Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1913, p. 2

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TIheréeIo &a etrong mrorail btil-1ennt of ja.meao 8chruwn. f PièriCatit tMt. )aitmoutb, 1X. a. Liko theurrnqdio f peo., pJe, ho 0ýwýee iti 11bèalth beýattUf h!B 0'Opair. ,HIfflavitality waae ll.ppngaway' ýW ~ae lbcbg g rounti o-ery day. .41.ould flh ave ixelti on mach 1ý on I.wat iattigaway ignxply becaus..- no' mody I uiued Rave iox>eahid strougth ta. mv etomueh. The vital- forcmet -fMr oe. ten wiere dj;d, 1Iwei advîied tatry 'Dr. Qi.,' eearohed out I ddn*t know, but La a' miraculore way the- ljkve initiea e u &i*,of ùe. My toiuach troàb!ë-ea- ar ci4red, riêh blood now raus tbrourh -iny 'rnti-car @oki nd ud Uinltpble evi. -demeemtof hathaÃŽidylgor 1 feel avery uïagicéredthte ecret of curIng the klky. eùerratýd Mali and I strougl uge 'rery oie, iu fsilimir or lost heath" te use thlsa irand renedy." Dr. IHamUftoue Pillecf' tId' âââ 0 nd- Butternut are* purely veetablo-25c. per box, live for *.&, Il drugetusud @tore. koêpero, or pcs tp aid frîo2in tïie <Catrhozone Co.. Buffalo, N. Y., aud Kingebcu. Ont. -TUE WILD BEAST DOCTOR. B elateS His Experlence While Ex. anmitenlng aLo' louth. 'Temawlc eicianti aur- 'gelyattenda cattle ant i wld uis <-h. ften a harder ime than au ordinary hoapital \surgeon L "aYB a wild beat dootor, - in the course ef a receut, conversation, - "Lt i5 rie easy Lek Loioper&te upc>n a'lage animél,-whetm-is -Ibe a hoeïS ran elephlanit frt ar- - cal fo rest, and -j, onet .Y.'tidrv'l-0 my an inu-irance, .'- agent inito a fit, - -Iha au 1.Jarmang expenieni,.1 - *hile, exaini * "' the moÃ"ttidéeta lange lien suferinlrom s1li-tIy infl&mne4 tongue.1 -Tii-e beait aeemed -. sefrîend.ly when iho approachetime tiiet I decideI'to L-. tWâI~ u straight-ay, snd witliout binding the ahnial 'or placing a gag- bs- Lw.een :his jaws. IL mas a fooliahi -thiug te do, and I kuew ît *s fbol- f ahL wlieu I toucheti the lion s tangue, ferb4 lifted a paw - a second, ant broüght it dewn with a terrifie crash<on my lef t shoulder, el-- ippl,g eethelftsb, àAntialmoMe e xp 6Sng he boue. <tt9amther "eccasion, when -I m metiieally treating a monkey, thcc reiture tok- t into bis head "Pe'ople >erf unies i u'uea ni perfuze. *j:uere are soore.s' Iot.woen uin Lcndoe who drink eaÏu- de-cîlogîxe. Sev4i*a-Ociety womniO are knlown te niake làrge purchie9à Iof thig',per5i ,u endtheii sellera ne- faahionable tourjtceers buy it for- driùking, i-steàd of perfuming pur- poâes. Il Ii eible- tô becoe quitte - intor* by takingosati-daeý- Cýoioâne. Ths d-Sïn6tis freaiy l- bol, aal&mai ny w-men <drin2k it naeaL Esseuc. of la tndid s alze drunk by wornen of Englaâd a.nd Amerlis and it has i tkh tbêdoine eff e tý upon the Bysteni se eu-de-Cologne,- ruining tàè,ibînin- o! ti4'.t'omna.ol, end underininiig th«é'heaJth.. TRA1NED NURSE - Remarke About Nourlsjiing Food. "A physician'. m*ifo gave me -a pàa.çîkgeof -Gràpe-Nüfâ' bne day, - with tlie remirk-tint ie waa saure I woulti find the foodi very bene- ficial, botii for my own use anti for my patients, « I was particulaily -ttracted te Lixe foodi, as at Liat Ltime the'weatlier *as very hot and I appreciateïdth ie fact Lh"t Grape:- NuLs requires neo cokiri£0 - ,- - "4Thç fqiod,-w&s tielcioaly cispl sud ineet inviting te the appeiie. After making use cf iL twide a day for thïee or four meeks, I discover.- ed hat iL -was s& meet won>iderful lu- viéoiaterý., I uêed te suifer greatly froni exhastien, hlc1aches anti dé- pression of spiritse. My' work blÇd beeu very trying at imes anti indi- gestion lied- set iu. '-xCw I amn -aimnays wçll an~d reïdy for sa13t antiuint o f %ck liave an abundance of active-ener- gy.cheerfulnua and -nmental polué. I have provèti - te my entîre satis- faction thàtth-tuschange has 13cm brouglit about by Grape-Nuts food. "The f net thnt it is predigesteti le a very desirable feature. I have' liad many reumnrkable resulta 'Iu' feedcing Grape-Ni.ts te m=y patiente, and I canuot speuk tee highly of the1 food. My fnienda constantly ceom- ment on the change in My appear- ance. I hale gaineti 9 pounda since d1aLel, starteti wresRtling with me~. "Theres a reasoîL." Reati the 11io pisyf ni Eimi.an hadi me on the li-ile book, "The Road to Well- 'mt'Po të spcak, lin ne ime." ville,), in pkgs. - _____Ever read the abovo loISir?ý A non o#& appogro lrom - tlme to lime. They ag'. senul no-trues and full of human; niN-erea. ~J1JOII~ITURTLE TO CURE LEPIROSY.. 'The Faniily Friencl for 40yéars. A neyer Cety ncsOil faing relief f9r Croup atxd Whoopîug Cougb. 151h CnuyMeiicsFun Virtne In aSpa Animal. The higher educati-on sornetimes A Fren-ch bistorian-, in conne-dieu demonstrates that the more w-e with the aliegeti cure for tubercu- know, the less we behieve. IQapie now being ativanceti by Dr. F- Mmnado inimnt ure Caeî F. Freidmanu, -raIl-s attentio.n to -iadsLnmn ur#C#gtl os the little knewn f aet that the medl- - Vllae Gssi-' as lie'e riycinal use cf the sea-turtie is by no t hing unusîtal at Lie weddin' F enus"ef necent date. Joyy-"Wel;the g-oom looketi eOn July 8, ý1483, K~in-g Louis XI. happ, bu yenkno fr1 tros f Franc» sent Ge-orge lhe Gneek, bo pleasant neoinatter what liap- master mariner, Vo the Cape Verde pen ~'Islands Vo reeek "varions thinge Louehiug nearly te the well-beiug- -~~ y ~.. , anti health, of our penson" The Cape Venide Isia-uders ha-d- the repu- .1511.1' taLion cf pesseszing a cure qof-p B Brosy, a report o wih hube- 3KIN CLEARtdhetinteKing ILo&uis,-mas in- deciaig haltb'.Accortiing 'to,&tWe recitl ofthi taveller, the big uèa' cura turtle !re-&aught by Li. ea 'laders 5 P+ Yf«ien te c (;ûon thelbbeach lit h~wbid t~ f MI Tey wiea t 0once killei, &anài their b1sod es.ught iù Iarge tubs. Persone afficted witix fthrasat e, f theiuwas a fleTht Tsri w&a-t-ha aket be u ortio atthe e npediîi f t te theVed palime tsr mclig t ou mtely- choldofy -cf Lo uisXI ise i-Iher, itThmreoed mo end onshoy kiedain -the Isé dap e cf han belh-ieves-ifutthen mitixhpof fte<l Lçedtstthe eae terse Islau-U.ndsedy, for ;-he difreti gut AIi~lun~fdisl~uemen anduffe- 3, 143,bore tuh irturon cfthe Y I ~ ~ ~ ~ colg o4frsd~~on'h elcU exLotî uisX.i i--u #\C d rhbdofsnplskIaf.- - - à - -- fofman ~e.f~n.IthereenLenadteat ~le. --he retpéh e ansde AV . >us ana ntu,'i th utskinandhair and CUticura ly cnriva1ed. thé tr'd An, inersin ecunt oethtie temptý to grow ecorn f;rcM,_-wxheat gal-1discovee -i-Lh tfbs of- syptlaii mlim2ae4ieà agivelss in, e Ma-hntiiber of Kcl<Ie.Ail or b ýr'ey iltti> ffeced for fve Yeaà,*, afterýthat period, araW;pId tu wa dtebe i timu=ny w-heat w-Ihhla prô6bably 3,400 yekra old. It lied lsr w e t. c lfiL When er 'e4.'tht âiieùr was. very -satrpngly. ef - bitu=~n-4-he ;ZOpv4 tv.ai0sarkedly, acid. E±àm>ited- uu4r:lex. micreoope 'ji wprtoles dlf rantirely. f etoho f .mod- Gm we#f. -When treated Wilh--ws- tepl it ~aea hn at iIeta Êtrengtli cfd'c>uh. Houaesty in, Trivial 1Iatteri teIiU. ~ ~ Ur Oi, -wl- ',oro , - a ~t shoplId be as careful Vo réeturumiL as if ie baJi borria*ed *a dolla.r. If grocers anti-zMarket moun were aàketi te tellii - lr xëýÎë'e i hé>' wbuld EsOmèt6inui reàfé e to-rfas' cf s*mxal Lhefts made. by customners whe pièk- cd ripa aple, a bit of caiîdýr or ,euïir, àï aai' idnet tWI-ýl-at ides i-idin' l igihis Ïit'lhât aymen.t they were vielaiting the nu.ï 6f stricèt hôànesty. A girIýl shol was warn- ,ed àih ma aothtir b&6bais-e the. lait- tel- - ti7oùh vry 'awèe-t linshanner and amiable iu coii-auct, borrowed ribbons, liairpinp, postage stampg, note pape viand the trouble to netur note6' paperhantiulooe change, au- the Icans. - Be honest, not- for th*& remro tat tii is Lite best poli-ey L-u£ 2-r--he t1ghe r -aso -TatY, bught.frtehge eao h- t RE SENT 1118- "B9EST" RE ÃŽEDY The Young tugliter cf Mra. T. S. DougAll, 52 F1-6rh A"ienue, Winni-. peg, was arranging some cf ber doll's washiug- on a clothes rack, béside the steýve, mixen she fell, anti bher lant-ame lu contact mitix the bot steôve. Blie sutaaleti a serions -murnti lier- screams--bzought ber -mtbtbër: quiekîy to the spot. "I sent te the druggist for the best nemedy he hati for burns," she says, "and ho sent back a -box of Zarn-Buk. Ho saiti that there mas notbing Vo equal iL. I applieti this, anti IL sootheti the pain se quickly tliat the chulti lauglie t lrongli ber tours., I beunti up Lie haud -in Zam-fluk, anti caci day applieti ZaîýBitk frequently anti liberally,. -until the hburn--wai quite cureti. "The littie on-w-as'accu able to go ou withbr ýplay'-nti me* hat no.- trouble mith ber tiuriug thre Lime the- burp 1 as being beale-t." Ail dmuggists- anti stores selli Zarn-Buk -at fifty cents -box; anti Sýoap at 25-2.- t-blet. Post free from - Zam-Ruk Ce., Toete, for prie. RefuEe harmîful imitationis. Unle-' hope You dont spenti ail yeur earuuijs Mike 1" Mike- "Nsièea ; I make ià a rule nè'ver Lu sýpenI dmoren Lwo-thinýds o' m'a wâges." UneIc--"h, tbat's gooti! tht's8 good!1 'Anti ycu put the otier tàird in the bankly" Mike- "No;Igiv.~t-ot~ iesu It sornetimfes takes as much cour- Vage to keep out of a fight as týo win one. Mllnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. r Whcen You autalyze the ideal hus- band you will ffnd that he hasn't the nerve to be anything else. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Te .LAXA4TIVE BRQMO.Quinine Tablets. Druirgiusere fuond uiey .1! it'fails té cure. E. W. GROVE'S eifrba-ttre te on each box. Two Sisters. Clara-May I borrow your bead- ed beit, dear? Beas8-Certain1y. But why al this formality, of asking permis- "I cau't find it." IVliÈ Balkàu ns, ankQ taxle a '*gr - treaa- ti.' - T 'eùUrg--law 'er. looketd- as -- blë1nn -a'a -1d'kk<3éicewl, ,?d Baidl nÊer i thâtif you ç'tIe,,net àword. "I have a, li'.ýht te dise, diséaso -early 'ivth shoot the cat, baven't IV'£il 3 K.ii3ney Pilla, you wi néver watild liardly s,,ay that," replied Ubld 'witli heurnatiginj-grav. ýyOung Colo B1akstone; "The <tat i-te diseases thÀ . are 'does not belong td-you, as - Iunder- bYiick kideys tailing te do - ifi." "No, but the fence dir. -o. " Thon,"' oonehrlded the 'light of the lskw; "ltiink iL -is Safe BE P PLI l LOG-esyyou have apre t gtot -,.tear down the foncé.' Stiteâ, IIôId the Re.Ieod fée >________ OId oik..Mew Treaten tit*ian mie a careful ,investIgatIon io- tiltover ilu whieýh- ocu-treie.-the greatst ago' luattaiired. The, 66r- iiin uEpire; witli ler 55,000,000 opulation, hbias t 78subjects-who are motre't-han lS0 years olti. Franoe, iitli fwevThfan 40,000o,000, beis h1âessswilave p6Leed theiir hundrédth birthd4y; Enk]anýd hân14, SôLauti 56, Déniar . -Miot 2-,OOÃ",,0'0'. lnhbiýtdtàt, 23. Switzerlanid doèi nôt 1*iet:ôf ao.nk siagle eeunaïiian, huiît Spàin, witIÏ about 180,b,0b0, ha. 410. Iie nota.mâazl figues coime frôia ion- - ]Eown a aï Wkan i P6nin- are more titan 100 yeàirt oldlReu- mainia 1984, sud BÙIà In ~3.l arian -to ev'ery ,Ã" n1'iaie &nd ,tbus hlà4ih nâéutda e coàrd 0 fqo4 plà.iù i 1ýaleste tb~ee dl&1~tBUi.ri.~ 'enou wli id.hô,id? h C nuy Tht ery ml-kcndoctor, Sm Jhames Crieliton-Bramne, h" been. réprovixig us 1cr our "aita-y apa- thy>-." Sir Ja-îixe a thorougli 'Rdotsman, but lie does net mind tel- liug a stery againat- biaiself and hia lown oountrymen. No saya that dur- ing à visit tLô Jarnaica, feeling a lit- Lie louely, Ile -asked a coloreti offici- al-"Are there many Sootsméu lý- these parts?1" "Net many," WaB the reply; "juat a few-but quite enoughUR'S :COLDIS I vaa-cu~d of Acueerohtsb, MIIIARD 8 LINMENT. %ys, of _lelandit. J. M. CAMPBELL; Imaes cured -01 Facial Neuralgia .by IIINARD'S LINIMENT.- î f Strngiji, . S WM. DAIE L. was curéII of Chiclehiumatdm rb,' MINMID'3 LINIMENP. Albert Co., N. -Bn. UEO. TIN-OLEY. - Taet and- Pnsey. IÊîdia's native bùttoër is bine. The na-n wlic Asys he nover, itade a& business miatake fia't hireees"nily à-Rnék:feIler. Maye % sa 1liar. - nocymiigbt peërlaps be týeetI -There amie n-ly twe auýthe'tÂeaied. ouis lu &hitoýtry ef Men kî1lod' by-l le-y1ou'rath. d usbmud. q Now Adýv-ocaàted' le- Haig Wsdru uas and*l For brouchitis' a different-formni cf.treat. mieut -là now .ad1ro'ecated t . -ocnslise cf a scliùlLa»Ydvtedbr'ta ee trates te thé- uttermost reeeees cf the .InrW and bronchial tubes. Every sâpot ,thet la orée eiOy surface- tbat uIo iri. -tatied- la at once --bathed,, wlth soething- baliama snd bealing eséncees that make ohrciilibroniahîti aàii6àaibilfty. This treatznent nw onû-ersali,' er- ployetiin broàcthitià- throït troublél,' &ado e c4 àlltid OTÂREHOZ0wEi-t àctâ ità, air 'o! -th%- 915e' wôodsa ate. 'l" a- k6esîxff antiaeotie remedy. for ail' dieeaseé lot the 'breathing ,organs. JuBt 'thlnk of- lt-a remedy tbat eau bo -carried i wth the very air yent breathe ta Site-aeat of bronobchj, or catarrha inb. sm atiourt reisedýpw4r fin 'eiouh té. kIO" 'eïrnlie anil yeît 50àhilin tut t5~y t bbkfte? iéshee-. uin , *là"~ It bh" Wonu bts-wày.: sud - busi ford. 'i-. organdresults! taonferers from ciéôds, catarrh; tbroat weakuee. -sthm ad-u broichitia%. There lu ne aeufferer frois a, griippy oold or any wiuter fil, that wou't fiud a cure lu Catarrho,.ne, wihich la ein' ployveti b,' çsicians; m<inlestero.lavyerà aud publie =ou throngbout many foreigu lande. Large ase baisetwo mo'uié aud ocote 81.00 and is -1s gaî,abtod; snxal is 50c., 8mainobe ulsite25o.. tii atoirekeepera -and' druitaists3. or The Catarrtozone Ca., Buf- fauo. N. Y. and Kingoton, Canada. Prôetents Bridegroorn With Whip. Ia Rusaawhen te groom -Éees Le geL his bride ou tie wedding day, iti fln-de hurnelf coufronteti by the' giri'a bro6ther, if sbe bas eue. The bfother is standing with dramu swerd, t-hreàtening Lbe groom. "You shall net take ber unieas yen pà.Y me w-cl," the brother crie&, anti the yeUnlg man -muSt pai-,before lie -caa ta-ke the -girl ta the cene- miny. Thoen, turing tii. ceremony, after the vanieus ring services- there are mauny cf theni-the bride* pros>enîs Lhe groom with a whip she bhas mfatie. He- takes if, andi strikes hen gently miiti, sayi-ng: -I love thée as my- soul; I beat tbee'àasi my-« sfl.I amn thy, master. Thou art Net Deefieîilt. -This -tory la relateti of a young French Leacher miose English mas' just a littié uncertain, anti mio - quireti cf eue o!flier pîîpils hem te ask lunLthe Engllih shop - for au "epnge pour le bain." "O0h," saidth Li iatter, "ai11 you've get Le do la t el L-te--shopan that you want a. big ýbathý sponÉge- te tako honié wl-lbyou.." -'Ah, if- is -oL deeicut,"- sie aid.. :but mifen- thej - hce wana reac-hed ahe expr-esseti itj tiffereutiy. - "Plasa?,- tire unit, smiliing pleasantly at Lie young man,, "miilyen kiudiy take me home Another Case -of Blood* Poisioning Peraistet lu 1oariug itseconne wl-Jaj 'Uffl PlitnamýS oly-its tie m gur- at in ls autoot sud p4abulecs. pnice Mle'.ut ail deul- Youugwed-WVS te niake tice ere ______qbit .. breat iigbten, I suppose. Unrbuse. UMnard'u Liniment, Cures lphîhearla. - Iecetlty a large quàntity of 0lar- *14W'n.WONstyCbon ra, ~ts v~ t laid d fiw u in t .he ' R-cy'à c l- lars-1 t ]Buckingham Pa.lae Whioii %-X wth Three>Roue 0age500 AU; Br ýwif ý %Houss tïklarge- Bs" mBarux îi,'ê . ;~ aen up frwayyara K5t liezold, quick. P*'.Ioe vr, w. - Le côilîè. -Wh-en - -cnsignm ent .6f W EvERAL DrsIR -LEPAESI wlne rriv s aj the, pàaa t ë t e b. kD Mantoba. Albrti% sud Saskatchewan cht aui boebougbt. 'Worth theF moue,'for lid dew ii i thé ellar..foi penlaps quýw sale.- 'fifty ôr iâ ty ye*aro béfor e - t T- HA E UN R D 00 taken up, oaibottie lias to, ie la- «. aris lu dLferent- sectionis of Ontarlàoi b el è d, r n m b e e d a n d - on , ~ ~ m y lint. I f y en w a t àa far tu conasl Lhe cc ' gn ententèe up in ' te iO R oyal a o b o k s. T h la b els a re T e ' t . white, -tl th ewrd"Lokid ON UJDRDACE_6IN iLAMETONPf Oe~nt~ mal da 1abdiClay' Main,: l>inedlublack ietters o-ér 'which mestumlier-- 3:acres oecard; buildings ils à ial-co &Hhe date on In al e ondition; aklo. ta market sndi w h i h - h e w l - e e l i d o ~ ù ~ . ~ a i l a y S t a t i o n . - A n x i 4) z L i . t a s l . z T h e cellar la w ritten in he bl ank a a o n t er o i E t t x h n e a d u aid undernéaM ~ th é ýdsteT 'a pût a ~ S S A C E  E T I niibm.-r, and thé labella s'théeniim-luCrep r muetaSse11; ter=ooas,'. Lilaled by thé Wi n e- bt1ej, or one of Pero' Lovre, lHwarden. S aab.1 b l a a à t u t t A c à n e c n m e t c eA ! E P W N T D win kr tokig PrPse a-i. T ONOE-MEN -M - fl: ARBER eensW o f alxything- fÉrom tex k aA trade; eprt cstutons èntant bundred- dozoh abettles, -.ud i takea.rélo al r.;awy ueepoe usually three or fourd e'ys to.,Iajr;,if ; Q s nE . c eo t -- 8T UPSMinEM. - rot h s i g Surprisiug Custom .,, ý tA MUp o L EI T -H N D1ir- VisitOre in England in utho e ven- teentix- centurY W"re- surpriàe-ti te find--thtkisitg was a carnon- 4tonan cf-salutation. Niclas de Bethl-en, &àfung'arii ,wio vigitzd Englant inlu16m, wrote: "My bro- ther anti-I behaveti ve .ryrudely on ee occaion, being unaware that it wa custoiary lu tit country te) kiss the corner cof the muth of! o- men, insteat f* shaking hants as1 MEA1F F85 Thainkfunl-t the.MLdleîne That G~ave lim i blity lFor If you are 1ooking for a pafr of A VERY im£nTEsTim:C CASE. - giovea îhat aruas toughxas a Mexican Few men of eiglity-five yers of age cap Snake whbp sud that wiil give you bboat cf much erre but rooSr health, sud full satisfaction lor a new psu fr&e falling st't-euigîi. Anil eujei Wxs tire con- a.k your dealer for dition of Mn. Bevj. Marsh, wire le knowuw te eveny eoul lu thie niigrbenhood cf hi ROKBOK. Pinto Shlà£>iR Gloves hm tLime Lake, Onut. ,"Qute unslicited.'- wites 'Mr. Marsi. These are the bst wering gloves, "I wish te esay hw I have been bohered ever turned out froin a factoxy. end for ,'ears w'tth etomach trou-ble. i triet - for iuuérestiug, story "Tne Pinto'$ everythirI ouit -thibk cf wititout bene- Sheill. fit. I was ternibi,' afflictet witir sweiliug HUDSON BAy KNlT1TING, CO'. sud ras uad had m ach d tre me -betwe n a "' £& l - i e a le . I tr ie d e v e ry th b ug I c eu ld th i uk j C z d s E p r i v a t f h l k n ai, but wltheuî tbeziefit. Tire, 1 mu, nre- -cmmended -Nervilime. My. but Nern e ~ I m . îiid me a power cf god- ades ew ma-. o f me. s e that -Sitin there bat tirî'e wecJ'cr Mïaypol 1S<>a,> I have beeri abe se eplit atixx-t-fonty ccrds- e cf stoe vood. I mill always rntick to Non- FOR 1 NOME viline and yl alw ys recomme ud t ,itandDX IN -voulu like ta meet anycune aud t-nvince Wa.sa1yue tieur f ln douirs as te viat Nevàine ia>-J prato.w. - d c x x i f me " b r j * Feri.- stoaxact,. nauaesbetehing oc eufbrgx. i ga s; era sun ps -a nd su d e n sic k n eS a a t u g ht t C b S W 5 l O n o t iin g le M o re ie lp fa i n l ie h o m1 e , n e:oo , i k a m xJ tinitg sares e è iu cir ait, n t d stre si as ih giM.yci Nerv1ilué-2!Large falnuBige bottier, 50C." 0r-i~b~ '- sm asit i e - 25 .. t-,a l storelieePer13 and 15c at y oae es er s - r u g gie ti9 o r T ie a ta r r io z an e C .. B o f- f r a . d M r s . Y u n g w e d d ( s h o p p i n g ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fern t; T oimra *. p - - -- C ANFU.TUMOLe. LUMPS. Internal and externa crdMb Out nain b,' our- hoo atie-itiment. W-nta. un beranre ico late. Dr. Bellimu Medicai' Gi ALL- STONLqS;,,KIDNEX yi ftuB ~Y der 6Stne.,_Kidney -trouble. GraveL Lumbagto and kindred alimnents posittreip_ tured with tbe new 'Germnau iemedy. PRnl"TIrie IlSO. '&ntIbtr îý ree for DlabeteitMelitg, -and-surie cure. Io fianc's AntjDiabteg." 'Rdoýe 12.00 rois druicasuor direct. iThe Sanol IMannfaa. turing Comjanr -7-,nd. intd Long eain " Sir!ý" sai«e exciaimeti, wbeu he kisseti bher, i"yen ferget yourself." "-Posaibly," ho repliet, câlnAy, ë"b 'utWnk cf myseif "àny old Limé. -Jtt nom yôu are odcupying £4y ud vded - attentio)n ?' P Vor<m~lut vIII.Jrefnd monoy if PAZO OINTMEnà;fails te cure au,' case of Iteix- Iug, ýlnd Bleadg or Protrudlug ,-Pileeslu- Anti SaOnie dcl ièn are as crok- ed as the-ýdbllarmak, $Inyd.iaoImnt Cures, oidu. Et recoandnea'Gin taken lit boges I coilder 0dia i X4heulnitsm andi 2L5* --Saniple ,free am~ndCÇhemlcaI Japanlese Pool of Teurs. Oe spot in Japan shuuned by ail is the 'Toci f Teas," a litIepond on Le <xeution grounti of an oit prison at Tekio, 'It neyaer iries, -ani e-en Le otte-st meather eerna tp h-4ve little effect t upaui. Since -the rçrneovaî cf tieprizon tic>build- ings b ave bec-n eïectedr-on thre sitey xasqîiltèo ~stop Mce lu some parÏts-of India, - ixw r usqtesabound1,, iLis impossible ,-te Pfay thc violin -beceause thé inUSIe aàtt.racts Lb-e inti-igreat nuifmý- b e r s '~ h e n t h e '. f i n aà t e -esrd- tlie mo-quitea' ",.-Mapm. cloute aroud -Le plaýer anti naicý theiînove-xens0ft'leh4hd. j île. - - . - 9'n- j"Oh. Jack, db.l fellom! fla-eni seen yien sinCeyour Wedding, Lw( ycars ago. Rom gees m.-tnrimonyl IVery mweilthanke. By Jov', 1V expeusive coinfont! My mîfe's ires. maker takes most of my salary. Il I bati knewn--" "You w-ouIé have remainet siigie,-eh'e " "Ns no; but I muthave marriet tix-h dressmaker." Dr. Mor'seus a ur ut.tright medicine fbrtt Whareldren...-. . 4>ijU5nernien, I- e.cOr- with hlm thr 'n darkness. "It hasja got a dark' yon hiose, ompanion, slacke nature of our erra naething that hai nia gang ithiql a "Wéll, Set.-,thi who has no-fears Et"aaid I, poinIti white builTding whi - front of us thri;oug *liglit which I had o séea was moving ba ward past thelowý the, 8hutters of whi z nd flainter -light pa'ees behi-nd -the o Stwýo indivijluals. p and the othe -or rù-àhlight, -were 4fuI exarnination-of- "Let ilka mnan b' ritch," sid Seth--J y.comnkto -adee hboses tae tak' a-f ~ heles no caun ;ac thina' "*Whyrnan-"-Ic suppose a wraîth- gig' What are th- > yonder by the av-eni "The lampa o ' -ýenough: exclane4 in 7à. less lugubrioni steer -for it, Master where she hails Irai BY 'this tume nigi save for -a single,1< ùi-the westward._ - the moor together, way into theý Wigto- point-__here' the hi mark--the entrane- avenue. -A. taL..d4 front of the gate browsing upon the grsswhich aldrtd takiug a close :kook -vehacle. -I ken i I-ùgtae- Maister tor 'body -f raeWIL keeps the-keys." "thben we xnay as --vuth him -now thal Tanswered. h doýwn, if I arn net spoke we- heiard- - hea-vy door, and vri -ites two figures. t angular, the othefr camne t.oward u s -thi ness. Thev - -ere nestly that -theyd-id -- until they had pasi avenue gate. 'Good eveuixf-g, * saidi 1, steping lor-wa -- inig the Wigtolnfac I had some slight aLi anialler- of- the two. tow-ard mê as I1o me that 1 was 0ô identity, but his ta sprang back and shc of violent agitation. 'What is this, Mcý him say, in a gaspifg - 1"S this 1your promnis '«Iontbé alari Don't' 13e alarmeti 2 fat factor in a. s0otà -one -might speakt chilti. Thiiss v oùi gi W )est, of -Brai j. -what bringa hhiz lupy more than -i-can-un 4 ever; as -vouare to cau't do better tha cr-dt in the a1-mne f r as-'hefore, 4theXfellow çhgvlata! He's nco mean- You're nut an "I'rn a- -Scotchmî 'bred," said Ii. with' tu laugli%%,Èich was oj tny new acquaintance. UA Scotrihman, eh?î a sigh of relief, I ly. ner'vous. ýoMe Neil -wenî't 1e bai in lés.s. han, aifhour. gentlemen, god iï elanibere iînt-o their p 1cr -crack'ed bis- whip, 4 dog-cart clattered a the dankuness, castinf- 'l t7l'ýlïl

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