Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Apr 1913, p. 4

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M1 THE, NEW-, UWFI4ERS. 1'reideat, E,. 1'urdy. lut v1ce-pjres Wm. Grami. - Brd V1o-Ies.-J. 11ii, n>r Trflurer-.'Ja.luléIodge. Secretary-ýDr.. Joilu Moore.--- Aset., Seretary-Robt. Smith._ Oslawa-mr. S amells, rst WbtyArthUr J. Howdec, (mortli), RalPh -Roblnààj (South.) * wltfby Tp.-Inas raa. Whitby-A,. T. Lawler. Plvker4n-.Davld Dudley laouU'),.W * j. Devitti, (dortJi). Reach-Mr. Johlton (sodtb)* J.H1. .1,rown, (north). P5ort, Perry-Wmn. hort., S.cugog-Qe. Hoo, jr. Msigtiiwi adjourne. Iollowl4g is report. QI' aNo 2 ?iîckeriag, ft erl. jo ac Naines occur in orderýOf ars Total required to pals, 64 marks.' sr. IV.-Mereditx McBrien -,19, %.tctaackpéy iÃ"0, Violet _,Sadler, M8, Iîvine MeBrien, 4630.- Jr. I.Ein aoi691,,.Everett ~lacey~043 ~l-,IW"eIa 32. Ttlrequired tb Paun480 marks. sr. III.-EdnuaIRedmaa 6W5. Gertile Maya, 87~ ~eua Sadier 525, Agnes Tomluga 477. TO otairulred fô'pafl, 360, marks. Sr. I.Lc ore 434, Vrtas lMacky 86à.. Total roulred to Paua 150 marks. St. ',-Normaa Neal 215, AroMie Maynie 211, Elva Redmaa 209, Allan Neal 2090 Ralph Wells 206.- ~Sr-' Prliner.-EUIwood Stevenson, Laura Mackpy, Clarenco Ueilmaa, Ld- gai May»s. ', aa. ily zeJAue UUoc 064 lthr absent for .,two cams.onao- ç@ut of lbtes. - Prom Jr. Pt. i te si. I,- Mabel Hodgson- Heary-Rodd, (Elva Màiles,^ ClarenoS. Luire> equal, RsySoott, Velnatta Driakie an;d Brmoe lera absent for lest. A. irt-E.lel hiaHarr yC hina J. I. FLTCHETT, teacher. LADIES, WHY IOTPIESERVE. VOUE YOUTI4 AND.DEAUTYP?, PARItllAN:Sago, the-jminir acttnÈ hiait restorer,, !& Lot sale lu Whitby Il A. H;Allad lid 4ld with-a rigid gtarate tt 5 cents a, large' botle.' PARISIANS%-P lau animmenat sale , and£ boze aie the reaseas. lb -in sae and 'ha mlesa. lb- cures dandruif ia IWO .Weoh, by killing the dandruf germ. WVstops f alliag hair. h.. pr5>mptl. stops l tcbinmg cf the scalp. lb 'maites bIclair sof$ and luxur- lb gives 11le and beauty bu' fithe lait. Ub ta noV stoicky or grealiy. .b lb fl bile daiaflieSt peilumedliait 1-t la the lest axld most- pleasant aad 1avigoratlng hair dresiag made. .Fight shy of the drugglst *ho o!- fers you a substitute, he is. unworthy of your - confidence. The 1.-P.Booth Co.p Ltd., Fort Erie, On0 anda makers.-I1. I iul -xLmve-Au Dw ayne. - Av«rng attendance far month, 24. Waersfor upeUing :f BALSAM. JaarY6-Verna Maekey. HuIt. Sadler has 'nae wttT FebrUgry Arohte Mayne', Allan Neal Gaushhia for a short P-riod. M)£Udb .Arçie Mayne, Vein - ek Wm. Jackson las purcitascdatem eys Oortrudie Mayne.,0 two yean ol4o.1 J . E. HARVEY, Mrs. -Busbby has gel nioely settled - ~ ~ ~ i Tece. h er aew home bere. The ollwifg i th ý 6aoer. Miss Ada -Joncs' las engaged with Tbe ollwln isVIeresuit o! - the R. W. Wilson las clerk. exalilatlun leld at Easter la Thora-j Miss Ethel Arbucklc is'visit4nag 1er (toh's' Corners Sclool, U.S.S. No. 5 isister ut Victoria Corners. East' Whitby. JW. 1H. Joncs disposed- 6! .a good -Cass IV.-rIverettJacksoa, chas. geiding îo Geo. Lee, o! Brougham, on ElIiot. The 'other naies of! classaba- Satur'day. sent. Fred Redshaw bhas engagc-d wiflh THE DOMINION. BANK CR, WE.OLg MP,PRtUIOENT W. D. MATTHEWB. VO. Pn5,» y CA. BOGERT, Generiti Manager. Farmers' Banking Needs. bave aiways rccelved the cioscst attention from the Dominion Ba.nk, Sales Notes Discounted or Collected on inost faeorabi. u»rna. WHITBy BRANCH: A. A. AIKINSON, Manager. OSHAWA ~ H. BLACK, ForEaster Breafs Nothing nicer thain our Extra Mild eured, Meats, Sweet «Back Bacon Breikfast Bacon .Sugair eured JIams ehoice ]Roils Snal Breakfast SausWage Frisfor th Week eaJ~o,~na, ~IeryNew. Toniftoes '0 Grebaos Rubarb Sweet Plord i uil à' Ci. Filuets and, oescoes-for Thur*. and Sat. Fresh Haàdd1e~ J-.E. WATIE3RHOUSE SWHýIT'BY an purchased a go dbeamIl ftiola Wm. A u4umber fromn lucre atitcded I& concert at Kinsale on Tuea.day mighti. j9aBtriiett, Richard Day and Mma Ada Jones assmsted in thue prog;ram. Audrew -Wilson, tarai toreinan for Irvi McAvoy retutned fro>n Tloron-- te 'oa Saturïay .alter_ spending . a. week'a vacation with is is reds Fred Dickmsn . Ax.mcCalmon' bas b= > bùsy telinghay o! late. Alexr. says b14t "teansing-bajy on tixes. roads 1 is 4e eatinig soup witah a fork."': We-, believe hlm. The reads have been inan almost .Mpassible coqnditio6 for the past couple o! weeks. The sunand wtaid, however, durmng talepast 18w days, have mmde a:marked improvement. A nuber.Irom-here attende4 the fumeral o! Vite late Chester Y~so Saturday, who was lfilIed by ,being ruu over with a- oaded wagon on1 Thursday last. The. family have thle iympathy ef.the 'entire oommuiity. Icaru thaï, there la i ltuat one dreaded isease that science, han been able to cure in ail is Mtages; and that ta Catarrb. iiaiPasatarrh Cure ià-the oniy positive cure now kuown go the niedical frateruity. tatarrh Seing a couatitu. lionai diseaase,'requitresaa-couttutlouai treat. mient. JMaii's tjatarrb Cure ia aken internaliy, acting directiy upion the biood and anucouasutr 'faces of the -ayatem, tiaereby cetroying the lon.udation of tie dihease, and giving thé patient sttt:ngtiaby building np the Consitution *and assssuu.g nature tu cing te work. The pro- prietora nave ho mueS faitS lu ita curative powera thtat Uey uer On. H 1undred oiiare for any case that iLtfaits to cure. Send for list of tms- Addresa: 0. J. CIIUNUY &CO., Toledo. 0. Suid by ail Drnggists, 75c. rake Hail'. k'amily L'ilsfor constIpation. BASE LINE WEST. R, Bra#ley and E. Ansel le! t Vhit- by last week to work ln Chathtam. Mt. Donald Monroe's landiord- - ia- tends puttiag h4m up a new batrntitis summer. Mrt. leginald Burten-has got a jab on thle ditchmng machine for' VIe suin- mer. - Mr. Matthew Crawford las beon oa the sick 11eV. We are pleased t.o leara that le las getving arouad again. --Mr. Albert Story, *of thQ G.T.R., Montreal, paid a business trip to To- roato FrIday, and spent Sundaj Wité lis parents, returniag hume by thle aiglt train. Miss Orlena Fox, retired Monulay from ftle Port Whitby P.O., after long and Iaithful service. Mr. Johù Old- ring is the new postaxaster at lisj store. The roada on Victoria strect and sidelines are la a bad conditioni. We look for the governinent Vo do its share-towards niaiataiaing thcm ilaa passible condition. ThIe Port,,Whibby , Thresý,4iag Co.,Met Saturday. afternoon to sec how .tley stood a! 1er the season's tlreshing. The treasurer reported the *sason*s earaiItgs to.be $1,500l. The expeanrns were bigh on accouait o! thie wet wea- those who have nôt paid a chance Vo square aceounts. Wth beatty thanirs for the liberal. patronage accorde6 tbecai.Tley hope thc coeaiag season Vo have VIe pîcasure o!- meeting their 1many patrons again.' On Wednesday mo'ning about 9 o'clock, the residen S---0f Mn. Ed. Story caught fine, it is supposcd from the chimncy, and was conmpletely con.- sumed. The efforts o! Mr.--Stony aad noighbuns wha camie Vo is aid, were successful in removing Vo a place o! safety a large portion o! tIe hbuse- bold furnilture. Mn. Story's losa wil le henvy, and at VIls season o! the year le will le greatiy incoaven- ienced. Fortunately, Vhe wind was In Vhe west, on iV woul have been im- possible Vo- have savcd thebarn and outbuildings. TI ARE, YOU - GOING WEST TI SPRING. If SO, execptionaI opportunities. are aow being offened by Vhe Grand Tnuùk RalLwn-y syste in>la coamedtVI wth 0oloalat, Homeseekers andd set-J Viens excursteas. j The Colonlsb rates are one.'wa tickets a-pplytang froin stations la. On- banjo Vo Vancouvet~, BC,-itra BCPrince -Rupert,B.C., Seattle)' Wask, Spokane, Wash., Portland,I Orle., San Francisco, Ca.,Ls n- ge~,Cal., San I}igo, Cal., -and oth- et oID0nts ln Anizona, British' olumnI- bl, Callfornlia, dhl,' MontanukNewJ UJaIOu Station, -Toroi io, ont. -Administtators' Sale. Ther. will be- offered for sale by Publie suotton"on Saturday, the 108 April; 1913, at 2. c>clock p.m., at the Royal Ilobel, 'Whtbby, the bouse Mnd premises Owned and occupied by rtheý labo Chatles. Bond. 1Tlxs property 18 localsed or, the- norbh oide of Duxndas Street, Whiltby, ina the western. part Of the toWn, andý coatains 2 acres, of 'land, boing part >of south haio! ý lot 29, cou. 2, TownshlpotlVitbY, 40W Part _Of ýtOwn- of Whltbyý.. -onu 'ue prmssare a -commodious trme tog-atdwelling bouse-adid fairIy gzood orchiard la ,bearlng., d ar4 *ater Wel. The prem-isesWîll bc sold for cash, subject t o a reserved bid. TerIRS of ssle, 10 Per cent;, on day &t sale, balance in 20 days. For further inf'ormation apply to the admWinitorix, An E. Bond, or o Jas. R-utledge, her solicitor.« Dated at WhItby April 2,ý 1913. New TeIeýphoe; *Dia'ectoby. The Bell Telephone Company of Cýn- ada is soon to print a new issue of ftsý Official Toieole DireoWr3r for the district of central Qntario inclund- ing 'W - - il Parties -who contemplate becomnhg subsciibers,-or thos who wxsh chanÉes1 in their presenf'entry, should place tbeir1 orders with the Local Manager at oilce tu-insure insertion in' this issue connectlng CompanIeý Should alÉb report- additions aiud changenjin théir list ofsubscribers,eitber to the Local Manager or -direct to the SpecialAgent's Departmnent, Mnte Tho Bell Tolophono Compaq y o! Canada ?fOWftgthth de ue Royal Purpie ao<a « C d to.t ro cet- day iColle. Worms. Skia DIseaas aud ]lcbi1ffn animais o plumpna m gr. h v lu throe go fve Pounis petrcou par day ani n Royal Purpie lu mot a stock food. Tho lioa aufacure sud*eaiuponfroiu ropl baris, etc., anj grini tem e ou r ov pr va cam suareatee k to you asbeng absoui0W usa theap filler go make Up a large package, bout nkoupwere u-t e etzai f oem A tableqSpoolcvaflai ORoncesà iay. l = aia~aL I=nu sesekeps y cetheuth.andà ltely hmrmIm nIt s calves as lau a oriary calves se tan we valop six eù eady for market inlustigo tha" you can posbly do wkiout It,agaa 'savins vou a montli's work ani food. A SMc, package viii last s horse 70 day alr-iighgtlui. containlig four tianes as miiel vMI u asialai280 days If Yen hava nover nsad k. try fion te. have on yonr place, and vate resute. i botter rasult Lia an yth u . have ave nulufaficiou v vsi r inaiour Mone-Y. Toledo. 0e 'W .leaSIng Mfg Ce., Louion. Canada. Gentlenm.-I have usai a part 0<Q Royal Purpla Stock 5.dMt . . # 1fed U:> PM cda package. Th rest of mv h eucei la mllk vhile tiIs que ginad, 1 coider It bas ns equaL. T. G. BELLAxy. W.ihE=. ont.. A ui. 1m12. The W. A. Janklns . Ch., ononjOt. - nelaman.-Afer tiafmn elgv a great many sRock fodi, a wUa but con. vincad that there vas vcry U itil vlrueln any ofIk, but deaîler lusstedon -me uYin R a prpia Stock S acilcayig vmsoW« engtrtou al ibe1 have slnce usa4a groat lot ofîit, as 1i kro ton to twenty berms sud about Mm. smacfic. n iy oni. sfa §tasin -lua C aondlgoner, Imo tae best lvaeeed. GEC Clear Creak, ont., sape.à W. A..lanilMS Mfge Ca., London. Ont. Dm Sbs.Your "Royal Pmrlen Stoc gtock conigiomer 1 hmr ever bain umy stal vMmhob- 1 h. I9brSood sou ithal nimi Your "Roya P . se"nvh riteé. Pt. three dav. Ih -Ive $ lvamlstsprlng t iY o brs tr niy, IL , Tha. W. A. Janid ns15<. Ce.. Lonion, 9M_08 Gcutiaman -aeenonths mgo iwbodl Row a liedtOcZ Specif ram Cr. vouai ainecêr nd wifd> hé be 4*e e - eMcCALUMTII i - L iq u id ,V e n e e r - - 2 5 A v ar îsh a n stai bnJorSbns" floù,,r wax 5 combmned, especily a,-Mops - Du t a e 3 kidî of 'wodork and Setfewr.Ing Sove polish - 10 ftr "Mce ut Up laS çrub btrushes Pipé enamel andlirush 15 1e 0e 0 n Kalsomine brushes Silver Polish Paint brushes Aluminum paint - E,2J5 TO RENt Brasa tacks - W nershine - 25, why teer up carpets T c a m r White ename-1 whiren you.can clean them awhmes White enam~I - 25 :much-easier and--better Ca amr Furntur varishwith a vacuum cleanern Serew drivers Furnturevarish 15 Try it for î,day. We de- * 11,cr an,& cel for àt Tackpuer 3rass binding for linoem 0 o a aple Curtain, stretchers Spocial this Wee~ iPack age picture ýwire carpet tacks ifyou want quaJ..ww HARDWARE ýN xt"the Post, Office You-'Il buy here. Quali y Hiardware -- Quick, Service tW Stock dPoly mo l un d mb olate y Iee, for t e& 0p i , on C o r l r e l t - e r p th ti.S mmon dim oa s e sock dsu d TIla bo n e f oed ail k iu -o b vpua P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O aaenlhowolv u àt.igtes;ambyt opd feed poutr - dllawlto a mm.NO Lra ndb wltheut 1t, tApe t bW .SCOMu, May 22WLnd1911. sc y cured Bot& .J *uIfg e.Leu .A. i f~ C.L ti. ii 1gij Pueplagood nii islg uM M 0Onealo ailham are ItoM y SraveUN iae llmuk icar <d ourStockSpedfi-..got lm s- oze o ron. g e n lrau ffrs. wic M Li Uslarsedftv eintsoU ver avesaaa .s ~nve ville.eds.eubiý.a gk e leat eae.aS ypue. WdoDo We von i4e y'ýlon iiiRur-lo al Purpk hOumh gomngthrngevery ç voaimf laerafj. loyal paru!. PFuit po3is0 meks -Yg un d.ajd bScuradaziera ke m o n ffi s lm . in e z . p s kas M W i w 5 ls t den s 7 g a S, p g . a n dralr - li e ev r gnLb a l cm et0* $10. t14 cntùdu fou tÙMMe S . u às>-c.pacageoyal a 35 as Zembm nJyfroni ai mo iJa a plmg41 hp mikep hn lu con"d&l "ocm a muloyalPu tu*dy sneurMX=ans rut animaaCôvcura sar I dm « . -.ecm e. o. 1Maon l use& t L lehmauaio. ifOin Y: I"DYfoil owia dir aiyur "ayi e.Puly- nd f r1.Ga C!ur,&-. m ureacrs Pacaeuaf, mu ou md ronramatli no m Idry iilaabout fou à t. . * 1 u l , B,9 0 a v e a aY .W o he g a v , e a n g hb1m de.b u r y, i ia itt goh ooDÉser Et e_8 tion kmemtotn URGE »W£' o faf -19, =ée83cw, fo riSMe lice ë ORGE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , .APS. W.A.,oi1. is Co. -non,- - .,Rta oualo - Inth- i ' .1 1 -_ . .on à t» of faomMa - 0<ay l ainfac4 tenou t b du e. - Spbienal. OIC. I f a vablialkms ,cb omkmy-mrrua oup Cu - b.ls. ui f dha seha t, iatmaau -ng 7lte han sufarias frç Et th e o u t e a A 1 h r e ~ I a ~ i b~b o o k t e ga n m cm t . hait. 1~ ~OiorI Dot bc kSu riloyal Purte, "on" 1kao ovir Canada. suits yo teli others Ifnot tellus -s r'iodxS;t tue7. U.il lmy i~~~S MorSeiefraay w, am ~ Soam"lnag rems thew-liasbasa lind miablein Canada.vlhs eab0 m gobrSemn. Outra>mlP . Ùcui inf othlufour daZJwMoie ria tan days. - Ab@aiugayasa ml ai Cre -7 huuvvfekWdam mmm for t P o,~ al m, - 4 alou I in rly" Pri Fendshlp DEnggement We IWÉ THEM w Ou ur -Speoi Gen'uine Pe erald- or Pearl --LWodding Wvve W ha eal i wlarge assortm w '14 and-î8k. v$250to w w 'f ____________ w w Opposite Posi v WLitby The..eguar Moth W -T.U. ill c odist >paisonage iin V 9tb, at'S.3ê.Zk ok -mdStarr, Co.-,,>r a tialir on our workç. ,close of!-meeting. Silver. collection. -THE SOT'S Si Take iV rom mc, theaî lan-ooze., I've been against iV- "kinow. - You guys that stili enougi Vo cbosà 'akewater straiglit red eye goû. lhbgame'of life's-a iît, ho?. lt'.s one long flght f finish, sec-? .- If you figît boose tjal more woe, Taire it ironx me. Booze nevýr boaýsts- enmaIes you lose Yr-selW-respec4t; thoughts -coine sl Lt gets your nerve; yer views. I've been agaiflat know.- Thc fun it brings is blow; The woc itbngs a' ryo tb Mlu.;Crloba IL mjy' I hae@mi a. Sv m Ii 7aorbmcwà. a.ootnw I OcPriS terni. NPrph eLice liMe the ma1gtla Crier for vou-te ai the< piensacd manufactureCi 11cr, -Tonwviiihava go èýliai or iv vonM a fun hwwtoCE lig bate. USe on-fouis or ambfs v m e >pllatln&. le ai~th bm Lbe lu r vaine for -thé mme onySc ieput upI8etm ýw that = und m queia> Lp or tde4sa. luicW"-eut, yen, sud )kie a vm8 Who-Ir26 eniougî Vto cbooàe, Taire xwater-straiglit -VIe. redeeye . - Itis 1007e tîat put nie Taire it from nie1 ILocal lap ' Rev- duIe -de ,r Oshawa, wil bûh uon ganti eveun MrlI. W. L ElvidgJ Ont., lat week, atten OC bue laVe John- Gimile lIarch20, lIr.Guly oC Mrs: Elvidge, i)ho, -bealth, was unable Vol bourney fo Belwood. 78 years-of age Lag cause of death. AÀRCHIVES 1 ý 66 carPet ta-c-k-s

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