Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1913, p. 3

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id Lt. - îramn ana'- avere ini trife Le-' NViat dld' fer therq- ,ot? Why es of tie-- make his iant witls Abram' tffect -tIse. :to magke- d cisunge ,cli the- ýct!on ai' arien 'le lis plea -was Lot 1ise fleac]' d1 What- vas Abr&. - ni Whdt- for %.-cri. lsaac nî Pro"ide a,- 'jod's teaL am, ta of-, gà to.the. 'Why, had' 1 so' longil flre torih f' tm d? ' -'n 4o( lier iink vIsow ýink- wvien efore. t-he n London, Tiewcd the, Stûbe-rcut-ý- ared that, ha89 yet-Ï f fèern-the, as bn litiageni is- Proi-eseor strains of' die tinkaý t tubercu- aly a& beol B going t~-- geV soxpe c'--"Wol],, it, bIU' tegroater- parteo tat daeasY'u-t4b6ý &lWaY8 .with 'YOUtI& ýlb$,t'aý'le 4ro4the b Cet1 'wntill11 eetog thtqr. u-e'reconfessioh,lie tried ô 2heti,~ dined xnerrily on Salmen, uderatand aNittie botter thse un-. î- -a Ik and creain, and seeÙ ordering 01 ie ia fe, and ho w awa proposed. -Cecil eved - t think tisat, those weary Wv.'ýr',*exeuad herseif, saying ea i d been 'wastei neither on Ç hi ad -Jetters to write home hi un r on Cecil 4,aelf. iI~I~Mk '1"I aali .have a stscsipt-.t&4-àdd SiO~id - ha what -did pot . ften ta zny letter," laid Ceeu1, presently,. to' tieir lot in those dayas, the "What ýa 'very feiin-,ie it wil ei c Of &quiet talkic be I W. gay, you know, IniirEnland,- "Whsat il wrong with you dai that a 'woa' pasrp yi h àWbyV' ah. -u7d; for aGincethey noet important part of ' er letter." 1àad left RH gheinm ah. ceuld o bt WII1 u ahe.admether optice that he lad grown graveand everspar0 ý»u to meVT' said Frith- -ahiorbed. "Nothing>' le aid, wth ath r"hey Wîill Cirtainly weleome you iaug« ý . ý., -as &their son," 4he replied. j"'~tet us rest here in the.ihade» "AttAiid Mr- and Mrs. HEorner" eIhe aaid, aettling hèeîî e mîo uggeated Erithiof, msheosy ÀbIý-7uÈrder, aa i ver ,bph.fort IÇever m-irid," ah. aai,"they ~aii SWrlhud w ijcatah a pace Yýhave alwayè diiapproved cf me aa î1îat I *think w. will Jet -them have mu4ýh a teyhae you; they wil -ýhe ftrst view of theMogo" perliapa aaythat it is, àfter ail, a RHe tlsrew-.himselif cown-onu'the 9 'uita1earanement!1" ,hrs e wssiencé. a ime "I wonder ,whether Swanhild wMl '1ah beie er nd for -a ytiitsane '> aidFrittiiof, with "You- did -pot aie.» la.at 7 à ît," a.amile; 'lfhere, ahe ornes, hurry- ,the said, preaentlv. aàg ome alone. WII1 you. wait hy 'HOWI e ou knw hat7" iethe river and lot ime just tell her :safd, -hie celer rîing a lttl - My (good ne'wa T"' 'Oh, I know it by your foreîeëad Wh ae euaiari'tl sid Yeu were worrying over ggmet1ung. hid. î 1 4 ,o n, aad San '~Gzpeconeas" eûY -and sid a" "'I wani to aak you a queation, >-%.eut 'na IIaythlae~st1k 'le said. "<Do y7ou tbink a in'nh'slover' e9 back to you." nybusiîness te offer ta a- woman aa. WIa.t whl You sai1"lien .1 te j1aoveé whîch la net his first pELÉsion 7"yen that'I asbtchdT eai "At oe stimes. I,'thoùght net, _ 1 - 'sglfu 4i Sgrd "uta~igrew 0er f"YÈU 'are' only rnaking funci ;8W 'undrad Bthias mreIt me," she protest&I. eeedxýriet mediffrnt." oe "t 4 on the oontrary, I amrn stating "And if, I were to tell- Cocu that,4 the most seriaous of facta. Corne, I Jiloved*lier, doyou. thie k h. wou1 ld wantyour dongratulatiens." 4<tany rtelistei ta me l" «,«ut who are yen betrethed ta 1" "amrn ot going ta sy-'yesor asked Swanhild, bewildered. "Can qète"atdiid it -b. te Macli. And, oh, dear, auddenly, bending fo rward and, giv- uwliat a orridtirntos fo it l ing hîm a kias.1-a' saltt. almostun- -yo<>ull o hi unt. ne mgooht haiv. known betwen a Norwegian bro- aily do lthind yc igito have ilier and siater. "But. i wiîîBay wetîl i.ei ftetu. inatead .'Go and - try '" " I migit, posibly have been "You think ýthen-" snanaged if you lad spoken sean- * BIc spruug.te lier feet. or,"- said Frithiof, 'with mock gra- "I d.n' thik a ail" a. s id'vty,. "but you corne too late-the ]iughingiy. ."G'ood-bye. I a mgo-,eo , a on- ixig to meet -the ethers at the. Mon: " tWeil, I shall have Cecilta tai 'k gèfos,- and'you-you are going.back ta, so after ail it doesn't nincl mat- ýt Horgheim. Adjo." ter," aaid -Swvan.ild, graciousiy. .i'rsenly ie ot p su hean a "utunfortunatoly, she aiso lias -retrace hie stepsalaing thé vaîley become betrothed," said Frfthiof. - -~' Swanhild cauglit lis hand in liera. CHAPTE R XL. "You don't mean-" she began. ia "Oh, yes;" said Frithiof, "but I The alternocon was rietse ci ear do inean it vcry mucli indoed.i as therlmornugl1ad beon, yet it lied n~ ;a-beauty of its oavu whicliappeaied to Frithief very strongly. Suddenly he pleneeived'a little further aleng 'te ',road _a: ahi figure ieaning against the one', the folds fa lue - drse, the.-gPleazu o!, igît-broavu lair under a. sealTakin traveli pg-eadp. Ris i.as.t begari .ta beat fmetestoe en 1more >.quickly, arid'Cecil, iseanmnâg fotiteps, Iloeked* up. CI ' lad finigîed psy lottes. sud tisougit I avould 1coume '-eut. ta ex- plore a little,'2 aIe -nid, as le jnd -ler. "You lias.e ' corne ---ho ~li -said. "'I lave-cae bacdk to youï Cecil. De you. remens- ber whnt'you said yens nge about =eni-'who"ek&ladtrmaetil fortune..arid, then retîiýed and 'we.e iserable because tisey lad netling' ?QI1, yeg," ah.e aid, "I -rmm ber-it '-aery areli, and have cfteu $$eeh Instances of it." .1'I -an'like t-bat noa," îo con- tinttéd. "Myaver seeme aver, and l(.staud.- t the. threshold o! a near if.; 'It 'iasitou avho saved me Ires ruiiisnn -oic c-wiiyeu lie My- àeIper - '"- iraî ielp î"-a-sIe sàid, ritW hy <I 'do net irnea, " h. said gravely. UIt depends on avlether you ceuid o ve $htý-e'Whther 'yoU aili tm ipeaiç of myi.'ove f6r you." '"here' must inover lie aniy sec- -t" b'etwbecuii;s,e. snid, apenir- 84 uiesMply and diréétly. "I 1 ave lov'ed you ev-er.sirice you firet, ýame tà Is-a-years ago." - It, waý'-u&hing ta Frithilf thati hey- aere standing'at the jic. ofc se kngis h!lghway-îe lad lest al s e1nse cf turneanud place-tise world I ýny cont.nined for lis tise-woman lrIod'hinsýfhe womau aviselet t vU,O,, nd ,he ntiiried hLer <lOavr tise graesy alope ot he river:- "I shall tell Cecil every word you have 'been saying."'. TIen, ns aIe rorie ta meet theni, ho said, with s laugh. "Thie solfiais chuld tisinirs ave might have' put it off tli the end o! thc tour . for her epecial benefit. " "No, ne," cn-ied Swanhuld, flying toward Ceéil wvith outstrctched arme. "I nover-kneav it avas ta you lie W#8s betrothed--aridyou couid neyer lho that isprrid, moony kind -wlo are blçways sitting alan. ta- getiser in corners. Ah, avoîl, there la cleàrly noýhing for me but, as _they say lui'n taly, ta stay home and nurse ttise cat., - 11avililibe reahly very convènient. We shah nat lose Frithiof et aIl; h. avili only have to -mave acrosa te Roavan -Troc Anid ultisnatcely tisat aras how mattere arrnnged tisemeelves, se- tlat tise housè avhlihlad sleltered. Frithiof in his timée cf trouble ho- came bits homo -lun tilatume -ýf lia -presperity. -'As Swau-hulIhéd prcphesied, they avere by no e-ùs solfis levers, and, far from epoiling the tour, their liappincas did much toa add ta îte success.- "Cecil," said Frithi4 io* kin agairinjte lier swect, grave eyea Iwho -would have thought tisat tise Linrnea gathered ail tise years, age shbuld prove tise -firat link ini tise dai that-aras' ta birid us ta'- gether foreveni"' "ýIt,-aas atrarige," she xeplied, *with a 'ensile, as ase gathered oe of -tise long traiis. greving 'cloe l and leeked at tise, lovely little awhite ,elle aviti t-heur pir veina. Ho -tok I frcm- her, and liegari ta tarin. it lu 'lier hais. T-t It a.iàoo atmply taJke j NAuDRU-C O «~eduche. 'Wafi#s Yoitr DrogLfat wll-confirm Ourstatement th*t te o , tcoiar "AIIUALDWJ@AN~W~MiAL 0, 0 CAd., L W7KO. 124 A ) 'iwa pct.offtèe near' Agra,' and- thé wrrtxau ,arte&à s killedInu.-thse -4aý IngofICE and j oists a.end brnci and mertar, as tise non of tisesan tradee'zrce- ses'.e."i vam ltsg délea-ae--en 'the job.,,"01 course -te 'bracilayers èf Othes haethe--'advantage c-s their ýlu- diae:brther, thel>, a -brick f ailiug on. ier-eswcul-d net cause -the, sanie dian bulcer. - 'M.?augiliij lanauardent ,ýdv- cate cf "WOns>s ffrage, te whiclh cause ho Inàs'trenderend signal ser_ ve.e 'He le practijCaily àa aelf.«u- eiýt'eclmari, sud - gtar-ted '111e 'as "à teachor lu the Je-wis 'soheojs. Thse '1r. leraci -Zangwill, wsinnirig ai a prize' for-a short stary' turned hie thougbts in the. direc- tien cf iter#tl4re. For a tume ho -ad' a lard strùggle, but lis. brilli- ant pictures of Jeaviis h ile gained [uns recognition, se mucis se tîntlie was dublied thse "Dickens oi tise Gisetto." Rie meet famous *bock je undoubtedly I"Chidren ai the' Ghetto," but heoa ise soreapansible for mrany etiser avorks af outstand- ing menit.- Iu writing for the stage se lias not been so succeseful, tisough "Merely Mary Arn" avas received with nsuch laver, particu- larly in Amaerica. Ho las ere riow al1len foul ai tise crities, and? given tlem many a Roland for an Oliver. Mr. Zangwill is president ýf thc international Jewish 'Territorial )rganizatian, and l as ýmacle tise wehfare of lis Jeavisis lrethren lis ife's -utork. Wosld's Largest Colliery. Aaiington eCàilery, Northlumber- lanid, la claimecl toelictiselargeet in tisé avcnid. 'Thp royalties held -by r 1oa té a. fUW flot LA. gengj 245-15 Î*-Mar Tii. higli price e! meat lias becs Oane -6 fh 'ti met-dimfcuit probiems *for isouse.wiv es te -selve. But if -a 'weman uriderstauds the cheaper -cuts anid, îitead of huying expen- Uve roasta, steaks, .or chopa, aIe *, avl-' buy pot roeasta', aloulders. of Waisor pork, round-or fiank steaks, or chopa eut, frein tise sisouider aIe aili atles't flud 1her problem much 'les, -di,,icuit. 1Tise cuts capi ho prepared in mauuv ways tlat m.6kethçm se aweet ,and tender it wculd be ,diffcuitfo Ariycre t ev t hs porent tisé e_ë Tîsive' Cutï.* -.1hÈefrst cou. 's-eration la ta buy meat lu avhich tiser. la ne waste. 'Wheri buying' -a sisouider cf lamb have thé liane r.- meved' sud use it for soup. When buyirig the. ciseaper cuts c! chopa (tise fren tise qhoulder) eut éÏff tise erids arid put thesé tîrougli-the fod grin'dcr. Iu that wny there wiIl b. chopa for eue mea] and cro- quettes for anether. Breaat of lamb i la very seasonable and cari bceprepared lu numerous .ways.. When roasted until*it ho- cames a ricis brewri it is crie cf the moaet doudcous cuts of meati obtain- able. Fricassee' chicirens, consid- esrig wlat carile clone witli theni, are not experisive. A tîrce or four pound fowl eut inta pieces, stewed and servod avitI plenty o! good cream gs.avy paured aver toast or bïscuit aililie h sufficient fer six per- sous, arid, inaddition, enough wailI, b. le! t for ariother meal o! chickon pie. or creani ciicken. Another good way ie ta steam it avIde insead of eutting. it into pieces. Thon, avIon tise cliciren is tender, put two or tlree eâtripa af bacon -opx tep of it and place it in a hot oven until it is a ligît lirown. Chicken prepared ln this way avilI lie as tender as a ligls-priced roasti- ing ciiken. M~aking FiaIs Ternpting. - For- tisose avio like fiis cutting clown tise ment bill is a simple proposition, as there are many different varieties and just as many.different ways af proparing tisen. FiaI may b. served tavo or tIre. times a week, al- thougli in pome fanuilies it is8 eatcn evory day for soetimes tavo aeeks in succession. Encli day a differ- ont kind is served and prepared in sues a temptiugmariner tînt even- at tise end ai tisat time nobody ia tl vcmPanY Cver an ares otf uInc. neiamiiy a! four thse butdis-' twerity-five anid a hl-f miles. There es.'s bil a-aseut down $2 a 'week, -are seven arndlng 4shofts, icapaLble o! inciudiug liotis meat and fiis. Ne turun-c -ut frein 11,P00 te "12,000 cre avas stirited iu the ieaet. Tise tans ai ceai per day, '-ise aveorage farnily lad a.i the seat it avanted. daiiy output àt preserit, being '9,000 Even eieken avas -served. But tise ta>n-e; and the avages billth W ra.nes louseavlfe-aras ca&fuhlu n erbuy- f~ ~ ~~~W rei£500t 3~0 o ightly. ing. Instead 'iprlaii h Mosti expeneive cutis se avuld get GoingShars, -thse cheaper eues snd prepare thens Goi in sudh a aay - htînt net oniy tIse <"Il) never-'writo te a college girl famibN but frequentiy a guest, again."' aould say: "Myv! but this la good. "«Wly net?" Wlat le -it 7" Sometimes it avouhd "Oh, nethirig mucis. I lave juat b a flanir steak, arlieh la mucis Iearried tisat 20 offlicr -laeimates cisprtsari other steaks. rend my hettera reguharly." It -wouhd lic atu«fed, reibed up, ,Don'V place tee iueis faitlin- tise tied.s ecurely and baked. Prepaned - oIc? saws. Tise mari avisanys r1- ie-lutuile aay it aras abundarit for tare' thing, doeen't.aharys saav weod. moale- for anflnmily of fur, being - - - 6' rye4 bot fthzp Ikxkjfy and-çIçold Practical -Eeofnomy. VIseÏtcx.-?5I 6ivou e.ut- a le ouravle'sidea theiccboxý for thie second dAay,f Bocker-She easefood te saveit. b a ku y.,ýJùsud a case just _________befo'ro servirig cli'op tise suces cfli,. - -menlt -inta the' hotgay. - Mari vanta butliti1e 'her-'é behoar GiavlcaIâstéâd, of ,Ieat. -In; - butuoting jesad aoutariat iestea.d-ef usirigsteaks aud ,chope for aieavns.- breakfast, elicus à thiok gravies "WIat las happencd 'te mïy silk caù"býe-madeJ-aïid-serv d aih-pota- haVi" inquired Jones, tiie tiir-ts or on - toast. -AMorig otisers evenirig. " aeho-dfor i Iil are eodflal grav "hcip beef gravy, o-e iihouse." 'il.ndaed," ssid creauygravy, -asqd-bacon grAvy. Tise - tIe gcod ail e, «"Ycus$ai[you wn-latter la'macle by ciioppntieb ced ut is.aned, se I1 sent -it .4e,-tise con lunte smahi bits aud, fryin4g itl - brewn. AdC - hlc qýjýg,ý Ifor hi o -do 0, ~an& ei on asP' db *Ieýad, 'w ~ i Iwe thsnk'we nu'àt lsýve m-0 biiig b'it~pg p'lea, iýýS -f pALs ad thse hki l ed' 'steaks aud èhdPsa ,pàn 9, - and fothe ýeaÙty"01thé l1iýÈds 'thse-meat bi li' Mil 'he larger tisaisw hlei have' 1o deai with - m i. That'L ï he,,re is a secèlsaity 1bi. 1l reahity ýy th. wa3<' Is a 13i1' iWmch 'i1 J leêeno sweètef eut of'beef tisaisappeâl te 'iùost cook's. tii. tep*,rotsd nd -yet tlae cfl,' The'leaut,expentive.,,* A jA'P ESE YDIYNGEST 8014. ç oat -of clear -va rnial-iàl a j ood of Ris Céhildhood. î thsng t gibe atraw snatting bofore' it~hà thlade faàilý-'virtueê can fle6ur- I :two tablespoonfuls of granulatecid nohd 'ha Critgua<>n hi fît esanthâtheE'gîsh 1ugua sugdal to crie Whte o0 egg wili' nakecaibus'itqin'fftve~ excellent meringues.byainelgnOrntbabei Whe cokin bef u afirelesa aisown hy Yeshio Markino in his] cooker, do-not put sa1k on until thse book;, "When X was a, Child." H.e 'bee is onc.is a Japanese artist now living in A amal qùa'ntity of sait or alum 1oncln, assd-has risen te -sucesa sprinkled on the carpet will keep oenlyatralpg> ~ ugi gi 2 insecte atvay.loiueaad trten 3 Let the white woodwork have.* WhenI wae a,.-ohildI was neyer. 1plenty of sunsisine. Toc mucli flotirk mother aud fe,- shad ipkes t yibe - tisr blieved Confucius ao fàithfui-. Dampnesa -'wil tarniali bras ly.Confucius said, "You cn ea éah articles. Tlioy sliould b. ;kept ini a ýand lead any humnais being whe has 1dry, ceci natmosphere. -a ol nytsewidbasyu Bath tewels , can ho dyed and or- zMse.YOY Thes e wild My e.Stye namented se as te ma14e good table aybet"Teybge m us scarfa -fbr the boys' deus. - Ioçe~pu e hy awayaSaiàd Fatersý-- o-bi bothrs'nelige.te them, '"0Our chid Iais a brain ta: Fabiths' o big ro ether' e in-ee èistand ltIse reaaon; se if lie ils i hts ub e~.wI ut eer n auglsty, pray ,expiain reason until L'te nlta hirta ýfor ittle -boys. e eoeg r An easv-way.,ta 'flnd a puncture * - cd btnye pn te ~ ~ ~ ~ r peralte bun ae i . " The'y always brought a loek-: tb - tpubr ii'buisg wirin~lto ug-klinlufront of mycrîing face. 1 the spot ou the outaide. wts tSeemmarksfaed I .lmme- Babies' cape and 'bonnet string# dite lyega telaugli. VeyandtIr. so se quickly that it&I*s-a gocd pan daeybg h au4 eyofe ta atacs- hemby ook au Jeps whon I wauted te cry a littie lon- te'the capes andi benuets. er, 1 used te sc-ream, "'Oh deri't -Fias acalea are easily rernoveci by hwmte-gasfraew c- porng hot water on tili the scalesene"Iwanyracddsvr- cr;thon acrape quickiy.. Wash_ ly. TllTey awa.ys tald me, 'Tou' r iu several, waters, the- îast one Balt n very nice boy, but juast at Vhs -*.*moment seme evil is trying-ta dweli in you. Hcw pity the cvii is rnak-ý - e~ - ing you a bad boy and giving soe ~ j) a trouble ta your dear parents!1" And 1Ibegan tofeisoerry for theïm -and I used te dcing te 'their necks-' -Z. < and isay, "Tise evil' is gone lcng, oieago. I am yeur favorite bey" It is a ge-neiàai rule in Japan tisat, yugoat child is spalt by thse par- Sents, and I wua not an exception> fr-onitisis. Of. course my sister and j bi'other loved, me se much, tee.- But ~ le. meas soon as I was grown up enougis I realized my position). I began ta ~, ~, * , .respect my siste.r and brother, and try te be as nice as possible t-6 ON! W'O'MEtisen. Surely that gave si.pse s'weet- 't'O th CLENFT.5SrPi ET, endBET out euphony in my family, and we were Dyi-. Ona Cao boy..WbY You don't aven bavea o the specisuen fer'thé-children in aur know wlat KInqYot Cloth y'ous. Goodaam. mille village. Scn fre raColos.Card, Sterir Eooklot. end I Bookiét gvinir tluita of Dycing oves. othes. colora. The JOHNSON-.RCHARDSON 4Ce., Ltmitad. MOUt. LCanada. On. af thi. mystenies oa i 1e le aîy ignorance alays possesses-n a-lud A LB ()AD ," statenent- Yeit tkrly~ u, T e a iof m nfo beg inin Lasbeen to m ake is-b ui d :gm a te a -as ne a i ke a t ural toe as possile. Thegreatlabor requred to q - y toe e hirn to seek varlous. maniufactured* subathutes. The only reason h. ever used wood-was that it was easiesîta get and most-epnivenienîtao use. WoodI is nô longer easy. toý geL. Lie moot builing waerial, ils, cost is m.w * cTeasmng at ýan alarng raté. lie coat oftocràeisdecreasin.3S, fo muandpoint of ellher f. vice or economày, Concreie is the best -buidiîng materiaLý- %Çada'a faïmers -are using-inore concrete, in proportion ta ther numbera, Lhanthe finers of any other country. Why? I3ccauaetheïy are bcing'supplied with Can aat $urée the aiccaol theiA oncrete ok 'Thersecret of concrot6 .pbpularkty-in Canadai thï fact that -fwhdeI. wehave been adveri i, s o Ç onre e a vea Ise b e tu U»sc en tific rmetioa ac _)ç frdyiI a ilt ditsecoacretà-a aewt ta,l. cheomple. satisfacinouï adiverdseèmêntproimised. 'A Concrt.wuld sthVObe i nbulpa s Iniéit uponaetms ag ada C man.f .yu iu 'asurance of thorouam misfactory ,re.I fon WthouthisLafe it ilyour toncrete work.The fiwar wdCmn Wn forFrm*6op gii ek nef AFarm, fa, oF4Ccet aaad~Coe.ntCo paaY Limit.4 * ojtrî Tis stalir ab'out mai îng bossed is -ai- boaà mais cari mak ire i , ah. wautsta do. Mr., Heripeck-"ArE ib gave my wife7s- dence ?" Mr. 8crà] Mr. -Henpeck-"Shal OTJ OUR S IN OBSTETRCAL MASSAGE - ELECTRO OR SCfl0L.NURSpN ponition. Study ta- hm e Send r eeJoknNo 358 Oib. t. ,Wot ARCHIVES.,0F ON-TARID làine washe-rà aWmun tu tise final place,1Vaxavéll's "Champ i " is theouly , aaisher that cari b. aorked aviis a crank bïndie ai fth. ahi.eas relI--as i tIs tise top lever. JusI suit your carin ,coavenlence. A"oler Maxweflfeature-Lover and' BanWeearegoaccuratel m- Cut Down thé Méat-Ëill. c u t] ri li ti w li

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