Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1913, p. 7

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-Owho WE AILS safely .Denouathe'.city gate.-- Vi.#ap.ý for thy life-Further 'ý-mnece&»ary te neach a p-lafe. 'of gtýter safety. Lo4 net -behind treeuRner.te -oI~vti urieus eyeis the f ate of Ah tthe Plain-The valley- re gion in l the. neighbcrhcod_--e .doQmed - .1 e2'i.oxitte,!-verses record, Lot's plea ýte be uparîccl the neces- aity o!fieeing te tIhe barren meoun- tains, ans! te bu perm ittto-t e- munin l .a littIe villauge sfome7 dis- tance fromI Sodoim. - 23. Zcar-Meaning, 1181e.. 24. aînd . . .brimstoue Wnd! lire -Brimeton, la the 'word uses! uni- fcrmly in lie Bible for sulpiiur, ..whleii îe- touns! iiail,_ voboanie .regions_ both as" an uncornbindd de-. -posit and as one of - the. chemisal 'eonistituents -of gises as sulphur drioidè ands-ulp1uureIýed hydrogen, 'which "are_ not infreqtýentIy exchales! fràon the earthtp such _rçgIons- or dissolved' ' i i - water-of- hot apnings. 't làfrequently reennes te in coujuectlon with Jehovaýh's de- nunciatiôn cf - tewckdes-o nations and! individuàls (compare Deut.-20. 23; Lsa. 34. 9ý; Pua. 11. 6). -The èxtouaive- occurrene c f sul- 'wa le'.bhýùidrbuss whose bore, ~que uersé 1 ine aIt the, 7ii. l. 44b-deoen & round or oval Jlell, ýeX Àrmm ever an, inchi t féùr iliehes-lun 4a.meter. l - i mal eyaviter ýthe Natlona.l Magazine, were usuel-' iy kept- lu country rmnsions -an.d faruhcusea for defenuoe, mauy vere carnies!-by the - ruarda .cf:-al Dôoiits l in. edàys viien highw*y-ý men iqade 'rvlig-nuhmore -sud Vii. largý- e" zsioaded witi a Imbled c'srgo; of bullets, >~al&, p -aand other, 'net s, vr mounted on swive.laou 'armed shipS to-4W~ourage'the emiàpts cf un- weloome,,"b;aýràers" whe might at-I teznpt teo btuih a f r0.Pa.ssage and! pre>vîalees by rarnined force. LuIdees!, inuy very haudse&néu costly ones we'e, m eaftter tii. percussion iock n'a,.iutroduoed, and! were 'couelderes! & net-unsýuita,- hIbe -ti4t ianW ifer a capýtain'of am arines! vess.Others, very .short- lun tii- bàarrel, wère for h6rsemeu' S .Vse, and ! largeiy.'carnes! lu North- . PRIx.Cr$ NIEW ItOBBY. Engllsh -Aveselea May. Stop Hlm From 'Paying Bagpipes. - Englishmenhà.ve'little syxnpathy ,wih their Si6ottisii 1rethren lu..tii. matterofi the -"¶pipes.'." t'We iztreat;ingçthýréôre toe se. wieher: *1be tct hat _91 - q WJejs-a. tu v w',ciies-' &n.vr.npe 'extPresed-aWiin- n'and (3oinr- dtty -tO _-ear'n topl4y pToperIy 0e vonk cf' ieiovah the Seotiuh natinl, innuiet natural means, ans! arang-mit e.md 'deiudedly mira- 'oe o f.-Scotlaiid'is prmié*-pipe*ýf0 çý?ve hlm lesons. The--1prine teok -Great ledgeu <:hie filuaI bessn abo,.t a monti age à. rock lailt' ar,-ans! a.ready shows remarkable po hé: sou±iuwestern grose lu plaYin« What'us a4muitte te ýea. During~ite 4 'th.einm> -icte almus1 a zens çt-ths. instruments. ' Nd and! resemble ipi]4 e Majcr Ros oes. t. Oxford we oeýssnt' prO- twl*a .1& week to give lii. Prince les- ad ý digtr3ction s0àl, .'hkih lest Abopt an)heur. One, f nuo~ rbesuIt cf. thÇ,-Prince'a ne'hobby i. g b -s chalky that several -other undergraduates 'whel p~tetsare. attempling te Ileaxnnthe-, bag- i4*r1ike shaita e s - s9fsurne forma r a i».the !d tOrw, M~s.NOVELÉ T LY qoq*0 iiiuoedl atUempt, to, roéï theÂTO!OIOO 'barritp.eiiSla, of Lba6,the Polsontous LIzav N',w on View In 99a-brador -e R con*emp]ate. in thatIntense old&,pieoue their food feulply ,ran et.41<1thy, There bas just arr'vedat i -eoud fndnopgie. "Oifr. boues,"Zoocl Gardeýns, London., a writes Mr. Walaoe, " were atiokiig Ilizard wtb pIwoubtiN riglt. out thro ugh $euÉ*l N.. W otheia' kind et 1i s 1;iknown to *ere i1ke wa1ki.ng keletena:EUb - 1ýci.zioe thàt cau <otserions has>b bard grew se - w hat-.h. ýcoul.la mer. it.;1 tooti in- th6. not'p -ied ny 1arther, aund:Welt lower-. j Ew.6rooved 11k. tho. long, hmwrapped lâ bakead' of, -a à, ke, -a bite haê been pre sdon i ïn -search. e f fi". known to kil! a man. _hnthyretÜi-nee là. as'deadl ..The.cr.Wature bu been d.epoited. -soïni -iu r g1 e Î 4ronted cae in eec.the' Many pre'viousPùlarý expoditicms dthortof hus spee. Althiyugh thia have jesulte41 in disasteri. In, 1879 bovaa 18 kept, seo ware, that the. Lieutenauýt De ,Long, of tl* United -.crooodilee aleep <calmiY- intheirý StateS Nàvy,adiled in -the, Jean- pend, ,these litti, bea&sa see8n 4o 'nette 'with tbirty-two persons on. feel -thi. oold, a.nd hýùddle tegether' board., te -disooverthe North Pole.' in the -etnd that lias. been giron In')September the. ehLp- ,was, f rozen in them- Mas thle- best possible imita- ,in tih. Aretic regions, nor ie1d' it,;tien.of their own home. They. are get clear ailý thï<eugh-. the, year 1880 ali aboutý. foot long, and gorgeôus- and the flràt, haîf of the yea~r 1881i. ly marked l in .rche oranget In JUne of the latter year it was yellow and blue-blak.- They look abandoned, and a camp waz formed like slothful'giaMi tadpoles that on oee f thé portions cf a broken have 'som-ehow or other covéredc 'fiee.. The. cexpany were net badfly themielves from the. onde of, their, off for provisions or -mu ~o ligator'onouts,.te the,, tips of,-ýheir when they oommenced, their re- funny ft ttail;with' miniature tiger 'trea.tte the gotith, being, hewever, skine., The fat tails are, net mereily obiiged te travel by niglit in order f unny;-i they are. valwable. - As -the, te escape the. blinding glaîè of the Heoemta<stecretnaiie sun, which was affecting thefr eye- of the lizard--eatsîis tail fattens sigit. In August they took-to three and stores up huge quantities cf bouts which thé- men, harnessed te fat, jut as à camel 'stcires up fat in sieds, had takeni with them frein the its, humjp. When"its tail is early éhip. Soon the boats' were sçepa, as, tliio'as its bodày if- becomes taied by a. gale and neyer came te-e happy- .oetimeésitgoes te sleep, t gother again.- One of themn W*s as thes. spe-Cimeïs st lthe Zoo seeruý probably exigulfed in the sea. -The te do,1 tt 'of ten enough itcareés- occupants _cf the other, -many c-f its fat-tail wt ta eev.I whom (as appearecif rom thê jo- iwi kr* n theti. igr-Étr ped, nal of De Long imiseif, who 'vas lizard'cau go manY' o'tswtiot anon .g th;ose *ho diéd) were badiy foo4, but during th4. ti:me - f ?hin- frost-bitten, starved t6 death', afer ger sti hrik.We e' ierbthe.been driven realiy hunigry -iie le a very, -uasty pý agreund, But the thiîàdboat' had brute to rm inee, fer-thii mide <f iei >tter ,'luck- and most, cf 18s c v wutuàlly etleepy month la jnist, fèro- were saved.cù a'xe. ohon the uppaqr- Another expeditiozx,.which -hâda an4jcower, ja* . be,-as sharp",teet turi1e-x le. eGr4 gu È1ackwairdÈ, se -that ny ipedition, w hich salrd froo E-t.-thi4.hehé. hàs1-t-1e ých c&ot rein'.;Nes oud- 1 u S1.fr eeapin«.-ÂA'wriole aivcnïbv ii -J the- North Pole. This Party,- was alIÎiwiecked and. endures! terri.hie-, sufenings. -Keeot cf.the ei 'dieci-of -traiaIoethe r.etue :paftY.,sent tt hor 'àW rea<khd,44q survivons iii'thêir -'ËÏlua camp -in June, 1884. The survivons,whe lin- cludès àpt neeo~un] -' beres! Seveil, and-weie pnaoeticRaIý at. thé- peint c0f det. Audrpee's Balloon 'Trip.,.-,, -Alic tiio -A Il-ats!e 'be- Býéiiga harinleàas se0rt cf lunatie, bad been'al-lowed, tî0. mêin l home, where al a Y long he tei in hi* st*üdi<as le.,haddone b e&f iwits wentlaetraâr. Nobody Pl muiihatteDtiofl t what he . ;'But a"t mt ýan &rti.b, who hs -known Gerita i- n his:e better da' came into the studW and'se.w tû a. _figÏre that aotoniahed hlm. Vargia, audit showed -i. o f master handi., "Ihaee toile!on il fr years- veYOrj &iUo,ý the wrId loesttrfck4 m, ai the. sculpter. ."It will b my crownînÈç -effort, M.*, ma.st-e3 piece." And seoit turned out tebob. Whe itw8a ompleted nothing that 1 had "ver doue oould, compare wit 18 t -was one cf The Finest rieces of SCUIplturo that "lad bèeudonc in Italy "And. yet tiiey say ýGemita .-..., ewno crazy," exclaime-d theçcritlcs. paaycue<rtfi IJbe L spirit s. 5cm. SaSý thaàt 18ian im- 1ý-Cïà4y- h. waa.sbeyènd & doubt; aetonishing iiow auickly -a, -partial. pofflible ideal. With thaÏýquestion'-- ho.pèissîy.o, liealichs~s lboeking. c-fthe naso-phayn wil[av 4tintoeTheitI Yé itïts esn eei ia _.imj5rovëd -by this simpl mea,- thM tthe ideal 1exiets and is maýIking won th aieht i.rulnàl mnd sçure. rma Slu res., At sevèl O'Clock on hadfaîiWèdtoe bniuigim.-Whc j 0curethnotlse- Sattrd4y nighit every bar. iscL sed staue-of ii.Yrgià i w& exhibited ltscsswiiicno-'cret-~iilelgis put eut,, au<I lrom just after to_ ' n ou. ienItar'ouee ed -y an thiug'save aà operto, inne ro facoholic réfresh- the adiratio o! ai the ~ but even after an eperatiou, if, the ~eu i ogt o~~e ni i~osbedilv stagnation continuil 'h >tIc-Monudv rThe g. visitôÊsay ans!art.over lutii.ccunry. adïnoids 'arepîoatlikely'to-retùîr. ng &b T. st- But fbhat, of c*ur"e- 8-a- Very -ex- t a reerus f the ,e, :as- î te hlm lu. cannot,hc.veit sre etiinal cas. ý Gen.u4s,,may luink ' in the km tcfgod ciïrcl-; wher thèaoiut i«h-ihotel eor auy the minds of hundreclaofe insane PPa- te ~~.ta utbi~- ~h,, ~3t tehtieep la ih iimeals or' lu lis own bed- tients wîtii ilomenùtary flaàiiesbut- Apevni fts isrd'r' ro Hwve ar te a in cunly once in- razuy years 15 thO1C Te phe freni air habit: shejîld be1zùray 'feu shàrt. of theil' idéâI, the' ever- a nan .of kwiem-t acomplishes riledlu'every echoloiiid fSàtulda uightcaosei'.aI ~ntii~ orhwhle iun? <>ler. la once -iuculcated &. teýst.. for even ts'an i rôff hïii'no.w hen riùht ~i. steclnuiu4g -01frerfii air':by 'walking, the.*chldieunMost 'of the~up ,bei~u L~hluati tat~laperetaly su- are veryý muoh more IikeIy te rebéèl ~srosrî~-hpiute-s vetï ' quion ~nilnndb~~ag lii èB&~againue i. taguaut air, whi-eh, 15 way.' Tiire la Pexhaps Vhs \Iaetulty- à at itLs. on]y toc0 cîteU'characteristic of even when, 'te accompliý4si sce Ntiba deln~'oS8hoiitIiig,@ L0g' t séheme, ,li a. edeue taues lking is a; ost valuable. etimu 'and neiohblariu ~~g;~ h Éto he}ieving, tÉhat, h. i'.rin - aab hÈ ir!e * e e et!Yly ant nt enly, t le Vi physicai &truc- p avement6: a u i~ a m, w t o s ~ tye f 'ii boy, utfavrg1Li. o- sa.sns n'g, '1ean -, th' 8ne At -th g&ti cf tii. ral e"leof -dlyrftbgmuenbit'f - or-- innet iddiipteoe n.' ti-nn.fl n.yh.'i I.picin aone i isfiBe ~eSay., The that ti. ~oe~I~nof the; averaej l y is mia< 1 i e ' l s q u a r e . . l An the. ýi càf the là wi as f -liera' tenu, ineludinst .1 they .were' sil e, Pîire.si haml--The -Io-'ie One mornizlg Jenkinu: look his gardon. n'ai!,. anud - aid s!dv

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