Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1913, p. 2

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* Theoperoonfldl Of (e'o.way is to beinreaed t1o 14Ç,00 pfrigerpMand men. There wjil beundr construe- tim aon Jpil 1i el4yeâ htt&ips, t1>re b t1 ship eruié.rs, thirt4eeu - .-A despatch frein Glasgow, Scet- iack of the hall, staicd a-n uprear. "iI' ¶ In1iefficieucy than lu five yenrs previ- -e $ ad as tadents of Gla.sgow Immediately Vhe detuahment of R I X3 ul. ----- University-axd thv a hundred stew- steward sud dock laig)rers swoop>ed fru hXRchCra wl yd BG HAG CO NG ardu, iuoluding fifty dock «labe-rers, down uponVhemý. A f nec ftght fol.- Pinte Bronch with l Roman nésA - -COIG a-ni 1»m V grupsiat a suff ragette meet- leowed, sud, li-euewho -occupji-oS to-Bocho--ih ôah-n-c ing in'et. A ndncw's; Hall on Tliurs- chairs -tood--çu theuli t wateh tbi. and llghînlng heels. W. bave iaaued Bill IVIi -i Introduced te Reform danight. The etudnsfn- a- nnmae h rans'tr-ted. -hmorous descriptive cincular -cf tii. Blouse. o! lords. ily. .an ! in ee >aten, pa 1n, ~ v-n1,u - ihis i'cmarkable brence vwih ilus- .. s.- -- scores -vreê cected sud the othere r-ar, but *wit ontIsuccess. After a -raonetbsau. utfson Aeptci-enLudi5S5 - at througiout tie reniainder o! the ierce engagement, whie ia-ted ten applIation to-a-y reàsîieô o! his eaper uiig i. srisç Ied te in etulg ri 11euc,rMn., Emnîeliue Minutes, the- ctewards dnagged or iThia lu 1h èMout fauousr cu-lrvo of oGommona on-Weadnem- -e ae rýnie nt lc Van fifty studen- teedlu1, ugth niigbt t)he Postiaster General,' it w U-t' ar yi toay,-to g sreel. Thoe that were -More than haIt a millen-c"'iel.y, Rt on .-L --ama13nt wo ti Athiu'yeseu-ainaybeuditrpte esd v&-x- l mted thi U it B the initentin of- f fu«agetites. i.! t beiind, ftpln tthselQQYournneaçnteedurîug thïtedlufetuxu.is lar bey ci t-.d*u r f rom tiie numbered, ýdid no renew- the -figît- o;i-famouS Piute She.Ili glov smd tcf Vhs prneseut Padunte ftô-ntr f nvrîycmet St. Andre.w'a igi'but weru dîecreet-ly wel-l be- fru- ugxBucohd.Fear. <JeeAbIorIerfrmoVs Hal or- ti.-express PUrPOse o! baved, - Que stuieut,'whose 101<1 qpysend postal to Rue o'Ro e adot1at'the breakdng -up t l eeting. -T. e a uvx~ ut, -receîved rgical - NBY U-TO I éoe ~ha te - -againedl for. attention, -bl ay tir e LIBYKNTIN * lS ed<'iamewoleo iWhen Mima 'ja-nie 6 Ia -, îa ltro- traee ocitii.lefray-n ien hp ! a5aa xelVIr biSUr. i . Ple of 'Vhs $eredîtaro, c F. duoiug lirs,a. JkhÙrsiuthe tuc54- 1 WO ycç#l, brised faces sud tom - . I1eJnAs, - -nom ,Wb4 hatum. e-- d -'the, -l - - =19 ligh1t oruieýr8s, thirt K ' wp. --wOeip ,i-roiugvi sixwe deetroyere afid, 1twînty-one to t= cabyý G m~'. t iuove Lè..Duig heyexre'A e li -1Cu Oso. Cr o ue su»nrne..Dr~n te erfow Tiiey aloourgetiiat the projection i eiuî'ieloUo f eit '-ling four batt hl" ps, tiivee'bat,f- Ï6.mclarge a, proranmm.of iieW',]4 muter of! ior tfo ùe:.'~thë- tiarIy- *tkhp vruiseýrs, five >light -cruisers, shipbuildiiig nian a a,6ontinuaàloe :,b 1 of activeo politice &nd 4SEED 'a fi flndfltxoyea,end three pub- o! Germin 4vairy. It iîe sop' iit~- 4 l'roa neîe â , îiue ' E1jÉETD@ maieawr eed d ou4t uht at the preasent momenib I Uamd- hie, owli $e*d§bna *i The general opinion prevaiia lin the .hipbnlding eore 'ti P1~ Itp~ pkeL~k.P~Cithe f ?Rtd C«0vet~ th o UuGe of Crpimthethatathtoowitrysae eo t'add ý v'atiy Trorw akuFr 'Firît Lord o! *the _Admirà.lty bas <ut not :perni4 0*6 ýal6ir0I ooIistructioQfl tthçWiid à.ep haion. hl8 e ej ot~ec,.' the êatimates rather fine, although- a1i s rogr4li amms. dan, à i ~ . ~ îJ~ tt Xg7 VSW eeed fper ,. ocal ta,d , - * * emh s orbim e fl it -e; is irtivçl chaVer this wiOedtohsb: -uftt ~I Ii.r a *-o! ' uuc sEa in the .o sile eac- tè 4jest x>irch 1.-Tii.top> i>ree rs edîvrta. wh h ti 1 bt; Ige ght rreje~-h Ït~ b >,fr odteswa 7 but, the buolk j mH.s ai.acnluth-iihud ffrne sheavy, and< - - c ops1ï, IWerp made, li $&50 ta $6M7, * aeeneds6! eron -Id n ~ dda fi et~Ie;Fw ___ lb.', wr grades sold froin tb&t down. political. leaders .have biuod rcat o.1W.a REP0ORTS4 kuun'-THE L E DNo cT erRADE sr0kged froin 3.50 t< $,a,_ý_se -Wbîehe' a aI'a,biliî%hr Orfir i4 pat-Iit b have; 1 CENTRES 0F AMEBICA. 4RADE r 10 q tue.'whlo ma*inë - 8prMpnoi<Çle ag«typ-Tliey 1tel3a -*a&of is cap iNr scled btedapw&h, Frssi. ýCaclie,,rain, Cis.en 0h fen*.5 01$0 ser_ o î:1.d su- I~n luNorth Waterloô, -wliich lb pro. - ie allfeu, t bas ot been rjoe ProuisatHom suS ha'ad lily. 8e1.ted lots 9e bOg, 5014 ,ffofli haby fot truç, but whioh îudicatcw t1ý 6<>r tIs butbeci Prodce a Hom andAbrëd. 10M30te $10.40 per 100 poundé, welgedof ýnature ;of'te rillesm-that_ l, ,rhs, mmd. qt * use lti,3s filed witii - * * cure. - hlm -le, wsa upeakie at eue of biis owi freignmtte,-wi edeedcfn *r.adsulfS.Toronto. March ,îs.,-Cittle - Cois 'ns éos~fredyaul~sdA, l decaripons and d e o ToenoMadil8-Muleb Wst - butoher. $6.60 ta *7.25; good nedtin, $.wa-'aunighdrudtens gm e * ah prs.NO nrter,97-l;No32 5 teOST; emeu, te2-;6 ! usc.;biipeUCl poone. l O.local buyer has about on-e 956; Jo. u924; feed wet. 61#e. 1.74 - te' 5.50. bulle,$3te ,525asniers, ac- nc. 'dl Bbengcare . away * h Ontario Wheat-Ne. 2, 93a ta 95o for car $2tow1250, cutters, 8.5t 37.O Iàes W â sd'oe untiiusiaat burt-t, e-et, "f.Whç huid.red, sulsc a e htn iote çutside, ranging down btaO70afaor erGoSosiea, *8 ta $9-26; commOn. $3 t103..doue tbst?", -It ia relateSthat Mr. i n, rp aate along with grass seeda uin grades. 25. ,8tockera sud Veeder"-teer9-700 ta i>ùoëd.to Bey. "I' présume =y friend the -Ontarie Oto-Ne. 2 white, 33e te 34e et 900 lb.., $5 ta *6.60.- feeding 'bbulis 650 ta l5esut 'tô *gsy who . did ýthat" As inti* average Oniarîe. fied. . Ho r ,country points, 37o ta 38o on tracki- Te- POO Ibs.i, 5 te *6.60; fee4ilng bull., 900 te mateS. the utory is probably untrue. know the situation agoqd deal bet- tr »at IaN.2,0W ot, '1,1100 lbo.. *2.75 te $4.25; ïyberlig, 3lêt -lINorth York.- ter than rsost initereted parties, 51 Mantoa OtgNo.2,_CW 39 12e, 4Nc,*72. Milers and Lan ewea.M$6ote l. track, baz perte-No. 3, o.72 hers edLaba-in ru-Prom *60t e other day the Canadian Club baSd and ýhe dtates that this is due toi 1 feed. 391-.2e fer prompt ahîpmeut. $7.25. healry, *5 te $6; iambs,'*8.25 te *10; lir. Kling address it on the Navy que.. Corn-Âmel!icau No. 2 yellow, ail rail, bueko..*4 50- ta $6, Hoe-$9.50 te *9.65, fiStitOu. -As evideuce cf the interest luin. epQOr farming Virough -carelesess u814e; No. 3, 563-4c. - sud watered, *9.15 te $9.25 f.o.b. aubJeet snd ini the'sk OkereuOf the. or lack cl skill. Farmeru in mamuy r Peu-,o E ___a_105_cr.lospu.lavgeskeýrewd, lin1hhe ry c-f tbe Club Pea-No 2,*5.0 t *105,C8~lot, 9t-ttrneS., eut ta the uýçeting. Thre epeedb C&Ses do not even kno:w îtiat their iewetNO .52 1VONERFUL FEAT. na fakl arian ad was enJoyçd er oferings are poor wiien tiey bring r<4 Rye-No 2. 60 ta 6Z, nomial. eviticized'-aeerding te the ceuvictlons'6>te ohewo lmn.- o!h .li Bye-Ne. 2, 60e te 62e, nommai. -, ~tii. indivîclual lietener. The, speech fhu- te oti ioeaemn .e Barley-iieod maltiug baxlîy, outuide. The- Great Steaonship' Olympie Ram trated Mr.Kusategh ' ig a ~ j Reled Oats-Per bag of 90 poundo., $2.- enJad nihal.- nes, In other woin '. spluo»ts ef-~ I sol ié tiywtestet 16, per barrel, $455, whelesale, Windsor te fective 'aILS lnother spots uacncneuulu.- n' ionyw nth iteste Motea.ABelfast deapatch. ote bon' North Yerk lu whièb Mr. King bas now resuts of <if ting sud eleanivig that Pl raee hi. standard ban been a b1st<ir1o-tiiy recoguize..tint it sntwri Millfed-Manutba bran, *19.50 te $0"Indon', EveuingNe ws says: "Quecfeibtng tondbewen pliicie'o bgtraok, Toronto; shorts. $21 ta $21.50;, n iâhîggud ewe-pltclpr Onario bran. $19 te $20 in base; shorts, the mopit * wonderful slip-building fer,generations. Ilb bas beeu otteli repre- buyin-.- *2.5.fetseerkow habenents of y amau preminînt ilu e-. oun-»:Tii.- producer -ehould kneow tils Manitoba PIer-First pateuts, -$530 --ue.arsee ly bisparty. -Thi.sud'l.-ac, ta Jute bage-. second patente, -$4.80 in Juta fiffisiied ou tiie White Star liner' Mv. ing's grandfather UseSitea epresent Whilé it le yet untiiraaied or uncut; baa;@ten,-ýaer',0460inJuebag.Oypc h auec h okthe ôoetitueney simeut ,sacentury- aga not, afterv h. has gene Vo a lot Of!t bage; trn bm en s more6 pueute ar- lmîc h atr fth ekmay- bel> bie candidatuge, thon g b tmuet, l otnbg.lucusmr thus far has been kept secret, but b. pplnted o-ut lhAt genèrally North York expense. Goverument- regulation g4 -Ontario Fleuv-Wiuter i*beat fleur 90 now we are able te ay that Har- lu oneeof those oonstitueneles that so>a just here bas been strouigly urged. fi psarcent._paenta -390t $95 eaboard. land & Wolff are coutructiug an athe- paty flu apewer. hosupot ~~, *3.90 te tha.partay fer -pmer. wioAu s , au iunxu.cate remedy, an iuapec- t * - Country., roduos- enormous teel shel luside lier bull. To Invsatlgate Frledmann's Cure. toi COould b. *appointed te vîsît Eggs-eZl - etorage, iSea te 18c lu cage It extends nearly the. full leugtb cf WIth cObè.aterstlc enterprise the Te- fields end deternuine what ones- aref lots; frî esh eg are eelllng at2Me; strict.- k fen or uhba or- nte General Hospital, bai delegated Dr. fit!for tiirashi nsd what-noV, Au Ir' uew-lald at -25 e26e. thIe slip, GrmN. ukedfr . W. Roma te speud sirerai weeku inuNew M Cbee-"wtwu, Ow, 143-4e ta 15c.,asud ward te the rear cf the turbine- York, iuvestIgatiue the Friedmannue a permanent re'medy, the- fatmevr- large, sew,, at 141-Se; elS choisi, twlus, 150om f l oîîe îh~.for tubereuleais ahdImniîng matl n d tefrnr.mc ol .cu te 151-SeIssheeollie wTh idjd ou the progre.. of the tentseflowe c ald-eS A nerchautsn sr.d ie 13uiter-.dneeery pa'tts,1 Lo;d., -bergs ashrs btrsipTiac d carnieS on there. Immedlately ou hi. re- ctd ecatrmre h solide, 29 'Itô diivy prInts. 25 te 2c.' -sud ber bull were ripped off by a ur Dr. Rosa will malie s report fer ohrdyta i.fre' o a louey-Buckwheal, 9oe penud luntins anS' slanting boW, -he -would net ink. Iberities and 1he Provne genirally are been trained for the city, noV for Se lu bivrels; trained dcorer - beney, The imuer sheli would keîp ber te b. congratulated en belnir able te S.'lthe farm, Jiatl,àeruiral i sul ad -9 10pound tins; lie In -pounudtins;. eomb Affafct* 'o asiflnothing had hapi irnaae pcalt ! i.netrsi e mpha.sized te value of what is 81 housy, No. 1. *2.60 per Sdozeu; extra. 83 peued. Harlaud & Wolff, the,' na-, fer isessea iu whlcb uine Dr .-i!ieiimsuus now being doue to futroduce scien-b pwdomn o.2,$.40 per dezen. vl bt eiee te aecuve seeme te foliow. Dr. Rcs' report tleit h urclmc Poulîry-PrFesb killeS ebidhens. 117o tae larchîects, mei,ý hy aeiay therefore le, expeoted te be, autlxori- t ifarllfig it h urclmo MOg per punud; fowl, 14o te 17c; lire ehick- solved'-tii. problem cof tiie unsinki tatUre and give -tbe Province the. very last the country sehool. - p efsp, 1»0 te 18c; lire fowl, 14o te 17; dresseS able sh ve wrS on the subiet. Frein lhe latest iu. There is ne a turkey-, SOc to 23e.c . formation obtaluable there ia a diaposi- maket for Poor Beans-Primee, -*2.50 sud -$2.60 fer hanS-.- '- ion tae b.Ueve that Ibere le a coed dm1l. seedg; there is a strong market for c' p1cks<1. TOYN WIPED OUT. lu Dr 'Priedmapha cure,. anS that- white gcod eeeds. A hevytaei - Potatoes-Ontavle ptatees, 75e pir bag; SIt ninay not accemplisb au thal bas beau ie~taia o eÎr lets, 70; New Brun.>,ick, 86a te 0ecsimed for it. il mal mark a gre-¶t tê2) pasing,-lnii iiost valrieties, i.. Pro- ~ per bag. eut of store; 80o lu car lots. Proveucal, Leuisiana, Sufers From forward lu conunlg the "wblVeplague. vincial retail merchants arc pre- Spanlsh Oq1nen-Per case, $2125 te $2.5Q. Final conclusions mnuf.I, boeeer, ho de- a Cyeronc. layeS until tIen. han bien an oppor- pariug for epriug rfeeds. But prac- - Poyilon tunty t bsolexrethe treatment and-mna4e îiC&,lly aIl Vhe red clover, a0 Well sM --Smoked anS Dr y ',alteS Meats-Roîl.1- A'despatch f rom Alexaudria, a report on it. Smnoked, 15,, bamis,-medium, 15e ta 1814e;I4ouisia-na, says: The. towu of Pro- Ontario Club an New Home- uubohrme, a-be rpre beary. 16o te 11-2c; breakfast bacon, 19 veucal, La., 52 mniles weat of here, ,The Ontario Club bas-gene into Res mag- frein England sud -tie United Io 191-Se; long cleur bacon, tous- and cases, nificent uîw quarters aI the corner of Stat.es. Tiie Ontario fariner would 141I-Se ta 14 34o backs (lain), 22; backa WI5 praoticaily wiped'eut by a cy- -;qrdsu anS Welington steila. The Ou-t 4:Veemeats22-Ou fpike l is iu cloune, which struck thene ou Thuya-. tarie Club 'is ihe Liberal Club, orrnSdh, this'market instead -o! thieout-s ýroedcMt- ut fA ikeerle ewa a- two or lhree years iago witb a twofold sider if him- product wa4 up t»e i aoe. ' -- day- inoruing. A n Oboy W8 purpose: First, as a rendszvous.similar te kOoe 1 Prk--Bbort eut, $26 ta $28 pen barrel; killed -sud ffteen pereons were in- otimer clubs, sud. -second, es a borne for inark-Goe imus pork, *21 te *22. 1 Libenaliam in a clty lu whicb Liberalism .---t .LardS-'Perees 14 1-4c; tub.. 14 l4c; palle, jured. Two churciies, a. number of* ta lunueS of cae, sud attention, anSd a~a'- 14 3-4c. - M .ercantile, heuses and twventy-five- .nch ns tue Albany Club ha. furniÈhed Q<.JIL5AEi' O WINNIPEG. -uidins wredesnolisiied. Th. Couservairs ý'Ba@d ay nd- tra. ,TheOntario Club started out »r takiug What Chie! onrctrSays bu Quoablnsbrak, orote:BelS by.storin u'wept everytig before t n- orer the premises formerly oceupled by Aot Que. 1, $12 t *12.50; Ne. 2.*9led10 o.i -h a thbteu ie udrdsdtue National Club, but wheu thia pro- ThetXN. T. R. Xo. 1.$12 t $12.0. No 2. 89ta $1., No 3: - path etwee pertyhunwads an;,edety forneodhefor pthnr or»êsflths -88 ta *9, BaledS traw, 09 te *9.50. five huuudned yards wide. A rport- inatitution baS te mors Itb a fiat of aun epthfei ttw aa Montreai Markits. reaehed heie late Thursday Viat the'ofie-bulin wul ieL uatrawee f to a atatemeul> made by f - Ma-eh 15-ats-anaiautowuo! a.,isu isesuier-pimared. Tis are now ready. sudAcern -Montreal. ac 8--ýasCndintw fMsuy, Lahuxls ue -nisoh a club bomte *whlchcompaàres ýîexy Mnr. M. J. O'Brie.n, chie! contractorc western, No. 2, 42; do.. Canadian western, ed frein tii.sterin, but owiug to fn- farorabîr wlth anythiug lun'bue-otty; Thefor Vie construction of thie Nationalc -Né. . 0-See. . extra, Ne. 1 feed. 41c-oS tnar sk.b'4ing has hein su- 40,No. 2 local white, 38e; do.. No. 3. local tenrupted wire communications no tiveix- nenirsted anS 'as f3ran ts Iiinter- Trnamontinental Railway between whle. 37; de., No. 4 local wite, 36. Bar- details wereeobtainable. lor le concerneS, praoticslly veîuilb, adsud bcadWnie, ho tèe ley-Manitoba food, Sic -te 53e; do., malt-___- ne expense bas he- spaned lu the fur- Qec n inpg i- tec lns, 73e te 75è. Buckwbeat-No. 2. 6eta -~' *ntsblng. Cax-pets snd euxtain, bavs. been o! the neadi will b. completed by the - 58e. 'Flàur-Moultebwa- pnlng whist pst- DEATI! ROLL 0F FOUR. made abr4c,d specially -fôn the Club, anS end e!fhs year if net-bing unex- iT - us ires,$5.40; do.. seconds, $4.90; do.. this. wlth tue other flttings. <ire an air Mtxoug bakena', *4.70; do.. wlnter patents., of ounslderable luzur.ousuiia. Attend- pected iappens le delay it. Iu the1 ,cholce. *5.25; do., etnâigiit ratiers, *4.85 le Iligh Wind lu Australia Causes ants in knie breeches are on, guard in courseo'o! an interview, with the - '74.90; do.. etraigrhl rollePs, buag a, $.20 te Gret Damgebchebull and an occaisiouel cribtuiight - lug.,590 ls.. *2.05.Bru-*0$.35 uh o .Dme.b. ounuSwho wou]d s-iy thiat the atmoa-j Caiilidiaii Press on Thursday Mn. ings 0l, $2.05. mouille, short,$22, cptcifrm yuy Ns.. hene was not ntix-ely democratie. How- O'Brien utated t-bat i. oxpecte Vo indlne f;muli,$0t 3. Hay A sac ro yny .S.' ivrn, those lu ebirehave believed thetf4,0mnatwn -No. Z.,-pin ton, car lota, *11.50 ta $1250. ays: A 60-mile gale swept thîs cîty whatever le wanll doiiig at aIl la !rth have an arruy of ,0 e tw Chees-1'inest westerne. 13c; do., fineato usas eu- vnlftalSig -irb, und they bave spureS ne on the 750 miles yet Vo ho construct-_ esetnus.121-e t 1234e. xÇttr-Coie- - siig ains. Thene are eome tweutv bedrooms c est cxeamery, 291-2 te 30; do seeoixda, 24c tics and doing gneat damage ashere avuil.able fon aut-of-tewu membere. e, that is, if heo<ian geVtii-at nany 4 te Me; do., fresh, 28e ta 30; do nelected, and afloat. Sixty street cars -were t'%man In Po lice Court. mien. He anhicipate seme difflculty- 20- te 22; do., No. 1 stock. 16c ta 18e - do aa euto h ciiyo h-oa n-hsrset So. 2 stock, 14e ta lic - Pattoee-l'-bug.derailed by lhe wind, sud sovonal As a eit of he adctvity f thdcaI or -tsrept car -lots, 6M0 te 70e-- . wenean-.lCucl-f oe n thrWmu1o-___ eost geherbus s- ai..,- -It ca&n e amily sien, therefore, that Ontario 3on ihevergë cf-a&110Wera of2road-- îild-ing. : While, ail Vis m-ybe, -ùei ho-wever, It oanoýt ,,býe &n4éied. ,i4mr - pernnt ilùprovernntB A tab - a de on allaa.Ee ith-, the completion o! ý,the-me- miîPrehensive - ,'sciieme-c!' road eon- truetiou, tVIe' Ere.ter -per centage- m inegelutiiePrevince will ye- a-u- semmon earti rade. Vhle supportxng th. geW~ral nuove- i et, therefere, to-warM road ûln- irovement ,throughout 'the.Pro- unce, the fariner caunot a.fford te,, iglect, Vie dirV roa-ds tiat pas& luis w-n door.- To - iook af Ver te caca- le muet gnd sme mnetbohio! restrent muore or less iuexpenmtie id -n i fl enh. -will find not ng-Viiat, lu chea-er and more effcc- ive than tie homne-imade drag ai- iaymeutioued. Tiie big problem ii dealing with -adwaye ie tint o! mnîtaininig a iard, sinooth surfa-e.. To ensune ilis, o! course, tfirst two cssýeu- ais are proper dnaining and pro- >erý gradig. If the. voade, bow- ver, b.ave receivec a-ny permanent -ati ug, ut w-lU b.unceeary to foi- cw up goed construction with con- itant, attention Vo the condition <! 1e surface, and lu keeping tVis lu ced order Vihe road drag wili b. ýund to werk wonders. - In Vie.firat place, tic draggiug e! tie road bas tie effect o!f freciug iV ýromn holes, and ru-te.. This is par- Licularly trme cf,- day roado. ',lne nenuy o! any road is water, and the efct o! travel on ciay roads is to loi a paste ou the. surface, whieb, ,revents water freom. running away. >f ýCourse. ific -road wer-e properly gradeS. le would preut a rounded surface te *Mean d tii. mm treou- ble would be eliuuua.ted. If -uesed V Vie, proper VMme Vie dragpro- pres the, surface, -whicl, as iV Iries, le ,paeked by travel and be- oomis harder sud more impervious mitb every dragging. -Tien, toc, lu the summer tie marne bard sàurface is far barder toe break up aud, cons sequently, lms dusty. Tic construction of a iog-drag is sSoz aecompisied. Tii. best ma- onrial to use la a dry reci cédai log. Soft-maplî, piue, bas.a-wood oýr w low, howevcr, wil le. A log, f7om five Vo eeven feet lu leug- andl freiný ten Vo Vwei're inches lun<iameter, la sawn or aplit iu Vwo. The 'halves are ýpiaeed .paraliel Vo eael other, flat face te tithe front, -sud t.he heayiest base mIa-b first. Ou Vhe- front, siai at a point four iuches from 'tie end tIat isa a-thVe Middle- of the r-oad, tien. is iooabed Vie centre cf Vie hole Vo re-ceivea cross- tae.,-ýand 22 inciies f rom- the- othon- end, tic centre e! a hele, for au- -otbîrcroms-stake. The hli for tle middle <ta-k. wll lie on a lino con- necting sud hal!-way hotween the otV-er Vwo. Ou tii back siab,- 20 incies le measure< f nom tie end wbich is Vo hc at the midl-Si.oftiie nioad for the. ceutne o! lihe cross- sta-ke, a-rd six inches frein Vie otier end ie te ho the centre o! the Out- side etake. Tii. centre e! Vie miS- Sic lobl isfounci as hefe6re. When the-se - hoies are 'bvougit opposite, eune end o!t-he, back siab wili lie clxtee&n luches nia-rer lhe centre O! tie roadway Vian tic f ront eue, thus ýgiviug a "set-h-aek." The Vwo slabs siould be icI-S 30 luches apart, connecting stakes heing9 thes power UAPPENMNGS FR01! AL OVEB TREGL0EUZ IÈ A - S UTHl~ câanada, thoýEiâplr. amidthe. woWII in- sennral, BeIOr. en- -« ' -Canada.! Tiere ià lesa ice lun thegreat lakes- Vlan a. ea- -ag:.- - The hotel-men cf Canada 'viii or-- ganize a protoctivo ýassocuMatlon. -- Petrelea and -;Wyenlg Fruit- Grewers'- Associations ls.v,-been oërned. -- Frnk MCMuikin,, sen., of luger- soli1, was«,-.insta-ntiy killeci hy &traifl as ho walkîd lu f reuto! anuther. :TIheYalmk., Hlghway- 'Commissioni p lana te bu«ld,< -fifty sèýJl of good- rtiads ibis coming su-mier, - - levoLlng conditiajus iu Peter-' bero'm slaughtèriouses - were ro- veai-ed iu Vhe Sauitary inspector's report.-tib in tiie Houshy tle -fi»ater cf- Fi- nance total $5,2392.507. lîkig Vthe, total vote feroieécu'rrt yea.r $174,618,874. -- Great Britain. - AdmiraI Sir A. L. -Douglas, wla' was hem lun Queb ec,> <lied -lunEng- la-nd. Fivo auffa-agists, wIe attenapteai- to petition tle King, refuseS Vo guva bond, au-S 'ent Vo> jaâl. - -- The British ucheme- fer Vie mV memoration o! the century o! peaS witi Vie Uuit-ed Sta-tes provides forý a permanent memeriai VQ cent 8 quarter o! a -mi-lion olar. 5 United States. The New York Yacht Club de-: ciued irmThiomas Lipton's chal- longe for-tVie Amer"a Cup on tii. greumd that 1V dees not -confocrm witi the d.cd e! giL~ The widow o! Caiptain Scott sa-lied frein New Zealauid for- Englanai ou tWeduesday. >A Gerinan motor ta-uic sbip, using ouci fuel a-n-S egisteriug over806 Vous, iad-a sue-ceseful tria-i. Iren Beariag Plants. - J-- SQ,0001 $15 î n eveçy $800. dge c! the roda ad the.rear cor- uer-aithe centre. Thé,drÈi' sholld uoV be aade toc, -heavysoi thati eanl>. lifted by one man, end mnan- sgedly c>uc ,eam'ail ovais. - Whea to Usé the Drag. The mst t o -uîse the dlrag la when the I la inioi3t, hbut nèb tee âà cy"~sthon tVee .ûh is loose .and -runs ýa-long VIfaes ff -ofVI.- Siaba, mpveading amootbly. The road can aie be treateci wien tIc eartl ia veiy wet andl lu.shy, ais Su-rlng ,a ramin, or luoitl !e~ wards. If any y&'ggn i loe however, when tle va l nyPar- Via-Ily dry anS st<sky, tIe earth b ii moll up lu lumps,. lueVead of spre&l-. ing, f reely. Ne miles eau he la-id down as to Vie nunuher o! tues'a. gcod section oo!d s-sould b. ulragged. Leain reads dolenoV sta&y lu cendition as long as tiios.ina-dec!f day. Thon, again, local- grade -conditions au-S expe-uve Vo hillde uvash-will d- man-S r.peaVed attention.-- If a road ehow9 a teuidency te be- corné tee I-igh lu Vhe, middle, iV can ho draggecl Vwice tewamde tihecen- tre anS ouce a.way fremin IV.oose atones lu inte centre cf VIe rosad -shculd be reruovéd. Tii drag itsel! will even -dd*wn-aùy other.inequali- tics lu- tle .umface. - -By 4ràiging up eue side cf tie raTdond down Vie other, thi.e4ge - !theoiogplane off ail ridgea.and-,&bÉtaslsanSdraw tIe looseued nuatemia.l sidewise anud forwa-rd, Vins fliu i.hoies sud ruts au-S crownicg-iV at-Vie ml&lle c f t h ei, r o a d . - ' System Needed for Suceumi. The efficiency 'ci tis sample de- vise in auaking anu earth road'-as good as an earth road can poesibly be, has, been proved over anS over a-gain. One Vhiug, hewýever, le ah- soiutely necessary Vo, suceess, au-S that is Vbomougluess in ufoilowing up Vie practice- cf <Iraggiug Vhe roads. Spaamodic-effort is useleas-, anS il is not. vcry, euceuraging for eue far- iner le put V',me au-S la-bon on Vhe roadvway past bis famm if is neigl- ber ia neglectiug bi5s hare, of Vhe work. The spiit--leg drag is cieaply macle anS easily operahad, but only tlrough the concerteS sand systeina- tic activity ou tie roadsthroughout auy given district, can tiatdistriet hope- te atVain satisfaetory results. lu oounties wierc the drag las been used in, VIs way the, reaulta have been inarvollous, and -net oniy have the. roada, becu kept lu good orcler, but Vie cost cf- maintena--îce bas been gr.atiy - redued. A great mliny auggetiona have:hee>n offered as te whntvplan aboulai b. foiiowed Vo seurs the. be-ut re-suits. On. cf the best Vliat hia& been-suggestecl is: i. That townsip councils take tenders au-S lot the. job cf dragging au-S keepiug lu good condition ïsec- tiens -o! 4eSrtb roadway througiont Vie township; Viese, section* net te exoeed four miues lu iength, belug preferahly tuve miles lu ieugti, sud net 1-ca-a Van eue mile. 2. Tiat cacii person taking a cen- -tract hi paid lu cash ou somi of is Vendens, wiich wiil prohahly ho a smali ameunt. '- An average. e! $5.00 a mile wll be fouud au lunduce- nment luninost ca-ses. >3. Tiie work e! us-ing the s-plit-ieg drag ehouki ho inspecteS frnont int Vo Vin-e hy tbe township rend cern- mussuoner. Wheu any pinson lu eperatiug tie dlrag is found to do inferior worl or Vo. negleet tie roDads3, Viie wonl e- ia rd he an -AuÎtraiia- Ministors; ,aisd .attend- 7 d Vhe -ceremeuy o! Inaugitration e! what ih- intendeci te hé èa >nuocel ca-- iia.TIec city i te ho huilt *on a ite on vile1 Vhe only bifldings unow existiâg are -scattered clweiliugs-o! gô-Ie. -Rule, T2ili ta-ik about marrie-S mouý be- :nÈýèbossed lu ail, bsh. A_ marnied muan-dan. make.hIs -wife <b a:ytlling île:-iàtsVodo.- lB tHE: BEST FOR YOU. 'S E -OA U32-E Iùslkeepa your "Wbl tIS Clotbes"loekti ,,,clie rew . It does net Spo or Streak. the clothe5 us Ihere is ne uettliug. .. Iltthes'Haudlà%tKlnd" o Use Il lu Guarauteed te gave erfeel Salis faction or inouey CheerfUllY Refiuded. LAIS TENt 1RiyIT, -J-R Bnlu t nchebotter for Yoüsssef. timan ~ ~ IS an' ohn" is ecentpaekp Tbomcu. B me. s, agi lasbsuboce " #J-P Blue lu un Excellent 6inmonthi, as il Blne,. Supet-lon te other -blues as, GOQ. Blues." , me. Prank-J. Size Wa"zhms< Meero, Coun, Ont. -5snfcety "J-- Blue' la the hast Th o»O; Blne 1lever used. " Mra. W . imit.', -- - Switzex-, Bnaudon, Mau. i.ecàe.h'- 1-' war 48 a giron r'E sud they ave nOTe tie paît feW -wèeks. isa Petroff, -îifý 01 lawyer, bas bée-ff r 4 stro 1n&g- suragi'st agitation f ee<is mii services i-encIeredi by-1 women nurses, au-S even: soldièTs. est ting we are d' la"isbicomiug-walo, S garian womau wl huashanil to aie on a frealu. - arguxuen -~- shouki have votes_.' Au--Old W<)M&n' s-suffrage iu Bulganin. -Meo Woiuan's Emancipa 1,70W memiers; a-ni ýca-mo-affiliate-TVo t] suffrage . niovemen br-aught it 400 f res-h Bulgariau ma-n.réE ment witb suspicior tle- RuSialàanau- --nelther o! wiilck o 'Duriug fite.en yea 'voxen-lavegine tr.Tint is the the electkni-s of t) uit as ujembors -of bas been refuseS. Ma<lamê Petroif- petition te Qucen' -petiinbegins by, 11a-ad bhy Kiux'g--Fer ber-s c! tie Englisi Sion. _"My ~ip tioui Ferin-dc, thouàsancl soliers' à,'Is wrth. tenh *tleuÙs igues tc Pgcl ' wkoMan migb have- polit-cai power m- The petition asks t6 use ber infiuenc wmen s ant icip Veereby "showin.g bot-i haines o! the- are vworlly oe! freeï By Vie occàputi iule Population in mený fouxud tiiernel Vo neceEsary beingi tie streets; othes r a f.w, even appli. aunpoliemr.iri tirce saen -discove trere net wauted. figlitiug their. e thore was -neoeon -give-IsIadl eyes, or ian<lkerciief s;a-nS occupation was gon were disciarged. Iý 4o! tic primo mîRiSta serviugau the forin wa-s aira-vuna- ares fected a, plan for-oi lu tic mluislny to r toilhe front. Tiveul *Tbey -prov*,eal go JThat h, Viey --verç -tVie copyng e! :c -patches, an-S t ky Sirvia's wvomen movemneut la becox t-han Bulga'r;a's.- $ivvialhas hndre tons- hua-chers inj mou en-gine-irs. a-il Europe lu gi-i e! polîtiial poýv'er. inwhicu -Servia-1 Tunkisi suzeralut: -gym îlte ruîlt-te S~ electueus. Ouly it adult vomien couli tien. Vu'lwitsech the càuse,- sud le --opon sevomal u.ew j -inuter cf tein mîmister, Pavle'wi -. ar offce.- Ris ADf~LIUUF~ 0F ONTAR ti. agricultural baeteriologicai sta- tion lui Vienna te iuerease.-the quan- itiVy o! iron carne! lun certain planta yul ýa view te Vi. effeteon. l u- mnan iystoin wieu îloe.plants are ,u6ed -a. food. Artificialiy-prapar'ei focds contaiuing irou do net nJvays. rpreue. the desired effeet, becana.-ý tie iron ja not compieteiy sm-- lateS. TIUa difficulty,.IV la'tVieugit, may he aveided luy causingpla-nts Vo take up au increaeed quantity >f uron dumiug Vleir natuvai growvth. By adS&ug hydrate cf mron te Vie- £oeul -iehit va. growing, -VIe -expenimenteru ha-ve suceedea-i l tprod-uciug -spinaci contaiulug a -par- ceutageof! mou seven timca as great;- as tia-t fouad in ordiuary spiuaci. IV iu belie-vezi tîntt Vhopr«oceus'viii prove isucce-ssiui witb oiler f ermu- ginaus plants. Practieal Economy. Knickr-Wiat la your vif e's idea. o! eceuomy ?" - Becker-Sle ca-Vs food to sa-vo it

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