Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1913, p. 4

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I :. Ton Conncil.th avt litye Mr. Oolwlll nim ted-tat h' &Much thwid er'. littie rai," l how Consiifted Mr,,Every, .,b was pte; tbe -da m am would d.scribe r -on. paring a plan for - hln. daisa meeting ci Cowioi1 There was .1Mr.. ColwiU £ipoke of, sldewalks ho &*0t oi " tJkbut littlo businges. had»Ma n luKirMfeId, Miadeofo!gravel AÀ Communicationi- wu read -from Sud >W8SCMOOilflg, which made a- 1fr. 8. W. Thorold, asklng htjh II but serviceable walk-for oatk mlgli be aflowed to make a survey 1lyl streeta. Clerk Whlteyulcorres-_ of the town for'a sewerage system. pond wlUi Kirkfteld, 'to , ascartalin ap.. MLTbcroid urged LUat now was aproximate ýcofft aid iformationjis to good Umne-botwe seasons- aid lie durability. Could gvei best attention. ~j TOWN PROPERTY REPORT. -chagS6 would bp $300, but if th. syg- W. M. P-iilgl, repaire . .....1.20 tem via cnstructed and bis flrm wM R. Barnes, carpenior- work -3.60 .apoethe $300 would bo 4.e<ute J.. MoIntyre, supplies, ..... t,. ý .30 £rmtà eca. W., ý ad .L.Cioms., light for M r.Ame saw la this letter1 street .133 0onrmatioa of! home informatîon jbe W., and L. Goiis., iliht for 4aé teceived. relative to the import. for Caretaker's houe ...3.90 aMWeof&a uewerage system to, Wtuitbyf W. and L. Coma., llght for z &ad Utged that-the matter oL a 10w: town hall.. ......... ...... 4.65 éOage«Stem niiglft be îeft- to.7 gh Municipal World, supplies ... 3.50 coasl4eration of the commpii1ap-~> Dr. Warren, attendance on 10 poi.nted to report as to a..risn...ifI ...... . ....... .00 . 't own. Richardson &Richardson, la.. The.Mayor, however, referre1%it o srne.......28.22 -thie'streets conuncttoe, ui te Anlie-Bateman-That the Maorbe ~5J~Rw b Dominion member, Mr. Wm. Smlth, The ate an Liht (ommuio,ý-M.P., ini regard to thie memorial of esheorWter aidiighe 'in othe municipalities asking for a Do_ iraVe.orgtddiîn thi eaclng Minlion subsidy for th e projected Hy- moyn igitsunVitopa tr at s dro-Electrie rallway, .and to urge the -tbey had arraaged t) give the Hoopi-inlsn faexnio frm rQ- tai for tho lneanu a wir6 and icu sino nexeso ronBok tbem twelte lUghts at S& each. Mr. Mclntyrop Chairman of theo-board The meeting then adjournod. belngpresent, said ho thougbt th@ coat=et wilb-the Hospital wus a Value of TimeLsnW ud 900d Oüo. A resolution authorized Pay for Radial U Ich pAclngof the llghts. l'h. -Clerk rend thie order of the (Toronto Globe) 1llwa ;ommipsion 0f Canada as 10 Enthusiastie .us the--people of the thie Dudas Street subwaY, confirm-muipaie nrteatoTrot big taie width »! 25 fot, the roadway are fo- ap l iofo Trnot bolg 2 .fot id he idwlk fot.Port Perry, it. looks as though they *The following letter from Messrs. will bo obliged tô wait some time ho- Riobardaci & Riochardson, as to the fore tèle Ontario Government offeri Inarino ~n twn property vas rend. anY substantial eiqcopragent. ~~mMaY syttSlc un a A deputation 0f 150, including Con- P@llCY en Jaiiuary 14, 1913, on above trouler J. 0. hcCartby, of Toronto, -propertyp a reduction o! rate has waited upon the Ontario Cabinet and b=u made on account Of Certain i1n- asked fflistançe, pi:ovomeata to the property, and vo 3Mr. F.A. Wilson, o! Markham, brie!. are n0W- la a Position to cancel --tee ly outlined the scheme. -Wo vînt tile orl;lna1 pollcy *itbout chargiiig any- (ioverament to allow the ljydro-Elec- *ÎIn for taie lame, and ho Issue a t.rie Commission. »o investigate COR&i- 4P~W POie>' dating from same date tions in our district," ho said " and for a, premium o! $87.504- or, if you if hhleYriait that an electric road in wlsh ho chang& 'tho date of expiry 1conjunction vie ter pose -fo January 14tb to F'ebruary l4tb, transmission âine la loisible, lot them we vil cancel' the present -policY on build the raiIwýay,- Tho municipalities Febtuar>'4th, charging for the one will issue joint bonds and as]k the *snOith only $7-29, and issuing the Government te guarantee them. out-. noew..POîcy £rom, this date at above Mie o! this the- Government ud nio.tlfed prie. We may further assume no responsibility. *We would ftaté '1Pon1 information received. from go into this scobeme - oniy If 1h la * Tr'Ozto tht ini the event of your found that it~ will be a paying propo-ll cocligthe original Poiey. which sition.", YOu. spokeofo!doing, andxenewing 3Mr. Robl mly fSovl same ln any othor Company, 1h wlll sd tâ i o. -bîeyo! Stc>uflville be 11tetsit foulusbeoschangb shortt'e dae raeson sfOr u tchAge shrt calculati5on' that enougl ime vas dte ate onsam unil bere-wasted by Stouffville and Markham turnod to us wi Lb the cancellation r~eope- ervîîgfrlt ,oPt i sgned. Hoping that you l ses the adv'antage from à finaicial trains to build another railway. The &t"ndpoinlt.o! continuing the insur- Grand Trunk Railway, hoe contlnued, -&nc wit theHarfordFýir Insr. aS the thief of timo ii bis district. aue lt uHarifod lueoInur- e sala Toronto had the vorst sub- ance Co."urbani service o! an>' City' on the Con- The Town Property LUOMmttee vas t1nent. authorlzed to -tuild à shed and store Sir James Whitney, replying h o the room ah the cet end of the tOwn deputation, said ho tupposed that if hall, the sane to ho 20 x 36 feet, the the Goverament granted the demands estlmatOd- cost being $425. This shed of the deputation the principle would wvl - e oir the watering earh, scraper haVe to be adopted elsewh.ere iln the and-i store room and work room for Province. Hoe vas opposd ho hurry- the ho,employees. iginth0aite. 8hPoermn t h ori, otaun ntîPÇU spirits and bettes heslth. I, all of ____ >tur en lt IO aso-tIi.ethinuthey Ve vaàIY s «do ennbotonthdey satiafied with them - te oldEioned, harsh -miasand w.i e w iWunyour money - and we other purgatives, which are not ol vil-&*-that, on your mere say-Mo. unpleaaant te talc but which uaall W. dWusk yo te riskt a penny. leave the bowela 'n wonae I'usl. tiebosl fillaProperly mn ORx i àerlies for chuidren. Aot. th* - k - just lot their aged and delicate peone. aeo b. delaed and incomplets RexalIOrderlies ome ln vent- àâd the stire system and every pocket tin boxe&. 12 tablets, j10e; cUm, orua suffers. Wastes that 36 tablets, 25ce. 80 tabletu, SOc. l1T1ONPloa" ear la mmnd that ReualOrderlies are mot ad by a&Udg &W& ou n buy 1exall Orderlies only at thei. aiU Stoye. you oua buyy Rira Ordenlies in huis ommunity oaly at w oun mr: Whtb - A. H. ALLIN whity- he7w !.r S toreOnai IlwS laaa a ID la esdry a'sv tSw $MSCity fatii. Unitjd statis. Cru@" ds ~' * I4tsn7h~1uu4, dlffott RsâmuRue=dfor nearly ever/oriayhiinfl ulLulgsdd mad fo pr t icdules fi for viil soesdd Mr. MeLiean, ioatsm ..usnmi a Clark bo a commit te 'ho ozamue the proposo4 î woô nev streels lthe NUI- ige of HamSy>, to meot ah tuie eal of thePReove. Varnieti. Movcie by 3fr. Dearbora, sewuid-1 b>'3re rat timtte Vizdicatoi t'ublisilng Ce. ho grnted lbé priai. iig and, advergs-s- gof! he ToWnshîp 0f Luati Wilby ior tboeu 1ar19181.- Carrled. -Moved yMr. llcLeau, secondedby 3fr.-flearoora,'-thtthbie vole Loua- cil-anti Clr erk hom>Jittee te 8-S' about drainlng, a water hole- noir 3fr. lierbert Rtoosors, tu muet et 10 o'- clock on thie day of the nont Couacil* meeting. Carrieti. Mr.lifryant, eçcondot by 3Mr.. Doar- Dora, nuovedlfor:iteave t0unmtroduS a, Dy-law to, appoint Uverseers 0fiL4û ways, 1-ouiaepers and Ieaceview- ers, andi tht;te saime bc nov rend a Das- sad second LUne, aifnd st '..uclgo lato Commitie 0f thie wle le ite3Mr. Ulover initheclcair., Moveti b>' Mr. icteau, soconclellOy Mr. Bryant, blini tefoîýovmg ,hb paiti ionuses- for vire tences W heâ erict6d : Chas. stone, 80 roas at lbc.;- li~A. hflrd,160 rodsah abcik.-land J. J. rmiici 40rodsa t 2ac. Car. -Moveti by- Mr., Doaruoora, secendod by Mr. Glover that the Clerk be pain burent> dollars for registenmg bînt1w, niarniages aid duathbs for Jiast wbil- b>' for 1912. Carried.-- Moved by Mr. McLean, sçconded by- Mr. (IRovr;, (.1) 'h4t the Municipal uouncil o! the Coniloratîon 0o! La WhitbY have learaed vite a great dWi ef plOasure tWt the Goverament at Ottawa bave placoti in the estlniîies for the. yçan tee sum o! ;50,000 te boe fexpedci on the Oshawa Harbor vite a view O! makiag it a harber o! ne!-. t'ge. M2 That this Council coSiiders thai -teconstruction o! acula âbar- bor wiii >e o! Immense benefit .te tiié whiole far~na comnaunity of- this mu-; nicipalIt>' ni district, giving thein a$s it viii aànoiber menas o! transporta-- tili et thoir-productb, thereby leÉSe- ing !reiht chargea. 1(3) That thisi CoUuncil f Il-Y ondorses the Govera- mont's plan aid wîll do ail it rei- sonabi> cahto fioiitate its concep- tion aid comp'letion. Cirrieti. Moveti b>' 3r. MeLoan, secendet b>' Mfr. Bryant, that the felîoving ne. couata ho passoti. Rends and BrIdges-Fred J. Tonkin 55C.; BOIWman -& Connor, $172.75 ; E. W. Doarborn, $2.75 ; John Aiberts, 81.5b ; Win. Stevenz, 84.; Wm. Glov- or, $1.50,; Heber Dova, $45 ; Fred. Glover, $2, Leslie Hlancock, $2.50. -Mlscelane0us- Reformer, printing, $138-50 ; - Muicipal World, printi.ng, $18-31 ; F. E. Prench, schools, 8150. *Moved b>' Mr. BrYaut, secogdoti b> M r. Glover, that thig CouncII do nov adjouru te meet in- Oshwa. ah the culi o! thie Reeve. Uirtlod. WM. PURVES, Clerk. NOTESl ON BEESf. dancing eIam, or t migit hbave beun on, lime baishaIl grounds, for Guy waa-glv.' euu oaeti. a.nd Amy wau an at- tmuuaat upos th. gamet. Be- bis as it iay lb.>' vire men together otten, -go oftua limat à a- ruinerwuastartedti lat the> vire ongaged. "Oome la Baturday nigur id aiiAmi~ "a 11'i mahe yen -omthlng ver>' i4what la îtr !IA MWvdliii." uWhat kinti of a dlàh?"- "TOUMl1bave te fluIndtiat eut when y"u corne." 1 1 -"Well il u e Ibere, andi 1 expeta a trea!, for 1 hear you're a fine eoek.- "Pleae cork the alceliol bottle andi put lt-lu th. cupboard." salaAmy Wat- smu asu sic$ghed Ithe Drer audcer hile copper cbaliug dISIi. 1 u>' IHayes obeyeti anti thon returneti te lie table wbere Amy stod. an en- oiantig ligure lu a pale gray' gev». willi a wlsp ef a lace apron tieti about ber uiender -valst vitb m nue inetinb bons. "Nexr hli lquireti. uurveylng théu varlous dishea of tugredienta for the saixture Amy vasa bout te concoct There ver. a fat cake of cream chaese a dLozen eggs. a pitelier of erear.tait. paprika anti a cake of but' lt. "Yeou ma>' vhlsk tee eggs presenW- nov, you mn>' break six ite UIs ti- aid don'.t forget teat you are te oper- ate the. coffeepet." Gu>' surveyedth e round table -witb doulittlz eyea. On one side the chafing 41mb hlsseti; asar b>' a copper kettle 1in. 4_mi Wfl A» Tou GOiNG TO MA"E TC> boflati urloual>'over anoteet alchol ftim; boude hlm vas a irreach coffee- Po« WaltWug for lue boillng vater- "Ilu me vstcblg a terse rng -Cu% cus," he nemarket as ha broka the egga cret .11>uas trectet andti 10ud thech"bll lut. the gievlng tire at bis The vinter'se fan hmbas asaa rmArk. "lnbetWt Ibmas lune ring Circus abl>' easy one on -basa -watered oui o!f or >'ounci»bave somatelng ulcer te doors ma>» Morley' Peitit, thie Provin- est tenPink lemonade anti peammta" cial Apiaiet . W4t la caualag un- deelareti Amy as she titoppedth te eaeiness ah present us the aaked con- cheese li te melteti butter in the dition of the cdoyen. It remouis te b. pan. mm o boy 1wyulcorne through tiho "Whmî de o uneait>" iiked Guy, freeàiugand ihuvung o! sping. -mare bocause Ieo vintedti telient ber ,Mice are reportadti o b. badilansoie volce tuai because bie caret vint Il Partan d theitil, nascals cai doea vas. Ânyting tuaI Amy Ccket vas loi of!ham min boxes vIner. bea anti anbIola ite hlm. combe are paoked. The>' are ver>' fend "Egg a la Cupid," ansvereti Amy. O! home>' antid'ais! aeem avd vii de. bendlng abôve the esloling mess n he ste>' comba o pi taccees toeietiier. PMu.«Bons Delimgave me 1he recipe Out-of-dcor winiemed bee. must by sd-oteee ream, Guy>. Thankal" aIl mne ho e1ienrqd !rom eeld vindle "WanI btceggs beateur akea o(l. Thisu in espalîl>necessar>' onthe ap- "X. Indeeti. of coie 'II aIlrend>' proacin of!.apring wheun brooti rearing fort hen. Hry vill. b. atarting, and ..îteî tii .pos*. ,Guiboat turloual>' anti apaueroi aible mueft.b. retaiied lu the#iivos- te, @ "oruer bshirt front and ou bis aid incubation. Reme:nem that tin W» for -evAm. I atetuoti brood ohaimber o! a bive i is ubw., IThe e<btarmyn ol addte tom vimosetemperature la kepi up byMdThe egbalceo atterth ice MsE natural béat geaetated . b>' the nurse idbn rahea> vntemx bMe vho ps'i," on the eggs and toS.me"attoti sait anti paprika and youamg larvae..Il thie biva in cols! theslltred genti>'. t foamned andcrsam- brooders have te ait doser togetiisr, edand rew imoiiandieliclous' 10k-, Iux!. caunot pleo t wusti i or e e g nd> If thAve in varan heau i» prondad lvasNi>' or#heeu oui aud ýcover more broed. If thei. u alupthelto o el out. and cover imore béd. TM* a u la ro !deliu meas mre >uu i>as ii ,o matinmixture vas poureti on ltme lasI pleci nSmahi mr nglAme Till en vhatc o! toast lu. doon openet andtihle malS er cn thèmme.in-e moreuw:# sauui Mreqln .another Young MiM mer WIDU e r h-e oe eu I wu ent>' Blair. j» tio hAe hoHeur> vUsGUiY's ,tend!>y nival 10, via- thinls about- Uis for a minute the hautdof AMY wea. vi me- h vatael hilves sliould be 00,got P Mte.W> i »d uv variai>'packed»Midsioltered froua alis pwe m aêcrilge oold vinds -durmng wha the beekeap. tng tlimwe neAmoraé. crilg en oi! lma spmig beedlg i~ tili., "la ane3uistInla ue to tanse a nev migil up austtied wameather. dishlr she criet gsyly. "a. ae On iithe ometbhaud entrances muet at aeli ootttI net b. celoset. There nla t tabout boa MUr.Haes 701greted bis brivaT ,l vIlbe. zmuhini-vleh oas et b ook nofine- eoming ao!ermlty and nelvet i eo»Id mugt a"d exaspt vhan bees au te.eur ri Hu> u euq e5 m furfemoving ther muinü have ft "-nedjWa do on ei lapss-aid ogrfflet eïraitlvés. On liI'"3 lic a bt, do a, .Inenat briglil, eitd ly* ti slt hd oiq peetdl enewe iL.mitine hoever lesthéii. unahhm. e dravlg rMIn, uhore ha tofl be ImapI omubonte ~u-gunM b. &*ad tç. ag, and vien, ileun -tli laaimth~uàv.~ oeo.Sag 00111 D7 y th, eor fîtiiert tugiL 'Tm o dlsappo[nted in t" mou0rffl Amy. "*It ouglit to WbeiÏbt and fiuffy?' *?ate 1k. one thut -Beau!. Damar makesuII -obseërveti t. lenry earo 1lessl ",4renivas qit. foaiùmy thouglir' "Shel gave me tht e-elCJpe," sald Amy couDly. - "Ah. diti yen malge 1h?" querled ER. y.surpniseti. "I tbought Rayýe. u hlave Concocted t',t. "Whyr aketi Amy. with aparklla "Oh. because tirs sort ef lna-bis inâI, you know,"'murmureti Henry. wlt.b glançe ah Guy. . "Ob. ne," sald Guy 00011>'; "vo ma»s facture -soupa doWn Bt eur plant--"i anytmlng Of tIS soit", "Pardon." munainred ERenryas .b1 pasetibis cup for more coffee. "In It truie thst you, are golng te hlug fI vaudevIlle. Henry?" asked i Amy pr.esntly. There- was a wioked ilght là lier blue, eyes. Mr. Blala l lgbt eyebrovo nearly CHs& appeared la blsd fnge of blond liair. "Me slng ln vaudevIle?" be demmn& eti ungramma cly. II. -I neyer dresa.ý .4of eb ic a thlng, belleve me, Min Amy.' Why do youanikT' "Why. lés mort e! ln your Ilne. ye know." eùld Amy sweetly. Sud EHenr accepted the. rebtike andi ate the un. palatable remaîns ef hls meal tuau"is ble silence. Guy Hlayes' hepes vont ' up by leapu andi bouna. -Amy bati arisen In d&. fonse o! hil She bati rebuketi Hent Blair ln bis presence-ehe bhad don.gfi for MdmI Thon the remaider o! the evenlng. whlcb Guy bad expectedti t bave el- boye', In a tete-a-tete vite Amy, viu apent la a general conversation. After avblle they vent into the. dravlng room, where Henry dtutu. guisheti hunsmelf. i-h is customary manner by slnging love gongs inaa GU>'coulti fot sing a note. AMY vas fond ef munie- Henry' vas-a >singer. He vas lIm B on Of a nlch min. es came ef an 0a(j famil>', se eld, lu tact, teat ho appeu ed ta thlnk Il vas net nec#sary.te b. polite te bis tellow men unleas they could show a famlly tre. of equi growth. Es vwent te the same private icheol that Guy' Hayes- lad attenieti, andti -Iwas lie .who. lad attached tbe mlcknamé of *'8oup" te Guy, vboe father vas a manufacturer o? canneS delicacles. Gu>'rememberet al teese tIbug, andi bis exuiberant mooti changet int oe o! depresslon. O! course AMy bail defended i hm becansoe h. vas Lud hearted. net for any persemar Intorest Ho teckbils leave vhile Hear>' vas stilI there. Ble luought Amye fate veil vas colti. Aller ise departuire Henry' Blair en- tertained -bis bestess vIte mann-anec- dotes about Gu>' Hayes. He tbld ef their ichool tinys-of 'tîe nieknameofe I "Soup." vhicb ettîl cluag te Guy, aid many other mean telags that no one except a ver>' emali mînded Young man woulti have remembereti or caredte t repent. Amy lsteasti, but titi net imîle. 8h. appearet bored. Henry vas flot surs pised. Who vînted to discus. a bore like Hayes vhen one couldti alk Io Heur>' about Ils afl'alrs? Gu>' Hayes diti net sec Amy agai for a !ortalght. Occisionaîl>' le met Heur>' Blair, anti that gldeti youth te. gardet i hm se celdly.lt atGu>'came te the. conclusion lit le liad been put quite te rouI b>' Miss Wasaon. In tact, luit ver>' alght allai Guy% departume Hear>' lad preposei te, Amy andi lad beau refuseti. Then one ta>' Guiy met Amy on thea avenue. 01 wau on My wiy up te sec you," lie laid as ha belti ber bandtilu bis. "Corne Ibis- eveaing. anti 1 vilIcMol you soe eggs on ths chafing thlm. Yenf vers chentel eut of your sori time oteer evening." sait Amy kMmdl>'. "Tbaak yen. J' como."' promiseS "Pleasa cerk- the alcebol bettie aid put it ia the cuphoard," ald Amy thtl evenlng. antias Guy>'obeyeti ber ba ne. membereti thît It was exal>' v hat aie lied saud, vord for verjýtous etuo tome. teat other evenlag whea Henry' Blair bat liappenet In »anti apôlle liM occasion for'Gu>. - ,"rVhat are yen going te make te. ag t?" fia lnqulred, s liereturn.I-tm the table. "Eggs a la, Oupiti, of courue aald Amy. tneppling la thecaike etfe«msn cheese. *Guy' vateheti ber ln silenceasaime ~tre.The tieop'fiuab-Ihal carneintoe her.cheeks vas csuseib>' aoelln moreIbmhite.beat from the Ciaflng 415h. Sutidelli e pissat iuuud ie table beuda .lier anutý laid bis baud oVes lien limaI blaitthe spoon. "»Amy," lie vhlsperë&d. 0WtOo recipe uBay liat'tvo diandse *-b@*g liai onest stlrlng eggs -a la, OuplaW. AMY tddnt driaa'. -Indée&, im eboik niant hlm anti!l te>' to.aimd, "@Itd4aes't rend tht wvq B. entertimng îist Of!-contenta. -Ti. 1b! onatreoted. issue Ia attractiveIy 1ut 6e i~'()Adf~ h rii shoult -,bo road b>' al sportsmen lian tii. loyers of outdoor- life. - iid Ion rphéet -.éGnà -to e - - appliontê -raijai Farers, ~lig~ifett Datd he21t>6ý- ofey kYIESoRTrWIGT P CIAL SE"J S These'meetings >wlU bo onduéted by , WifITBY U I the Farmers' 1Inhtituieés o! North and' South Ontario, thée Provincial _Farm- ilpksovepubs.SI oers' Institute a4d the Departinent of] 'IMM. - Agriculture,. Whltby. _The speakers IWheatf wbi vil! consist o! the'District Repmasen.-I wh=at, gose..... hatives- o! Peterboro, Victoria and j WJuea,' aprisg.... Ontario Counties, and will hoeequîp. Whft ai. ... ...... ...E Ped with speoill demonstration' mna- Bns' en oiustrâte -the difeèrent leo-Bena. hures'. The speakers.yl ho :-Messrs. E.S. pou...... .. ....... Hlopkins,, Norwood;_ A. A. Kaight, Bowot..... .. Lindsnay; E. G. Hogarth, Whitby. Osto. Miss S. Camipbell, of.Bramnpton, will IÉed Coe... addlress a spocial- meeting- o! the la- <ies each ufteraoon in North Ontario, - >'I0R AND PEI and mny aIse absist in the ovening j lo «Spe W...... Gamebridge ..... ........Mardi 17 (biPpoul fouicvi...,.. Zephyr........Mrcl1 oms..... ... ..... Sunderland.............. March -19 Brai, p . o.... ... Cborrywood ...............IVardi 20 Short@ 130r ton.. ...27;( Clureinont ................March 21 MEAT. POULTRY AND Af hernoën session, 1.30 o'lclock. Bee3w, p- w ... 4 Eveming hission, 7.30 o'clock. CnIlv ugh North -Ontario Instltute --W. S.Lan, . ... Lapp, President;. J. W. Widdifleld, . ... ... .... .. Secretary. r.. eet South - Ontario Instihute :-Hugb l ulek er ptlb..-,... ... Pugh, Presideit ; R. H-. Cronk, Sec. Dueïa, per lb..,....... retar>'. * eue. irumemd -»_il Geo. A. Putnnm, Supt. Farmeras Institute, Toronto, Ont. E. G. Hogarth, rnstrift Represenia. hîve, Whitby, Ont. Ail welcome. Application to Parliament. Notice la horeby given tisat au ap- plication viilb. amade b>' the.Toronto and Yenýk Radial Railway Comapamirta the Legialative Asa.rnbly cf the. Prov- ince of Ontario at the, nexi meuons theneof : (1) For an -Act giviag thc applicant the rmlght ho, enter into an n.greemeni lship Rin BirthSt4 ement Ri Weddi 1.0 Turkey8,. dressed, per b 01 Buttcr, per lb ....... .28 .4 - ý pot doz., new -laid 0.223 Lard, pee lb:........... 0.18 Potatoe.4 -per -bag ... .1.00 Onionu, Mer bag....10 Hay$ p'etto»n .... ....14.001t RIDEE. Ca ua, i Ibwï .....~01 can. bým*u K O. a fflde., put oet ..... ......0 Sbepklu... .... tu SW Hloraibju ... ..-E T~IIow Tern-8.04 STATJONARY we endeavor flot to'be, and that we dan succead cati ho demonsîrated by an iuspecion, of Our stock of STATIONE-RI' Ail the newest things in Papers, Pens-and Ink, l3poks. anci Magazines, Rubbers and -everything else that goes to- make the most Compiete -adck Of sîationer-y in town. W. Je Il. Richardson L eading Booksellar anzd 8tû'tloner BIROCK ST. WlIITBV This is the T ýme- to Ma-ke 'MA-R Aý-A EnglSh Recepe- Take 9 Bitter Or- nges, 3. Sweet Oraniges and a Lemons. Slice the fruit across the: grain, remove the Seeds, place in deep dish -with 4 quarts of water, and Jet stand for 36 hours. Then boil 2. hours. Add $ lbs. of White Sugar, then hou î- hour until it w111 'jeII y ' We will loan you a slicer.' Fine Bitter Oranges., 25e doxe. Sweet Vran.aes,, 20,,30,,40,5 0 and 60e doe. Large-,Lenons, 30C 4oz .,Spabish, enions - Florida eelery Jno E.WAT-E-RIIUSE WHIITBY Phone i t r- Genuline Pearl Serald or Pearl a, $6OO -,~Weddingr f We have ai va Slarge assort-men, w 4adi8.Pi v I2.50 to $10. w w wl -W w i f U w Je erandO v w Opposite post Of w w -The -regulae rnOnthIlY n0 W. CT.U. vil hé held at lins. Robert Thonpson, *day, March 12,h, ai- 3.30 ýA TRI-CK- jD)eteriiiled tahodevelôp prominent DistillerY Ce.-] -the pra o! sediig oet tles o!liquor, cartiin ot hands this liquor ma>" gg oene- f Our citios the boys sciool ad them. At- onq le in this préo*vinçe theit! -boys Who-had such flash- pekets. Another'offer is maLde b>' the same dÎstill, suppl>' a quart bottIe at *as a sapuple* - Suci tri tnade cannot 'ho charael îhrongîy. They but serv 'e siraits ho-whlch lthe tramf ho malatain the grouiid -gradually sliPpfing fronîl b feet. GETS MIAN WRlO SFI.LS * l -PAYS- lu T ite fiag o! temp waved Tuesdny night-moh federation meeting, but a election* o! officers of Bar ion No. 41, -O! Chicuo. unique ammnouncement -mem union received -from J. E. secretar> ': ' e' 'Dear Pal :-J6ln the- Teinperan ce Club. 'The 1b6 it if yen drink one tie ý 'ant tend'bar- and hit t -Make good. Il, gets- hlm as tjie guy inm front-vho the flagman whiohadb froid taie other- trai* 'Booxe" had nide himt On me rs landded t~o hlmaduete ' drink.I recO0,.i4 lbis theMost muifor -total <abetiiien b e p y e a h e d - h u n are d s a o! doUlane -worth -o! prol - 4d, fort> livee- blotted c >~ f n-Cathol ço 1;

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