Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1913, p. 4

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do..s ot Set ou~t- and hustJe." - On S aturdiy Iast the Zront*, Globe isaued a apecl.!Weste-nCna da section,, of thedaiiy editioa con, talnizig suoe24 Pages of speclally 16mi- written and treely ilIustratèd m4att'. descriptive-of aur fast growin& sd wonderf Cil western country. The pro- ducktion'was IargeI-y the worlc oljMr 7___________________Z_____________ Nnrmazi Lambert, the Gob',West- era represestative, -n 'çpll. Byrne mt wt .!ê.srt lp - ivw 'i rt bl ý4 hirn as well ai t tl G ob uch succ es in t _ivesanl vi eýiim e I* , f 1 fo 'bx -PrincaelRi0iub.r-of the -DonanioR Paia- ~i'rlne Ruprmen-t and Prôvineoial Legi8laturc 1in Uuillam and -NrtWâmucraud touCe'on-. _________are____h5o3oar ipem fsbO LiCu IÂ-au e L,4WtJ urLUuUUy W - ' ' -- , , ' , !7 1 0Uwli 1VI1 £u 4& lleje.dLn ,o vu, paper wi1i >be pleased to lu£ a smi tlu -oulypositive cure ev no Own to the-, IUL~tueUi~YWLQa ecical frternfty. Catarrh-be ng a coustitu.- table. IL wakiau cvii daàio-t>nir- alaIS n te ab j' .1lgdtb b of the digease, aa&gving the patieùt Un jr, 6 .- aL . 'U stfngtb¶dlMding lyp the conistliùtion ansd 0 OULL 1iy t . -'gasslztlng naturejn dulne its-WOtk. The epro. l atw"passei 1y b' "e autroaghi L- »üitac rati ,4'ér L~UUiLy Çulic ~ ~ ~ ¶ ase hat L fals1t-cure.Sei for: liat of test-. Wd.u £îelUni Led, raflhi1 cre&--WJ îlLadLrUi n uLWUweeks, 4Y AddresitF. J. CHi4NUy-&do., TOIedo.O.. euiu rnu~. risc a Lresuu~ QAPu. I.dng ie ~ ~ SI? il Druggsis, 75c. Il tLopâ;eiaÂimg haïr.Tk sFtly >1efor constipation. cas s y LP înÀn i 1e BOARD 0F HEALrH. TilcMldand rit I'r i- -sPcBalp. - ouL-WeULy yuLing ia s 'Yui151 Lmle tI I n ~ The regular, qtartierly meeting o! Lhem anhd foL ühc OuL Qi the tw1ce& "'Lt mags. - air esoiadt uxr-thie Board of Health*as held Apri & C L a  a rn g c pu r La h oV al e . Lile i f -a d be uy t t h1e h aïr. B y re o lu tio n th e ' S an itary . Ini p ecý liitAfUh'uiOisur e e pou 1 at :115AO Si-y rgva3tor w s -,nstruted to ordr b k Lue L Li C iul l ha e U o IA S rey s t is tlae ud am u îs L p u u m ed bh ai r dsderbcle nod uc ùësl acÀrQm'lbul.Yad '- b. YnnduRIrthwithL ilîuwoIlL- feÀuîn iesii a1 LQI. -1 t.ispe -hlcdlre--,a Y OU it uu u i uu i -u L l p i O1 e best an d - m o s i - p leasag Lt .i thi ti r ~ o di i n are . p ~OUfonitit~~ QWg ma' OuL 01 and Âviguring iihaîr dzessmng magie. tàê taema. - - LWelALy LflUklL l'oai L CtiobSave mon- - iighL 611Y 0 1 ueUrugwlo t-_______________ * e.-~oL hpe ~ - fers yau a subsLAuIe, lie is unworthy, th smeoiyuruorîene £é,Bat rtonr r - - Ca., ~~~~~~~Ltd., -kort Luke n. aat.î W y o'ti&t't.tI aL hi CLli, i atr i theemakers.-41. .tO'* - Prôiptiy-M ie ,,e uI I fo * ~ ~ S IO»sLla O ny aofthle Yo'ung - tôi dmdD.wpess 'fu-arc sPencl t4us Iow LaiteDU-bel ed l te Young Mesn reNOItTHUXBILAND AND È- stao etd emed muuy-uill,-frug4î1, savîng -Ihrixt y 1ilu CGtIN'riES lIAVE ~STRltN (i 4nfhe rtuon of >psin cltlowsuXcÂ1 wng ýigars, <îgartt,,5 BOARtD OIyPUIJLI-ULTÎ&. - riaivstChl~it a>j- * t hac .u, t1 e u I t 4 erBo m o vin g C o b o u rg , A p ril 3 . - Th e N ori t h u i r e o e e t f i l 5 f n - ,Luct. aAUWI, y,4tàSPPers, bal. land and Durham PubtieityAsoa tn d-yesi.hy.adhe ar deml u glt c r u aIs. .1i e bgÏÜ s iou bave lected the c ollow ng - of- 5 Chodigtfoodan4±oqiwcjý j libi ovrllotheu cdeposts lîters : President, col. Joua Hughes, materia nc-aayfor erqo hadwrnn, saVgfuiw Newtonvile Vice-Pres., - J'l. D. Hay- listuraily wpste axi rcen.ywh lnws, Lhey may den, Cobourg r Sc-rasA . cary a pao4age-of Reuai Dys. bu building- handso esI-for the 1Powers Oroo. B ard iDir.cAr.- Peia Tablets, ia your vet pckt 01 te ewardWei, Alimih-' 1.A 13 onetr eS hu n your room. Take th e itsco r e r c c - e e u r n d w r e r l w c ; i . A eec , o e a t reach eavY m eal an d prove s 0 eaorao Uflcqaimed 'treasures>' Biiglivon ; Jas. Anderson, Cramnahe; Dur assertion that they wMl keep mndi- in -which 111e tOwa aords. The Young Jas. Byers, atrih;J N. Me- gestion froin bothermng you. Mernriht We know what iern Dyspepsma t -eno! Midland, Oriiîia - and Part GuI, Cavan ; W. J. Bragg, l)arling-- Tablets are and what they Wil do. Holpe may be a bail lot, but Whitby ton;1- J. G. Walt, Hn]dimand ; A. G.W(ILate henttunvemi boy ae -iferet.Maybee, Hamilton; Gilbert Edwards, gestion and <yspepsia, or ta refund your money, if they fail ta do we. Hçpe; Josephx Hickson, Manvers. Doesn't it stand- ta renon <bat we Ch -- S. M. NEWTONý'S PICTIE. Wardens of Northum-berland and Dur- wOud't aue is o ny risk w ham-W. H. Dempsey, Murr ay', Fred Tabifot certain Resait Dysteepsia tu rTe Western Canadia edition of te Andelo -SothMoagia; . . 5 atsfyYyou? Three sizes, SI Torntoi)alyGloe, ubl~hd l5tSilone, Percy; Alex. Harne, Seymbur You cau buy Rexuil Dyspepsia Ta1b1çta Saturday, contined a picture oi Mr. M1 yeBwnavie .W ~ cmuiyôlya 'rsoe S. M. ...., tn#former proprrêtor aifLM.. Jaed Boma-ile -W W inth. -muit .1Y t -. stre T k '-4 Yrendh EngaEm ~TUE W - Gù (enuin&- - erald'or Pel IWWsWddini - We havei 'largeiasr W-- ww 14 and ri8k. $2.50 tc W W _____ W W W W ~- Jeweller anc W Opposire p W Whitihy W- - -Watch for, thé ida furnitufre sale, *-There will be o4érei--for saiç by- -publie aucttos on aU raay, 1h-9th April, i19, ît o'lc-pm. tli RoeâI Hotel, WhVfftby,4-thhue. id r la te Clib a r les B ô n d. ' V s r p w y l j- ý 0oct ILa 111e orth aide oa! Dundas -Street, , W hiL by , l in e w e d n p r a!1 M~eiatwn, a.nd cônteulas 2 acres.^o! lanid beig part o! South hl! o!- lot 29e con. 2, Townshipo!Whtyiw part. af town o! Whltby. On_ 1the promises are a, cmmodius Irame rough-cast dwellfhg house, and shed, fairly good orchard in bearing, ad ùard water weii. VTe -prernises will be sold for cash, subject toa. reserved bld. ý Terms of -sale, 10) per cent, on .- Iday o!- salè, balance in 20 days. For 'iurthei ýinformation jappl, t te administratorix, ul. Bond, Or- to Jas. Rutiedge, ler solicitor. Dated at Whluy April 2, 1913. New lelephone Dire tory, The Bell Telephone Company of Cin' .d.soofi to print a néw issue af its Official Telepi'ono Directory- W«HITBY Parties who cntemplate becoming subscjibers, or those- who wisb changes in their present entry, should place thelir orders with the Local Manager at once to insure inaertion in this issue Coninecting iCompanle6 Should also report additions and -'anges in their list of subscribers,either :the Local Mlanager or direct to te pecial Agent's Department, Montrcal. the ' azette andI Chronice. . r. __NeW - jio -uu urg , T. . alt, Port A r. M I.. I l. - street.R. tam tr id- - - u to,à_Myro ilc uét , Oe e.Drewiy, lrighton; -J. Aý. Wbtby n.U %".ftorg- n roof Canada84-Underwood, R, -mtr Id asIri, ayrofCmpielor;R-- flmcantractor, Palace street.- 8S ni Qte d y ain g a sl ba t a Mo r t ue i b , xWrao k; D H . G b ond - in thOUi ed t t s > ic n d n P R O M IN E N T T IO R A R F A R M E R 10 4 r 2 1- M1 a d d-a fo rd ,U s oFra n k ,s J e Bl e a eriD s t Moeen he ma aiy dcrtda a eîSesnerCîone; Gat artain. There la a dufer2tenu SraiRUs buies treet o T.E. 'Howard, Hàstings; W. S. Giv &iedy fr iul veodnarî .umm ai. HAS PASSED BE VýOND. LUne, wet D r. D nt p y f rti s u rc e b moble n lte ain~)Uiie:te cex-ardnes.ti fr harula théwCity. Wfar ng a sPBkLkat Mr. ItBeaverton, Aprîl 4.-There pauri jreoommended. pse Neto iokd ute dignifleil and castle.Th aU emt ostà m~eIarntun a-wa-y at bis residence lante township _________ _________ ________ _________Drug ~ -of Thbrab one of the odest pioneers, Br o s--3 40 5 c and oae af the best kow a men B-rush s-.5 0 5 5 t-rougbuî the County o! Ontario, in*Cre ~atr 5a" the person o! John Veale, a-t t-he ripe C ' - THE DOM INION-.BANK -- Notice. cm- ti cutr r D.Ecelasd' WHI'BY JUNCTION. 6îpThe nw ahBad ev ea 0 SIREDUN a OLIC, .P, RETofil W 0 MTTEW, VOKPRSIgiT.sixty-t-hree years ugo, adset-lIed in conWs î.i oing Lfast .... 8.20oa." C. A. DOGERT, Geseral Manager. -Notice of t-aster o! License ai Wîad- Oshiawa, but moved tot-bi vciit-y West ...1.2R.ni...2.in Cap la pa du î; oo oe ~ e er ci ad u.o ., oo T <a Au ta 7u oo .o ~& o r H o tel, T o w n o ! W h itby - L iq u o r w h ere lb e ived o rty -s cve n y ea rs. 1113.756 p. n. 1-. -0I If Y'ou Keep Money At Home License Act. tadl solveil -bepole," oW 0Sn trains lave for Toronto j- lb t irs may biai st p Inthe vingioef Baktlmeroay bse eam eis ient ygiven tuaI appltea- kseps are on efarnm,"as slix 4.Z tai nd 75p m. FryJutoanTo-hebsSierCenro. N plsngtd byirober t dcoîedIteDrIionBn. bwIbern<ng - baybeli nauluby .M. eClc i n i b -lslocalitv. lNe was a mans-of at 8,5 and 955 ani., and 9.30 p.m. Try ît at 2!e p g I n t e e a t a n d a t~ e a l w y u v a l l b bo fa i t - e 1 i d s r H o t - c i n t h et l i c T o w n a i s t e r l i n g f t g r t Y , . w o s c a d v i c e w a s ~W I B RNH .A TISN aae.Wh by, tu ransier bis tavera lîceasu often soughtin tmat-t-rs o! import-- UP- 1*OWN STATION. N- n OSHAWB ANC. .A KNS aae.ta William W. Emiaerson a-ad T.. P. a-nce i connectioîî wiî,h municipal andI Going Noth ..830 a-ni.1 Going South ...7.~s a .N- nlshTie es uti.Crn nadhv SH.B H. BLACK, l teCiy-fHmitn ndt15PI Kig !tle iy'tHntlo, aa agricultural afairs. He is' survived ... ..5 P.nialok.t h I J t - a t t -f ai a ica ti w i l I hc o nC I b y is w i fe , w o b r o t h e r s , n c s i s t e t , . . . o~. . . 5 ~ o k a h m i o o s ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ tdered ata- meeting o! lie Licese six sons, two daugters, forytwoST G . TA P w e Ê loard for t-be District o! Soutil On- granachlldren, _ and lihirteen great- L.eaves Whitby for -Oshawa aI. 10 ~~' t-a-no, in t-le Towa Hall la the town grandchiîdren. He was a consistent arn. and 4 p.m Jo.Holden, ,pro- u!Wýiitby; on Frida-y, April 25, a-t- 10 member of -t-he Anglican cburch, andI prietor. D'lck. Ail parties concerned will in poIit-ics a prominent a-nd a-clive lt-v«. for Brougham at 10 arn 'V' IB - IJy etslvs ord . ierl G iv Y u r o ygav raShe se ves a cod i g Lberal -M r. E dw ard , proprietor. P h o n e lP o p e i ~ y Cv o ByLEWIS F.- LUKE, ,. InLicense Inspectuor. ror flair Iiealth 0ET F MISS SERVISS. tIflprove th, health of yoxir It i ou sal duy, aysthe in calMp and hair, we wlI pay for Ilt ors-ddt, arsteVid-what you use during lthe trial, M Every fariner wants to provide for his sosbut seldomwiîî the aid ca--or, berecsord of1h1we e t-le ea-it- or uId net sestrongl endorRe CUT O'1934 . hoetatdvlpdwih tbu, suffice ta meet their needs. The boys tima-ble o u ulcsbo -abrs, tossIIIl0 airTe sa-me popiitin, I ý M achin sry For Sais ha m e a e ve log p te là'! oflss Scmv i s ose a! t e moIes- teReli <te the aire To eif r id _îne ~ ~ T Y [ .T. M cl se,- have bee bro ght Up t Th Ian . T C rc fami iari st a the ham es which took place on M nday last. prove entirely satisfactory our eu-T o- g o ! min g . To e h is e h u lg e l noye r w . o ? h f n r T h e l t ae M i s s S e r v i s a w a s a k e n to m e r s w o u ld . lo s e fa it- i in u s , w c M a s' h 4 , . p r i 3 , M[ a y 2 , J u s . 6 1 ** .I~* * uwu e u goig t met tia merenc? ck ad removed at -lie Oshawa- wou d lase ter patronage, ad aur July 3, Sept. 3, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, D ec. Ei HopialOnFbrar 211.Tiree business would suifer. 4, Jan.7, 1914. weeks la-fer -h was opera-ted an and sofr a-ny scalp trouble, we belfct--okJiL 4 Fb , a.5,.Ar she ra-ilied s»o Weil t-ha-t <t was RexallIl"93"I Ha-jr TonieiII do more Cek-a.1,Fb ,Mr ,Ar Thansands af acres, divided into i 6o ar aia rebi hon t-hougi-tîsbe wouid recover sufilcient-ly teeaiaeteda-adruff, give Wecl t4~ 4, May 15, Jus. 7, July 4, Set. 4, open -far entry by the Dominion (.o.aernment along or near the ines of the to be able to do light teaehing. Later -got n rvntpeaue ~O , Nv. - De. IavfrJalaanr. Glide Pr1sW14.r however, sbe took a relapse, wasaun- nesa t-ins aay rit-ler humsan na-îicy; .BRu«x .Gieo, Grea- 'double royal shee-ngdwokigodto.Raonf abie t- rot-ai-fo-odi, a-ad finaally after We wasî ou ta make us pro e 'Wood, Clerk- Jan,. 15, M air. 6, Ra selin gr, installin g e n a g r p e o. - W I a e $ 1 o Canadan NotheinRailwy. a-patient st-muggie succumbed ta 2twclisýtZ Buy a bot-t-le aiRexali uy7 Sp.5 o. J .~o.b., ,iib. T1 ol ui dial _.,The land -ives a wide choice. There are same plots on theapen Weleaness. .WhjtRvitI'ess a smal office prairie and others again in the weil-waoded, well.watered districts in- di~arectonrti, -use t corift PPORRY -. w. Buahami, and would g srvce may i1s -YOU are net eatireby sati5fied, criais Part Prry, Cierk- Jan. 17, 1.1er. 7, 'VOMATO CULTURa - -ad t-ell us a-ad we will promptly Iand 8,Sp.6No-12 RGRSL OYP ThsgvgoIseveti -Maniioba Sailiathewan andAibert.ta-aiin tmemtecuathe onom v t-Jîid ust fio~i . UBG~Ray7 . J,8,S. o4. TxrdgNdbv.'Lnoîn12».< wul rquie on an1yoae witli a gardes o nkth oo oupi or it Dee. 17, 1914.relc ' * nw at A are ime o tes hmstad aearictAlb pedta but i thee rater ris ucea boWe woa't- k oblo igayouii- Oer-ia.10 arh14a. cead a fewMinrrs btwudtenb ysr liata ca-n graw hnnr vnt bigt wilI4UBMI J]0r Url ýAlrg ube fths omsedsaepatclaf datdo u he ia- great difierence * be a-ny wa-y.- We wiii ta-ke your more g bu"J4 1,M"1ýMa 3 mlxéd farming. twees t-ho extent andi quaîîity ~wOrd. oud anythag bmore arve 1. pt 91NOVI 21, ,ual . # 6,.$5 01 t e Coulil wc doaything be ore fimtJil i, Se t.$5vi. Ths1s914.s iv ng it awI «iffereacegia Cc-ayaô anslGTOa on thi.sÈ FotS are due -la aeera-l orllm Ën orhonost-y ai purpose ia reeom..Cri Ja.9ua *3ws rg A n a e t ! it e Ca n di n o th r R i w a , or th nd r ig e l h cb t e v e-i55 .g co uses a« m . ng m endi g it t a you? C i é o , k - a . , *ar 1 , w s fo ld e d o which the regulars yrountan -119 crowded Aneaanaid orheRexa "93 .lR&ÉTone i s lsi Ma)>, Jl6Sp.1.Nv 0 u o ato o .Hsbe nS wii .glIt sntI, on application full information as to the location o ai ps theclieat-f mu d lare pe - ta ft ta us i" EA1 emteteade and Lte way ta secure antI-reach them. _Write for hipulit cbie. - izaéspon, ies 0wer nl as a. 5 11 . WM.7th ioo. - '<The Bread Basket>,JS.ooo "Free Homesteada'> and aur Pcace River AerXgt xpnae,5crjeia alu ca-s buy Rxl 9"IarTij ta .Gro, 5 ted R.L. Fairbairsr - A.s -93,,A ,airN Top - J s. 14 114 f'lsta as ne, W ul c st wh n w moe2ha General Passeager Agent, - are sevea tra Eois, titbat earlym ., - ~ '. U T R E V - D ne aar, $ 5 , w t O Ne ta h e î 17 il t k l atOtw are î a-ny luo- wMc- ÂthereyA. rM. Ja. 7, M-r. 11 1 lw la, July 18, Sept. 12, Nov. 18, c R.. a-bin ý 4 94 god a.oo fel - Bi' Onde, J H.,FAwvW>LL - - -- -, -- .- tarc-- - r. - - - - - -- - , .- - *the-t-be alyI.h Itsêa W I , Dan iel1919 -t -- ----ta- t t, .--- C k,- Ja ..7 M r 1 Trop-y-- - -, j -Z Mdi.- - -t. - J n. L ' . h e p rti S a r-i D-- Amàtite Rofin- Amati te Roofi-ng fi e very read-y ýréofing requirement. It -swaterýproof, Ore retarding, econoýmîcal,-durable r Cail Qgýr phone us for priées on the, above good s. McINTYIRÉ'SNARIWA r-uu~ J'tu.~q*Bell' Phones 60a and 60b. lrsATOsAL E.t-PHONES..... r D- ED TO BELL LINE. 105 r 4, Ba-teman, John, reas, Duadts Street.E: -o 103 rÉ 14-Gutitrie, R. fa-rm, No. 2, -t----- t '-r I - - I1~ - - * **1 - *1 - t t r I - -i--t- 1- 1' * Mr. a-ad Mrs- Fir -moved la-t-o th-lc ra E. Dissevs' "biouse, until- Ibeir nt-w bora Grand con--et-.S - Miss Leomiard, t-ont -- Siehoo1 siati, wvho h pit-al in Toront.o un- at-ian for appendiel We woul-ho pleasi on. metai or ready- -supplies and Portai M. -Rie', Everything AM the OntariýoL; Friday, April *18, ai Taylor, B..AI., wil f Romnan lîritain, -lill ScopiL ViCw-s. tA~dnii5 The 'omn's insti -tie Agricultutra-i moor eoof' Wîrii 18, 3f 0(th-lieCollege, Will <'S-lect-ioas of nieats -Wa-ys af cokng eac, men a--girls welcoi TIME TI~t We li&ivc tho bit Vma tha raarkct bva( unries are, riffht. -,C -trouble t0 show gc -Owing t-o the de of tbe films oft he - le oate Long Sa,- bave been sliown ai tre on Monda-t- an, -the public.suffered.; ment. The picum titirtiagevent in Gý which tle -seàool pl readers. - 1it t--ab . -Royal -nay have t lgain af prescntlag r a'-miss te ithe Muisic lil tit ARCHIVES M I hole à-u, r

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