Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Mar 1913, p. 7

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ON LY'AMONTH;9- OR, lA. CURIOUSMYSTERY EXPLAINED., CRAPTER XXXVII.-(Cout'd> i7eu, prçeemtly, wlth many fxpres- Tii..hulreue 'fes fou. it of, gratitude for.,ail tia.t had 'il The chil.been doue for the child rent "oeéed "o":asif théyiuhiisotsve- 1Gran tle - for. liahe, su1drsenled ly kucw of ctoud tuat hun g o-en Gitue tà'iaeý,ad'h ~*bfrfaiir. They iad aira. th litttl ones up te lied, -ieas-iif ,*ksqwn'tia't ho would dame d<y Mr. aud Mrso tgoio 'teore hohbem buthue azuo h e gardein and tell Roy sud Signici cone o he; uthie nme hd 'hha. liedpasaad. - 1 'been i ithle ,mennti-oued. 1h was i Ew oe eu ak h "aee ficult ho mention 1h without runingi1116g "à.a Ceil' -i l the rnimk 9 tise teërriblae questions i"Veîy quletly," ' B.the rpy ,W""clas ohWiren.they we re-n le-!b 1ouýàrdÃŽh f eploiy; < ly te aàk. Ah! tic gladuèes sd .tiseàmlo oj1i eemfl to-bave'li eft thm au., T h.y were botis sbyand the ' Fihowih:a nomfral fu- ihteunkuoi*n paret- arecollaction !ci whst lied passed inu'te a. timron tethein. Thcy-clung tote g -.dutdifMs q-e SFnithiof sas hocok tlWm down- fuifxly understoed the dleptil cf hu tairs, suad, sclu iite ecil's feelings. Ho 'h.ft thcm talk * esxing back lu on.etoftbe mii- sug J os-re dr wbcks ud ds-au- chairs, tbey imade a rush for hertagea.es c 0 mllie sd nu 'suhd poi.med out jaIl thein elildish te hie trauslatiug; but -tbougii ke 1ears- assh. - u.te tiiez sud forgot thie ectual cause, howa klissed thesu witii ai! the.tenderuese cOoUs al i. ie f ieuli et 'a rési mothemr - ing influence, sud even whie ali-h "We don't wanhte go sud sec fa ,Crbed lu hie wonk, bad an initat- 15 ther," 'said Lance, steutiy. "We ing secse that something -hsd gene d isadmclirtiierot."wroug, aud that trouble wae lu tise « muchrathethtt.hO *wanti ho Meeyou' sery muci "- said Rewenit tolied -sud dreamed al YCccii. "H. remcîràbcna you quite nighdf C6cii. 8h. haunted hlmt weii tiiugh où ave orgotenpersietently; ýsemetines he saw her hfm; an~d uo*,v tisat i. bas corne eauiug back eu the gardon-seat, Jî you, yeu must boti malce him venywitli. thei-nar'cissus juet fulliug fnom ti bhgppy;-' and -love hum."1- . 1r her iiand, sometimes ho saw her w "I den't 1k -hlm st ah," said witlx the- cilîdren cliuging te hem d Gwen, pers-ersely. . as they had -don. lun the hall. a "It is sillï ancl wrong to s ehro' that hlme forwad ad n tha,"sai. Cecl."You wilhl eve waz lihem. Hithento hie tiendship sl / lsx when you se. hlm."l witus hem iiad, 1h muet lie owned, ir ~love -you," said Gwen, with a be hel slih -eh" ,,& veisezueut iug. - een ily elfi. fle iuU Làýý y "Have you enly room for eue po- hstiylkeus, ~ne 'id --- ion lu your beachy t o réO5ehdf! "I rtiiejoveH~l- 4Çilsif" -ninto tise UàbWt-e! iecuing said Gwcn, 'glsncing up at hîm mStiy thirIg8 wthhe uvsiu b * er opinion,but itwas awayi off I i that -ite.woul d b ' ghat si ooui'do for himof- haN dsu igttie'm iegtue ad ho 4o.uid leamu from -her, or how d discsuig te mtten go upandmuch enj-oyment ho could gê-t from -led- thezu toward the. drawiug-rocm, hem music sud her frauk fieudî-Ji hem pale, brave face contrastiug nese, sud hem easy wsy et talkiug.h curiously with Gwen'e mcey cheeks I a ettttle s oe efs sudnebhilus itt. ar.than most :men,Ebut 'that tiiey had Mn. Bounita-ce st taling to the. lcamncd nea.ily bb know each otherý new-cemer kindiy euough. They a bothros asCcci ad te cildet s ime wheu .hi-e heant -ras se eute roea eiladth .chlr paraiyzed'liy Blanche's faithiese- 'iThis le =y daughter,'" said Mr. ess, ffl rshed bythie long senies - Boulface of misfortiues, that gisiug ied1 Aud cci ehôk aud wilu ii.been out of the. question for hlm; ex-pnisouer, sud iooked a li ieh. could morely take sud make the1 auxiously luto bis face. most etf-niatever she couid give1 He ae athr apiesau-iokig But-now al this wae altered. Tii. -Min o!f lv-andthirty, sud se much oid wudtog oteedo like Lance tht ehe could net îeîpo wodstogl oheedt *feeling kindly -toward hlmi. Shie-u lite they muet leave a *ear, -were >oped that the chiudren wouid be- reahly heaWe. H. iad li,#ed have -well, and gianced ah Gwcn tirougli a greal dWs, sud led iived niervously: in a wey that hud developed tise But (u, who was a born flirt, be ensl i hrce.H à peedÏiýý'1orgot hier dislike, aud w-a had now s growiugiy keen appreci- quîe wllig wmet te sraner' i on for a Il tsait 'ras really beau- -advauces half-way. - Iu two min- tflfrpr* n tegh n utes' tm~ eh.was co tentdys-tedenese? sud for that quality ting-en lhis kuce, whie Lance st,ood which lt le the tashion ho eall Aitru- ehyly-by,' studyiug hie fathen with ism, but wiiich he -iti lit hatrcd of a -gravity -which Was, however, lu- affectation in worda1 eslied good- cliucd ho b. ftriendiy sud- not cnihi- ness.1 cal. Wheu h.e haci quite satisfled As he thought of eciI durng himel hewet st ly wa, rtuu-those days he beean to se. more himsll e wnt ofty aayretrn-and m4re cieariy lie fui! force cf ing kefore long wlth a toy pistollirhAat. tetoh hd aud a boat, whieh lie put isto hils lraer Hihto .hd fsther's hspuds. quietlytaken hem for grated; there ,,What à~ this i' aald Mr. Grant- wasothinrg very striking about fe hem, nothiug ilu te ieash obsýrueive. Its ny. favorite toysa said Penbape if It had 'hot been for that Lance. 'I wanted to, show thern stra-uge littie scene in tise garden yon, Qulck, Gw.n, -rnu and flnd he would neyer have taken the -trou- -your dcli fov father.ii bic Vo think of hem actual charae- He seerned fouched sud peased; ter. sud in4eted tîcy were suci rell. Tiroi}gh the. week that toiiowed -trained children tltat auy parent lie watched hiem' ith keen intere t- must have been proud cf them. To neypt.Thtschode thie ex-convict, who for years had in trouble-ah any rate, lu trouble * been cut off trcm ail chiid-life, th that was patent te ail the. wold- - mre igh ofthe wa rereslng wa soethng nf;rseiu ne. Their Tt,@ tlhe CEN S PLEST, sumd DEST HOMEI l)YE, on, cin buyr..Whuou dont eViOQhavé ta kno[wVwhàt K 7IOIt re"ooi.; lé 01---30 Mistakes %te. inijcssble.. SenA f- Irre. Celar C G a.r . »tlea.. Dankh iv g rpeig tîe ofDytingi over otite, .ôo The JOHNSON4UICHAflDSON CO., Lemked, ho niake the cilidren uuiappy at the prospeet oetthie parting, sud an- raugiug cverythiug that tiiey oeaid possibiy waut, net only ou thée voy- age, but for soee m.te corne lu tiieir new home. "Shei. ese plucky !ithiought-Fni- tiiof tho imseif wi.t1 a tiril etad- miration. For ie was net ah *hie sort et main ho-admine lreiplessfflss, or lauguer, or ccwardice; tiiey seemced t!e- hlm as unievely lu a -ro- man as nlun-i. At LM thtie actuai parting -came. Cecil weu1ld baves Iiked to g9swu te thé, -steamer sudd ueoth Iýi 4dÏeu ~at but ou tliuuslug 1h over ehe 4ttèciXed hat 1h would lie ietter, net. - They wiil feÇl sayiug gOOd-bye," she said, "sud 1h had better lia hee.. Then ýthey il has-& tie loünFdrive 'ihyou ýo 'ýhe docks, andebythat aho i romie, 'Amd -we ohAll, ceobîrtck'aia soR w ver weyr gon pwo hl e, yes," -aid Cciye -Sut -ie ber heart ëe .knew that owvrpicaault --thé , Meeting in uture- yesite i=ght b., oiùd net el>,ike ýthepreb.nt; aS chlidrcn, sud b*hcr ow p ciharge,, sews eu'ing with them fcnrever. The carrnage droe . up toe i oore there.. cAle-. soundu , of.-hurey: ùg tfeet-,and fetchinýg and--cariysuag lf hga; ,Cecii took them dçwnu. aifd ¶then, . -with a- lait in lniraée from Lance and -kîeis-sù' Wreiýersed with -sobu frein Gweitý' . gave themnp totheir fa.ther and burned te take leave -of their nurse. "Iwili take, great care of them, ileS97"y sàid thec maid, herseif crY- ig, "ànd you shall hear from me Wgularly." .Iný &nother minute thle carniage L:ad driven -way, aud Cecii was ieft o, make the -beet aie miglit o! what sho could not but feel, at firet, a lesolate lite. OHAPTER XXXIX. Hardly had the bustie 'of depar- unre quieted down at Rowan Tree Rous6 when a fresh anxiety &rose. Renn ..Siverteen, who ha'd for smre time been out of bealth, waa acized with a fatal illncss, and for three laye and niglite Frithiof was un- able to leave him; on, the third night the old Noreeman passed quietly away, coneeious to the-lait1 min.ute, and with his l&tbý0 3rqath, nï igunjg againets éa'ecfO "Fxlthiof &rare ëxceptionu,Yy Iïe saii, turning hie dim eyee to- irard Sigrid, 'w*ho atood by tie bcd. side. "And to 'him I leave ail that Il have. As for the. geuenai run of Young m'en nwW.dy ' ael ix hauida ô! fthem--a worthlcess et-aà degeiierate-" Hie voice Led away, he isighed deeply,- caught Frithiof',s baud in hie, sud fell back o the pillow life- (To b. co tinued.) STÀIýWART OF TRER DÂYS. The other day Lord Liandaif cele. brated his eighty-seventh birth- day4, H. now livesa a very retircd 1-t- T J .4l..,.-ihuii n Ad-n iVlf u, a.arp a 84tos55c 3. fo at to iod 007Oas e,- 850it. rt grade Iged off - cboiùs lum, $. #50 toS 'to ,0 0 Mc 3.-1 traot h&e" auuluL wthout , » eti i - rinit them . 3 ho 6 on eftsSe, 1 and Do%. U., S. A. Lord Liaudaif. throughi suci a disturbing peniod as he. Tii. odium o!thie Labor riote in Trafalgar square -ras heapcd upoi hie is.ad, but when the. Cou- sefvahives went eut ot office he was consoled by a pema-ge. - Wie -u ýchcoee1 iig biét titie, Lobmd Llsnaffwss mulupcedby thie fa-ct thnt h. le descehded f nm the. Wesh f ami-iy of!-Mathew o! Lîudaf!, u- chier branci cf sviich svere ah oue Urine Earls o!fLiaudaffi - the peer- age cf Irehaud. Re isasneyer imar- ricd, aud eouscqxentiy ti ieen- age wihl bacome extinct athbis death. Lord Liaudaif lu a s-ery alilelingu- lut, faud a distinguish socholar. -B i jrjçssioua4 4blities hb. attau. ic lealth, and be-ras eue o! the. founderi cf tise Catiiolie Catiiedral o! Westminster. Memory, i1h ias becu ascertsined, lu. strenger lu summel' than in win- ter, -'c ai enougi s tock 'ho msk6- ýÈbo mesa niolymoist. Have 5se potates ready boiled4 rmash -thisezusson with pepper àud -iàlt, put,"&iiic tayfert bh 'ý top,- iéd Uake&tlII:meat ie boiiing kot, agsd 'ýh-ote ào sé browW côlon. - ininoed; cue' t.asopeon ouiou, nnnc-. cd; two tableopâ ons ceteri, mhsbd tht'eo tabiespS'eous ýbtter, IpFQIn ,haliiespoons p~r luee"g ~ô~qr tapa ssda-- cstpi ~ oQ srat 'uee too 0p1tf dieéseg~tedor ceut<>t it;oe liat te:-o elhpý*to tite. butter hilliso teed. -Add flou? 'sud 'graduýallythie'tomateo. pure. - witii ioda. Let" boil ràupidiy u sta. Seaien sud- hurm ipthe ciiecie. -Let cook os-en bot '"ter tili meltéd, îtin'ring constantiy; beat the eggs, combine, let stanÏd two -minutes, stinning rapidly, snd serve ou toast -on crackens. *Beet a La'-Mode With Raisins.- Cnt a quarter oPýta peuud ef sait pork inte stripesud f ry thiieu ua sauce pan, wltii a ,sliced oulen, is good -bec! dnrippiung. Lay a. com- pa-ct round of lie! upon them,- add a plut of boiling waten, coe-ensd cook heu ýminutesatho he Pound', turniug the beef thre. times during the procees. Talc. up the. beef aud lay iL lu- a dlpplng pan, dredge it, with fl'oum, - baste 1h with> its Ã"wi gnavy once;, ailvitua-'è -n wlilefeu' -h4'gWisy left Itie', top, tiicen '1h witi browued ~four, acason with pepper sud a lit,- MASSAGE~.- SCIIOOL N~I0 I Ruea Cthe Scbool.o? rslog 358 Qlassa St.'West TOflOTO, - CANADA italliy Buttelc That'a the kind you =aewth Maxwell'3 idFavorItoirlChuru- idamwefl's "Favorte" la nsed vil over tbo-worid-lfl Denmark, the. butter country of the v«Id-ln the United States. tln upite of htoeh tarffs-and lnevey Section of Canada. Dur Agricuitural Colloes;«and Govt. hiepctorSrecommnd lh, batmsua. K is tIi. inest butter-rnakar inIa warILd. Write for catalogue if y=u deaer dom:- rIot hanie 1. ÏDAVIDM uWI:LE& SONS, ST. MARYS. ONT. 94 hall-pouÛd_â'ý»Altporxtè, W4x. C-uqpo vn a pmmiLM t~ a' $abl~ponfuI 4?baliag olases, aoverd ýwitb-abig sjper hgPpe a a tea&poonful o! so'da, aud .alt .qd bsae Uch -as ga>ccriet cozu w, la mll* pepper t tate. S&ak-the béanS i n l B i!JiW dcwitovor ^the'ýci &sY o, oodwae oe Int.l teioi' or- âd iu lsumcuefùlly keep eut. 'duit . Thie difficultiei of the.pot '6ffo ingr'peur ~>ff thus water, oo~er wiandas4foreigii aatter. iiti esa~~4 r iâhcodwter, add tiseteaepoo~- Bederc launbdering uuê -È, by thé Penelan 1lsusige, *hic1 e fui ~ ~ ~ ~ » osdaal-l.sindptnmente run, :-with ri ucaciig t OI'd "J0O59 'Asïo141 the, stový. Rzov e twhn - o ne: endf enbontI&pèet __U ý 1n d-i, Clii~Tl liquld 118 te, îfh th- mlùgt -so>t -arzow tape, pull' out *the ribb n, ambsguity. oome to a: boil. Put in acli~ n o itp eain uPo-ozhI>ô"'i,a-me .à <doclonahr aud~ ~~ nis.eliaiu b. putî u'dçr -beadng utl-ate U iame t - , ,cst rnil&'i~>i~R (t04. eodater' ie. Pu Iowashed and ih'oned. i iibb)ozÏj rIetc'si i iôte-lrh beaus lu:s,&, reýqM ianât - bàn ,thon eaugh oi4e ae n pledtospt,;bifce. ntiO8 tb à&ltii le~e, 'ltt. slta 4' trough tii, bIeàdlïig, k'ébplujg final "" edropped sud "P~OOS ýeêr ,id eûthome'0f 0 amiiodth and straiglit. therefère liai teduÏy ilu tiirc aps- in 1rna IYecet ~itb ~asi Fe tatarce eiàyLtired, snd ia- citýi4ps. J*aîigéj eièugWkh tô oveôrý--tb iÏi cînd to ache wii e eived 1y merçhant- at Lu* Y t Cover-* ith water ut oU-~*dbthing'lu warm sait watélr, tir-Pioneer Mail, eonl etdisd and bake 'al »day su ' a goôd'*ovre-n. ing thcm:thoroùgiiIy, and rubbing hjteswere- being iet dd Wsth iibene, au'd"if b'il phem 'with a'pie eucdlemon or« ' 1u s&hdStatlem pesar tJo be 'gêtting tc>dr a ldIemon juice. {hauge the. shceaand: b hefrt ee,"wa te.epy, water',se 'ueédcd. 'Thils maitttet etockinge when the.ftest ache very 9!Tètrtýe of jud-gmexit. Tii.lid gphould b. iîe-nuch; a dueting o! ant1eptie p w n yu toldim, t orzyth ~- moved about au heur beforo thse der botis on feet aud <Li.e tockings ters tote i.pot, I. wenuto ttis beans are te be' used at thé e everug will aise, give relief.'siomseî'adw urnthi - niesil. If tii.browning jus too quiýk- Butter eau b. kept as fresh as »among theloct'(èng ate ly doue tii. lid can lie put on -agaiu. when uewly made lu the followiîig sud akîna), but -thei iu &u ad To ýGet BlÉd of Rats.--Herre le the. manner i--Wrap es-ch half-pouixd of eiiould carry- thèm teo 'the Po-- remd Fity-flvc per cent. o! wheat butter lu a piece of muslin. Make' Buzurg,." By this tiese hoemsiker floun, 25 çeer cent. puiverized 'sugan, s brin.e trnug enough for an egg Mýe"mrt the big on Biî,iýh poct offi 20 per cent. 'white arsenic; mix ail te floit iu. When coid put iu the "Then I -to<èk *h4ÃŽ',m te- off together well with cane, doing,. it butter, taklug cane that it ise%,el, Buzurg (big dock) s d -threw 'theèni indoors eud, out etftthe wind or coveredwitii the brine. Keep-n n hfiatm 'i.ws pi§Dy,_- draft. Be careful no cildren get coolplace. 0f watr, but t~g0$~é~b '- hoid of it. Keep tiie chickeni and etrangely eueÙiiý it i.srey~r~îu o te; the dog or cat away trom1h. -Alter' deèmed ucarayt*i 'broi.______ iavlug nmxedý_ýe sÙfput- i- itt Y.4'ÀI iuseiioid' brous sud ~i t~'luddFxPae we saucers, a'tb~o~t6&)~u brushea uéed to be ecianed a mc 0 s dset if- 5113 place where. you aet a .nthipf, ee,'alnd if Cecsioun.l- -A fox -eutened -a blàcksmith's' trubedwihrate. Withiu a fort- Iy wased 'tiey wilI at ý làr'ongèO. eiop ah Ferlesthorpe, Lincolushire. nlghh youwiil sec the reut o't About once a week prepare a gèod Pureuled by the. Southwoid hocunds,' worry over tii. possible odof, fer lathen cof soap and -hot water,ý and be jumped ou the forge, ciimbed Up thene wil be noue. Mout o! tue rats luto tusé dip tic broom or brush up the chimuey; came -ont at thé top^ seek -rater aud go eut te get it, but sud down. Shake till uearly dry, covered withs'oot, jumpedt no'm thé' noue escapes. The. above* dose lesud iang up with tiie bnisties down- roof, sud 'ras killed iu tiie cbunch--ý uot cruel on troublesome, but you wsrds. yard. muet b. caref ul in-handlini it. You ---- mnay lie sure ci th'e hast iresuits. - - buinlug hadachs-aiivsish when Yeu. talcs Blue e Huskeper. -Na-uIM-Co .edce Waters Dirty lirusiies make dirty haïr. They do not contain pheuwétin, acetsulldt IBrushes shôuld'be washed every'few moplne. opium or any othhrdaugerous drug day,s witi hot suds. . a box st your DruggLjsVs. 2- If bread lu ruwbbe.d witiibutternbe- cTOILOUS&CtlOLe. oVC*amabUT. Lui. will b. more soit aud flaky. Tc prevent eye-glaeses frosu b.- ceming misty ou cut.ning &,'bot rom rub -them with a -emuahi quan- tihy ci glycerine, put ou with a iôft rag. Weak, dry hair ucede food. A mixture o! vaseline sud cocoa-nut cil la -excellent. Almeud oh le-419se reccmmnded, for blonde isiair especiaiiy.1i -Ciapped isudu are a troubleciome complaint dumng thie old weather. Glycerine sud rose -rater gr lano- line ruay b. used with good nesulte. Wheu cutting uew bnead' heat yeun kuife by dippiug- it iute s jug o! hot water. Iu this way you eau euh tise -thiuuest brcad sud butter from a uew les! quit. easlly. Neyer wean stoekiugs ishort lu the teet. Be sure 'they winu show your tocs Vo sread eut ah tii. extreme ends, asa the keepe the joints in[ -place, sud makes a stroug sud at- tractive- foot. Smahl pieces o! cotton cloth, ne matter what their shape, sieuld be kept in the howei -drawer, iushes.- ot a rag bag. They cau be used ton wsshing uneat snd fish, sud tins save staiuiug a good towel. Nelie ma-ylie easiiy driven inte hard wood withouh beudiug 1h hhey are frest dlpped lu oil, and if &,.' screw le firet oiled or greased lt je mucii easier Vo screw i1hilu quit. ight sud with much lee-s exertion. cÀkATE'S TEST-ED ENGLISH S EEDS tlsey make extraordlxsay records for poJrctivenem 1:luone test tiontinýued over a peiod of five years.in *Cmda Agicultural Collage, CartcrTcstcSceds gave thoigle-s yeld againt nineteen compc!itors. Çartein- Seeds gàre perfectly adaptd te Candausi1 nd climate. To brins- f armiug and 1ardening ta the. iilsem degnee of succese, gowe e ioulà .ow Catcr'a gelted pedigre c tead s6ed.' Printcd on fine paper, profuely illusrated with bailgoes aud containing four full page pictuera lu nailooom Wheu you write, pions. addrcas Department solo Aeza iu Canda W rjame Carter & Ce.. of London. Eug. Seed Crwm to Hài, Maeay Kiu CQeoge V 133 KING ST. EAST. TOftONTO. ONT.- a1Vmaag r SPARKLING WATER, cool and sweet,ý refreashes the.,farmer WhoF' builda Concrete We l or Tank~ "fHE FA RMER, above- ail others, appreciates good water. He drinks Temore waterthan the ct man. - The city-d&weller is dependent upon tepublic water-supplyfor the purity of his water, while the farmer can have his ownprivate source of water, and thus be sure - that it i pure-- 'and healthfui. M AAN hasn't found a bâter drink than cool wit.er, proy>erly collected and stored. Swater fresh and pure, a tank or well casing that will keep- out evcry possible impurity must be used, IT Tii absolute!y water-tighî, protecting yciur water froM oeeg f aul ikindî.' h cnnot rot or crunmi"e. Itit Le asiJy cleaned iuside.Ti.e and waer, inicad of causing it co dcey, actuâify nmgke it-stronger. OU-R FarrnergV Inforadon De-- Addreaa Pubaity Mui pertinnt ei'U k t4s 00 o decide o i baUd oetytking./rom eporch- d givp <o a ilo. 2ne service le frue- - Canada gel eTt .vs. don't gen have--to promis« (o étion Dep-rfltflt. L- 80 I54 ERALD I1,.G., MO CNRT.ITH IEA AEILFTRAreSorNDo! otEruse SIfrc ncre. yu a--ne-iyfn.I Tyou-would 1k. to know et thm, write for our book,"httiFuerCt Do WithConcret." The book is ebaelutelyIrce. Company every bug a?d benref. -17Sen yon know 7.5 ert, l- ettt - <A -cernent <bot t h a. farjnine. Of Canada havafound.-t. IeoLMe îboat. - ~LI~A ~ becu a trenucus -one, aud twcnty years or »e ago hie name was on cvcrybody-'s lips. Lord Llandafi vas bhem lu Cey- Iou, wiiere hie father -vas a judge ei the Supreme Court. Educated in London sud Pa.nis, Mn. Henry Matthewsthock up thie aw s spro- fèssion, sud rapidly forged hie way W h the front. Enternu. Parlismient in 1868 as Conservative member for terred hi-s aciivitiep ho East Bihu- ingham. Yrom ifl6-92 h. was lu the. Couservative Cabinet, sud tew Home.- Secretanies have -pa-sed M F < l "ým jl ait Send for 3 m AL 3%0% a a m 19 lý-eb

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