Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1913, p. 4

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4 4 4 -t- - 4 * - 4 -4 - 4 -4 - 4 -,- 4 * 4 j 4 .4 '4 -4 .4 - -' 4 * -. t .., *.* - -. -.:e*~.-v. - B Mis ~Jssi ~iuÂa i oua rî~ tea isiter witai MÀr. and jirs. Broad 4~aslwgtoa.ilaaiu 1h. ast.er heli4ays. -- >Irs.. Aruelti and daugiter arc Vis- Mré.. Ci b.leIY DarlIilIlOn leil o lunu- '1Teento. - - Saturda>', lise Z4nd, witàsUrer daugtL- 'It. uiliusuu1 el Teronie, vitil- ter, uorgina, 1eýr iuftale,-N.Y. .4 in lb. vilHago e rrlasrU~ r. and Mi. J ohn Warren, e1 TO- xinis Etli li buotu leit taIâ WWec lojitote. were gùeslu a is.home 01 a vii~lsu 5aWuCrus, assa. - Mr.B.F' CampbÈll, over Easter. MIÙ Mui titlla bcuis uûiued M it. and Mlrs. lUia"bY and son, -to Wt ù Uic ieusew-Us a evere cu. I-Toroalu, Yvuitotiwith lMr. andi Mrs lir A.Jiig~~ Âuwub viîtei lse . Hlliday fur tise week cend. -'paronte .hure ever - Easser. Miss Muiellaltia>'y Lu lun Mx.WII AJa'ssr LetArkoa, vis-ritm Toronito, wliere si lias bee lUr. hiV L Jailrdtuwlê0s. ysltiiig fer: seule lime.1 Mrs. W. Mi. LaWrenceh"a returUet Tise choir Convert ai K aae 0e trom us rvisit inUs Cicaîoý- Tuestsay- ij une 1, ehould aai -Mr&. Jas. A. D)elwkî, et Uxbuclgc, trac"-a gedi>' nuDiber frein Brook- visibed sn the village Uals- w.eý. lin. Mir. Gordon Hall, cd Brampton, vis- lit. W. A. Hlolliday and tamil-y, wil iw h ls pareuts eover the holiday. -lcave thse village ibis weei ant i l Mss lasuali, .et Toroutu, Visiteti reside la Whiby for a short unie. Itiends in t15e vili.age tiurmig ls. pasi lirs. W. il. Reid, 'of Edgeley, ai liew <Inys. * ler dauigisier, lirs. Llcoyd Iarse Mr. J1i. Camipbsell, -et Walkerls, at Ms thel Watson, ot Wood -speai tise ôlida>' wth Mlr. adr-ant n.. M sitt is orirsLi ýW. J. Hayerait. ~~bidge, iieth omrsite W. J.Haycrti. - Mrs. Wtt. Brownl. gisa Clara Percisard, et Toronto, vWsted the .berne, et Mis. A. Som- . Mr. w. H. Bingham, et MilIbroeh erville Ithzaweek. Mr. G-ce. McBriQn anti Miss Ilesi Miss Laura l-ortop and Mr.. jack McBfii-5peflt laster ut the homec Heortef>, ef Toronto, spent Easlur liii. andi Mrs 'Guo,, MeBricu. wîti their parents. Mr. andi lrS. H. Wagar, lirs. Hui Miss Vera Viponti and Miss -Sith, son and-Mr. gerb.' Cairns, of Oshav of Toronto, were -Ester visitorsata spent Eastera with'Mr. aad Mrs. Jal thé home of Mr. John Vipond. Broati. ASHBURN STORE t'-Y We have it in the following: Red Ruse, pkts. 40c or 30e, black, green or mixed. Salada, -pkts. 30e, black, green or mixed. Lave; rstone, bulk black 30e, worth 40c. e2aravan, bulk green 30e, worth 40c. and best o' al Ben Hiur,-,blaek, at 50c. 0 Very best eoffee et 140c lb. if you would prefer coffee lýr breakfast. L Everything else in groceries, fresh and up-to-date, at prices that will make it te yoisr advantage to buy at the Ashburn Store. b A.1~ ~ ASHBU RN, ISGENERAL7 go.BLL ,9MERCHANT ONT Cive Your Boy A Farm SEvery farmer wants to providé for his sons,,but .seldomn wiii the old homestead, developed wth toit, suffice to meettheir -needs. The boys 4have been brought up to the land. They are faniiliar with ail the phases o f farming. They should have land of their owpa. How is the farmer going to meet this emergency? The Logical Answer 13 Westerrn CarÀada.-- Thousands of acres, divided into i6o acre farms, are being thrown open for entry by the Dominion Government aiong or near the lines cf the Th adCaniadian Northerrn Railway. Th adgives a -wide choice. There are some plots on the open prairie and others again in the wel-wooded, weii-watered districts in Mahitoba, salkatchewae and. Aberta. A large number of these' homesteads are particuiarly adapted te- mixed farming. Write oi Eriire To-day. Any agent-cf the Canadian ,Nothern Raîlway, or the undersignecl wille bega osnu pplication fuillnfrmtion as -te the location of teehomeuteads%- and the way te secure and reach them. Write _for -Tbe Bread' i3asket",35,ooo "Free Homesteads" and our Peace River Bookiet. -You-wiil be interested. R. L.Fairbairn, - General Passenger Agent, 68 King Street, -E., Toronto$ Ont. u. cents#, as ativerusca -on b111.', Ile, j ISereniaders, -give afacneprogram i .ch aui who -calshould heur. T. IL Dunaus, of Toronto, Pipeuit a lew days with -LtS -aunt, Mrs. Oco.ý MoBrien. Before joim#ng the péUceý iorv hiToronto a ycar agoï x Dundas perved his time ja thie Eni5-1 -kilen Fusiliers, and wasb tatODed at (.jirà, Egypt, Isle *,o UCte aMd 16South-Aria Tie 'Seutlh Ontarie Agricultutal So- ciety' will lheM aspring £air at lBrook-ý li, on WedneâgaY,- April 2lnd. A - umlbet e0 valizille prizes> will b. of- tured. 'AU -exýhubilt ofpoultry hliuse modeis '~poultr>' food, [urtiliers, *spray nma- tenis, weeds,'sceds, fungus, diseuses;, Dandi Lileraturu will bu place inluthse ,Î)uilding b>' the local brandi eof -th SDeparimeni t oAgricultute,# Whulby. lu inte eveuing a'practicual demonl- mstration in kiing and dressing fewl will be, given by au expert7, aise al- )n teru lecturei poultr> bY EL4 tG- ý I--on Tlsursday atternloon about Oe o1clock lire broke out is Tordili Bres. ilI furuituru store and was ne! uotiiced il until- it had got such ieadway tint il :wus imipossible te Save tie buid- Ld ing. Thse ire -upparentl>' sturted, trom ),tise chîmne-y, and tise building being a )dlwooden structure, was weon burlit le rthe ground, not, however, until ai thie furnituru jncludiug their hecarse was remioved irem the iowcr ileor. kThere were some uniuiishidý chairs Sandi some cuekets- upstairs whicls ihey twere unabIc te g et out- The iess -is partially coerd by injsurance. They LC. have opened a' store in the buildinÉ wa known as thse old checse factor>', aun as. wili continue doing business as be- fore. See their advt. -in this week'Lç -puper. A LOOK -FOR THIS GIRL!1 Whcn you ebsi for Sageine sec tint ibis girl& piclure is on tie label. This ila aguaraieetfquhlity andi ex. cellence. Sagétue is tise world's fore- mosi huir iouie. Sageuse la so good we guarantce ever>' boutl., andtifi you are net satisfiedti ta Sageine ùtahle besi scalp cîcaner, daudruif erudica- tet anti huli beautiller you ever useti, we will retutti your money as checi. f ully as we takeeil. J -Jý Willis la sole agent in Whitby, Ont.. for Sa- geine, se ou sure te go te J.E. Wilk lis'- drug store, other stores do'i have lt-oui>' 50e. a large botte. Don't toîget tic name-39. COLUMBUS. Mis. Mason iii visiting her parents, Mr. anti Mis. Sntith. Mis. 1. Shortritige andt son, Ever- cli, wcrc in tic city last week. Mr. A. Glover, bas left for home in Rolanti, Ma. - Mis. W. Scott risitet inhiToronto labi weei. Mr. andi Mis. E. Gttroy anti mmii>' spent a feW d-ays witls Mis. b..-Ellins Miss Fruseci anti Mi. Hamilton, of Huntsville, are visitirîg Mrs. -J. AI. - beris. Mis. A. Murison, and sons, Ross anti Stewart, are visiting in Mark- hum. Quite a nunu erouif people lu this1 district, would like te buy sotie stînîl pige. Alian MacPherson Shot. at Door of his own Home. Orillia, Mardi 24.-.Mu. AiaMe- Pherson, wio Was siot ut his home, Lôngtoid Milîs, lte lasi nigisi, b>' a weuld-be buiglur was bîought to tise General Hospital Se1 by train this mori#hî, sufferiug trem a severe 'wound sun*-tise le! t thigi . His condi- tion durtug tise day lias rextaineti un- cianglet, wti ilgi tcnipeiauue anti suffering consideiable pain. So ser-ý -tous is ]-ils condition liaitishe physie- !an is ver>' non-comuitul iegA4ding -bils recovery. Tise clrcumstanccs of tise iiagedy S-arc tbat about 10.30 ,o'cleck lasI *nlght- .Mr.. -MéPierson nnswered il kPIodk ut tise door of lits residence. P, pon o)pentag. tise deor lic wus con- froateti by a maskcd man carrÉng rife, ie uaniidd, Youjýmzoey or iyoiur il!..'!W itou$ - t ï.. waS oebaearogze Ionging te the taltanui-end 4 i èiç liad ben ' -drihing ýau4 *a wlth the ~e-Itls a ..repeàtei eonjteinj4a ix cartrldges Soly which Jba4- been 4tscharge& -7% ns mièfgto-ay- and theleffci tAi Police to iocate hlm havé DEATHS. EASTWOObD-la Whtby, day , Mardi.' 22, -W.Ehwt*( H-ODGE-In Whitby, OuR Marei 23, -Edna Utrenap *daug htèr Co! Mr.andi Mts flodge, aged ý17 years,-10 and 24 days. SMITH-- la Wbitby, on RAyaI.Parpie jk e- .STOCK AND POULTRy 8PECI-FICS by Isaf as a, E APES of OUI ýSundayi Oharles montais Wiitby i q,,.k fan Tublets March 21, 1913, Martha W11411nSOi, ~i.uis-as..e. cenada mà -bekiveti wile etf<a.Y. (Judge) Smith GTOIBd1IU.- Bh M lu lier 81st yeur. ;à te pattoulaI I LAWRENOEP-Âi Port. Whitby on w» Reit esaasAutW5 W &d 1 Wednesday, MarcIr 26, 18)13, Ann Lawrence, relîci -of the jute John Lawenc, ge 8 yers * CO-OPERArIVE- . EXPERIMENTS 40 DARLINGTON-In Brooklin, on Mot- I EDERDàTON 93 day, Mardi- 17, Charles. Arthiur- -Robert, only son efthle laie Dr. During Vise ssea eto 1912, th1e On- Stanley H. flarlington, aged 6 peurs arie Agricultural ExperimentalUn- and 2 nionths. ion carricd on co-operaive expert- * -fmenis in eratilction et Pernial Sow Thistie, Twitci Grass, Blutider Camp- lieu anti Wilti Musiard. A number et Ç sipraclieul men tok pariit inlseseex- Dotwu tîl oQ hae om l- periments, and some very ,nteresbing mnent cuused by poor digestion, andivaluable resuits werc obiaiflet. A bîliousness, or by inactive bowcls propcrly cultivateti crop of rupe was which may lead te, a serionis sickness. found tot be an excellent inctns ef de- Immediatie relief is 8fforded ýby sîîoyimg Perennial Sew Thaltle andi tisai best corrective andi preireitive Twich Grass. Rape prdved more effective ini destroying Twitci Grass r U L fl Il than -uliti ùkhet hro n B EEC H A Mdeep cullivutien tolleweti by peltees or cern gave gooti resulis lu thc cou- d tiQi of Blatder Campion. Spraying witi iron or copper suiphate proveti sola eoeey. 25.1ais, t& te be a cheap anti effective means of dcstroying Muétard- ln growing grain ____________withoutinhjury tote ccrop. Thse TORONTO EASTERN STRIKES A wie tooii part lu -tiiese experimenis SINK HLE.profiteti by tic experience. The>' dean- SINK HOLE. d the. fieldi experimenteti upon, dem- Tic flrst sct4ous physical dificulty onstrateti to; uder -owu satisfaction -yet met witl in the construction of tic cffectiveIiss et tic meihodti rieti, this railwày 'i's the sink hole thal isus and ut the same tlme-their- resulis dcveloped lu the mari bcd about mid- furnisheti practical informatinte wuy hetween thse two towns of Osi- ochers. awa and Whttby where opposite MYr. j These ce-eoperative experiments in Fîmer Lick's lthe raiiway cornus eut weed eradfication wlll bc contintiet nîniost-te tic Kingston Rond. Tic tuis yeur (1913) and il is hopedti Uai caris fMt in 'Crossing this ruIle>' is a large number of men wi1! taie pari twelve foel higi or sitoulti be but fer lu them in order thai sufliclent data its constant sinking intoe iet- mu>' le guilset t warrant definile nesses efthle swamp. Tise muterial stulemenîs being madie regarding thc cýmes from lie bill te thse ast wiere besl meliotis e! centrolliug iliese per- astcamn shover hus heen ut work ahl nicieus weeds. Thse cxperimenti are wînter. Se sofi -is tise substance ef as follows : (1) The use et Rape lai thse swump tisai lie earth enci side lie destruction ot Perennial Sow nf thie embankment is bulgcd up Thistle ; (2) A systcm* of intensive muny fel. Tise raîlway tenue on bots creppiug andi ' culivation, using Win- 1 Inks, ythni g Sstock 79J - t BROCK 5T. For, Eastsr Breakfast --- Nothing nicer than our- Extra'MiId oe2ured Meats-- Sweet BEackr Bacon Bre.ikfast. Bacon su gar e,-ured Hams -2ehoiceRoàis I.%maII B,ýreakfast Sausage, Fruits for tIbmWeek - eaIiforùnia 9elery Lettuce Green enions, Necw SweetFlorida -Oranges Fillets and e.iscpes for T-hurs. and 2 Fresh Haddie Jmo. E. WATIERH.OU WH fiTrBYý'.. Phone Il Pirompt Dolilery. Free to. Stock andPotyR maes, Mll co6 ule adf t-gste doers lo oft ee n ee olryoWutl edabouey rfrth1kn, otado.o orlre lt-ou aeii omn iesso!pokanagery el hwt eeaikndbfcav n l NOW le te I no yl P piSokpell.At a=ea o! oaly iv-chids c f a oeni-per CLda eta ima invl turs.f 25 pet centin l vaine. it permanently cured Bots Colic, Worm.. Ski D'mmsan sd Del, ty. Restores-run-dovn animais te piumpness snd viger. It vil Increasethe ma kytelt ihree se Svo pounds per cov per day andi-mate e mlkrichet. Royal Purple la noi a stock fcod. There la no e 1r uand la lttam actre, and e mportrom Erope ggthe aeeds.. barks. etc.. snd grindt iem a ut cr wn premises. Therefete vO cai guarantee fIte oyouUas belng absoiuiely pure. We do moi us ep61rte mnake np a Laise package. We give yen tis boutconiion pevdet evet put on the piartet in a ceom- irateti toma A tabl&ipoou levellei off,.oce a day. la sufflicifr a fuit. calvos as large as erdinary salves ai tua vese. Yen can de. velop is plgu ready for imarket In gut ene mendiha les. ime tan yen tan posaibly do vithout fI. ai a ceai of eaSy 81.50 aavlg yu s oni~s vn id food. A Sc Package vMiita a hers 70 day.. A 81.50poil ot aIt-tight tun. contaiolng fourtimca as much au a SOr, package viilat san igmai280 daym If yen have nover uaed ft. try fi on te cts animal o have on your place. and vatch reSulta. If I i doeest prouce --btter roaule Stan suythlng yen have ever umer. eore yem -satisfaction, vo vIll iefnnd your money. i Genleen-î have useti a à4iofa pckage of veur "ROM cm Sck S 1 le* te oescov nins part ef a package. lue ruof o m1 vS bord reduced ln mllk vhlie tii co h I tonale dt fi»bsDneequaLi* T. G. BELL.Amy. Boudhesd. Ont.. Aug. 81. 1912. The W. A. JenkmsMfge Co., London, O=t Gentlemen.-ft= "entilng uit a~~~~~~~ getanstcfcS.Ivsabout cen- =icSca tore vas veuy lutile virtue lu suy ci fi, but vont dealer lnsted on me trylng Roya5 ....,le Stock Specifit.syi itwsdféetfrem all oiers. I hâve alne uoed a gmat lo ofIt. asI1 keep (tom ton totenay hersesandi aboutte mme of Specific. lu my eopinon, n clu iy lu a clasa1 conditoner, sud dish bet 1bave ever useS. GEORG Çcpii, pak.. May =O& .191L The W- A.-Yenklu fg, Co.. London. Ont. - - foot tu-Do yen vanu a mm-So e tptesnet rRoyal -Piiple good l in ibis tict. Isam (roui Ontarnleand have faS vent Stock SpefifO--got fi ftom Mt. J. Corboti. of Brown». Ville My ceai. vhile using fi. made thse lialest average, sud tsUted five Point$ ever average at C.M.P. ai BIona 1ts ev on gouZOd"amste i hboucam.Stock Specifit on thse maket. andti eks g piSa nte arrsu=ng yen la.SbIs district NORMAN G. CIARLTONL, R oyal Pirpîs Poultry bSpeo - M vtMatn v houa m lay lauvinier, as voit as mmume, aud yeta à0c. package vii lasi 25 bhns 70 day.. or asI8150pail ortair-th lils. CntaIing fout r esas oucha Irc. acae vtli 2M0 dayv. h provenu ponkry lieut iodag SeZ i . nl6 u i e, urs udprovenu ailthc ordinafldseemasdil luaebregt. sud keepo them in prime condition. Port Colorme, Mar il. :W. A-.Juaklna Mfg. Co.. London, Canada. ý Duar Sims-This la te cettify thatiI have uaoe 81580 tia Of yont "Royal Zurle" Poultry Specifit. sud tor e la odi taicms equalfit. 1 vanied veu Bagain sud yonn agoni dld So have aaY. se ha gava me anodier brand, anti I caiq assure u l vas Dot verdi Canrying homo, for my houa layeS bttorvftacn ~I n froam 2 to 1doeneeg âorevoty vek ai=c CHABLES EICHARDSON. W. . ambnsMfg ..Shebrooke, Que.,-Au .IM W. Xlenâh M Co-t.ondoa. Canada. fluai Sia.-I have useti peut Speclic for meut s, s» lae 1S t oMy bit oohdesuI..Ses my wluda MISGEORG»NA CAmImJD. wu - ibthe fourlmyeau 7 tises bas bos egd song golibreugli bevety sgableila Canada. wvtlbudem b.a es ocf ansoyance ta homen. Ont R.,ai n -- Crew-olurpi.m "SmhLaoure tees ailso te pen cte o b@u * mmt WIua. 1 Utely dry np sudcme scthesina vMYvfew dans ms "By folovlng directions. I S u vntRoya"Pul Gan Cure viinmm scratchesasd m te a uabe sio psfcl Ry7lmabeUt four or fledy. ae.8cîby Wl! teinte tan A second f rSnM r. Rlcbarso U a folovir- . - Port Cohborno, Ont-. Ans. 2d.,1910. W. A. lenklns Mf8- Ce., London, Canada. CharCies. On.. Spt. 9. 118- blchiTe- e ent i me ie in o&- ntRo-lp . eut on f otrtel mnore Stanom Pria. S 2&- oues, lusa very cstOeure. M.oaM av coa l a luLeu Te.my ILWu Ba r.m tonses oeainy;eamý cool, s"d have aiUUnS& cf trouble vhi tb-edibelm lame at tims. Iave uSed our Swem*,Lni- muatiorsysar backam avnevu=hwa fI te ail tc cum,-spale tndn . c TIa sl arey differnut fin. m MY5&- kltiatdutbe madSkc. Ina rerofor von te 'undeiiAtau he procasa cfmnufactm Ur - 1h lice kiler, yen viiibave touad for )kht.. as vo alve yen a fui tltorvcdlit ibere. Y.extorminate lice on fovis or animais vii t ue or, tio -applIcatIons.It uthm sttiU D a lchPhea und e tw loyal y mPurpierpkyen disy vdicut fi. Ited a brocS ita admkfé«v7 Ll u dusinectant eou t e m A w il 18-8-t. Yont -YRoyaiP le" saveti het Ilfe. Put ber on bot Ket lu Aibrihurfri fr leadnua fioa ,lJ,4on ilr Sc.ispi ibree day.. I ;tchreCcLves lut spzhuS OhmS 5et Se im ddUtrlm r karu omA1ptp 2c veybadly. Cenii net sethi t oppai until- I d.4ROU Purle" I,4d te-«k ILPortCebume, Ont.. Aut. 29.1910. YoulLtulyr, I. B. MOTILTON. W. A. lenkinaMfg. Co..Loudon, Canada.RoaNe om.cr S a o g t o n , a d , S e p t .l r s . - I rD m e i t o dt i n s . , u r kM r -i . 't e O t i e i i U e R o c k s , t a l l a ms t h a t The W bhua Mfg. Co., Lendon, Canada. _pei011 O.L 1 bave tniod k"l epe i omaie my ' e~ua opCr ia iisr eii.q1uk RoyaS urpie tock Secifitfre~~'vo benho cf uas ty, sud I Sud chat yen are dith ye u es cmhai maànufacure 510l5fc opo idoltlcsS a GStehmesàa-Some = thmouha gtmmof ior teeuiema atiie. Aul the roe ui, I in as wasef lima -d 5 Vnilautf.Zcpru;0ebym Mn Vo g tu t. VaS; ' ave on-ete oth« w vL M. Aan gg-pescUM 1, I sas boasuala havr tntesud s fiS htih astcondltia neufor vnPnty~.ictl~- H ., ltffIb~~~~~~ad te h.ervoidnedo"v -*..amri.wom ewu I dgour StockSpecieuo, w. guaante.yoia ieer resuits * uhlug thrii.C.rICAISN o nmi. I.etnbnala t tiyou can pobY obtaiby tulug M.on te>' y<tntf oodler'foito i o o rfri ui s£odh~ assdba~ et 'oeypad for tb: me.,you kn-tboiIaZ-t.là the»e the percoatage of nutrition la usuali> ROYAL 1~lRPZ akes suintais41d iettu.totsproperi>'. am'wir tr asytrscio r~fa«m producta cuit youn, sud W]6t'i - wôwh to ImPrime Ou 'your mmd la* that we manufatr obu u ae sdloao. ots-OrboftivSOf3 ootuis lot P eutlai ro tpopaCaaa W le .Uve-YOU7 aboe the usmes- of b few ethoL ha "e use i t, 'ti bet eoeui.da lafo ye t 81 "Y PersonWho iias euer uetia"Y lis.weaufactur. -Royal-Purple Supplies,-an&.B 1>oýklets,-may b.. obtned troms - A. . LWLE, <rocr, hItiîy IRIAII JONES, Haurdware, Brookiln * W.AININS - "aNFO sCO -ANLondon, Ont. EPOUNTIG vlv Friendship V -Birth _ Engàgemeni 4-Our opeen Genuine PC Verald or Peai V-W î w Weddin '~We havea j arge assorti v $2.50 to, w w v OosteP Aw-y w c w jea SWhitby -e hew . ld c.eI Wny te j-Honied and hms answer was Not if lie is ani clean, sucesStuillife. * - excelinii crime, r-oh * pysieal powers, co:. blackIeg, PrOstte -à djsgrac to las faI te _bis owfl nostiil, Cluppeitons t 10 cenýs-atW.G r - Mr. ~esee Rg t, PosiPtio! p ublic -DoxinIld ont., iwhei Slais b&n twaching Tise a a-ier gou il from Ilt. - Thîs tint tise menimberý il>' teacis witlsin a étber.- We hure vauu tieiiveietîteyouî -Tise annuat -In-e * - -oo!'the lSouths 0 Assoiaiieii- toi - Ontario, witi b ~ - hall, -Whi thy, o0 j913.- A fuil. andi teleatés- secruxtary 'pro 'Vive-Pics. W -G wle new -sping Scotlaiid, tiu GUN C-LU Tise uex!t' -I 4^0 -----------

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