Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Apr 1913, p. 6

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'4wE M107.I. TISHI COLUMBIA. threl Iý/tèms Fio êîen4in pro1 '.Ontario,-Boji OIri~ rl rae It in- huùdrM d n 'ty:ieMiles * 0 oste& iawzyP Uns- -Aerta:rn e dea.th luis inêt owcurre<I at ,do* oA the, late Johb A br.at I - 1" s venture lun lit-, 4epmue or-, kindco-peri lierewere o4yms1fmftxç 'd it mnay readily be 'imaRined, th t nIre acceptance of thre laird'& ts4eafui'l', 'ofl6àared books, ndpoth *of or.housêhol4---ef. Afl1ï..fl0 ere -'oeni4-the' trouble, 'and - ~~îrO de. - ~& el- nO«cÃ"trîuted by 1;"~ '- " - - kIr -a uci . ; oui xp eae c>!transport. 10, piitet ' 'dign 11 etirhe nc mig1t,'irave- appeared tire pî e tire tî axnony of4ra orwe i'ngplsce -ven eom- t~b ~ ~c>~ b4> ~akse1o 1Iy - 1-11111.1- At redX to.-the.hiruse- ci- an Englisir tir - ~4~~~3n:8Ç~çnie Hln~oJhEj uire; but te us, alter eux long, b ir eûý va " Mo S.. é ..CP,~ji~ sidence in atuffy aa4eitit ~ . 1qng at Strer,,utW- twn ,as cf regaf ilagnifficence. The eT he" 'AeVhI1aâddir iibraspèJnlw - H ~c tire~1ateJohnw.r -le nossd -profusion -of dining-' t~o~1M~-:4;; 4i~ior a'tiast<ne, ftr .blaekened - ceil- gi- n,- 515th- oc ured in..tr.2hd alyi go and caken. vi4_cqts., In front pe otta: ~ t~oaatiui f "'41, -tôwa±d as a sa lw.,gr ounf¶4, wti ye "a ir thdýýfiïtA ghn ýa de- ý tliineTif ngecf irggard.w,»ii- - ivrlne Trda -défie; i def l e à- b aihSlg ar1pdfect sw.ire- g. - iè2dY of .Iîng1uP thirescattered hamlet cf Banksome-, F4: ton tireaare sômiiie 14y aM ad* clinks whicir ray bce left Bére--4a dozeîD -cottages at fotý-i- me at'sork. iq, tire nara#ie.,,,- y là,LrW e- babiKtd,,y'.rude j, tsher-foli wli-1 Word h~he4n ,,brôugirt to Tiec- ,tàent I have sunfk ýfri ëe >8'i- ickW ni).on,. the.,laird ,as, their na- dpde. ., that W. H. King, farm- tion cf au authos to that cf -a com- uri.p1cT9.s.,qthe, 4west .was ing'a 1 i9irthwx44z onIit i les nots of Ti sdae iebua n he ter ndMYthserý ièsl* , eofan, he buI'ixedh-o ed diits.mgren inenie nÃŽA pupI- W. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ à Get-, oxerymnae f _ftWeJonHntsWst&tiedstne the. d1-away i staa11h1~sib~,coa, b as a isltitsu Kx ater'a.Hawakmuya war mlen .W A nto' fore'~iaa merltmagero yf ttentJohn RWter eati-the distancy,-flappin kittwakesin the rad hi:the Feer al Ge. im- 'fis ad fjo Fé riein4lAtal av e1ioeyan er bek1Oc tedp,he r*gduoé fnceýh' îe. mo ieBron'v anie ii Vs ne siucf the -rks ç î'f >sua Th_ý.e oi-offic at askTaa, a. Ptaîlo! Vg4 inn, adothe'rÇ,ia-save culywn cotireAiriahwe ha ba ~n-eedb uylas Tl e ured Co., inutaI crtties. lutows f1bomearyllerotup sta,191Wh4l ikn.,-n tireàncansh îe-iau ftie-iieraihHes ie te--,adstnewf soe Wa' ,&n~o f ue w ~nd~ e-as, ien is-btt fr n~.81-Srîliregavfsz aninth i-a ad lathé- lad"* maeNoae ftire is dnescibeias "ets bt eruit n e wrcrg- i on.Tn r, i~nce~iar cf ,000setters ho aily rchies. enane for an yesd to cd Rie iptît "'"nmosol n i ior Wt q rom e tire Signetc atrgwidwsokîgba- quate scton stut& '.utea* i ar adio by abor ed se muircf r d wit seïrved oly s a land-e fth ty ch -f ed-erJat for elU iu,n rre 'tir4, 1e~in Etàlà '~rr t iefairmn o ie prk~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~" cfr000 r~~~ ce etr prptc'ii e~iq a fYrouul d -eerience tiratnbe Vo- Xneni'>-pe catelita, oowilr en ii 'te ~iarere seeoMnk h'rm t ofpigtcii ra cirimend tiere prjahysudivid-n e aa lce tire at iri ciramBarn, in i ere tet r oietoa ftCloomirr in a bn eém i smmfie. aaCda an. v6cgsates' L ira, aor ornger t ae ugly reef-b.ich-esis ggwie' .as oeis' etter' fy briprPr.e idetin sema ontinetaluscritce.. Ithe ck ltiratcfsealslee pn Jos<,SithcfSath0Lak6e»Cty, theiosoprIsue tution,. itir whîsn nti bqe th.tire toub-lsine watr t4 ciesia era d lltie b-sm for erisd ve trecoe f .0r wind-awept andy. eb, w<e,o!re aîerta Stieof is dé erbas befpre ri bn hi c ,sognifitirrdmyThistes, aunees iat tengifred0.000 templeCisttliantoer- tr knot ponb- usa- iFor usorits loun Vtoiu ouireru- Aibees ts-eeirnury.- Hencpasae ,it auhar Idw- 'edbuie oadg-est it y sutel sion -inal fclit:Lzi s r indlingIyefiwoudeerd atth t ii lut-w try ask - mcfuha'of:'3gaper ire Wri.j tîaff o! r'thé, West i-s c to îngaccumultedha prctceia- tscesaup o senderhais; butrai-te. 'Delut, 1 ngi ith th,, openiu o!theac-vadt, aunl at tire var momen t W agradioulsotoi- ervit Hu4>vfly rote ra fresadow whu ir ha ataiue tie3-znit cf r~ herlng kyine suthd tire agnr ed ce gp1Uard o ,00îf terp4sm't:ho-aily chiy~ iveereacirai ae oa y' s trer andwaa n thr'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~u _floi-swih iltrvrein-ochi f Suciti u c j --*h ad left ris paan sd twa Rieirstrictnso.1c'l~r aiwa ae iicir' habater doec, tciteýSgptc' sroun o r stae ooig sucir com g'Ie'a 4sbeinrintefallaWion weaoiaere ecn icdbt s- igitoutire als fal e an tant; tei seiosita-tYeduAthato ian -oeelves itrbedtira apio i o oecd eed o, sdabrigd- Ofee city ofthedarge aout -forkeand prietàceso'4Frd1si O ark dtoAfshedrkod uing. ucr stoS -te ir euargng ! he iros uex etad knduasasd l'à ibaalty ai dboce d-for inendcu-the .Pro aby suskingcviemdpltire nat cfhis-iramfbrotinergellim rin- havli4 poveer b p thmer in ral proetWpen .stqon sutd Edincuthe. ts br, ie ir ferqakaofme ntiry ope stga doiayhich I h ____g__________ jdvW'gtwsh ie. jo orngovrtaeûup m peu tich diescibs je. A*oriil"l-trfrmP-eide Tnso Wliynan- Farithwast;e k I th$c eum abit tsoe pleutn ph Smcith o alt ae CitUfl- rpical ncftitiitied, -estat ic .jo axter ve nth~elai-datffs 'U-, uleiatitl eaio thu- e ramoe xwbih boer heudeo-tu f i~cth a fdýe ltp w -chmigr Morjoi! hurc, toP1rire igrE. t.lv, Meu poporunde..ieîadou .rv o .-i- eussupoter. On'this wae Woý, o th Aleravé ta reseriç r 1evalua, forfroet ir bea- I rarocct m asion my iterm acf s love i tireur iearttemwllnte Èýst ud ot ai-rauttW e! 1b ad wth" e - Ftriusit le okin eniave theee lb eal. ' 1The n tir h eZ,! s bî'eak sd arren ireutesr ofire bat , adwhe Aldmpi cannot d1 t.- fHnydlu hi-,a . As deeat tasiris Iecrn-iisI rury uesovstire bows..igaTea-a wod Y -, iaii ie "pali expnsshde h'aall, rauhd ies uaiad suuk dt'ewnirmdtire wrirg- 'y- -t rclert fotanto o hecntrcio o tedrof flot betnes.Teeb- niho e r n hâtr h ýpýNi, I 1.ASlt1 op, ,i<gidLOOK for the trace-mai «PrLt' aka' are not the 4nd' -Iwas Bishop lfrm Mau develçped. a great intereet in «O'ne day hus wife met me again in the street,' and said:-1 alteration thereis in my Jim. Hé neyer 'goe n'î ~.-D ow; but spýnds a-i i"<t'hêieband- agîng îour old'cV gedi Irish coast, 'but -a long bank of flushedclouds-still.>,,marked th&-spot, and cast a glory' upon the -waters. The ~l~brqd o~ijw~Iseamed. and scaréd. itkerîk%oe streaks. 1 had risen in the' boat, and was gazing round- iri deleiiht d bro~dpan~a3n~o h«re, &a -Pm and sky. when my sstrpiucJt'ej *at Mny sleeve with 'a itti e shapry of surprise. "See. John," srhe eried- ."there is a light in Cloomber Tpwer!?- I turned my head and gtared ba,ék 1at the, tali white turret which peeped out above the beit of trees. As I gazed I distinetly saw' at oiie 1of the windows the glint of a liglit, which suddenly vanished, and then shone ouit once. more lrom another higher up. There it flickered 'tor Bome time, and finally flashçd past t.wo successive windows under- n eath. before the trees obseure4dýour Lview of it: It was cliîfliàfsome osi<>e bearing a-lamp or candle »-had climbed up the tower..stair.. and had then returned into the body :of the-house. "Who in the world can it be !" I exclaimed,- speaking rather tW My- self than to Esthrer, for I could siée by the surprise upon her face that she had no solution to offer. "May- be some of the folk 'fromi Brank- some-Bere have wanted to look, ovr the place." My sister shook her head. "TheFe is not'one of them would dare to bset foot within the avenue gates," 1she said.- "Besides, John, the keys Pare kept by the house-agent at Wig- Stown. Were they ever so ,curious, ;noue* of our people eould find their >way in." (To be coMiinued.) SignQz Capruoj. 1F4,èl4 Signor Caruso'ài fees for his forth- çQ ung ppe-raF ceý-t vent Gax- deLond on, are tie highest that have ever been paid-to any singer in'Engl'and.- Caruso is now the wea1.hiest artigt. on the,,,,operatie stae. Hi~ ro tý,t tie Metro- poixan ouse, !eew' %rk, have t&èeASjd 2q ,.O nuiy IJf-qr fve; yearS. Durinj tha£tlucrative 'en- -gagement he actually had to-decline an offer <f $100,000- for twenty con- certs in, Australia!. At, present, his biggiesit ontraoct li in respect ci- Natwao 0 al t ýeý A yÏe k whiere eh pilt&-t gêlY, evepqrf=as.,t, tho-g ia 4U139thé fer fi unususi experte fr.-, i pow ër or 9p ýu ; xng idaaàndtwo téa hepuaetter fiavo'rèd. avell eitiier lbard.,or ,eolt ,a Vc, 4p opr G& -';iý"t --g. - IIOMi- IttZ-7»ptýçxtue ,inside of- a ba'k 'nxg>'dish,"cover thé: bottom with- - ,'alayer of tarý. appki peee,, anO, and cinnamàn ;or nutnýe, a~p over ..lye ~crr',st~~ Ït, with bits of butter. Repeat the layers oej apple and crumbs until th~e disir is full, making tire top crumbg with an extra. ýqlantity of butter. Cover the pudding disir, put it in the oven, and bake siowly for twenty, or thirty - minutes ; un-- -eover, brown lightiy; serve, in, the, either liard or lili'quéd sqiqxe.- .-Baked - Maëâroni -fith ipudi, DW!-Béal' iàropn; .14. onezxîçhç piees;- ~~résjiuld be thrfe- foýrths cupfU 4 ~i~i~.binig, salted-'water"t6 cover nhtjl-sqft_4Al tirpe'reqüired béi'exg ao>ttvn five'xinntfs. lrain, alnd pjouro yer. one -quart cof <Mrd *ate oPe, pieces-adhieriing.' Rtemov6ýes in rom oue6-fIoutth Pûuhe & tinl ~ie snMoked-dried'-Ueef '!d.'separqàte r' pieces. Cover witff hot' water ,e1t signd ten fminutes' anýd drain,. A'r* rainge. altéruate' layeri of macaroni and- beef if- butteréd baking-dish,'; hÀvig two'» of -- ascI. Pour ovrer wht'sauce,, 'oirr with: three- cnùab, n< ina iç'toven -un- tii t!ke crunîbi -are brÉown. -Fer tire of butter, add three tablespoon -of' flous> ai st4- ir:,pntil: well b1ended;' 'thçý rn z xay - Whilê'stir- ring constantly, two cupfxujs - of milk. Brin p g..l~, ppin t, and add'one- tafteaeonful cf sait anýLone.eighth; teasp;eenful "*f jýle- Cherry 1s-Soak one - tale- spçon:tul 'cf granulatad gelatfin in thre.e tablesa£cdnful's'cf eold* Water five minuteï,ý.- Add one-fourth cup- fui cf boi1ii¶g water, and as soon as geiatin is dissolved a:dd oneé anadon'e- ha]£ cupfuls 'ocf dark red cannedi cherries (stoue.d and eut ini ialves) and one-hiîf cupful cf juica drained f rom tire canned cherries... Wien mixture begins to thickeni« add tire whites cf two eggs, beaten, until stiff, and a few grains cf sait. Turu into a mold firat dipped in eold water, and chilI thoroughly. Re- move fric mold te serving-dish, and surround with whipped c-e-nu sweeten.ed and flavored witir vanil- la. Spi-inkie with Jordan almonds, blanched, eut in shreds lenigthwisa, and baked in a slow oven. Fig Custard.-Scaîd one quart cf miik.* Mix twc tablespoorrfuis cf cor-n starch, three-fourths of cupful cf sugar, and cne-fourth teaspo-on- fui cof sait., Pour scalded milk graduaily, while stirring constant- iy, into mixtture, mhd cook in dou- ble boiler týn minutes, stirring cou- stantly until mixtur'e thiekens, and afterwards occe«asionalkI. Add yolks of tiree eggs, slightly beaten and cook tirree minutes. Cut one-half pound cf figs in- amail pieces, put in doub:e boilqr, and, add one-fourth cuplujcf.boiiing -water, one-fourtir c.puIcf .gr ndonetIleson A ýittle mince-ýd ham added to tire' onielet mal s i syvry ,cirang. Dip '-tire pifein, bciling watçr, be- f-ore ,çu$ting, lýt brçad witli it. Ca oui ac~ aui grati nay .,4p. ~naA ~s~dliqou crouettes. ,'rWyrcakes tice ven hi~1 helÃ"ùter"'tùan"fbr' les! 'ake. - To ., ù i',sdip:aiti!sot fb@~;t f6~ p~rsh~g. ers because; tbey do LffpcÇIii~ reat ot tirs I m. Mlldbutsure. 25o.' j Z~1.yOu~' dsuggI$'~ h .- 1 ç ~If a faucet is-elégged gi've, it aun ~ *~' - i hitfuly set feriratpinp"'q r~'fore TSy ýAre Seleeteý nket~s purawybe ' for Offlee. i r~ox ~n i;myoo1:a, Ile five, hundred aànd eig* ethanniverse!ry of thre death Potato abea~ y a~J4zrrNsuWsO1~% ýg beater vî1l bee 4pii~s, ifyave qy'atvIa h Stale macaroons s 'pâ be. Tîeo, w-ites a To'ecoss'es] Iunded, an -us ï 0 &fivr:li? ~t Daisiru, *vdtlefounder - rds or varieus ptiddii 06 âote sect, w ih-itheprinci ootirly fify'aepuedinpnsti -f$ Id watr-'1ién' -thèîy aýàrejkei , sh4ets l eni~h fi~e~'aki. temt~d'saj lasi da !tire festivitica» thre bôid *ate'ùnCïl tËor"oùgliiY' gr4at numbers cf beli vr'w Tomalke chic?ew 'atft ky cut an fozued * the, -rare Ceremoey -yerage siz d~w n< pee n amnondo," o- r .queïtns,and ver-wth-- four ;jquerts -of' eold' swiirs.- Tire, orabI ' te %-- Beinsg'. tis .tWe a- boiiingr te ýal appe&rapce_ in tb.? Prime 'nt and allq,ýFit-to, gentlyf-simmerI' life? ,6 , wôre a 'gorgeons dres l ùh. <iutr tireh4.iQvs; - dre ith pur-pie and golden cl ,çt ilt -,esof hundsy-soap sehxn-zs. 1 i ii;1 0±l ,nd ni ea,. a44,.te -tiem- a 0oonplê-ofe carried-_a palmne's-staff :-in his ri a~o~i4s f'keesee, fl ' ào &stick about'a- yard long and h i~f x4cf1s1 ~water- u hU ni ho lwyh nût Io wly,. hip is,.exqeiieu.t te -put ifl pýulpit set to tire ide oi! thre a1 'ireWfte~Miwh'ich tira clothres. are-m uptwstr oispa "For vesy yeiiowot-grimy clotheshptniead tw a, w4ter and.-' turppAf#tý,, in equai to -thiee ýgèe1 'ttÉpulit ue;rest * th,-siae ngortre n~c~ egatien, an ununced * reapi,.y n put one 'Upf ul of t ~ r a e4 tipoc4t~ M Iture in 4the boiil Mie lotlhé's"moi' f"mno" -- ~an 'lei them boil l'fer liqI! an hpÙrus,î -f znnd. A- inuied dcr in~"akeé i rray of -Priets prose~$ splen2did boýokcafse in a smail roc -m 74~e' 'dbor ùhýôuld'.be Ioçked and ' In frOnt Of the LOrdý AbbOttl, tçtdas the hack cof thre case-;- tire-foot of the,,teps leadin with buri.aji or pictife matting. te!ot6fhp-ixtor ; Shlives'can le'set in'tire entite' was a long lune of 150 priesta dore space'1'or tire lower irail. depàndent on successiWirtireco ,Hospital 'gauz e*canù be suppliedIa t ordes,1 for ýpromotion in tire0 bomne'-at- small -expénse.e Cut tire:Tire jrst .pproaoired in iris "ýta gauze int% yard 'lengtirs, fold and and,, ýbers#üg iris head bWefore .rcIi it, tiren put tire rolsa in an oid 1od'Âhit&.cbn toiwel and bake, for twc irours'in a quest'ion <whèhad reéiilt"l1 derat oven, taking, case that it bis rof medit3i: -- çesnot.scorcir, Haçdy,.Ir*<!olds,,~ ursor cutes. mapi -Ilêaves.in tire mut il4ohw11J,at twice u long, if the present montir?" r"ated witirglue.- 1I, litteo- Up went the right arm of, 14 àj uýZ appntof water, let- Lord Abbot. T)own Came tiré- i ig19L.stand on tire top' cf- tire oen stick outire sirouldera cf tVire -l fllvedà. At-nigliht go oer!tie didate. oflelýtir with a finieldppe4 " iMy son, their 'celer w0q1d n.Ithe glue 'water; bymrin'g the radder than tire tinits cf-tire ïl luWi b'e hlid- nd mkealosa ',i ay." A delicioup flair àu gratin is made Io hyTs addL ybutteriing -a pie' diai aùdplaeing. U p again went tire arm, à : it as many filais cf 'wirte fiah, as again came tire stick,-and the _il fifl it witirout p]acing one on date retired, gratefully, tiraa ie'otirer. Spi-inkIe 'tirefir' with his Holines. - for thre wis(boixs-o: ait, pepper and nutmeg; tierepi~-ly. Tire scn add, queeze lemen juice over'it, *cover vdvanced and bowed befoQW- itir butter and bake in a quick Lord A.ibot,.-- yen. Sprinkle parsley oves tire,' "Wiat," ire said, in a pil sir wieù ser-ved. voice, "should we do to esCapeé heat in summes and tire coldii 1NSTÂLLING AFRICAN KG . tes'"Dwn cametire c,-Sîçî', - - a snmart crack. Qirite, a Contirast to the Coronation, "Ge .vhere there is nelther-i of o!L Britiýh Monaarch., nos cold, neitirer summer nos, wi Thie custeonis o! isavage peoples tasi. iake- up ini curieus pictureaquenesa Number three offered onlya whirt they la-ck i-n digniey. Con- seto:"iare~ aithe b i i-ast, fcfr,Ïnstance, tire ceremonial sky."-Tire Lord Àb'bot laid o n w' th, r'Robai-t H. Milligzn des- increfts-ed veiremeénce as hirtiuné q sires iii "Thre Fetish 'Folk of West . - "Ad water is in t-ýàr,-' ai srica"- with tirecorona.tion c! a tire parting stroke biroke ti - ts kn.in 'iris haud, Que>cann.didate pa dTheirkig. - hsn rmaogtire conundruin: "For what is' t Tire -king as ciroseIfi-cmmanoo tepeople by -the eida.rs, sud iresor.tkiiamnortea ias selected for hiswi-sdcm. Thré him 1 ' - oremon ies cfirbis enitirouemeuit 'lutire course cof tire cremcny t] vesce -sucir tira4ire required uot cnly Lord Abboît broke' twelve àacI isdoig4 but alse> courage, piiysicaî Tire baatîug i-a ragarded accord ticngth, sud-a supesr, digestion.' -te t-ie .1piincipies cOf - tireseet aïs ire ý.man's frs-t intimation that . ean !tsigwrthe r tire*'eau I ad beau cirosen by tire eiders was date is capable cf'undër.i - ' -- -n onrusir o! tire catira rien i n utire causecf Buddh'ira do hm ionor, but te abuse aud train 1et ir i ujkrance ",àd te' insuit him in _every possible way. vlptri s i fs.Lemtc Tiey.woul huxl opprobious epi- ______ heta,. at hum, eusse him,, spit upon If a xnAn marxias for' mep yi im,: peit i Witir mud,- sud. beat. a, safe bëftL'tiat iris 'f .i1s te' Lim. For, they said, frnlisie r-mon'ey'swrt. - on irecould deal!thE*,e. -h-nst hem,. sud tirey would 'Lte powerlesa irance 1 They aîso rem1nued.imo ailiis :ailinga in. graPhiiceq&dminute par- Àculairg,. If tire king* gqrviv-ed ibis treatmeigt, irawas the4.ta n te tir fermai jiing'e irouse, w-haeire h.was, Poiemiy înveasted. witirtire uu.siginia 1! tira kiugiy office, inithea o!. O a silk bat. No oce exeept tic king .was pesmitted te wear a silk hat' -Followinig tire inauguration cere- me-ny, thea 'peiip1e, îcmé'a-nd- boWed he5ci-e tire new kinsg in -humble suir _ ____ im.sowhile3 they preised irim as ,'enthusiaiail3las tirey id -bÈ1iore - - :r;viied him. 'Tiréh 'ire wu4 f cd sud- 'el tbe.CuIT, SDUUT *"EUiO *t4p hiéh'timeDNE, one cS buy-.Why you doVlt eaen bÃŽWve ire was nt permitted"-to leavýe iis' 4o M¶Imp houe.'but irad tô recéive - gufâts ~W. R~SO JM 'êat!,with'tiem. &U.-'1Thiceremon- Min iseuded hie turfied te 'tie. &mpai- ýàwày -under --thd,.infiiren5b if .divili- ' l'CROP this s"PasO n.WBC . -tef TMS was thE Staff a, t perilous tak m3Porth as ýtire whicli 'rurist ClifofI himself rnaro dÏrecting tha in wha h the, urth. Dayton, aeCÇ estimate after - south ade. the -centre f ' mfo hadead Cof food fbr -andca amad-h4u»e, intendent Jo repetelyf th reataned te, £amily.. -May Johnsonak 01 there Natio t;o hep .d -elared -tha tt beShot if the, North -of Bu, Fourth Street -to biecmtr fleyond FOUI Many. pla-ces f From- FourtWr -' ami;River relie 'Cofl-anraDitt, wt athéy ~eefound tc '&g lOng dry strip. Whil th<>ro i~ n indihviduei 1 been without was no placeý wvher« any cou people were 1 N one had!had app.roaching aA Knowledge t] likeIyt ýo prove .town section 'g -ateven in 9 11whioh narly a * abando'ned- the -ativelyfew dea' The progress Into the waterl -greeted witk-apr w&ter. lI neai * standingpeople theré had' been *-- 'with only a le l plied that-there Beekel Roti It wsiinpos 'wit'hin severaRi- Zofle in thée canci -ed every in-dioa: RIouse lied not 28- iin tre thick - cau- > dwrs. with. sa- Lck' tire 'a.l1 g9t E- a 10 h~L Ouae o-.tire- ses - wa.s tire cheerful - floýcd vLitmsvie '-. Tis was Dayteun'ï - - xnauy years. Mi - - merged .area hec -a!e f roým iigi- 'ç - -~ -: iajority cf ýresî*d - - tien-s boked ouit-c great s#e-ep cf mii -~ ". - -- - 'w wtr1iey-é -In some of-t-ire r- - - - - ttitud-e cf tirem <Ioearfuil. As , beilitirteseo - partly submergeý -~ leancd eut sud' ti --uuleas they teck -- - --biy thatirad jus' - a. ams-dy - -frm-fire-wind-ow -taken te &à,plaep- - , -- Fui-tirer cn menl -firedl from tire, wiz "Wiy a-se yo rarotingat rats t-M hWiem are yeLix "ituatin f1 - o p ed in.i - -i ARqCHIVES O0 %il OUQW--f-% --ýZ 1

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