Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1913, p. 8

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i. Frank Piesi, 0K Arcél, ami., 'm ms va'Tqw,, Vig.e es4wm bu beon iéilsting bit au5ser, Mri.. KIiie&i-l@-Éà*- ,à W. Brown. on bis né*Oeù1p.att&ô -êu om aihéb 'Mr. and Mms. E.- Martin- lit ,on Pot*f~bIh~1 1V -Tuesday moflhli gfor Uieà ~hoe nie ,Mi" l is.uni&' 8,1t *lt iles the Wst. -Býtlgh%- andi Mi. andjjjs. &A*ý vWMgàtte om ol A, gr nd-in'Tronto of ML a<. < U<rdôn Uus at ~ hz~ graitiAnderson lut wel Wb~piieJ Mr. -Jas. Scott, > f .Montr6al, andi able 'time. was sPenl. Mr. -and Mra. Bfli " t, of Oshawa, spent Anders~ion eeivei maiiy useful- andi thOw«end ulwittltheir parenta here. eoetlY Pteeents.-,. E IV1la ad Son, VisitOU frlenda P " <ouiSlkReniedy --ias iniPckrigths'Sl.won Its great epttinaMeteii- lasi"lsale ag t its wable- cures of li. wtn. onimt ',Whlo -bas 'lad Cboo Id, î<arant ru.tcnbe but&ler 8110P heiro lorVthe past,, yea, dependeti upon. Tr y 1£. Sold -by al le'M ui iiiiluuluce- and d oaq eztt eers...41 IYthevillagwIll bwitbouta but- . .MYTLE. Me.- .Blgo t1.1 on Saturday Misa Delm .a Gralara le home for thie Mot for a trip Vo tb We. à(r ThumCoakwll wua ln Ux.- -u 6A brdg ltwek.M G . .Smlith was min Tcrouto- on Ur. d an ' MisE.P. Sota r.Saturday. bos re emlg u H. Blngham, Who bave heen viit Wedd~iVy bllsart ek. mg i mi i. l' Sctts fr ome k, Some of our hrfty young " à> reý -I wIleûav> for ibeir home in Klnley, Siék., on Saturilay next. maing. preparýaVions -to go out West Mr. T. H. Wilson bas bu quie i s sprint. oy ! I Iopia 111andlcur wek'os. bo: oru.t.e Mispring. oo. h Ilspta II idtortned Vo bie s ow o me staff, Oshawa.' Is holldayiag aV ber Ho le now homebon. Ietterï but le stîli .akîng .goodl care The blizzaMr on SUnday, ad Mon- * !bimif day made the roads very heavy for the.meting of the Township travelling. But wbeu Commissloner, Couacil held on Mondayg-, M. W. A. Downey and his strong staff got out Jliday teu&iretibs resigîatie. 0! wiVh their shovels the snow1 was '~~-trelafurershilp, an eoffie e lasforced te flÃœy. 1Ud Oi Ye.XS. - You jutige a man noV by wbat lie Xi .A ryden wua olectied a promises to do, but what he bas flfrector, of the Çan"aln National donc. That is the only true test. EXMibtdon I L â-eh electW>n beld lait Chamberlain's, Cough Rcmedy judged' Ii . DrigtoWoby this standard bas no superior.> Mis S.Daringont~h lenow'ln People everywhere speak o! it in the * ulismoition lui Rocbester, N. hlighe&t terms'o! praise. For sale hi' IV, hIe er on Wednesday th be aIll dealers-4 1. - or alothn te piok your upM~ig suit nain. * We have aýlook in the meanhmice. ,WMe.LAWRIN È The Botue MYRTLE STATION. *Our hockey boys wo uld like Vto ar- range a gamewith Brooklin.. Mr. Arthur Quinn, o! Toronto,'wau la Our village- on Saturday Ia1-. Don'V forget - Vie open debate a t the S.0.T. on Theday eveaing next. Mr. and Mis. Johnuson Hueson movcd into tileir aew hume ou Mon- day 1meV. Mr. and Mrs-. Harry Huesan, of Toronto, are vlsiting at Mr. -John- son Hueson 's. > Don't. foîget that Beaçock & Son are sole agents for The flouse of Hobberlin, tailorb, -Toronto. Mr. John Bright returned ironOb, tawa onSaturday 1Ia3~ ele ie t on Mqinday-l rr Vie North West. IrMany sufferers !?om rehumatism- Jve been surpriied and delightedg jritb the prompt relief afforded by -sp-g lying Chamb)erlain's Liniment. NoV ine case of rheumnatism lu ten re- flres any internai treatmcnt what-i !ver. Tis liniment ie for sale by aili lealers,--41, ALMONDS. Mies May Dinginan is visiting in> Osbaa.--condition. Mies Robecca Webster is visitiug lu James Denný. shipped two carloads Toronto. of inixed stock- frým Greenu>ura on Mr. Wilbur Dtngman spent Sunday ]qondayi, vhich t;otalled about $2,900. L home. J. R. Thexton'returnL-d Vo the citY Mrs. F. Mackçy is visitiag in To- on Sunda> eVening mter being off' ronto at present.' dut>' for a week owing Vo an attack af Miss Tille Prescoit spent Sunda>' la grippe. at her home in Raglan. John Âllnway, of Whitby, accom- Mise Atidie Philp andi Mr. Philp arec aidb i ecMe 'asn visiting lu Toronto with bis daughiter. Sunida>' at Ve hoMseaofnl, Severai [rom here wére at Audley fatheri here.* on Weduesday attending the box so- The -steam- shovel whiolh hm been at coal. work on Vhe Toronto Easternu t Miss Evelyn McGregor speut SUn- Chaude Field's hill the past month or day with ber grandmother, Mrs. W. two, has suspended operations owiug MeGregor. ** o VIe froat. Miss Mary MeGregor dutcrtained a The body o! thbe late Patrick Mc- fei of!lier friends on Monday atter- Donald,. ageti 79, of lot 10, 4th con., noon laet. * Pickering, was laid Vo rest on Weti- Mr. Arthur Mackey bas been trans- - esday lu the R.C. cemeter>'. 3hie. Lomnei anG n h B wn' é&X,7QUto buy * Jus: coin.and oile Ageney for lof Hobberlin, JMmited vi terred trom the Bank of Ottawa, 0V- tàaâ o *Port william. Th e.Mr. Sexsmith beisg 111 n Sny eheservice was couduct- ed here by Mr. Hislop, oi Victoria College, Toronto. Misas(j. Pringle, who has -been speniling a month bore visting rela- tives, huas returned home. The, Y.L.B.C. paid a visit té the Refuge on Wednesday aftornoon last, giving the old'people a -program and light re!reshmeats. Childrea 'are much more likely Vo contract the contaglous diseases when heylvç colds. Whooping. cougb,, dipheiqa, scarlet Tlever andiýSOiSuifp-. tion are diseases.that are olten con- tractéd when the chlld hasa cofd. That is why ail mnedical auUioritÂes say beware ol colds. For the quick cure o! colds you wiilfilnd notbing botter than Chanîberlain's Co'uel Itenedy. It can aiways be depended upon, and is pleasant and sale Vo take. For sale by ail dealers.-41. PICKERING. Mirs. Wm., Allaway, we regrt to re- Freto Stock and Pôultr.Raisers W iln i abeol.tely irb., fo:h2 ak0,pa i ac olag t= yfouîpg oowt lsio ute y. ,0e t o feed ail Undaofih«aya igthrecolts andi weII la t w M r um a. NO fumer should ùtoi l l ttho adIt.PUII ta he f ya NOW la tihe tirne so curneR4 Purpie Stock SnetMr_ At psM f hy ns l aleo-thirde o a cens nedar per a»final. le *w1 Cole- Worm.. Skia Diseaes,.and e ty ftOurndw sanis bto pbumpneuc antivigor. l k 1 i tcesse timhkyielti Sinus te five Poud entx rcow Pr day and iuks the MUikrche. Royal Purpela n«tactck ood. Threba-o filer ued Ittcmanufacure anti weImPOrt from Europe al the ceeda, herbs. bRrka. etc.,an dthe n Oiiuer ewnPreAism ,Therefere vm sumate l toyou abeimg abelutaiy pur e, .do not use cbeap BIler ta niake ne a large package. W%. <iryu she -but condition Powtisy everput on the ima comas trnsed tom -». -Atiblesiioonlevelieti Off.Oc a aday, fi muSclent for a fan ronim le tesdiseuse, keepe ybur animahin aPer. svet ut and li tely harmluc. lt makmc six-eakccOU MIU à are àOrdlDliEy Cc acuS lweeke. YuCade- v1eiop cit.pie mdyfor Mat-ket in jusene monthe Jlmeu m th" o u capobly do - i es t, à s ofMay mew s avue 1a m athwork anti foud. mt. xI 15 A 5c pckg vi la«t ahomse 70 daiY&. A 81.50 psu or - -uth n congaen four Urne as much as a 50,rakae *Ini lait an almaI 280 da.. s.Pck U you bave neyer ucati lt, try lt oDthe pooreiet nmal yuu bave ou YOur Place, anti watch reculs,, If le doese ot pruduce b etter reIthan anyting îou have ever unet, or glve yeu jectiéacUioiz, ve ul roiud your mon"y. ToeoCnt., juy 1. 1910. W. A. jeakins Mfll. Co., London, Canada. . Gentlemn.-I have 'indea Pst-t0f e ackage of your RayaiPurple 'Stock -ecsfc., -, 1I te W bOne covi Imemiaacerdia irectos.1Mnet six POU&cma bu g:*rîr Of a Package.Thtetom euoed l min k vihile t" one~ai:id~mlvs 1 ceaider lt bas ne equal. - -T. G.B LMy seoadbeadilt, A. 31,1912. Thse W. A J fln i. Ca. ondon.Ont. a pet*any stock feedewuabout cou *vi.acsd sht there Vms vezy littie virtue la mur Ocf te.but cireajer çanme -wt r U attheprlag tat tlTs "Mocu : & th Qmoansb igna camsbi macfn.« e 1e tbaveei. us Dor :-Your iflfnak ffal&sok a 81l LT. ThsW. AJanklucSoestSULk. Mai 22nd. 1911. Dea m- m ata a"to reprust iurRoa 1arn frozu Outarlo. an4 bave P«matie tiil "argstricteRal t kaovi our xgSed -- t Spej obt dicon il knew vur Po* am h ughest cam Stock pcf oth market. maitake grmt pleaure lanrepze.nUngyou la this NORICAN G. CLARLTos.-I loyal Pirpi. Poultry Spoofi. vil1make vomr hansla ,,,fu e e .5 erandiye cotning four tiJ= i .Ocrsua SO.Psa orair-" Une. f~jreantc oulsr hum osln necnamult reeualteordiaary duceame, Maesha plmgebiks nkeapa tbarnLI Prime condition. Port Coiborna. Mayil1. WA.Jeakim XS h ,Ce., Landon, Canada . Dear Sire.-Thiis teWCertfi dtat1Ihava usai orna 81.50 tUn Of ou"Royal Put-pie" Pouls,>' Speclfic, anti there Is nothlig oea cmaqual ft. 1 vianted youuu agalna"nt ouageidid nos baVe "Y.,00o ha gav., me anotber branti. ant Iasr Yu . " v eur>~Coidsseggb - - CHARLES RICHARDSON. STOCK -MD pouLTity -SPI A secon din, Mr. Rkbrdcon ustolimm > - Por t oIbbornaOnt., Aug& 24. l9I0* W.-A.&eldmUehft. Coi., L«dnduaada, i ..Dear SIr.-Plu ieas udeciosei zreueder for 53,00.fr C. SICRARDION, A shrtterfIr= rnM. Ride mtac*u t.. W. A..P«rt Co"IhuaOt..AaU . 110. W. A. lnkl Mt&Peni Cn-d vusghcft0m mr Spu u . at2ir aun MYvuI e tIsyvthst sq Sherbrooke. Que.. Aug. 1. 1M1 W. A. Jeakla Mfg. Ca, Lotedon. Canada. Dear Srs.-I have uaeti Four SpeclBc for one isar, and have iv it mbird viith odreul.Semy wimaions as tha différent faim., vih liitelthe tale MISS GEORGINA CAMIRAUD. Royal Puirple Coughi Speoific Dmug fthelm lcfour years tere b asaan a"dMe oengh geng-sht-ugh every stable b atd.whlciu b ea a lessourie of annoyance te horsemea. Ouir ,ral Put-pIe Leeunh Cure wiilahaoutly cure tht. ccugh la four dais. wiii bakursde tuteprlatnday.. Absolutaiy gusru- per Un;by miSc loyal PurpIe Bail Cure vii cure li msofoff oe s onis u eor beait. WUIichu. -hl dry up anti cure scatches la a vaiy feu' days. -MIL SAe Owve.cocra for the Hon. Adami Back. mye:«, B>' folbovlag dre"in,. 1 Sud îour Royal Pupla Geil Cure nul cure scrtches antimake the suc eae aioff perect>' dry la about four or-five dsycs."'PUice, 25r-,« by man. SOC. Royal PorpI. Swat LVoient wMuS tc aaes la a ver>y short tmg. hMr. John M.BIb, coahan n laLaadoS#e>a.: » We aine hors. contand ielew ceianti have &Ui kindi cf trouhi isc nblglame - as Urnes. I bave-,ilaed y our Siait Liai ment for a year batand bave nevar knovin ~ tt att ueS=andtnos s. M FIS M onme uh atier ryoe te uneatad tha prece oi manufiaureof - 5Ji15e lice hlsyonl ave 50 sentifor oua of ciiibookleta, a as eiv. lauua," llbichory of It thare. It viii etirel exterminate lice on foids or saui ith nos mor tlan ee or tvio app1catbonsël -t ur=e ther is PlleaS;;bi mi, 80c. Royaldrs, (Sboop hp) ihua for the masey lir. nul= bSuk tdb e uai. YoltiowencIywhat ha>,C',.Isbr .chor ai amy ten tuemg na ýctuem.»ln epr, umaikaat.d goodi,-Oui popi mi rm Cnaa.While va ji rc-you abère -the",nammsfafi y,oeses vho b lis er seiam l we aufçn, 1Puple Supplies-aud Bookiets may bu obtaineti hem YoucSn sayvýgood-bye Vo constipa-A * t,] tion i#ith a clear cÃ"nbcience if-you use 1 ltamâberlatl's Tablets,. -Mary lave D - ha been pcrmanently cuëred by their use. , OSH1AWA.- The poultry sihow was a great suc-.: cees, 482,splendid bit-debe*ngshovin. m.Nicholîs, an E nglIshman, feu [rom the roof af the new Metihodist churci, and was seriously injured, in- terxnlly. Governeut Engineer Sink was- inI -town,'uand, iu campany with the Nay- or and ' leadling citizens,, visited Vhe harbor. 1Re advised V hs town Vo asIc for- big thinga and much uloney wou]d be forthcoming.-4 Mr. W. J. Watson, editor of the Vin- dicator, -,hbasIocnaappoînted Police Magistrate for thc Vown of Oshawa. D)r. Kaiser writes ta tÉe Reformer cili- ing tIe appointmeut a "calamity ta tIe town," and "a'crowning pieoe of political ingeuuity." HIe adds, "We have been waging incessant warfare for- thirteen months ageinstt Ihs threatencti insuit to themanïhood of Our tovin." Things political are hot in -Oshawia. 800 signatures wcre obtained ta a petition- favoring VIe appoint- mnent'o! Col. Grierson asPolis Mag- istrat. Schooi Reports. The following is the Wiitby Separ- Going North ... 8.30 a*m. Going Bouth ... 7.58 cm aIeý School Report for the montb of .-.4-15 p.fi. .1 . > a February. ...6-40. pz m.....os p p Sr. IV.-Laurier Long, Josie Long, STAGES. fui Gertrude Mlutyre. L-ave WhiVby for -Oshawia at 10 V Jr. IV.-Charles Stewart, Mary a.m. anti 4 p.m. Jo. Holn, pro- on Gillby, Leua Failon, WillicAudersan, prietor. George O' Connor. _laufrBoga t1 Sr. III.-Basil O'Connor, Arthur Mr.Eas or roughamai 10a. Te Paquette, Nellie Vaselesky, Margaret Te dad, rpitr Gllby, Wadswortil Vascîesky. Ba Si. Hl -Wi1ie Lasky, Margaret GaVes, John Gilby. Si. I.-Mary Vaseîesky, Narine O'- Conuor. NICHOLSON £&SfUUf Sr. Primer-Mary Foiy, Kathleen U D R Aç~ O'Connor, Maud Fallon, James Cal- derone, Joasephi Vaselesky, Mary Cal- Phone.; WHITUY. ONT e derane. i .Jr. Primer- ('yr-il GaVes, .-Jean ___________________ Stewart, Cecil Stewvart, Irene An-der-- ConRAnniLVIN, Teakher sLAnA AuniLVaNlesy. iIIihe PUBLIC ECHOOL ,REPORT. F Forni I-.1'r. lriîîîer-Valeensky A.» COUNTY 0F ONTÂBIO. loe, IV. Seott. lut. l'rimeîr- K.- 1913. Iailock, Y. Hawves.M. Valsl,. .. 1. WHIITBY-Mien . i' L Vi,.....i ail fot afd tthe weakest utoinai. muteoed ùnder-iý. hé-Pure ,Food-anti obe' abli Arefrn opiates or ls of ý ,afiaip'a n. anti bas Um IoaesecTeslutve anda ae for , - Uetheuntn to Ince, Do maoier Iwlng tnding. it2 rames nethe rotfthetrouble (Urte, rifies the biootL 1 .0eu S.Of! Batis <'riek, are the' l-andi u.e etbonsanls of voiuâtary Ïtteewblebh ave beeurecelved froîn ple' u.iae bas restoredti 50beaith. Vle trs, leraen tue e PNetioa Bank of Chico, Texas, wrote the Sulace Company seq foilows "I] want ion to senti abox of ýolaetuny fath- er lu Mmphis, Tenn, for wib Ienclos, 41. l'bis irerney a.sbeen .,sed by sonsefrien-le of mine hier* and I must say ittc actli.n *as woliderful. Put np lu 25é. 50and $1wOloxes. Ire mlhti lue t e iwell and yen ,8a1 Beau b. eubv takine SOLRt-B3. No speciat Tretment Sceberes or iéss u",s 8oito &Ion@ doese thework. lrite t"YaTfor tha free box, etc. SOLCE. REEO CO.. lttis Csee&,MIcILI WHITBY'JtJNCTION:; 92 &J..:Y2,57 P-iM 7_ý6 p-.i1 .... 9.3p I.l, unday'**rains leave for Toroito 4.25 a.m. anti 7%W6p.m. .Frouz Tài,. onto-traine ýstop at-,Wliitby Junefixi~ at 8.15 aud,9.55 a.m., amd 9.30 p.m. ' Witt> AN)I F£ED.. CO"- (.l~:gEvery Day!1 Paickeringi ont. j ti v Sr. Primer-Il. Richardson, P. Sbcp- herd, R. Shepherd. hst Class-0. MceMillau*, N. Wiuter. Form Jll-.Jr. 111-M. Beckett, M. Mitchell, G. .Jenninigs. Sr. 11-H. Richards-on, -K. Webster, N. Ross. Form 1 -r IV.-M. Smnith, L. RZaý'n, M. Mtr. Sr. Iv.- C. Plas-ket. AI. uke, W. l-lewis. _. iIigh Sehool Classes. Torni 1-Ni, report owing ta ilîles of Mis-s Woodiî,use. FormîîIl -I1r. Il-A. Colline, M. Snmîi th, Il. (Collis. Intermeuliate - M. Ilobî-rs-on, E. Cormîack, R. Bell. Sr.- D.Mc!îtyrîe, I. Bradley, E. MOUNT Z ION. Pteport of S. S. No. 13, Pickering, foý tihe montb of .baiiuary. Naines in> order of merit.1 Clasa IV.-IuarY. Jones, Edward JTones, StanJey Walker, Olive Jones, Grant Jones, ('ara Lee (absent). Sr. III.-rnf-s-î Jones, Walter Car- son, *Alian Jones andi Frank Carson> (equai). Jr. 11.-Edith Harding. Clnes II.-Eileeu Walker, John lin- -Class I.--.Lorne Jlones, Aima Joues, Lewis Jones. Primeor (a)-5Ilalp)h Joncs. Primer. (b)-Willie Lee (absent.) Preecuil cvery day.- LYLA M. 'OSBORioE, Teacher. BRYANT-HOAR. On Wedncsday, Februar>' 2(th, the marriage was saleuinized o!fIlessie, daugiter o! Mr. aind Mis. Jas. I-bar, o! Whlitby, . Vo Mr. Evenetî A. Bry- ant, son of .J.C. and Mrs. Brynt, o!, Pickerin>g. The cercmany 'was con- ducted b>' the Rcv. Dr. Abraham, -o! Whltby. 'Tie bride wore a dress o!- pale blue liberty' satin witb reai Irigh, lace, and corsage bouquet o! red roses anti maiden bair ferm, wearing' Vil.e grooms. glft,. ,a pearl . nek lace._ -The. travelling suit was o! ýgre>' duck twee4 eandi bat 1Vo match itb uIIlow plunms., The happy - youx>g couple le! V VInt eveninig on a short- honeymnoon _on, their rvêt.r, . 4h .--.n Cisîk, Witby- Jan. 13, Feb. 5, Mardi 4, April 3, May 2, Jupe 6, 'l> 3, Sept. 3, Oct. 2, Nov. 7;De. 4. Jan. 7, 1914. OSHIAWA- Misc E. L. Maodonnell Clerk--Jan. 14, Felj. 6, Mer. 5, Api.- 4, May' 5, June 7, Jul>' 4, Sept. 4, Oct. 3. Nov. 8, Dec. 5, Jan. 8, 1914. 2. BROUGHIIM - M. Gleeson, Grosa. wood, Clrk- Jan. 15, Mar. 6; May' 6. .July 7, Sept. 5, 'Nov. il, Jali. 9, 1914. 3. PORT PERRY --J. W. Baraiana, Port Peri>', Cierk- Jan. 17, Mai. 7, Mlay 7, Jul>' 8, Sept. 6, Nov. 12. Dec. 17, 1914. 4. UXBRIDGEL-. J...Moore, Uxheige Clerk-.Jan. 10, Marck 14, -Nay1à, July 15, Sept. 9,1 Nov. 21, Jaa. le. 1914. 5. CANN1&GrrjN...Thos. ]H. Poglt,. Canningrton, Clerk -Jan. 0, Ma. l, Ma)-- 14. July 16, Sept. 10. Nov. U0 .Jan. 15. 1914. G. BEAVEUT<JN...Jas. 1M. Gordi%, Beaverton, Cler-.Jan. 8, Mar.. 12, May' 15, July 17, Sept. 11, Nov, 19, Jan. 14, 1914. 7. UPTERGROVE - Dianiel Lècuard, Atheîley, Clrk- Jan. 7, Mar.. 11, May' 16, Jul>' 19, Sept. 12, Noév; 18, Jan. 13, 191,4. B>' Order, J, E. FARECWNLL, Clak af the.Pc' Dated at Whitby, Nov. 6tVI, 1912, A CANADIAN C0RPO]wATI0N.. T«,Shrubs, Réses1 Ànd Clmbin:Vines@ Ntirseries in Welland Ca, > P.O. -BEOWN'S-&UJRSERIES, ONT. ~tRepresented hy CAKE MALERÉïSE OATS tED-WJ-1EAT ~~reYou oing West-? The Grand Trunir Pacific Railaýy is he shortest and quickest route bt*Wee Vix>xipeg, SasicatoonE Fdmonton. - Fast trains. leave Wix>nipeg ,at __.00 ,Dp... DaiIy '8.46 a..m. OaIEuMptSmnilys Partagelýa Prairie *rJ S Walnwrilght Eduionton Smooth Roadbed.' ~î iig car service., Ask fneareat Grand Trunk agen~tfor. I information, literatzre, etc.,t or Ate A. E. DuiD P.-A.,G.T.R., Toi., ta, nt, ud epecially 'via Agent for Express, icke ti- îegraph'Office, opposite StausRae mIWhitq, ndOut: ha. ragF-.PInaa TE. LK One f IAN writin sud te W ILL] iCOMI OIND OF WII jANDI1 is the Most relial Cold-, Broncht-i PERBol J.ELW Drugqist an MEDICALI Brock et.- iAN0. JE. FAtEW Barrister, -Coufly Croi -County Solr Office south,.ying-Courr- A. F_ CHRI Barrisie!. Solicitor'.Nuli Office, ,Brolck St., Opp 2 Money t JAMES RUTLEDGE,ý Money fo Lýoan on Office, immediatel-v sou G. V OUNG SMI~ *Barrister, Etc. ivonev of Marriage L *Office- Srn i h's- Blocl DENTI * W. ADAMS, Denlhet, Street,-zRemidence -Né-- - yrnSt., Witby. I chaaLiened..Au, or Vo L. Fairbanks._ dates appiy Vo -self o] \<by._ _ AND VALL -'AH kinds o oisale -pi Vo..Aragemeçnta e gales at the Gazette o Terme reasonablp Bell and .Independcnid WIIITBY, CONTIIAC -3. IOWI3LL Carpenter, i}uilder plàne drawn and estii Repaire, Alteraticni E)pposite Steèt Box 467 wVHlT A.rri1,'M: Dot * be misled --bý noV employ them, co anti do ailow the- agi 10 per cent., whi - h 3 save by purclmsii f A Cali -5o» Opposite Standard B Wirje f 1 -nd Nie will IN House wiring, fixtures and -sl mo tors ;and tramý If you "ant' us rfexpense. Eleotrio Installa AL - -ico S.,e.-Q b' Dis yBros. Whitby, Phone ýq Ragiln, W. H. Barent$ agent Oshawa, Phones 47, ad 2 1. Cails by-day or night -pýroniptl7 attended ta. Chaigés moderate. AUUANE IN.:CONNEITION - Hoar's us Ln Sunce purchasing thebuslin from 1fr. William Newport, we h .aebasà lavoreti with -a ver> largePatronaue sndýwe feel we* are giving -the. publie godservice. - Al orders for. teaming, frlue Onovin, cartage o! freighit ansfo pleasure parties, etc., wiil receive our ývery best attetion. 'Phone No.,., STENOGRAPliERS at.hota Tachreare In great de- nant i tmgroduité frim ti- l- il

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