Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Apr 1913, p. 8

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1is ogehmr,)end lmbas Wuquite lU ha. uuoeboMp la lldcaYcoeid lU wlth tlb.mouâb.Hoe1Whowveor, at tinue of -;wrltln Mrs Vllory(o!Oshawa; la vlstikk mme better. at slue home-o! ber parents, Mr. ,ad I. poutponod "l.e o! hoelsehol M.Tiios. Wilson., a otJur effecta of Mr. W.A. Ho!] Bout bargains eyer offered in bo4a !day, beid on Manday vas anoe suc and ohoes. tAxl week at A.0. EMeltk , co us, There vas a largo' crowd au Brooklidiý - - everythlng vas s>14 nt good -prîeu Mr' and Mrs., Geo. I. Wison, o! ,The ýpeuple of the Vilage regret ver lVhtby,- spent Sunday 'wth Mrnd. d uuch -Mr. .Hé.llday aud fanlly's de ;Mr#. Tlups. Wilson. pantýure. - Mr..,lHolIlday, vil leai j4rs. (Or.)-Porter Ahreuus,, o! Kani- about April l5th* ýfor à viiilt viti BaBs vlslted bis aunt, Mrs. -Wma. Lab issister at Paru Sehool, Ne, Caro Mr. -Wm. Biigt le nov able to bo NOTICE. around a! ter an,'lllnemsso! over -theo Al penons'havîm -any aims s a voh.galut th e a 01the late Maàry -Miss Kdlbh SS~tt le! t> ast week for' Arkuey, Brookîtu,, are requested -t BatI Cee,*MCh.,-ieeab i od thslr statement btu te exocu- visit Inode.-- 7 toi, Mi. Mark Arksey, Brooklin, on The concert gi ie athe Mthodlt or before' ,M#y vlot. By order of Mark church on 'Saturday'eveaung, March Arksey, executor. 29th, by tue 5ùothand -Seroaderu, "My 11141te son had a very severe was good and ùuch enjoyed by ail coid. ""II Wae recormezuded to try presont. The proedsamounted..teCamuherlatlus ca'uglu.remedy, and be- -over $38. f-or a-. 8mall.,bottle-vae llished ho vas NO~TICE. as veli as evýer,", vnltes Mns. H. 'Trhe-laddero a ' PaillabeloýgIng te Silke, 29 Dovlinlg St., Sydney, Aus.- Vhs ~ ~ l lie C . o s vlage1 a e ep tralla, -This remedy - Is for sale by inu the north e~dO!f ri Jno al dealrs.-44. ILF PRICE SALE0F BOYS' SUITS And Odd Unes of Mens', Women and Cbildren's Boots SFOR 7 DAYS ON1LY Saturday, April 5 to Saturday, AÀpril 12 During this sale take your choice of Knee PL t Suit in the store at any Straight Exactly ilf Price $3.0 -4.00 500 6oo Suits -at - Suits -at - Suits k- t - Suits at - Suits Bt - 1 .75 - 2.00 3 .90 Reniember your unrestricted choice of mor thn 25Boys' Suits with straiglit pants at exactly haif price. This sale includes suits for boys of ail ages froni 6 to r4 years. Sale opens.Saturday morning. 75 PAIRS,- ODD LINES 0F BOOTS Mens', Women's-a nd ebjîdren's. We have cut the prices in haif to clear. These are two -of the best chances eirer offered to the Brooklin people. Corne aXnd s.hare in theni. AC.- ELLIOTT - BROOKLIN, FIJRNJTURE- CLEARA NCE Owing Vo the loss of our Furniture Ware- Moins by fire, we must cdear Our entire stock of Furniture at greatly reduced prices, Everything mnust be sold ,*Of Cost. regardies Sale to Commence on Tuesday, Apr. i là the old Brooklin Factcryjstntho our ,old stand, where we have ,,secured ac- comhmodation for the sale. Tordiff-, Bres. Furniture Dealers & Undertakers. Our Undertaking.DepaYrtment *111 receiveour ù sual prompt and careful attention. ,Id home 6Yr CtMe in' ibye, Wtho d Tweed WIMçBrl*V~s W 5i bwng aviMe varîeêî ot. 10 A great deQ > of.4vdiitflw"b -)4uW 4oo M,èets md to the telephomne àue d 1gthe ae~maue 'cent wlnd 1storm -- The. phono OrUSE OIOSEILIN Ty out of ordelr for ioveral 4'ays. -O Èý The Women's, lnstitdat4meneting - Swhictii as to biave b iiia tthe WC return every dollar if not eatisfae-, h homo 01 Mrs. RoM, v-as _ poP"'4'toy »on accoumt of theo tormy day. or; Mr. Robt. Mekvoy, Igr.J. Corner Mr. Sa. Farull, Mr. Victor Èar4u, , " -_hEMr.01m Lawton and Mr.P-04 Y HÎarbrn bveaIrtred'their '.help- Ofrtesumuner months -7 Mr,- and Mrs. Ajdam» Spears, to tJe i ,ofo us, haveAsken possession o W .M À RE â teir ne* hom tai.Mt. ZMon. They vil! liemuch mlaseL from Kinsale. O IN O T SQite a mimber im hereW.ok lun rthe. Darkey ~concert at Broolitou Saturday ngit, and. repoto it an, excellent aànd up-to-date show. 'Mr. Ralph - Mowbray, Mr. Howard nk9. 1Mr.. Hill wa croseu}g the road Jr-t.-G. Jenningâ, Û., Beckett, Mackey, and Miss Carrie> Lavrence, to the SalvationasArmy Citadel and G. Batemnan. ~~I~ I have reçtured It tewoalt id-# aS lie tried to get out -of the way of a Sr. II.-E. Dalby, D. Molntyre, F. E.sWW u~ by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~q 1olgaeIsiue le pm- buggy~ he Was knocked down and thue Newton. ung lhe Eneter holtays with their wlueels si therg asdoehi In.1-RBelM.obtsî,E Pu pan ! parehta hère. body FiewasBakl, aMt. lioufita, Comack i T h e r e a s b e e n a g r e a t d e u X o f s il1c k - v ie r e h e j e s u fi ei u g - e r yt c h o r n J rt1 1 .- 0C o l i n e , . C o l i n e nes in our neiufeii*vr mh o J. ine .Clngboýrhood,_during tue the sluock and injuries received. rme.hoai8(s inter m nth . W e u mirstgjtan1 t e m e .' h B d e nu e , -D i tors care, aid- Mrs. R. R. Mowbray ~R ~ lase I..W(igli A.SÛRoî.~-.Hri,'I ds.wu iVi kma Jmeçabedast: elokfor thetr 001) --LR.FiL.Shine.arris, ~ I speedy recovery. MuR.îaHriulismeLitaSkSrPri erMS-H Ribroa r. u çmo.mh o im >t '~be surprise& if you, have an MsShepherd,àm.eise n w attack of rheumatism thie sprlg. form : Acute and oionic., In act .Shped M. Brown.a Just rub the affected partseefly muscular rheumatism there js first Int. Primer (M.S.i-K. Harloek, ML attimd to ail k"n w fth Cham lerlalns liniment and it nOtied-a dul pain in the muscles J. Pi e M S)F Valensky, A.C.UI le ti. ntrl Will 8oon diappear. SONd by -ail deal- Which gradually Increases. This4 pain rw ie r(.)- VjWyA.Mnfoth ers.-44. often shif ts frm one muscle to an- Sro e . Prim e( .S.Ontarryio WP i .Mre. J. Tripp is under the doctores other,_ aDd the working of these mue_ Wi.lPrameF~rdge..)J yk . IiioUw n@. e ad li car:e. LihnBrw les makes the painillramsevVre. Jr G. w ~ - M eua hu alm e rbly d s - Smî. Primer (H.S.)-E. Burdge, G.P e N .5 r« d m day for I4er- home là Weston. ease and should flot bho fleoted. A Smit, G. Mounsden aDd p. Correli MisesW neMeilrien is home from Toronto, sick vith tue measies. Lyman Corner leit on Tuesday lasi. for the. West. One 'by oie our best young men are leaving for the prairie country. Mr. A. Spears' and family have moved from tue Mowbray farm to' their farnu at Mt. Zion. We are sorry te lose the Spears' family. They, have bWu a great hùlp to the church and: the choir .while, in tue neiglubor- buod. Far nheumatàsm you.wiil findc noth- ing bet.ter than Chanmberlains Lini- ment. Try iL andsece how ,quickly it gKives relief. For eale by aIl dealers. -_44. WHY -HE WAS LATE. "Wbat made you a& laVe 7" "1 met Smithson." iWe11, tha-. is na reason wvly. you e ould be an hour laVe getting hume "I1 know, but I aeked hlm boy he was feeling, and hle insisted on telliug me about bis& stomacli trouble."$ "Did you tell hlm te takk. Cham- benlamn'a tablets V" "Sure, that la wbat he need." Sold by ail dealers.-44. AUDLEY.- Miss Pratt, of Toronto, la vieiting with ber parents here. - Thie ronds norAi ami west o! the corners are inaua almost impassible condition. Enster visitons-Mise Nellie Lynde, Jas. Dalby, F. M. and Mns. Chap- man. > The ,nevly-ýrgaûized choir - lu ne- )orted Do ave guven îpuendid -ad&is faction on Sunclay last. Hean hem. Wisa Mac Brava entertaizusd about forty youg peuple recently. Ali re- port an scellent time.q Messrs. Pardon andGuthrle, each sold some borsea last veek. They were up in goad shape, and fia doubi. brouglut gaod pnices. (Above too late for lat veek.) You vil look a good vbule before you flnd a better medicine for coughe and cokis than Chamberlaine Cough Hemedy. It noV only gives relief-it cures. Try iL viien you have a cotrgl or cold, and you are certain te be pleased wiVh the prompt cure v-hidi it yull efleet. For sale by aIl deniers -44. OSHAWA. The Board of Trade vili take Up t.he matter of better approaches ta the towa, vint shal 4 doue vith the side streets, and otier questions, itl-Whici 'ail cibizeus are vitally inter-' ested at this .turne at their regular monthly maeeting in the Cauncil chamber. Af Ver a long illncs a! amost thre Years Mfr. RobV. Pringle dlec ai, bis home, Ilrock street, on Sunday moj:n- ing, March 23, 1913. Mr. Pringle vas born in Musseiburgh, Scotland, seven- tY-six ysnrs aga. In 1884 he married Margaret Bothwick, and in 1873 they sailed for Canada, stopping for about a year in Trezuton, tien oomlug ta Oshava vhere they bave resldeà con- tlnuously ever since. Mr. Pringie %as one a! the oldeet menubers af! the Presbyter1n cburch. -Fie vas tréas- uren of the A.0.F. lodge for iteen yearu, and a imember -of tue Â.O.Ui.W. He ieaves to mourn hicissubis -vile aMui ono dater, mru. EcEvwan, toron- t.Mn. ,JanmsPnge, of tis tv do a nopbew.' Mr. John, F111, vbo sbortily atter comlng.te Oshaaa d hiesarm arzn- putated and ,vas ut recoverlng froin aame, va. run #Ver by a .buggy os 1 Sinwicos *t outhon. Saturday oe- proper treatment should begin with the. iret symptôme. . RheunIO la re-. COmmended by the foremost people, everyvbere, -because it drives ail urlc acid poisons f rom the blood, and en- riches it so that the gystem becomes healthy and free [ro>m the tortures of rheumatjsm. Get a bottle o! Rheu- nia Vo-day and rid yourself of rheu- matisin. Sold in Whltby only at .J. E. Willis' drug store.-43. WHITBy PUBLIC SCHOOL HONOR ROLL F(111 MARCI. - Sr. IV--M.,Luke, -J. Tonms, D. Bell. Jr. IV.-M. Smith, L. Ravinï, M. Walters. Sr. 11.-H. Richardson, N. Rosé#' I-I. Worfôîk. HOW -DO '1 yODUR Re iteùIse, pkts. 410c or 30c, black, green Sor mixed,. Salada, pkts. 30ec, black, green or mlIxed. Laverstone, bulk black 30c, w'ordi 40c. earavan, bulk green 30c,, worth 210c. and best of al Ben Mur, black, at 50c. Very best e2offee at 40e lb- if you would prefer coffee for breakfast. Ev-erything else in groceries, fresh and Up to-date, at prices that wil make it to your - advantage to buy at the Ashburn Store. equal. list.- tM Stocks Bra. sold a valuable horse EXCUJRSIONS laet veek. To MAIMITOBA9 -8ASKATCHEWAN~ Mr. A. isop le very lck wtÈh la AND ALBERTA grippe. ea h T U E S I) ÂY unti l c . 2 t n l s v M i s B r w n bas been v litin g rel fr. W im i 1 su R tra . . . inclusiv ives at Salein. Edmutoud SuRtura . . . . 48.00 Mrs. Robt. Hodgsou le under the Proportionate Iaw rates ta aiber points. dactor'u cane. Beturu limit two monthu, -Mr. E. G. Hogarth, o! Whltuy vis- Mrs. Jas. Hobbs is.-visitiîg lber sis- Setter<s tExcursionsi Mrs. ýS. Roberts, Mrs. P. -Richard- son, and Miss M. Wilcoxson, lie Every TUESDAY until Apil 29>th -inclus- in Dtrot lat wek. isitedive. from stations la Ontario, Port. Hope, in Deroit net vek. ieterboro sud West, at very low rates. Threugh coaches and Pull man',Tonia ~ Sleeping cam are aperated ta, Winunipegà without change, leaving Toronto il P. M. Mi Chicago aud St. Paul au above.dates. J The Grand Truk Paifie Raiway le S T O > Ete shortent aud quiokeat route Iïetween 1 TORE Winipeg- Bakatoon Edmronton. Berth; Reservations sud particulars 0 U 1 ýÀfronu l.rand Trunk agetu- Town Agetfor Express, Ticket and Telegraph Ofcopst tndr Bank, hitby, Ont. Tetephone 36 te A' lwigWATERMAN L ieew WIIntaORpn Spr-iog Syo Dundi, Street &éby 13«.u. lia vood m notioS, ais., riad Mill, #j». 1oea I - A. Me ELLIS, NRHN ASJEBUR~, N ON~T - - - -- - - - - j : i î' oui co m1ilete 1 A profit-able faim demande the very best impiemeits; the lines vo handle represent the higheat procurabie quality. We can supply yon whan- arte i ur lime, pompty. give YOu Y romp servi ce on boili machines and repaires. A ýlarge stock of double aid singie bar- Fanniîg,.mifl, veigb scales, etc., krin, a Wbty puai nt a d h h s s e "Sorat oal. "6Youghlogheny SteanrbCo.i$ "Blue'Grp8s Cannel CoaLis Scranton for ranges, heaters avid Jura- aces. The habst-eanà, bright and'dry. Cannel- for fire.places and grateu. Youighiogheny for, steanu. None- ay better. George Creek for ail kinds of smith- ing work. Freshmm-ncd Weê lead in quality aid quan-tity. E. R. HomW TéL 14. - Bell Tel. 9. Home Tel. 4. 1 Fp1Qk Milis vHITE-SATINq CREAM-BUNs E -B: 1 SPECIL PRICE- ONI CORN QATS FEED WHIEATF- Feed Wbolesale ýn Ton Lots. J. L. SPINK LIIfl YWe have anc of the best assartments af Pens in Ta. routa. Price in bath hunes Write for price iist.Din y -r , F.E.LUE, BFRACTING Uadurtakusn.s ud 160 Tonge St.. TORONTO Whitby, Phone p99 Raglan, W. H.,Brent, agent Oshawa, Phones 47 sud ,I.-, TOR DIFF BROS. attended ta. Chalges moiemt. Successors tu Cody Bron. Clsb ayo il t e.om t PRAOTIOAL UNDERTAKERS AM5UUsICî in C0UNEOIT Chargeslioderate. Clearing Sle Gloves and. Mii: In order ta dispose ai aur stock ai'GGoves and -Mîtts, we have decided ta offçr them at greatly Now i. the time ta order ou pic g OOt-we. IOrthopedic Wo;rk a upecaalty.--- Satisfaction guaranteed. Re H.QUN O -Whitby's Only Repafr Shop- Brock. St. South I I II Ont1 i urlasgtiubeln ru favored wuith a very lare Pavronag sud vu bev are giving t e. publie good service. Ail ardur for teamiag, trntr maovngonnageof freight, venu for pleasure Parties,. etc., will neceive ont vorY bout attention. Firt-clam Iivery uin counectian. "Phone No* 3 JOSp . H-Q( the - -b uet ta st ~ S Taounto Ont., ad, .ime, p*repaft5%hem Pdsltlon5sud ùls »Cure e upIste,~ tor YOuge sud i ,ede w. I .0F WHIT us the niost relue i ut remedy foi 2'C1 D,ruggist a- MEDICA- - L "0O.E.FA Barrister, County Countyý Office South wing Co Barrister. Seifritor. Office, Brock St.,2 Mfoney *JAM ES iRUTLEOG 1 -Mon ey teLoan Ofiei.mediateif' G. YOUNG S Barrister, -Etc. Mo of M *r1. -Office -Smîth's-B v. ADAXS, le Street,Reuience Byron st.,Wht r~JAS. shwLicoed wm ýLICENSED Al ;kinda o! a - tô.-- Arrangemn daes et *the G lrm reasonab B4U and Inde CONT~ j.IIWE 'Carpent'er, Bl « lans dyýawn and Repairs, Alter -oppôosite Box 467, W Issuer 0of "Io iîses e qu1r, For coursesiî jects leading keepers or Si~ L r Civil *Servic Specialists' e~ -conducied ini rorrto, (TIâye le-ge with fouù from JuY3rY - yar.. - rai'èhI~.. - S y»nge Street. ~~~~~i îf -% ad npx- o fixtures moto!1 a Ifyou expense-, - ~ I il 1 Béll Tel. 9. ýCOLUMBUS. - on the sick PRIE 1 ONTU l P 1 line of F4rm -Mach- we èaù. lin 1 1 Brooki

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