Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Mar 1913, p. 5

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ilê1t. A.- G -la alyway lie1m Wvddn '.UI~Rings. i~sodhome o twn, for ho alwàystma & mtig to ýsay, shaUgays k well; .RA ~~'E - Mr. Arthurbaprcas HAVE V~~lopperba ucse £Mr. Ernest Harper's lîouse on Mary EM-ALIL Aà treet. Tickets are selllng freely for tble Wp~a T nb. Re ù "gn" banquiet 1te be beld ieÏ.t mon- g 4ay nlght. Do 't fsiil te ho thons.. %xçu45ii L uaianctju LIf Jerald or PearI. and Ruby. .$600 IWoiding Rings' 'We have -always a very. Slarge assortment of io, Priées from $2.60o to 00 Jewelier and Opican Q.pprosibc Post Office W. C. T LEADERS] The Welland Telegra tian to the tact thatt *Pelham hah lieen witho me for tonty yeaàrs, hav Duni Act in 1873,( bars whièh were theni clebratton of the forl savw aifrSdlam- f rom -Ontari o Mn. Fred Drapjer and familIy, have mnoved te the fanm whlch,,Mr. Clay- ton wili shortiy vaLcate. - Rov. -Mà.-B. Sexsml tb, wbho wau 1M In Toronto for somie -days, was' able to retura home last' weeki and cou- ducted the tuilerai service. at the homne o! Mir. Willcox on Saturday ater- M0on. Rev. Father Cine, of Osbawat,who always makes la délightful alten-.d<n- .mer speech, will be head on Monday night next at the banqpct ot- the Irish Cana-dian- AKssociation of- South On- tanlo in the Music Hall. .T~he Women's Institute will meot In !the Agiultural ronoem on Thurs- d4' atternoon, Maroh 20th,,,ifstead of 11'iday, 2lst>, at 3 ô'lock. Sub- ject-"«Canadjari Women." Ail. wolfen -and girls- Welcorne. lira. G.A. Ross, President : Miss Pi flateman, Sec. r- anrsd Mm'ra.Io8on, of Oshawa, were la -town on Tuesdey. The Horticultural Society are anx- loua to have the subscrlptulons for 1913 as * 509f as possible. Anyono wlshlng te j ota klndly send tes $1 te the aecretary, suad neceive the benefite et momabershlp, as weli 'as bolp tu e beautify dur tewn. M. V. PoQw0l, ec YTeas. - 'Ohý for Enstentide outingas a" - homegoings 1 Tickets gond goinig on Manch 20, ,21, 22)- 23 and 24, good till Marcb 26 to nerturs; gt single' tare for - round trip to ail stations lu Caad.. Also spectal one-way settiens' tickets té Saskatchewan and Alberta, every 'ruesday ta March andi April. Througb-. tounit aleepers, Toronto to.Winnipeg, -0 e -.via Chicago, as well-as la. confection with Homeseekers' excursions, uame - date. Lower bentbs,! Toronto to Win- RIIF. nipeg,j3.75 ; upper berths oniy $3.00. arn ausaten-For berth neservations and ail tick- )te tîqonsipofticket.office, opposite Standard Bank, ,ving oarried the Whitby. Hie tickets anywhere, every- closing upfv where. Choice of ail railways sud in operatiori. A ecean, S. S. Unes. Aiso buy your To- tieth - anniver- ronte, Riverdale aud- ahi local tickets liqauor domina- at bis ofAoe at your Icisune. tion ia being plannod for next moat>h. li.G.D. Platt, Picton, P. E. I., writes to -point ouit that the township Of Atho-, tin his county, has a stili -better record. IHo Bay : 'II writeto inform you that Athol township, In Prince Edward Countty, la entitIed to precedence over Pel- bam township, as it h'iis been dry for more than fif ty 'years, haviflg aboliSh- ed IIqiorý sellilng before the Dunkin Act or any other probibitory &et was even proposed. The leading tien of the township made up tbeir minds about 1S850 to stop the sale of lttx- icating liquor in the township, and did it by the adotilnof ao!- measure )ythe township counCil proi3lg that no more licenses shall be lssued. Rov. M.E. Sexsmith, who at the Irish Canadian banquef last year, made a ive, impromptu speech, has conserited te, propose the toast "Ca- nada" at the Irisb Canadiau banquet on Monday nlgt - MILLINERY OPENINGS. The.Misses gcott sunounce -thein sprnug openinga -on Wednesday and Thunsday, Mancb l9tb sud 2tb. RESERVOI THE lDATE. Tbe Ladies' AId o! the Methodist Tabernacle wilh give a h-lgb tes in Mec scbool-room on.- Fniday, April 4th. Tea served at 5.80 p.m. Ad-mis- sion 250.- Come aud enjoy a good so- cial time and splendid programn. Col. F. Gnienson, of Oshawa, and $ J 1,11Ï Houer, Judge McGillvray, _of LocalHappeings Witby, will reply to the toast" Ca- loa riped adisu Militta" at the Irish Canadian banquet on Mancb 17. "ITHE CRICKET ON THE At Il. H. Clayten's auction sale on HEARTH." march lotb, a- bunch o! good "fd- Tie above plày by the Dickens' Fol- ers", will. be sold. I lowship Co. of players, o!-Toronito, *Wil the -gentlematn who threW the ---bag even tbc4 tenCe on Byron street South, kindly remove same and save funtbier trouble. ln aid of Vhs Old-Girls' -Free Publie Llbrary Fund Is te ho glven in. the music hall, two weeks laten than an- neuneed, tihld ,will be FrIday, Apnil -lth. Fuller particulars laten. St., Four Dyspepsia- Ifyou suifer Stoumach Trouble, anBd yon tryour refîedy. It wou't cost yen a cent If fails. To o ve to you that, indiesin âeve ï1ht ReallDyspepsia Tablets, WiI do it, we will 1furuish the M,è&eÎne"abaueolwy trésif it fuaBta give you satisfaction. .The. remankable suem so!fRp,"l DYB pefsia Tabets la due to -the-e dereof acieutiflo akili used in e- vzngtheir formula jw weil as te the -ears sxercised in thefr manufacture, whereby the weli-known properties of Bipinth-8ubntrate and Pepain have. en properiy combined with Csxminatives and other agents. Bismuth-ubnitrate snd Pepsin are Coutaatly employed and recag- nised by the-entire mecal profes- sion as invaluable in the treatment of indigestion snd dyspeps'a.Ter proper combination makes a remnedy invaluable foi stomsch relief. W. are so ,certain that there is notbino gond for storuach üls as Re Izl D mpesiaTablete thatwe urge YOU te trY them at our risk. Threo euzes, 25 conta, 50 cents, aud r,1.00. You can buY Rexal "Dyspepsia Tablete in this commuuity enly at aur store: A. 'H. ALLUN. Whitby S> M JcV Ontarlo Thon l a haraSStore in nearly eveaytawn Md c% intheUnitd States, Canada and Great Litaif. Thon lua da. erent Rexai Rasvfor 0 ~j~odisyhu.Man ii- euh çfor tho pmrt£cular !à ,TheouuMmend D.Jas.' L. Hughes1f address on "freland and the Empirg" at the Irish Canadian banquet ýon 'Monday, March 17,- will alone be worth the price of! admissio-n. One of the best addresses given bere in years. was that delivered by Mr. Hughes at the ftrst banquet of this Association in Mr. Hugh Draper, who bas beeu vis- iting in town for several months, re- turned last week to the North West. -CatarrhCan flot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. (tg they caunot reach thie e.at af the disesse. Catarrh isan h'aad or canstitutional difease, and In order ta cure Itymu muât take internai remedies. Hall'. Catarrh cure la f aken iuternaily. and acte dîr- ectlyo'ithe blood ud mucaus suafacCe. Hall'. Catarrh Cure le ual a quack lnedlclue., It was prrerlbed hy ane af the bebt physiciane lu tliis countty fo- years andina a regular prescription. It le couiooaed of the best t-nlce known, caml- blned with thec best blaod purifiera, acting dir- ectly ou the mucone surfacces. Thc perfecterin- blcoln ai Uictwo ingredlents la what pro. clucea such wonderfui résulta lu curlng Catarrh- Senti for tetiiuonials f ree. F. 1. eCH iNEY & CO., frape., Toledo, O Suid by ail Druggiste, price 75c. Take H4111s Pamiiy Pille for constipation. REAL ESTATE. if you have a farui or ather praperty for Sale lu or nélar the towus of Wbitby or Oshawa, yau xuay fiud it ta ho greatly ta your advantage te liat it wlth me. Moderate commission charged ou comPietion af sale. I wiii be lu Whitby several day. scl ekate hfirst ofApril.:7 Write me. Addreim, Gi. W. STEVENSON, 30 Fiuller St., Ternta. Misceilaneous Adverts. -FOR SALE. 147 acres, Base Line, Pickering. Il not sold by April lst, wll rent on ahanes. P. VAIL. WANTED. Apprelitice wanted to heara the mûi- l1ineny,- Apply te the Mises Scott. BOY WANTED. Sinart boy for errauds,' sud gener- ally useful. Apply'at Gazette-Chron- iclo office. FAMTO RENT. 100 acres, near Raglan, loi 10, con. 9, Est Whitby. Wcl watened, gond, buildings. Apply te, Aloi. Ormisten, Raghan.-39.-1 - te inatweaves are-ah ' ' in our new goodo, including these staple- Blue e ad Blak Sergs-KngYwnBlunozl Britifihlodom,,anýd Emipeir Serge, so!d - by Bemi-Beady for over 15 years.- Guaran- - tieed pure IndigoDye. Made to your measure in 7 ,.jays. NWe Clean, -Press and Repair Cjothlng .at -Closje Prices. Buttono Covered. MAUI~BMURPH-Y- One D'cor South of Royal Hotel, --4 WHITBY, ONT. 4.osé". FOR SALE. 5 or 10 acre mark et gardeu lotas on Brock street nonth ia the -towa of Wbltby. Apply te Mr. W.A. Brough- ton.-37. FARM TO- RENT. 100 acres lot No. 11, Broken Front, ,Pickering. Fail ploughlng, dons. Pos- session Apnil isti. Apply to Albert Richardson, Whitby-37. WANTED. Two good - waitrossesae- housemaid. Refsjéà,azqU1red. Ap- ply w~n~LdIe' !omet,& - FARMS FOR(, SALE. Haldlaxaad Townlship, loti 9, cou. 5, 100 acres. Gonod trame dwellhîg and barn. About.7 acres of orohard.' Witby Townsbip, part of lots '29 and 30, concession 8, -150 acres. Good water supply and gôod buildings. For tunthen part4culars apply te The Toronto Geacral Trusts Corpor- ation, 83 gay street, Toronto. HOUSE FOR SALE. Frgme bouse, slii rooms and bath room, bot air furuace, bot and COUd water, bouse bas been newly neno- vated; acre of land, abou.t 80 fruit trees; large barn. Appiy lins. Castie Smith, John. and Athol streets.-tt. Clearfiag Sale Gloves and Miffs, In: or-der tg dispose of our .stock of G1ovesýand, i>ed lprfees whilethey last. Now- is the time to order your spring foôt-wear. Orthopedic Appliances. Cripples 'aind Deformed Work a spc.cialty. Satis faction guaranteed. Re Il.QUINTON -Whitby's Only Repair Shop - Brock St. South 6060*~**..p* Sale Regîster. ---# Wednsda y, Marcb _19.-Extensive FARM FOR SALE. credit sale o! farmstock, implemonts, 215 aere. lu Eaai Whitby TowneaP,, etc., the property o! iihe estate of the Ontalo CountY; èaY bIm,brick late John Davidson. Sais at 12..30 houas, bariked bari, 'utablirig for 40~ Geo. Jackson, iaucidoneer. satti anad 10 bores.; watmrd by sprnt Mondiay, March 17. 'Auction sale o! cresk and two wmll ; feneed in 25 m aer sokadipemns h r fLeIde with c"dr rails. mofnhet amtc u mlmns rp be&t Nortiierri orhard inth erty o! Wm. T. LMaton, lot 3, con. 1, Couuty on the tarin. W-ithin 5 .11.. Reach.. Sale at one o'clock. .Wm. etf four railroad ations, O.P.E.- an Maw, auctioneer.- G.T.R. ai Myrtie, G.T.X. ai Brooklil, Tuesday, Marcb 18.-Credit sale of aud the Cariadian Northenu.SBoAW high grade sud reglstorcd herse, catr withiri 1 o! a mile. Within 7 _mile. oftlte, sbeep and piga, aise Imple- the flouriohing town ot Oshawa. For monts, seed grain, bay, moots,- etc., turtiher partieularu apply te lMUGE -tho property of Lance Jobuston, lot 'HOWDEN, Brookil, Ont.-8. 16, con., 6, Picksring. Sale at '12.30 FARM FOR SALE. 1o'ciock sbarp. -Wm. Maw, auctioneer. nhe tanino! the lats Fred J. HoAg, in lot 18,. 2nd concession, IVhitby Tp., wîuI1 be offsned fonsgale by ausiion, subjecite a resorved bld, ai the sale of his tarin stock aud impieMents on- Tueuday, MareL 11th, 1918, on the premies. Sale ot , chattele i pin., sale of fari 4. p.m.. Thens are ninety- six acres more on lest, ivO miles frein Oshawa, anid Whitby, uer Kingston Road. Fana ta good dlay boai. Good buildiugs, four acres o! orchard. Sus lange bills ton tuthen panticularusuad Dated Pebrnary -22n4, 1913. F. E. FRENCEH, Oshawa, Wedncsday, Marcb 19.-Auction sale et farmstock, Implements sud 'furni- turc, the property of T. H. Cînytori, Kingston - Rond East,. near Wbfiby. Sale at one o'clock sharp, nain on alune. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Thursday, Mancb 27.-Auctioi sale o! household furniture sud otiier goeds, tbe propetty ot W.A. Holliday Breekliu, Sale at one o'clock. Wm. Maw, auctioneon. Thunsday, March 20.-Mn. John Stone wiji sell. by suetion at bis tarin lot 35, con. 7, Darlingtea Township, ail of bis tanmstock, implements, etc. Sale to commence at ou a aeliek J. W-N INVLAL, Oahaa- 1I_- -------- ýýf.- -- - Ezoatooe-8SBlshop, auctioneor. Mot Too* Early -ta Order Easter. Hats. On display March i 7th and followng days. TE-MISSES POWELLO - 3rock Street * MODE 35'- FI~OS _"&0WO D AND -,OI FAý]RMI.NG MACHINE] OntI Second J-a'nd.' Cutting Box in'yFirstC One Second- Hand Waàgon'. Three Second Hanc i Bggles. Page Wire Fence. -elothBide Latge Stock of Extensio-i Laddeis "os Disney &Puückri n.-Whit] Independent mnd Bell Phones. EPOTS:&nâ"-d sf A i ootw ear for -Men, -Women> and Children always on hand. A cati solicited. A pleasure tosh.ow Prices the -Iowëst,. a a . a go:ods. PERL SHO.E &LEOIN O BrockSt..Soutv~ Whitby, nt ASH B.U-RN Why it pays -to buy at the A shb u rn Store: le* We seli the beat goods to be had at the price. 2. The price is the Jowest possible that can be and be fait to you and ourselves. 3.' Our stock consists of- everything, that is usualiy kept in a flrst class, general store. 4. We- pay highest, prices for- your produce, either cash or trade. 59 We give prompt 'service, deliverT your goods if required, and cheer- fully exchange anything that is not entirely satisfactoryi Telephone orders given same careful attention as customers. Pl Me LL S G]ENERAll ASHBURN, 4 4 -i NT FR1313 v OÂL OiL fl O YOU WANT* five gallon s 6f Coal Oil for the price of four g'ai £1 lons? If so,«c'lip out this Coupon and bring it- to ouir store aingwith 8-Q an'd'we will- delîver to y-Ur door -5- big imperial gai lon s of the besqt A-mierican -Coal Oit. This. offer lasts for 3 dayS.only, ThursdayFridayand Satürday. - -~When-bougbt in i one gai. lots, 20o-per gail. J. McINTYRE FRBI3. This- Coupon, with 80 cent%, en- titieis the holder to 5 gal.I BstAmorican Gcoal 011.. ýi-Good for three "da'yaý only: Maroh 13),14 and 15.1 J. - Bir Sa. -Or 2.90, 2.50 .21- * 25 .25 -25 * .23 ..20 - .25 .25 .25: .25 14 anid î8k. WitLy ou4~e~f aâI' kin ds -of, our :.ock - IBY 1Phose 151, STrOR-E FIVE REASONS - 4 the, Lfld' d 8 ly. - - WHI77~V iw 1 1 - 111

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