censes. *t]* Offce-anih'-~ick...hityOt. Orilliawill pay its Water and Liglit Commission- t DBNTAL ers 412 for eacb of itsstreet ligbts. Midland pays tj W. DÂX, JMIII, ffi~ au$i&0;Lindsay, .fer 90 arc. -lumps pays $4,500; etreat, RsIddeaMs o. 4, the Terrée. Barrie paýs $3,500 -for itls p et lgbting. It isi D7ron t., wMtI6y.. Phone. 12&W. tlought that Oilhi's jui' il ho twice as well * lighted as any cf. t -, mentioned a1b>ve, X~JrIO3~E: a&- he total toi ut16Of:Whby-; ,~. JAS. BISHO? and L. GoDmmissiartuers ,assume that tbe cost of aU reetlampîs aout$10 er ya.ai shawa. IâcSnsd Anctioneer. Suom -stretlmpi-but$0pe1er cor te L. Fairbanks. For termes ai rdatéeapply to self or G. obb,WhlM, by. L WMé, HAW ULCE.NSEI) AUCTIONEER .AND VALUATOR. An kinds off sales promptly attended -t.. Arrangements mm b, mode for ,mdale tlia- Qatette office. ~Tenrma, Monable -Bell ondIndependeoni pnones. WIITBY, ONT. CONTRÂCTORS J. H0WELL JAMES Carpenter, uIe and Contractor. Plans drawvn and estimates furnished. -Repaire, Atrtosand Jobbing. Opposlte'Stephenson'. u9x.467 WHIITtjY Phono 9491 ~' Marriage Lia.,enses. A. H. ILLLIN- saer of DMarriagie ltenses Corner druUstore, Whitby Nio Wttuceerequlred. iSPRING TERM frmMarch 25th foliowing Easte. Y merges into our-Summer- Term in aldepartmnents of "SHAW'S SCHOOLS". Toronto-Cen tral Business College with Four -City Brandli Schools. Thel Central Telegraph and Railroad Scho6i, and Shaw's Civil Service School. Free catalogue'explains courses s nd advantages. Wc invite you to write' for it. W. H,,. Shaw, Pres-Ident, Head offices, Yonge & Gcrrarcl Sts., Toronto. 0fMO0N UMNIEN Th ofau 0099Ugnad Matorili Kpt la Stoal It wlipay youtocamuatoir wrka -aud inpeut for youruelf. - Dou't- b. misled -b)- agenta, we d ROtý 'mmploy thean, conaeÏuetly w. Om Mud-do show1 lb. aget'. o mmdusif me - by, purhaln rbon do. AÀ',Cali souï; te&. O ead Woeks Spet-tandard Bank, Whitby, Oo1. Wir~for s Houe wiring, power wiring, flstuies, snd supplies, ulso Motorsagd trnsformers Il you want us cal as at our exponie. Althougit, Witby 'is down 'and eut of thbc race for the O.H.A. silverware, the Intermediate hockey team bas donc wanderfully'veil and is dcserving of higb praise. In winning four groups. they 'became champions o&f Eestern Ontaria, w'hich is '-na small bonor. Collifhgwood bas just won two groups be- fore their victory over Wbulby, sa Ibat Whitby bas really woin more honora than the seven from bbc Gecorgian Bay tpwn. Had Wiîby boys been in trini when theyvnteCligoda different story nilght be told to-day. In any event eue can proudly s,,ay-Well done, boys 1 'Whet.ber te Uxbridge Ce. of Volunteers was -all- ed te the front in 1866, bbc time of the Fenian raid, bas of late become n question of interestinii tbe town of Uxbridge. Il is inleresîing ta record tuaLtL-be àles oz tue CIIanicie i. tLatya r ha4IJ1ve That the town should extezZd to the Provincial Iproved of service in this connection. -A perusal of Goverument in its establishinent here of the Hos- Ithe files of the- Chronicle -for the months of April pital for the insane every reasonable treatmient in and May, 1806, discover two paragraphs, the first the way of water and'light services appeals ta us of which gives an account of the summoning of thc "to be only fa4ir. Thé Governnient bas recently made - Comnpany to the front under Capt. Spears ; the sec- application for twelve streetliglits ta be, plaoed ond reports the rtr to Whitby of the Uxbridge upon Ann street, which streef leads -down Ito -'tbe- and several othei companies, and their disposai for Hospital premises. Mr. *Armstrong, the represen-w the night at botels here. These items seem to tative of the Government, made the" proposition*, prove that the company was actually at Niagara, that if the town would extend the wires alang 'Vic-* even if it. did flot- take part in the fighting. toria Street to Ann street, and would place seven o * * *lamps on Victoria street to light up, that thor- The public min.d in Britain is becoming s0 en- oughfare, the Hospital would pay $8 eacb< for '12 raged by the miscdemeanors of the suffragettes that larnps on Ann street. The Water and Light !Corn- more drastic 'punishments than have hitherto been msinr aefgrdottecs fisaln adrninstered will bc demanded. The women who the line to Ann street, and of the seven lamps, at are leading the campaign appear .ta, have altogetherr about $150. The revenue derived would be $96 per lost their reason. Confinement in a hospital for the year at the present time, with "the possibility- and insane is about a fitting penalty for the iwhole '<box as they think the probability-ihat the number of and dice" of these suffragettes. *Every day tbey are lights. required by the Hospital wîll be doubled- or *proving -that they are flot fit- to have the franchise. trebled., The Hospital is afready a good customer A woman who -will not stop at crime to obtain lier for water and bouse liglits, and will yet become a desire for a vote is not likily to' use that vote if very large customer, liglit, water and power al she had i t always for the public good. It is strange t e - upte b1heton Ee1i'hep,~n that these cttured women cannot see that they are lighting suggestion did not -showv any imméediate injuring their own cause and delaying the accomp- profit, it would, in the judgment of many, be g'ood t lishment of the purpose they-have at beart. bsnest ae otewnari dsrso h * * * *Hospital authorities.. The..Iown> bas letcnider- ablé irevenue, namely, 'the taxes of, the farm lands Oshawa and Peterboro sbouldSeh deeply ashamed apprçpriated by the* Government ;for- the, Hospità] of tbe sort of "sparts> whicb appear to fiourish in promises,. but this loss is expected- to -be more tbàn those tovins. Peterbôro's treatment of the Witby counterbalanced by the revenueý derived from ic hockey team ut Peterboro was nathing les thafi utilities -supplied, from an enhancemen t of vàlues, a shameful, and was a refiect ion upon the loyers Of of surrounding, properties, tand lrom er ection- out. sport in the entire city. The cleaner element side the Hospital grounds 'of bornes for doctors, sbould mete out tq the guilty parties the severest> guards, varetakers and other employes of thé in- punishment possible.. Oshawa vias a flagrant of- stitution. Whitby may well meet the Hospitali.4 fender last Friday:niglit ini thé game with Orillia. authorities'- haif way ini proposais lûoling ta tuie 'T The -latter 'team playrd cdean hocêkey, but the rough improvenient of condition in- theneborhod~ of element in the coninunity.brought ( disgrace up3on -the -big institution.: g fa th cl d, 1( ti Pil if cu p ai .40 watt 32 c.' p,-tui 100O *att 1I0 C.P. tui Cam youbeat it in p% lighting? Ask ne for, a fif:y new.customeri this y tfit discuspion on ý.dairy ctlWi,?tyd r interesti4g ta ma=y. John Gardhou f lI-iH I discussed, the' clss-sheep and beef caté, and Dr. Sinclair, cof,:Cannington, discussed' Iight and heav.y horses in a very clear and blemanner. The directors ô-the Farmýers' Institutù f ot li -On- taria and the District Representative at Whiîby are ta be- congratu1ated upoti thé success cf Ithe meet- ing. We" only hope that More mietings of -a sua- ilar nature will be beld tbrougbouî -this County during, tbe coming year. Wear i rceptofa very interesting, pamphlet witb tbe compliments of the Editor cf the Toronto Saturday Night, the title of which is ",Amn i.MY Brotber>s Keeper ? being a study of British Col-, unibia La4or, and Oriental Problems, by Agnes C. Laut. Tbe papers comprising the pamphlet bave appeared in Saturday Niglit. Miss Laut was com- missioned .by tbe editor of that ýpaper,,ta procee<l ýto British Columibia and make a close and firs.. hand study of the subject assigned ta ber.. This she lid, and shè tells in ber own graphic way the story- of the Oriental prableni as she faund if. To -thase wvho are interested li this question these articles ArilI-pove intensely interesting, and preserved ini tbis neatly bound form, will be -kept' ýfor future ref erence. Saturday Nigh4, i making this contribu- tiOn to the subjeci of labor and Oriental immigra- tion bas added another -and a vastly valuable item to the number of good things that journal is giving ts readers. Some, nathematician hà fs ue e-_1*t lbt h United States loses six hundred millions of -dollar innually througb the smoke nuisance. Some oni Dse figures out -a loss of bundreds -of'millions c lollars tbrougb the drink traffic, and still other, lsses of, millions froni one cause and another. Il looks as if -ncarly every individual migbt 1.b wealthy if only avoidable lasses were saved. If tc bhis alleged snving were added the revenue fron: millions of non-praducers, if put ta som.e usefu uork, who now spend their Lime and energies upor )ractically uselcas callings and vocations-the barý ýondition of the masses would be greatly alleviated, Jours of labor migbt be cut in haîf, higber wages ,ould.be pnid, and everybody bave nue "easy job.' If only- L These are Utopian ideas, but there is nuch truth in the-statement that multitudes 01 eople who might be engaged in useful occupations, which would add to the resources and wenltb of the Yorld, are now but parasites upon the warkers- re but drones in the bive. 0 s s nj ê be u aruÎd out, 1h. >OoMPaU wouM ;complete the uectloa týhràu8k tqWI4, but' woàld ýhave tolouve other section s u o p o ed, s d i WOUId b. o! no Service nutil tewhole wa ia.iuasiL TIa&eforeo, ho aoked fix te et"nsloaofUrM e liaI U t.work might 1procoed 1all':aIon-* the lino. Tii.co neuMt ôo1fCouft il was given.' Iaoidet.liy 1fr.Rotiaery referred to the bridge tlh. Compiày had -greed, t0 cwitruct on Mary Street, over MI creekai Harper. liTs,le sMds, was -a. gold, bric'k. There w'ere ol two -siak boes oun Utc eiitlr ins and this was one of them .Tireo mm, could Push a ' od dowa twenty-ii foot, which meant that the Company would have to drive diles thre - t geï a -louadation. Be would glady -give lte town $400 il it would bul4 the hbdge. Aaked Ms b when the rmai would e0 completed,1Mr.-llOthery sald ho wua Bot Inaking any predictbom'Is ow. Ho b.d ai.ready lSt severai ulÙ& lats titrougli making .bots as 10 lie date o! coMPletlou. The.work- would 'b. doue. as soonnas Possible; Tne Gem- Pany had mot many obstacles sud de. lay. They were bWding a moel, Eniter -urbau road, snd îil took i. Wo do Iis., He b4ped teroad wold le eamnploted before the close of! l year. The Company' b.d expeided .mach mony or' the lUne, and the soonter il was la operatias t.he soonr they would bein 10 earn dividends. C.P i.to change Grade A R M e O ~ t - W E ' Mir. Wrlgt, cugincr o! theo C.P.R., appeared bef ore the Town CoumqciIona Monday nlght wli a map o! lie C. P.RI. Crossing on Gardon Street. The. original plan for tlisi.C rosalug shàow- ed a raise of only cone fbot abôvo lte rond levol. Thé plan new submllled previdoil- 1er a ratis@ oo four fegt. 1fr. Wright aid lioro vas'ne hopeofe elier a bridge or a aubway',bore, sud lthe oaly thing te do wns tW endors. lthe plan The C.P.R. agreed tb mil lie approselies, maklug . lie grade co foot rase in lweuly foot, witich woulil meau an npproach e1gbly feot long on ecd aide cf lthe railway allowauce. They veulil gravel Ibis aud koep 'It iu ropair. Mr. Aunes obJected te aignlng lthe plan nlthie proppry owneru ail been comsulted. Tisheein of biteadeviaitvas raised by members,-.as te whelher it would ho continuel acrosa tho tracts 'stragial vililthe presest %valt. 1Mr. Wkiglil saiuthte roadway' acros lthe tracts was b be hwenty foot, and ho proposed te place lte sidewalc bosdd lie raadway thus maklg a siglil diveone l inte walk. Sovoral members of Couacil object- cd to thuand veulil selagreo tet the plans unlesslie aid!ewalk would be coetlaued setrags. Mr- -Wright wuas axious le havehe plians. signoil, sud askei ltaI ltte aile- walk ho dealt, vili Inter. Moveil by Mr. Batoman, seconded- hy Mr. Hallt, ltaIttis Council np- prove oetlite plans for cresaing by C. L., & W. Ry. belween lots 24 sud 25 as aubmilted by them, and lta t te Major sud Clerk do aigu th. ame, and liat Uap side*nlk lbo sot llverted except wilthlthe consent oethe ÇPans- This waa agreouble le Mr. Wright, and was carrbed, lthe Mayor sud al.rk forthwitit aigniug lthe plans. MISS POWELL HOME. Miss M.* V. Powell bas relurnel Irmm Newbrunswicr, viere ah. vas allending lte Womonls Instituto Con. venlion. Mils Powell addrese a 1 session off convention wiicitas aV. 1 tenled by Premier Eltming and-,_Sal nuniber of honorable members of lthe Legisiaturo, ndl afervwards 1b.d 'the ploastire of meetingLte Premier 4and his co-workera.> luIn aprivat. inter vfew with te Honorable Commis- slouer cf Agriculture, Misa Powll vas offéed a permanentpOsition vfth the Dept. of Agriculture of!N.B. as Supervisor of lthe Woma's vork 0of lie Province, LEOTUREp ON JAMAICA. Ii. rogular Imeeting of. the.- A.Y.P. 1 Vas, beld on Monday, eveoüln lut 'bOa. Wito -vre net t- tare misia > breal, as:lte lecture On Janialex, even by: Rev. *- f*h4diof Pol$ PMJ0à~forlv nof'.Tarn.ica mg . e Now Lit the b-olidalyseason has passedi and we have consumed al thr'..js gee, eook for ward. bopefuilyloir n pleasant and pro-speoous Xcw'VébuLi. That mien and womenmay--be prepared to perform the. duties and.tasho tuaïi < ill to-thie lot of ail, 'tliscy-require iteaitbful, apppet«izlng, stimulatingfod .us variety. ,Wben tho digestion 15 perfect there Ls a cheeflase, ad bouyaaoy cd spirit that lightens labor and makes for good codhradeship.- là fresii monate w-bave sirlion steak for breakfast; choioe-roast o! -biedf«fi ldhner sud legant sausage rls for supper.ý Next day we serve chois. yaSg roast pont., titen veal, lnmb, spare rib,, tenderloin, etc.j t, as te. may dictais. In cerealà we have the finest. cf fres goods at ciosepricosandin _siuosdgnt vanietylte meet tte w-ants of al. Te enabie us te suply our custorpers with fleur sud-féeo'd ut loWý"prieu. O have-bought by the car load. Farmere can'get bran sud sShorts by* th&e ton ai greatiy reduced pnices. We arc selling a higit . grade patnt pitre Mahaba Wu Bu PRINGLE & cO. WHITBY OTRO The STAN--DAR DBANKof CÀAA S TA TEMENT CONfDXNISED Froua Roporg goDomiâioiq Go umn, 3lst Jan., 1913 E3O RCES Cuisem bud md Notes ud- asqaraoff choe Bub. ' Goyemnt epom semmr Dmeby Bais. . m m owBomd, ea... snm d ranches . . Bu hmoet.* s'11.234.487.92 $41.234.487.92 EASY 362,213.9 Z,501.087.30 99&,029.01 5&645.22 LLABnJiES ReeeFun&. Surplis profits snd Rcaeved for laeât 3M10.91.7 Dividmiad.........775975 Circulafion..........339643.00 ~POSi8....301715301 -Bsaas .- '4 $41,.23447.9 EASY EASY It is easy to make Marmalade when you buy your bitter oranges at Lawlers'.- WE LOAN A SLIeER with each purchase and -marmalade making becom« a pleasant -and profitable pastime. Sevilie Oranges Grape Fruit Granulated Sugar - 25c per doz. $'. s 1 - ilbs. $1o0 WHITBY, .ONT- Phone 47. Prompt ~ livery I ~utPrices Seasonable.- Har in. SItigh gelis, body slïrap, reguiar $2.85 for $2.00O *SlIeigzh Bells, body strap, regular 2.310; for - 175 SJeigh.Beils, body stirap, regular 1.90 for 1.19-- Sieigh Beils, body strap, regular 1.75 for 1,05 Sweedish Belis, brass, regular 1 50 for-1.00- SWeedlsh Beils,. brass, regular. 1.75fr 1.15 LEAIIE MITSAND GAUXTLITS 12 dot, Leather 'AUts -and Gauntlets, assorted kinds, - ~ o-1e cieared out at-cost price. -, CORNER HA1R LI r pliars iù ýlhëj lai 1 Phone 47. f ,va re EASY- Au T. LAVVLER

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