IFriendship Ringoi, Birth StOne akIn9g, IEngagenent.Rings, -wedd~ ingu WE'IAY SGenuine P'darI and Em. erald or 'and Rub"Y. IWsddlng Ring j arge assortment of0î1, e*e4ê anddb G1~ Opposite zPost a Whitby rides fromJ )-pticianf The. relar- montihly jmeeting of the W '.T.Uï willl bc held at the home o! ;M5.Robert Thompson, on -Wednes- day, M.arch 12th, at 3.30 O'Clock. A fIK. Determiiied to develop trade, a promiielit Distillery Co. bas doPted the 'Plan o! senxing oui sample bot tUs of Ilquor, cardng nýot into whose 'haids- thi&lilquor îniy go. lndeed tin one0 of our cîties the boys at aý public 2uchool had themn. At onre boys' col- Sloge in this province there wer9 four -boys who fiad sucli flasks in -their pockets. -Ahothe1t 011cr h. now beiflg mnade by the same distil'lerY CO. to supply a. quart bottie et hall price as a samÛple., Such tricks -of tue trade c4ndôt bc characterized too msrongly.ý Theybut serve to show tbe - traits to which the. trafflc is driven to m&Mntain tbe ground wblch is gradually slipping trom beneath its foot. SGETS M RWHOÃ" SELLS IKE GUY WHO PAYS. -The white flag of temperanco was 1wand, Tuesday night-not at- a chulrch feder pion meeting, but-at the. anuai eledion of officers of Bartenders' Un- ion, No. 41, of Chicago. Here inthie unique announcement members of the union rooeived from J. E. O'Brien, ita semrtary': "Dear -Pal,:-,Join the Bartendots Tomperance Club. The -boss won't. liko Rt il yýon drink on thre-job, A guy ca't tond bar and hit thea bonze ùM 1 make good. It gots hlm juat as qiik9 as the. giy ini front who pays for it.. If -aay one ^vanth to- drink lo the ma on the - cther uide of the. bar do it. Sssid me. your naine if you want to Joi the club,^" Norfolk,',Va. , % lý. W. H. BURROUGHS. 1 -THE E.NGINEER WMS DRUNK. Tir fat eýpLxm train wa taken eut of Elmira, NeW York, tIre othex day,- foý the. ruanteBuffalo, on te acka- -wana Rêllroad. It lied on board valu- abli. propoxty and .tIll ièe.preolous live.,It wesrt boefgsale1>' until it ap- protohird Coraihmg anti thon it rai hto e limited . ppeagertrain, pîled up.a wr.ok -of engons and cnrs, killeti !orty Perrons aid in!Ureçi sixty ethers. What, vas--thé oausd ai tIre disas. -terx1 TIrýe ngkreras drunir. Unider thre stýèpr o! liquor Irepasmeti by - tbi V. -îîne signal, paid no attoption te thre wanning fusee that was buxning, and isiuegardeti -Irefluttereti clotIr cf tIre flegmen whro Irat been sent back -froi- -tire other train te fiag him, "B]ooze" had mado hum dulI. One more ià addod ta tIre long lust of iiorrors due to drink. It in a black record. ,It ilu tire'mort powerful ter- mon fox, total -abstinence' thair cbuld bo preecord-hundreds and thousendu orf dollars -wiortIr of property dtrtroy- cc, fort'. ives blatteci eut and alxhy cnipls 1 I~-l l-hy one mai . 'ie w u u - O th li o C o lu m a . - t0kig COmine. Tbey lladdressi jmbO 01s o a!ternoon aid en , iseetilige on Ilagd ril a sîjeota hteugoukt, Peférbôoro, V__ctorla am lasIly Ointario coucties. -Reserve F'4dai evenfug, MirnoIr 14, k -for -St..Patrick's social la. tIre Baptisi Scool rbon. S.ttens' one-way ecod-eiesstari every. Tuesday durng hisrch and - I L Saskatchewai amd Alberta. ~ IsoHomeSekers' excursionïs t Xgà ftOba, -SaskgtChewan snd Alberta Macht October, 1913, inclusive. oitirrougli ticketu te sta-tions ou C.P.R.9 C. N. R. - ýand- G.T.P., oeil, Write ex,r-phO.e, for books, tickets, IsrtIbe and ail lùformgtlon to' E., R. Blow, Agent, Whltby, Ont., opposite 4e1 08- pet0,fce. -Bell phono 9; Home phono 14. ONTARIO OLD GIRLS' ASSOCIA- TION.- A Meeting of the abôve Association will bé held ia tir. C4uncil Ciraniber whl male. it deirable tiret al xdèm- bers sbould attend. BOY WANTED. Smart boy for erranda, aid gesen- ally -useul. APPly et'Gazette-Obron- D0EATH 0F MRS. W[LLCOX. Jûst as spaper goos te proeatir deeth 'la announcod o! lira. H. W. Wmoccx, wbîcb took place about mUt- day'. Mrs. Willcox irad ireen su fxom an ettack o! là grippe, -&adit la suppoeed. ber. heart becaxqe sfflictd, for ber death wua quit. e &ctod. - MORE HOCKE~Y. It is rumernd tiat thre Oshawa Junior Hockey -team isl desirous o! playbug a home-'a"d home gaine witir ±he Wiitby Intexinediates, aitd tiret negotiations axe la progresa towards arran gg gains. HORTICULTURAL NOTICE. Anyone wlshlng te become a »rem- bor o! the Horticùlturai -Society for tire premut yoax, may do so by send- iag tiroir naine. and -fes t tIre Scre- tary before Merch -25tir. Tirey willl tiroir secune tire sprlng options o! plants, and seeda. Ziflas M.- V. Pow- ell, e-Tos- MR. SEXSMITH ILL. ReV. -M. E. Sexarnithi, pester o! the Tabernacle, iras heem 111 in Toronto since Frlday lait. WMle in tire city Mr. Sexemitir took in, aid was not able to netuxrne for the. concert tiret evemîng. He lias not yet recov- ered sufficiently to corne homo., Asn tii resuit o! bis illnesa tMe Tabernacle pulit wus supplled on Sundey by a' stmirent froni Victoria College. Mr. Sexsntls hast of frieîds willi hope for his speedy recevery. BÀPTIST CHURCE. Sunday, March 9th. Services as usuel.- Sundey School and Bibi. Classes et 10 a.m. Mornlng service, il o'clock ; evendng service, 7 o'clock. . Thle pastorL will preaclix. B.Y.P.U. meeting Moeday eveffing, ManoIr 10, et 8 o'clock. Rev. E. E. Ssyles, B.*A., B.T1I., o! Oshawa, will give an eddress on '-Thre Propiret Jen- A cordial InXItation le extende t t all. BO0Y WANTED. Snmart boy for errande, and genor- .ally.useful. Apply at Gazette-Giron- icde office. Irh Canadien banquet,:itidy Mardi 17, WhIrtby music hall. "4THE CRICK~ET- ON THE HEAÈ1TH."1 The- Ontario Counfty Old, Girls have pleasure la anaouncing tire engage- mente& tire Dickens, '- lowsmip Co1n- pany o! Players, à ' _onte, bo le sent Ia Uic Mualo Hall, on Pxldey evening, Meaiht8tir, itepley nallid lu lue beading o!fbis notie, -whicb play won for libei la a tailon.ýwide contest the - Co-rennor-Gemeral'a txophy. This in th ire ýamc6mpëny o! players .tirat with sucir gfet accept- aice gave "Our Mutual Fxlend" boe lest scason. Tire procooex. reMluad cf tire FrocPublic L!b1-rry fuihd o tire Old, Girls' Associati.'Particu- insa ot'pricesaid -plan of hall will be- pub1"ked latex. "IR1ELAND ANDJrTHU èEMPRE."o TIre above 11411 be le tiri@ t ' Dr. Jas. L. Hughes address atîtire- ban-~ quet o! theo Irish Canadie Associa- tion on', o nday evenln, March 17,_ la the mualo hall. là ilI beotis- U* 31UVI~O. :Whi-tbD 19 The. concert given ji the Metuiodist W Tabernacle on Friday night - 1astil L! undex the' auspices o!t ti.choir was o!flier -çiste-r becanie kjMOnowu Ss enjoycd, by-a fairIy large asseMbly. rlved houe 'Mond> ilt The-antiioSÙmU by- me oý hoir lwere 0<the four -brotliers; two are Most barmonious selections -and wereSakatclhewan, and- were unable greatiy appr6o!atect. Mrs. j.N> Haro, got hliome; Dr. Robert o! Maxkbul juat prIer-te hèr departuré jem towg, and Colli, of Toronto, *ere hores à ang in the. choir., gave a isolo' and 'The funeral- wà s heldon TuusM eJolaod Mr. ',W.J.H1. Richardgon in the al ternoon to JUnionomery av F dueti, "Saviour, oh. draw me near to<>'large conicourse- of people "eig pt L. e"sent. 0 The -swet beil-Jikgeo f Mtos Rev. Dr.,Abmahain conducted a vi aEthel'Drinkwater was heard, n, two 1mprtsive, servLee at the bouse. exqU1lie sls-TeBeautiful Land aof Nod," and "Angel, Land." Miss, Leara Gis. sang a doublé _______* number, "A Perfect Day" and 1"on thé shore. 1 PWHITBY'$ SECOND DEFEAT. Mr. A -A Atklnson, of -tire Douiln-- To play eleven gansadbso ou ao Blcsang a beautiful, but much .two of them là a good record. Wbltt t6o brIe! soýlo, "Mother O'Mine." Mr. Intermediates sustained tIroir secor Atkunson's is a new voice to be heard defcat of thre senson at Colllngwoe la Whtby, . but one whlch wil'l doubt- lait F'rlday nlght, alter thre butcl lmsibel la mucli demand. - cry of the gaine at Peterboro l MF. Hogg, of thre Hospital staff Tilesday uight, thre Witby playet waa heard in the bass solo, "'Nearer, were qulte tinfit for another gaeo My God, to Thee.'0 This as' very Friday nlght,. However, O.H.A. ru!e aweetly rendered. are strict, end play it weis. The tes Misses Berenice Green and- Florence Icit here on Thursday that th O'Brien were thre elocutionîsto, and long journey to Colllngwood mgltb each in ber seléction was admirable. br6ken. Miss Green reclted RalpIr Connor's The game-i. reporte 1d as a go, ""Exazaination Day,"1 from Glengarry One, anrd alt)rough Whitby pliyad wit School Deys, 'and Miss O'Brien, lu vigor. and- determination, falled,, finmitable feahon, read, "Mrs. Mals- score a singfe goal during thre game prop's Idleas on Woman's -Education."1 At hal -turne- the score was 4-0. ai Takea s.paratelY, item by item, or et full time 1É-0. colllwodI as a whole, thre concert was worthy teiice was exoeptlonelly'strong, ani of the. excellent Tabernacle choir. Whitby was unable te get the pud Rev. Dr.. Hare, ln the absence o! pait them. Rev. Mr. Sexsmlth, presided, compli- COLLINGWOOD AGAIN VICTOIR zneting thre choir-upon thre splendid1. IOUS. service*they gave the ehurch. . Tirt Colllngwood Ixtermediates sr, Mrs. (Rev.) A. E. MeIDtyro, of To- a ýsuperir hockey Aea % hown herg ronrto, vlelted lier parents, Dr. and on Tuesday ntghtý. 'lioê who werg Mrs, Adams on Tuesday. at Colllngwood 4st :ffay niiht nr About tweirty-five -girls Iroin the turned with praiseto thre fine, oves Town LUne, gave a program and treat ly-balenoed team o! - thre thètrix to thre ininates o! the House o! Ref- town, and their opinion wes' vetiuec ugo on Wednesday lest. It is needless by nil who saw tihe gaine here Tues to say liow pleased the olà people 'day niglit. On Whltby- le (;ulllng were. tem defeated thre Whitbi team blyi Dr. W.O. Eastwood lias been quite score o! 5 to 3 goals, tire game bein@ seriously 411 for jome weeks. one o! tIre most . strenuously played Miss EditIr Ellîs, of Toronto, visit- seen hereethls season, as -%ell -aiune red lier parents tins week. of the cleaneet.- Miss Jessie Mathison, who lias been As was sald'ol the score of 12-O im quite Ill for soins weeks, is improving Collingwood, thre score o! 5A3 doeE slowly. flot falrly represent thé merits of tht Mr. R. J. Bradley was calling on pîay. Indeed, thre gaine tbroughout, frlends in town last week. He bas wes largely lu Whitby's favor- al] just returned from a visit wltli but tIre scoring. Cook, Collingwood's friends in Streator, El., and is« now goal-keeper le a star of great magni- residing in Toronto. tude, and. orly bis splendid defene -Mrs. Perry JOlinston and clrildrea, saveid his teain lrorn defeat. Were It sPent SUirday wltIr friends in Audley. net for Cook iu goal, Whitby, we feel Mr. and Mrs. W. Lamnb, of Leyton, sure, would have won tIre round, for AsPent part of last week with Mr. and almost tirrougliout thre entire gae Mrs. J. Rowe. Whitby pushed thre play Into Colllng- - wood territory, and seemed te ire, a Death of Estimable Yoijng littIe too qulck for thel r oppoexrts. Collingwood men are much b1gger Woman andi hoe-fer thai thi.e Wh itby svn end sem te ibe e fine lot of fellows. :MIs JEA STE ART. TIre town mey-well b. proud o! thIr -Intermedlate teain. - That tIre grim reaper lurku just - For the fIrst fteen minutes, o! play &round tIre corner wai made Mani- nettéer side scored, and the work wa fest lait week whenin iss Jean Stew. so lest and furlous tuat It told per- art, eldest daughter o! Mr. C. P. oeptily on both teanis. 'bei the Stewart, wes called Out Of this life. visitors In a few minutes, secured 3 Mss Stewart lied been really 111 for goals, and mat before thre whiettb only about two weeks, aitho.ugli her ended thre first period, Whitby scored fa!IlY now sec tIret she liad been un- a! ter e tussie near the goal. well for months. Anemia, or blood intthe second hall eci team se- lmpoverishment, wes thre cause of cured two goals, thougIr the pley wei death,- hastened, doubtîcas by a slight largely in Whitby's lavor. attack o! broncirial pneumonie. It was Durlng this hall RIct received ai Dlot generally known tIret Miss Stew- lnjury which laid hlm off for ten min- art was ilI, until thre sad news was utes, but tire geme went on wlth six told tliat no, hope wes entertained o! aiea a aide, lier recovery. Foliowing this only a. Only three men were rienalfzed dur- few da-ys elspsed tili the vital spark lng-tire gamne. two cf Whtbyls and (led early on Saturdey morning. neot-ol-ngo-'8 Yo>ug wuiran or lrge physique, andrt gave oi e- Impression of superb womaahood. In character sIre was as strong and beeutlful as lu physique, and lier activities lu ýreliglous woxk romain as e worthy monument te lier .gxeoes o! chaxecter. Iuates -o!thre Coà ity Geai have good cause te remember Miss Stew- art with kndly recollection, aislie had for long hem luntexested la hold- ing a roliglous. servtno ln tIre geol on Sunday afternoons. In Mia Preebyterian chrchand Sun.. day Scirool Miss Stewart 'w111 be gxeatly rnissed. - In tire home of Mr.- Stew4rt, liow-' ever, tIre greateot 'blnnk wil be left, Tireaged fatIrer, bereaved of.is part- nor n l lUe, wai cared for end sorved witir e dauglrter's wenmest love andi solîcitude, and Irow mucl tIre deceas- cd will 1>0 missed oaly Mr. Stewart will know beat. Neltier o! Miss Stewart'tq two sis- tors was present when deatli caiiîal Elizabeti l latravelling la tire Ber- mnudas withr ler patient, Miss.J. P. Patterson;, Mre. Geo.. Rose, -tà e oi- ex aister, lves 1h Klndersley, Sask, aid waa-on lier eiy ho oblgsBUM- sponodwà the tsedangeÃouscndto CatarrhCan not be Cured witir CAL APPLCATrioNs, as they cannot reacr tire seat of tire difas..Catarri 1fa blood or constitutional disease. sud iiu order. to cure lit" ou must take internai renredies. IHall'a CatavrZ rCure Io taken internaily. and acte 4fr. ectiyo'r the blood aud mucous surfacem. HaI1'q Catarrir Cure la vot s quack medfclue. Tt was preucrlbed by one cf, the best phipdeansin titis eountry foi years and te a regular prescription. Itifacompoïed cf-tiebest tmencskiowl, Coni- blued w itirte beat bFood purifier.,ý aetung dir-, eetly on thre mucous surfaces. Tre perfect cen. bmatonoftire tva lugredienta Ia what pro., dnces sucir wonderful reaulta lu curlng Catarrr.- i"w . ' O. roaToledo, 0 TakeH ' anl Plafrcntpation. ChU o't eer Up!ed'4-0 blues if you keep your liveractiv, your bowels reVu,: id 'Y= stoi»cigotnb~, usel ci-the ,tiime-tested, beeBceW andalwaYs -effective lamfly e ed theý 1property eo hale-- uw " f w. - ai-t TÈ lesr lot 8r, -i U bi,., vaae., No erna s, Ous e4 derblil inyoar 11-1 SSale at oaoo'celock.. Wm. MSà fW,u sio ama'f$0,blgpyin Now itho time t. onder.: tonox. -count fa f<u. your sprin g foot-.ex SThuxaday, -Mardi 1S.- Extenive Thre foilowhng at4OWts wene pasaui; Ortiropedie p~aos oredit sale -o!f armstock, iripiemellt5, C.A. ýGOOhello, pnintln, 120.75 etc., tire propeiity o! Thos, Sandorson <eo. Lindsay, rebats- dog tai, ro00 Crippies and .Deformcd .5 lot 21, con.. 9, Pickering. Sale ât.ldliapy uiialWr, Woxk eas!eclmltr., lr-12.80ý014c1c_,WM. Maw, ezîctioneen.- .4O .Stonk,. oc40"Rravel "ad ropir atisfaction guar'nted. MondayMarh 17, Auction sale o$ $d, 2.g5 ; D. Hôliday, ceaI: for - fanmatock and 1Imp1eieets, the prop- oMSp, 9.6 1T.F. Roweé, lievo i Serty IDU Wm. T.- tntonlé"-2 Mo. - '.re.P>.R. erossing, lot 20 ad2, Ri.IUNS Reach. Sale et uon oi.-Wm. cn2,1;D.-Holllday, expens e 0 -Wib' il a~i hp T15w, Xctier. -Cd -ae- fToronto et bearing o! aPppelbefoxe Tueda, arc 1-Cedi ~k y. Commssion, o! erosuingý on con. > Brock St.,South-- jilgir grade and reglstèied,-herses, caîtr 1, os2'i 1 4 ..Roe tie4 sheop aid pige, also lwi. _'and__21,___4-;_______________ ýy mà ta.sSdgrain, bey, rebote, etc., tire property of Lance ,Joaton, -lot ;by 16 con. 6, Pickeering..'Sale et 12.30 did o'oiock sharp,., Wm. Maw, suct$oioer. Wedneeday, March 19.-Auetin- al er ture, tire property o! T. H. Clayton, - 01Kingoton Road Est, near Whitiry. lssale et oie lo'olock sharp, nain orA UI neo ai îîns f SWednesdy, Mrà r26.-Auction sale be of irousehold -furniturs and etlker goodathre 1pxopexty of W.A. Holday footwear for, Me n, W omeny. idBroklin, Sale at *oue o'clock. Wmt. D4mLii itonr and'Chilldren always on hanid. t StoneillsoU by iùeneai u A calsoictd. . ad ot 50 on.7111Derlington Townahip, A cl-soiii .ail o!firis !armetock, Iriplements, e. Sale to commence at oste o'ciock. J. . A pl sre t shw gos ad Bhep, auctioneer. A pesrt h w g os Prices. the lowest. , Miscellane4>us -Adverts. ~.Snmrt boy for erraids, aid gener- rg ally usefur- Apply at Gazette-Chron- siR SUE. St.. &utli. Whitbyo Ont. hfeM 9 On oenuof o! Esid aid Maq 8L,____ _______________ gF sbd 18 x 3. Apply te W. IL SXIT, cd Smbo tudebaker. Ato bie FOR SALE. nTwo good dairy*cows. Oie fresIr. 's A bargain for quick sale. Apply teo le Lou Northera, Whitby.no I WANTED. sTwo apprentices to loaru thre Mil- linery. business. Must be neat aid ýe briglit. Apply to Misses Powell, Brockr ýt Street. FOR SALE. ir 5 or. 10 acre market gardon lots on OBrook street northin lathe towi o!f_ Whitby-. Apply te Mr. W.A. Brougir-- MODEL3~5 'toî.-87. r FARM_ TO RENT. -COCKSIIITT AND FIROST& WOOD 1,100 acres lot No. 11, Broken Front .Pickering. Feui ploughung done. Pou- F eMA lâ NE.-, r session Apnhl lst. Appiy te AAlbent Richardson, Witby-37, PAGE W]JRE FENCE WANTED. Heviag pleced oux order for a large quantity, we are prepared te quto a -Two gooo waltreases aid, one close price. ehouseinald. Relerence requlred. Ap- 'PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINE AND ROPE s ply Ontario Ladies' Coilego. Msn&RshPao.Clmi --'-- e FARM TO RElIT. Mao ic ;ns oubaGahpoe, ' 100 acres, near Raglan, lot lOý) con. Records, etc. PooieY Record Cabinet,. patented. 9,Eabt Whitby. Weil watered, godD '-~O t > buildings. Apply te Aloi. Ormlston, isney & Pi uckrin, vvnituy, O t sRaglan.-39. r HOUSE FOR SALE. P rame hous, six roomsanad bath ' ' WW' ,' W' W' WWV' nooni, hot air furnace, Piot and cold water, lieuse Irai been newly reno- ASHBURN STRI0 -vated ; i acre o! laid, about 30 fruit R à trees ; large barn. Apply Mrs. CeeUee Smith, John aid AtIrol sitneets.,-tf. FARM FOR SALE. FIVIEIREAS ONS 1. 215 es ÀMAn PME *thyTewmuhip six ac-smmr or loisive» iw l. re - orders given sa=e- carelul attention- OsaandWbhby, erKiao as cusltomera- lead Fa .good -clay i~i od___ builins forMm fodad s lag bille E L , IýNERCHAMT ' -< A$BR A ONT. WX-N. -N RÀ--I vascliv 2-1