Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Mar 1913, p. 1

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FINE work. fo. asprng witho a spriiig -poem »- n R thinkable. - su e~c- eThe warm march suns -wil soon replace the hock- I~~~e Coiht "stick and pu4k with the bail and bat. And.- this gives rise.'to the, in terroga tion, I-s WhIÏIby t6 have à l. aseball ýteamn this sunimer? Theresurely. should, S be, en Ough .niaterial in town 'to form a g oodbase- byail teamn,-.anid Saturday-anid holidayafternoons are LE. c enlivenied 'by the good old gaine of baseball. Ne trust* men ~et bus u on il y his season: D)rudgqlst an d epticlani MEDICAL HALL er.ock St. a Wjsltby. ProfeDsional Câ6rds LEGAL, SMJO.. FAREWELL, K.C. Barristir, Couray Crown Attornè>r anti Il £eunty Solicitor., Ofiesuth wing Court House, Wiy I - nkagnfo.- re, *tç, o .TR.o 'Tor- lie' Standard ble, Pocal ?'iACTING los ou - -ou A. Es CHRISTIAN Barrister. Solilior. oir Public. Etc. Office, Brock-St., Opp Standard B.ink.' M~oney teo Loari. Mogey'te Loan' on easy terffe. Officé immediately soutl4 Royal Hotel, .ýWhitby, Ont. B 6. VOUNO sril L.; 4m.e Barrister, Etc. Money te Loan. Issuer ut Marriage License. ,fice-Sxnith's Block-WibOt - DENTÂL W1 &ASIJetst, Office, Dundas Street, RoudeneS Na'. 4, tho Toesce Byron st., Whi4by.-Phtone NO. 18 shawra, Lioensed Auactioneer. SucSe- sor -to L. Fairbanks. For ternie and dates apply te self or 0. Eobb,ý Whit- WM-MAW LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. All kindi c01 sales prornptly attoisded * to. Arrangement@ can b. made for a les ai the, Gazette office. Terns reasonable Bell and Independmnit pnones. WHIiIBY, ONT. CONTRACTORS J., IIOWELL -JAMES Carpenter, -3uilder -mnd Contractor. Plans drawn and esttniates f urnished. Repairs, Alteraticns and Jobbing. O)pposite Stephenson 's BOX 467 WIIIT Y Phone 149g Marriage Litiensese A. H. ALLER lusquesof ma triageLi ene No Wî ~ en ms r rugstore. Whlhy SQNs RS iit du. j - MON UMENTI$ of il Dî3gns and Materi&[ hopt lu st6ck It wui psy yau to calei oui works and inuefft fer yourself. Poau't ho miled b>- agents, wo do noV omploy tisem, coneequently wo ocm an&~ do allow Vhs agent's commission, 10 Per .cet., wlich you will crtainly àave by purelsasing Irom ne. - A Gal SolIited. Office anti Works Oppulàte Standard Bank, Whitby, Ont. zWire for V and Ne wilt Wiro For Yoi - House wiring, power wiring,- ixtures and--supplies, also motors anti transformera. -If yen want us cail us at our expense. --Elotrie Installation Oo., Mt UÏBlneoe nt., IL, Oshawa. i'une M5. The Caftadi'an Druggis*t, publisbed in: Toro)nto-and Printed in Whitby, is now celebrating ý-its2thya oqf publication by the-issuan 'ofa13 pg a -l versary number; The numùber"- Contamnsa. history of pharmacy- in many of the provinces of the, Domin- ion,~ ~~~~M a-o-sechso ayof the:.,leading du who1esale flrms and. proprietary medic ine. manufac- turers. To the pbarmacist this issue wiil be very iâteresting and instructive& - H to. be hopéd that the Board- of -E ducation will ait titI July to-get. quotations upon and let )ntract for the inprovements- to the 'Higb 1building- that are absolutely - ne 'cessary. must be a modern heating system inst lled, ts 'anittiry systein, and other iînprovenýents, ce- the school conform to the requiremenùrs of partment. It seems to us t-bat it wo-i.ld be rt of wisdom to immediately get busy oki the rfor the Work of public bodies goes njoter- slow,-and tise improvements ca-n best be car- ut "during vacation. Midlaùid town has awakened up to thse val#~e o! iadverýtisiïng as a means of îttracting industries I .,nd residents. A committee representing le ing -citizens are now- making a canvas of tise to n in [the hope of raising a £und of 5O0ilwiht launeh .a PUblicity ,ÇamlPaign. he committee bas ýnýa-witlVfiùh success, and the project is alstady assured of, hearty encouragement. We are freqgient- ly in receipt of advertising ,matter. issued bYi am- tSitiuus towns, matny of whon put obut some m'ghty good literature. Sôme literature just receivedý may be of sRervice to thse Wisit-by committee by way of suggestionh, and they are welcome to thse use of it if they so-desirc.. A most interesting situation House of Parliament lost week session lastlng 119 hours was h o'cdock Monday afternoon tilli n Thot such a proceeding is poss credit upon tise Parliamentar, rDoubtless tise- '<blockode" wos jr ion of tise Opposition, andi accorc the House was permissible, but that tise cantankerous oppositioE obstruct or prevent any leg:islati did not agree. That some forn ultimately* be adopted by Pari by nîony, andi would appeor te legisiation. The Public Accounts of tise I for 1912 have just been issued ii 1630 pages. To any one who bat dclve into this mass -of -statistic information could be gleaned. tistougs the volume we came relative-- to "District Represen-ta cultural Department. The work cost the Province, 81,637M2, Hare's salary. That this is wel who are any' way familiar wit district office will admit. Anoti sefi in th-e report is the entry o1 M.V. Powell, of Whitby, for scv lecturer for Women's Instituteý to know that a Wbitby lady is s .cd in -this work that ber servict dtmand and -so fairly rewarded. Thse Whitby Hockey team wc on Monday niglit by defenting th fiors. This bas been an excellei boys, tinder tise able manageme: Mathisont When one considers t teamse in tise O.H.A. Intermedia these oaly tl4ree, besides Whitby finals, and thest ail from 'town from -8,00,0 to 60,000 people, t given credit for b>eing very able three groups busides their own, 'tise fourtis attempt. Collingwc semi.-finals, won their,- group, ai don, fa -the samne stage -had woi own, and Berlin -tise same numt 89 g oals with 50 scored against wýs achieved by boys who were born in Wbitby, and who richly de velopêd iq the when a continuous îeld, or from three nidnight Saturday. subie reflects littie 'y - law of Canada. îstified in the opin- ding t-o the rules of one can eosiiy see a might indefiitely1 on with which thev n of "closure" will [ornent is predicted be a sane piece of Province of Ontario a a volume of some d time and taste to Revuods ua .,Peset a& M. ODnovauaseeretiy f Cali- gather --Mr. 0YDonais f~ ù iwlvn Who ,was atnembL-r of thé AssoC 11 4#.yeareaie Tt.1lb interestng',toréa4 th M2 es of scome of ose who were Mdentifled -t- t Aociation -at that tie-Dr. Tucker, F.- Ciarke>'1-7. - tnRJ. Wilson,. Johnà--Stanton, T. Lawe '_ S. 'C chxane F. K~lefi7,. W. Ctthbert, -G.' H.-IaI, » . Laion, .S.Sprink and the tsyro officers iÏiÉméd- above. The grim rilaperhas eut down ai but4mne'ýof this band ofIihnn-. ho loved Zin'sge aeadwli endeavored 1ci keep fresh- niemnOr ee of the~ dear old "so" iths n wcôutr. Tewpreent day,-suc., cessors ar'e actua ted by. sùnilar motives 9f-love and, loyalty, andsome -of themi will convýene, for a cè,le-ý biation.next Monday ngLatte aiuabanqueL». Whitby has reaion to-epo#ofhratt "sa" tx he musical firmamnent Master. George Bra-4ton-w#o was heard in town last .week. Those who: 'enjoye.d' the privilege of attendmig the concert were charmed with thé lad's wondedful accomplish- ment. That he h as a bright futuie beforeê him, if carefully trained, is a reasonable Inference. We. have just received a very interestin.g bookiet froni Watrous, Sask.,--being an illiustratèd souvenir of the public sohool. There are 58r.pages and cover ini the announcement, and the publication is alilce .creditable to thé school board, -thé teaching staff,' and the printing office. The Watrous Public School is a large handsome building' of britk, and the staff of six teachers are ail female sa;Ve the Principal. The letter press contains articles onf the Iistory of -the School, the Work of the Sckool, the Schol Staff, Our Birthright of Hapi, the ]Cthical Value of.Qood Discipline, Where tkë Duties of the Tpactbher.,antd the Parent 'Meet, Character Building, In1fluence of the. Home on-the School, the School Curriculum, and a lot of other interesting matter. The i1usirations are of the building, the staff of teachers, the Board of Trustees, - -the class rooms ai*l many others. The business ipwl have gener- ousgly patronized the bookIet with aâdvertising. fe whole effort cannot fail to be of much value to- the school. Midland High Schools, and schools in many other towns, issue annouincements and curriculum in bookiet form, and this bas always appealed to us as indicating enterprise and aggressiveness, and a determined purpose to6 interest the public in the work of the school and thereby win pupils and friends. It seeins to us that circunmstances indicate that Whitby Higfr School could. stand some pubiicity of a similar sort. Doubtless before next school vaca- tion is over the contemplated and much-needed im- provement will have been made to the High School building, and before thfe fail term begins would be an opportune tîme for the Whitby Board to le,,t the public know what bas been done and bow ef- ficient the school bas been made. Ontarios Industries, their use of Wood Stujiedi by Dominiona Forest Serviceu -s, UcLintIIeriiig What Woods do tise brusis-makers of Ontario use ? laI a hasty look -ii0W mucis. of each kinti? What is tise value of tise upon tise accounts wood ? Where does it corne from ? tives" of tise Agri- wTisese anti other questions with respect to tise intai nc un M industry mentioned, and also thirty-five other in- L-not nodneyMa. dustries whicb use wood in tiseir product are ans- 1hsentwok of tise wered in a pamphlfet soon to bu issueti by tise For- the te wrothnie restry brancis of tise Dominion Department of tise $282 id V Miss te Interior. Tise pamphlet is known as tisat Braaci's" 4'e28y ds orkiss Bulletin No. 36, and is entftled "Wood-using In- ient day wor asdustries of Ontario." ,. It is gratifyig so higisly appreciat- For some years tbe Forestry Bronch bas issueti es are in so great statîstics as to tise qùantity and value of w ood used ia the saw milis, pulp-mulls, and other wood manufacturing industries. Tise scope of this book- let, however, is different. Tise term "wood-using on another victory industry," as here used, is intended Io refer par- ie fast Oshawa jun- ticularly to those industries whicis use for tisuir ,nt season for tise raw material wood whicis bas already been'put at of Mr.- 'David througis one or more processus of manufacture. For hat there were 48. instance. tise saw-mills, whicb use for tiseir raw ma- -te series, and of terial tise logs as tisey come- from tise- forest, and , enteredti tise smi- wbicb 50W tisese into lumber.,are'not includeti. The or cities rgnging planing mill, on the other'habnd, takes for its raw thse boys mus:t be maternai tiseboards, plouk and other maternai, play-ers. Thsey won whicb tise saw miii turns out as its finished pro-, being put ouit in duct, making these into sasb, doors, etc. S o tise, )od, to reach tise planing--mills falîs into the clasg of wood using in- ai -one otiser---Lon - dustries, as understood in this bulletin, while tise nù two and tiseir saw-mill plainly does not. - Sucb a' distinction con- Yer. Wiitby scored noV, of course, always bu carrfed out strictly. theni. This Vecord Those interesteti ii tie present pamphlet May oh- with one exception tain copies gratis, wlièn issued, by applying to tise deserved the IXICel- Director of Florestry, Ottawa. U ÀLe34U--A, -60, watt 50C.- 100 wvatt 100 C. Canfyou beat it lighting ? AsIc us fc ,»fy new -custonlers f i. rit rernody fmi *II1 Ob1ds, J3roneliitt, et, 25 CENI FER BOTI Charlie Blpacbard, during thsefIrst peried, was injured inatie face, viid caused him to lay Off far a time. In the, second perioti Oshawa was -th fet tojscore, but Wifbygot an other, niaklng it 4-2. Just betore thse visitie endeti WblLby scored 1 rom- a tuseeil front o! Osisawa'e goal, but the sorImmage vas 80 close In 'that- there as a dispte as t 0the, puck» reallygoing into ýtisenet,' amd-the ret- -erce retuscd VQ allow it. Tis reunugaes iii1~plaie, l The STANDAR Otf Fr.,. upmteDoiw<» IGo.vermmnt, 31st J<f .# Cfle c ah« n.. Ba 5JMU Reseve fu4 - SoepkuPo ~~ - nMd ResoVoi1f«o iur 2.7~19I8Bauk * *s so Lo.m md Discoums. 888675 BakPfm~Hemd-OS. su Dsnt> se ses996M~9O *041.24.4S7.92 - ' w- - - - - - - MUSe tIse necessty et putting tht ~>~4 S wheel of yours in? gooti work- S ing ortier before starting eut 7-1 Sfor a ridle. Bette, ta'take a-' spin on an easy runningi-ý machine than a spill off..a. broken ene. - Net bein g--ush.;- * ed now we ca give all J3iy -Ie arri werrk est tior à -arc att5.souIn?,ee C blacksmitiss,. but expert bicycle repairers. New anti second baud bicycles for sale. Agents fer Ford-cars. W. J. L[JIE3 &SON 'DUNDAS ST, a WIRIT1BY. fT a severe-attack of làgrippe, but-had recôvered sufficiently to walk dowll- * tis and partake of food-mt-midday -on .Wedufesday - of la twek- w1Ieï death came suddenly with faintfless o1 the haurt* Dr' . P. -MeGilllivray, ywho vwas hiirriedly called f rom across thJe streçat, *Ma unable te overcolme this X arj Deborah Farqubharson, vas bôra just- seven-ty-tour, .ye.ars (rom. »0e day gbe was"burieti., Her fatberr' -Urs. John Farquharson,.va s a- landi- * uveyor who -came te Canada. eirly ii' a41st century, anti settied 0o1 thse Laki in Vse front of tise-third con- cession,: overlooking thse .site of whai. atterwards became thse Town or Wbit- by. In hie work -of surveylng thse clergy reserves, he met thse daughter o! Slmcoe Terry, member of -the -first parliament that met at Niagara. -They were marrieti, and so. Elizabeth Terry became e mother of a !ansily of aine children, of whom Mrs. Wili- cOx, a brother, Mr.- John Farquliar- son, of Detroit, and birs. Sherman Brown, of Souris, Man., were thse survlvlng membels. The hbouse in whlch this fansily liveti is stili tand-. ing, tIse brick qottage on tIseh-il on tIse opposite. aide o! the--gravel road- (rom - Mr. qohn.-Rloe's, and .-wlich ever. since bas b 1een caUied .Far<pvffiàd son's ýHill, it, sleintércStifg iat lsav-. ing been built by an e ngineer' it - ater- w ards -becamle thé home of Mr. Scis- reiber, wbose son, Collingýwood Sebreiber, la one o! the most diating- uished railway engineers in tIse -ser- vice ot Canada, and îs at pÉesent en- gaget Inl the supervision o! tIse build- ing of the National Transcontinental. Mes., Willcox's chiltiren are scatter- ed pretty well over thse Aiericais eo#-,-T4de îSt, Mr,-,John Wat- son Wilco6x, !sýa proirinea-t --bàhsnte man ln Los Angeles, Cal.; Mr. Mar- shall Bklwell Willcox, has madie bis mark ïn New York and lives in Rldgewood, N. J., one o! the most beautiful suburban towns in relationp to the metropolis ; Mrs. Alfredi R. Wbtelock, is a resdent of Portlandi, Oregon, and Mr. Charles M. Willcox has lits home ln Witby. It will be recalled tisat an account was herein publIshed at thse time, last Novem- ber, o! the celebration of thse golden wedding o! Mr. and Mrs. Willcox, on which occasion several o! the sons foregathereti at thse famlly residenoe at tise corner o! Coîborne and Greene streets. Mrs. Wlllcox was an active member of tise Metbodist churcis, anti soially very popular wlth the young People et tise town, witi a large circle o! wisom ber sympatheic disposition kept ber in close toucs.' She will be greatly missed bv mnny townspeople. Levers of hockey in Whitby had an- oliker opportunity on Mbnday evenng cg seeing thse game, whea thse Oshawa J uniors came here te meuthVe local Intermedlates. Word hati geV out that the game wouid not be play- ed, or il playedi, that thse teamns would be "1picked up," hence tIse attendance was - inudl- sasaller than thse merits anti interests of the game warranted. Referee Wagisorn was - secured Vo "'boss" the game,) and lie diti it. Tlsê ice was quite sof t, andth Ie puck stuck beaviiy. The: work was accortiingly heavy on Vhe players and lacking in thse keenness thait makes things most interesting. However, VIse gaine was full of spirit, and was a sharp tussie fer supremacy. Whitby was thse lirit te score, followet sol a! er by a goal for Oshawa, theà another for Wiit7by durine the finit pnerioti. OsI- EASY ERS~ It is easy to make Marmalade your bitter oranges at Lawlers'. EASY~ when yu ýbuy WB LDAN A SLIeR with each purchase and marmalade making becomos a pleasant and profitable pastinie. Sevilie Oranges Grape Fruit Granulated Sugar - 25c per doz. i8bs $I.oo - Au Tu LAWE WH ITBY9 ONT. Phone 47. Prompt 0 l iry s utPrices, In Seasonable Hardware -4 - I --4 SJeigh, Belle, body stirap, regular $f.85 foir $2. 00 Sleigh Beils, body strap,.regular 2.50 for 1.75 Sleigh Bels, body strap, regula, 1.90,.for 1.*10 S leigh Bels, body strap, reçgulake 1.75 foir- 1.05 Sweedish B-i, ras, iular -1.5o for 1.010-, Sweedish Beils, brassl: reuar 1.75 folr 15 -LEATHER MITTS. AN.D, GAUNTLITS 12 doz. ,Leather' Mttiq and Ciauntlects, assorted. kinds -to be clearedout at cost price. W.a M.PRINGLE-Whty -CORNER HARDWR - w 7on Lots. Day/ i j SPRING TERM froni March 25th following East er, mierges iinto our Summer Terni in ail departments of "SHAW'S SCHOOLS". Toronto-Cen tral Business, College with,, Four City lranclî Schools. Thel Central Telegraph and Railroad School, and Shaw's Civil Service School. Free catalogue explains courses and advathtages. We invite ýyou tu write -for -it. W. H. Shaw, President, Head offices, Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. h Yoêr SvL.0 *11 ---------------- ***4^^AAA^AAOW ýj

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