Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1913, p. 4

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(fl ovàmtottug~ "k Wp t 1ifor treatmieit o! Hlonà»tW 4i1ornellQ 'mutcâ, daUgtr 01 GeO. miitch', O! ,u~: ie auberi, ail p ro e OvO 1.iubuo~u rni lal>l0 10pay the. t 1h minutes o! thut meot4ng ~ii.« otu Md zoi id 81pKgoY4. 1 gou«W%, reported and rw0c@nuiicd À BIII>OZ'~facOuRa "~' ~ payamt as iollows -John ui ia ZE * ~ d loi pyment aud Zolo.uçêw W IAj <r piutUu500, Wplas «, declaslil0 ~sgpoutvO OOipiiilI- $2.15"; 1).R. BeàtUou on (»q inot*o, v W S18OP d, 1couat oUbalary, $75; W.W. -SparUi, tiix ge, lii. u D -h e ,of u aticadng lydro-Electrie olsbelozigiiig-tu-thUi om. Roa- way meeting in Toronto,-45 ; E. -Pboo omC. TAiçesPOIçS beÂng' plaoSd B. over, ditio, ;à; lx.Wisn Q Qt îtipart o!t the roai -ailowuano tltto, $5; John Forgie, ditto,-$5; P. ik as a ulatiorroui. A Ptt" iA. Beatcia, or sevics.anauditor, aipd Y lrgo-15811F 09 g'ep&Y- ' ;8 I-tevensOin ditto, 425 ; J. ena aai epFeuesled îa suppot 0 flphîp, rebat. of dog ta", $1. ~ <l~~ Tihe coîmiýttee havung couîidered On mtion J. unedis as hardtiie uvisalillty of placing a copy O! s bs'klIled bl dogl lui October.j p$YertluPlckorinùe» -ineach qu' tçy~ smOlg*ui, vas iSiai ubit chioôl .inth le Townsblp, - e- aIlmngdanaosfor 10880< valuablo omesidtht h ut'r, 11ev. W., R. Wood,- filush a copy-ta ech mmtt diud rainuries . suJA-o! odý,u W14 à Moasohmr ol Ieotlothe, Clerk to furmai eacb ILJohum îca* w az t oeig'co- êd ntetwh S«.Wht.vale bridge. iTii.Comn1Uét? on Relief reported co m rancatlon was recelved frora nd*gecomumnded payment as tollows: ~wwww ASIlE ~URN $TO1 We have il in the following: or]Red Ruse, plkts. 40C or 30c, blacko green Salada, pkts. 30c, black, green or mlxedlo. Laverstonet bulk black 30co, Worth Zl0et raravan, bulk green 30c, Worth 40c. end best o' ail Ben Mur,, black, at 50c' Very best eolfee at 40c lb. if you -would prefer coffee 'for breakfast. Everything else in groceries, fresh and up-to.date, at rics îat-ill make it to your, advantage to buy at heshburn Store. 2~SH1 PL. M. BLS 'BOB m**BBR*SSO~.-- Givoeur Boy. !Every fariner wants te provide for his sons, but seldom viii tise old iompîtead, deveioped with tou, isuffice to meet -their needs. Tise boys bave been brougit up te tise land. They.are fai piliar with ail tise phaces o!f fariig. They siiouid bave land of their c*n. How is tise farmer - ;iag te meet tis.emergency ?- - 4 - 4 Thé Loïicai -Amlswer Is Western CanÀada. Tiiotsands of acres, divided mb z 6o acte farms, are being îirown open for- entry by the Dominion Goverament -hosg or near the lines of thse Cariadian I4ortkef Rn hiliay. - I T Tice laid -jives a vide chioce. Tiier.e are some plots on tise open praire and others again in thse wellvooded, -wel.atered districts in. .A large nimber o! tiése hoMesteada are- particuianly aclped<' SAuy anote' Canadian Niorthems Railway, or tie undleeigne4, viii Ib glg4 i. ,.nd, on application fuil information as to tti. loction -o! -and tic vway to.. secare . and reach ticai. WrkeI4fo 13 . <Buset'4ý,OOO "dFiee Homesteada" aand out Peace River Yfaâi o i i b.teret4 l..Faibairu, -General 1o. pa1in tisevenrons reporte' as1 presented tiladay. - Onmotion'of-,Mesars. Hooveraidý WpOýrgle, thse -Auditors' Report as to, lieas occwts 0of taiecorporation for> thie yeau 14912, havlssg been. examined aid audltèd by thua CouncÎi, be D ov affopted, and LIse satd accoÜtns de-; ciared flnally, audIted. - On. motionitiLwas decidedi.t1 l4y .Mr. Story's claim for damýages, over ululi -net'meeig. ýOu uiotioii, it vas decîded- o la ave É60 copies of, hh.iudtors' Reprt.,ou the. accotanté o! 'the, corporation "for tie'. year. 1912 prlnted- in pam het form. for distribution throuiiotthie townah>ip. The: Council nov adjo)uiied t10 n'ieh again at oee Oclocek pm, -on Mon- day, lhe 7-tii day -o! April for -tihe transaction o!, general business. W-ben 'you aic for Sageine se liat Itbis girl's picturs. la on tihe label. Tuis 1811 gunraulse o! quality aid ex-, ceileace. $ageiniis thima orld's f ore- ams bain Ioule. Sagemn is so good vO guaratit55every bottas,- and il you are not, satisfied tisat -Sageine saLthe bout scalp cleaner, dadruff eradicfr lot "id hait beauhifier you ever îsed,- ra vilneflùut your money as- shoot- Lully as ws 'take iV. J. 'B. Wanglinl sole agent la Whilby, Ont., for Sa- xeine, 80 'Do sure to go to J.EB. W11- lis' drug s4one, othen stores don't bave it-oly SOc. a lange bottas. Doa'l fongeltii. nàame-39- BASE LINE WEST. Mn. Gordon Reyaolds bas gee Vo Toronto t10 lilve. Mr. Allient Burton la giving Mr. Tho». Hardy a baud unlul bis farin wonk. Mr. E. Story vas la the cily on Saturday on a visit. Mn, Levi Stephenison geV badly hurkt caphurng a runaway hurme. Hie is tandon lise doctor's care at the Wlit- by House. The trappers; are preparing for tahe aping catch. Mr. Joe Stephenson has bougist a bouse in Toronto. Mn. Thos. Hardy, drovon, lulends building a large new -commodiows barn this summer, 50 x 100 lest. i.fts. J.W. Wilson ta home [rom boar 80W'8 Place in Osava. - Mrs. Ch1iis' Wilson la btter, but they b-ave sent the. chlld 10 tthe hosPlteJ for. an op- enation. We undergtànd tha-t Mn. PFM. Gaie intenda"putting a cement - oundatÀoa under litabuilding.t- Ii usun - Weban~tM O.MoiCrohan bad anuoffer7.frôonoe o! ho Asyun ma> aens 1"rtleis hous ah agood figi Mr. John'Draper> o! Whitby, va bore MotMday altending'tahe funerai taie- laU ueo. W, die. -KINSALE.- - i i i s >1 'Thé J udge _should :aixûply report bbat go ma aitVotes wercvast, Èw arguedt. "lie shoud uli lt necesa-, Ly deduet 1m ro'm Vii. local, opliop lu bislhîdingst i -tbîJd&e 3statesas" 66Exactly three-ftfth of thé- Vot'es îolieit were l ao !ti ylW ad -thus, go fai as îtaie'ballot- Dupera oaîIy- were conoerued, thie by-la*w 85 carried by exactly -three-fiitxs, major-w Ieiarther, the judgmnent gouoat giv. a resume-o! tii. case, and diclure -iat tfie votes of., Thoma Siîsman d- Samuel George veofun nn-vaM on the grounds of beln cast-in-wanda o mi Lit own »viere they vers not realz, dents ; and thé, votes o! Jeom S-Smith aannah S;crovenen, A.E.: Jaks, -au Aaron -Love, , vere declared non-Vai< because tiaey were -sot properly quai- -ifled. reslden't ta e "tçtowi for .',ture LloftiliUOli5-moiiths lxmeslately pro ctndiig thse election, as ib required iii the Liquor -I.Àcense Ac. Tii.,Judgmenit refera 10 tthe appar- ent injustice reSulting f rom. such de- cisions as thin th ae West Lorw case, but states that in luis case ivt o! -the ix votes unere undoMbtaedli lfayor of_.the .oy-lawý, and heunDo.in "There ig nohng wrong, per se, in, thie electionil., concludes thbe report, "but certain véties cat ut the ele» tiox are bad, and ail- 1can do is tc detefaine tliat -tue by4aw bas ù4o becu carried» :The local, option people viii, _ap peai thme case, but It la very. doubtbi anxong members of the legai protes aloi whetuher the aplieal wiil lie. WHÂT DOES LT- MEÂN ? Jack London la orne of taie mos virile -of wrterr, vitb ai Intense!] strong appeal to men. HIs -atorli are usually of lthe sea or of wild i -iu taie veat. Full of 111end blood o thie Xving man, they lu a way a comparable in hemr popularlty t thse stonies'of Rudyard Kipling. Tha ho should write la al bis earnestnes in favor of voman suffrage'aida gainst,-the liquor traffle would ho sui prising, but tisat the most popux papen of the lime shoutd give th etory Lthe tirat place tesatartling, au, yet that very tbift bas happened Last week's Saturday Evenlng Pos opens with'a nov serial, "John Bai icycoru," by Jack London, illustrate by H. T. Dunn. Does it mean tha tube Curtis Company, with the brt liait editor o! the Post, Geo. Horac Lorimer, are lendiuÈ the tremendou intluence of that paper, with its moi than two million: circulation to tl cause o! prohibitloi? The argumei London Inys down in startlng tl shory la liat only by women havia votes cam tie iquor traffic ho coi quered. Lt;la worth readlug for t] fascinat1on uf bis art as a unril4 alose. Added, t tat, the penaox 1appeal o! a sincere couvent 10 proi biLlon and "John Barleycorn!' a Isumes taie Importance of a wonder!u ly ix4eestiig buman document. kCONFE RENCE 0F BOY SCOUT WORKERa. Workers in ý lie- Provinc viii be beld at -Torno E1our, Reindeer, bri 2.50, Best RolledO at7-1,fofl . se... *.... -.. .25 (Janned Corn, (Anclior Brand), 3 aai0s@fo ....o,..9. 0 i> -.a.25- Pet, " Regular à' form25c, ..11........1 ... cstraight Toatoes," " i5c straight, :2 for....e..................25 Uc'reSh 6 Sa1mnn -30cf0 ...... .. ..... .25 MapleLeaf "" 8c. for.... ......25 Anchor Brand 2-for..........................2 Tiger-BraricI-for, ....... for... Star 1 " 20C. fér... .*- Su nfiwer " î8c.for,*. . .........16 iEggo B-ýak{ing Powder, " fr.... ..... .20 Best Val, Rýaisins, -3 lbs. for.. ........................................25 Best'Blue,:Gem Currants, 3 lbs o .25 B'est..Pulireuized Icing Sugar!l, 3 lbs. for......e-.@.0,... .. ...e. .. Suiphur, 7,: lbs. for-... . ýEpsom ,.Salts,--8 Ibsi for....... ......2 , KeIIog's Çurn Fiakes,3 boxes fr.......... ............'5 Orang!e Meat and Puffed Rice, 3- boxes for................. 4 e Lùu-ibermenIs Kant-Crack, Snag Proof, Heavy ubrs eulr$.5fr.... Ail other ,Rubbers, Oversh'es, Boots and S-hoes at'cost price.. Sevraip~.rs f horme blanket to go at cost. r- $ringcaps and feit hats tocea at codt.,U 100 Pairs, of Wén's woo len socks, regular 25-, 30, 3,4C o clear at .-20q 2-5-1 nd 30 re Alfother goods,.grea.tly reduced. Highest Pricespeaid-f& Butter and,'Egs Store opte- from 7 a.m.to 10 para. Telephone in -yoir orders eariyas somé. thinigs- won'tiaest ýlong. We are:'alsosole agents for thç liouse of Hobberlin, Tailors,Toront. -*ï. st l 't te Ir- ar ,ie [id dl. kst Lr- e as )re lie st le iig lu- bhe er hi- as. ýul- o! scout o! Ontario on Friday aid Saturday, Apàl i anid l2th. Tisis promises te lie a, great gaLber- ing, and a prognam o! speakers. hag been arranged- of hhose vimo are ini- terested ilu tus s apleudid ,movement, and- amost- pleasait, aid- instrucetive' liane- la aticlpated.- sTin mvemenl la -maklag go0d progreas la hhis7-prov- ince,, andid -iVl neceséary liant-all o%-- ficena àould - gel hogelhen onme a Yea fer au Inteichange of ideas.- on 'Friday svenlng a grand;-dlsplay o! atuIai scoedut - v,,ork i-hogen al.,whi0fhie-4clogatePv.wll leh--pie- senLt: ArraigemenLts are-béing- utde. IonspolLnteont tairl"wysa, Are, You oing, The Grand Trunk Pacific Rai1way is thec shortest and- quickcst route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon,* Edmonton. Fast trains leav e Winnipeg at 5.Jj00 p.m. OaIIy' 8.'46 a.mn.- DaIIy -exopt iun<ays -FOR- Portage la Prairie Rivers rIeîvwleReIa Watrous Saskatoon Totleld camràse Wanwright Edmontoni - Smootb Roadbed. Electric Iighted sleeping cars. -Su- perb dining car service. Ask nearest Grand Trink agent for full information, literature, etc., or -iite A. E. Duif, D.P.A.,G.T.R .,'Tor- onto, Ont., and especially Town Agent tor Express, Ticket and Telegraph Office, oppoite Standara Bankc, Whitby, Ont. Tefpbone 36 TRY SOLÀCE AT OUR EXPENSE Money back for 5fl7 Case of Rheuniaism, Neuralgia or, ileadache that Solace Fails to Remo 1ve * il lu 4- ISTATîIONAIT I we endeavor not ýto- be, and--that, we can succeed - can be demonstrated by an inspection o f 'our stock of- ST-ATIGNERI Ail the -eetthnsin Papers, Pens and Inks, Books and Magazines, Rubbers and everything else that goes to makethe most complete stock o - .%41 a v.. 7, M y s u r - - - - - - - - - - Se1510 ReusdUy la arecent medlal diOVI ery of, iarese OrinL cientios t LtIdissolves Uroie Acid OJrystab"asnd purifies lte blood. I liseasy to take, and wlll not affect ltae weaketstornact.' ýIl Iouguaranteed under thse Pure Food and Drugs Law 10 be absolutelyires frot oplates or isarrf ni udm55 0of any description. Sgiselaa pure speclfic lu every way, and bas beau prdved beyon'i question lo be te surest and quickesft ramhedy for Urie Acid Troubles ýknown ta niedIcal science, noniatter boy long standing. it reacbesand rernoves the root of the trouble (Uriec Acidi and purifies te blood. Thbe Basat.e .of! Batie Crack, are tise sole U ..agents and have tbonsaisls o! ý*olunt&J7 testimonial lattera wich have be3en recuved froni grataful pecopia Ois. bhas restored te healLt. Testimola5 lettons, literalure snd Pus. Bo*x sent upon requeut. -a. Lac Morrts, President o! tise Virel National Banik of Chico, Taras, wrote lte Solaceornptil ausfollows: 1I wanl you ta send a box o! Soýlaceè toniy fat- or. lu Memiphis, Tenu , for wilch 1 encioseIL. Titis reniecy bas been ued by nmre friands of, miné bore and I.1mlu ay ls mtion Was wonderful. * (signed)IR.L L Morris.- <Put up ln 25c, Scand 140 ,boxies. -t' lgay fine te 0 en sd ou eau S80U055 Usby-tslklUU 50LA ES. N~o Spedlal- Treatment Scitemes or Tees. - 7ust Woace alose does ltae work. Write taday for tisa I 1 - W. J. -,H. Richardson Leading Book8lIIerandl8-taiioner BIROCK ST. - -Nothing nicer tinsotan WcW 7 zGenuine P( 'w erald or Pea! w w -W w w -wWehaveè large assorti w, 14 aid, i8k.. $26to w w opposite___ Whi A OUL M.W m-- c T-A -' -m drunkand lbrw tove tmte Swste et w . O pposiagd-te rew o-e, n w ;yterpa -14 A Ae " - - r,-thse crn'ed maix S, puhtiug au end ..f-~4-Local 1 We have vata - - -deiivered 1jour Miss Deli Brom Co., for some. tir tVotaire a positto, - 1-w Sweet lBackBaàcoln Brejkfast Bacon Suqar eured'Hams eoc ol à- aIl Brteakfast Saisage - * .Fruits-for 1h. Wemk _ ealfornia-eelery: New TomatoeS Lettuce -Gireen unons Rhuarb Sweet Plorida fDranges Pineapp les Fllets and carig for- severa rapge froan the a eiglit years. AÙ3 optioli appy jte - supt. OshnwaS f irst and second On ,Salurday, - faiper iIl selJ1 -- taire by -aut4n For lias best -~nish stàis a nid Fish - es for Thurs. and- Sat. -.0m @osso~ ~I9 - 4 * 4 -- 4 IMM 4@Melqpqpwýà là i

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