Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1913, p. 5

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or~ huddilg Rings We have al'waysa-very, rge.. assort m e ntuof 10, 14an 8k. Pricesfrn o$10 eu jeweJ andOptician Whity 2Ontario, Lé al'Hipelg -Wateh lor tire date of Wnr. Ayens furniture sale. - Resorve Fnlday aveni-ng,-April iRtir -ten contest in Charades, La W- hcld in '_Baptlst Sunday Sclrool. Mr. and Mrs. Fied Pagson bave mo-ved into- the front irait ai Mn. J. E. Dlsey"s hanse, nantir Brock st, until -thioi ew borne is rcady fan oc- cupatabon. Grand concet-mShcntjounnc Street Me 'thodiét Churcir Choi, Rixty voices, at Mtbodist Tabernacle,. Ffiday, Niay *y Miss Leanard, teacher on tire Hfii School staff, wba bas been ln the iro&- pi-taI in Tôrno kUindeaging a#_oper-1 ftonfr _appendîcitis, is i-praving SnIOColy. -MISS SMith, a for-mer teachor -bre, bas beon teaching in MissI Leon- ard's place. S ewould re pleascd tp -quote prices on ruetal on ready nooifing, buildera' suppliles and Portlaud ceaient. Geo. ML Rîce,, Everyting in hardware. -~- At tire Ontar-Eo Ladiles' Coliege', on Frlday, Apral 18, at 8 O'cl-ack, Miss Taylor, B.A., wil give a. lecture on Roman Britain, Illîustrated by Muo- scope vlews.. Admission 15 ocents. Tire Womne' Instltuto wiIl moot In -tire Agrieultural nooms on. Friday af t- çrnren, Wprll 18, 8 o'clock. Miss Tait aifLire Colege, wili give ber talk on 'd"Solections of Ineate ln thre manhts- %Wys ot cooking eacir cut." Ail wo- aienaaM girls welcome. Mrs. G. A. Ross, 'Pros.; Miss F. Bateman, SeC- - -- w .vTIM TO PAINT. on Wç hae thebest paint and vurnisi qonthemaretby *actual test,' andOu prices are ig t. Give a- a euhl.- No t rÃ"uUIye te show goils. Ueo. M. Rice -Owing ta tire destruction- by fine of tire flms ofthtie pictune "'The Bat- tle efothte Long Saut" which was to h ave been sbowu ut tire Royal'- Thea- tre on Monday and Tuesday nigbts, the - public suffcnod a keoncu isappolat,- nient. Thre pictune was tirat of a stlrr'ing eventin- Canadian histony, of whileb tire soirool pupils study ln theîr rendors. IL is to.be irapeil tint th~e Royýal rnay bave tire appantunity a- --gaia o! presentlug tis pictun-e. -Don't miss the Dickens revival ln1 th~ie Mun-0*ie all tuis Fniday nigirs.-p -, - - - - - * * U S A t - ~A, A t Oi ~ o im prover - U I tw ~ p BtlazLoe 'te i,&he sm4lng.- Ap.-- lk~p ue~thaj Mr. eo. Whitelaw bsbeen ô ,'iOn ~WRo~c enste» ponts ~r tb Marta Mf.Co -1 7actes- Base Lino- Pickering..Sale fr étfrsme esn atp ~îî trien<lsMr. nArfàtptofora miete , r enclt'ot 'COflsaong atofl.8i1 1fr.GIArt'hur Souti h a.sedIi or -rent. ;ossiu-'lti i Igas pr vsi-cr IQ4GIL ANUAL MEETING. Proponty' Oiq $tair's 111east ot the@o] i prtws ncr Ti~ ' a n u a n ~ O h g t th e C o u n ty t w n o r B n el , a t a g o d1 50 , a c re s B a se L in o , P ic k e rn g . I st y ar A pl y to . A O D OlOuaja011Girls' ýAssociation ÈL-sewNo wll ho held te ounl 205, acres", Whitby ý_Possessio PLW theCoueilý,Cambr D M.Robnso, fom ët)--A- Shetland -in-l good sound Chme Mr .Rbisn ra - HU.SES AND LOTS-. condition. AlSO ,barness, cart andý April 16, atApi a quarter -caiabe, Lancaster, England, arrived BrcSret veran.Clstutr.Tiotftllb odcha to tour lhi thé-,atter 1noon. 'There Ilàin t -non Monday and is ywth bis pauty n tlrrae tabe, -acehorifmei tale. c ol'h lmporfant- business to de that ak sseMrs. Thos. Henderson lote witb fruit. td 6 lal al'eier budat bh lo4r of Al Saints'. ehurch was ,Colborne street' ons losetsi AM ORET elltélta nCd atthe rcctorY by Rev . R . pantry, 1 acre lot w ith fruit. - 100 acres, , near R aglan, lot 10, c on. ' W. and Mrs. Allen on Tues<lay nlght Broek ,,Street, soutli ef Jutitin 9, Eu-t Whitl,.Weil watered, g9od ,~ABIG ÊUCCESS SSRD. et lâst wSNk when a most enjayable brick and trame, 7 rooms, pantry, buildings.: Applyrto, Aloi. ormlotoa enftagenient oi the- Dickens Felrow- lot with fruit. ý . 11E O AE ehip ompay ofPlàyns l "Th FORSALE - - Byron Street, brick and fraie, 9 Pr G O AE Cricket o ie~ il FOR SnAILeEus- roorus, elcotric. llgbt' water, stableOI HallBil Friay venlg i alrady By private sale at bis residence, 'corner lot. Bne ok.S e etn. As se.large that a bi g suçceas, Is assur- enre StP Whitby, Win. Cav 3ey Souses not acivertlsed.1brelcraadannentbe ed. There are,, howev;ensr snewildsoeo is stock of saddlery Ij Cottage, Heydenhr ak seven hva ae zlh otWib' seas valaSe.Rt iIle ell Shcýp equipnent, Sha p tools, mahnsrýôos, well -1inisbed, lagevea-da. 'O FOR SALE OR ONE TO LET. 111 eer~ sat n Ir MuieHal, erand lea Iher.« A lirge a8sortmeat '01 4 lots, corner VIctri'ndCnte Pair ot- ueiidetiichedit ouses ou y besldes'beling a splendid"' dranratieo Saddîery hardware,- curry. combe, Street-s.,roi'etreet just: nonth -of Dundas,, sev- eventfor -Whltby, the proceeds are in rse, adv -Ë tirarils Tos atn to büy -or seli town ou .roornç enoh witlr oloset. and pant- iaid ofet ofethéic airait deservn b.to ueost mul'.Jor larni -property, pl o yoùè, haishedt Wlth 'handwod Froc Public - AIo 5OveraI-,.sets ot new harnes. - P RANK -E. JONEtTowni mater iiboh ton ounda- jcts.~eLbrnr-- and varlousparts.,theneof._;WMhb,- Ont. tion, etc. Apply tà--.W. Newgiort, 141 Oh-fL tie Nrth.eTtSEnStodck ~wlll be sold at once at Lee ave.,,Tbnonto, Ont. SIrelnd, Scotlaàd - anywhere. Choie eNW. CALVERL. k Fet a O mei - prctir- iîpu onee u -~ ~HO1SE FRSAIJe. jail railway routes and, ecean stogm3behp D B-cI Slffies, Single, round.tdp. or prepaid ____________n kse,-g o ftae housneveu Vtickets available',at'Step'hen-son!s office, «Have a "large t 1O.A.C. -reem ae, où. good toe crfoat oit r ,opposite Standard Ba.nk). Biuy your LAWLE8...At Whitby, on Saturday, No. 21, propounced by Prof. 'Znav- tea,, te fO-lanoracele w0 doçal tickets te Teooýto, Riverdaje, 'etc., pril, to Mn. an d Mrs. A.T. Law. Itz, head of thre, Experlmental aèalkid isra ru it Appbly ta everywhere, bofore traveling, at your Ir, l a augbter. Mn.. Thon.Otarioameroa, eltlrer at Mn.oï. leisure. All tickets redeend at par ýif lPartetheOu ta roduncutive an Col h"ra. Wimiso'sCoibonne St., or i prevente'd usingg - Office bours 7 a. m . l g , t o t e m n r d ci e s d P O o 0 , W ii y tQ 9 p.m. daily.- Sec or Write Stepon. ron alpy fer the 04jelo fermer toé______ tQ. Pm.daly. Srmr rit .epegraow. The seed Iras b"eir-testecidd DSRC ON . son before traveling. 01-- -f 0 g per cent. germmeated. Fre from -ISRiT OINWalac oxtus eeis;gren n ee e ~ Mn. and Mis.(e.Walcof thei MR. WILCOX BUY LUMBERcleanest ferma un Ontario. price 7%. Township of Tirorair, celebnate hi MR. ILLC X BU S LU BERper busirel attire bar. AIso a tewý golden weddng on- Saturday, Mareir BUSINESS.. I bave secured the Office of tire late bunirels of tilmètiry sesed at $1.75 per 89 om Mr. C. M.. Willcox has parchbed tire eo. Cormadlc at the uptovn station. buabelatd coyen seed at $8 Per bus- r.Jm,.Wal n othirt Iumbering business troin-the execu- I have stili a few long straw Seed hel. JOHN J. LYNDE. setlers of Tharali-, Townnhp,- died tors of tire estate of thre late George Peas, and also a quantity of- good splis ______________ _last week at tire age of8 yan Cormnack, and, bas entered in- for feed. Mr. Wm. Bruce, of Beavertonp, died té possesslin. Mn. Wiilcox is new to .REAL ESTATE. on Mondayl Magrci 31, la-in à71st telmrigbsnsbth a hnwrite or calI immediately. if >y,,,,bave a farin or other property for sale er.1- bad considurable experience lu other e W lL O may ftnd It to, be greatly te your advantage tejjst lines- et usnes, ndwil bin wltl, me. Moderate commissilon eharged un ~neer more strikingly allustrateci tbau bis new duties q'ualitles ot bonesty WHITBY, .. ONTARIO jomPeaion of safe. vi ht he i tb evri Cnîgonh iade !n and industry, whicb wiIl doubtless en- - Ifo. W.dSTrE NSONoFse S. na - ------i. ures went te give a litmel 0 . --- ---f ien dly a ssistan c g to M . Be t B iack- o s e s 1 -i 0 1 -1 -W e i, o n T h u nsd a y a lte n u o o ; ireo littie thougirt deatir wouid meet - 11Mlà lthre0 way, but, thun iL proved, irowever. Ilr *1 lMr. Burgeswet w-ith Mr. lkwl N EW E ad pantiy Lurned'over rin is yard, Ichair d struck r . Burgess ona-tre right side ofthtie face which renderecl REirlaii unconscious, and ires» wbich ireo did nt ecover, iis- death taking ceunten, do nlaceel R E A D Ya 512,00 Practially Ail MY life aving been_ pent-behnd thée- Te electos of tie village et Can- tha 1knd t thatcybuitesspresugtian orm t ay Lune bY-law ou Tuesday, April i5. tha knw gocey bsinss horngby, nd sbould, - The mouey ha ta ire used lu distnibu- therefore, be Whne ta give service secondi-te none. WiLh tIÀ& - ting electrlc poWer suPplied by the assuanc 1 ave Janchd ot- ito he rdery ad Povï--. Hydro-Eleotric Commission. Tire pro- as sness.velunhd u sehnGter ndPovsd.~ uebenture de)t oethtie village ion bsines. - - - exclusive of local- impirovement debts,4 s $8,600, ths db beig e tet PLACEbuiid a publie scirool. Thre total as- nensment af tire village l 38, 4 Noi. not in -the centre oir the town, but really oly a Tfha TwnChot.onrtabHope. n- morlmient"B walk fromI it. .You wili fiud me in tire G. Y. Smithr -Tire Port. Hope Board o( Tra<ie w-i -bock. - hold a banquet onApril 17_ -#Tne ob- ' Hero My expenses are down 1 awy down!! We are ect is to bring citizens together jor iletermjned to çut eout ail unne hc, îy tire purposeofe stiuiulating greate n - ý'i .ýn cessary expenses, w ih e ly tereat l h wian ttret w in tra ed, ave o b chaged e te gode.Port Hope Higir Scirool Board have - Every persan wants gJoode-firas, fresir and nup to te wrcrt' nv theHgiScro jaskod tire, Council for $j10,000 wtth minute; second, price just as low as gtgoodedsand a square buîlilugimrv heHg ýSho ranage wluch Lire late Mn. Cormrack enjoyed. WINDSOR HQTÉEL CHANGES HANDS. l'be Windsor Hotel, wbich was pur- chased by Mr: R. M. MeCircyne 'a- bout a yean uïgo, iras boon soîd to Messrs. Emmersan & King, of Harnil- toi.- Application is being made- by Mn. McCheyne fanra transfer etfl- Cens9e, and tire Commissioners wIlli meet in Whibby to cansider tire ap- plIcation on Fniday, April 25. Mr. MeCircyne bas conducted tireirotel In a cla, on<erly and up--to-date inan- fier,an -uitias devoteit nnucir atterition ta bateî-keeping - tint belng bis omiet am. *Tire Wli<isoor eùffers a splendid opportunàty for success to h capable management. ALL SAINTS' CH-URORI. At Lire, annual vestny rnéeting-ýof AUI .Salu-ts' cirureir, irheld. Ã"ri Easter-Mon.. day bveuing, 'tIre ollowiug oMfcers were elected -, Rcctor's 'Wardeu-Mr. G. . Rîice.' PeÃ"ple'sWardeÃœ-ýîqr. John Noble. Véàtiy Clerk-mMi. W..ý E. Rce Last yoar's sidesmea wene re-eleet- od, wlt h trre nanies added-i Messrs. J. H. Downey, J. H. Nicheolson,-sud Hianold Heard.- Tire rea'ding et' different reports shawed tire cirurcir and Sunday Scirool ta beila- god con4ltion'lnanclally, and the cirurci r pnperty ta b. in very gocit repuin. I NO IFWORS We know in the mercantile lite we!shall stand or fait on our menite, not favor e, and this is ju8t how we wapt youte test us-by the'real value and efficiency we render ion, Walk in and seo us, and let us tell you wiat w eau do for you. You'hI and it worth: while. WM -M EEKER New Grmocep, . - - Whl tby, Ont. Persona] Mention. fMn. and Mns. Alfred Luke wene ln Toronto on Wednesday. Mns. C. A. Goodfelow spont sever- ai days lu Tordnto, Mn. Vicoo Dys,4of Toronto, was En town on Tuesday. Miss Editir 1 Brown spent Sunday witb hon parents in Bnoakjin. ,Mr. and Mns. Lld-dle, of Toonto, spent Sunday witi r M. ami Mns; G. Kerr.- Mn. .Johrn Penny,, et Toronto, spent Sunday with iris met-hon, Mrs. J. H. Penny.- Miss. Ewens, et Toronto, iras been visiting ut tire home o! Mn. Jsp Hourd. Jopl Mn. Frank Riee, - et Tenante, 'speut tire week end witb his parents, Mn. and ?&o. Geo. M. Re . -- Mr. Broughto. iras purchased frein Mn. John Hlowdu, tire tarin ust va-j cated -yM.F.nIrJy -JUST ARRIVE Thie La test Ship -et f Ne a d- At ci e SPRI1-NG HATS THE ISSS ~0WEL, BrCk Street J3(WMNVILEHOSPITAL 'FOR- MALLY OPENED. Bewmavle, Marcir 26.-Tire n, Gènerai Ho!sPitul prenteci-te tWn town by Jeohn W. Alexander, -Presi- dent ol tieDominilon Organait PL- ana Company, last year, waa bora- lY Ã"Pe-ned tis atternoon by -Lieuteu- aut-Governor -SirjoIhnMe. Giboon, wiro was aSoeapguieg4 by'>Lady (11h- sou aüd>Dr. R. W'. Bruce Sinitir, Pro- vincial Inspecter' et Hospitala, .oln H. Jury, Preuident- 1u thtie' Hdoapital Board, - ndireo' ,t - et ,er mona, Dr. 'Selomon Crw~~ MHr Mayor, made.an addrcs8 0t welc«m6.- Ris Honor eougradtea" Bown- ville'n o P"usang suci a,0completO irospitàl lu sucir a lôvely location i surroundinge, tie !- oirrer eedeuce - e Senator ,Robent. Beltikoi Southr Park. Heer nlemte tt . L izens fer 4mak!ng such splendid p visi u~!e ali vlat n r ma suiter- M89,, ait emphaazed tire opporu.tfmit -: fôd0 for- nractfr't,... Sulpg d R.tuoe -andeEea. IS-kj Proorton Wil» hvToroma ifomeBeek rs' T IsSu LeaveTor.onto 10.20 pm ao ApilI Sep ebr'antiOctober,.aut t2pm m 10.20 P.m--durit*uk PaJie uyadu. ?lawogh aaa Townîg<, th Winp.g Ami W.a E. R 810W, Agent, WHÏTBY Gocere-san Meats- yNow that the holiday segn has passed and we,have consuînedal tholturbq, geesar, vo look for ward heUIly tor a pleasant and prosperous New Ymr That menanam women may be prepared to perfcÏrjr the duties and tai that lbd to the lot of ail, they require healthful, appe:izing, stimulatiffg foods ii gin variety. When thé digestion, is perfect there is a-cheerfulness and bouyaacy o spirit that lightens labor and miakes for good comradeship.- In fiesh meats we have sirlion steak. for* breakfast; choice ruas of bed fr ---o .ýat p tenvensar res tndeooa t c., se »iadi-cu ta. vaioty te meet tire vanta of aIl]. - u éable us te supply our custorirers iti leur and fb.d ut 1ev prùsesW-1 have bougirt by tire car load. Farinera can get brani and shores by tire -tomae greatly reduced.pnices. W. are selîing a hig grade patent pure Manishn fleur foi $e. 6o, per cwt. W.B. PRINGLE & 0 0. WHTBY. - ONTARIO -- we endeavor flot to be, and that we can succ-ed STATýIONERI -Ail the newest things in Papers, Pens and Inks, -Books and Magazines, Rubbers and èverything" else that goes to make the most complete stock of stationery in town. _. W. J.e[H. Richardson, Loading B8ookseller and 8tationerl BROCK ST. - Wl-I n -i-e - ' ITBVJ 8110 i lS .ài.ne-o lkndSHQES An, fui ue f alaski nd, o A pleasure-- to »"show. goods,., I. i - tne aowes~. e e 5- - PE rc'es lient -able - c'. >1 usNo 25c' d ave, Office, lat paper wded ears. -al- than footw - ear for'...Meni. Wffllen' call solicà' 1 ede 1 the

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