Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1913, p. 2

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"c!o thré,D-6-.- -TJIRtEE ENGLISU GIRLS. r4'ioéd Yuu xiin te Corne Qn, onday 'hree forzùer- London tinnde, anti who for thê.ptet elgit teen months have beei rebrdènWsofý * Toronto, were marriedýIbt 204 - Ha> - * qe;Avenîue tu V - o mn, xW.ith .wiiom they kept oôMPaýIhy In ie.'0Ol Country prier to ooming Vo Mo~rnto an u d ý Were, induce to e oçme Vo Caneid& b"yt,jh, y9ung.; -, ~ o J ýii. Tii. trile- wedding servoti asi 'an. illustration o! 'temannçr lu ýWhih ite populatIon ô! -tis coun- try le beiuig aug ient.e4,. lover. fol- lewiug their «wehearta sund wives their'huaba-uds, Èxîem ite crowted centres o01te 014- Worid. CIARGEU WITI[ TREFT.. Clerk 0f 'the Bai* of Toronto la Mlontteeal7Àrrested. A detpateli f roip Montreal sysi: --- B. ýJ. Browv,, ormerly aessisant a- -ocuntarit in te -Board cf Trade brandi of . e BIauk cf Toronto, wa-a arresteti haro on Weduesday, - - ciarkgediviit te te! t-o!f83,000. Rfe wivas boughit before Judge LacS, p lëaded, net guilty, sud' vas ra- mibded-for triai. Brownu, who le - quit. a- ýoung man, blames betting "92.racesas the caueo! bis doivu- iL He came le.a, short time ago trom Toronto. - MIEN TREY OHOME. - »iikosund Duehees of Connaught WIlStay at (Clarence Ieuse. A. ,,despateli from London -says: ,, eYue of Connauglit ivilI stay at- a -Caen House,'which for longhas --beeniiis I4ondon residence, whien h. arrives directly alter Ensterr When - -'.returr& Vot Canada a few weeks; laVer Ihe Duches3s will probably go te Germauy and Siveden for a few TO SIVE CRY$T.IL PALACE. Stratiteoija Iili Provide Tast Fifty ¶ilousand ,Dollars. - A despatcii from London, Eng- landi, says: The Lord Mayor lias announc-d, in connection with the special efforts now being madtie save the Cryetal Palaoa andi groundis for te nation, tiiat Lord Stratheona has undertaken te pro- -vide. tli. iast fifty thousanti dollars of the surat noeded (ever a million dollars), net haif cf whlch la yet fo-rtiie-psing.S ROYAL WEDDI.NG-. Prineess Vittoria Louise sud Prine - Ernst August. A despatei fi-cm Beilin says: Il ise-axnouiceti uncfficially bliat. te mnarriage cf Prince-ss Victoria- Louise, dadugiter -of te-German Bmpeler, te Prince Erneét August, - ou o! the, Duke o! Combex-lantir- iilta-k. place en May 24, the saue <oy -on wich te court iili cele- b rate te smurer a-niveraary of te -wddkw -o! -,Prince Henry of Prus- IEXPEDITION TO TE4ARCIO Wul J C~ilan- Flag In the -A despa.tch fro-rn New York sayu,: Viluiàlamur Stèefanson' discovemer ofht& blonds .Eokirnormade publié .nWednesdzy -hie plans ber te four-year, expedition -which h. plans to e iad i t Vhe -Arotic next ,M!ay. Durirlg titis time h. hopes te ivipeo:ff thoa-mzap muci: te itwhiite spa.. indjcahing tetunexplorati ragions cf,-te Farl(ortii.- Stefans- son anti hbis oompaniens-'-eigiit or ten pioket men cf fscience-will sali out ci Esquimauity B. C., th«ê l.t. er part -o! Ma-y or early lu Juue on the. 147-ton iviaier Karluck, bar: kenhine rigget, purchaseti fer the expedition by te. Oaadian Gev- ermient. Tii. Karluck uow les lu Sau Francisco hatbor.. During the. noxt Van days &ho. wlll bho over- ia.uled simd *ènt :t. ,Esquilnauit, whiere site iili be ftted u'p as a Goverument vassl. Site willft yV the. Cana-dia-n flag, as the entire- oot cf i t e iýî.kiit;te o- b.borne by te Canadian Goverumeut, anti', iili carry n crew o! fourteen. ""I MUST BE 'BRAVE." The, Etplocer's Wifo Tb Bearing Up -A dezpatoit f raiWeffiugtou, New. Zeal-ant, ay,%: Lady, Robert F. Soott-, wltxwof-the-Autarctic ex- plorer, arrived ber. e-n Thuredy- on baard the. Aorangi, on wiilesie- embazket for tiie purposo o! e6om- ing, ta Ne-w Zed.Jand tao meet - lier hushbazt ou his returu from Vthe Southt Pole. Lady Scott heard cf tiie terrible fate ho hati suffeoreti .wbula ,&ie ias lunili-ocean off Fiji. As soon as eh. hati reecovered f rom te first-siioek site aiti: "I must ba brave, a-s my liusba-uti ivultihava iibeti me te b.." Hem brother,- Lieut. Bruce, anti Comnmantier Et- wsrt Evans, cf te British Navy,' who,- jrought baiak tii. ead neive f rom tiie Antaî'ctic, met Lady Scot on the pier. Sm'- appears Vo be iiea-rirg up bravely x4nder the aw-- fui blow. QUA.RANT1NED TUE PLAGLTE. Consul at Teneriffe INOUilces Cuba-n G ovemnme-nt. A taspatit f rom - Fvanasys: Cuba ha-s eetabiishe4 - a quarantine qgainst the Cannry Islands as a mc- suit cf a repoft receivee. f reinte Cçnsul at Tencriffo nctifying thie Goverumont Vint five ticaths f rom bub-onice pla-gue have ô-ceurret I sramngahp te ap??-êntres;: 1 Appoint& -acoxmmion .tnMviak- 't'hé. cause. of!1ti.heIigh- ocet !-iig City;'Efgineýi A. ýOý, 1Giaydno! c oUndoù diéd- ýuuexpIcrl-bngý thougtt -.rèevriug, frorma !-ew ov'rèa- otxoswill- npet the Canadian .milîiaistitis-sumuser. Lbrd :Dundonald-,wil'- be - another The -President of!-the.- Quebec Dairy-nen's -Asesociàtion a-t- Ccwa*B- yille- reonnended - agriculx-arài. thte 'Gospel.- Mfter h-tringlain-in a celi-ýfes- four tisys without a.ny medical - asuxW tance, euspected cof inesnity but muffering f rom typheli féver, Aekil' Mi&rchtriurn died-iin-Montre&al jail. Sylvia Pankhurst -le aeriously Il! in Holleéway Jailias the remilt cf s h'uniçer strike. -1 The Britisi note, ho t-he United States Governmeut aska for arbi- tration on Vthe Panama toila dià- put.. AMale S'uflrragist, sud Vie o ren were -deteéted Vrying t-o, urn the, ICroquet Club hou.. at Roehamp- ton. Mobii-sttack-ed suffragette me et- iuge lu Britain. The militante ma-de a raid on the. telephone sand telegrap-wires. Tiie Associated Boards'- f Trade ah London adopted resoluticus urg- iug à. uniferin Dominion inaolveucy iaw, parcel post, extensiïon cf G-ev- erninent raiiways, anti severai other- Unlted States.- Paper milIe- lun.Wa&bingtonauid1 Caliernia, have appeaied to tii.- Treasury Depaxruent Vao res-cizid -its order, of somne, time ago atimittlug paper Xrom British Co>Iumbia fmee of duty. There ivas, desperate fighting in Vhe Stat o cCa.buila, Mexico. Turkey reneivet its offer to cedej -Adrianople andti taconclude Peace. F Ex-President Diaz congratulated Huerta and expressed a hope for peul-ce in Mexico. The French cabinet wi11 consider extenoëing-the active service e! sol- tiers of ail arum from tio tVo t-re years. Rouman{lahas accepted thei' offer o! mediation made by tii. poivrs in the b-.undary dispute with Bui- garia. THE' FRUIT INDUSTRY. Shilpmenîts Inereaed 500 IPer Cent. lu- Ten Vears. there. Cuban sanitary officiais be- A despatch f rom Stb.Cathxarines Lieve that Cuba a.nd Porto R'co00s:s The convention of Nia.ga were infected la.st auminer through. district fruit-growers clesed there en vessels f rom the Canaries.. Frida.y aftcrncon. The extent of -the indu&;trýy i6 eshown when 1V, was WARRIORS.ARE RESTING. 'st4ted th#~ the shipments of fruit f rom St. Catharines had increaced Bad-IRoads and MWintry Weatker 500 par cent. in ten years. Whore Stops Fpightiftg. ten yeaxè ago the Grand Trunk carried only ten car3 -of fruit, la&t A ddspateh from London says: yea.r they ca.rried over 500 cars. The operations of the five arufles Tqý <eq TIot includýe ghipments by engaged in -the B3alkan War have exprese and other railwayhUes heen broughti prac tically te a eand.&;teamers, W. H. Butitingad- standstili by the wintry weather, vised the growers Vo go more inteo which ia accompanied by frequent a.pple-growing, andi said the gro&w-, snowstorms aud by the de'porable -ers iseemed to have gone 'peach. state of the roade. cr - NEW CURE FOR CONSUMPIION Premier Borden Says eovernmeîit Would Be Dere. l ict ini Duty If It Did Not Enquire Into It T A despa-It f rom- Ottawa says -Th-e Goverumeut ha-s un-de r conisiti- -eratien te aeeding cf a represen- t&tive t4New York to itaýe-Ttigate -Dr., Friedmiani's cure for Vuberca- -- -loas, ant i Vis poessubie tua-k- t Vey -ma-y»-invite- hlm Vo viit Canada. itî-istzst-effent was nmadle byte 'reaiierin reply to, Mr. A. K. Mac- Lean*, whex movel the adjçurnment, of -,ie siVtirgon Tiiursd.sy for hs1 eurposa cf diseu&slig te sîbject. --Mr. Maclean -saï d iat e-ven- if only pàrtially çffctive Dr. Fradmrînu',s cure W? 1t b.- a great blessing- Vo te human race. Tiie Unitedi States Gôvamruisent, huit eent. asuerrgeon of 2V8 a>ernment>serv-e tov elcome -the~ German.-phtyeiean on hi-e ar- -rivaI.r. Mr.,MacLeàn suggestedt Viat Canada- ahoulti sentia qualiflet phyhician to confer wît h Friedmnann anti- POSSibiy invite -uni Vt u ls Canada to give dnîonstrations at a central point. 1 Mr. Bei-don anéweretaV tha h Eiubjecî lied already , biR>uiunder co-nideration. H.eiveulti imagine.- that t4~ effeetivenes cf lDr. Filed- mann'e re mety--wvonld requime a gond deal cf Vine Vo deniontrate it, anti a vieil Vto New York miglit noV have very prati-cel resahes. He ditd noV tuow wh-htir Dr. Friedmnanri -wouid lare tirne te isit Canada.' In ariy case thie Governinent would give te suggestion its hast -een- rideraton. Thera vas no.tifferouce of opiniori as Vo tho,.desirabhility a! a ful test cf the nemedy; anti a-n Goverumout wilh dit -ne-t --tare_ cvemy re.asua-bl. atep te iiveati- gaVewould t sdeeli6t lu itý.dàt MONTREAL CUSTOMS. Inerease Over Febrnary of La8t Ypair $2U,445.60. A despatei f rom Montrenisyé: Tic returris of te.Montre-aiCas, toms Hous. for Febrary, 1913, show an lue-rea-se ove-r te orres-- pounding period of JaRt year o! $234,- 445.60. The. tatailet figure. are-: $2,036,468 for Februsry, 1913, anti-, $1,802,022.40 for Feliruary, 1912. Tii. retums o!fte Moutreal braucit o! te Irla-ui Revenue B ep*.rtmnrt for the pa-et muntlit how '-anlii- ci-ease. cf $6217ÃŽ6.57 over te cor- re.sp6ndiug p--ct last ycar, te figures being $857,06?.6.* for Febru-. ai-y, .1913, a-e compared ivitit $794,- 891.05 for Februar-y, 1912. - NOTED MAN GOý,NE. Sir Wrn White, NàalCostu' toe Ras Passad Âiço, -A de&p&-tch from Lýondon-,,e&yi:. Sir William, R. îWhite, fermenly chie! couitruçtoro!- 4f ' B i Na-vy, -dieti ou- Thurida->aft-rno6 iia-lietel here.a& ie GSJV~!a D*3entn ~our~ 4--to -cbp Hou ue1i6ad Mpu 44 Inleiiu, u t,8.0pr doÃŽex. extra. $8. per dosen; No. P-d'Utryl-mLve .:cË1ckezis. wboleeale, 12 te -18. perp<îutt owi, 10o, ho -lie It, duokai- 13e toe 14e; ilve tkoys, 15e ho 17e; goeso. 9o tà4F. 10.--imee- outy,9 ho- Se.-- bev*- livo cpýtationn"xeplgdrse&tmte0 &t-D-to-tic. BeanePrims,'*2.50 sud $2.60 for baud- Pctatoeu-Outamlo polatoou, 80a per ha; car lots. 70c; New*BmuhjwIiki. 90o ho 95 per ba; eout ef utove r 80e lu -car lots. Laryd--Pubu, 14 1-4o - and palle 14 1-2o. --Sitekd - sud'Dry SaEltid' Meàae - Roi.- Snhýood#14&34e o 15e; %haine, m.dlnm. 17e- ta Il 1.'W; hea'ty, *laI-2ate h-16e breakfaset; ba.ou, - î81-0E- té,.19o-»;loto;. clear - bs.eeu, loue sud caes. 141-2àtota143-4à; backsu (P1gin>, Uk-5c; bssitsr ý(psi4eai), tC. Grmeen Mt-Out cf plaide, le les han Permt-Short eut, 826 ho 828 per barrel; meus - pOrkl 8150,-te 822O.00 ,Lard-Tierces, 134-4c; tubs, 141-4c; pain, 14 1-20 -. B alod Hay and. Straw. ]Bsied Ha -N. 1. $19 ho 812.50; Ne. t. te $10; Po. à; 08 to 89. Balek e trsw, -Menti-niMar-kets. Ken-Ireai, llarch 4.--Cora-Amwmiean No. t yiow 61 1-to .asu-O-anadian western, No. 2, 411ep-ho , &,, N- 3, 40 1-hot 41c; extra No. 1 feed. 41. to, 41 13c.,Ne. 2 local white 38-_ No. 2 local, wbite; 37e r No. 4 local whlte,-Mo.-. Baley-Manmitoba. foed, 52o hoM5e; malîlu;, 73à ho 76o. Buckwhcsî- -No. t. 55a - te 57c. Fleur-Mauttoba -epria; wheat patents. firets.- 85-40; oecoads, $490; s2ong bakeme', :84.»,0;- wiuter patente, cholco. 85.26. etralgbt relera. 84M85 $4.- 90; utmaigbt rforbagi, 82.25 - 1 82.30. Eled oh-sml, 84.35; bago, 90 lbs., 2.06. Brair-$20 - horts, $22t middlluge. 25. mouille, 83»,te $35. Hs,-No. 2, Der ton. ,car -lots, 8Pi-t 83 Je.a-'net western., 18.; uffea steru,, 1.2 14t-to 12-4e.Battar-Choipeàt cremery, 28 1-2e te 29e; seecuds. 24e ho 26à. E eFreoh, M8 te ý3Gc, seisct.od.-»23o ta25c; o§IEtocit, 18e ho 20e; Nb*. 2t stck. 15e ho 16a. PoIs- toee-'-Per bag.- - cr -lots,, 60o te 75a, United- Statu, Mar-kets, Minneapolis. March 4.-Wheat, May, 9883-8e; Jury. 901-4e te 903-8c; September, 90e -hto 90 3-8e; No. 1 bard. 88 7-8e; Nd -î1 northern, 873-Se to #838c; No. t northemu. ff3-Se ho. 86 3-Se. Cern-No. 3 yellcw. 44 1-4o Ita 44 1-2c. Oste--I,. 3 white, 301-2o ho W0 . Rye'-No. 2, Me te -66 1-2e Bran, 817.60 ta 818.00. Fleur unchanired. Duluth, Marcb 4.-Whchî No. 1 bard. 88c ho 8831-2e; No. 1 norîberu. 87o to 87 1-2e;, No. 2 nortbemn, &3e te 83 itc; lMsy, M ete 891-k asked; July, 903-3ebld; September. 90 3-8e bld. Livo Stock Mar-kols. Montreal. March 4.-A few choie. steers s"Id aI 86. but the bulit cf the trading wùs don. in cattle -raugin; frein $6 te $6.50, wbile lb. iower grades mcved slow- If- from thaI -dcwn Vo 84.60 per 100 lbo. Beet cows, 85.75, sud the poorer'ones $3.- 25 te *5.60, wbile bulle soid frem 83.25 te 15.25. Bheep scld at from $4.&0 ta $5.25 sud Iambe at f rom 8$7.50 te $7.75 per 100 Ibe., while- calves brought firm $3 te $12 ecdi as ho mdz. sud qulity. Select.d lots cf hegu. *9.a0 ho 810 Der 100 ibm.. weighed off cars. Toronto, Marcb 4--Choice, butcher. brought f rom $6160 tn $6.75; mnediunm butch- ers, $.25 te 85.60. and common, $4 te 85. Butchem bul from $3 to $5.Z5. and butchier cows, $4.75 ta $5.50 for -the beet. sud dowm te $3 for inferior stockt. Cannera, $2 ta $2.60, snd cntIers $2.50 la *3.50. Feed- ers from *5.25 ho *560, snd feedlng bull. $2.75 te $45.26.Stocktera, $4 te *55., sud yearlings 83 Vo 83&50. Militransd spring- ers, $40 te 875, ncording 1.5 qunlity. Calves, choice.veal. $8.60 te $9.26. sud down te $3.50 for cmninn rougli stock. Liglit ewes. 86 la $7, sud hesvy ewes- $5 te *6. Laruls 88.60 ho $9.50. Fed sud watered hoga w-ont aI $9.50, sud lioge f.o.b. aI $9.15. NO- MOlVE BEER AT CAMP. millister of Militia lIalreff-Emphatic Staternent. A tiespatel f rom Ottawva says: "Se long- m I am,' Min-laVer cf Miii- tia," 'said Col. sHrîf. 'Somu Hughes3 at temiliVp.my conferene. on Fni- day a.fternox, "there ivili neyer b. allowed in-tha mlitia camp& any îvet-mié%esa, ilti or ligit beer eau- temt, - You -wili--kindly-.uoV .wase-V any time.tiiseusmýng, titis à quStion- furtiter. Ti* le ettieti CRES CE:x o. Fint Dcto-"Wlliviat has -aonation.,or-q iV la beauti- citas, nephr"itiai laryngitiit, sud -o. o'rà. idnocondemn -ho eintliï-e - ea--iWhiiWý'isuudk tood -to Oettïd to- ocma ,.20,000.000 1 Cree nd Mn who~bifghtr ho4peà ,foi lte future cf KortieraOntarlohïv, beau baedý..but 4o 'thà5àe',,wl4, beird "hlmb wa otlce t» st 1k oÃ"nt -,tbat considerable .ectioue cft t wore unflf,' for settlement 'and 1115 Ther; re, inc stkgu<u~thst.h nGW Minuster of Lands -and aines ije eome* what more lntereuted iluthb- western .p#rt etf Northern Ontario tha.u . e iluIn1he diçttt long ;1 h. Temiekaming -sud Northérn ,OnlaÏio' -Eaîlwiy. -which han Conte, W b. aeoclated, in the minds cf lb.ý publlc -ýwlb lb. nazne oX New On- tsario. Mr.- Hearst, cornes îroxp Banit Ste. Maie büzseltý, sud may be pardoned for pe$iaebavig a itt1e jealcusy cf the iorth Bay toOcbreane-ares on bis own account Ha-han .apparently alec beea-tm- presed wlth'tb. protesta of 1h. veldeuts cf- PclvÂrthur,.port William aud 1he sur- rounding territory aglist nc much pub- llcity-beiug-zgironi Temskalug unie@. they alec, are iucluded. , .11- DIrafitt ua Lots Monêy, Tor'onto, has beenenjoyixlg lbree weeks of grand opera by tlb. anadlsn-oriraniza- tion knowa, au te, Montreal Opera Co. It le upderstood that efincially theovIeItcf th1e oompany ha. net been as succesful as It lilgt have been At uearly every Permorme-ce -there were a lar ge number cf vacant 'eee, aud It tlesalad onuou evenlng alpne -a lois -of $1,000 -was coca. ulon"d. QueerPianation cft1th. falnreof the. Company b* pack tbe boune at every performance Mle:ead to be lte scale cf pr1C., thaî prevail. Orchestre, chairs were placed on sale at $3.00 esch, runng down t $1.80 fore. few rowe aI' the very baekcf thehboage, -Box .ata-were;chsrged for aIt the val. cf $5.00 a chair. Il was- fttuvad that lu tii. Lenten seasou soclety would turn out lu fuIl force aud 011 up. the *3.00 sud $5.011 eats. But occiety dli ualt respoud sexpected.- It wasveo- nlzed that miny rosi manse lovers oould- not as a ruie afford le psY this priée, but, IL wa iured Iliat ther wculd be cou. lent wlth wallerr lsts. Whe±ber, this -rear'. ex--. iment will ve- suit li s achange cfrplily lu the Injure- or whether tbe pera organisation will continuè neas permanent, canadian iInsti- tution ta hfl o seeu. Do# t Liko Looklng& Foollah. Aes amalter cf tact, the opers-lov!ug public. lu Torouto le.Dot large yet. Pro- blibly*'on. cf the chiot reaeone lu that thelw, insavery -amali' populatIon Which underslandesus'lblung b ut th.eSnglieh Isugage. sud asein lbe gocd productions FBng ieb isnover used. muent people are lu. elined - te féal foheh* lu lîstening to heurs cf entertainment. 1the word. cf which they do flot underataud. Besidlees,111r. may b. test a littie, If net, Jealousy,. atIclast, of apatby, because cf thei fect Ihat 1he opoera CcMDany hales from Montraal. *hers it lias he support- cf Col. Meighien sud other miUlienaires. Ocfar t'ey have had ouly fat delicils to laitecare cf, sud il rnayLb. thoy willl tire cf the lasit.* However, they have th a. t lefaetlon cf kucwing liaI they bave etaged lie greateat .opernas lu the world ou a truly magnificeut 'Sale. The tag. Ing. orchestration sud cheruses oou]d hardir b. improved upon. and the. artigts are frcm sinon; the best Vo be had lu lhe world, wlth the. poss4ble exceptien cf three or four. such as Caruso and Tettrazinuf. There 18 ne deubt -that the. organization cf the conip any lias appealed te tho Ca- nadlan national spirit, snd It le te lbe heped that some e cane ufil bc found cf nlaking permanent the organization on a pureiy (Janadiian basîs. particularly if il resulte ln epecial attention being paid to the develepinent cf Canadian artiste. A GREAT TUNNEL. Canadian Paci fie Railroad Ases for Tenders. A despatch f rom Vancouver eays: J. G. Sullivan, chie! engineer -of western liues of the Canadian Pa- cific Railroad,'anncouuced on'Thurs- day that tenders were being called, to, close April 15, ýfor a. great tun- nel 28,00 feet long te eut through the Rtoger's Pass 111l.1 A hundred million dollars is the amount the niinist-er o! finance wiil probably ask cougresa't-o iauthorize te goverument te secure by means of bonds for the pacification andi the rehabilitation cf Mexico. Two chldren of Dauiel, Farlar- dean were burued i Vo deatit at Ri- vi&re a.u Pin volcau4tier, Quebec: Neiglibors reseued a baby.ý I wi Hl y Itkee>psycur 'WhteClolbs' locklug il doos not Spot or Streak the clothes ilànde, ?H~¶ Id*' uStse.. il- isanted hto gve Perfeât Sts 'f1actiôn or monèy ChoorIlly Reflnded. ~'f1hIe1siùqli et or or Veumoif. 1ThomsM#, Belbbolt, Mi. ago lasîs about ",j-R RluiasuBE=elisle-,6 months, as it Bie, Superlor -t*, otier bines uS Gcod, Blueu'. M n , r. FraàkJI. S asl Moore, Coan, Ont bienufgetured by ",J-R Smo s'lhe -hast Ta.hea.....n 13iue Ieveï used." Mis, W. "ltlcdokC. WHÂT A; BRITISU 1IIEIIIBE B-0O Soanes Whlah H% Witnessede Borne of the Battlields of the Balksan War. sa -e !sitate V o staVe ruly ,wiiat I s' "tii. wvunded in tVie Bs.lkan >Wam, '" writeâ Mr Noal Buxta, M.P., l inteCeutempomamy;nRéview. "We dialike horrors, anid ve tielike te people wvho have tl aste 'for Vhem. The'- ugl3' £acts lunnormal l!, ive agree net tVo speat o!." But -taMr. Buxton te iinehaa cme Vo eil juet iviat war- mens to,:t-huma-n heinga whern. ivedis- guise and forget under te naine o! CCW.edier"p or. "a-ny" With. hie o'wn eyes Mm. Eux-ton ha-s seen te iarrers e!fte Balkan -War, anti tese are soma- cof te tinge h. Ma-ny etho feu ivitere teTurks abterivards a-tva-ncet w-ieemuti- lated, almneet aiways, happily, lu sucit, -away tat 1.1!. coult ouly la-stý two or titréeheure, saya Mr. Bux- ton. Often t-h. eyea ivore gougeti- e ut. In etiter caseo-mepm ivere blind- > et by sheil explosions. Blintinese ceemedti o stupefy tV in.- :A ma-n se injuret- sait tti.tetooýrt'fThe; fleur hue geVt n-yeyes,aniVt mice a-me eatiug it." The majoitv of infauýtrymen iere. lit inViie left a-m cm- hant;, as it ivas lif!ted fer flring. Shrapnel Balla (coming f rom aboya the treops as they lay) &trucke i.sitotlderns, ha-oi anti legs. W. sa-w ma-ny meni piercedti iroug thtie lan-ge. An offi- car rode six miles sitot just- below thie heaàe. They 'a-me tei-rifieti cf - lesing a 11mb. I hearti eue mari say Vo the tietor who ivas preparing te taka off his gang-r-noue3 arm, "P-les-se kilI mue ratier than Vake off niy arm. If I ca't wo rk cr imy .£ai=,-ýI ieuit matiter b.teati." Foreign military attaches pictet î p Turkish- dam-d-umam unitien, anti notiiing cl-se ivoaltihave cx- panteti li, ef t fleeli wR-it te radz- ful resultets VaVcame in a few, casez te our eurgery. One, for.itance, hiat, in traverîig te upper arnr4 epread se asV-o mate - te exit woand quite fit-a luches long. An- cther entering te muer aide.cf thte thigit haci causet on Vhe cuter site s itole quite fau-r-teen incites iu lengti, te flash pretruding la sapa-- raVe oblong tnasse-s,.-mangled toge- Viier,- the -atm a-pparcnVly al ca-r- iet a-wa-y. The more ruthleassly anti quictl y ive worket, te arge>r eenied t4te crowt stili neetîn-g our sevices. The air grew feuler, te -ieat more intoiemabie, -the cruel ni-treaannoy- - lng, te emell cf gangrenoas anrit expose-t flesh more ti-sgustiang,. fa- igue matie eue eve-r more ca-lIeus; but, neyer coiuit we; geV Virougli tiiat entiless queue a- t he tisr. "Ma-de lin the bage oet- OeI" Hero ivere hurnan beinga e!fs. -fineý type, o! pure bloodt,- iu the primie-o! lifé, rema-rkabiy f ree f romÏimoral- diseafie, cf a courage anti encli- ance that mates tiiem renoeit--a-s figliters titroagitout Europe, with a quabitý cf mind a-ut bcy -unique amoug Vte--p eaa-uts fe! Vi.iveît. IAs one worked ou, te mind mecol- leCteti. witii- impartial coiduiesa,te immens-,e va-lut of each o! thes. crea- tures, belongs t-a> wieni te expres- sion 'matie in the image cf Goti,' I lU 1 Savi ng s e' 'opn A~'~u ~ tS frern -date rc- Iuterest, I. creullted- - J>.NUARY. APRIL. JULY and!OCTOBER et the rat.eof Accounts nssay be opened b>y aùil and arc subject te "choque -wilrswl.One Dollar ôpens an, liýThe TU ion JrUst-I CompnyLlmited Cor,:Iysdliicu t. o-ne Pm e. P c teî'1A4 tAN 0 R8ISRVB WIrftè fer Bookiet' ýmght quit. pileophic-ally b., ap- plied. And-,here, a.t cloeestqna.rters,' by the insistent impae-of !. ight and, emeil and hearing -and toýuch, we, realizedt tiis imagne smnasied-; its capaeity for work, thought;-,fa-Visr- hocd,,happiness, desthroyed lýy re- suiVtant ileitit; not eue a-lue,- 6u4ch âz wouid,,iun peso. time, lu -s. case 'o! misfortune, moe.& ivitle nation ta syànpa-ly,- but -by ,scores sud hundreds -and tenê'of thou- THE SPR1NG CLIPPIN Ck - 0F HORES. Tiie modèrn practice among the- best posted aud- moat -pÏogressiyo hersa owners anti fariner8-t ZO clip alhorsesl inte-spriu-g.: Itýisdon.) -ou the theory thatinm"titeir nattiral state herss ere net ebliged o work, so coulti shed Vtewlfter.eoat i oomfort O e' asperlotifo. ,everal weeks. Since *e oblige thain Vo do hà-rd work ou.,- -w arm spring tisys, te -witer coat eheulti be remeveti for the sanie reason--titat we la-Y Off [e-u.- heýavy iv inter garmentea. Olipped ,itories,.drY Off- rapidly hence tiey'dt- o et take colti a-se='i uer are they a-s proune Vo' be-aff ected,- ivitit ether, ailivmenu, asunclippeti animaleis -tro§e longer iar holds thé pýerap!ràîtio-nfer-heurs; Becausea c . ipped herses dry off 1rapidly theY rost botter, geV more goifo their food sud coma -ýeut ii the nibrneiug .refresheti And fit Ior ivorit. . -- -Snc. the ativeut of VIe bail bear-'~ ing encloseti gear clippiùg mt-] chine, te wôrk o! takiug off-Vte. wiuter coat 'is easy. WiVh te ma-. chine a herse eau .elpet al o-ver lu n fau anhour, wherîeas -ilf the eld twe-haud dlipper it reqluireti several heurs te -do it. Dairym=en aise no-w-,clip Vthe caiv ail ever two or three turnes a year. The flanks auid utiders- are 1 lippeti a-very -three or four iveelsse 80itlu ea.y Vo cean.te'parts- before milking. Titis means les ppoytu- uity for tirt sud . other impurities l'to get inta the mlk. MlEAT GOES UP EN GERX.AY2Y. Means It Will Be Searcity oipables o! Poorer Classes. Ment prices, ivitit the exception o!-f bec!f, have a-dvancedishampiy-sàgaiu, after having i-emaineti uearly sta- tionary since October. October pricesýware riuelh hgiter tVlan te-see o! 0-etilber e! 1911, anti any ativa'ce , over Vhem mca-rs that a eoneider- a-hie portion of te poorer- cla-seesl ivili -esît .eaqs meat sud eaat 1V les b!tenr. -- -Tii. number.cf animais avallaible - for -sinugitter in Germauy is. to-day riurh- lower titan. it wa-s a- ye.ar a-go, anti leier aile than iV ias in - 1907. Theme are reductions in hoga anti- neat cattie campame tVo a rear a-go -ranging frotu 5 Vo 15 per, cýent:., a-- cortidiet e loea-iy, anut in "Scm places ,the-reduceien-usinu the nuin- beri,.of siiee-p amount Voý 35-per cent. ,Buyers paiti -ite fnimers .&bout 14 cents a peirnd b-or liv-e, hogs li Jan-_ uary, 1911. - Titis rnonýh - Vhey are a..ying a-6out -15% centî, Ãœ ANNOT TERMINATE LEISIe. Empareor Williaim o! Germauy- Lest - a Law Suit. A tiespat&-it from Elbing,, Ger- niany, aayik: Eniperor William en ntday 1lest a law au-it,« . -brought against hlm hy a fenalit'fariner na-met Seitat, ivionihe boasteti tdur- -iga recenit speech befere te Gar- muan.Agricultural C-ou-ncil that he lad "Tie-mn- eut because fie was ne gond" f rom a plot o! lanti he reutet f'rm the Imperial estate at JCadinenxi Tii. District Court de- citet that thle Emper<i-fwns net7cr-- it-led te Veumnate itle eof hus .tenant, wiiieli ri-s urîtil 191&. TURIKS-HfAVE 1IÂD EO Tlie Balkan War Is 'Nearly _ut dfl A despateh front . Loun says'!-v Thcèlý- D!iy Te-rapii claiîns stv-a information regardsng them Tarb-ca Balkan situationinl whîich il est lta-t peace Ih-pearer 'thlî a aanY tùi sUWC Vte,,begluning -of t. û,imlatiee on Deeemiier 3., TurkeY ,3aab a ' ùuru-strle- ause itn ooiitcallyt t o rs. Wiio viiitret diecty ivtitViteai- -pride îiny Ïlu>ba k4pt hie tire a] Lechaxice, my nei matie up by Dr. I-tiunly thoughto but now Ifknow ton's Pills are . 1enetim tra -d.M-0- to -- gave. me such col .1 neyer had befo. lieve Dr. Hamil: rex~ ueAd by evf -rwhy 1 write t.ii news hçaWh a for L(3,at ail keepers, or P WArgaton, Ont.- The German si t 'akes-*a vital i -assWmnes respen_. euùt o! work. IXV spirit c f chant, but in sclItprese -,state. which sp *EV'ery industr Germanytqf -ai mnunicipa.l lab-or ally - hey are changos» iThe tThis paÂctizaIly Vte labur agen *With capabl.e cftheýirvarlew kabor -market -e --studuîd witli'n neses. The niaIt * yurh iiiau ouu induatry lie 'ýa bor excehange 1 caleigthi montlîs unt-il-ht meantime, the changec-e fid~tkfor tirne pc-ssible. a tde s muc -uriet. anti ui e ef idsin i * is work -or 1~i -W h ere a roa-b -frein, hie home h nn-byf etaie keCp, th. wvjrk~s for just olvert n t1.1 E lin~txl tores< mer'- - ~<~- ~f - rine. va -- t riLý-urritism iafler - hi- t1e jud!iý:e 4 i - -ME NT.- The ti~ a: la-te bim. to tire -TiuthA --The bast,deêfi gge w-ilaIwàa littie girl o!f 5 'There is ouly ï - 'sunile f entL- AtabIite praisntg c-ithii:iV do -rî cI-hur tables -pe die. IYtredxer 'thut ar w-ta'tI - fvur lat.l-n5 - Dysýpcpsia TabIr votir alDugi - te Domainion iai Vt* Ur

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