Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Mar 1913, p. 5

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eV ILstY ge -assoi and i 8k $10I J'eWeller a opposite - - ia a vo(nder -that many1 =ere no-' Urd by falUlig. iew sprig goearii daily aBt G. ;, tcroa a. a1ways a very - MAD NOARyPUBLIC. rtment -of 1, s e nnouncetinluSaturday9'Issue 2 teéOtarlo .GazetteA1VitlNormai' PricesM Arm Ybung jPx)ucher, 'barrister ands! olicl- Vtgo!r 'Toronto, bas bei apontt 'Y by ie Ontarilo Govemumenit a notary t.I0Wpulic'for lh. Province o! Ontarlo.- Mr. -Poucher r:ferred V& in te abiove appointient vas formerly tdu Whity ~HgitScitool, and lu a sou of ; hrix Pencher, of Brougham, Idb~D II lien's' and Lde'Engi-sm nad. ralacoats at W. G. Walters. 114 Qptiîcian 'PWENTY-IFrH ANNI'VERSARY. 1ý Týwenty-flve yeare ago Vhe^ '<Cana- PotOffice -A, dieu Druggist" begen publication. fThis monte IV celèbrates île itventy-1 ~. ifth a'nnivesary by appearlng hiu en- - ~ 1 WltaloVlargeti fern, anti.containg &a revlew of phamxnacy for Vie pait quarter peu- tumy, andi a skretch o! manly O! Vhe large vitolesale drug firme.'lTe usual 72 pages o!fVte monthly editbon Is en- - ~ lrlrd Vo 138 pagea for titis Issue. Tie Clan adlan Drugglst le' prnted Inl IIL4IO Whitby, tlteug thVie offce of puiblics- jt<»n lg In Toronto. C,'lamlcs crochet Cotton ouly 5c. per 7 aut W. G. WalVexs'. W.C. T. UlX' TEIE TREÂTING' SYSTÉM., When tue Hon. Champ Clark was Speaker, of the H-ouse of Representa- tives 1ilite United Stateu Congrcus, eomebody asked'hlm whether 'or noV he-would consider a% youig sman at " n trejustlled A visiVing a saloon K andi lits answer was :, - Not'if he Ie amritlous to livû a dlean,, nuccesul lite. il he wishes Vo excel ln crime,_ robi his nmental and physical powerb, consort with thugs, blackiega, prostîtUtes and thieves; bce a disgraoe Vo his family and a stench Vo his own nostrils,. why, I'd -ativibe hlm tio frequént the saloon. H-e oaa learn bIobe ail that in any liquor sa- Ion., fact, he, can take a post- graduate course wi Lhout Ieaving the premises. The sqloon'le bad mainly because of what it seils. But it is ai- so-bad bec'ause tili selling of i<quor alwayse eoniehow creates in the prese- ibeî where 1V le sold a inosi> unlealth- fui ainbsphere. Onieoft-the worst phases of the saloon lile la the treat- ing systese. - I have seen a hait dozen cholce Amnerican citizens, leaders in their lines o! work, flue up in front of a bar, and in less than thirty.nilnu- tes ccme out Indecent, jabberiag Loc al .HÙap eiisl Clappertouls thread, 3 spools for- 10 cents at W. 0. Walters'. Mr. Wesley. Rutta bas acepted te position of publie schwl teacher -at. Dùnald, Ont., wh4er hie sister, Mary, bas ébeen teaching for some nion'ths. *The' lattei~ goeb to a school 3 miles lrom Donald.- This la a unique fact, that ilireemeibers o!fVie, sauîte tam- lly teach witAin a few miles of eatch -*W. have vacuum cleaners o e, tielivereti Vo your house. G.M. Rie. The annual'-meeting- anti convention otfite-Soutit Ontario ConservaVive. Association for the - soute rliling o! - Oicarî ie iili e held inlaythe music h iall,- Whitb.y, on Friday, Marcit 28th, 1913.- A full - attendanccetofmembeix sn'm- delegates Is requestei. Chair taken a-t 3.30 p.nt. R. B. $rnith,- secretgiry pro tese. E. H. Purdy, Vîce-Pres. W. 'G. WaLers receivet 12 cases o! - new sprlng gootis fror Glasgow, Scothaudti e wek. GUN-CLUB EUCHRE _GAlE.' Ii. texl lProgressive -Eueitré gante o!flte Whit)by .(un .Club .vIii be held ianVIce Clubitroom- on Frday -nigiti T" ~TABERNACLE. ?,arch 2Oth. orlgseri-;ce, Il o'clock-S»bWet -'<Purlýty Among te Pets." (lass meeting juqt at the close o! the service. AIT are welcome. 1Sabliatit Scitool and Aduit Bible classes et 3 p.m. Thre revIew of te Quarters Tessons viii be Vaken up. J3Evening service, 7 o'clock. SubJet- -"The ';Ingfng eofte Dumb."1 rrond music ut botit services. Every- ont', cspeclally stmangers Vo our to-wl, welcome. '- CohlecijIon andi subseription for the- ('onferenre tends taken. Persona) Mention. Miss Edf th Ellis was iu Toronto for Easter. Miss Janet Hislop spent Enster with relatives la Toronto. Mm. and - Mrs. Geu. Movat bpent Enster la Toronto. Miss Beatrice Meeker is home fom the Eastem vacation. Mm. R. J. Hawthorne, of. Brantford with fricuds iln tevu. Mr. 7J. McIntyre and son, Will, are speadiug a week la Detroit. MÉ. W. C. Rut-Lau lias. gene te To rou te Vo accept a position. - Miss Wilma Johaston ie spendiug te weck with triends lu Toronto. Miss Nql1te Smith, o! Toronto, was a visiter la town on Baster .SulidaY. lirs.. J. Blanchard spent Enster vite hem daughter in Bright, Ont. Mis Etna Titenpsoit, vas at lier home La Bellevlle over -te oliday. Mme. We"ley G. Augustus, spettlie Easter holiday at hem home lu SolbY, Ontario. -. Misses May anti Grace ý;mith are spending the itolidays vitit frieudi lu, Toronto. Miss A. M. Johuston, tes.cher ut Fenelon Fails, is home for tee holi- days. Mme. Dundas. o! Bruce County, 'W25 vwit t em daugittef, lire. (-Re.> G.A. McLean. Mm. andi Mme. <litas. Rosa, of Toronl- to, spent the holiday viitt Mm, mcd-n Mme. R., Brôya. Mm. Jack'.J. King, of te Gazette- ChroniclO, was witit relatives In, Ails- Von overite holiday. 'Mm. and..Mme. Castie* Smith anti (Master- BurIns. wcme la Coourg on Moniday o! titis vei. Messrs. .FraCnk and Bert Seidon veme iu owa attendîng te unoral Of %iss Vemua Hotige on Wednesday. - Miss j. Macplreson spent EBaster witit Rev. 'W. anti Mrs. WesV, ut te Presbyterian Manse, Port Ferry. Miss ETe#nnr Bpsrry, anti* Mr.Fred Collierof Toronto,'-spent Egater' vit.h Mm.. ant .Mme. -t.GurMeey.- Mr. Graydon . XGaMtfellow vas homefrom Mliclster Tnlvrsityfroin 'Phursav Viii Sunday.- Mrs.Wm. arharneit ud cito! antiPaM Mm, Joi Mr.* * iaChaé.-',Augustes, Mr,ý- Wili aii D Auguniju and'lilas Sylvegter, o! Toi ronloi v-ite eltiv - ffihard L. 8Smith, -o! b lg sPendlag te Baster holidays - witi lr.John Y. PattersonBrcb S. M.andilia.Ch as* -Elita auad dghter, 1Bourbie, Cf oroao ie Humphroya, o! Toronto, v'Vh Vthé forme'eparents Ovge Vîteholiday. -r. S. L. Herron, M isa J) ori Rer- ' ond Mi ias .M. Macitti, 01fTo-1 'ronto, vere *wlth "C. A. aud ira aFoodfcllow on Goot rday Mr.- Leo-nard Rnuttan, from -fIbert, ,anti Miss Mary Ruttai, troas Donald,ý vetre home for a few dadttng Va-ý JioljdayV tT. M.W-iIl Westlake vas home for te holiday. lIS Michael, o! Torouito, viitlira.' Balmer.- MISS Ethel 'Brougliton, of Toronto, wiit ber parents. 14r. and, lira. Chas. Smith, o!f OtýL Vawa, vîitlire. Smith.« ie. Scott,- of Columbus, vas witt MR. Willlng over Sunday. MISS Scott, o! Bowmianvlle, wlVh Mise Ruby Stepitenson. Mfr. and isr. Levi 'Budley. were In Colbomnc over te holday: 1MisslMay Thompeon, o! Hall's Bridge, Ont., vîtthber parents. Mr. W. A. Hendemeon bias been lu Goodwood for a few days. Mi. and lire. Cralg, o! Toronto, vitih Mm. and lirs. Geo. Brîtton. Rev. A. E. andI Mrs. Mclnt7re,- o! Tron~to, viti Dm.-anti lrs. A-dams. Master Gordon Smitht vas la the CIy -for a couple o! days last week. 'The Misses Stewart wîit tieir fnth- er "n Brook street duming te sehool vacation. M.andi Mrs. ('-n- nin i.11 re 'i asua manier oHfw lu1902 e>,11, pr w 8 w ter, Bso far as actantra"Inal la oeà_- r.YApI t oernQd-.-,And! 1909 liad - wthMian jcb - as, Iun* raitasau1912. Butt Ie Pre- '147 acrçr;-Bas cipitàalilnof 1912 vala not- well dWsnot àôid-by Ai triJ>uMo. Feber ary d Mard . bre.? A! 1eonsiderably below- te ormgi May bad' nearly tieas'. mucli au ustii, . EGGS Juan d Jiïy wéreI)oth mudliheleIw Pum re bid- Vte average, wbilIe Augusit MW-Sep-Barred Rocks., temiber . are unusulY v-et. 'But 1*barrel -churu worge tha»&Vte ra1fa1 lwasVie i h- .JimesS Most contlnuous ci udleasi bc e O tadti vapomalon and,- thus prevent. Sr o o ies thesol!, ,roadg andi grain rom dry- a efu. Afo ln n nldly even ýbetween anseu in . oyfe. ,,p te suxamertlme; These fadera ec>m. llned Vo mare te;'s'ol :wettcr -turing SEED 0 1912 titan lt fi' aqbeen- ln Many'.years. Good i ceaW. -j "Nyr elape au te value of. Banner V'ariety, thoiou~!-'n'riae been -more buehel. Price _%ý emphatlcahîy'dem0nuteated titan dur- Brou. Bell phcii lIl' te pst en? Lad t a a th toohu tVile '"-dralnzS -gv sledpoilatrdy ecdpsi 44splte. the' excens OweSaturday wlethousanrde o! acres o! undrained' *Harper viii Bel land oild not be even seeded - and! tire by meauto. ;Ome fliat Wvas aeededi andti dd nroducc FOR a partial cronp. vas go vet that the Oni SÉturday, graiu coulil uni be hiarves;tei. The cf- -Harper wilI sell fect lf -ti iesson,"lRays Prof. Day. ture hy auetion. In, rel 1 n d la reter inVerpat at acli vlty than usua!l nattUera re- On Saturday, laVlu b 11e d na" .We are hii- a. viieb l over a iargýer Inimber of appuies- tarer by m e flous for'dratnake "S'ys Vtal *v r b acon. hae for sorne yeara past, anti freait FARM'1 ulp'&cations are. comlng in rapldlv se 100 acrEs, Bear ttait the drainage campTalgu promises 9, Fat Whitby. to bè iuuually active." buildings. Apply Thte Teparmenî o! rhysjcs, of Raglan.-39. whlchi Prof. D)ay has charge, mairesPA tule drainagesurVeva for farmers - onPA anplication, the.ot3r- oulny te Vte A limites! numI lfnmrs heing thee neossary travel- taken for- pastui lng exnenses connectemth th te sur- Whltby Towilsb vey. These are usunlly samaTi, as gen- tream o! vît cmaliv severai aurvea-are madie n lIe anti lots o! gmt aume trip. 'l'hoe wlshing quv proprîctor, Broc s;hnuld write tbe Tepartmenl of Phv- 1809.-tf. ica, O.A.C. Guhelphi, for regiibar ap- HOUSE. pifratinu formaq. Frame 'house,a ýM - - - _, room, hot air tu ch-11dren, o Brampton, with friends- la town.- Mf -CYril Jones and Miss Daisy Jones, of Toronto, wlth their par~ Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Matthewson, C.' Toronto, wltli Mr. and Ms. J. -.J. Lvnde. Mr. MaurIce Green, o! Ashhurn, spent thé Faster holidays wfth Mr. andl Mrs. Thos. Henderson. Mr. Wm: (hav, o! Newcastle, was with Mr. and ýMrs. John Cooper for a C'ouple of day:. Mr. and ' Mrs. Geo. Walters, son1 Roy and daughter Mvrtlo,. o! Toron- to, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. %Ilth- Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mowat and "on, Alfred. andi Miss LIZ71P Mowat, o0r Toronto; nnct Mr. .Tahn Mowat '4,> fletrol t, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Geor, Miowat, sr. swazarriuannoiiDe uVurci wîth LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as the reacu the .9.at etthe disense. Cats blood or constitutional disease. aud in cure it 'u imust take internal remediel Catarrh 'Cureta l1aken uternally. -and ectly on the blood and mucous sui faceý Catarrh Cure in flot a quack medictue, prescibed by orne cf the bbaA physictai cointry Io, ytai s and te a regular preà It in compmsd of thbstt t 'sien kUOI biied with the best bleod purifira, 'Le ectiy on the mucousasu:faces Tht pet bination cf tbe io ingredientS ta w duces sucb wonderful resuits ilu curuug seud for testimoniale fret. P. J. ~*CHENET a CO.. PrOpU.. Todby &I Drugeistu, ?rtce 75C. T aireHl'&PasziiY Pt la for constipa W,'ty 1912 was Wei F.REE DRAINAGE ASSIST Which la te wettest 1monte year ia Ontario? Probabfy - i pIe eut of every ten would April-Ia aaswer to this qi while as a niatter of factit V driest month in the whole twel cordig Vo Prof. H. Day, o!ýt] tario Agricutural Colleg e,1 Taking al Ile stationslain where records ofthVie rata and have been kepi lie linds thei precipitation for the varlous during Vhe past Von years to follows ý Jamiuary 2.23 mnci ram 'and mel teti saow togëthel muary, .e 2.40 luches-; March, April 2.14 ; May, 2.81 ; June, Jul y, 3.40 ; AuguSt 122; SCPI 2.81 r, October, 2.54 ; NoVembel and December 2.63 luches. îespeo maldag a total average precil for the ten years of 31.87 April, it wlll ho noticed, _h least precip itation -of!'aIlt marks, '<one ,recelveaanothei prise to leara that July la Tes. wettest month, so far.as ictt motto! precipitatioÎ làiecon WMy ties- the drlest --mnth me wetltest and 1h. tbe 0 7y Carnot)J .rrh is a order te .. Hall'as acts td j, , It -was ' nain thia' %Cription. wu, com- etlng dir: FOR SALE.. ff4ite Legitorns ad SI. per, settiug. Alec aiLd ,a number ol bhee mîýtit,' Port. Whiltby., or ends, and gener-ý ply at GazeVte-Cbron- DI'PlOR SALE., seei -onte, American ,.*il, test 40 lbç,- per a applicatioin. -Pardon ,e 41. R, SALE. .Marc .29, M. E. bis itousehold furai- Watch for blhls. ýt SALE. Ilrcit 29, m.E h is househli fumai- Wateh for bille. T0 lIENT, - rRaglan, lot Io 1Well vatereti, rVo Aloi. Orte iTURE. 0, con. good aIston, ber of cattle wiii ho ['O at lot 3-2, cont. 6, uîp. Flue runnlag ter, pienty o! ehade,- ca. J.W. StevCnson, )okla. 'Home phone FOR SALE. six room and bath "*water, house h b oom aewly reno- vated ; 1 acre of land, about 30 fruit trees; large barn.- Apply lirs. castie Smnith, John and Athol street.-tf. TWO FOR SALE OR ONE TO LET. Pair o! aemidetached houses on By- ron street just north of Dundas, ser- en roome each with closeta and pant-. -Ys, one iished with hardwood. 'ýiown water in both, stone fouada- ýtion, etc. Apply Vo W. Newport, 141 Lee ave., Toronto, Ont. TENDERS FOR TEAMING FOR THE TOWN 0F WH-ITBY. Tenders will be received tili April 1913, for team andi man for seven actnths fros about'April 10,1913,tend- erer to supply the outfit necessary for general town work. State price per day or for whole time. JOSEPH WHIITE, Town Cierk. TO OWNERS OR HARBORERS 0F DOGS. ATake noice -that the tags are now ready and must lie procured before, Vhe flrsV o! April, or collection will lie placeti la Chie! Constable's bands. JOSEPI-IWHITE, Towa Clerir. ruat pro. eCatarrh- Loedo, 0. tien. Ii - - r ~. i. -~ _ Mous and Miffs ANCE. Sale Register. -I ortier te dispose of our stock of Gloves anti of te Mtswe have tiecideti iee pueo. Auctioît sale o! householti tumniture. te offer theai et greatly name Tite undersigacti ias 'received ti sre-- reduccd prices while titey uestiou, ions frose Mr. Ernest C. Harper, Vo la'st. is Vte selI by public moction ut hie residence, ive, ac- Mary etreet, Whitby, on Saturday, Now je the time te order te Ou-.liardh 29Vh, 1-913, tefollowing valu- your spring foot-Wear. Guelpht. ibis property, vlz.-2 kitce ranges, . Orthopedic Appliances. Ontario ,I-appy -Thougitt, No. 9), 3 kltchen guew tables,- 2 kitchen cupbeards, 1 wash- Cripples andi Deformeti average Ing maechine, dining roose chaire,- 1 Work aspecial:y. be as ts, - O! REAL ESTATE. r; Pcb- îI0f un ae aV à or ste prIle QIfoiNsal 2-29 maylind I to irgeU oyoravnae 4 Witbýy is Ouly Repair Shep -2.9 4t hlme. "moderato commission char*ed'onP tomer daa n euk atr ie maj! p w rit eàB ck St. South 2ÂS~4; ne. A dreis. G.WSTYNSNlFlbrS.Trot. *lO* C ** .. aittiy,- ______ _______ Day re- IIy te esta-, a- icene. Yot Cn'tAfordtêDely Purchasiag Your The choücentstyles are 'being raptdly titposeti of, but yours is now ,reaiy,' To am~itoba9, Saskatvhewa HOMESEEKERS S~ Ed1monton anti "Retura 43.00 SEéLAl TOURIO? BLEIPIMO 0*08 iextursiga.Comfortabit btrtba.fufly- 102 equppdwiJ~beduncabeecued~ OLONIS? odu HMme Seekers' Trains Loavýe Toronto 10.20 P.' A.il September'anid October, andSt a - 0.0p.m. siuring MàyJ une, .july an ThohTrIainsTýOmsO to .Winaips a Futlparticularsfrom aiy C.P.R."Agent oer ite M Disric 1>auegerAgent, Toronto, ER.BLOW9 Agent,: ,WHITBY Groô çeries_-and -Meàts- Now titat the oia season ies.-passed anti we have coasumeti-al the'iturkey geesta, we look frwr hopefubly bmo a pleesaut 'anti prosperous New. Touer That men andi womea mey be preparet t perforrn the duttes anti taibes that i d -te- the lot of al, they require heafthful, appetizing, stimulating 'foods u .'i. m variety.* When the digestion is perfect there is 'a cheerfulnss ant i ouyancy è spirit that ligbîens lalyr andi makes for gooti cemradeship. Ia fresh ts ehave sirlion steak for breakfast; choice roests of bee!fo dinner anti elegant sausage relIs for supper. Next day we serve choice young reast perk, then veal, lamb, spere ribs, tenderloin, etc., au teste may dicéat. la cereals we have the finest cf fresh goods at close prices and lansUfuis variety te meet the wantt of ail. To enable us te supply our custemers with fleur anti feeti at lowy prises Ms have bought by thecar beeti., Farmers can get bran and -shorts by the. ton at greatly reducesi prices. We ar-e selling a higit-grade patent pur.e aI* fleur for $2. 6o per cet. W BSe . PR1NG LE & _00:1 WHITBY - ON~TARIO Examine our complote lino of Farm Mach- inery and Buggiee. A profitable farm demande the- very beet împlements ; the Unes we handie represent the highest procurable quaIjty. We can supply you with any article in our line, promptly. Cail and ueo us -before you buy. _ W.Ceau- give you r rompt service on both machines- and repairs. A large stock of double and'aingie har- neuss.,weat pads and repair parts on hand. Fanning mille cgh scalsec Disney &Puckrin, -Wh.itby-,'Ont. Independent and Bell Phones. A fuit tine of ail kinds -of - footwear for Men, -Women A cati1 solicited, * a a Aý pleasure, to show -;'goods. -Prices the-. lowest, Fi11R FI - roi -IBc1 'Bacon MI1S nlatoes abarb- d Sat. ert l ent, li ays Lntuf7wlteelao& MRtmU». : Lt a «"& oudei - -j t-. s a j -g t - J t-. ~oe .5 n fi Ad bran, usuaily >i,:sud: ýver O '26 and Children al.way.s onhand.." LAVAL -en-EýAM- ýSEPARATOR S ci el v

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