Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Mar 1913, p. 2

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eýfat4er c1 tfle ofluGren qvz <Usap'Ver"2 00couainO the. ocunt of -Abram"s sou'u in tbý iand cf Dera to;the eouth; abd his -deal.: wigs with Abimleçli ,uponwhoin he Pract ced tha, sainêkdeceit .wità ne. l ar-d to ,Sarah, hiia wife, as carlier' e ,hapratice4 on' tiieking -of! birth 1 of 'iaae sidi i c atting, out l' f4Hg&r and her soû, eIshmael, to-- geth e imrith Abrâhâm's evenant with Abimelecisat Beersheba,-,re- spcr nte1a4hpter $1, peepar. Vthe wav f* dW . 'peo u'-of -the'-great. test -d Abraham's faitiiand loyal±y YVe e I., After thosé thigge - The. longe sojouru cf Abraiiam is tii. oaud hd Éhilistines, reported in, 4tho peeigciaVr, e dàid -provo ÂbraIsam-Pùt. tg im-te, a aeVere -test cf obedi-ý encet&d faith.,- 11ý An4 ix sid-.Verse 3, would seemu to Imp1y, a dream or night vision-. 2.1h.sanithneou1y son', Who M ,». Woet-After the rejectîop cf IshlVl Iaassoe. emained te ~Âxl anad thei. emphamis uipen ~théirieatonsihip t6 eaoh çther as litsuad cnly sonis la ltended- te ùýdica*te- iadvance the. 1severity of tfréýdemand about tobb. -made. Tiil:énd o! Moriah-'The,. naine lateërigiven Vo the hill on wiiich tii. temfflie st Jerusalem was built. T-lie Sçptù,agint, or eaniest Greek ver- sion of the, Old Testament, how- eýer, substitU tes the. adjective "lo1fty" (nibuntain) for the, proper nn;Moriah lu ins apassage, 'while t»e, Vulgate, thse earliest Lae- tin translation, lias the noun "lvis- ion." This _voUld seem to indicate tiat -the roper noun itseif was in- 8érte4- laUr-.-Following'eitiier the Bse$t-agint or hs Vulgate reading, thie Vio oid0stý whioh hàv4 been pre- -uerved ous,. tfii -commnpd Ias - tisi os cintrSr,, prcbably Vo thé * orth, and Vo offer a, burnt-offering ,upon one_ý-of tise mountains which. Jehov shhuiseif was to designaate. 3. Rose early lu the morning.- Suggesting, as alrcady indicated, that tii. communication f romn Je- *hovah was received in a dreani or vision. Two of his young -men-Servants. ClaWuethe wood-On, as wve would Eay, pit. tise -Wood. 4, On the third day .. . the, place afar ýff-Tiie placé selectcd must, therefôre,, have been three days' jpurnèýy fromu Beersheba. - The ex- -act . distance would vary with cmr- Cunsstances. If we are to think oc! ,tise v cinity of Jenusaleini,,it may be estim ited that the, jouni.ney f rom Beeraheba would, aften Oriental faàhi<,n, -have occupied f nom sev- enteep to _twenty heurs' continuous ,/trave ýing, a distance ivhich rtnight b. conveniently divided into three, -days.- *5. W. will wonsiiip, and corne again -DoubtLessa-Abraham aill cheiýhe.dthse faint hope that in ,omie way hia son might be spaned -or relitored te his. - . 1Took in iis iiand thse fire-The '- :snth<(>di.iy whicii the ancient lerase- lites secuied fine is nowhene ex- tplained, tiiougii a refenence in thse Bock[ of Maccabees spe.aks cf "fln- :lng siones and taking fine eut o! *them"ý (2 Maccabees Io.. 3), irons wiich it may be inferred that fine -was-olbVained by ntriking tones Vo- ,,gethéer. Here, iliowevcr, it seems that Abrahami iid cannied the humn- ing emnher witii hlm, keeping tiie *fize h,.rnngf ail the, way.-' 7. Where is tii. lamh for tise ___* bumn-f_:g -Thé boy was___- -quick-1 whc wat cf highest value Vo the deity.1 Under thse later kinga, * eapeciaily Ahai sud Msnaaseh, the eustosn aili existed ini parts -o Judab (eompare 2 Kings le, 3; 2ýe; 93. ý 10. -; Jen. 7.'31 ; 19. 5; -Ezek. le1. 2ý'; 23. 37 - Isa. V7. 5). Tiis Deute. o.iomiO iawi howevcr, strenu- ously.Iforbade the. ractice (Dent, 12 i1; 8. 10), while the,. prepiietE 'as tongly condemned it (Mieý IL..4udthe. angel c! Jehoyal --called jusd0 iiimnAbraiiam recoguiz- es thée, oiSe, whieher audible, ci heard oùIy iu tiie inineet recessem -of hiessui; ais the, voiceo-e divine ornmaMas. rIt lis. madcle an to i fthat uhiIle the. absolute trust -and obédience' invoived ini such a sac- riftce is desirea cf oc-, yet God doci pop requiro the-a-iie i <i'~ynot thy . hand- upoùn the 1 psacreciness o! hunan'-life reveieg i 'i neu, and great emphasie Brltiab Gulana Greenheart Outiasta- -'Steel or Iron la Water. A wood çýhich, ao.ording to the, dep&rtméènt of -gr~itie cta irori 'ahi4 teel'whesrplaed in, wa- ter, -is BritishýGuiauia, Greenheart It il4'aed inr ship sud dock build- iptrestlëà, bridges, shippiu platforis, flooring, and .o ap ur- Pcses involvingÉ great wear. "and. tear. Th*, wcodl so tw% peieseof troduced intc> Eàklish markets: 'a* substitutes for greeuheart .under, the -name f 'Africajree.nheart but -both àare-inferik # Lo othé.Soutli American trec.. 11 the à"Ve, piers. a.nd jetties ýCf thé "Liverpool doùks and -practically a11 the lcck gates cf the. Bridge- -wte «Cana inluEnelad are cf - grééieart. It furs'lshed the--ma- toeiaL'aIo for 4thi ibsq pairs c -f léèk ,gates in the Mànchester (England) *ssp ýsanI. lWhen the. gre.*nheartq dock ±heMezsey harbor at JÂvwffltf were.remuovedl;In orderJ tha,.the,.bannel mnight b., deepened and-wdnd ~êem wood was &gain employod in builing>the. n- lf4rge4 .gate., a -4Woc_ pledu tht gaVes of -th.'Cànâda dock in 1856 wae uièd- gaÃŽn, lu 1W «.recoln- #ffrûetlon ln 1894,. eTii.use'cf -gren- -heart -lhaa been peciffe-'for aille and fenders in the Iock gaVe. o! 4th,6. lP>ïsama'Canal, Nauseni-ahip, Vii. 'Fram, and the Antaretie -shlp D18- covery were built of,Xrenh.art. ln addition to ita u4ees timber, great quatitities cf the, wood &rée made into charcoal. 1Thougli it'grows in parts of.Bri- tish, French and Dutch Gujana, Venezuela, BRrail, Columbia, Peru,. Tinidad, Jamaiça and Sa.nto Do- mingo, it i., being cut enly in Bri- tish Guiana, where it'la foùàndI &long the seacoast and water iourses, seldom extending more than 50 miles inland. Greeuheart used to brlug $1 -per cubie--foot st tiie point cfshpeubut tepeetprice is oonaiderably- . eà--,Conatant drain for niotesthan 400-resaa poný th e most accessible stands -of green2 heart in British Oujaina has strip- ped the forest of its besat matenial, and the wood now obtained ie of in- ferior quality. Tracts are now be- Ing eut over in sonie places for the third tume. Only the *heartwo)od of the tree possesses. the, peculian durability desired, and the best wood ie found in old trees. The wood .6f three other species of the, saine bota.nical fa.mily is oc- casionally eut and sold with the genuine-greenheart. These are Vthe white cirouballi or sirauballi, the yellow ciroubal-di, sometimes calied black cedar, irnd the -keritee or- kretti. While they ci.osciy ne- semble greenheart, they are infer- ior to it in dunability. ÂLFONSO'S IIEALTH. Concern Feit About Kinge One o! Whose Lungs le Alected. A corrnesjondent cf the Manches- ter Guardian, while deciaring that thý ominous rumors in regard to Ri7ng A.jonso's heaith may be exag- genated, says they -are certainly not without foundaýtion. He did noV in- heit a robust constitution f rom his father, who died cf coneumption six iontha befone the birth cf the pre- sent Ring. Rie mother's care' nesulted in an increase cf the strength cf -the ycung nionarcli, but nothing could make hlm a strcng man. His stoop- ing sthoulde-rs and trailing giait tell Eyes That Are Not Xlissed. Animale nuigists-s well net have eyes, a.cording te the ns-uits ef ne- s»earciez ms-de by somne professors st Vise Johnq Hopkins -University, Baltimore. -Th"ey state hst doge ths-V are born s hind or become blind by accident are 'ahie te emell and paw their way jute Vise moat mac- cessibl, sud - dt-of-thd-way places. - V ià pmsticaly impossible Vo sV-rve tises, bs. tisen, on trap t-les. Rata, if tiiey use tiseir eyea st &s--wliise he fessers hink i8 donbtful--can sa in. tise worid. Ti cnes-tures has no vision sucis as is fc animais and ms-n. ing give tiensil tise wcnld they hiN Every rose liasi mos-n part c! - it etays on tise job withered. MXde - râfaces at xi aery-sýng istý ctd, ità erset.* " ~In, tish ieu, tiàlf' ghe- iffet îset froem awse=*anuî 1hrçttt ont psrtnd'kept.Ier t-wthe ba- for & onldrbleiw',m, tram DickÉoni, thé We49kôwn.la- ïor -tells a ttorylf.h w'~wa2ýsu4her ivnthm-' -expanssees *wlth 1- -Vii Priestesa fs e-t. ýCapt. -B"teàMrn Dlekseu," :s says, -"was stayiug,.'w½uvS; onî±his 'i'etiru fIi-c téis Ze ",san.u 'roùtien, wiier eieiid hemnam rpàita-ry on- -u- tVan for- fort ,Years, 'Yents :paeiodk,-withx.rvoho1ins4ts5tal -eactemeui s4LndexpedW4>ius-iuVo tiei munk parts cf Vii.oountny, znap- iuterestiffs o1d rings , zzeklaoe, etc.,- and it wa.-to #iiow dise-ýte 4Pro!.,Wallaoe,-Budge ýbbtIsi i-w Ïtthe Brltssh;Muum. "Thiethought-c eeiWng-tii-um xMy aeenei.e' sriedsd ai-tougi. I ýkuew aIl about WhçIad ime ide& that D ré - Budge'is office was luth. Smre parte!f ii. buildingci theitimmes. . Tii.attendant, how- ever, ýpointed 'lier -ot whie - v. -ws.sed, aud I ýexansned ber witii intereekaud real isymptiy. "'Wîlhin six-« week s I was badly wrecked-on tise AIbanian coaat ou s. dcearnuigiit. Thougii wet, tiser. was- noe torm, and yet w, rau, -with s.. fearful orash whichi shet us ont cf ouir berthe at 11.30 at night, o- o the. great cliffso! Athaca. "Tho beats were not lowened for an heur, and indescr'hbahie confu- sion pnevailed. Net tnusting mysel! Vo 'tlem, I clambered on Vo ower- ing ouif.s.nd cluug tiser. witii seme otiiens, oee eg and isands eut and bleeding, and wet te Viie ekin, tili a. passing steamer saw our signala of distresa 4ud piçked ulâ. up at 12 o'clock n"ete'ay. - - "My brother'.i case was w6ree.- A uow well-knews aviaton, lie teck it ccp shontly after hie visit Vo the museuni, sud at first met witii great succese, hie pluck and ekili enabliug him te dlean Viie boards at ail the big French meetings. "On October 1, while fiying at the Milan meeting, anotiien aseplane, going f aster tisan hus, Vied te pas oven him, sud at the height o!fVno feet heth f el-i crashing to the grcund. "The otiien man escaped with a scratceh; M~Y brother was tcrribly in- jured. It took tiies twenty min- ustes Vo dig hns eut o! tise debnis, happily unconecieus. "Whie h. wae iii in a isespital the, bank lu which al bis mcney was deposited went te sm~ash sud ruin- ed him. '<Notising iiappened te anv of tiie other members cf thse family who did net coin. in contact with tise mnmy case, sevenai cf wlscm were travelling sud night have corne in fcr" adveuture. One, for instance,- was elephant ehoeting i-Malay." TO FIT TUE CIME. &nelents Rad Severe ý'unishments for Food Aduiteratons. CompiaieVa about Vis. infcnicr quality cf food, tiie aduitemation o! food, the. iigh prices sud tise ciscst- iag weights have been common for centuries., Tiiere arc cc-ms curions pages in Henni Esteune's "Apclogy for Heredotus," an-iVths-t bock was publisised in 1566. But offenders werc ofteu punished sud in mes-t appropniate mauner. Witness an ediet rccentIv found lu the archives cf Puy-de-Doeuc: "Wisoseýever sal have sold watýered milk in lis montis shall be set a tube, and into tiseesid tube shah be ponred tise wstered mik till tue dootor or barber tiser. preseu-t shah1 assent that tise cîsîpnit cannet ewailow more without beiug puùt indanger cf hie das. Whose- ever shahl have seld butter. con- taining turuipe, atones or auy otiser foreigu substance sshlbe seizeci sud s.tached in a vcry curions ms-n- uer te our piiiory cf Pontet. Then Vise sid butter shah J>. piaced on i. hes-d iii the sun shahl have meltcd it ccmpietely, and la tise ineantime tise children sud meaner folk cf tise villages shs-ll insuit is ,çitsuVssch outrageons epithets as shahf pieses them-subject Vo tise respect cf God sud hie majesty, Wiicsoevcr sasil have soid cvii or retiten eggssalbs-l s eized by tise b>ody sud exposeci in cur piliory o! Pontet. Tise said egge sas-l be 'giveus Vo t-le chiidren cf tise vil- lages, wbo shahl, by way of joyfui diversion. thsow theni in tise fs-es cf tise cuipnit, se ,tliat aIl ms-y be full cf rueruimçnV sad laugiter." Wlhy We Wear Rings. s ittî ornot40 Sisould th. married ms-n wcar a l%è netifiiao! these wedding-ringti Whether lie should - point ci! perfect or net, it la beco«uing custosuany oun intie Iigierfer hlm Vo do so. Ms-ny Maies, stihi Tound is sud iher-faucy f ree, are Vaking utetheux- informhaindaboutcelves engagement-rings, tisat they i - n.Ms-y kc.p admirers ntV s-distance. ve in. Tii. inct curions messon for wean- iug a ring is Vhs-t ebtaiaing am6ug is Thonuiit. seafarere. As s- mie, tii.'-plai i #ts thhoop'yen ode on a s-uerr'.ssad ie a it tora. An-d th-"corpre ring," which 1lqeosecalled iri thpt tise thorn becs-use on it is engraved ise own- when tise rose hnB ç-ý!înýep ~les-thie body be ca-st wde-ai , ,e choiistry- e! conside 4.ordlùtaryEnliais- unax rz«ared-ti«-ie'ed lstb as V>iiý,i o<pnion wae- siiaved by , lârge iu'rcfhie. couutryau 2it 'wat bayofidz-question that there .was -s10 bigii V As -PolftI'Fi"ane Wase c i, réad -Priofutor Cazam9ae, 4 Abo-'ie traditional ciuauýatero! the. Frenchma -:=ian Who la pen-- trayecF aas- lmpbti» >t-'auJ !elatule, rues, cont.unptu ouais c! recedesit' :and cuotod-,m' always 't e Mped-to-- t~1pe~tît ie.lutii. -domiais -cf publi*a afalrs, devoid,-cf pense- verance s.nd tsai-abôrieus Patience tionci -politicai-eaPacity. _.I1 admit, " -oontunued the. profe- Bor, "tuàt theneî le s considerable amouintof truthin i5 hst picture, but France ïorty >-eare ego pased thrcngh a -great trial, an&:thei. men o! opn generatien instinctively tock from Vieir earliest yes.ns s serions view cof life. Thst expenlence tend- ed te self- exammnatson, and 1V le -uotewe>rthy that- hoth England -and France have tuîs lu common, that botis countnies, aucient but net de- crepit, have pased throurgh their youtii and are luns> investigs.ting their position, whule otiier countnies are stilI going throngh a pericd cf self-assertion." 1ew. Concentrating Effort. To somne extent, -he went on, thse ,,ogue that sport.-enjoyed at present X'5Býanee, tçxeiIser witis tise ew ingFreuchmen-,o e B - , -"-I the, colonies, udtahly in 'Moeco, ail ended Vo teaeh theni self -cern- maud sud concentra-tien o! effort. They were tnyiug Vo divide parties more acconding Vo pninciples, sad net personalitiée. sud ministeres were cbtaining .longer lesesof pewer. : t Then *gain, the professer pointed eut, -in France te-day tisene waà ameng other changes a much great- er respect for Vise law. That could be illisstnated in Vie appeals wiiich wene bcing miade Vo tise good ceuse cf tis, cnowd, tise publice gandens -sud open spaces-being pis-ced "un- 'demr publie protection." Nothing, h. said, in conclusion, could show Àn a clearer light this uaw spurit in France than tise conduet o! luis countrymen duming tise Agadir cri- sis, Englishmen-were good enough te compliment the. French on their behavior at that finie, but Vise proof of tiie profound change intiie na- tional ounscieusuese was Vhst thein attitude, wisich appeared splendid Vo others, w-s tVo themselves quit. natunsi. JAPS DO NOT FAT MEAT. Simplicty or Nation's Diet Reduece Cost of Living. Whiie the. cry hae been la this sud ms-ny other countries for yeans Vhs-t tise cost c! living wa-s constantly iucneasiug, sucis a cny liss evidently noV been iseard Vo any great extent la Japan. Instead cf a high coet cf living thene, acccrding Vo figures accumu- lated at tise Inspenial College of Ja- -pansin luTekio, it is a low cc-ct cf living. The Japanese do net est mueci mes-t. Tise great rnajority Viiene do noV est nies-t t aIl, -ai- theugli Vhey are-a decidetily stumdy race. A quart of nice- a day will suffice s Japanese, while tise Chus-msa, despite stonies Vo, the contrary, -are getting Vo be ineat esters, sud are ecpcci&lly fond cf pcnk. Pomk doe net appeai Vo or agree with tise Ja- paneEe stomach, they have no "edi- hie 'hog," whâe herses are tooval- crippied, my poor fellow VI" Pccket- l.ng the. meney quickly, tiie tramp replied, "Financialiy crippied, ir." Wasted aympathy l is e, sympa- Vhy that doesu>V offer Vo iielp. A man handly ever 'mýarrieis for, love more than once. recorduAn tIns i Q1W0ul-fice05H-0wHU. èh f * ~'as rewarded with, an ir1i%<honii gh-problèbs; andiile la, eerain-'to b. one cf thé most bril-. ~lianft opoké'men 1cr the Homiý Rulie bilf iiite !rz ýWheft * w .,ýIbeal* 'retiirned to office, Lord Crowe. enteredtii. Cab- Lord Crewe. inet ais Lord President of the Coun- cil, asesmewhat nebuions post Vo wiiicii ne departinent la attached, but -which enables its ownen Vo un- dertake s -rovlng commission over every departmeat. Tins it kill te hie lot Vo take charge o! tiie Edu- caion bilîlu inih Giided Chamber, sud tise mauner ilu whicislie han- dled Vhs-V mesure arouced-the en- - l ends. Thougii the bislipOIi tiiey found tuma s t cour»teoué" ponent sud cone wiiose epîgrame euliveued ms-ny a duil debate. Iu 1908 ise was appointed Secretary cf State for Vhs Colonies, sud lhe uow vatcises oven t 'he destinies. o! India in succession Vo' Lord Moley. Lord Crewe Veok as his second wife tise youngest daugister cf the Es-ni o! Rosebery.' Lady Crewe, wiiose hirtiiday fs-Ils -on New Year's Day, ie a Witty sud clever wonian, wiio ha. heen 'o! the greateet asslist- ance Wolier hnsband in hie political careen. She has aken au active part in Vhs womk cf the Libenal So- ci al Council, sud as s. hosteca s-he îa valuable asset Vo hem isusband's parVa IVÉLTY-SMOIIE OPIUM. Us-bit of Uuing the. Pipe Spreaids Among Rîeh Britone.. Opium smoking is beccmiag se popular iu London that several cf thes dens in tise Whitechapel dis- trict are sid te b.e catering exclu-- etively Vo,-aristoeratic patrons o!fVthe pipe. Two cf tVise were visitcd by an investigator, who found them funished in tise meet luxunicus- miauner. Tise victime- cf the, habit indulg.e thein dreame lu snrround- ings Vhs-t appeal te thse most fasti- dious. Sconu after dark t-he patrons begia te arrive, stealiug in furtivcly after ieaving their ineton cars and car- niages s-t a distance. A nean by tradesman decianes Vhs-Viii tise day tins. ne one approaches Vthe places, which do net encourage visite a-t sucis times becs-use cf danger cf po- lice interference. Boti cf tVise.pals-ris-I dens are mun by Chines.. Low divans stand ,on carpets £,o thick sad se! t that no seund cf fcotsteps eau be liesrd; seft iliken cushions are placed for headrests, sud rich curtains hang over doorwayis. Numerous atten- dants, meving sttise motion cf a haud, cock tise opium aud prepare t-h. pipe for es-ch cuctomer. According Vo investigators, tise patrons cfiVise place!s are business men, yung meu about town, and even membere o! noble families. Scm. of the visitons are merely looking - for a new -sensation, but mcst cf them, are isepelees victime cf Vise habit. It le said Vhe dens are enormous- iy profitable, for each soken pays 87 -Vo $25 niglitly for hie entertain- ment. Dccelving thç Ex-il Spir-it. Tiie bisekg lu - AuùstÈjtlis h'fave a very cuniolie way o!, buryiug Vieir dlend. Tii. grave is-se conetrncted tisat tise evil spinit.," Ooming Vo claim a hody, ahall flud iV witiiout -a tenant. It la dug very wide -ai-d dee-p, aud ou. aide la excavated se as. Vo -ormn a sisél! on which-thé corps. *reposes inlapd bot.knés A bomr ut t& siakeeoî<e, set ise warm air, a nd-werIsavo 'clde lis -th iniei lUt. tis'aountýbecause it is Viienthat thie air .*e breatis. su ourisôm -le artlieially -he&ted uud -genenally- -impure, Air ln, 'IVnter. windows ojpen suad the air ind6oore ithe suons Ila Ã"t ut' o doorsauid. la !airly pure. luInWinier -wabreathe the, impure air -aud go deitalteOý oùr' syeiem, mpovériàh, tie-blio aud get iýnto iuch,.a'-s"te that we, are net strong e*iiouigh, net .iati eis sff-ilng fro.eé r cnd In tii.Pvinteîrtheêzfmes. freux Use, lam4pe aulthe l gaa ligite 'consuiue -nà lueh'cf'th6"né ddoygen, ln , 0, -airiaud our'-'owh 'poisonous exhalýa- taons in tise roc-m amenot -purif.ed by added fresii air. Tise. aresuëéh' thigsa.susuer coids," but Vthe chancesý are tiiese are the reanît o! ctiser ili i.sltii st' frest. W. Iay - oV - b.lu- good pluysicaU co ndition, sud tiien by becoming cveniieated and cocliug toc- rspidly our couesti- tution le not ahi. te withstaud.the -But summer colde -are rare com- pared witi tise number of coldathe. peeople suifer iu thse - tempenate zones. It la seldem we sris, lu the moruiug snw summer -Witiia headacise unlees it ie caused by *toms.ch trou- ble, ce-ffosibly weak eyea; but lu winter we frequeu-tly awake -mith a headache which -wss due ertirely te breathing tise impure air through- out tise night. Ventilation Remedy. Tii. remedy jes imple-ventila-tion.i Evean in the coideet. weatiier tisei windows siiculd beopen lunVise sleeping néons. People who are lu-A do-ors a grestdeal, as thé ondins-ny t ~ th f fice n ssould- he in tise 'ay is, Mtleethafan iioun eý-c y and an heur ie mucii b tten. Mentis hreathine'isfe',àth-erY cause e! colde, especially lun-chldren, and only by npise breathing eau one he certain o! leseningViie ciiances cf4 suchiln, Many esn troubles are1 tra-ces-ble Vo mouth breuthiug.1 People who work indoons should1 not wear heavy undergansueuts. if, le farç betten Vo put on heavier1 wraps whiet goiug ont. 1Another thing that is feared alto- gethen tee mmcl isj the draft. For generations people have exclaimed, "Do't ait in Vhs draft," aud wisile sitting directly in a powerful draft is not sa-fe, hy no niesus keep a reoin so tiglitly closed tisa-t tise-air< ie des-d sud motionless. In sucii mocuxe bacteris. have aIl the more chance -of !ulfilling t-hein dsigerons missions. A littie draft shcmld be in every roons Vo keep tise - air lu motion. A couple 'o! dc s into other nooms kept open is s. gocd way lu extrenieiy cold wes.then, sud cf ,courâe even the, living rooms a.nd tiie diuiag-rooms siscuid he venti- lated thoneughly once a-day. Up Vo6 Date. Mre. Gadder-Whàt do you -know' about these people whoc have niovd lu s-cross the way 1 Mrs. Hcmer-Not s thing, except Vhs-t tiseir naine is Ginipue, th iâusr works in an office down town, tise weman gives music lessons, thiey take tiseir dinner twice a week ai. a rcstaurant, have their wasiiing done away f romn the house, snd tise plumben has been tiieme twice in Vhs ist four dascte niend leake lu the water pipes. - That'e tise way they usuaily print s- conversation cf thie kind in tise papere, you know, sud I do't want Vo appear Vo be a Superb Geins of Rouis-ns. Tise Roma-ne hadc an cuîhusiasm for precicus stoues amounting, al- moet Vo rnadnesù. Ms-ny instan-ces cf hs love of gorgecuesness occur iu Roman iistory. Servilla, the se- tiser -o! Brutus, receivcd as a. gift 'frcm Julins Caecar s peani vslued at $150,000. Cleopatras camninge aloue were valned s-t $805,000 o! our money. Loili Psalina, tise wlfe o! the. Enperor Caligul!a, adorned Sherceif for au ondins-ny betrotisal fes-et w ith esierald.3 and pes-nîs wemtis neariy $1,750,000. Thsis cx- traordinary extravazance is noted s-gain sai'agéin, sud we fiud ithut <ver -% muhlic>n wae 'lgiven for a sin- gle piece cf jewellery. Peanîs o! Truth. Straigitforwandness, witisout tise mules-o!f. pncpriety, becomes rude- nea.--Conucius. -ý 'Tise',true ws.y Vo mounutfh. dead 'Ïa Vo take cane o! the living wiso be- lon-g to theuss'.Burke. Tise love c! libertyle is e love o! oer;tise love o! power la Vthe love cf ourseives.-"Hazlitt. No doubt tise loýâfer tisnk.ý tise oiy genuine simple lifa.. his ù 1 inu truth thie'changes duo te Vthe growth o! tii. tes shQP iiabiehave -sUen 1- lab sort -o! "Social -revolu- tien., ItV il- ràaly difficÙlt evenfor fscs. wJso are- old enougb Vto io- momiier Viie pre-tea. -aop days Of London te neusember- how people managéd Vo g-et ou withcut -wiia.V uc-w appears to be an, absolute ne- tis-atrnge thaàt,,like ay ù t discovenles, the,-facVth atthene waa ai wid-sipsieàd demnnd. for lightV re-ý 'freshmeuts auch a.'tes. sud cofee, Itiels'én su neeluthe iuldde of -tiseî lday was made ,ra,1nV Sml It ables ere dubiouslyplaced lu cer- Itain. -shopz estàblished for.tii, .sale Mo bread, -but tiidemaud aon b.-.- leame - o enormous that thée sales o! 'brad- 'rétired ,inùto the --b àekgreund ahd tii. business o! -li-et nef r.sii- Me- abecame the. res.liy'promîiet Denfand Stili Jlmt.- 1Vwoiduw seesu a. if'thie de- -mnd-tor lighf re!reshmpti inu-Lon- ~ don was praetlcally ullu.I-iited. NoV ouly are tiser. te& ehope, st.arted by ..-i- nival companieS. ccnpying almeat every othen siinlutii. more cnowd- ed parte Cf Vthe oit n4Vi.Wa 'Edbut nes.nly aIl therge stores ~and drspery etablîments have es- jtablisiied restaurants on. their owu ;premises wiih seem just as s5uc- - esful.- But the: establisiimen4 o! the-tea shpled Vo au even more notableY change; it turned s.fternoon tzeà -from a iuxury Vo a neceisity. Iu the pre-tes slwp dayé-city nMen* neyer thougit -of takrng a1ternoon tes, but witii the tes siop 1place cleS,ý at hie door the city msan was easily iuned into the habit o! tes drnnking in the afternon. Then iV was tiie presence of the waitress th+.tmade tes shospaopu- Ilan with women, Who iiad feit thezn- selves guite unequal "Vo faciug tVe, supercilicus masculine walter. Now if any one wishea te consider, tis social evoclution lun- a sericus tbpinit it i. iiardly possible.-te doubt that the- teas. iip. habit ha. made for -happines and on:thée whole fer 'Io-tehappilue3 side ven litteo ~ -.f.V A, Boon a»ndaIIaeu. But whilè thé tes.,sis-ôp la;uzi doubtedly "a boon an~dàa blessig,' thene le a side to it which ïs. lu great ueed cf -refcnsn. 'It *ill: noV be dis- puted that -Vii. feundation e!of ce0nM*- - mercial eucees hsbe laid upon tiie discovery that "ne tips sud gecd nef.nesismen-ts are appreciated hy. tise public.* , But do Vhs unimagi_ native thousande .Who visitr tiese es- tablishm.ents suspect Vthé conditions unden whieii the neat but overwcrk- ed waitresses lAbon? .The girls uluat b. cf exceptiona.l chanaoter and live at a good home. They must b. of, g-cd appegrance and lu robust health. They are eýx pected te wonk ciieerfull for very, long hcurs lun heated -rooms. F ail tiii.s they are paid'iie wnetcied wage cf $2.50,a weekf Can one wonder at Vhe indue ment Vise. girla have Vo adcrpV a life cf conceal.éd irreg.ularity/t Meantime Vhe. two principal --tes siiop establuishiments ini London are, paying.landsome dividendes -t the. rate cf froni 25'te, 50 per cent. ]LITTLE THDNGS MIAT COU-_T.' Sometimes Tura lato Imîportant,.. Évents I lastory. How often lais- happeued -Vhs-t- tiie fate o! ai nation--a mau'e career- -ias turned on some iacigaîficalt-- detail,' some unpneanedita-ted- re- mark or effort. For instance, Jamesl Watt,.tie ne.. pnted inv-enteor ocfhtii nitivs power o! steani, engins-ted hic ide& from, noticing iiew tiie force c-f stessu naiscd tise lid cf the kettle. Tise falling cof an apple led Sm - Isaac - Newt,>u Vo tise diecoveryof univer- sal gravitation. Rorne waes sved f rom. hem enemies by tise cs-ckling of geese wanning Vise sentnieVhs-t t-he wails were being scaied. To tum te Vise gentler sex-ý---Nel Gwyune, a peor orange-girl, whoze- descendants te-day are tise Dukee c-f St. Albans. firet came under tii. notice of Charles IL. by rnuing. alougside bis carniage, offcrng iser orangea. Tii.fsmoue Southi African De. Beers dis-moud mines were discov- er-ed by a msa wio casnaUly went ie a cottage, a-nd tiser. noticed ser-ne cluildren piaying- with what- appciared te he bnilliant stonca,- which Vljey £aid tisey lad pi04-ed,ùp froni s streans near the cottage. 1V was c-nly à, questionuo!f a-iling isealtis Vhs -necessrta-Ved tiie late-ý Ccecil John Riiodesq, tiien a compare,- tively poor man, geing abread.. Eveirygne knows tise m'agnificenti wcÃŽkhe did lu Sentis Af ica, sud hcw well h. deserved hie ns-me cf' Empire Builder. Aud se we might mun on, record a.fter record. Only s- short time e-go, s- lady living near Gateshead was unexpectedly lefV a fortune cf £25i700 by a Man afise had once bc- friend.ed when a isèafa-ning youtis cf asveuteeni. H. weut Vo Autralia-s- a. sheep-farm er, arid, prosperiugt inc'.de a 'fontuno-nd lafVite 2l5.h 11»- hrcbebenfacres.-'Umdou n- Mrs. -tAnnodriguez w -frein lier -home in Velencù tuas -Iïsnffened with f aflim usgging beadaches. -My eteadily wors, . ny limbe -1 anid sbaly, L waas aaliow rbniinatle pains, dizzineffl - nfortunatïïly dldn't s-ý aud was. neaniy dezd. -whs tiie. 1tueÀicauseof xny sff, toeimach -about the wond& etrength that came's- t al' HsmnItoýn's Pilla tht i -Would_ belp nu.Such hi=- and cosfort 1 sot'Irons- Pilla Il oan't duacribe. - lhi me right, and the Ir seady aotIve, Oferaetlc, atrs mt#glrge others to* theI ir *starn witl Pr. s? Mandrake and Sétternu No greater mnedieîne tten. -congtipition, fistulem dsr sud Iriduer trouble. tutes. 25e. pérnbox or ffve at alf druggiats andstoreki psid by flue, Otarbezoù -N. Y., and iaon.C Why is s fast young steamnboat 1i Recaueè -' gôes- aiïdc withiout a her. -- * U la rd ls MLn m ent Cure,- Hl[r hùeband gruant i.- reactiouny uncôd.'-:- -knbW, h.e ,said,- hàve- ever doue for thmdei" "hep thein, dr&nclied th .1 -y, N adratice fo Tie..In sictln t e- "~-clans' aidle ou * well as the mas-n . Tro CURE A COLD 15 "~n I!ke4AIAIVEBROMO fC DruggistsrsundMoney if E. Wý GEOV'5ignacura A eouud thuïuker, li ally-does lus thinkingi mina'-,,. LInIment CureS Mther-' Edith, yo.u ccnceited." --Ediîtii-" de>n' thiuk m isar and'pretty--s people .sal. ' In Imnet istcing!"' thePeace, aud statiot ýWeflhzton, ou' tie Pri lsianud'Railwayo*says: -F -our yega s aieoIil station sad feU on a f auatfiulng 4 bad eut cAn iusy ieg. I th:ought tbf. but . natsad of doing se 8 lnto s- bad nîcer,;and. lateu of eczsma. which spread sud as-ho-etairted.on -t:< BoUh legs becanie 905wo~ that I couid only go s-bi by having theux baudageo sa-d I-muai stop woCrk s-ý - 4 Âfter six montha of 1 eousulted auothieri, doct ne better result. I tnIed j " lniments, sud lotio.ns 1 i lastead o! gettlng better ."'This was mY conditl =y firat box of Zamu-Bnlk <uMy dýlight that --rot bca Rlef. I cantinued Vo s-p i zoreg, sad ay-by dayth I-couild ses that s-t IaW1I ,01 aomethlng whicis w anud Iluthe sud 1 td Olt IV lepow over a Buk wonicea cure- lu) i Vens bas been noe r Such le the nature-o! V *.whlch Zams-Buk la1 da~ -Pnreiy herbail u .egmi -great bains-'Is a sure: cul disases. cold s3ores; ch. froat bite. ulcene. b1iod-p) casa sorea, pliS, seul p - -wrminfttedpatches, c1 'bruiéýs. Ail drugglsta a& nt 60e. box, <or postfre. -f Coupan TciEfpi ES 0OF *ONTAI

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