Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Apr 1913, p. 3

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uýeVU5D a Pa avqjr ii5t, iitated or obtain-ed in e tir-ougli that, mmci, provided. -A fhealthy, tdoc d'ink\Yessathauit eh awetnèis .-duriuga 1gtiring-Wou!d haveè ,vol. às au exhi1bitOr cf P>eople Whor makis maple ugar fer the -Market, have -been oômpeled, lii. th. dairymën, t adopýtscienti: fie 'methbds. Tri' uap îla- iraI gath-i, in -êd upails ,whlch -arecoveed se -- thatuno beaveï ôor.dirt euglite - tlema. Tiie beilng ré aoal~h - '-doue iujshouses. mhich are equip' with SànitA-ry appliauces, -and thie * resuitlt i at - hen .-,the. sugar la ready fIýr -ele It o -tteri se mte en -sd cbeau that people mie- remem- ber t he6, brc'wu stuff they, used te get- when tliey *ere '-beys kzid girls refuse telsellevethat itcan-be pure. if, any effort werp made te de- --Veb9pP sugar ,-ma'pbeý.,groves lb.y coubd, do ubtlessi be made profitabler, In rasy i~r aga It~4'4tseema' Sapity that an, industry whikhmight. -- become immense is-perniitted te lag aiôug iiir a haphazard Way,_ ELECTRICITY FOR- DINNIER.; - ['roilucesArtifiela lgeat,and. IUININE"l E. W. oGîeva'. Cure. Qiq j ily penscd- la there anyj - ho would liky. ce-Yels, air i Savee Will etecriity be. tic food of the ~Ir . leady it haa b-cou proved t2mit iî?cast as aa uh*itiute 'for foqd Wte acertain extent. Prof. Bergània, '- French scientist, estab- 'lished tht rallier sens.tienal -but ne bss autlientic tact by experi- menti at is- ]bora.tory- nI -Bor- -des'ux Unùvetrsi.ty. - For a long igne scientisits iv * -4eu loeki.ng- for a cure wh-loii ll do a*s.'y mith zopa.et the multiple --.-ailments et -the huinan body, and have beeu - uuiveréahiy o et .opin- k - lo that il- food couid b. lun a more -eoudensed torm it would lie absorli- «Ie wit'l less fatigue a.nd diaoinfort. -, -The 1pmioile oet eiecbricity acting, as a f1od&vue ih hatit iladds to the heat'euergy ofth stomach se that unuci less feod lias te b. taken - D- - ut he body.'- Ris l met.hod it called "diather- my," and he applies troquent cur- *renIte the human body, se --that lu- stead o e it haviugtç be produced frein food mnteréInhs which need- te *b. consÛznýd and burnied lu tue sys. tem, and thus give rise -te nnrch overmork eithle organ.s, the artifi- ---cial 'method -producce t-le saie. heal at much les&,ijuri>us ceet of tie Sehéralépnùki4iof hes.-ltl., - Thes eleçtric, curren't, , -easyis,, - -pa àthrouli thii body mithout t4 or ilire .àperes'êtret, -a.nd voIl.. - ae.- >f 1,00 M &~ v D 4ai hu-r; aid lhi&- amciue t-o!-eietricity: e4uai0 on-iird ci 1h. daî-ly foo.d Rê npphfedthe. firettest te- a cn*- mie mas -iïn b adphy"icalcondition. The&paLtient ast h. lime mes eating foD a uuch animul food, but mas un- - ahI te mork, mas eenaitive Vo heait and ei6!d, and coubd noV mwalk 30 telt mithout nid. Hi-sheiglit mas5 fet 10 i0nches, -and h. meig.hed l10 poundi. Atter n serles et treait- *, menti h. liegan le impreve rapidiy, inA a short ine gai-ned 30 pound,,mas able te mabk for houri - ithoul much mearlneas, sud lad, izý fa-t, regained a.ll et is normal - - Wn't Stand For That. ýMmi. Fitzzmeii- (socialby iuclincd) -MyXy dear, I have picked ouI- a husband, for you. - Rer daughter-Very webi,; but I tiali you amplialy that men it .,ioen,'te buyiug.Iir. medding dresa, -'il-select th. material umyse1f. - ï . narrled - mwomau'sui description hemïër ideal mian isn't anythiug like -lie u bm e l. keep -thzngs runrng -traigIUi. "'One day:a littie Arali boy t:od- dbed out f roîm the.oover of the palms whdilined, the.tracks juî as a train camàe. aogThé-e wa:sn't & chance, for him and, ther-e asr t Iêor, -the engineer evon to.,pliut dif teami befure .we werê *-AnTeD o1 thei. UlUlé Chap.@"- Ris father, it clianced, was -workinu-g inuth. palm grove an& agawit ali "~A couple ,of da,0 later -the >a ther -calléd -a# -1he. Oe"eo:f thi;eu eral manaèger with -a-dezen «Of is, cianmenailkrnned'with their long rieis witl iàlid âstocki 7 axid ýçhaged- barrels. It- was -the. policy.th1en to, attemp t tcr-conciiate the natfives, -anïd tii. geneamanager promptlY- macle --an 0rt-serh "IGeoney"'daiges, lhowevere,"wre noý what the ÀArabs-,'wanted. Tliey spu rne d the'ôofer w ith coütembt sud -'dernned 'that the eëngineer be.gv en up te th .em so thi? 'they coulé boy. That w-,as a, compensation thât the generai- manager could neot con- cédé; iu tact,lie lad.alre *ady trans-1 ferred the'engineer. te another' part. et the lune, tear*ing é Ie6ti es mîiÇ try te wrïýeaiïe~ance.--- "'The délegation. ùnally left wli.n they foundth-at them-aniiOuld. not hé prcdu 'ced,, but - tliey leftý witli threatçning gegtures'asud ýwarnînga that. 'Arabe neyer forget.' "Â Mqùthlâtèr I was ridingon a train-, wibli was naring Beltan, on, theê ýmain '-Une.' A t li jnction, there was a triangle of tracka, -tii main lin. ýùdlihe Kf r amzalsec tion, Co ming together st' the pulint. A ýcross track froni one te tie other tormed. the. balse etfthe -trianigle. "_.The'train tron,i a Haza, te mmcii nuycar Was aI-t àèhe ; ira due' 4t the juaction three miniutes-aheadà ef. a train on the main fine, and,-bbth were due st Beltan the same -num- ber. cf minutes.ai4art. W. had thoe right ci way, snd unlea we -were. very' mucli behind time the main- bine train'was' lashèid 'for us. you know, an~d the benith ef time that the otheýr train- woubd b. ieid depended bargeby on-tii. discretion of the aignalman at tie junction. II as net îurprised that me mere signalèd to proceed, aithougli we were five minutes beiind time. This mas la.rgeiy due te the weather, whici was foggy tint morning.- "You have neyer seen oeeoe out- Egyptian fogi. - They- are worse than any I have seen iu this conn- try. The miats- lie close to the ground and seem te be heid down by tiie trees, wiere there is any foli.age. Net untib,the sun gets higli do they begin Vo swlrl about in the. air and flffalby ascend te the hie- yens like se many*white-robed spir- itsa. _ý- "4Wben our engineer received the signal te proceed lie vent on cauti- o u sby; as -wai the custom, until we pasý the switci into the main hune. I itood in the open door et the bg gage-car, hvb gcmeforward toi myoncajr, whiclî wais aÀacie o tie.rear- of -the.train. - l'The, engine, :two f rehghtars -and the- nal-ar lad pasld'the, C'ross-' crtias and t- : s,"ggge car 'was, t~p~saigkverit wlien 1 sawýcom-, oig ut, ofethé miut the engïne of- thuan- ireraifl.- "It',wala évident that the signai- in h- lia7givn usanotice te proceedý and then given ,,the other, train the samesignl, bt inteodft eiiîg thatýaliead on its own track and causing a aide swipe lie had tirown the car careened and, as I gianeed Up -at it trom where I lay on ii.ë iground, I ceuld see it slowby-top- pling ôver on top et us. "I was considerabi surpriseda l- ,was net surprisiùg Iliat th~e eeegneér, tloigtthe.Arab teru guûlar, ignalnàan, 'for iu thel? ne tive cosatume, - leadu -- swathed in witlinênÙ and the_ figure -etireiy eoec; n E tian locks very ma i 1k. anotlher, espebially in -a thk -fo.The rs mù it., have 'watcie4tite passing of -the trains-aÏt tha) 'in -for days ineorder to-~ow juat-hc liwle céuld 'effeot; the- moa0t 'dàm-ag in -the. shortei -possiblé MR. ClUEMEN's APPOINTMEiUF.i Mr. Lewis W. Clemens , prea-dent '0f1 thé Cnadian Trasrel- -Cluli,, - la lhad théi. lor,,te b. app oinited a menémber-of the West. India Comnmit- tee, London, ÉngÏan"d. Mr. Ciem=enîs ii4s fer six Yearà-been ideâtiflècl witii tii.deveklpment o dsr e 'ltio ns be'twèe',n tie Britisi ' West, aId~, ad - C anada.Duii'tt ts.e_ li as. made a c'aretul,,- Btudy ,of - tleir hstory, econo iclopiroblema4 nnd their attraction&a sud' ciimate. lun jamasica,.-three yéars ago, le mas »ue oi the e4plorera <'f', the. greal saactite caves at- Oxford, ueýr Ba. lacirva, -wiere the.Spaunisii are sup. posëed t&'. iàve brid leir très ,o- long -ago as leb5b.' l ý. The. Jamaica GoýverumeDt se:lect- Mfr. Lewis W. Clemnens. ed him to represent their tourist in. terestes at the Toronto Exhibitioi lait year, for-be it known that vis1 tors are to the West Indies whai new citizens are to Canada, and tht Governments of the. West Indiei are all vitaily intérested ii supply. ing information to- intending visi. tors, and lie is at present <iccupiex4 in worËkinig;out.a eomprehensivt plan for the fréee ~ttiuin .Mr., Clemuensws or o Perry, Ontaîio and studidart i ToonoNeýw York, on n a Paris , u las ince 'turne'dhis at tenLtdon chiefly to travèl and writ. ing.: In addition to beink-presidoni of the Canédian Travel Clu.b,. hi was elected some time ego Fe11lo, of the, Royal_ Colonial 'Instîtute., For several years -Mr.«Clemeri has been inaking a thorough, etudý of conditions', etc., in Jamüaica, an( is there at the present-time. Aifouso An E cquisite. His Spaulel MajeEty keepa' frein 40 te«5 -p uits lnuàue, - aud a number -ot tien u=y, ilu s«e l. ttilepoint-s, suci as the *cut of tii. revers, or lu 1h., heiglit i et mattecitge out et ta.hin befor e hy -ae beeau mcm moe lmantme Oýr, k-le time, sud lu sucli , asme, heym,oWid b. proniptly put oul et tb. royalma.d- robe, 'ferKiug Alfonso, penha&pa ou acoçsùi,-of his youtfhs, 'emrýpunc- {iiusa&bout beiug--ýdreee' lu the mcl up-to-e:modes han auy - Cladys-retused-Fjred imo 'ék ily ever'snce.' Etihel-Ison't,. il about - lime lho sIo»~ed -clebrating I1 - pe. The '-fiýSt Èie civil'2 wht hàhs <rEyp. h Zons of- the, race- ar6se'ini river, bas4inst ok 'Crapi'talofkg th aga -Id wiheie the wâter*hhicù ibiiteâ thtndeare' Eàit - fthi'wo fertiuiy t the otL onstputed hé stililor teir ,long- echèap oth Botënatitnd '-the lôke.for-Mesuiali.-ManyMChri9- traflo.Thee ~riialem to sèt,' up a, temporal king- enduing esonfor airo 1tidom. -Disregading its. future, the theQuenQit~ f sn xtnsve Jeruealem oif the -present is ,,uneiivi-ý ÈIaii-ï whose f ertility ~sas laâting bË as, the river 'that' feedsi it an t uh qe and 'the lyiri stiash lu us ry e muace.'ý afe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hv -maadeiti-Lhèti HI epulci-êere-thplee fore The eope hve o Ciroe9s. dsI~saIcf eiis,,for\he "culti,' tion.is: a,,ee,àïulï rra-VAtionof , pe.61 n;ndtliecol- me.thodàf a~grima' q._utYtkê e; and a'place of sliarp~ "ad n .ro th d roto idienesi.confliot .and unchsristian-: feeling. and is- vcesand'deveopa Com iver itht' sjme Jerusaiern must our inendable qualitie * . - . urstill'.be weeping. ."Thé moît Caio a adeig~1place te Vusit. pathti sltt his eitvafrd It *haa aial. the attractio'ns of anti- not its idlenýis,. nor fIlth, nor, fac- quity, orientàl cç,,or, and,--a polY- tion*'-b utipla e of w,çailiiag. 0n g Io p-uation., "Ten i-. 1w*up toican,,ot is-bcn glatapd.osp cii-en. Que 'ay - t refleceupon ils à'influence, on dat, udprspî;qè. Qeaýride Hébrew6ÃŽs'-and Mohammedans ça me'if,,he caresto,.but. if lie prë w'i'o daily regard i* ithoutfeig fers le mY' usé ,1 ý the railroad, street cars, steamn launçli or, automobie EÈverything. t shére righry to enjoy The- Lest Shlpmate. *-.eectrjc lights anid télephones, and oehr 'fald ,smwee al beÙs ha.rsuiouuly with the Smeherealiedfald ea smwhr te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~. bese ntiégoe h ~~ uli ~signorant faith end- lis pie- are -neîther quarrelsomie nor Thbigtray - 1 but s-nny -ovhaltides gèo;out: ;ti tides>8corne 1 morose, <-n- 1 flooffing in; - ýïdti andf-oour-ht intesey illthe old years die and the new, 9 èetn n trcie begin; Oin. "can , get -the' nlew'sat >Cairo But Youtli 1- mucli as -youcan in LÈondon-or T Somehr ebteaholeli ro 1ntô.' Papers a àrf ýol d in thé estreet ehrew ot ahotels - n la 4ous rb oth year .or yeste day.' are: é -'n86mewherehle failed me. Down a t ergy tar round h city 'sceamuîg1 the harbor-side extr edtios Ciro ' aiveandI waited for hlm a little, where hle doing things. , Egpt is a surprise ànchored argosies ride and b transport.' It is a wonderjul' I thouglit lie came-the sed country and undoubte.dly lias aà "trade"' blew free- jprommsng'future.I huh ecm;-tabtte ýDamascus,-.iiÉe Cairo, is at the . thwoh lifcme ;.tw1 bu h *heid ôZ an ii'nùinse fertile plain. And oho tm It îuronde o the sde..y Somewhere lie tirned spd left me, emountains'and through heCt about the turn of the tida'. peursý the freali swift ',wters of the. Aban Rier.As t Slt akeCit Perhiaps I shall find hlm. It may be -the waters are conducted to a l he aisfrm, -parts1 of tlie city and bubble up at Sipping t or wee- cee hundrede of fountains-not beauti- aieoetrpesa fui, indeed, but useful. A littie be- ah ids soetoi se,-andIa Iôw the ciVy flows the Pharper, and eut and away ' these two streama, like the -Nile, are To searcli the spicy harbors of employed, to irrigate a territory as Yesterday, -beautiful as it is extensive, and:Fr ouli so unlike Palestine. I forested Wliere the lampa of the town are and re-foreste'd, affording the-"peo-_ yeîîow bevond- the lampa of pie a constant supply of timber. the quay.« This. tiraber la chiefly poplar and wabnut, the former very rapid in Somewhere lie-failed me, somewhere growth and used, extensively in lie slipped aw ay-- building. Youth, with his ignorant heart and But Damasces is mucli more than, bis briglit array. an agricutural centre, it iis*au'im- - Was, it in -Bados 1 God. I would mense industrial and commerc(,ial pytoko city. Damascus is the -Manehster Wsi pSaih ib hr h of -Syria. The range of its marn- rses bop w-'?hHil- h. h Sfactures is almoit endlesi. -W-e *5A, ot eStdabasfcoy hr h em- Shall 1 hear your laughter to-mor- Sployees were numbered by the huti- o npateOlvc -dred-. But mioat et the work la done roipaneOivo' along the streets or bazaars, where Smwir aldhm oe e he fe1xleoIfeldty hini ~depart-fo jewelry-, harneas, shoes, tins, cop- the morn's freali atart. eper sud'silverware, trunks, valises The tides,-slippedout, -the tides aud rinkts ,f edies deigu îve washed out, and in, embbymet t th natvesandum-And 'Youth and 1 rejoiced in their ePortane to the plàcé. Methods -of - warldn dmanufacture are most primitive,- Ah, Youth! and chldren t- of tender -age lend hlI idyustofheGf? their quota to the total. Electrie ---oIfi ro outhdin-of he Guif '~liglit and street.carsmake the place -oaryucldinnyhrt Ilook- modetn, but electric pomzer 1i TedreGordes oeti enot used. nutily o sthe TedrGorig7Rbrtn " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~A teehn nutiby o 5rib -Canadi.an Magazine. tlpoepermittçd here nor else- p whiere by, the Turkiqh authority; 1 lstreets. are narrow and fIlthy, as inT ~ ai Orintalcites, nd t~s ct>y hibet's Legend ef Eden. ml.oeta anythead haeseen , The ifollo-wers et t ho TDala'i TLama, wnxcn direction the answer- i-s Je .come and -we May evèn, seb'-it 'ern- izig nom', thougli af ar cf:: Inl the First Place - we may -adI agree that- niées. faces. arê turnîetemard thie ;futùré'."Tieý f uture tàne-Ver long forgcïttén.- W. loýok ai otr'buoiness'plan -fr gre'wtl and - -deveiopmnt lin tie'- ýéars te -,ceme. .1Their futur. iî ýouxz chefï cencerir. In a -certain seéusèew.areë neyer coutentedý with thinga- asthey are. The present lacks. comôiprete- neis. Tii. pris-es cf ife,ý-tie-objectsg -noslte obe desired, lie l ien . yoand. Ambition' keeps- uis on our -tiptees, . peering- into the years te Nom I thizTk tIare ts soî-nethingý noble, and timubatinig in -tuis for- ward look. ' Thingi beyond dur reacli reqùire effortpesnt, vig- eroûs effort, betore me Can attain thein. And ths effort- créate strengtli -and efflciency'-a vro~ it.builds character. You and-I -can' develop, inte nob-er'- nnd mcà-- men througli -struggling Wtih-ii- culties, -o-vercomnng ,obstaces, s4d mien thé d'lRculties bhave- eenc quered and the obstacles surmioun-t- the - shnd-omeof aà iten.te you 1-89 aceunt et lite,hot; Net'otier people's~ tint censtitutes Wb reputation-but yýi perisi. SIt mny secin a g uss, but al good1 al- m.ork that' build ture,,lifttiburdeus, fusBion'and --darknew *oermniahpoirt -Town Counci! - lave dcedt9 open ÃŽts art- gallery on,, FROM MIfltK 9ILUI! Sunday atternoon for the. remlainder of-the -spring -Art Exhibition. NEWS BY >MAILJ ABOUT JOIOH The -Marquis-et of u .,dondety li as, _7 BULL AND IcfPEO.LLoudon Fise Brigade lu«re,-ý * -cognitien'oe thtié, promipt scrvu2es rendered at an u tbreak- st:Lon- Occurrences ln the Land That donderry House,' Park Lai.." Belgns Supreme in- thée.COIn, - Richmond Royal Hprse Show, mili take place durlng the, Interv al *b.- merciai World. Imeen Epsom -anîd Ascot races, .'on The Kilng has given £1-0 teo the Destitute Saiers Fund. -- Lord Belper lias beenre-elected- chairman oe-t hé Nottiiuàham shirê County Council fer - -he.,-fme-nIy- fourJýh year ïu succes sion.-- - e A nem casino on 'tIe beaci at Blackpooblihas been liceused. Youthà under eigiteen milliiot Éb. ailomed admission te the billiard..sabeon. Aý farier àt Tlorney, near'-Peter- borougli tound a fulI-gromu lare in a large ratm-tmap.- Whu4le playing in tie churchyard at East Horsbey, Surrey, a tomb- atone fell ou a flve-year-old1 child and broke its beg. A laborer named William Colth- rope, ef Gedgrave, Orferd, Suff-olk, died lu consequence et being gored bya bull. At the ih stance efthle R. S. P.C. A.' W. Roberts"et'lHigli Wycombe"w as fined 14s. cd. for cutting off a cat's tail hast week mith- a ment chopper. Annie Atkinsen, a marriedmwoman employed at the Bell Beaming*9Cern- panv's miili, Blackburn, l'as died as the resuît ci tahing dom a litft. 0 f thEi- series of bonI races b.- tmeen th. Univeriaities, Oxford fias won 39, Cambridge 33, and tIer. lias been one dead lient. Whist travelling by exppeîstrinn frein Colwyu Bý, Yte Liverpol -in charge et a-young iuvalid, a traàiued- nurse, Annie Xershaw, fel f rein the [Julie 13 and 14. -TONATO CULTURE., Almoat nnyone with a garden or tarrin" lua,-'temperat elcimate eau- grew- tematoeg miti grenIer or lesi successa, but tiiere, is, an great différ- ence between. the.exteul sud-«qua-- lity etf the crops girem,nby differeut pérseus in the Sam e localitiy. hese differenèes 'are due bo seyaral1 causes among wih i.vArueçties.gromlu sud muefîho& *of eultivation practis- ed are perliapa the chiet.- 4ccording toe experimemts carrie&- ,ou for ye r-&aI V-tE erimexitai ,Farm, aI'Ottàm, EârIt'ludoft hich. there are -severai strains;is the best earby 'sort, but Bonny:iBest; Chaika' Ea-rly Jwl-reas 6od- early hiid.---OfùlýLr:varielies -Mateileas Trophy, Livingstoun's Glo'be mýd, Pleutiful rank!high. - - It late.- eariy-ruit thuýt makes- the profiu. lu grewing1plia min shoulà -be aimed nI ra tfi7produc- tiee a stock, stùrd-,* pl -, t which mili have some fruit set. upou -it mihen set lu the fle. - -Atter plant- ing thé-, chief--work la cultihvation, whicli should be don, :Lboth - wns lun tie plantation. - In uorder to protect tomate plan?î rdn "di.seaà-ès, -et :hicî 'tiere a sre several, - tbey ahoubd -b. rýepea)edly .lprayed, even mh,ýen'quite young, carminge and. susanin:ed Jntal lui- y?'n"~' juris. Ger -- --mnny oteî r - juries. pr <acticabiy lieÀ m lnGe as ' fined £50, o-r; in u detaul t, 3 moullis, at tue lMinsui mhf~-nIi Ieuse, fer smuggling 1-7 poundi t eotfil A child et seven, narned, Mary teVintal- E magoc - s kildt&&lester ardIb heD Imother, Mmi.- Florence . Cogger, ofts forfree diat (2amberWcll, serieusly îujred -in -a, --for motor 'bus' smash lu TrÏf*lgar ad, ape or-i lji GAAAA .J lU tuf ested. by homeless, unh&ppy ann "up IIUO aIr ýjIUZ Utol Jlold Keul rond. - - -7 clrae aci t quarirelsolme doga, -who make th.e sra adi nsettaug Mm. Percy James FiIher, Londou dayunpeas7uandtii ngli ~ie-plant grem out ofthle ground. One da nlaa.ead h ih.hd-man tasted eft tus'plant, and the. editoroethle Berýkshire-Daily ýChron-- eus. Nevertheleis, Damascua s alothdr did 'hikawise,, mien ail 'vir- zared uddnl City et commendaibeenterprise. Iicthe d mIlÈMë lnsiue.dniga zrBy pepl ae ocuie ad umisttue and «guod fortune ceased. Ages ahops'te Insitut. pepl ae ccpid ndT j ihpassed, and,- this plant grem neo Taedenli lias uoccured 'et Dr. W. Ti.Cak. inismule, notiithstandîng it, enjoyî1mr.Mnii eduo cn t-B. Tte, tIom 54 yearsë superiutend- wear, anud- mci a prosperitythat la manifeat and meut. -,f Coppice Lunatiea Asyluin dïZen-tiinés àbei enoybl.réd abutter, tien upon grass, and et 0,'ýPieLntcAIM eyadba, ejybe al lait t hdt cliâet Nottinghar. h rarrbe Damnscds lias beau alive a long - uîh't o is eotheie-,E lime, sud lias promus. cf a long and sou. Virtue e sadpartéd fromein t i -rteu -ekeletons-, ., mitI lie r-e-r erlioence, murder and failli- rmaîn e -bone ir miîîii, cts aün useful career. - ~ lsns nrae. -w r rcentIy d ~pou tle tarintokcei n Jerusabein omes uothing te hie etMr. T. C0. Ratclif -aI Chesterton $5 f ~lO river or the Bsn. Ils site mas uot -- - " ~na eebjuh. - ligedoas chosen for Commercial or indusîrlal - -'Newte' Be H.Iappy. - Mr. -He'rmt Paul, formerly. M._p. iug are Woirth reasons. Il- vWas selected for aIra-M. asJh,-hae oured erNotlamne, iatpêsut4a r tegié-position. Je:rusabein mas r- Hm-eb an o !lessl iniden,..,iaiaa he#d-a.-y' ginalby a fort, and -ihe - Stiriing - _:ec'>'-1 -, 1 _ h ai,. >ve om, 'poor-wid ia.'h- r~ei~ Edinburg4h , Jcatio iit .....Qf-', - -,- týjh - t..afoc.o nOýido -~ QW0 I ~ ..NS~l.. curse-net.1 Ikuow Tmenl feçp,-0 -dabo e oe-tir t 'Vale a pite eie.Layid; Iho' 'witliut' ioding iii. *fii-ràig-uoutpîdý--uutng-- 8 afgiinman, w ou'hie hing- r~N g--Wel 9 --don, mere merrIed Fdè i'bdogi. - QI~ de m-nd -- ièà- yý_the 1Naggs-Get ..àdivorce., - Amnong the' men acçèpted as_ me.- -Hbb s o amora, -theîegi4j . -- -culsfrIi army' lait year, were and are nom Soyemen deneslts - eà.b la wrnelrvanjsI nua loô gior aadheçeur.eoà j2 mar-.--es o! af venr 100-tliree ackii, fi ntittu evns Mrade iitulrüevl ontrandf- j 7îI)itiés-h been Marie tudentà, six inedical sâtédenla, And- ýDobbs-Aiaai Sritoi*ii ee4nad-from ufre -- - seven slurvevors. lhm whole fleld _- f -toma- bÈe - green > house -nas , aden and: Jfield, are ,pamphlet ýNo.- 10. of erimieutal Farmnpe ýiiion H<ýrticulur- ýMaëou.- This mork. rîibutiep te nil mieh to tii. Publicationsý DteartienIt Agmi- Clothes à' la- sInàt. Bp- about 4Ã" 8suite lun ar nhperhaps a re it t' ut eut et I,-The Czer hbuyére-1 *usila; s"d eacl iiit $40 Vo $60, -whibe for ci waisetcoat5 he pays i-the çzar'-iu nfor=n 4~?U: $î000-Thia 't-. ~ -il 1

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