Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1913, p. 6

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vorcealaw alono wms i justify a revoluti6h 'by', I1n impasusined, tDones el that whitever ïight.bij tenoe -she woûlId 'notaèul the. very itomet6when Prlcn i8 f Cattle, 0CIntnj mhue' an>IIOth 'ei? - -'Ureedstufi. * Toronto Apnil O.-F.io r-90 pr et satbnts, Ï3.90 te $3.95 Mbnttèai' rTrn ta freights.' Manltôbàg-ý-nYs~t patoiets, lu» luo aetr, $5.30; îscoâd pà4ctw "lutae bae 48;etrong bakrinl- jute.bg- Y . Maitoba'Whîîât-No.ô Nir. 97 t-20, an traek, Bay parti; Na. 'O at. 95c; No. -4 atI 9212c, Bay Dort 0, 7 * - Ofitaio Wheat-No. .2 whlte .,nd' nid wbeat,,94,t46 96e. autoide. and apreuted.-ý75' - Oatu-Qntarlo eatî. 3m ta 34e,'o0Sld 7 and a4 37e, on track. Taronto. . Western Canada oato, 411-2e torNo14, S, n3912 fu e.3 Byports., '-3 Peas-90e ta -$1, autado. rIaly-Forty-eight-ib. barley ofcf ma * aJty. 51 ta 52e, andthide. Beod. 40 'ta Qort-Nýo.,3 Amseqû torm.-581-2e. ail- rail. - - I B5e~wbatbN6.- Oat"52 'ta 53a, outalde. ]Bran-I8euttobt btSn, ,199,limbaga.'Vu- Country Produci. - Butt1enr-'Dairy pýrints, cJhoie, 26 ta- O7e; do., tu0s, 25 te 26e;'luferiO, 20,t Le cesmey, .32 ta.33efor raçlli, anS 29.'ta 30o forer solde. Eggs22 2kLà a jýobblng -way heos f t1 t 0,optaide. 0héu11-'2efor- lie. and 143.4o for twli. - n-ik.e,$4 Bean-Rad-piked $2.5 _er linîlel 2~' - rç«ettu are bli.med -j fre in the Free Chùrel stead. Iiioendiariem ha4 ened.. RîothschiIlda have Subscl D -of the moare tbin$10 te 'National,,Léague teý oppose, wa*nn'8 ê uf crjta. 0 te:Ti -- - Wil. ver Winnipeg, AlinilB.-Cashiprioes:;-Wbeat --Nb. ' 1 Nathétà. M&- 8c;; Wa Erth-brn" 8474-,;Ife..3 Nertlerç.. - 15-Oc. - I>0- 4. 7834e; No. 5,_ 731-2o, Nlo.,6- 671-3c. tea, 69c î No. 1 roeeted s"es,79 ï4e. Na.'2-4a., 77 34e;- No. 3 do.. 74 3-4; -Ne1 taugh. 80 "0e Ne. O So., 78*5-8e; Ne&ý- do.,,751-c;Noi. 4, 711-8oe;,Na., 5 So., 66 1-2c:-. -Na., 6 do.: 60 1-2C; feS, taotgh, Sic; No. L recit -Wntsm. 89 5-ct No. 2 Se.; U67-Be> Ne.oo. 3 . 6 -; ia. 4 Sa., 803ý4.4e; ats-Na, 2 rC. W,- 345&- N, -13- C. W.,SIC'; extta N.1feei 2ut-, i teed,._3le: ,No. O foiS, 27«. Banioy'-No. 3. 47 3-4e No« 4 46e; reieteý, 41c;fée-,40e $L04 34; No. 3--c. '. ci. W. -lineas>olis.Avril *9,-Wbeat. âU'; 86 1.e; Juy83-4ea !>e ý 8914ta 9 3-8c., Cas-NaX. 1 ba21,85;t 1 Neiltlieiu, 86 te 6 7 1-2e; No- 0,2 , 834- ta 85.î 1-O .0N, yel e rn49.11 ta * . 'lie, 3 whilte ail, '31i a 1c; !to. O2'rye. 54' ta' 56;_ i'nau $16.50 te817.00i Flour,'Prj e uliýaug Dut.April 8.-Wfieat, li. ad, 86 -' ta 8678à;'No. 1iNorthena-:853-O- ta 85 74e; No. 2 do, V82I4 ta 837-Be; mentim No. 2 liard. 87 6-ke; Mm3, 5 7 3-8c; Juiy., K9 biS. Linsted on track. S1.23 ;'ato arFle e$i- 25; May. $1.2414; Jly, 61.26 1-2 aske4I; 8i, tomber. 81.28 12üoinal;, 'Octcbér. '$t.2 bld. Haz-,trcî in, utins. 121-20 ta 130 - Live St IarkgU. - tu$er .. for iNo wh1ea 8co.4 82.50 ta ~ ~ ~ - 83i aènfrN.iiÏ -8240for No. Motreal. Apr1l, . Bals ofo , c e Is I.were made at $7 40 *ta 7.75; Égood at $7 ta P6ÏUtrr-Well.fitted. cdean, dry-pickel 87.25. fair, at 86.60 ta 65. dsloe stoL.-COsfkeno. 1 t 9e zper lb.,- fowl. gradýk aI t ram 85.25 tu- 6.25 per owt. 13 tu 14c; ducks, 16 ta -18o per lb.r geese, Chi O ce -butce o ÃŽsi o' 0 6.25 tu 86.90. and il ta 18 ;* turkeyu, 20 tao 2c. Live poultry, comn~~~ as low ai $4, end balle ranged &bout 2e lower tban 'the' bove. tram $4 ta 16.50 por owt. Spring lambe, Potatooe-Oeood Ontario stock,- 60o per tram: $6 ta $8 eacb. Infe;lt7r calves fi t ta' baîg. on track, . and Delawa.rea at 70 ta 72à' ý3 each. but the btter stck sold tram ver bai, on Jxu.ck. $ 5-ta $12 eaeb., SilectiNi lots of hoge bIolS. 1 at $0.75, wJth 'a lew lt brxing .ai h;ýgh Bacon-Lont dear, 141-2 to 14 t4cParlb. Trna pi C~~Ooc uee tcaeloti. Park-Short eut. -$U6 to $27.1,86.50 ta 87.00;: îoad tnedium. $6 ta *6.50; J ' $5-t* , 8 56;"g- te'$4.75. ta .5 do., mesi.- $21.50 ta $22. Itams-Medium tu 'bulle, $3 ta $5.25: *cannors, $2 to 8250 83. lght, 8t 1 4e - heavy, 16 1-2 ta 17e: 1 Wto 3.7.- alves--GOaod veal, 85 ta .0 raile, 45 1-2c; breakfast bacon, 19 tu 1914c-: Somman. $3 ta -83.25. .-Staka and, Peed- backî 2e Iînsters, 700 ta 1,000 poide. $4.50 ta 85.- Larà-T1erc\e.. 14 14c; tubs. 14 4-2c.; pile, 75. ysaninî- 810 _$3.50.Mkr$as 14 3.@. Tapringes-Àt ram 85M tu $72. -ShS> aind BaIi-d Hay and Straw. lambe-Ligbt eweî '$6 -to 87.25;, heavy. $5 Bale Ha-No.I a $1 ta 12.5. - -ta $6; Iambe,88.5 ta 8$0; buq>c, 84.t50 ta ]Bald - 1aYýNo. at 12 t $129. 86. Hags-$89.85. ed and watered, 89.50 f.- track, 'Toronlo;No. 2. $10.50 tau811L Mixed o.b.. anS 8$10.15 off ça"~. Bsld S-8 8&50 ta 89, on track. T- ronta.. The body'ot Jamies Moo're. a mine Montreal Markets. for-eman,"waa fourjd in bis s-hack' on Moidtreal. Aoril. 8-Cern. A.urican No. ElIC Laké W-ith aIiebW-Ound in 9 yellôw, 611-2 ta 611-2ce. Oate. Canadian the heart_. x The Gern e hip Goluinbus- witli 5 7 a crew of 25 and 8,000 b.arrelâ of oùi, FkrjZ M_ U which left Bayonne, N.J.,- Dec. 20.- 7Osltre«Oèdy rhe t oïs.fr Bristol, tkas neyer bea.' heard NIOWED DOWN 10 A MAN Mônten-.griii Bomb Thrcwers Sacrif iced Thei rL ivesj - ---Ualted'State'. - ,Presidenti Wilson is -geonfropWte -i' a ceriloust,%riff prablom. -- Gnnectleut womau auffragisfÀ have lest ter fiâ4t lu Vte legisi Glenn Cu rtisa, teÀmnericàan àaid ato.r, ceaiderse an - Atiantia 1fPelh jpo4sib1e.- .EBighty bodies- have âolazi-been re- icveredI .at CoQlumbug -and,, 2e ai -De. FriMiman las auspend«ý :treatment -ot-patients i sw Yr beq'ause'bis baeilii i ncubator hae The provisionsot the, will of J. P Morgan will noV b-e" fuge'ut i t is filed for probateé. Tiis" may ;not be for savêrirnaiùnth-9. RetËçvgl o ! al <1taiif' 1froin-rMI% wmol hkk been' aeed .upan botweeî Pre:gldent Wýileomn-' nd- mneezer o the hause ways and means omiit- tee. e.etorGeiÏsany will Veil wt eèc -lier experiments with'-;erial cnatt. Sag. lan.soux, .a -Frenchi mili- flry -viatoW' waz {ls tAi ,wlieno6nluding a flgit troîn Buenas ÀKyr)oà' capital of the Aï- entixie Rpulias a populatiôn cf, 1,434,S30, liaving dàoubled iu tes qd.butw t5dghof Bein, Gmidian bul WIII Stop TheIr Use. A despatcl.Itraom Be-rlin, Ger- jmauy, Eaya: W.men wito persist un Jwearing. pointed hatpins - wititout pratectans on. tteinwill -ho subject Vo fine alter, April 1IL Raving iailed ta persuade te w-amen Vo discard tihe sharp itatpins or provide- pro- te.eorz Berlin's police pres.deut. an-. nounces titat, alter te istit trans- gressor$ wiIi be-ûuoed up Va $15 tanr each - offenqe,; snd if Vhs-y do noV pa 'hs-y wilii be impri8oned.- ~clspa-chtron Cttije ays:1foliowing 'close upon Vhs-, charged AtrcveForntietnnt mt -Tànaboscili fort, whidi lfen the trencites.' Tic 'futrka heid their An attrsetiivo tolderwithliwili-he titi lias itcld the allies off Seul- -graund and a despemaebu--o rat I2te sVta- »capitaliats - w-lia lis ýw.pr8ctçaily, in Vhe bauds hand fight ensued, iastihg an hour, 5.ts-lbkiiig- i ' ',a -ate, investmet- and ending ivctory for Vhs- Mante- y iel dial .7 pet'cent,, an& whiiet.o- rihie éont-neris inkVoVe negnins, who losV 300 killed. Tien' fers at Vie same ti mosibiliiies- rifiq f 20'bcmb-Vlrowens,' aflen tien of entrencliments lied t fbniuging-in,-stili turter profits, ryi tinsetfw-v 1litV bIS lit e i ho aken, but . te troope of te may-,be, obtained by _writiaigýýto The-, sut~ ~ ~I rdjirV ffr eda tho Soît4hem Division, uxider Gens-rai National Securitie Co-pratian, ~ot e t wn- r b po esin Mariobich, ta w-bai the taskk had Limiteé, onfedertion Lie Build-- -_Ich ,Xonènegro i n rady tV> bseu assigneS, oveffcaeai obigTrne ,'un ver wr,îhiug. i Tua.- enoui stades. Te acies t ollqw-ed, paý_ This_ latter CoMpany 'he.s b'cen4 i-ns-n reêal1ikc eVchrl sgard ta te use af 1 partîcular ly succeEsful in devs-bopin4g sen from-;* neverai battalions. bamnb-'tweria, wer~e sixnihar toj" and fi~acrgvnasidsna n mbenng p- ti. ~ianta$eid thoe aloped un the -capture of Ad- teV-iprises. Thte iiuvesVsn:lsnb lr a mb1rdeÃŽbus me -trou tlîe ianople. Bt nte dmc&fcdi Vsfoiei h ie ore' huit~~~ gûs ie i h-wIre e- Adrianopie the-eao]Sie-r.sW-ha eut and' profit. sharing badainth inVerest. emots at4gç~i~-Vo cqs dvieSthe wire etnlmnsar at 7 pei cent., payable, bei;annu-, rber ~ ýI .ir- ols smn Vsî udn h-for-te Wene - clad in, aliy. , -k it ths opeeuing- lite way for the cuirasses and pro-videS 'ritit Shi.-ds.I - - ng ârtdNOiOee -of:t aAt 'Tarabos e' ri iout87h' moûtn. t- IN WE$-19T 'x <j b-throwts- retur-ràçd, - Iittiey sde made it-essary for Vhe- Moil- " geooompliuhdid thein object, teneg s odispnowt i u ony oirp'~ o uj tiMoatens-grnin Inanti-y pedimnt. - - - AdeBpat 1h1 Wmmp 0qs ApM 15a an4. o,. aà ae k~ cer 8,toi,~'ttSfa Uqn. n -* e- léwtthree fer- Y" S n tuewhiSthOatis hé emianagemenit ethe circuits, sendlug _outý burleeque .per- inomances as resn1ttuintle Sturthea-. ___________________________ he p4weist seasôd 't -w-lu'no longer bu p able o ta et, attraetlave - aiany kîud, frein .11e lre4eont..sauras 'Plie n isletry- ir.~oai~qIsaes5iug te a6iWablzs- aàwé? ô bis owuta ixtlud other sta andI- Tèonto. lie d-Wll thiro are' two bm-biqUO eteie' at the- Sitting -or the c i î n Tor1ono.n ia ei-ue t MIS5.on bv he fa-t thàttho-cam 1P06In. for dean-. * wich investiated -the graftt harges 1ùýusthe thettros i teu1ènd'jti chiot -in'connectioin 'with'the'M&r&,ni'con- ltiate-.Sud haýgi asbe a ot.e tctih«heBitish Gbverslnient. tInelÈ directeS aiidemt-ýthéï -tar, - n[lýut-l cante*ïting ths- Mid- A egsi esr ýZ -lse di isin: i --te Liberal inter- VBluc es b.apointuient ai' - Wm.- Baniks,- sen,.tth4i'o f o s-ueoWè thons- liane est. -Th'e Mareorn -W-,Orka.aV'Chelms- o If, e -u f-côm]plainte'. Mn. lord are, inte' eèntre ôt-th& divis- IBaniks l eeaia a f nnote Otar.4lnj4ý a,,pirminent um-mbu ,of the, Sion;' whieh, lh- hopitskÃŽ&rePresent ibUtf-n'tareûSt 111alous fratei'- Hes- etinssou af-t h,6latieMr.Joseph ual - and- social or«anizatione. Se la a eanny eat af qnck perceoption and tehnewd SIaoawell,4tnown London. mer-, Iudgment.with a wil te- bock up hîsapln. e Euî UCtIf'Y. oa ncu ai;ou. -Âqd shtathe jtI-bJà iia wrk ho la ass!tdbvtwcother-, Bewspaper mon.- w-lia Sovote L[andàanaf.' 4tonsanS' soneral éenngi a w-eek -to 2oo aeui Otlngth varians'thpatres adth a irS seelng mu. çio- t~ eyrytlngla-bu' tte léel. 7~o of, ntheMubi -a r'dwork Sqes fot Ë- 2'-Por eon th -For ex M',nle, à~. -desna4;eh frontEvans.rflho, In- saîSthatt hO yahbited-tli pro dians, Fays -Eâit.rëiei onditionm o! inu, ui naucr, w'rIteduce-w-inn- il thé Ohio ljh, t t biis .foot'dow-n anS saiS If fldôod were , OtUd on "tluM4tdy ret,0n er et er. e, uld Dut herý j,400 'naians'fthne 1town a-nd 1r. Engens-'Keefowh at tbe time of 600 netugees f roui' tilt, Surrounding w-t tinti. laestniekee with a'seirions-ilinses, c ountry -w-re -hudded- in the fair J, ,netiitbe.pjomlvnete itizenw of"To- a-t Veds n meipl They pena- nîîthoie Iqvîl te-Proi ncwe 'îEt. ,area.cftnmls quare. Tepe-it waile o a, pieaddd'nts on scebôho plè ;ar, without-tood. - Bluffis. shout ton miles orsIt ram the cor- _____________ ue ai lng nS Yng~ treete' llstand *a'-a monumentta hLijmue 91ipiitand TýjfE LTE jRýjAMS o_,rE ffetio fr. ischurcla. « Hie gifIta' tho TUELAT SR' AME CATE poetf n1910 of 8150000-mtadi the entAr-. 2 ~pripe, popsîhs, and -ho lias, subseauentiy -~Ki EsateGivs $,88,.made substantial additte. This le by D.uty o 081 0Ies$339ne meapa the tote t o !àienenostv to,- 38>70 te British )Exchequer. «Maths-r (3hnroh. Pa lis bas- fnr years bs-en a cenenSua contributar in&Ili departmnentR. A despatli tram Lan4oOnay one ct'U5on h le rzented si chttnihr Tb.e Exoliequer got a windfali aon 000,ta the .ltoman Catholk* Epfes lCoIr- 'Wednesday in an, estate duty of $1,- poration.- late Sir -_ 1Chamberain te the-Pope. 23à7,370 on te estate -of tha e- Z n recogniaon afhMe services anSebnr- - -Smea Coate, who . died on Jan.. 20,! acter ho w*à@ In 1909-spp6iVted Oliamben- and ha ws fo man ys-re te -laintot hie Halinemin the Popei. 'andwho as fr may iyara he r. O'Xeefe ln uow a neiy oaidmn, be- Smanager cl the - famous thread ISut 56. ys-iraof amgo. but uut'l hiee nm im's American business. His es=: limes. lie nommieS unuinai aetlnity. Iu tatew-as btedat fnan<'îai cincîci ho le prominent, bel-ug taewsproat a t $6,569,350. Presldeut of the Hame Banik, but 14 la the business -of brewing that ha. YTurnlelied _______ hlm '1h-hie lits- womk %ud -hoq lien lb. 9 GOVERNMENT TELEPIIONES. S~soceof hie weaith. Orilineliy a batik clr.leorganas-c in 1861 the Victoria Brewiug Cao.,ttsr-rsdememîedj lu thc Those in Manitoba Aýre Showing a tirsnt company. Thongh- bo-n 'in Cor-k Countyv. Inoland, ho liasIlived lu Toronto Good -Profit. since lie aas sevnn eane old. - 4,despatchi fraln Winnipeg -sayss: Blgitst Cros l tha Worit'. ýThee ligg ofGovrnmiÀ ele tSt. Augnstine% Semlnary le ta furuiîli a Th arn .sofGveuintt-l-talning institution for the Cathol-*c phones --',t e uonth of February Churcb. It iSata ho surniaunted by a hais- e139.6ýp.3, mkingthe crosr 16 tes-t hlgh, with a- croie place of aggre'gate $3,2.3, ikig 9 tes-t. Tihu-isrÃ"s ywiii ho -500 bel aaoe aarnngssinc Nat-amer 0, 112,the Ions-i of Lake 'Ontaria, as compares ta -e&rngs snce .6,émbr Co 192 'the 3M5Ses-t elevitian et the weather mue' -$405,094.6o. The. n et balanCe 0f rev- on S3t. James* <Cathedral sitapie. l 'ha enmie ovai expanses je $36,791.55 for cr'ossei6 teho illuminated wltl i eghty titamouti, ad ~1,76 31 anceNo-stroug siactic iiglits and Wli, ne Soubt, -theýcnfhýand ý1,76731 sice ho .bImpreselve. 14 ln saiS that t w-ll ho --me'3,1912. the largos-t lluminated cras in- the- w-amS.- ýrember -0-,lu- conectieli w-lh thIe> iightlng aof th-19 ________________________crois thor n usy - . lflAterçestinz éon- troverey.,-It-,le saiS that tue prècent pinta. of the tJhureh are o taigit il enly on 'cer- taiin ocaâlonâ. govemned by -the. Chnreh 'coiebrations.. But thers w-lU, no doulit. ho motves . e 1 a ýdemLnd ou 1h. part e !salton nLake a a .,Ontario te haroe14it.lited, contînnouel>,. - ' as. t il -h hotho incit paw-erfui beaoon aon the lalce. if tis le ta ho- doue. the Oburcli Breal S w-U1- aek'-tus Gonerument'toa 5ia- for'the- B e kfas t maintenance. AJJdcne canueethe posn-.- i 8anie if the Ganemumont pays' fon the ih- i-ro>ie-11 jut if a cross for the' Roman Cîthoie -Clinnel. It la so s-aiBr fer, thie oauntzy., ta d iop -Suo e religions cautràvorsîe. A bow of cisp. weet Tho Seminar>, la tea hopaen lu Ângust -A bwl f ëisp swe tient. witli Km. pr. KidS. w-ho w-as s-e- e a y t a th e b ats -A r dlb !eh o ]P M E o ', , S Ï dé s- Psie l» D. MISSleano_ ta-ria praduet, a native of ASjaia taffn- P o st Tironte' .Sliul' -BonsiAlongu - Torenta's grow-th .eloiawsno iign af elack- - sinst off. . Bujlding- partit. for te mentIt orai Marditanbid, nactlenil, 82,000.000. as < compareS ta 81:.500000 lu Mardi, 1912. Tho 4l.lumber' w-as 732, as agaluet '514. Apnil jwili bs another reoorS mionti. Ther w-SU t' ~ iIrcinde the newý Royval. Ba.nk hyuildinu at maikes a most, eI .us the, nortb-oeet corner et King mad Yongc t Bùstretai whlcli le ta ie 20 staries luth. aud, ràeal .alb p-tl. round-Il mes a coua millionr-- 11dollaris.' Thons il£(20bean car.,$300,50 These ýc inkl y and tbttthaltructre uilin -1casted white. coi-n, r tbI .tih. ~ - agare a temping break.ý- . Wite ela s. nii tl*e 'son, anlie0 ~faa whft srvde,4h 't*n t'd ei b. taklug au.' ti est crani-orh«- ie k2ôLodt-fr it -.haKno&-tcie- h MON00 DOffliON STEEL COROPTIMtNLMUM.- ÃŽ5,000 P. BuRNS & OPNY IIE (Psai Ric P an Pm visionr, calgayAkam)'(Firu Mongage 6. dS i4tApnt ý19.. 4 ).......... -25,9o00 (Ffrsg and RefndinýlrrgMorga6'. duc lu -Jaiuhay, * 93)........................ . l y *£2.000 WESTERN CANADA FLýURMILLS COI1WANY;- LIMTE (FutMorip-pi 614 duç Ilu Mard-hé 1928),.54% $25,000 <iruandRefunidlng Morga 6 suclu.Sepomibe, *193 1)...............e............9 25,000 WILU-AM DAVES, CCMPAN VMTED- (Firse- Mortgage 6's) .. .. . .. .. ..1... .. 578w 25,009 SAWYEM SSEY COMPANY, LiMITED (Fims 25,000DUNLO IE-t. &'RUBBEK -COODS COMOANY, 25.000 -CORDON, IRONSIDE- & F4RES. cOMPNY,; LIMITED, -(Whoac P"ers, Randiers -mad - Pro- visioneriv -Winnipeg(Ffru Motiae s) ........ 25,000 J. Fi- ASHDOVvN HARDWARE COIVArY UMrIEU(Firsg M&rtga15's) ................. 25,000 TH-E 1-AMRS ABATTOUe.. COMPANY, UMTED - (Fi= M&.ose 6,S).................... 6 ' We haVie Prepared -a -folder deallng With-tone Of the Most ini-the presernt market.. *copy rriernRequest - - CORýFEDEATI'ON> LIFE BIDO., TÃ"RONTOI ON rý i order by the' B-a.rd of Ho-.The City Caouncil ané !P-oard ýof -Euca- tion will bei inst-riietzd V re.plao-e' these eu-ps aà public -pla-ces sud st thi sehoola 1*jtli sanitary drink in&- 1ouuta.iTite board lia notifieS. ahi nnil vendons that aftr June i1. ail uilk must be slS inuboutles. -BIG PRiCJi FOR A cow. ais-t> obat - 1s fte ilolatoin Animal.- i '«Va orso w-tb aAt -Vte annuaàI sie held lier-o1 m *g& t tVIè.eduondaunder th'.aupc o dc 1 is- oth -e - ]ieil.vile- D irit 'lti uns-an' -Cub hs-.g îhest, ninI~ ¶'IREIlNP'CT'URES BROKEY A ~ ~ r dpatitrUondon aye the Suff rsgettes,,'xno4e: a ýwbos-s81 attack 'on tiePidure5 u in eMa ohîs-ter- Art, qallary, gu: Dhureda.- 0ven n.Tesmaaheq -thg-e.ga aged. stad; 11< e f Lhy brw" i' io ieas WeilI "This, is exceil miuoli depý,erdsi -For a b rain _w r< far tôýo mucli in ~xriewhe gymnasium or 4, pire y theipr -which bas bec men aften go b and lose more Lover, and tho. tp get thre d explaine-d. Giv -.fr str-engih wk &R tlrnigs is' laxa&tioàn of.-i officie- work is s - --drain on the cbangeeof oc ~est but does tiaýn. Ihougli serve as &albe the tixne"e-au be ing work itô di ene' sstngl * anothefkind a- lt will lead to - selves down 'ii they ere budi luall cse 'gaod medicine' * nothing us equI perly induced. euloge< it lia& poets, and it is tired'throughe mental. Adispýateli fr th;"t the centa will he dbserve8 nity tis year L -f asbion. The h -but t8f'l it made its w: __ýrea;son wa.w, served exc tire cacked liai which a sik liai decidedi pre-C However or sdWie Mayk oughü t't-O ax with damocrac: proper emble the lineal -defc< bat that dotr.n -marked the fi acieveinent of with itleasu train top to-to destined te k coine- RORSES Exil Obtain Correi Tïaine~r A discussion eetizchaat * their traii'wr thesis, h weni --ily ekplain 4b ,of whicli lie.h *Even îi tlere vailved great- partdcfthe haw * tors ta h ds biity of ~ndto Act M. arlu, 1 Public Th-tru< the animas C m'~onths t-lem 'ing wjih h sO.me further E htWheer I- Pàs F ilàwId ze lto tSeialties« '0f theo.iau*gol. STe off., 0w-s-cols- asWEJ';i n aosýî». Ie. ..ib. Sic. Slb. Sec, psstpal4.ý - UAYEL-tAYî1y close semoa ,tsi!W 'r 0mi sur mme-t t- d iuamr eay . arrei""t. I b. Ise, fitop fr, i 5l.8. 5l.Sc-pMîP àloLcc 12 1 oee lust-tm 112pae CSa PUBLICD R INN G C UP. or-----' Ca-w___________d- m rpasuhy flin . anada, wae s- a idfo o-eB' AbolitshetS By the. Berlin $500o. It.-ýnas consigDe& hy F. .R. Board of llealth. - Mllrot Frankforti, -Rastings. aot ny,.sd Vhs-purch'sscr was Mr. -A' deEpatcb trom Berlin, 5ays., Allison, of the AlliS'éW.SVck Fara. Inn comnuan dninking cup iîi public aI t, tr- lace-s m-utst go, &ofi.g'Vo an - "' ---- j 1 1

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