Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1913, p. 8

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atia. . W. - QlwiI1 e4ktçrtaojeglp. uumbIe oi young people on 'rhurfiay 4ltt bfor ir. >vington- aà#& :r ese Mr.,Mx W. CUR", was lu the vil- In a i f 101 8001(1b outh1 wUi lag où'n Tuesday inorning looking up WDOtS old frlemds.- The. deatn -took plaoe &yztFrday., lIrE ~Bw~8 whêiia i>evj0 ~1uS Mardhi 14, ofJanc, Bell ,belâcild wife Iy Ill for tbo'.past two,- eej's, jïS f Wllim -Morrow, .aged 70 year'-. proviig- DicOIY.Deceaed has .beu a-, Mdent of Ye.brth a~ o .w Brookli-iýfor a -umber cof years, aud nouttaya oe, hunay, arc 27 wa- kownas a good ut4ýghbor and4 Hollday sl ThradyM Ï7 Chu. kind f rien<L liHer - fuiieral took place lIre.nA. O. PIJ}io'Uniod Mra Chas. Elliott were lu Whltby last week 01 h , - ' ti' -emeer ' -attesdlng te orrison-E1ltot~t wod- T _eSoth Ontario Agricutural S'. a&~i, nd -46e Elliot-Cayton Wed- Ciety wiltl4,l a spruag fair at Broui'- dIng. lin, ou Wedniesday, April 2ftd. Aý Mrý Swain, otbeStandard Bâ*lE nuiiier of ýaIuabIe, prizes .wilil b- of- Whltby la now uchargeof 'thi eod -.' brinoh bore. Mr.' Reed je In the An cxlIibit of poulItry -bousemios, boul at WhiVby. pouitry fedferttHizers,, spray nmi- D ie. Brauder, or Arkoeia, (kt., lias toilis, iveeds, sceds, -fungus disas, boom yisitlbng'her alsm ite?fr. BowIos. and ilterkture wiii be plaeed ..in the There will lie service luSt. Tfrjný. be4dii .by,. the local 'branchof i!tii as-church ou Friday evenlnig at 8 0'- .Departmnat-of Agriculture, Whitliy. 4110k. - Iii the eivening a practicai demon- Tedeath occurred ou MoéAay at sjtratiôn'in kill4g pn! dressng fowl the home o! ,hie grandmotber fHr- willi ic gi i n >ra expert, aiso a Corn ACRaES irge -1s'k Barn. e lu, very iow. M -PÀRMO 114 A RasleatcbewiiO h the. moqar for Ue D RED- GOOD tion. of On.tarW# a farw' ,Coni6li OINB. E[UNI'<ED DIT. mpm, Catilnti., Vark. Mt&oep n in to.u uI 1 oney. B ig ta' Start a Bit- ernia ete Cata.- and Club frce. for aur euppiT -.olIender Coni. S AND GIRLS 0,. cured witb., ecitient. Wrlite Y AN D felà&.%D rouble, Ors-jek ,)Ont$ oite er ici, remedy mure 'cure. ýle Rani '.%anutae. uai Limit.&. Bùifrerr trom g rotruding or- bleedin g-plleii_ ature*eo ownl 1a îeratio6n. Thli çure Internat for, prntrudîln by ,sufferdr of now quite weil. Pt of $1.00. îY St., Toronto. lor heating ANRKS AND ew 0 f'r .Stu;tLo. ii ' i Dysln.g o ire mire te s.ttfy. zX 233, Montreal !ellow Who At seifiishu tsâ ivife a cold- LeWiviag both ion and then i the bed - .L18EN-T~ lewhat peopie are *a'qlng ab~out' - THE NEW 1d19QM GRAVITrY -WASHER Wewoo4Id sot take $So oo for it. hit s the only washng machine *on the market. . Recom- èmenid it to all your triends. t does everything you dim it will -do and more. Lades-tis s the best washlng machine you ~eyer saw.- It wiil wash a tub full of dirty clothes* lu six sMinutes and won't . wear the clothes, fray tht edges, or* break the buttons the way other machiines do.' h jusi' drives soapy waterýcIcar--- througii the fibres of the clothes the way a force pumpm-ÃŽight. Let me eond you a "0900 Gýravity"I -Waàberoed a înonth's free triai. 1 will deliver it to youv.dÃ"o, and if you doh't want.the machine af ter uing it for 3o day's froc triai 1 wiIi, take iît away again and it w'ilI cost you nolhing. 8WIRE PEN eE 8Be~ Fence, Stays 22 incher apart, 27c per rod. 9 Bar Eenoe,- Stays 2 2 inches apart, 29C per rod. What abouf your spring supplyof Farm, Implements. 1 can beat thi best prices o«-International Fgrm i Wagons. Ask for prices. Urio'a-hJ ones. BROOKLIN, NT Phonein àdepeindent 6. Bell eonnection. SPI3eIAL Sugar Sale FOR ONE WEEK FROM We have just rec lived sutgar, and for one week or price -Granulated- YeIIow Wil alio give 20 1bsé-ofGr, for. $L M to 28 a car of Redpath's ily w will make the N4.50 ,anulated frthe week. These priées are for cash only. "A.' *1 cies i'i Ée Puëkri more- tun i4* ou 111 V45LsLULorw3iti ive Mis -arVcy, ouir popular teacher, la preparing soverai pupils flr tiheen- trance, exams , WC trust they will meet vith succesi. ýMr. Fraek Harrison's Luctioii sale took place lat Wee Modws nat successtul oie, indee, thé stock brouglit excellent rcs Wi. Mnw did his part splcndidly;. -, Divine e'servic 'e was, hlii!erc pu Sabbath I:laut in - thé eve#ng1 the, pas-, tôr, Uev, -EA. Pùk, preslding. b discourse wsitrslg ntutv and ' UlO! Gospel message. The musie' by the ýc hoir was Most efficient. R. W. McAvoy bias placedj bis tarmi property in the handls of. a réal- estate man for sale. This f arm property should llnd a ready purèhaser, as it Is a -Most dosirable situ1ation, aid farce aiways weil taken care-of. OÃ"n Monday o! this week, àn oid resident of this place, but late of Pickering, village, in the persan f M, Edward Lxedgett, who was strieken wit.h pncumonia and succum*bed te the fatal disease, was int.erred at ,Saleme. Mr.'ILedgett had heci an i- vaiki for years. i-Re was ,well known here, being a brother of 'Mr. lames Ledgett -of! this place. ,Ho was uni-, versally 'rdsptrcted, *belng a man cof gouad integrity, 'a good neighbor and Mnost reliable citizen.,e C..Stevenson, tô- the east of us, sold a valualile team I some few days ago, and delivptcil tlw-m i»Stoul:TviiIe one verycol day. VWe arc iinfr^rmerl Mhis tkam rwnt'teil h e neu sum' of nearly flve htin4red lollars;. 'It pays to kee-p gooci anlimais. You judge a man noL by wbat ho promises to do, but what buclias donc. Tli.% is -the only truc test. Chamberlain%' Cough Remedy judged by thfis standlard lias no' superior. People everywhere spcak of itini the highest ternis of praise. For sale b.v MYRTLE STATION. Mr. .Johnu Quinin spent Sunulay in Montreal. Mr. aid Mrs. Robt. Chishoîni speni Sunday in Toronto. 0O*ur boys are'organizing a foot-ball teain bere for the coming season. Mr. aid Mrs. Stewart Bryant are visiting in Toronto this week. Mr. J. E. Beacock'was in Toronto ou1 business lait week. Miss Louie McDoual, o! B3raoklil, spent the week end atMr, John Do't forget the great salf o! J.E. Beac-ock & SOu's. Store open ali day Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. 1untley and daugh- ter, Miss Dolly, of Whibby, visited at Mr. W. Graham's on Sùnday last., Wanted by the people et Myrtie Sta- tion, someone ta buillieuses for tic great demand that thero h uat pre- sent. Twelve houses couid be filued- tbis montlî had there boen.that miauy empty bore. - SMauy sufferers from - rehumatiani have licen surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded by ap- plylng Cliumberiain's Liniment. Not eue case o! rhoumatism lu ton re- quiresa ay Internal trealment what- ever.' This liffimont is for sale by al degiers.-41. AUDLEY. Miss- Pilkey vdsit-ed with friends bere for a few days. Fred Lawrence spent the week end wiih his uncle, George Lawrenîce. Miss Grace I-ltby eniertaiaed a nuamber oi ber yeung friends te a pleasant evening rceently. Mr. and Mrs. Warren, of Prince AI- bort, bave returned home a! ter a fortnight's visit with frlends bocre. Urbun Blake bas rentoýd the John- stan tarin near Brouglui, and is Iaying in bis stock. Wc wl-sh hlm) every succesa. Miss Ida Brewnlec was at home ta about fortý' young people re- cently. Tho ovening was spcint pleas- unilY ai gaines and *music, aller wbich the boys treated the party ta oysters. Tihe Ladies' Aid reporta most Esuc- cecstul box social,, wbitâi nettod tliem ovor $40. The bidding eu the< çolet was activep aid was kuoéked down ut $4.25. .Auctiouoer Stevso di hl atin his -usual -go4d style: The home ci! Mr. mmd Mns.BrnlE. Smith wamtakenposacesîon of - by o,ver-.forty of theïr. -4efrhbors'. n -ee0 was a 11(10~0gl eauent, :nud leavesa growa ýUp famlly of tour -son s and flve daughtcrs. The funèral"- on Saturday -to'*: royesde, -was ,largéiy attended; ~.Chamberlïa.s aug""b - Remedy. .bas woq it p geat -reputatiop and exten- sive84 sle byits -rezurkable, cure;o!o coughs, colds: and croup.'It cas ,be' depended upon. Try ItL Sold' by ai OSHAWA. A hall hundred o! Oishawa's -c4tizens -ail of thW maie-persuasiou-were the charmed guests 0f Mr. apç lfrit.W. F. EaVoii on Monday eveniug iast, the occasion being thè fifteenth anni- versary of their wedding. day, and it was, an evenng never to be forgoten Every arrangement was perfect -in de- ta-i. TÊhe supper, *a dreace of deliglit, and the 1bappy guehts vlei'ng witb emeli other in. their otten cxpresscd âppre- clation o!' he ldndly deeds and char- tai t ail doue unosteatatiougly, which have efldeared Mr. -nnd Mrs. Eatoni t this commuuity. Dr. Hoig made a live, model chair- mair, and Mr. F ow'ke lin feliotus laiîguiage, prcsfutc.d ftip hostess and host, wvit.h a inagnIficnt set. of uùt- glass'dilshes, a joint' token 'o! esttoem trom Oshawa and Toronto gdmirers. You can ssy good-bye td constipa- tion with a eielaT.-eorxscience if Yeuuo Chambherlain'i Tahiets. Many havej been permanently eured bytheir use.- For qale by ail dealers.-41. CURE DANORUFF FOR, 50 CIS] v i 1J. ro ! i DW II un e L 4ia r 1s - u m J 0 A of egis, by means of a numbeted leg band' on ieachb rd, and those '-birds whlh produce the most -eggý arc used the following year for prciducing cgge tfor;-hatcbilng purposes, providing. o! course, :theyý are b i0s well developed ,adpossstg ,ap abndafce of con-' Rtitbutionïal vigor. When tiei' breeding sson approaches,- these beavy pr9- ducung birds are mn.ted with a, maie bird whicb is tie $on o! -a heavy pro- duçlng tNmale and, thcu the'larger stzed,' better-shaped eg gs frone. tuis pen arce wed, for bateh'ing pu-posa. Too' much. ~stress canenot 1 oe placed on-the 'seleetioll*b the maie for.the breeding pçu, sclecting one. which cornes from heavy laving stock and oie stroug, vigorous and well de-ý veloped as thé male is more than hall- of the breedeng -pen. LBred.to.layii birdls must of ueces- sity 'be hatchod early enougli that they. l b ave plenty o! time to reach maturity before the .col-wea- ther begins lu the fall, hiaving the chickc'ns hatch botween Aprîl 15 and May 20 j will insure ful maturity if birds arc properly cared for. 'I seeUringý stock for the farc e.wlet a hredý-to-Iay strain o! one of! tue utàl- Ity' breeds, selectlng that breed wlneb- appeals te you and then seeuring ai good layinig stra4n of, .that -breed for th mttr.a!eozrnru, eti n i n THAT'S 1t'à easy, and 'you tue î Sriskç Go te A. ILI Aluin, th, unuAr druggist, to-day, aid get' ENOUCII large .50 cent -bottle o! P-AF FOR ISIAN Sage, the germ kili t <J~iug hair restorer. flA if it docs net cure daudruj in two weeks he wili givo you youý mouey back. PARISIAN Sage is a pleasanit daintily perfumed tonic -and hli grower. It is guaranteed t s toj failiug liair or itching9 O! the scalp and te cure 'ail diSeases o! the scali and hair. PARISIAN Sage lias mal .iy imitaý tors-get the g'enuine. The T. R Boo0th Co., ltd., Fort E ,rie, Ont., Ca. iadian makers. IBRED TO LAY POULTRY.-TI4F * TERM EXPLAI NED.. Bred-to-lay is the -term' appiied 416 that class o! poultry whicb have beD broed either exclùsively for .eg&- pro-, duction, or iu which this characteris- tic la developcd in cenjunction wltli some other. In ail poultry brceding work these lUnes o! breeding are commonly fol- leWed, They may ho bred -for egg production, -meat production, or shoçw Points, or wo may have a combyina..; tien of two o! these or ail tbroo:- It is due to these' differeut lunes o! brecd.- iug that we otten flud two flocks -0 b4rds o! the saine breed, the onme floul producing large niunbers o! eggs,wýhil4: the ether inay only lay a few egg4 in the spring 'When eggs are choapi Make us-.Prýove W. dis nt eaggeratu tO yen. W. arc dependent upon your patronage. To get It we must have your t rust and confi- dence. We make the lolowlng statements wfth a f ull, under- standing of what they mean to us. Yod are sale when you b4levc ln those statemlents. For the Bowels of bowel'ilîs and in a short time !ua11ly maloe unnecessary the con- IfvYOU auIY nOw 8as mucl as we tinued use of physics and purgatives, and those wlio have used tliem kffôw thug teîding to stop auch unhealthy about Rexal Orderlie, You would hiabits Smay have beeru formed. lie as enthusisaho about recommend- Iitbemswe are. Theytaute jiàt ae Prv T 1k. candyr. They adt 0 easly and Malçeu r eT i Io aPleajautl ha'hetki.eîhm W. do net ask you- te take our 15 SPleaure.word for tUdr. We waît you te inake Even éhildr e 1.Rexai Order- usprove iL, aid at ocs yu lIe. and YouEoqk that ifa usd0- un..I- .- .. ne.Co ..o'you appeàis to a cbd, it .wgi>appi BUY a box o! Rexaîl Orderlies at Our store.- Use thece once, or use up the whole 1,dx. Then if 'you arq net, tboroughly aatisfied, uat come back empty,'hsuded and' tell u&~ Wiftbout obligating you' or question.. igyou wc will retun the' mouey> y'ou, païd us for thcm. .Doesnft that indicate that'Rexal Orderlies are 4t icast wortby.,ot triai? Dcesn't t, wOvaur faitli lu themn? Doén t-itl, ycur confiece Could a"Y offçr hooe ,MTUain to yeu? We p ,artaiyrecmmend iRexall Odhes for'cbidrcudelicaté and w edprou.RexlOrdales Corne. ffir eonvenieùt vest-Poeket " etin, fltee& 5e,.12, tablete, -0;3 aëà - WITBY w. *rM prepared. to iutalýýWoM m. ir u p u m ps o n s h o r t , n oi t i ce i e s attend to anl hindi of, r&' Pairlng. Agent for 'tb.> eOntario Wind-IUîi, al»a gasoline enginessud the mquar-em- ed Magnet Crcam Separator. 1'hone No. 50 roeidaooe. WHITBY, JUNCTIONM. 'Oing west-..4.2ij. Co1.ing Fiat .... sao a.n. .5..~am. I ...'2-57 tun Sunday trains leave for Toronto 4M2 amn. and 7.56 p.m. P rom Toi- nto-train8s sop at Whithy -J 1uçtion- at 8.ý5 and 9.55» a.ui., and 9.30 p.m. UP-TUWN STATION. Gbing l1irtb...S.-3o a-rn. oing South...5 u .1.5 P.. ..1.15 P. ni ... 6.4o .n ...3.05 P.nu ïa. and 4 p.nL Jos.- Holden, pro- laavee 1for Brougluani ai 10arn. Bd*edwad,.proprietor. UNDERTAIKERS Plions W WAITBYv. ONTr COUNTY 0F ONTARIO., 19M3' WHITBY-miSU . L ado n U Clrk, lhitby- Jan.'13, Bb. 5 Mardi 4,- Aprit7 3, Mai 2è June 6 JuIy 3,* Sept. 3, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. 4,Jau. 7, 1914.. OSH AW A - is E . M o o n l OekJ, 4. 14, PFeb. 6O, Mai. 5, .Apr,ý I.M y ,J n ,JuIV4,8 ep ., 4, EOct.3o. 8, Dec. 5,J.8,lî BROUGHAM -m M. Gleeon, Groom- wood, Clerk- -Jas., 15, Mar.- 6, May G, Juy 7, Sept. 5, N o. fi, J n. , 914. Kay 7, Jnly 8, sept. a.Nov. 2i___I Dec. 17,. 1914. IJXBIDGER J.Moore, Uxbridge ~OIrk-an.10, Mardi 14, lMay 1U, ~ 1914.1 9 or'2,HeaBus L i 5. CANN1N -¶j Tios. iH. Poster, - Cmnningto n,'Clerk -Jan. 9, Mar. -13, Cça~ d T aiu Ma>14,Jul 16 Set. 10. Nov.7 0 Jan. 15, 1914. G. BEAVE=T<»*gas. M. Cordon, SinCe Purchasing the bus i.Ir,~ Beaveérton, Cerk-jau. 8,Ma. . 12, à&r. William Newport. we -have !m. May 15, July 17, Sept. j1, Nov. 19, favored with a- very'lrg aIoa Jua.14.191. .* asd we feel' we are givisg the71Xf 7. M, TERGROVE - Daniel Leonard, good service, Atherley, Clrk- Jan. 7, Mar. il,' . MaY 16, Juiy 18, Sept. 12, Nov. 18, Ail ,orders for teaming, furnituro Jan. 13, 1914.' novig', cartage o! freight, vans fýr' By Ordr, J. E. FA]REEL , pleasure parties, . et., -iVl I rive ou rt Cerk ef-the Pose. Very bot, attention.' Dated at Whitby, Nov. th, 1912, First-class livery iu'connection. -~~ - - - 'PhonoM.8 "1Yougli "6Blue *scrautonfor ranges, heateérs and f u'ni -aces. The bet-clean, bright and. dry. -C4nne! for fire »lacCs and grates. Youg9hioghêèny--or- stea M*u None any bepter.- ,: George Creek for al kiuýds of amith- Ing Work, Fresti mimcd.,' We lead in quality mud quantoty Bell1 Tel. 9. - Home Tel. 4 FLOUR-- W RITEt-SATIN 'REAM-BUNs BREAD AND'Ck1CE MAKERS TEE!-.ý FEED:.- SPECIAL PRIC~E CORN- OATS FF-ED.WHEAT Feed Wholesale ini Ton~ Lots. CALWELL'8 MMUSES UEAI J. L. SPINK -LIMITE»7, Pickering, Ont. I3Dis.ney ,Bros, Uudetkers imbalsmers Whiitby, Phione g99. Ragla, W.,H.-B'rout, agent Oshawa, Phonos 47 and s,zg'. Calis by day or night-pehtptly attended'to. -Charges müodeýrate, DOIWI UIDJIEDS 0HI0C A CANADIAN CORPORATION. freu, and OfrÀameatal STENOGRAPIBRs. -and $honiadTecesare i lua",e gau .-freja lvé and- tcp the tubes- il Itsel!, ;- l 1 f 1

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