Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1913, p. 6

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4;,, - ~iiV c- i - I -CIIAPTTiR XXXV11J. -One spnhng eveaiutgý rather morno t-han two- yeaiai after Vie weddhng, - Shgnýid was working a-way in hs lit- tle.back garde», Vo whib uwtat lier heuisehoki cluthes were ligbt, she d evoted a good deal o! her Vume. IV jùined tIe gardon, cf Rowa Tres }Iôuse, antd, for greater co)nve-ni- euee, a-a epeaipg ha-cl es» made in thse lidge, a-ad a- utitle green rate -- -put tp. Upon this gaie leaMied Cecil, -t-hatting eonta-bly, lier --tenais racket utnder lier-a-r, and Witl a- plenentit cousci.eusness tînt t4 ework oe! th&day wa3 over, a-ad *tlhat,.itoy and Fnithiof miglit 8seen - - - _ b. expected for Vhs nightly garne _wiceh, duning the seasnu,- hey bel- - -' dom caned te miss. - <"'They are late this evening,"' eaid Sigrid.- 1I wonden whstlier -EHerr Sivertgen lias caugit Fnithiof. - Ihope not, for hs tenais dccc lhim oscIgood.", I le lie wenking very liai-chF' asked Cecil. SlRe nlways wonks fjriouisly; anI -.Just uow I -think le ha-egeV wha-t o<ns iie-ctilled,-'VIe bust eof finish- inig' ipen him; we sce very litile of 1dm, for -when he le noV at business I - --h.is liard î t work over Herr Siv- ---- ertsn's ianscnipt. But il reahly - aenus Vo agnes withli ii; they sa-y, he note was about. tShe readi us Vîtougl a-ad tisn-a nded it Vo him. Itran as !eÇows:1 "Mr. Crantleyhuacotas, &04 wiehes Vo sec, Viscildnen.'11e w4ll n<'t ak. tjue away for a !ew days, -but yen 1usd better brng thein dowa Vo ses lira." "He -is cout o! prisea "' exc]aimecl Frit-hic!. '- But surely hie Viras is net up yet. I thouglit le lad five yea-rs 1"' "Tise five ysars would le over nexi Octoher. 1 knsw it wouîld conte some clay, but 1 neyver thoug4l of it seBo ou, a-nd Vo ake thet aaw*% lin la few d&ysl" -I remeruber n9w," êaidFrith- le!; "tiers is a t-nIe that by good belavior i» prison Vliey eau eiightýy shorts»n their tins. I a-m 5sennir for you;- il 'w.iIl le a feaifnl wrencl Ãœo you Vo part, witb La-ncecanc Grwen." - SI. locked lier lands togethen, making no attemp- a-V an aaswer. "How exactly like Vis -worid,' - Viught Friýbiof Vo himsecf. "Herf is1 a girl passioatcly devoted ttC thsse ehltron, vhila hs înother, w-ho neyeV desenved theta 4t a-l bas utterhy çlssrted thcsn. To havt lad -lIera for five years and the-r 1 sucdeuly te bec theni nîtogether, tînt is a- fezlrful blew Vo hon; Vhey i s~i p,. ma4e -4er tete a-,i and walked to e"oe~ with Msr. wi ,you, 1 ca», t, f ?y rite 94Ye that you.. 4OUld -a.ye >#3pwn5,;be- "Neye," '~e saîd. <Lta wIsaV, it le tint bringe I." -y :e heft her n t hs hall .,and rau ,up.t>airys -Vo Vhs nurssry, whse e- e was always -a weleoeme visiter. Both children rushed Vo meet hlm wV cries -o!, dehigit. I.Cecil bas -sent me up wiVh a&mes- sage Vo yenU," h. said. .. Tqo sày we .May -come clown,"' shouted Lance. "li IV that, H-em "o"cried ýLwen, dancinig round hlm, "it's:to sky a holiday for Vo- morrow, I guese." l "No, noVtînat exacthy," h. said; "but your father has come, and Cecil wants yen te come dewn and cee hlm." - anId before ln h'i dr>e, ptoeu, T/ei-leLmu drieae4, an ýwiit' ër-logt$fleî Thet~O~~i o ral vever thedainty h~a~ o! t l'd insfbu~t heemdo. S~I 'eÏl-orange' blksiaom #oPý 'me'. of life- àÙ& vigor -th&n ib 0e, i 4 I L~hritsgre-hou8 e , ýdtài b uces eï ip' &é't1sn4Is'<b-f leim-made dreez p~ t~dad-- ishéd ths Ïo èôiof1ict '#ihfo miràbly, 8he--ïhXkOd into the littie 'o long lad bli0ný 1l&iily .ýinb 'in ~Lt~ng-oor t-~ ~M heaolfto r1-lusface. Sigrid ~A~ap~.0f th* f.as ah. .,Igzced iouýnicI * here waý qI sh ,hAt ,,oiir train,~S & neti~'f~ uB esep~xa rid, in case. the loor in. .,t a.trl>ngth Whbich alway ppa t dty"saud '8waehil, ruçh en., ber., j~ug.'of çt~ç t i- grls'*"We' were Juat talkin jabout 9 nulned not to*think of the partln g .-*iei' you *o .ùd Yb. ready to Iplýy.'l ~ilem."After,,that remark of you]s1 "Gwn la'to m- 0.L tAs a.t tIse i I eh~ 1it"_ -j~ -churchi'" ex ùai eil. "Do Y'ou + Sihall to esvlçw 1tnis." kn-ow,, I think thse càrrnage mutb e Bad, lily."Wy hudI waitîçg ,6fr I sfees the eldest-ittie g8M a a le 31- oi~wl ç n~ HEallifield teaâring- across the cort ivertsen. s1un14Ir tywýtpg fr yard? ~hene4 1 ,lent1' "ýPlsen I muet say good-bye,ýt i#"ýr irtn sîssibl, every one," said. 8igrid; and with said Sigrid, talring 'Off lçe,garetÈ-1 one hast look roun~d the littie home, i4g"791qves. «"And I,àmnjsqt. ging. 4hc-had er>wn so dear to thçm, t shlow ~yu to rets4rn t». your ohi she took Frýith.,bf'sa rm and Went 1ýad ways; as long -as yog liye wt lut into the long Stone -Passage, me pou wilI have ,tobe Bfflethuig wrhere a group of the neiglibors. more than a workî1ug dru<4ge." stoc.d %aiting to see the ast of, lier, "Since -Sigrid has begun Ibaby's and to give lier their. hearty good çducatiof," qaaid Frithiof, turnlisg WiBhC5' l4ughingly to Cecil, "we notice that Thaï chapter of lier life was end- ghe has become very dictatorial toi ed, 'andç the busy hîve of 'workers -the rest of us." would noQ longer cousit her as queen- lYýou slioudn't Malte stage aides bee-cf the ýmtablis1inlont. u'alodvis" SI d hri-J She was quit. silent as tliey dro't.e pretendixng to box his'-ears. " I am' thmrugh the husy Btreets, her eyes going to meet Roy and Vo fetch thie had aiin that sweet, dreamy look rackets, and you taire him :nto thie in» tlicm that Cecil hsd lnoticed ear- garden, Cecil, aud make him. bo- lier in the morniiqg; she -Ãœld not have properly." seem to, see outw»rd thinge, 'until "Are you really se, specially busy sfter awhileher eyes met Frithiof's just now ?" asked Cecil, as lie open- and then lier face,. whicli 1ud been ed the fittie gate and joiael htr; raLlier grave, broke into iudden "or wss it 'only your fui-' ~ brightness, and &he saiçl a few 49N, it ias grim earnest," he words to hlm in Norse, whichhe re- replied. "For since Herr Siv',rv- plied te with a look se full o! 1ev- seinlias been so. infiri" I hava had ing pride-andch<ontentment that it nmest of his w.,rk to do. But t i l1 carried thue sunsbine straîght, imo well-paid work, and a very great4 Cècil'si heart. help toward the debt-fund. In tenî "'This mairiage la a capital thing ye.ars' fimie I may lie free." frhm"she thought to herseif. "-Se&!" exclaijned Ceeu , "thereA '*Re will be, happy in lier happi- la the first narcissus. How early it lise ." P je! I must',ake 1V Vo rmother, for 1 By this' tiXne they had rcached tliese se fond. of them." Chih; Lance, i» the dress he had He stooped to gather Vhe flower worn at Mrs. Uorner's fancy-baill, for her,-and ils she ook it fromi stood ready Vo hoki thé bride's him, he just glanced at her-for a train,, and Gwen came Ëunn.ing up,* mom' t e. *a looking very eagertVo take lier place in the lit-- pretty that evening, lier gray eyes Lhe procession.- were unusually bight, there w4s a A few spectators-had dropped in-, sof t glow of color in her fair fAice, , but the- churcli was very quietý an& an air o! glad contentment scemed- up i le hchanceltheire werc only «to liover about 4er. 1Re ittie guess- Reoy andi his hest -inan, Mmeé. Lechi- ed that it was happiness in1 hise uc- ertie r, old Herr Sivertsen, aud theéceas which was the cause of ail hs. fâther and munther -of the bride- Even as ie, wafohed lier, h wever, groom. Charles Osmond read the lier color faded, lier lips bftan to service, ýand hie pretty daughter-in- qUiver, s!he seemed Vo b. on the haw h;ad begged leave Vo plany the point of fainting, organ, for she lad taken a fancy 'Is anything 'the mattenr' lie iiot only te ittie swanhild, but to asked, aharmed by the sudden t he xliole faniihy v wh-" at her fa- change in, ber face. "Are you ili, ther-in-law's requý-1st she had calld c-i Cýl V" upon tlieM. Aftcr.the wedding -was -She Jid net rcffly, but let hin eveîý and Vhe proices.,ion had once help lier Vo tho neareet garden-seat. inore passéd d4ownv the aisie, ,he stili "It i3 the scect cf the narcissius; went, onplyn having a love of it is tcoc strong for you," lie sug- à i1hing in ier natuire.. Chiarles geEted. Onùdcamne out iil the vestry and - "No," she gasped. ',But a most aV~dbcside ter. awful -feeling camle over me. Sorne- arn glad you plaved for ther," thinig is going Vo happoni, I amre . lue s.aid, when te last cliord had of it.-1 bren' tilick. "I. wa's nt at ali the Ili e oked perplexed.' She, drop- Eort ,f weddirng t- be vthuut ped the niarcissus from her han4& m-nusieý and hie picked it Up andi put it on .1t as ýoxe of the nicpst wed- the, further side of the benich, stilh dings lI was ever ai," -shu said ; clinging to hie o-wn theory that it "ant as we your -Norscman-lie ie was the catise fbe antle H l ail yent said, and more. Do you i face,- whiq'I a mnoment befocre had know, thore is a strong look about been scq ýright, was now -white as ilu .. c om~o In-ade bme tbink the fiower hîself, aifd the lijoh: cf Two Irishmen were turned aver by 4 wAve wlxile out for a row. One of thQpin swam -to the ahore, and af- ter e nj.srt iest was seen to start bg4kl, towardit the, ot]er man, who 1va. ztiLwreIng~t~ithe waves. "lWhv, what drp..o,-,going bsack a byst.ander., "Wlhy, Oi1ýa$ to Save begorra, Oi'u going- bak to Save the gentte but certain action of Na-IDru-Co Laxativez.- 25Q. a box at your druggis,'s. ATIONAL ORUG Ano,cI4MICAL Co. 0F CANADA. LIMITED. 16 ~1 four h i'~n ; 6-gt sdservé bot or cold with teream sauce. S*eained' potatîees.-Fry thrbe'or four Blices 1of' salt pork' and when ioie puiinouh- hot water on It te fill Vhe frylngpan ocr skillet (pre-1 -erab1.y, the -latteij5 tWo4-Sdefuil;. blien'elles 'ihto 1V -fivs-medinnu sizèd or large, poatoýs. -;Seas"on with 5aalV- a»dl-peppen and wluen cookedý allow* biienu Vo brown before V aking,,tlem- Erom -Vhs vessai. Either sweet or white potaVos can b. used in Vhs ýDanisIs Swect Sonp.-IVo a qjuart o! fast boilis»g waten pour a good handfuh o! barley qr sage, Vie latter is Vie more- dehicate, etir a few minutes Vo prevent lumpiag. Whe» iV lias cooked 'te» minutes add a cup o! large prunes and a littie hemoil ni»d. B£>ii Viase until tender. Flaver wlth Vhs juice o! a lemen and any kind -of tant jeily. Cunrant and raspberry le a good combination. Sweeten Vo Vaste wiVh white sugar, hou all Vogether for a few minutes. If toc Vhick or tee nicl a-dd a littie hoiling water.- Wlsite Sa-ge Soup.--Cook Vogether tise ame quantity o! waten and sa- ge ns in Vlie precedi»g and fia-ver witli lem-on peel. Wlien Vhs sage l-3 tender do noV boil any more, but beat uuutil Vhick Vie yolks o! Vwo or Viree ggs with a tablespoon o! cohd waten Vo prevent curdli»g a-ad a whneglass on more, if desiréd, cf sherry or brandy. Stir up -welh and ,serve at once. - Muffins.-Three eggs, two lieaping cupfuhs -o!f our, hli4 ~tenspoonful o! saît, VIres tableepoonfuls of!la-k- iag powder, three tablespo-onfuls o! .melted butter and oae teaspooaful of lemo» extract. Mix and-.alt the leauiqep.W -is .buttered ùonthe uppe, part -and edge. --- Ca One, a*s-eau b. cleaned' by' %pngi'ng:thqýsý until s0akedwwithi soap and hot water. The temperature of a clhihd'a si0k i roDom s1bould. never b,ý unden ý'0 de- r grees non above 65. ýWhite pit ebest 'cleaned witl;,i aaddipped uaitebs» If -,nt -or 4-two- eaponul'-e uarar added Vo turnipe -4whe» cooking Visey will bé;,împroved. - ,Carbolic -acid le a good: disinfeet- ant, buV u!ehesie unlese-,diluted wiVh at least 20 Vjmes -it bulk o! cold 'water. If a little azmni il mixed -with the -beeswax and turpentine used for floor polishing, Vhs wax will dis- solve quickly.1 Rancid butter is sweete'ned by meltirtg ond skimjning;-,then put la a piece o! liglit brown toast. The toast will abserb the unpleasant aste and, emehi. If Vhs closet where you liang tins and cooking utensils le badly lglit- ed, ry painting Vhs hooks and naihe white. Sereens' aro an important item in household coaiet-la Vhe vestibule in winter; te, fohd around Vhs bed and proteet it f rom-direct drauglits whuhe wjndows are ope», and Vo make a pnivate cerner ia a buEy liv- ing rooin. To mead china nuake a thick so- lution o! gum arabie and stir into iV pliater of paxis until VIe mixture bicorns creamy. Apphy witis a brueli Vo Vhe breken edges cf china and joia ogether. Lay ths china away for thres days. BIRD S FAR OUT TO SJEA. nar, -Ones. ire Somefimes Caugut - By -Sallurs. dry ingredients, tien add the beat- The ship's barber -o! Vie Atla-ntic su yolks dt eggs, Vie milk,_ Jemon liner Minneton-ka bas found a new eýctract arstthe butter. Bent well; a-ad profitable pastime ia catcbing cut and lotd iu Vhs stiffly bea-ten wa-uderiug birds durng the voyage whiVes cf Vhs eggs. Diside iiito welh acrose Vie Atlantic a-ad selinig them. buttsred aluminaum gem pane; bake u n bis arrivalinh port. Ail sorts cf in a lot ovea, for a quarter o! an birds comie aboard ai se&, ho de- lcir: Two tallespoufuls cf eugar charel-, and ma-ny o! the na-rer sp-eci- may lie ndde'd if dshred. mens find a ready salie. Freacli Toast.-Make a batter o! Hie chie! asshstanat laa whistliag oas egg anmd eue cup of milk, soak browa ianet, whhch iuresVhs wan- some elles-s, cf bread la it-, put Sorne denrers a-boa-rd frota i-Vs cage iu an drippipgs la Vhe f ryh*ng Pan, f rY tle 'open Port.- hnit hshs h sîliceA 'co bread until brown. vagrant fiie-s alighIt on theshsip, -Spri:o-, wihsga;srv o aud prosent'y flutter inside. - Thon WVater 8ponge Cake.-Twe eggs, bthe port e qucccdandc thesg oue cup o! sugar. oe t easpoors le- brsaeqîcym-epioes incaju~e, sx Vbteseou cf old "I have canght hun-dredF, o! them. eo ue i a oe-ird cupe-of of and I supplýf the London Zoo regu- water. oeladrhe-t, -'up of Eaid t-ho.bird catcher Vo a sifted. fleur, Vwo even easpeens baking powder. Beat Vhs yolks cf rpoettv fVsLne vn V ieeggs etif, add thesucg-ar and ing Standard. "Ou a recent ihome- beat a-gain, add Vhe lem-un jules and - -d voyage the lininet- luisocia -snojwbird. It wss t Le firet oe eh watcr, then the sifted ticur, ite Lorclon Zoo ha-cl h er. a-bies te ecure whiel the baking powder las been it-en as msixed. aud, lnstly, the wbitc-, beat- "Wb%'ai the bird) rsqu re wlien en stiff. Bake lai a smahi, sliahlow îhîev firîti alight on a -'- hip P; nLet pan, or ilu maIl scalOPod tins. f« btr aVn a-dh1uth Ft'stng-Ou cîp-Ypeudereci boiled. GOsîs ollow a 5:hin a'il th sugar, ene teispoon boiling water, w-ny acrose -Vhs Atlantic aidh'sck. one tablespo--on heinon luice (net ex- Amenican gu1 r eua 'n tract). Aýdd a few drops more ol voys ia fa-r as tise Englir.h Channc-l. boiling w-aVen until it is thia seugli wlcre. ihey desert us te folhew-8a t-e settle, w-heu yen stop sîir.ring. we&tward bender horeme alan. Ceiler tome o! ths icing pink, Ã"r a- i "The English gulis, m-hich are dif- littis mcit-ed chocolats' ma-v « be fenent, bavîng blaek foct, yehlcw useel. For a childrsn's pa-rty, the3e Iboliss, and gray-w-hitc wings andi are ineat attractive ihttle cakes a-ad ba-oks, coavcy liners over an-ct back thonoughl y w-holesome.- la Vhe sans w-ny. TIc guIls likçe Raisin Sandwiches.- Graham emigraat ships best, because Vhs bread, large raisins, unsalted but- mors passenge rs there aie Vhe Vei1osbe paio inmn grenter qua-ntit.y cf scra-ps is tshrow-n terif ossilepinc of cissors overboard.; Cnt sncb raisin lu Vwo wthissr "I do net believe Vhs la.ws againeýt a-ad remove Vie pits. La-y tic halves c&pturnag wil-cl birds a-pply Vo tVhs on ti» lioes o! buttered grahain high rceas, beyond the three mile srea-d, -aprnkiewith powdered 1su- liit. At any tata iV le humanity gar a-ad cianamon a-ad cover witi Vo cars for thein. and give the;a another buttered eles o! bread. Cut drink, food and medicine when they -wiVi a cutter *laVe faney shapes, if coteas board exhaustj-t. My birds deeired. Date sandwiches are madhs have brought me geod -l1uck, and in the. same way. Vths pa.sseagers are fend cf watching- (To he continued.)- DAMAGES MORE THIAN WAR. Anhual Loss by Plant Diseases-and Insecte $2,0OtûOi,0OO. Louis flop, the vice-president o! the Inwt~haional Iastjtute -o! Agri- culture at Ilome, Italy, ih'a tshing article sounde an alar-m regn-ndimmg thes great damage dons a»nually by ,di8eaffl Vo plants and the crying need for conoerted action on the part o! the world's governments Vo minimize the evi.. "A penmaneM twar le waged against humanity, " he says, I'byi in- -visible hein»--microbesî insecte, a-ad parasite-which threaten Vhs agrcuturc o! the world and cost more Vian al hs coafliits- between nations. Two tisousand frillhion dollars ie Vheseum whichlie estîmates le lest ;ý.nnus.11y Vo Vhe commerce o! Vhs wonld in ths wa-y. "Moreov8r," continues M. Dop, "se fa-r f rom de6creasing, the an- fluai heesVo agriculVure le growiug yearly, and, ujlle,-s aken in Iand pr-omptly, xi»eaces wiih ruin those cou ntries which, ike France, de- penld maialy on agriculture -for prospeiy." Goin-g into details, I4. Do.p peint5 on~t that accrding Vo the calcula- iens of V-le authonities tlehs bse g-uffered la France by the phyllox- era have a-readY exec-,e'ded $2,000.- 0100, while a third cf the, vis-grow- ing population cf the country bas been ferced Vo.emigrate. At the present imne in France nions ths damage net orihy tet-heo vines but Vo cereals, 1>otatqms, par)- turage, fruit and . forest trees causeed by disea-ses, as well as by nexieuis ai'ah, aý- hcestimated a-t ever $1-00,000,000. Hue aIse-n .quotes calcuilatiens9, sliewing that in the Uaited States, Germany, Australia, etc., Vhe an- nal bs cf crops -duo Vo epidcîmics represeats the enta-cf a thouza-ad million. Marshalliag ether -figures in sup- port of hie 9,ssert;,)n, M. Dop states th-b he-- coavi"iced thao.t Vhe "icost cf 1livin.g" questicon is cl<coehy counected wit-h that of plant dis- eares. This terrifie aauna I-os Vo agriculture, li' insiste, could lie iargely eli-imated, provided that mensures lie adopted by « a-l Vhe worîd's goverumncnts. He expects important resuite f rom Vhe international commission onplant clissa-ses, .whicli wil- be I oavoked by the Frendi Govern-~ m nent at -Roe in 1Apnil, sand whioh wihl prepa-re a report for Vie gea- eral meeting o! thse Thtern£ûoenal Instituts o! Agriculture la ths fol- lowing menti wth a visa' Vo estah- eli a» international organization Vo fight plant diseam, supported by al Vie governmnnte. To Save MoiLe. IIlad a curions expelri e'nce with a ho'ming pige-on one. -IVwas usar- Whitsuntide. at wici t-,oac,nthey hold rces here. A ca-rrier flew- aboard as we were ent-ering Vie Channel, st-ruck Vhe inat and was stunaed. I eared for it until I tbought it was stroag eaoîîgh to fly a-gain, and then t-unued it lcs The bird, boYwever, camue bacek ou board. Aga-in I set -it free, anad a-gain it neturaed, Vuis tique settling clown oms a- ledge at- Vhs stera, w-lens it reeted for n timo, and finally left u-s as we neared Dos-on. IV muet have been disab-led n.and culdnt fly." Saved Tinse Me» anti Two Wieunen. -Wihlie liad lie» forbiddca Vo tnt' bis new skates bsc4use i parente thouglit Vhe ice was net sa-fs. Con- scquently, wyhen lie appsnred in the deorwa-y, drip-ping wet, there w-a-s trouble brewing. "Don't lic-k me, ma," sa-id th e ffeader, "bzçauseý I'rc jusi eaved thiree niée aud tire w-oms» frein drowning." s "lcw "dema-aded hie motIon. "Wliy,", exphnînod Willie, "thev were just going on Vie iii when 'I btoks thrpugLu." - 0l ue-Gtrahame-1ite; thse wel- 1 oftis amount- le necesary,-tr knownefiying Iman and manu!aoVur- eqimn -nog nzto! o or o! , aeroplaffes, lias witten aa n'ai' o'iz airty'pe -of machiià4 i several Iïoixloh - a, 'provincial AVIeas.V ,doubl'thi ,um hoiuld, b - ýp la-pêhdIsit in 8tist.,,a-vilable if. we--ar, pdý JU ;thse h-tkGoveîxn1entýmUit spend seliies witIs serviceable -dir4lbes. at 'lse'5'O6;0Othl - ifit 'The55fet. anid indsed the >ry -Wlkhés te - keep; pace -,withý' --ne tXS c ý!br~~pr my u Th, lio- , V he near future; deped-poihe ÃŽS a -- 1em . fie ionl, le, enys, nyaiid strength o! our ners-1 'ls n ;only néde or r l t I- ,CiOfair self, but for -thi -ralning c-f pltail fleet. i Vm %o tress 1ahi. observers, and meclianice. craft would, o! necestyM ecm Mn. rahme-hite appndsoonitràband- Of war, and fer-Vhs5 VIres tables showing Vhs relative res» f osmre -worthy ean fee n-betfoun' U o strength o! the air fb u»ddour home industry must land Frace sd Gexnan. 'T e e stered at aIl o6sts. Manufac-; English table hé adrbits represents tuners must be encouraged noV onhy; thse English fleet at its veny beet.- t~ morally but financslally ; etherwse is a !ohows:ail tIse talent -whièh undoubtedly, Machinaes , 30. presen - n od) -seek thse ready support and encor- Mac.imes (r1 agement offer*d by other cou»-ý approximately, 20-or 25.tre. Miitary Pilote (aV preseat avail- a-bIe) approximatehy, 30. 10W JCOLD AFFECTS HfEAL1TH.i Pilote. now undergoing training, - approximatehy, 20. Il As OftsnIel pfuI as Ilarmfl, Ae In regard Vo the nenial forces cfi- Cording to, -Docer.,,- France, so rapid le progrees in Vînt Dr. A. -D. Blakatder extolsa the. country Vint etatistice as Vo the 8etimulatigan eIl-iing pro- condition o!flier air-fleet cannot-be parties c his eadtàiy se Prou- more than approximate. The table dry oeld o! nort-barà- Canada: - The set forth behow sliould, however, leffé<,t e! coid< air on thse- bcdy l two- enable Vhe readen Vo appreciate the fold. First, there i-s an act ual a-b- straction o! lenit, which il airely, - désirable, and which, >so fan as pos- Y- P~'~ii sble rhould beRxneventeld . Second- l--- y ohd hasa astiniulating aîction o*ný VIe ne rve endings,, - strênÉthening *--respiration -ah ud eula4aon,,- and C;s» mroving oiidation a.nd; sfutrâen.~ ~ Cod -resh air favore naitural .heepi si'and etimulatea the appetite and di-i - ' gestion. In -xinmsatony. oondi-! V f tse! iethnoa.V old -air may sot* * ~ as an irritant and do ha.nm. Thndi-- ; viduajâ s ufferins froni ô:rga.nic dla- msasaor Vh e circltion as a nuls' --- stand cold 'poorly. -lIn afew ia- stancffs Vhs cold may anOuSe t n crea-aed aetivi'ty thie defeti-ç<spow-' *ers cf .£omnpehsation, 'and ditti nct ~m : mrovemeh-t may set ia, -b ut' tj -- often -a-n efficientrain aj - - oei-licited.a-ad th.e svef:gecl leada Vto di"ahtrou 'eut.Ans -mie peo-pie-, as3 a nuls, do wll bn -require caution in main tniniwg body ~ ~ heas. Iu celd we tehselimïne.t- ing fn-ctocf Vhps sidaare ,sigt,, and poisenqusmteaslaVsy- Vem a re hrewm off- almost entir,6y by t idcy nd intestin-aitrct Extre csne ooi ln4)t desirable for- caes cf gout, arthritis, or neuritis. ïLe1r th-ose ue-ing f no>m adIv.noed Claud Graamp-Wite. degene-raLtica in a-iy organ; for Chud (naam Wmts thics-, adveaoed in year!e, .-and fer Lngland'e foremosiaÉ abr. t111y'ng.exti-eme ccl!d may lie dis- ___________ ____________ isncti.,isarunful..* immense strides ihiat ELr4Iicé.. 1s owmn uk-cedkishv- already nmade autiï-is ilîl :k.: e omny ninglkck-hae Machines (la hand and ca ýLrder), more Vlan 500. Mîhitary airsceni isc- n t1 Imore than '-,G. O!fV te 500 ahns c is appreciably iserre tîh: -'Y) are ready for use in w-ar -t w- haps , acd Vo VhsesiÈif1nc O-l' above table if eue acide th1-at it is the a-vowed airîs cf France t-o pos i1 cees a- te lecndcf -1914 an etTee ire: force o! 1,000 war aercpia-e-s, co-- plets witli ahi tleiîý transport equs.p- ment, field repaîr 'clops, pilote, oc- servers, and skiled mocha-aics. Mn. Gnahauss-White continue":- .The grant o! a milliQn pounds,I whhci. I suggest-ed a-bore a-s beiïtg esseatial for fiying, would,be quite inad equate if oun Gnveramnent could be induced Vo go vhoes-lieurt- edly into hs ail-important malter, of igliter Vian air fiying craft. lu-1 -i aseoount of thse r-ene% enant at-Mamre, &Bd ment Veý Abram of dloom ô! Sodom. -C 'eords4the' change- of- -~to Abraham, and of te Sarah. Verses 1 ison ehapter.tl <oft thse two angeha into their reception snd Verse 12. The mei that las, - messengers. They Urge LuttVo l, leayknk'Vie -çcity, hlm ail-tIse members ate fanifly. ~ 13. M. wihl destro Thseir - isit had bee pose of -ascertajixin 'vernîng ýhe..city'- ' *mess. This beixg * commisBsion Thchudes *visit dir42 judgment - - ,The cry o!f them i before Jehovahi - * enie nairative Jel cf a.s poszeeeeng tIse and limitations o!1 on. cf the distinigui the early -prophet which . our lesson to marry. -Up, geV you ýut Lot.hxaseegemse-to derstood the. Ãœrgenc mand -te he-ave- thec A&one that mý;ckeý ed: -Th e 5oi'.8-jf-law - oue. To themVthe- tlieir c~seenis IM >15. Wlien-the meri dawn. Ail that precÈ -pired. while it was -B vh two daughters -As opposed Vto - V sons-in-law wlio 1usd nore the warning,A noV ln Lot'e lieuse.- Lest thon be censi plieatjen 1h that -Jeis a: time bsyond -wh3c tioii of Vhse itïy was" poned. Iniqut- ,pun 16. But lie lingere hegve hie oe al lad been- se long hi ý-dence. The angels. thetiu anddtn -with iehusehold be necesesary - te ý 4 hand. 1Tisus with gg they bring -hlm f or raf-elv beve6ncf the ci-t *17. 'Escape for thy F_ flightit e eessarv to- o f gréater -safety. Look -ncrt hehi.bd, *every temptatien te *watch witli curi.ons Êv thge cty. SAl Vhe Plain-The in lhe _ne!glibýrorbc; C 19-1H. The omitttd Lot's. plea to be spLrî &H oiy f leeing te the I tains. anti te bé e pr_ mm ainina ittî villa ttee frem de. 23. Zoar-M eaniing, 24ý Rained. . brim k-7Binist-one ý-is the W(c formW la V-he Bible which ile found in-- regiens both as an-un posit and-as one of, 'coneVii{uentw- - cf - gase - Vo be of-onnd ýat te -aiseefthe Da- Sea shory eonf agmSea cinfs bcmi, ate- pille-s, whicli are, in oes ,of formation an- TIse prcc"s-s W . hawc -casee veýýyfvi, w. tiai Vhe ealt-. Th.sr 1i pon4t unfrequeni v at e -ehumaîn figu-rj -ýhen -viewed fi'om _ia d Jewsh r~crs iud -believed thev were- identify the pillar f, Vo inu-Our lesson pasqn 27. -A4bràliam The 1( thse nam> e, ex lained laVIser of a -mu1tsti1 -éhàPter seveniteen far Lodeni and equqdhv'wi £9. Ced rmme H-Iie nIercy- toward iLet by ths writer as pal regard for hie nîit Ablraham. Candy Reeipes. MWolasses Candy.-Stîn Vogether thrse crps m-lasses and oas csîp bnowa sugar, sdd -a gi c f vinegar a-ad put alt' over tIc fine la, an agate on porcelain lined sauce- pan. Bring clowby te a bell, stmr- ring oftei. Afier it lins boled halIf a*n heur begia te teet Vhe caadyl-by droppiag a littlis o! iV froin a- smbo jnuecotid waten. As scon a-s a lit- tia- o! tIe, syrup hardsens in ie water tir a- t,bepSon o! butter into he'-boiimg mixture. Wisea this mel Vs put in a ieaspoon o! bak- iùg soda dissolved in a Vableepoon o! boiIing,, waer and ta-ke immedi- ately hem V-ý.hs fine. - Pour laVe lut- terect paris and then pull Vo whits- ass, or yen, ma-y let iV st4y j» Vhe Ramnaad as it cools tPut. it into squarxes with ia buttene'd kaife. Yen rn,yput nut mente witbh it. BnUr~ptet.-oiseaa pound bq brewu sugar vith a cupful -of oold -vater Vo -wlich yen hav'e ad- dcl ltWo ta-blespoons o! via-ega-r a-nd pet even Vite fine in an agate sa"lce- 1pan. Cook-.for Von minutes. Alter it cornes Vo',VIe hoilnadd four table- spoons ci, butteër. Bell until-a litt1e~ les 'the CLEANEST, SI1MLES?, end DEST, ROUE DY£, on* cau boy-Why yo dont e= have Io Ikow what IN of Cloth 701 Goods are sMade st--So IlgtkÉ* m Izopoi"lle. Send for Free Calot C2rd. Stary Sookiet. end flookle i.t ~grcauluol iDreing over other coon. Tbe.OJOENSON;,RXCHAiODSON CO., Lmtd L.0 " à

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