Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Apr 1913, p. 9

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Home are "1>M AN~CAE AKER- RU 'PCAL PRIÇE SON fORN ' M OATS Feed WL4sale in Ton "ts. SWAN WTRM re1 iluitanin WC have -one of thé. assortulenta o! Pens i n ronto. - itrice la -both ronij$Z.5So up.' -Write for price list. 160 TonuseSt-. best unses 9CYRALCTl! C PTIlOIJLP TORONTO, - j Cleariat sale la Iorder to dispose of our L stoçk cf Glovea and1 - Mîtts, we have decided- b o fer -theni at greatly -- -reduçcd prices whle they asat. Nov is the lime ta ,order - - your spring foot-vear. Orthopedlc Applines. Cripples anS Deformed Work a speelalty. Satisfaction guarautéïd. - Whitbyos Only Repair Shopi- SBrock St. -South -bbew je I.. -WILLS àltby Drugl8îand OptiE MEDIC.4L HALL Brock St.l Wb] Piwrnoloal _carda dNW E. FAREWELL, L.C. Barrister, County Crown Attorney and 1. County Solicitor. Office south wiag Court House, Whitby.' As E, CHRIIMAN 5arstor, S.lwtr.,Nota vIPblic, etc. Offire, Br.eck St., Opp. Standard Bank" moaey tW Loan. JAMES RIJTLEDGE, Barristpr Etc. Moncy to.on n asy terras. Offic immediaeyuth Royal Motel, WhwOnt. 6. YOUJNG SMinT, LOLUB. Barristef, Etc. Money to Loan. Iuuer ci ofMarrage-Licenses.- SOffiIc- SmiîhlsBlock -Wtby, Ont. W* ADI, siiitlit, Offthe, Piiada Sym-8.# fl y hw-8W 2 JAS. ~ISHOP m""w, Liou"d &ucloueo. 9Suce..- amE t L. Fairbanks. Fôr lewssu d dat. spply tb »If or G. Bobb, -Whi WM. HAW LICENSED AUCTIONBER AND VALUATOR. 1 Ail kindi of males pro.mptly sttonded b.Aragnt u. mtema&u fort "ual. a 0buGazeste ofice. Tetrm rlsoabi. ma1 udInononi pnonca. WIIITBY, ONT. CONTRÂOTORIS Je-HCWELL JAMESt Carpenter, Builder and Contractor.d ..Plans drawn and estimates furnished.1 Repaira, Alterations and jobbing. u oposite stephenson'a ,0x 467 WtITUY Phone 149 Marriage Licenses. f, A. H. gàLl]U IuuerofLMarrage LI".eseo i ~<o ilueses Corner drugstore. Whithy Summor Schools 'For courses in al ýBusi1ness sub.- jects leadinguto positions as Book- keepers or Stenogrdphers, and for Ciei Servicé- and Commercial Specialists' é"xaminations will be conducie& jin Shaw's Schools, To- ronto, (T ho Central Business Col- lee~ with four city Branch Schools) fromjuly 3rd to Atigust 16th this year. Studenta rnay enter any Urne for. gon. oral-courses. No vacations. Write W. B. ghaw, Pyoaktot, for catalogue, 891 Yonge Street, Toronto. MONUMENTS Of a DM1818and latorial Lept là 810< Il Win par 7M te ma!st ourw oe sud Inspooti«or yorulf. . Don'b to miald by' agoni e d not enploy bhem, onsoqluetly vs en and do shcow théi get'a comnm 10 per cent., which' qu vili oortaIn save by purchasing from us. A Cali Sollclted. Offile sud Works Oppoite Standard Daak, Whtbj, u EloorIntllfor , Ltd anSei Vireo 8. 8,OsaaFPono lit Fi i71b E.W. -EVANs P-Ëump Manufatuýer -qe 8io sd icesd.ae, Diadas S*tr« WtIITBY chsdoum " t 1WhitbY H.uj "goap,,ssto wsbahooý m0 ko. pompu on short no"is . à'oà Asiw om .Ont&ro nd Mill,je. mg»j ýéà~z~sd the.aqusr..eow. Ae Nau Cua Saabé TAI<BRS '-e wouln pây thestreétès UlolOUdjrn b.> elosed, Mfr. Wright tuged tai Coimol I maIe Borne -prtopotion, and lie woum Mfr. -epenson 1arguai 4qat in eou U-any Induse houid Leiocaled nort th be r1ilway trace, and- reqldsnc% iOouth Of hem,, Éregt -lncouvenoenc would be cauued il le etreeti we« 'n coe.lewas oppose« b othe appl Catilon eh that accoqmt: NOo n eoulid. MO whist the future held for tii 1fr. Wilson, at Oit tlougLi; tii j ireets mlght a.8 wsll b. Cloued,. bu on furtiier consideratloff agreed ilU the vi ws expressed by 1fr. Steplie. 'n. The town would gala nobun by dodu5 buthé utreets, and m$it kab muoh. The Mayor advlsed iliat . fi tn tOwn cauld -get several thousand dot lais for be cloeing of, tbe uireeta. -d0 the eveuit of wantng .to open evei mes ai some future deht t would coffi more tsa they wouMd get for clodnl «Il tLhes1treets. WIUith iheexception cf Mrý-Hallett, the Coimcil was a unit In support olc te Clause Ini the commltee' report. Mr- Wright thereupon roiled up. hie Pliand m took hie departure. Amongst the- communications read te COunoil Was One from the Ontario B3ridge COI., Te an advanWIain the Price Of Steel st an earlIO date., For tho -Preset'IÉe,<O. wiIl hold'to, mci Bsa- ýTowu Solicitor Farewell snd W.E. aom sg pries.- N. Sinclair, M.P.P., Lad both in apppaled to re the charge te lie icIWn iiy îbe NZospita! folr S4ek Obudren r the treain)eat o! ndigept ,patiente, un whose esending to the Hospital .tii. town Lad no véice. The Solicito>r In a letter pointed, out ihai undepr the Statute -îte Counci hs-d no option but to pay., Mir. Sinclair did net. tbink that any single appeal te the Provincial Serre- tary wouid'aval te change te law lu the matr. Maeor WiIlis referred to the condi- tion of the small bridge east of Lynde's creek bridge, and expresed the hope that the construction or a new bridge could be avoided. Ohairman of Streets, Halleti, sald! that a!fter cxamining the bridge fore- mnuMacCarl thought-repaire could be made ai smis-l expense to do for tltis year. Tt mugit be tiat $y ob-- serving the condition of the stream ai différent periods some metiiod could be Planned ta carry ail tie water under the Lynde's creek bridge, and thus do away wllth the,. mail bridge. Mr. Annes conixended the wlsdom of Mr. Hallett in trying ta avold the construction of a new bridge. He re- ferred t0ettie faci that Pickering Tp. Oouncil had invIted otier munIcipal- [tics te join with-Viem In petltlonlng the Governuient taeniake Lhe K-ing- ston Road on improved içiway. if te -Government shoulcido ibis, Ih wvould b. unwise for tuis municipal- itZ ta incur any large'-expense in rë- pairs or new bridge. Thie Streets Commlttce reported as follows : Harry Watson, teamlng ...$26.50 Jas. McLeod, teamlng..29.15 -Jas. Heard &'Sons, tennis 71.00 -johu.MacCari, work ....2.7.50 Your committee recommenýd that lie requet o! tic C. & L-0. Ry. tiiat- certain streets be closed, be net. com- plied wlth.-Carred. kwiue, Le aàidi,.t bW.Ày.0 of- the&molfey marketft anyu eyok» ge able exposes 1f r. Batoman urged-m th e eten ~ 9018 iold b e nW peopi e wated bue water ail4 vere wihi re $0 pay forl;'t.-Bwuls - Ifthe woek i- was- longer deayed 1r lcLe le mii iirwisgý,erffoup ol te $500 towards thee omt. The. revenue from« tie éxtensions ýý ould pay u3 Sper cent. upon us cosi. NOw as taso agoût!tinfe-to gôon wlth ,the il extension eaiterly, aexs the Railway 1Co. were building the, subway, . sudI the, pipe could be laid ai lees expense Snow than later. - Mr. Halleit thougit te work mighl e go ou uOw. 1 Mr. - zaagata ur&iêd delay, thal BMr. t Me are mgit ie Men sad the Ilmatter ýlaid'before -bint. As a prom-in- t If b the- d ! is doentures. go eut banker hé mightii sthe bt$wn would, iaàrdly-,,amk it' t&» ý»n-- cease Ite debt under the e91uting con- f ditlons. , Me ma#er vas refcbrred to e, oFI- nance Coinmiitee to report upon ah ibm nevt umting. RELIEF InFpTonT. 1fr. Stephenson repbried lor - is IRE. R. Blow, Coal ... ....8... 3.75 E. R. Bl*w, Coai . .12 Hospital for Sick Chlldreu cars of Forrester .hhi74.00 Mas WflI~,nursing1Nr.. ~urio........ ....... 1fr ~lpbeuso vif*qtily rePoried that Le Lad goes $0the Hospital for Slck CbilcIren, ani Lad sSni the Su- perfnteiideni. !te mattor of lthe town paylng -for.,Indigent patients was dlscUseed, but there te no bslp for fi-- the tavu must unr. The Johnston boy was ireated for lits, and a trepmnfng of tie- skulwon performed, whilch It vas ioped would reliee th boy's trouble. Regarding the. Forreeter b1I1, t'was decided $0 wlthhold paynmn until Mr. Torreser vau given an apportu. nity ta heîp psy 1$ by weekîy. InatWl Ments... The reinainder of tie report paued. HYDRO-ELECTRIC RATLWAYS. *A resolution moved by 1fr. Amies, seconded by Reeve Batenian, vas un- lnbmousiy adoptçd as follows: "Th'at tii-le Cancll desires $0o ex- u)ress its jieaiure at the introduction ln the Leglslature bv thie Hon. Adami Beck of a Bill authorizine: the Hy- dro-Electriecaommission, of whlch Le le the able cinlrman, to enaiulre mbt the feasilllly of prmposed radial railways as part of the, scheme o! electric derclopuient birouibout tii. province: and tuis Conneil furlher exliressed thp ions' that tiec lolneer u)r&lect by whici the County Town of Wltbv vould- ho hreurht Inta touci witib the svsjtpm planned to be ex- tended froni Toronto miat Ontario Countv mav b. -founid racticaihqe. and tiat tie (Clerk do send a copv a! ts resolubion ta tice1-lanora-ble tie Pro- vincial Secretarv.1 The Cricket on the Hearth. In repartIng Lie nbove play, vhici TOWN PROPERTY REPORT. enst Pellovsîlp- Players in, WbtbY, E. . Bow col.....~ monsion vas mte lnadvertently 'PE.Rcomwte conime.... . ti..t2t9h9 ofthle superi acting o! tic Part O! The cmmitte recmmendthat thete bled girl, Betha, by Mis Win- reueet-o! 1Mr. Jas. Isaaos for an in- nifred Parker. Many think this lu tic crease la ealaryrfrom- $25 te 830 per most Sifilcuit raIe in the play, and -menti be grantéd, ta commence May tîcthre vas no part more efw lut. LieTovuadvrtis forap-There vere sPerfCd palicatosthe own udverise fo aPotier characicrs In the play. of [o Constable -and' >caretaker combines vbiloli nor mentnsaSg e, ui ~a That a vater service be put eli mnoiarsatiug plndd th be tovu b uding. eppeared net a single dalaIte play The lauer ~~I flleS. To Lie average person-Liere LTe positios o!te cobntab(le ~from stan t -ofinish, anS thce venlng caretaker vas d1scussed- -wfth smme vas 'one o! rare plEer-adste interest. Mr. Moore diS net »tluink faction. Miles Parkrer belng. conder'. Lic Couail' md asked for auy à" cdanseo!tic mosi capable nienis propid-o! the - ompsuy, ih le viii re*rehi 1fr. Colvlll vas noV altogeher itat the omission o! ber name vwu favor of bis suggestion, sîtieugh lob eve afier the paper vent %e vt as putAnto lits report Liai ýit ,might, Press* be Siscuesed. Mr-- lliett vas opposeS $0 the STEPHENSON-CIiARD. -4mage. Tiers mad been a Lard fight An iniereetlng eveni took place ln Vo separete bis positions, sud thie St. Michael's Cathédral, Toronto, on preseet arrangement vorketi vol!. Wednesday, April lti, 'ai 8 o1'lok Mr. 1Isamysf as caretaker, had svcd Rer, Fether 'Wien, flosi 've coal, caveS igt, and increased tie1Mr.iGSt. A. Stephenson, formerily of_ receipis 'froni the vefgliscales ,by '.Whiiby, lvas- unîted lu marrlage ta Sabout $80. Miss HUeicua ClierS. The bride vas Mr. Batenien aiea vlgorously -O'p- ýassIseSby Mises Elizabeth. Vassy, Sposod any change. The relepayers d515,wlIs Wm. J. Germe, suppýorteS tAieW not, vaut Lic positions-,comblueti goo.After thi edding breakfti,; Tic Lova is gelit1g4o erIc at Le bepy couple lefi un ibenoôn. 1fr. Isaac le looking vdil mteî ae týan 'for lHamilton, Nagara--Fahs' vaubeproperty. - 'sdBuffalo, sud on hheir return wgll, Mr.- Aunes appreclates 1Mr. lusses a'baeup residenes la Toronto. 5 a rd . T he y. iv-- i er n o r Zew g asman-su vie. Oi,Ée lIed oneochild kwich' died there. They veressuppo..- to Lave' beeh married ' ' fal ~ffonr years ago. IHo wo*rled - for LIed- _s eo-Boc t ap;barre1 maklng!' ' (Sitéd) re. Fowlir. è , 1119 vas ,chiarged viii ,contraveih- fflon o!tbis-criminal code _R.S.C. ébcap. 1462-geRe vas brougit befor e a Imgsate on Snturd y nd romand- c d- for - biree dajm t D-irlaig Sâturdav, Sunday and esrlY M uoday mornlÙ'g *SUIS vas . secu by, Iconstables,w*io LaIked with him. Ho appeared ta be abeerful, and -tiers vas no Indication 'as labo as .3 a.m. oéndar that li Iapnnd siide. About -9m. ]-Maaday constableW-. T. -Sieveài fouud 5111e hanglng froni. a ýbar ia bis oeIl, oibe dead. Ho Lad *used thie scar! ho lnvar-ls3ly wore a- bout is nevk.- *-An Imiuesi vas ield on, Mondar,'.àt wic Crown Attorney Farewell re- vresented the Crowu. Ammge te»Information brougiti ioui vas- ihat Stevens Ladl fovnd a. document pinceS ote -edoor aofiih - oeil.. This vas put ilu san enbubti, and u1rpred ta-be a stabement, meI - iv SUISe as ta tii&reasono!bsrm st. 'Pli aatemeni le-in.Part as fol- lowe: 1SILLSI L-AST-STATEMENT. This 5IoLhestsabeiment about-Msud Hiazard, tint mie; did cause Ja.SI ta go crazY. Sic- give hlm n drug -têie came, as sic give Wm. Fowler.Se promlsed ta be is vife, ami site lied- to him. She let hlm luke. her, and lier -boePut a ciarnion- ber ta Save lier lite. SMe vore a cross on ier aeck. '[Thislàvint causeS Jas. Si111e ta take is life, for the love o a!euS liazard. lie neyer di& ier. nny Larm ni ubis life. Sic owes him $150. Ho died for lier. Before I Sie 1 wll blaze Lie <guters) curses on lier inother and fatiier, 'sistcrs and lier brother. I vili inunt lier alithe Snys of her l!,. I1 wish -she vilI live unil sic lm 80 ydars -oId so the Lord can furilsli ler w1ti ail kinds o! sut- te . ing. signeS! by -JAMES SILLS. i give ta the tov Vhils baok 1400 yenrs aid, n flible 200- years oM aud ni-i Lie rest o! my stuiff isi by Mnud Hazzard. -JA-MES SILLO. THE VERDICT. 'Phe jury's rerfict was- "'Tie said James SUIS came tais Seti on the Qiet of April, 1918, at Oshawa, in the cells of saiS towu, -liv hannrng, the sanie belng ofis owu intent, vile sufferlng tram temporarv Insan- itY, anid we finS VintthLe police vere not. nezligent in attendin-g bo Vie oni- forts and chre of Lie decensed." 'Phe funernl vas ield from the rosi- Sence of Mir. Louis 5111e, Whit.by, to tie Union. Cemeterv on Wednegday. Death of Miss Alice Fox. 'Pus comniunity lias seidoni exper- tenced suai -a ehock as vas g'ive i on Wednesday morulng, wien -Lie deabli o! -îles A. Fox vas wiredh-bre. No eue. could realize lb. lb seemed- increduble, A month ago. nie went Vo visit relàtivçs at Whithy anS seemed t -the uut siof hll-h. OnIy her lunnodiate friends knew tuaL for a year sie Lad lisen suflbcrlng from ieart trouble, but did nat tiink. iL serions enougi ta cause niarm. -on Sunday lust she became erilouly ilU sud ier brother, 1Mr..-C.J, Fox, vas celleS $0 Witbyw. Tii, doctors beld out no hope and sic passeS away on Wednosday morntng. n"e reninins HI b. Interred te-day besIde ihose of'ber fabuer gnd motiier et the tam-i IIlya 4lt eWlhiby. 'Pie remem'brance of ;ier deatl I vl Pbs2a -catione té nmy Lors for a long timie. 'li brigitanS cicerful disposition Lad endearcd ber-to everyone vho mc b. Sic vas a membter or St. GeOiorgêschurci, sud vasu. ldentlOed viii ail lis vork. The clergmn Rev. 1fr. Hickrs represenîtic te con- gregatýO toheusfutral. .lier brotherý Mr. C...Fox, -manager, o!- hLe Sta- ar wDu, u le her aalf imeit relative, Lstheé, pet fthie pecpe.-Nev l]Tamburg Independe.nt. :Mise FOX *w8 ,'acousIn Of Mrt- red Lynd -sxd Mss- da4 9yd1 and lied been #Wmitkug aitheir 'honi. beMre- icrly fu or CND TORONTO - UMM- --- WHITBY BRAN( C.o.nCoIan Mnaer Aotually thte bicycleî rpa v . becaUëor tie lîght, yetà -alter and th ie ball be rig > A li -action perfectod until 'tley-- practicallyrrun tbemseves.- j .Gtyour IMceyèle repatred here!1 adyou needn't taice anybodysè dust. If you a..u-wuuu-Dycnogn ait on, you -can give even the most expert rider on inferior- viel a good run. Cu aSprove whnî ve say. i vvvvvv 'Phatu W. JeLUI ODIJND1AS 9T. EASY aWHITBY, EYNTU EASY - ~ EASYý It is easy to make Marmalade wheri you buy your bitter oranges at Lawlers'. WE I.OAN A- SLIeERý with e.-àch purchase and marmalade making becomes -a pleasant and profitable pastime. Seville Oranges Grape Fruit Granulated Sugar - 25c per doz. 18-IbsO " Au T. LAWLIER.. WHITBY, ONT. PMoite 47. PromPt iej~ TI-MEaTO PIT- .WITH ... Martin-Senourt'IOO p. cent,, PuIre g'-Pain Martin-Senour loo per-cent plire-paint is Compoýed only of Lead,ï- Zinc, LinseddlOïl and TurpentÎne- Dryer, Swhich are the best knýowù-ingredinsfo ait - Covers 400 to -450 jFeet Per 'GaILi~ -~-- TWO COATS .M. 7 P.-m - ? p. lu a pml 'r. , P.m p.m sou» Pr. 4i 14. a- 90 7, lui or. i, 10, Bk ý - ý ý 1 1 ý 10000*0we .d&Z 9

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