Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1913, p. 8

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Ive, - ~ -bride fre i n a nàvy, 4biw& .- Mr. Fix4r,.Un expert agrieultural- e . ;;. ;ie.. 'I h-.ri andgol-ba- wian r. 1l4t,1et Otwa, was inw tm hçfrhome Terote. liai week layig eut the work for thie summer- on -the Government -tarin, V NTOi ownedan ad'mnauged by Mr. -T. Hall. AUpOrSOUs hiiviiig a4y 1t l'hr6 was 4 -largo- cruwd lu lowa g5IL he fli ctate -et the xate, - .'ray on cdne<ay au altealn -~Â~Aêky, Brookli,. ame xequeted teo Sprlbg Fair. The ' merchants ali - re-.I lcr ttmu teUceeu -port a geed -ay's bus-ness. 10f. f.Parlç Arkaey,.Bmoln, *ôn Mr. W.JRayerat loft "Y or be<ore May lot. By ordqr ýor Mark for thie Northiwest iu charge Of A,ç arkeeeu of cattie fer Mrf. W.A. Dryden. 3Mr.-?O!C~ Hayeraf t itonia'te rema inlu tpio The latdr niplablgng1 -West for a-,ture. - -thec Pire Ce., of tIis village are kepl 1Mr. D. M ~acDenald., bas becs ap- in thc [north cend of Uriah Jonue' pointetiTreasurer - e , icTowns. p in store.'-I r. Jouesle net thkere wheu p lace e!1iMr. -W., A.- Hcllîday wio - re- thes things arc required, àakey 4may ulgned, -owing te hie ovngtevit. bhoObtilictifrom Mel. John Wite- lige. 'Mr. Ilolliday lias been Treasurý. tord. er ofethe. Townshlp for over twen-ty - ")Iy utile. i9o'n had-s 'very sevre - yar. old. '- 1 wa8 recommended t1o try Mr. Urlah Joues J'busily engaged Chamberlal's eouih'reràédy, and lie- placlng- 1000 Gravity Washers' a- for a amali bottle waa flnished .ho was menget Ëla many customersr aWd-là as' well as ever," rmite Mr.., meeting wlth great succes, hàavlug Sllks, 29 JYowling St.; Sydneiy, Ans- pîacod jibeut thirty machines.l the tCalla. Tihis -reuiedy te for sale 'by past tew weeks. aIl deaers.-44. * REMARKABLE SIIOWING, o-f Smnart 'Snappy-Styles in NewSprn Shoes for Men, Women and Chiidren. WHEN you see them, you are sure te want a pair. When yeOu wear one pair, you are sure to want another. 'You'll find them. perfect in every detail. The greatest values jor thernioâey that y'ou have ever 'seen. MEN'S BOOTS - 1.50 To -$4.50 PAIR. WOIEN'S BOOTS 1.25 TO -8.50 PAIR CHILDREN'8 BOOTS 250 O 18 AR - We kncow that we arc no6w showing the smariest style s ever shown here, and we wanîjt e e hi.W hw Çvery .stylthti right, in every leather that 18 good,, at every price that is -practical. 25 Cenot- Specials for Cash GnI06Y *FRIDAV AND SATURDAY TOI&S WEEK- Boit Rodpath Granulatod Sugars .5 Ibs. for 25o set Cjeanod Currants, 8 Ibs. for 250 Large Meaty Prunes, 3 Ibe. for 25o Rolled Oats, 10 Ibo, for 250 Epsoni Saits, reguhlar 8 l1h. 25, spesial 10 Ibi. for 250 Suiphur, 10 Iba. for 25a -CoId Blast Lanteru Globes, 4 for 250 By taking advantage of thoeo7 specials Wa wiII ie 7 bars Oomifort Soap for 25e FLOOR COVERINGS We have thec Iargest and best assortment we ever had in stock. Canadian Oilcloth,- best quality, 3'c square yard. Canadian Linoleums, best qualitY, 45 and 5oc yard. Union Carpet, byeautiful patterns, 35 te 45c yard. Wool Carpets, beautiful patterns, 6ýc per yard. A. -C ELL1OTT, NARO -I FURNITURE CLE ARA NCE SALE Owing to the loss-of our F'urniture Ware- roo;ms by- fire, we must clear our entire 1 .urltreat greatl price& 1, reduced Everything must be soid regardîless of cost. Sale 'to Co mmence on j Tuesday, Ar. ýi Ini the old Brooklin Factery, just north of our old stand, where we have secured ac- commodation for the sale. Tord iff Brus., DeaJ-eri & Undettàkers. Bgrooklln- Déeftment wiII receive Ã"ur it -a-cd carefulattentio n.' a I WpW *Fawi>-tt, -wbo reel4ed on' 'th Base LIin, met - with a very' suddoi deatk, at istihome o% Thursday oven- ing last. Mr. Fawcetr, Who Was mi bis 53rd year, had donc hiel- usuai eOYeZUfg 'ehores -am aed -goxte e i -house. iHo had ne oonôcer ýentered ýtbli houso when ho e-.tol4iswie e-was golng tQ, dib, 1q a 1>ni lmosimmediately- exrpled.> The- deceased had not bÃŽeen well' for several years, but. was - able 0 do4 hie -work, so> that ie death was unexpectd.-NeWs. Dont hoeý urprised if you bLave an' attack of rheumatism -this spring. Just :rub the !laffeiçted -parts freely with Chamber laiu's 'liniment and, At, will soon disapj>ear. Sold by ail deal- ers.--44. - . CL , EMONT. Af er au- illues xteutiiug ever a uumbWrùf yeurs, Mrs. James Laàw- son died on Friday lat at thQ home -of lier tiaugliter, Mme. Fred Wrighti, oi Green River. - - ý 1 -i A large amouat, of mouey wil b-ave to ho expeadeti upon Vte townIshfp -roacts, as they ni-yer were ln such bati condition as they are tiIs spiug. - Pickering News. Themany Irieuds et MUrs..D. For- sytli, 01 North Claremout, are pleaucti Le kuew thab sali lemuking steady pregress towurds recevery. SIte is 110w able te louve her bcd, and hem ul- -Utc e'anti complete recovery la ouly a mutter et time. Dr. Arnod, who bas hail charge ef t#P smail-pox cases aincethe* out break of the disease, returnedti te iii bomeé in Toronto on Mouday, as- bis servicea. wemc uew consitiered unne- essary. The Board of Health, how-- ever, consider it unwibe te re-oen the publie acheol and ehurches unt-il thie discase is more futlly stumpeti eut. The- public librury promises are new -being given a thorougli renevutien. The interior bas been re-puiuted and iulaid-, linoleum will ho placet ounFthe fleor. The books, aise, are beiug more Lhreugbly elasscifieti. Those persons who werc quaran- tined a few weeks ugôonôuaccount of having contrac teti amali-pox bave 110w fully recovereti, anti apparentiy are noue the wOrse ef thefr exper- ieace. Sie bth first outbreak - sev- cfal ncw cases are repor edi but these are coufinedti t persons . whe bave come ln contact with those baving the diseuse. By the oxereise et great cure the d-sease eSu soon ho stamipe out, but owing te the exoeecdigly' coutugious character et emali-pox, the carlesenees oetoeue or two pereens maY causé great mischiet. The marriage was oelebrated ou Wcdnesday, March 26, ut the home e1 the britio's parents, ef Miss Ada, euly daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Jus. minue, to Mr. Milton Harris, al of (Mare- mont. The- ceremeny wus performed 1 by Rev. W. R.- Wood, puýstor ef thie Claremont Presbyterlan churcb. Muscular Rheumratism. ' Muscul ar rheumatism exista lu- twe ferma:. Acute and clîrenie. lu acuto muscular- rheumatism there -ie imai noticeti a dilipain in Uic muscles which gradually Increases. This pain et ten ahfi!te ftem oue muscle te an- ether, and the werkipàg oft hese mus- cles makie Uic pain .very severe. Muscular rheumatîsm la a blooti dis- case anti shéuldti neh negleeteti. A- proper retmeat .nhouid hoglu wiUih te iret IymiptojuM. ,Rheumo le re- cemmeudeti by the foremost people everywhere, because if drives alurle ucid poisons frei Uic blooti, anti - en- riches iV -se thut the g3ystem becomes hcalthy anti froc fromý the tortures- o! rlicumatism. GeL a bottie of Elcu- Me te-day ant i rd yourself et rheu-' matisin. Sold iu Whibby only ut J. E. Willie' tirug storc.-43. - MYJtTLE. Mme. . G. Rose..wns in Toronto laut week. Mrt. anti Are. R. Long visited RFag-, lanl friende ou Sunday. DesaltetUic mudriy î-oatis andi- 'wet weatlierM. F. Brown's 'wooti-be on, Thuretiuy et last week Was a succese. MeasieS are otili agiug l intis vj- clnty. T-awo freab cases bave been re. portet dutlug -the -laet. Weelc. Mr. William ]Zirve lias pl;roliaaee trom Mise Etta Hoitti thc resideuce uow eeeupied-by Mr. E. Hatuden, sud will - tuke Immediate pessessieu -- 'YOU wiil look a gooti whlo before you >finti 4 btter Medicine for cougbp h anti colts tihmniClamberlaulis og lieedy Iluo*onyr gives relw..4t cure. Try ut wbest yenbave a ceugl or CeltI, sud you arécertaju te tue picaseti wlIt lte éprompt, cüre wblob IwiWle«eot. For se u eby1 iarà S-e '-.-.y .s. -. - au nsnip 4OUn~jJ.LylaMT Ofit. M.T eaborne, Council lnet on-Monday. Ail, mcm- bers prçaent. Reevo 1in'the chair. Minutes o1 lasjt meeting were read. and onfimed.WHITBY MARKETS Càmmunicavuoii, rein A.- G. Duceolt, ani -is adeput.ation waite& upen h o-uncil, re Iope grend -allow;- Alalli ele, 01bs.Sl0 b810 a=6e West et Dugm'ar St., con. 9. 1Vlu,&. fan. . .. 0.90té1.95 r.Hooti ef C. 'N. Ry., -was beard Whea$, Whfts......0.0le08 re epeung et 1eVci=. lne, eat--5! C. Whea,gos . .0 pe.0 N .R . st Viir r i ai t, sp ftlt..... ......go te 0,M . If wasmoyed 1tat a bonus e1 25c. Wh nfaL.-...... .ss s per rod bho grantoti Geo.. Thomsojj' -e a .. ....... ......O. attout slxty -roda e wrc eu e aust eUm.... .... .10 0 0 aIde lot26, -con. 7 auidabonij-a etB e. .. ..... .0.i >-6 o 0.75 £or- aboutý eighty rudseûcat aide et Peu .......... ..ý.0.85 t. 0.90 e.,pet red ho gran-ted Chas., Lynýde Bioltheat ....... .... .. .010 OJO cea. 5 andi W. -11. Brash, 2tie. per ted Onlu ...........~03 e08 cou. 9- an ti'W m . W lk r, 15 . pro et pled C ioer..., ...........80 0t e 9.00 fer sibout-forty rods woutaidle lot 26, for about forty rode West -si1d et lot PLOUR AND FPEED.ý 35-, con. 9. Fleur, per ew ....... ...1.78t. a 0 it w4s agfeedl thut permibselea ho Cheppcd eed, cwt.......1.50 1. w6 given JohnU Pile te eut down -ithe ormwal ...........0 -35 Chestinut troc iu front of lits proper- Bran, per -ton......5.00 te 25.00 ty under the supervibion eft VIe Reeve. Isherta e o.....2.0t 80 r T h eé C l e r k w a s i u s t r i t c t c d o o t ji y M f l A , . .U.2 7.A 0 0 tR Q D2 8 . thxe Home Telephone Co. to have al trocs an-d bushes cut by them in ereet- Beef, per cwt .... ... ... .10,0010o 11.00 ilig poles at once removeti freinsi-de Cuttie, live weight...5.50 te 6.50 lknu bctweeu lots 22 andi 23, cou. 3 te Lambi, sncb ... ..... g.00 te 8.0 5.. Hogs, dressed ...... ..12.00 te 12,60 _r J. -A. McKay was appointcd r-gs, select ........... 8. 256ltO8&W path master ln place of -_L H. jack- Cickene, per lb .... .....0.16 100@.18 sou, div. 3 ; Wm. Oke in place ef T. Ducha, 1per lb .......... ...0.15 te 0.18 Morconxbe, div. 4, andi Herbert Bur- Gucas, rcsad, Per b..me016te 0.18 ton in place of Santuel Bond,. d(v. 11. Turkeys, dressed, per lb. 0.,18- le 0.20 15e. per- mati was grauteti W. J. ButteÉ, perlb . -.......28 to 0.80 Stephenson for about 100 rotis wire Eggs, per doz., nwli .2 e02 fence, West aide lot 32, cou. 6. 'Lard, per lb............ ... 0.18- b 0.20 A by-law was passeti appoiuting D. Potatees, per bag ..; ... 1.00 te 1lm< W. MeDouaîd Treasurer iu place ef W. Appîca, per barrel ....1.50.te 8.00 A. Holiday. Oniene, per bag. ......1.0... 1.25 Th olwing acceunts wcre passeti Hay, per ton ...... ....14.00 10 15.00 ing roati, Pickering townline, div. 9, $1.65.; Geo. Frm*ankish, rcp. culvert div. 9, $2,; John Colwill, rcp. culvert div. 9, 25c.; John J. Moore, rent- of hall nomnation meeting, $3 ; Aylmer Robinson, nep. culvent lot 25, con. 7, $1.25 ; D. Hiolliday, Çlemk, $100.00; Oliver Pascoc, self and others rep. culvert d4v. 5, $23.12 ; Ontario Bridge ASI-IBUO YOIJR-TEA? W'e have it in the following; orRedR<, se, pkts. 40Oc or 30c, black, ormixe-i. Salada, pkts. 30c, black,, green or m [.averstone, bulk black 30c, Worthi earavan, bulk green 30c, worth 4IC Wool, un IlDS... .1t . Wol, uawauver. ...... 0.11 te, 0.18 LAmb skia, e.c..... 0.70 to 1.36 Hides, per cet .......8.90 te> 9.00 SSplkluu..... .......0.74 teLa 11 Deacom ....... ... .23te . e, Herme lides.**.....0 à. e o8.00 ?allow. rend.. pet lb...... 0.01 te 0.08 ~WNWw~ RN STOR -* and best of al Ben Mlur, black,at 50c. Very best eoffee at 40Oc lb. if you would prefer coffee for breakfast. at at green iixed. i40c, 'C . Everything.else in groceries, fresh and up-to-dgte, prices that will make it to your- aIdvantaget u the Ashbttrn Store.-gtby lA U~v i î~ GENERAL 'LaK~, NERCHAN~ a à-leMeRui. Disney I INT xa 'min'e oîircomplete line ef Farm Mach- -inery and Baggie,. - ---A prdofuble'farm ,d mande the very beet impiemonts ; the linos we, handie represent thé --highelst precnrable q uality., -We eau supply you withany article in trlino, pronptly. * -Cal-su. ree us befo Èo you- buy. W. rn gîve -you prompt servitce-on 'both machines and *repaire. A. large stok'ofý double and single bar- -neas, eweat padlBa sd repir parts on baud. F~annip g mille, weigh Sosies, etc- Pudcriv- WhifIw (bont- W 'itb Boum W. -aue mfflroed là mtai Wood om Iro-pùup on short-notice, al». -attend_ to àa iD idi of ru- Aget forté Ontario Wind ]NI, ais. gasilibi Egin s. and4the"quare-gouw- id e agnet Creau - Beparator.' phione NO. Ba r..Idue. NH-omEËSEEtKERS'9 INCUJRSIONS, .«o mANIOBA, SASKTCHEWAN A4ND ALÇE each TUESDAY until Ocet. 28tb inclusive nsd Retnrnm .. $X*3.00 du a nt.sd fetiurs . 4 . 413.00 Settiers' Excursions Té ALSERT& AND 5SATCiiiwANj Every TUESDA4Y until April 29th, inclus- ive, freinstations iu Outaro, Port Hope, Peterboro sud'West, at very -low rates: Through coaches aud Pullman Tnr-st Sleeping cas are operated te Win ipeg iwitbont change, .leavýing Toronto ilp. nM. via Chicago and St, Paul on above dtes. The Grand Trunk Pacifie Bailway le the ahorteet aud quickeet route. between Winnipeg. Saskatou.gdmonton. 1Berth - Ieservations and particulars frein Grand Trunk agente- 13. STEPHENSOYN iTown Agent fer Express, Ticket and Telegraph Office, opposite Standa Bank, Whitiby, Ont Telephxone 36 TRY. SOLACE AT OUR I3XPI3NSE Money lack for any case oi Rhèumatis,, Neuralgia or Hedce*that -Solace Fails to Remove Sols.. Rtemnedy ls a recent anedical discov ery et tbree German Scientiste that dissolves Unec Acifi Crystals and purifies the blood. It iseasy to take, and wll net affect the weakest stoxnach. It la guaamnteed -under the Pure. Food andi Drugs Law te be abeolutely free frorm epiates or barmful drags ef azay description. Bol ac. is a pnrespeciflc lu ever ayand bas bean proved beyond qestiou to be the snrest and qnickest rsmedy for Unie Âcid Troubles known Ws medc science, ne maLter liowlong standing.It meachos sud nenieves tbe neet et the trouble (Uneri Âcld) sud purifies the blood. Tbe Uoince 40o. of Battie Creek, are the soe U. 5.-,agentesund bave thonsands of veluutany testimonial letters whicb have been Ïeceived from raeupeple Molace han restoned te health. Testiia lettens, itenatune and Free Box ,ent upen neque@t. R. Lee Morris, President ef the First XatioÃŽial Bank of Chico, Texas, wroet e Sulace Company aakfollows: 11 want yen te senai a box et Solace te my fath- or lu Mempbis, Tenu,' for which I enclose $1. This remedy bas been used by seme friends ef <Slgned) R. L. Morris." Put up iu 25c, 50e and 4i 10 boxes.* ltIe migbty fin. te b. Weil an Yeu eau noon berne by talking SLIR "0 Seca Treatment Schemes or Fees. JusL 5oaeaoedoes the wonk. Write Lodiay for the free box, etc. Catis by day or niglit proniptly attendedtit. -Charges moderate.- PR %OTIOAL UNDERTAKIR i Charge. Moderate. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Beil PellrIeadsBu Ft oth hueés gbt rneSt.ý TORO NTO ",6Soranton Col." - "éYoughlogheny Steam Coal."1 ""Blue GrassCannel Gol."l "1George Creek Smltliing Coal." No Ceai ro equal these. Scranten for ranges, heaters>and f arn- aces. The' best-clean, bright and dry. Cinnelï for fire -places and grates.' Youghiogheny for steam., None.any better. George Creek for aIl kiàds of smith. ing werý- . Fresh mine&L We Iýead in quality and ýquantity. E. R. BLOW. WhhLbe Bell Tel. 9. Home Tel. 14- i I FLOUR:-.. CREAÀM-BUNS TEA-3UNqS BREAD AND CAKE- MAKERS FILlE FEED:.--- -SPECIA L PRICE' COR:NO Feeti Wholesalen Ton ts eALwVELL'S MOUÀSSES MEAL J.L. SPINK LIMITED Pickering, Ont. Dis-ney -Bros., Undwtah" s a bamhes Whitbypi5ione 99. 1-~ I-Cleariig- Sale Cloys e-0 MF- - J n.s~Jl ~,asa.j In order te dispose of ôur stock, of Gloves and M itts,- we have decided te eoffer them at greatly * Ist. Now is -the time te your sprng feot-wea Orthopedic Applian Cripples and Defor Work a specialty. Satisfaction guarante Re H. QUINI -Whitby's Only Repaî Brock StjSot order Lr. ces. rmeti rShop- ýUth* NI>I Ih I C at e and Tealiftg, Smoc. PUrehasi tebeifrn Mfr. William-Newport, elagb. fav red witi a ver> large patronage and we ted 'wc -are giving thejuublice geood serviSo. Ail orderu fer teaxulng, fumnitue Ineving,i Carta ofet reight, vans for- pIeasureL, Parties,etc., will receive Our very beet attentin F'imst.claam livery in cenneetion. 'Phono NO. 8 JOS. HEARD USN inl.gh,-Standard malta. ~~n tiscolsgés tbs demanulfo tegraduates I. fae- lu excess1f th o u p ply. tI le , u n q u 88 o a f 'th e à Boat ~ Cosesareml5~a. Teroslte, Ont., admits etudents time, pSpareetbslm preperly fbi POslto2je sudnassista worthy. utud QMseurse ,mplo3nsut. Coneg. 0] tbear, Writeno fr l Cor. Venge and W. M-IT AlmnduerrnSta I OFWi ithe nýàt î.nt rem-nedj -Dragqi~t MEDIC & NO.*-E. Mlj Barrister, èCouuty -County Office South WngC . LCI Offie, Brc St.,( Mouey Moee to Loa' O)ffice immrediately - 5VOIJNG S Barrister, Etc. Moi of Marnag Office -Smith's _B-i - DEN StMt, ROSddmie SN Byro St., Whitby. dmataa y teo, WH LIÇjENSED A AND Y-AL AIà '. t- i Camé Terma reeaonablf- Bell andi Indeépenii WIIITBY -ýCONTRAî Carpenter, -Builder RepaiAteratin Box 467 -WIITttl Metdarriag e6it Ceps ornegra -Civnu ere nd Speciaistu' exaimina cendu.ctét ini11 Sam4 routoý, fThe Central Slegerwiith -four city ÉBr trean UY:3]rd te Aaj year. Students îaetr n -oal oonrees. -5,Lf -A. £haw, Preilent, for, Yssgs Street. iToront.- * MONUM -- . oNu 1 vibs aid ater 1wilpay you teca ani nset for youre - Dont- b. fialed b),a ae loîytliein,co aId6 ailow . en 10 pa ur t., -which you - uaveby purehaing Irez -Of=icaïdW §fflt. Standard-Bn U WOrg-fa enuse wiriug, POW litues and supp] If yen want us cml expense. MFA CREAM SEPARATORS 1 5 -il 16 1 1 Streét if HIDES. ý 1- l'! 1

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